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Full text of "Classical and foreign quotations, law terms and maxims, proverbs, mottoes, phrases, and expressions in French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Spanish, and Portuguese. With translations, references, explanatory notes, and indexes"

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translations,  ftefrrcnces,  (Eiplanatorg  #otcs,  ant)  Inoexcs. 

WM.   FRANCIS   HENRY   KING,  M.A.,  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford. 


"A  Quotation  without  a  reference  is  like  a  geological  specimen  of  unknown  locality. 
—Prof.  Skrat,  Notes  and  Queries,  6th  Series,  vol.  ix.,  p.  499. 

"     .    .     .    .    l'exactitude  de  citer.    C* est  un  talent  plus  rare  que  Ton  ne  pense." 
— Batlk,  Diet.,  art.  Sanchez,  Rernarques. 

WHTTAKER     <fe      SONS, 



The  chief  difference  in  this  Edition,  as  compared  with  its 
predecessor,  is  the  correction  of  false  quotation,  faulty  accents, 
faulty  references,  and  mistranslations.  The  whole  book  has  in 
this  way  been  submitted  to  a  thorough  revision  from  beginning 
to  end,  so  that  I  should  hope  that  the  errata  still  remaining  are 
exceedingly  few.  Besides  corrections  of  this  kind,  the  Indexes 
have  been  entirely  rewritten  and  enlarged,  and,  as  regards  the 
Subject  Index,  put  into  more  literary  shape.  In  the  original 
Subject  Index,  sayings  of  a  cognate  kind  were  grouped  under 
some  proverb-heading  which  seemed  to  express  their  general 
tendency  ;  but  as  this  was  considered  somewhat  cumbersome  and 
unscientific,  a  more  precise  method  has  been  substituted,  by  which 
the  quotations  are,  as  a  rule,  referred  to  under  a  single  word 
more  or  less  representing  their  drift  and  meaning.  Thus, 
Circumlocution  is  given  instead  of  Beat  about  the  bush  ;  Many  a 
slip  Hwixt  cup,  etc.,  is  now  found  under  Uncertainty ;  and  the 
sayings  expressive  of  Call  a  spade  a  spade  are  more  concisely 
indexed  under  Truth.  So  much  of  our  knowledge  is,  however, 
contained  in  proverb-shape,  and  the  point  of  a  saying  so  generally 
summed  up  in  our  minds  in  its  customary  proverbial  expression, 
that  I  still   doubt    whether   the   new    method  will  prove  more 


practically  useful  in  the  way  of  reference  than  the  old.  Its 
greater  precision  and  conciseness  must  be  its  chief  recommenda- 
tion. A  lai*ge  number  of  new  Index  words  have  been  added,  and 
a  further  improvement  made  by  printing  names  of  Peers,  Places, 
Institutions,  etc.,  in  italic. 

The  Quotation  Index  has  also  been  considerably  enlarged,  to 
the  extent  of  giving  not  only  detached  portions  of'  quotations, 
but  even  misquotations,  and  imperfectly  remembered  fragments 
of  celebrated  passages.  For  example,  the  Ron  ignara  mali  of 
Virgil  will  be  found  indexed  under  the  incorrect  Haud  ignara 
mali;  and  the  Hoc  volo,  sic  jubeo  of  Juvenal  is  referred  to  under 
the  Sic  volo,  sic  jubeo  as  frequently  quoted.  In  such  cases  of 
this  kind  as  appeared  in  the  former  edition,  some  critics  were 
remarkably  severe  upon  the  book,  charging  it  with  fatuity  and 
perverseness,  not  to  speak  of  other  accusations.  But  the  reason 
is  obvious  enough.  One  has  to  consider  not  only  the  man  of 
exact  memory,  but  the  man  whose  memory  is  the  reverse  of  exact. 
The  former  will  find  the  quotation  at  once  in  its  regular  shape ; 
the  latter,  after  finding  in  the  Index  the  incorrect  form  in  which 
he  has  commonly  heard  the  line  cited. 

The  total  of  quotations  of  all  kinds  contained  in  the  volume  is, 
it  should  be  premised,  greatly  in  excess  of  the  apparent  number 
(5362),  and  amounts  altogether  to  nearly  six  thousand  two 
hundred  citations  of  one  kind  or  another,  exclusive  of  quotations 
from  English  authors.  Thirty  passages,  for  example,  are  given 
under  number  3114,  and  twenty-six  under  506. 

In  the  work  of  revision  I  have  been  much  helped  by  the  friends 
and  correspondents  who  have  kindly  responded  to  my  appeal  for- 
corrections.     Amongst  these  are  Mr  II.  E.  Goldschmidt,  Blairlodge, 


Diisselclorf,  Germany;  Mr  A.  W.  Hutton,  Librarian  of  the  National 
Liberal  Club ;  Mr  M.  Brisbane,  Surgeon,  of  St  Arnaud,  Victoria, 
Australia;  Mr  S.  B.  Merriman,  Mr  W.  F  Shaw,  Mr  R.  M. 
King,  Mr  W.  E.  King,  Mrs  H.  V.  Bacon,  Madame  Gaffhey,  Miss 
S.  Benett,  and  Miss  Sybil  B.  Smith,  to  all  of  whom  I  desire  to 
express  my  most  sincere  thanks. 

F.  K. 

TVhitmntide  1889. 


As  this  is  a  book  of  quotations,  I  may  be  allowed  to  begin  at 
once  by  citing  a  remark  of  Professor  Skeat,  which  seems 
peculiarly  pertinent  to  the  matter  in  hand.  He  says  {Notes  and 
Queries,  6th  ser.,  vol.  ix.,  p.  499),  "I  protest,  for  about  the 
hundredth  time,  against  the  slipshod  method  of  quoting  a  mere 
author's  name,  without  any  indication  of  the  woi'k  of  that  author 
in  which  the  alleged  quotation  may  be  found.  Let  us  have 
accurate  quotations  and  exact  refei'ences,  wherever  such  are  to  be 
found.  A  quotation  without  a  reference  is  like  a  geological 
specimen  of  unknown  locality." 

An  admirable  sentiment,  which  every  one  who  has  to  do  with 
quotations  will  readily  applaud,  and  which  may  serve  here  to 
express  the  scope  and  character  of  the  following  compilation  in 
its  main  features.  My  aim  has  been  (1 .)  to  give  the  quotations  in 
their  original  form ;  (2.)  to  add,  wherever  possible,  an  accurate 
reference  to  the  author  and  work  from  which  the  quotation  is 

That  the  attempt  has  proved  far  from  being  universally  suc- 
cessful will  be  apparent,  even  upon  a  cursory  examination  of 
the  volume.  After  deducting  mottoes,  proverbs,  and  such  like, 
as  have  no  special  parentage,  there  remains  a  large  number  of 
quotations  which  are  inserted  without  reference,1  either  from  want 
of  time  to  consult  the  originals  in  every  case,  or  through  inability 
to  discover  the  proper  source.  In  many  instances,  also,  I  have 
been  obliged  to  rely  on  second-hand  authorities,  so  that  it  is  likely 
errors,  both  in  text  and  authorship,  may  be  discovered.  When, 
however,  the  number  of  quotations  included  in  the  work  is  taken 
into  account  (many  of  them  having  never  before  appeared  in  any 
collection  of  the  kind),  it  will  not  be  a  matter  of  surprise  that 
some  failure  in  this  respect  should  have  attended  the  endeavour ; 
the  endeavour  being,  after  all,  the  thing  that  I  lay  claim  to  rather 

1  In  all  such  cases  a  ?  will  be  found  following  the  quotation,  inviting  the  reader 
to  supply  the  desired  information.    See  "  Correction  of  Inaccuracies,"  p.  viii. 



than  the  results.  But  as  regards  the  majority  of  the  quotations, 
the  original  has  been  consulted,  the  words  verified,  and  author, 
work,  and  passage  noted  and  particularised. 

Natural  and  essential  as  one  would  imagine  such  details  to  be 
to  any  collection  of  quotations,  it  does  not  appear  to  have  entered 
into  the  plan  of  any  previous  compilers,1  so  that  the  idea  has 
almost  the  merit  of  originality.  Taking  the  various  works  of  the 
kind  that  have  appeared  since  Mr  Macdonnel's  Dictionary  of 
1796,  I  have  not  found  any  editor  deigning  to  furnish  his  book 
with  these  necessary  particulars,  which  assuredly  constitute  its 
chief  value  as  an  authoritative  book  of  reference.  Each  compiler 
follows  in  the  track  of  his  predecessors  in  the  field,  and,  for*-  the 
most  part,  becomes  only  the  too  faithful  copyist  of  his  predeces- 
sors' inaccuracies. 

As  a  result,  we  have  a  work  which  cannot  be  relied  on.  Two 
chief  uncertainties,  at  least,  will  attach  themselves  to  careless 
quotings  of  this  description.  In  the  first  place,  it  is  doubtful 
whether  the  passage  be  really  the  author's  to  whom  it  is  ascribed; 
and  next,  it  is  almost  even  chances  that  the  words  given  are  not 
the  exact  words  of  the  original.  Such  a  sentence  may  be  in 
Cicero,  but  it  may  also  be  in  Quintilian ;  such  a  line  may  be 
Corneille's,  but  there  is  nothing  to  show  that  it  was  not  written 
by  Scudery.  And  all  this,  because  pains  have  not  been  taken  to 
go  to  the  author  and  verify  the  passage.  Not  that  the  labour 
involved  in  such  an  investigation  is  small,  far  from  it.2  Oh  !  the 
tediousness  of  hunting  for  a  quotation  from  Statius  through  nine- 
teen books  of  Sylvce,  Thebaid,  and  Achilleid  /  Or  to  be  sent  to 
Lucan  in  search  of  a  line,  which,  one  ought  to  have  known,  is  not 
Lucan,  but  Lucretius !  One  is  rewarded  in  a  sort  of  way,  and 
perhaps  as  much  by  despoiling  the  alleged  author  of  what  is  not 
his,  as  by  discovering  its  legitimate  parentage.3 

But  the  error  of  author's  name  is  slight  and  venial  compared 
with  the  more  serious  fault  of  altering  the  words  of  the  text.  It 
may  seem  a  small  matter  to  substitute  putat  for  Cicero's  existimat, 

1  This  applies,  of  course,  only  to  English  publications.  In  the  Gefliigelte  Worte 
of  George  Biichmann,  and  in  Ed.  Fournier's  L' Esprit  des  aulres,  every  pain  has 
been  taken  to  trace  quotations  to  their  original  source,  and  no  one  can  be  more 
severe  than  M.  Fournier  on  loose  and  inaccurate  citation.  I  take  this  oppor- 
tunity to  state  my  indebtedness  to  both  these  writers,  not  only  for  many  new  and 
valuable  quotations,  but  for  quotations  racontees,  i.e.,  given  with  the  curious  and 
amusing  particulars  which  in  many  instances  attach  to  them. 

2  Expertus  disces  quam  gravis  iste  labor. — Forcellini,  Diet.  Lat.  Pnef. 

8  Second  rate  and  post-Augustan  authors  are  by  no  means  to  be  despised  as  far 
as  quotations  go.  What  could  be  better,  e.g.,  than  Statius  (Theb.  2,  489),  0  caeca 
nocentum  consilia  !  0  semper  timidum  scelus  I  or  the  Grave  pondus  ilium  magna 
nobilitas  premit  of  Seneca  (Troad.  491)  •? 


to  alter  Sallust's  priusquam  to  antequam,  or  to  write  Ulir  where 
Schiller  wrote  Stunde;  but  in  reality  the  change  is  not  unim- 
portant. Besides  the  blot  of  inaccuracy,  the  passage  suffers  in  a 
literary  and  artistic  aspect,  and  when  it  is  restored  to  its  real 
shape  it  is  seen  how  the  right  words  fit  into  their  right  places 
like  the  pieces  of  a  mosaic. 

Of  other  and  more  deliberate  misrepresentations  of  classic 
authors  it  is  hard  to  speak  with  patience.  When  a  well-known 
line  of  Juvenal,  or  a  beautiful  passage  in  the  Georgics,  is  "  slightly 
altered  "  to  suit  the  taste  of  the  compiler,  one  is  inclined  to  feel 
something  more  than  amusement.  Nothing  is  gained  by  the 
change,  neither  in  the  way  of  beauty,  and,  still  less,  in  truth,  and 
this,  it  must  be  felt,  is  the  principle  that  should  guide  any  one 
attempting  a  compilation  of  the  kind — exactness,  accuracy,  truth. 
He  is  not  called  upon  for  any  originality,  save  the  original  words 
of  the  author  he  quotes.1  He  must  give  his  author's  own  words, 
and  give  them  in  their  proper  order.  He  must  be  observant  of 
number  and  gender,  mood  and  tense.  If  the  quotation  be  in  the 
form  of  a  dependent  sentence  in  the  original,  so  must  he  leave  it, 
and  not  think  to  exchange  infinitive  for  indicative,  or  third  person 
for  first,  in  order  to  suit  the  exigencies  of  his  readers,  or  put  the 
saying  into  more  quotable  and  epigrammatic  shape.  The  quota- 
tion may  not  look  so  sprightly,  perhaps,  but  it  has  the  unique  and 
priceless  quality  of  being  correct. 

Besides  this,  it  is  desirable  that  the  quotation  be  accompanied 
by  its  context  where  it  does  not  run  to  undue  length,  and  that  if 
any  intermediate  portion  of  it  be  omitted — a  perfectly  legitimate 
proceeding — the  omission  be  indicated  in  the  usual  way.  It  may 
seem  unnecessary  to  add  that  the  author  should  be  quoted  in  his 
own  tongue ;  but,  from  the  unfamiliarity  of  the  Greek  language, 
it  is  not  uncommon  to  have  a  passage  from  a  Greek  writer  given 
in  a  Latin  rendering,  which  seems  hardly  permissible  in  a  book  of 
original  quotation.  If  Cicero  has  Latinised  some  lines  of 
Euripides,  or  Ausonius  translated  the  sayings  of  the  Seven 
Sages,  I  conceive  it  allowable  to  make  use  of  their  versions; 
but  it  is  impossible  to  represent  Lucian,  Plutarch,  or  Aristotle 

1  In  point  of  fact,  accurate  quotation  is  by  no  means  a  common  attainment  even 
in  the  case  of  the  most  familiar  passages.  And  the  more  familiar  the  passage,  the 
more  commonly  is  it,  in  many  cases,  misquoted.  Inaccuracies  of  this  kind  are 
repeated  and  become  stereotyped.  The  hackneyed  sic  volo,  sicjubeo  does  not,  for 
all  its  frequency,  exist  in  any  known  Latin  author ;  nor  does  the  celebrated  Haud 
ignara  maU,  which  even  Cardinal  Newman  would  substitute  for  the  original  words 
of  Virgil.  Ask  any  one  to  go  on  with  the  well-known  Facilis  descensus,  etc.,  and  it 
is  ten  chances  to  one  (and  perhaps  much  longer  odds)  that  the  remainder  of  the 
passage  will  not  be  correctly  repeated. 


as  Latin  writers,  for  the  simple  reason  that  they  wrote  in 

Only  second  to  the  duty  of  accurate  quotation  is  the  task  of 
selecting  passages  fit  for  insertion  in  the  collection.  The  first 
compilers  proceeded,  not  unnaturally,  in  the  way  of  accumulation 
rather  than  selection,  the  object  being  to  make  a  decent-sized 
volume  :  anything,  provided  it  was  not  English,  being  caught 
up  and  admitted  with  quasi-classical  status  into  the  volume,  as 
though  its  mere  insertion  would  in  some  vague  way  either 
betoken  or  promote  learning.  Hence,  one  was  presented  not  only 
with  long  paragraphs  in  French  and  Latin,  but  with  pointless  scraps 
of  Greek  and  Italian,  "Welsh,  and  even  native  Irish,  which  could 
hardly  be  conceived  of  as  either  likely  or  even  possible  to  be  quoted. 

A  quotation,  then,  to  deserve  the  rank  of  such,  should,  first  of 
all,  be  quotable.  It  should  contain  a  sentiment  of  some  acumen, 
well  expressed,  and  not  too  long.  This  seems  to  be,  more  or  less, 
the  idea  of  the  quotation  proper.  There  are  of  course  many  loci 
classici  which  do  not  fall  precisely  under  this  definition,  but 
which,  for  their  grandeur,  pathos,  or  truth,  could  not  be  well  ex- 
cluded from  any  collection.  But  the  rule  of  "  quotability  "  is  that 
which  I  have  endeavoured  to  keep  generally  in  view,  and,  as  far 
as  regards  quotations  properly  so  called,  to  admit  none  that  could 
not  be  thus  employed  either  in  liter-ary  or  oratorical  composition. 
Of  these,  the  poetical  will  be  seen  to  preponderate  largely  over 

1  As  an  illustration  of  these  and  the  foregoing  remarks  I  append  some  instances 
of  faulty  quotation  taken  from  various  collections  of  the  kind : — 1.  Simple  inver- 
sion of  proper  order,  Adolescentemverecundumesse  decet  for  the  Decet  verecundum 
esse  adolescentem  of  Plautus  (As.  5,  1,  6).  2.  Inversion  of  order  and  alteration  of 
text,  Dem  Glvckliclien  schlagt  keine  Stunde  for  the  Die  Uhr  schldgt  keinem 
Glilcklichen  of  Schiller  (Piccol.  3,  3).  3.  Wrong  author,  "La  critique  est  aisle 
et  Tart  est  difficile,  Boileau,"  for  Destouches  ( Glorieux,  2,  5).  4.  Change  of  depen- 
dent to  independent  form  of  sentence,  Mens  peccat,  non  corpus,  et  unde  consilium 
ab/uit,  cidpa  abest  for  the  Mcntem  peccare  non  corpus;  el,  unde  consilium 
abfuerit,  culpam  abesse  of  Livy  (1,  58,  9).  5.  Falsification  of  text,  order,  form  of 
sentence,  and  author,  "  Voluptas  est  malorum  esca  ;  quod  ea  non  minus  homines 
quam  hamo  capiuntur  pisces.  Plautus,"  for  the  "  Plato  escam  malorum  appellat 
voluptatem  quod  ea  videlicet  homines  capiantur,  ut  hamo  pisces  "  of  Cicero  (Sen. 
13,  44).  This  is  a  very  bad  instance,  but  the  following  is,  if  possible,  even  worse  : 
6.  "  Cuius  conatibus  obstat 

Res  angusta  domi.     Hor." 
First,  alteration  of  text,  cujus  conatibiis  for  the  quorum  virtutibus  of  the  original ; 
secondly,  omission  of  preceding  words,  Haud  facile  etnergunt,  upon  which  the 
rest  depends ;  and,  lastly,  the  reference  to  Horace  when  the  line  is  Juvenal's. 
7.  Omission  of  part  of  a  quotation  without  any  note  of  such  omission,  as,  e.g., 

"  Facilis  descensus  Averni, 
At  revocare  gradum  superasque  evadere  ad  auras, 
Hie  labor,  hoc  opus  est.     Virg." 
where  a  whole  line  is  omitted  between  the  first  and  second  of  the  quotation,  and  the 
last  line  misquoted,  not  to  speak  of  other  inaccuracies.    See  the  original,  No.  1599. 


the  prose  citations,  as  being  found,  in  practice,  much  more  avail- 
able for  ordinary  use.  "  The  former  generally  give  a  finer  turn 
to  a  thought  than  the  latter,  and,  by  couching  it  in  few  words  and 
harmonious  numbers,  make  it  more  portable  to  the  memory."  x 

The  book,  as  will  be  seen  by  reference  to  the  title-page,  is 
somewhat  of  an  encyclopaedic  nature,  and  includes  many  items 
that  are  not,  in  any  sense,  citations  from  authors,  but  which  have 
been  added  with  the  object  of  making  the  volume  more  complete 
as  a  work  of  general  reference.  In  addition,  however,  to  these 
special  instances  there  remain  two  classes  of  passages  to  which 
reasonable  exception  may  be  taken.  Of  the  former  are  well-known 
stories  and  allusions,  such  as  Cato's  story  of  the  Augurs,  or  the 
Philip  drunk  and  Philip  sober  incident — passages  which  ai*e  never 
repeated,  of  course,  in  any  other  tongue  than  one's  own,  and  are 
not  quotations  in  any  sense  of  the  term,  but  which  seem  never- 
theless worth  preserving  in  the  words  of  the  author  who  has 
transmitted  them,  more  as  historical  references  than  for  any  other 
reason.  The  mention  of  the  Passion  of  Christ  by  Tacitus  might 
be  added  as  a  further  case  in  point. 

The  other  exceptionable  passages  belong  to  that  class  of  famous 
though,  perhaps,  fabulous  sayings — the  menus  mensonges  de 
PantiquitJ  that  M.  Fournier  has  expended  his  wrathful  indigna- 
tion upon — of  which  "  The  Guard  dies  but  never  surrenders,"  or 
"  You  carry  Caesar  and  his  fortunes,"  may  serve  as  specimens.  But 
while  acknowledging  their  doubtful  or,  even,  positively  mythical 
origin,  it  seemed  to  be  as  futile  as  it  was  censorious  to  exclude  such 
famous  mots,  which,  whether  we  like  it  or  not,  have  passed  for 
good  and  all  into  the  world's  repertory  of  historical  sayings. 

With  regard  to  the  usefulness  of  such  a  work  as  the  present  it 
is  not  unfrequently  urged  that  classical  or  foreign  quotations  are 
falling  into  disuse  and  English  taking  their  place.  I  doubt, 
however,  whether  the  desire  to  form  even  a  slight  acquaintance 
with  foreign  literature  and  foreign  authors  was  ever  more  de- 
cidedly pronounced  than  it  is  now.  Of  the  classic  tongues  of 
Greece  and  Rome,  the  latter  still  maintains  its  old  pre-eminence 
as  the  most  frequently  quoted  of  all  languages,  ancient  and 
modern.  With  Greek  it  is  somewhat  different.  Yet,  when  as 
recently  as  November  9,  1883,  the  Lord  Mayor  of  London  could 
bring  into  an  after-dinner  speech  not  only  his  Horace  and  his 
Virgil,  but  even  quoted  a  passage  from  the  "  Iliad,"  it  hardly 
seems  as  if  Greek  quotations  had  fallen  altogether  into  abeyance.2 

1  Addison,  Spectator  221. 

2  The  passages  quoted  were  Horace,  Ep.  2,  1,  15-17  ;  Virgil,  A  1,  574  ;  Homer, 
II.  16,  550. 



It  is  hardly  too  much  to  say  that  a  fine  classical  quotation  will 
give  to  a  speech  of  even  moderate  excellence,  a  tone  and  a  dignity 
that  goes  far  to  lift  it  to  the  level  of  the  great  speeches  of  a 
former  generation.  It  has  the  old  ring  about  it  Nor  is  this  all. 
The  quotation  not  only  adorns  but  supports  the  speaker's  words. 
He  wants  authority  for  his  arguments,  and  he  finds  it  in  a  passage 
from  some  writer  of  acknowledged  standing.  He  will  shelter 
himself  behind  this  great  name.  The  sentiment  itself  and  its 
expression,  the  name  and  rank  of  the  author  who  evolved  both  the 
one  and  the  other  in  days  gone  by — these  and  other  considera- 
tions come  crowding  in,  in  the  way  of  precedent  and  confirmation. 
It  is  nothing  to  the  point  that  the  cases  are  not  precisely  analo- 
gous. Who  can  stop  at  such  a  moment  to  examine  their  strict 
bearing  or  connection,  since  it  is  the  application  of  the  passage 
which  is  everything,  an  art  which,  from  the  eternal  du  Perron 
with  his  line  of  Virgil  downwards,  has  ever  been  considered  to  be 
a  mark  of  genius  1 

But  it  is  not  only  the  public  speaker  that  I  have  in  view  in 
compiling  these  pages.  There  are  many  other  needs,  of  varying 
importance,  that  have  to  be  considered  and  catered  for.  There  is 
the  lady  who  meets  with  a  foreign  phrase  in  the  newspaper,  there 
is  the  curious  hunter-up  of  rare  quotations,  there  is  the  young  and 
struggling  scribbler  who  wishes  to  pass  for  possessing  a  more  than 
Macaulayan  acquaintanceship  with  the  whole  range  of  European 
literature.  I  should  desire  to  supply  the  critic  with  an  apposite 
quotation  from  Horace  -,1  the  journalist  with  a  suggestive  phrase, 
concise  as  Horace  himself,  from  the  French ;  the  essayist  with 
some  powerful  line  from  a  German  poet ;  the  reviewer  with  some 
felicitous  parallel  that  shall  make  the  fortune  of  his  article.  In 
these  pages  the  novelist  should  be  able  to  find  a  striking  verse  to 
head  his  chapter,  the  raconteur  add  to  his  bons  mots,  the  man 
of  the  world  enrich  his  stock  of  maxims,  the  divine  obtain  some 
deep  thought  drawn  from  the  wells  of  ancient  learning. 

Of  course  there  are  quotations  and  quotations,  as  there  are 
ways  of  applying  them.2     Some  seem  meant   for   declamation, 

1  "Les  citations  d'Horace  sont  les  grains  de  raisin  de  Corinthe  dans  le  baba." — 
M.  Decazes  (Fournier,  L Esprit  des  autres,  p.  386). 

2  Quotations  may  be  applied,  and  often  very  effectively  applied,  by  giving  them 
an  inflexion  quite  the  reverse  of  that  intended  in  the  original.  Thus  the  sarcastic 
O  qualis  fades  et  quali  digna  tabetta  !  of  Juvenal  has  a  fine  and  pathetic  sound 
when  repeated  alone,  and  may  be  seriously  said  of  any  noble  countenance  as  much 
worthy  of  admiration  as  Hannibal's  appearance  seemed  worthy  of  ridicule.  As 
an  instance  of  the  contrary  effect,  take  the  Cest  ainsi  qu'en  partant  je  vous  fais 
mes  adieux  of  Quinault  and  Lulli  (Thesee  5,  6),  the  tragic  conclusion  of  Medea's 
speech  announcing  the  coming  catastrophe  on  the  house  of  Peleus,  but  which  is 
generally  said  with  a  bow  and  a  simper  on  taking  leave  of  a  friend. 


some  for  colloquial  use ;  some  for  the  newspaper,  others  for 
private  correspondence.  While  certain  lines,  again,  and  those 
not  the  least  pointed,  seem  never  so  solemnly  impressive  as  when 
they  are  not  recited  aloud,  so  much  as  murmured  half  inaudibly 
to  one's  self,  and  the  taste  of  the  finely-worded  truth  rolled  upon 
the  tongue  as  its  thought  is  revolved  in  the  mind. 

Indeed  a  good  quotation  hardly  ever  comes  amiss.  It  is  a 
pleasing  break  in  the  thread  of  a  speech  or  writing,  allowing  the 
speaker  or  writer  to  retire  for  an  instant  while  another  and  a 
greater  makes  himself  heard.  And  this  calling-up  of  the  death- 
less dead  implies  also  a  community  of  mind  with  them,  which 
the  reader  will  not  grudge  the  author  lest  he  should  seem  to  deny 
it  to  himself.1 

In  literary  composition  a  well-chosen  quotation  lights  up  the 
page  like  a  fine  engraving ;  and,  in  the  phrase  of  Addison,2  "  adds 
a  supernumerary  beauty  to  a  paper",  the  reader  often  finding  his 
imagination  entertained  by  a  hint  that  awakens  in  his  memory 
some  beautiful  passage  of  a  Classick  author."  And  this,  among 
other  benefits,  is  the  advantage  of  references.  A  line  is  met  with. 
Whose  is  it  ?  Where  is  it  ]  The  reference  supplies  the  informa- 
tion. The  volume  of  the  author  is  taken  down,  the  place  found, 
and  the  line  and  context  studied  together.  A  man  renews  his 
youth  in  this  way  as  he  lingers,  not  perhaps  without  emotion, 
over  the  once  familiar  lines  with  all  their  varied  associations  in 
the  past,  and,  having  once  dipped  into  the  book,  may  be  tempted 
to  do  so  again. 

Having  noted  what  appear  to  be  the  chief  faults  in  previous 
collections,  I  should  like  to  point  out  what  seem  to  be  the  main 
defects  of  the  present  volume.  In  the  first  place  it  has  too  much 
Latin,  while,  on  the  other  hand,  modern  languages  are  not 
sufficiently  represented.  Of  Portuguese,  for  instance,  there  is,  as 
analysts  would  say,  a  "  trace ; "  of  Spanish  hardly  more.  The 
Italian  quotations  are  meagre,  and  the  same  might  be  said  of 
those  in  Greek.  The  German  examples  might  with  advantage  be 
extended,  and  more  space  devoted  to  terms  and  phi'ases  in  use 
amongst  us  from  the  French.  It  should,  however,  be  said  in 
justice  to  the  book,  that  the  relative  proportions  of  the  various 
languages  represented  are  pretty  much  in  the  ratio  of  their  actual 
frequency  as  quotations  occurring  in  English  literature.  In 
practice,  Latin  is  quoted  nearly  twice  as  often  as  French ;  French 

1  Wilkes  censuring  quotation  as  pedantry,  Johnson  replied,  "  No,  sir,  it  is  a 
good  thing :  there  is  a  community  of  mind  in  it.  Classical  quotation  is  the  parole 
of  literary  men  all  over  the  world." — Croker's  Boswell,  687. 

2  Spectator  221. 


nearly  twice  as  frequently  as  German ;  while  the  current  sayings 
in  Greek  might  almost  be  counted  on  the  fingers  of  one  hand. 
"With  regard  also  to  the  translations,  I  could  have  wished  to  see 
the  work  better  turned  out,  particularly  in  the  case  of  those 
poetical  versions  for  which  I  am  personally  responsible.  Distance 
from  books,  or  an  inability  to  find  in  other  translations  the 
rendering  required,  have  compelled  me  in  many  cases  to  be  my 
own  poet.  How  feeble  and  wooden  is  the  result  no  one  can  be 
more  sensible  than  myself,  but  I  felt  that  even  a  poor  metrical 
translation  of  a  metrical  original  was  better  than  none.  There  is 
a  point  and  antithesis  in  verse,  giving  flow  and  feeling  tc>  the 
thought  of  the  author  which  falls  exceedingly  flat  if  left  in  prose. 
I  have  to  acknowledge  with  grateful  thanks  the  permission 
kindly  given  by  the  proprietors  of  the  copyright  of  the  late 
Professor  Conington's  JEneid  and  Horace  to  make  use  of  his 
admirable  translations  under  certain  fixed  conditions.  I  have  also 
to  thank  Mr  W.  F.  Shaw,  late  Fellow  of  Trinity  Hall,  Cambridge, 
for  placing  his  translations  from  Catullus,  Martial,  Juvenal,  and 
Persius  at  my  service ;  Mr  Ferdinand  Sohn,  of  the  Libreria 
Spithover,  Rome,  and  Miss  S.  Benett,  for  much  assistance  in  the 
German  quotations ;  and  a  host  of  other  friends  who  have  in 
various  ways  helped  in  the  production  of  the  volume,  but  who  do 
not  wish  their  names  to  be  mentioned.  F.  K. 

Rome,  May  1886. 


With  the  object  of  making  the  collection  more  perfect  as  a 
work  of  reference,  I  venture  to  appeal  to  all  who  may  make  use  of 
the  volume  to  have  the  kindness  to  point  out  any  inaccuracies 
which  they  may  detect,  and  particularly 

1.  To  call  attention  to  faulty  Quotation,  or  Reference,  or  both. 

2.  To  supply  Author  and  Reference  where  a  query  (?)  shows 

that  one  or  both  of  these  particulars  are  unknown. 

3.  To  point  out  faulty  Translation,  or  Application  and  missing 

of  the  point  generally. 

4.  To  suggest  any  further  quotations  which  it  is  desirable  to 

include  in  the  collection,  as  also  the  omission  of  such  as 
seem  unsuitable. 


jEschin.,    .        .    ^Eschines. 
iEsch.,        .        .    JSschylus. 
,,    Ag.,  Agamemnou. 
„    Pers.,  Persae. 
Ambros.,    .        .    S.  Ambrose. 
App.,  .        .        .    Appianus. 

Ar Aristophanes. 

,,    Av.,  Aves. 
„    Vesp.,  Vespae. 
Ariost.,       .       .    Ariosto. 

,,    Orl.  Fur. ,  Orlando  Furioso. 
Auct.  Her.,  Auctor  ad  Herennium. 
Aug.  or  August. ,    S.  Augustine. 
,,    Ad.  Jul.,  Adversus  Julianum. 
„    Civ.  Dei,  de  Civitate  Dei. 
„    Conf.,  Confessiones. 
„    Contra  Ep.  Parmen.,  Contra  Epistolam 

„    Paraphr.  Ps.,  Enarratio  in  Psalmos. 
Aul.  Gell.,  see  Gell. 
Aus.  or  Auson.,      Anson  ins. 
„    Ep.,  Epistote. 
,,    Epigr.,  Epigrammata. 
,.    Id.,  Idyllia. 

„    Sap.  Sent.,  Sapientum  Sentential 
Bacon  de  Augni.  Sc.,  De  Augmentis  Scien- 
„    Nov.  Org.,  Novum  Organon. 
Beaum.,      .       .    Beaumarchais. 

Bed Ven.  Bede. 

Boeth.,       .        .    Boethius. 
„    Cons.,  De  Consolatione. 
Boil.,  .        .        .    Boileau. 
„    A.  P.,  ArtPoetique. 
„     Ep.,  Epltres. 
„    Sat.  or  S.,  Satires. 
Bllchm.,     .        .    Georg  Btlchmann. 

„    Gefl.  W.,  GeflUgelte  Worte. 
Cass.,  .        .        .    C.  J.  Caesar. 
„    B.  C,  Bellum  Civile. 
„    B.  G.,  Bellum  Gallicum. 
Callim.,      .       .    Callimachus. 
Cassiod.,     .        .    Cassiodorus. 
„    Inst.  Div.,  Institutio  Divinarum  Lite- 
Catull.  or  Cat.,  .    Catullus. 
CI  wit  en  ul>.,         .    Chateaubriand. 
Cic.,    .        .        .    Cicero. 
„    Agr.,  De  Lege  Agraria. 
„    Am.,  De  Amicitia. 
„    Arch.,  Pro  Archia. 
„    Att.,  Epistolas  ad  Atticum. 
„    Brut. ,  Brutus  si  ve  de  Claris  Oratoribus. 
„    Casein.,  Pro  Caecina. 
„    CaeL.ProM.  Caelio. 
„    Cat.,  InCatilinam. 
„    Clu.,  Pro  Cluentia 

Cic,  de  Inv.,  De  Inventione  Rhetorica. 

,,    Deiot.,  Pro  Rege  Deiotaro. 

„    de  Or.,  De  Oratore. 

„    Div.,  De  Divinatione. 

,,    Pain.,  Epistolaa  ad  Familiares. 

,,    Fin.,  De  Finibus. 

,,    in  Pis.,  In  Pisonem. 

,,    Leg.,  De  Legibus. 

,,    Leg.  Man.,  see  51  anil. 

,,    Lig.,  Pro  Ligario. 

„    Manil.,  Pro  Lege  Manilia. 

„    Marc,  or  Marcell.,  Pro  Marcello. 

„    Mur.,  Pro  Muraena. 

„    N.  D.,  De  Natura  Deorura. 

„    Off.,  De  Offlciis. 

„    Or.,  Orator. 

„    Parad.  or  Par.,  Paradoxa. 

„    Part.  Or.,  De  Partitione  Oratoria. 

,,    Phil.,  Orationes  Philippicae. 

„    Plane,  Pro  Plancio. 

,,    Prov.  Cons.,DeProvinciisConsularibus. 

,,    Quint.,  Pro  P.  Quintio. 

,,    Q.  Fr.,  Epistolae  ad  Q.  Fratrem. 

,,    Rab.  Post.,  Pro  Rabirio  Postumo. 

,,    Rep.,  De  Re  Publica. 

,,    Rose.  Com.,  Pro  Roscio  Comoedo 

,,    Sen.,  De  Senectute. 

,,    Tusc,  Tusculanae  Disputationes. 
Claud.,       .        .    Claudianus. 

„    III.  Cons.  Hon.,  De  Tertio  Consulatu 

„    rv.  Cons.  Hon.,  De  Quarto  Consulatu 

,,    VI.  Cons.  Hon.,  In  Sextum  Consulatum 

„    Cons.  Mall.,  In  Mallii  Theodori  Con- 

,,    Cons.  Stil. ,  De  Consulatu  Stilichonis. 

„    Eutr.,  In  Eutropium. 

„    Rufin.,  In  Rufinum. 

„    Nupt.  Hon.,  de  Nuptiis  Honorii. 

,,    Rapt.  Pros.,  De  Raptu  Proserpinae. 

Col Columella. 

Corn.,         .       .    Pierre  Corneille. 
Corn.  T.,     .        .    Thomas  Corneille. 
Curt...        .        .    Q.  Curtius. 
Dec.  Lab  ,  see  Lab. 
Dig.,  Digesta  (Libri  Pandectarum). 
Diog.  Laert.,      .    Diogenes  Lacrtius. 
Dion.  Cato,        .    Dionysius  Cato. 
Donat.  or  Don.,      Donatus. 
Ecclus.,  see  Vulgate. 
Enn., .        .        .    Ennius. 
Epich.,       .        •    Epicharmus. 
Eurip.  or  Eur.,  .    Euripides. 

„    Fr.,  Fragment*. 

„     Heracl.,  Heraelidae. 


Eur.,  Hipp.,  Hippolytus. 

Iph.  Aul.,  Iphigeniain  Aulide. 
Iph.  Taur.,  Iphigenia  in  Tauris. 
Or.,  Orestes. 
Rhes.,  Rhesus. 
Tr.,  Troades. 
Euseb.,       .        .    Eusebius. 
Fest.,  .        .        .    Sextus  P.  Festus. 
Flor.,  .        .        .    L.  Annaeus  Florus. 
Gai Gaius. 

„    Inst.,  Institutions  Juris  Civilis. 
Gell.,  .        .        .    Aulus  Gellius. 
Greg.,         .        .    S.  Gregorius  Magnus. 

„    Moral.,  Moralia. 
Greg.  Turon.,    .    S.  Gregorius  Turonensis. 
Herod.,      .        .    Herodotus. 
Hes.,  .        .        .    Hesiod. 

„    Op.  et  D.,  Opera  et  Dies. 

,,    Th.,  Theogonia. 
Hier.,         .        .    S.  Hieronymus. 

„    Ep.,  Epistolae. 
Horn.,        .        .     Homer. 

„    II.,  Iliad. 

,,    Od.,  Odyssey. 
Hor.,  .        .        .    Q.  Horatius  Flaccus. 

,,    A.  P.,  De  Arte  Poetica. 

,,     C,  Carmina  (Odas). 

„    Ep.,  Epistolae. 

„    Epod.,  Epodi. 

,,    S.,  Satirae. 
Inscr.,        .        .    Inscriptiones. 

„    GrUter.,  GrUteri. 
Just.,         .        .    Justinianus. 

„    Inst.,  Institutiones. 
Juv.,  .        .        .    Juvenal. 

Lab Decius  Laberius. 

La  Bruy.  or  La  B. ,  La  Bruyere. 

,,    Car.,  Caracteres. 
La  Font,  or  La  F.,  La  Fontaine. 
La  Rochef.  or  La  R.,  La  Rochefoucauld. 

,,    Max.,  Maximes. 
Lampr. ,      .        .    ^Elius  Lampridius. 

„    Alex.  Sev.,  Alexandri  Severi  Vita. 
Liv.,  .        .        .    T.  Livius. 
Lucan.  or  Luc. ,      M.  A.  Lucanus. 
Lucret.,      .        .    Lucretius. 
Mach.,        .        .    Machiavelli. 
Macr.,         .        .    Macrobius. 

„    S.,  Saturnalia. 
Manil.,        .        .    Manilius. 

,,     Astr.,  Astronomica. 
Mart.,  .        .    Martialis. 

Menand.,    .        .    Menander. 
Metast.,      .        .    Metastasio. 
Mol.,  .        .        .    Moliere. 
Nep., .        .        .    Cornelius  Nepos. 

„    Ale,  Alcibiades. 

„    Att.,  Atticus. 

„    Epam.,  Epaminondas. 

,,    Ham.,  Hamilcar. 
Non.,  .        .        .    Nonius  Marcellus. 
Orac.  Sibyll.,      .    Oracula  Sibyllina. 
Ov.,    .        .        .    Ovidius  Naso. 

,,    A.  A.,  Ars  Amatoria. 

,,    Am.,  Amores. 

,,    Ep.,  Epistolae  ex  Ponto. 

,,    Fast,  or  F.,  Fasti. 

,,    Heroid.  orll.,  Heroides. 

,,    Liv.,  In  Liviam. 

Ov.,  M.,  Metamorphoses. 

,,    Med.  Fac,  Medicamina  Faciei. 

,,    R.  A.,  Remedium  Amoris. 

„    T.,  Tristia. 
Pall.,  .        .    Palladius  Rutilius  Taurus. 

Pasc,         .        .    Pascal. 

,,    Pens.,  Pensees. 

,,    Prov.,  Lettres  Provinciales. 
Pers.,        ' .        .    Persius. 
Petr.  or  Petron.,  Petronius  Arbiter. 
Phsedr.  or  Phsed.,  Phaedrus. 
Pind.,         .        .    Pindar. 

,,    Olymp.,  Odae  Olyinpicae. 

„    Pyth.,  Odae  Pvthicae. 
Plat Plato. 

„    Charm.,  Charmides. 

,,    Phaedr.,  PhaBdrus. 
Plaut.,        .        .    Plautus.  r 

,,    Am.,  Amphitruo. 

„    As.,  Asinaria. 

,,    Aul.,  Aulularia. 

„    Bacch.,  Bacchides. 

„    Capt.,  Captivi. 

,,    Cas.,  Casina. 

,,     Cist.,  Cistellaria. 

,,    Men.,  Menaechmi. 

,,    Merc,  Mercator. 

,,    Mil.,  Miles  Gloriosus. 

,,    Most.,  Mostellaria. 

,,    Pers.,  Persa. 

,,    Pcen.,  Poenulus. 

,,    Ps.,  Pseudolus. 

,,    Rud.,  Rudens. 

,,    Stich.,  Stichus. 

,,    Trin.,  Trinummus. 

,,    True,  Truculentus. 
Plin.,  .        .        .    Plinius  (major). 

,,    Hist.  Nat.  or  H.  N.,  Historia  Naturalis. 
Plin.  Sec.  or  Min.,  Plinius  (minor). 

„     Ep.,  Epistote. 

,,     Pan.,  Pancgyricus. 
Plut.,         .        .    Plutarch. 
Prop.,         .        .    Propertius. 
Pub.  Syr.,  .        .    Publius  Syrus. 
Quint.,        .        .    Quintilianus. 

,,    Decl.,  Deelamationes. 

,,    Inst.,  Institutiones  Oratoriae. 
Rac,  .        .        .    Racine. 

„    Britann.,  Britannicus. 

,,    Iph.,  Iphigenie. 
Rouss.  (J.  B.),   .    Jean  Baptiste  Rousseau. 
Rouss.  (J.  J.),    .    Jean  Jacques  Rousseau. 
Sail.,  .        .        .    Sallustius. 

,,    C,  Catilina. 

,,    Fragm.,  Fragmenta. 

,,    H.,  Historia. 

,,    J.,  Jugurtha. 
Scalig.,       .        .    Scaliger. 
Schill.,        .        .    Schiller. 
Sen.,  .        .        .    Seneca. 

,,    Agam.,  Agamemnon. 

,,    Apoc,  Apocolocyntosis. 

,,    Ben.,  De  Beneficiis. 

,,    Clem.,  De  dementia. 

,,    De  Brev.  Vit.,  De  Brevitate  VitaB. 

,,    Ep.,  Epistolss. 

,,    Here.  Fur.,  Hercules  Furens. 

,,    Hipp.,  Hippolytus. 

,,     Med.,  Medea. 


Sen.,  OZdip.,  OJdipus. 

„    Prov.,  De  Providentia. 

,,    Q.  N.,  Quaestiones  Naturales. 

„    Thyest.,  Thyestes. 

„    Tranq.,  De  Tranquillitate  Anirai. 
_ , ,    Troad. ,  Troades. 
Sid.,   .        .        .    Apollinaris  Sidonius. 

„    Ep.,  Epistola. 
Sil.,    .        .        .     Silius  Italicus. 
Simon,  or  Simonid.,  Simonides. 
Soph.,  .     .       .    Sophocles. 

,,    Ant.,  Antigone. 

„    Aj.,  Ajax. 

„    Fragni.,  Fragmenta. 
Spart.,        .        .    ^Elius  Spartianus. 
Stat., .        .        .    Statius. 

„    S.  or  Svlv.,  Svlvae. 

„    T.  or  Theb.,  Thebais. 
Suet.,         .        .    Suetonius. 

,,    Aug.,  Ausrustus  Caesar. 

„    Cses.,  C.  Julius  Caesar. 

„    Claud. ,  Claudius  Caesar. 

„    De  111.  Gramm.,  De  Gramraaticis. 

,,    Ner.  or  Neron.,  Nero. 
Tac.,  .        .        .    Tacitus. 

,,    A.,  Annates. 

„    Agr.,  Agricola. 

„    II.,  Historia. 
Ter.,  .        .        .    Terentius. 

„    Ad.,  Adelphi. 

,,    And.,  Andria. 

,,    Eun.,  Eunuchus. 

,,    Heaut.,  Heautontimorumenos. 

,,    Phor.,  Phormio. 
Tert.  or  Tertull.,  Tertullus. 

„    Ap.  or  Apol.,  Apologia. 

,,    Coron.  Mill.,  De  Corona  Militia. 

Tert.,  De  Fuga.,  De  Fuga  in  Persecutione. 

,,     De  Pudic,  De  Pudicitia. 
Theocr.,     .       .    Theocritus. 

„    Id.,  Idyllia. 
Thuc,       .        .    Thucydides. 
Tib.  or  Tibull.,  .    Tibullus. 
Val.  Max., .        .    Valerius  Maxiraus. 
Varr.,         .        .    Varro. 

„    L.  L. ,  De  Lingua  Latina. 

„    R.  R.,  De  Re  Rustica. 
Vine.  Lerin.,      .    S.  Vincentius  Lerinensis. 
Virg.,         .        .    Virgilius  Maro. 

,,    A.,  Aeneis. 

,,    E.,  Ecloga. 

„    G.,  Georgica. 
Vitruv.,      .        .    Vitrunus. 
Volt.,         .        .    Voltaire. 
Vop.,  .        .    Flavius  Vopiscus. 

Vulg.,         .        .    Biblia  Vulgataa  Editionis. 

,,    Cor.,  Epistola  ad  Corinthos. 

,,    Eccles.,  Ecclesiastes. 

,,    Ecclus.,  Ecclesiasticus. 

,,    Heb.,  Epistola  ad  Hebraeos. 

,,    Jer.  Thren.,  Threni  Jeremiae. 

,,    Joan.,  Evangelium  Joannis. 

„    Luc,  Evangelium  Lucae. 

,,    Marc,  Evangelium  Marci. 

„    Matt.,  Evangelium  Matthaei 
Os    Osee. 

,'    Pet'.,  Epistola  Petri. 

„    Prov. ,  Proverbia. 

„    Ps.,  Psalmi. 

,,    Rom.,  Epistola  ad  Romanos. 

,,    Tliess. ,  Epistola  ad  Thessalonicenses. 

,,    Tim.,  Epistola  ad  Timotheum. 
Xen.,  .        .        .    Xenophon. 

„    Mem.,  Memorabilia. 



Abb.  or  Abbrev.,  Abbreviated, -ation. 

Ad  fin.,  At  the  end. 

Ap.,  apud,  In. 

Appl.,  Applied,  Applicable  to. 

Cant.,  Canto. 

Cap.,  Chapter. 

Cf.  (Confer),  Compare. 

Class.,  Classical. 

E.g.,  For  example. 

Ep.,  Epistle. 

Epil.,  Epilogue. 

Fr.,  French. 

Fragm.,  Fragment. 

G.,  German. 

Gr.,  Greek. 

Ibid. ,  In  the  same  place. 

Id.,  The  same. 

I.e.,  That  is." 

Incert.,  Uncertain  author  or  work. 

Infr.,  Below. 

Init.,  At  the  beginning. 

In  I.,  In  the  passage. 

Introd.,  Introduction. 

It.,  Italian. 

k.t.X.,  Etcetera. 

L.,  Latin. 

Log.  T.,  Logical  Term. 

Loq.  (Loquitur),  Says. 

M.,  Motto. 

Med.,  Mediaeval  or  Medical 

Mil.,  Military. 

Op.,  Work,  works.  ( 

Opp.,  Opposed  to. 

P.,  Portuguese. 

Poet.,  Poetical. 

Praef.,  Preface. 

Prol.,  Prologue. 

Prov.,  Proverb,  Proverbial,-ly. 

Qu.,  Quoted  by. 

Q.v.,  Which  see. 

S.,  Spanish. 

Sc.,  Namely. 

Sub. ,  Understand,-stood. 

S.v.,  Under  the  word. 

T,  Term. 

Tr.,  Translation,-ed  by. 

Trop.,  Figuratively. 

T.t.,  Technical  term. 

U.s.w.,  Etcetera. 

Ut  supra,  As  above. 

V.  (vide),  See. 

Viz.,  Namely. 

t  signifies  date  of  death. 

?  occurring  after  a  quotation  means  that  author,  or  passage  (or  both),  are  uncertain. 
See  p.  i.  at  the  bottom,  and  p.  viii.  and  note. 

The  first  words  of  a  quotation  beginning  with  the  end  of  a  line  of  poetry  are,  in  order 
to  save  space,  frequently  run  on  to  the  second  line,  and  the  commencement  of  the  latter  in- 
dicated by  a  capital  letter,  e.g.,  No.  16:  Ab  ovo  Usque  ad  mala,  which,  correctly  written, 
would  run : 

Ab  ovo 
Usque  ad  mala. 

So,  also,  No.  1385  :  En  sa  maison  Le  dos  aufeu,  le  ventre  d  table,  is,  to  print  it  at  length  : 

En  sa  maison 
Le  dos  aufeu,  le  ventre  d  table. 

Quotations  not  found  in  their  alphabetical  place  should  be  looked  for  in  the  Index. 



1.  A  aucun  les  biens  viennent  en  dormant.     (Fr.)     Pro  v. — 

Good  things  come  to  some  people  while  they  sleep. 

2.  Ab  abusu  ad  usum  non  valet  consequentia.     (L.)     Law 

Max. — The  abuse  of  anything  is  no  argument  against  its 
proper  use. 

3.  Ab  actu  ad  posse  valet   illatio.       (L.) — From   what   has 

taken  place  we  may  infer  what  will  happen. 
The  uniformity  of  nature  furnishes  a  ground  of  induction,  upon 
which  we  may  conclude  that  a  similar  condition  of  things 
being  given,  what  has  happened  once  will  happen  again.  In 
the  same  way  a  man's  habits  afford  presumption  for  the  re- 
currence of  certain  eventualities  in  his  life.  A.  B.  left  the 
turf  for  the  stock  exchange  ;  it  is  likely  that  he  will  speculate 
on  the  one  as  he  did  on  the  other,  ab  actu  ad  posse,  etc. 

4.  Ab  alio  expectes  alteri  quod  feceris.    (L.)    P.  Syr.  ap.  Sen. 

Ep.  94. — As  you  have  done  to  oilier s,  expect  others  to  do  to 
you.     Cf.  Yulg.  Luc.  6,  31. 

5.  A  barbe  de  fol  on  apprend  a  raire.    (Fr.)    Pro  v. — Men  learn 

to  sliave  by  beginning  on  the  beard  of  a  fool.  Similar  to 
Fiat  experimentum,  etc.,  q.v. 

6.  A  ben  conoscer  la  natura  dei  popoli,  convien  esser  principe, 

ed  a  conoscer  ben  quella  dei  principi  convien  esser 
popolare.  (It.)  Mach.  1 — To  be  well  acquainted  with  the 
dispositions  of  a  people,  one  should  be  a  prince ;  and  to 
know  well  the  disposition  of  a  prince,  one  should  be  of 
the  people. 

7.  Abends   wird  der    Faule  fleissig.     (G.)     Prov. — Towards 

evening  the  lazy  man  begins  to  be  busy. 


8.  Abeunt  studia  in  mores.     (Z.)? — Pursuits  grow  into  habits. 

One  can  by  habit  get  absorbed  in  what  was  at  first  most 

9.  Abi  hinc  in  malam  crucem  !     (Z.)     Plaut.  Most.  3,  2,  163. 

— Go  and  be  hanged  /  (2.)  Abi  in  malam  rem  !  Plaut. 
Pers.  2,  4,  7. — Go  to  the  deuce  I 

10.  Abiit,  excessit,  evasit,  erupit.      (Z.)      Cic.  Cat.  2,  1,  1. — 

He  has  departed,  retreated,  escaped,  broken  away.  Said  of 
Catiline's  flight  from  the  senate  on  the  discovery  of  his 
conspiracy.     A  good  description  of  any  one  absconding. 

11.  Abi,  ludis  me,  credo.      (Z.)     Plaut.  Most.  5,  1,  32.— -Off 

with  you,  you  are  fooling  me,  I  guess. 

12.  Ab  initio.     (Z) — From  the  beginning.      Anything  which 

has  been  irregularly  done  must  be  begun  ab  initio,  afresh, 
as  though  nothing  had  been  done  in  the  matter. 

13.  Ab  inopia  ad  virtutem  obsepta  est  via.      (Z.)     Pro  v. — 

Poverty  obst?nccts  the  road  to  virtue.  It  is  so  easy  to  be 
good  when  one  is  well  off. 

14.  Abnormis  sapiens  crassaque  Minerva.     (Z.)     Hor.  Ep.  2, 

2,  3. — Of  plain  good  sense,  untutored  in  tfie  school.  Full 
of  mother-wit.     A  shrewd  sensible  fellow. 

15.  A  bon  chat  bon  rat.     (Pr.)    Prov. — A  good  rat  for  a  good 

cat.  Opponents  should  be  well  matched.  Set  a  thief  to 
catch  a  thief.  An  old  poacher  makes  the  best  game- 

16.  Ab  ovo  Usque  ad  mala.    (Z.)    Hor.  S.  1,  3,  6. — Pram  eggs 

to  apples.     From  the  beginning  to  the  end  :  eggs  and 
apples  being  respectively  the  first  and  last  courses  at  a 
Roman  dinner. 
The  phrase  applies  to  any  topic,  or  speaker,  monopolising  the 

whole  of  the  conversation  at  dinner  from  soup  to  dessert,  or  at 

any  other  time. 

•  17.  Abracadabra.  Ancient  cabalistic  word  of  Persian  origin, 
said  to  contain  the  name  of  Mithras  the  sun-god.  A 
paper  written  with  the  letters  of  the  spell,  so  as  to  form 
an  inverted  pyramid,  was  anciently  worn  as  an  amulet 
against  fevers  and  ague,  viz. : — 



a  b  r  a  c  a  d 

a  b  r  a  c 

a  b  r 



18.  Absente  auxilio  perquirimus  undique  frustra, 

Sed  nobis  ingens  indicis  auxilhun  est.     (Z.)  1 

Use  of  an  index. 
Without  a  key  we  search  and  search  in  vain, 
But  a  good  index  is  a  monstrous  gain. — Ed. 

(See  Notes  and  Queries,  2"d  Ser.  6,  146.) 

19.  Absentem  qui  rodit  ainicum, 

Qui  non  defendit  alio  culpante,  solutos 

Qui  captat  risus  bominum,  faniamque  dicacis ; 

Fingere  qui  non  visa  potest,  commissa  tacere 

Qui  nequit,  bic  niger  est,  hunc  tu,  Romane,  caveto. 

(Z.)    Hor.  S.  1,  4,  81. 
A  blackguard. 

The  man  that  will  malign  an  absent  friend 

Or  when  his  friend's  attacked,  does  not  defend  ; 

"Who  seeks  to  raise  a  laugh,  be  thought  a  wit, 

Declares  "he  saw,"  when  he  invented  it : 

Who  blabs  a  secret Roman,  friend,  take  care, 

His  heart  is  black,  of  such  an  one  beware.  — Ed. 

20.  Absint  inani  funere  nceniae, 

Luctusque  turpes  et  querimoniae ; 
Cornpesce  clamorem,  ac  sepulcri 

Mitte  supervacuos  honores.   (Z.)    Hor.  C.  2,  20,  21 

Weep  not  for  me. 
No  dirges  for  my  fancied  death  ; 

No  weak  lament,  no  mournful  stave  ; 
All  clamorous  grief  were  waste  of  breath, 

And  vain  the  tribute  of  a  grave. — Coninglon. 

21.  Absit  invidia.     (Z.) — All  offence  apart. 

22.  Absit  invidia  verbo.     (Z.)     Liv.  9,  19,  15. — /  say  it  with- 

out offence. 

23.  Absit  omen.    (Z.) — May  the  omen  mean  nothing.'     I  pray 

there  be  no  ugly  meaning  in  it ! 

24.  Abstineto  a  fabis.     (Z.)  ] — Abstain  from  beans.     I.e.,  keep 

clear  of  elections  :  where,  as  at  Athens,  the  election  of 
public  magistrates  was  balloted  for  with  beans. 

25.  Abundans  cautela  non  nocet.     (Z.)    Law  Max. — Excessive 

precaution  cannot  do  any  harm.  E.g.,  in  the  purchase 
of  property  the  buyer  cannot  be  too  careful  in  requiring 
a  good  title  witb  the  estate  be  is  treating  for. 

26.  Abundant  dulcibus  vitiis.     (Z.)     Quint.  10,  1,  129.— They 

abound  in  seductive  faults.  Said  of  any  one  whose  very 
errors  are  charming. 

12  AB  UNO. 

27.  Ab  uno  ad  omnes.    (L.) — From  one  to  all.     Motto  of  Earl 

of  Perth  and  Melfort. 

28.  Ab  urbe  condita,  or  A.  U.  C.     (L.) — From  the  building  of 

the  City.  The  date  from  which  the  Romans  reckoned  : 
generally  considered  as  being  752  b.c. 

29.  Abyssus  abyssum  invocat.     (L.)     Ps.  41,  7. — Deep  calleth 

unto  deep. 

30.  A  causa   perduta   parole    assai.     (It.)     Prov. —  Words  in 

plenty  when  the  cause  is  lost.  Plenty  of  advice  when  it 
is  useless.  ,. 

31.  Accedas  ad  curiam.    (Z.)    Law  Term. — You  may  go  to  the 

Courts.  A  writ  which  removes  a  plaint  from  an  inferior 
court  (generally  the  county  court)  to  a  higher  one. 

32.  Accede  ad  ignem  hunc ;  jam  calesces  plus  satis.    (L.)    Ter. 

Eun.  1,  2,  5. — Approach  this  fire,  you  will  soon  be  warmer 
than  you  like.     Said  of  the  beauty  of  Thais. 

33.  Acceptissima  semper   Munera   sunt,    auctor  quae  pretiosa 

facit.  (L.)  Ov.  H.  17,71. — Those  presents  which  derive 
their  value  from  tJie  donor,  are  alicays  the  most  acceptable. 
Cf.  Shakesp.  Hamlet,  3,  1,  98  : 

You  gave — with  words  of  so  sweet  breath  composed, 

As  made  the  things  more  rich. 

34.  Accipe  nunc  Danaum  insidias,  et  crimine  ab  uno 

Disce  omnes.  (Z.)    Virg.  A.  2,  65. 

Now  listen  while  my  tongue  declares 
The  tale  you  ask  of  Danaan  snares, 
And  gather  from  a  single  charge 
Their  catalogue  of  crimes  at  large. — Conington. 

You  may  judge  of  the  defendant's  character  from  a  single  charge 
established  against  him.     Crimine  ab  uno  disce  omnes. 

35.  Accipe  nunc  victus  tenuis  quid  quantaque  secum 

Affert.    Imprimis  valeasbene.     (Z.)     Hoi\  S.  2,  2,  70. 
Now  listen  for  a  space  while  I  declare 
The  good  results  that  spring  from  frugal  fare. 
Imprimis,  health. — Conington. 

36.  Accipe  qua?  nimios  vincant  umbracula  soles ; 

Sit  licet  et  ventus  te  tua  vela  tegent.     (Z.)  Mart.  14,  28. 


An  umbrella  for  the  sun  you'll  handy  find, 
Or  it  may  serve  as  shelter  from  the  wind.  — Ed. 

37.  Acclinis  falsis  animus  meliora  recusat.    (Z.)    Hor.  S.  2,  2,  6. 

The  mind  that's  ta'en  with  outward  shows 
Will  always  truthful  things  refuse. — Ed. 


38.  Accusare  nemo  se  debet  nisi  coram  Deo.  (L.)  Law  Max. 
— No  man  is  bound  to  accuse  himself  unless  it  be  before 
his  God.  When  culprits  wish  to  make  confession,  it  is 
not  received  without  their  being  cautioned  by  the  court 
as  to  the  consequences  and  pei-mitted  to  put  in  a  plea  of 
not  guilty. 
39    Acer,  et  indomitus  :  quo  spes,  quoque  ira  vocasset, 

Ferre  manum,  et  nunquam  temerando  parcere  ferro  : 
Successus  urgere  suos  :  instare  favori 
Numinis  :  impellens  quicquid  sibi  summa  petenti 
Obstaret :  gaudensque  viam  fecisse  ruina. 

(L.)     Luc.  1,  146. 
Julius  Caesar. 
Undaunted,  keen  :  where  Hope  or  Passion  called 
He'd  fight,  nor  ever  sheathe  the  murderous  sword. 
To  push  advantage,  follow  up  his  star 
(If  Fortune  smiled),  and  overturn  all  odds 
That  kept  him  from  the  prize — such  was  his  plan : 
Pleased  at  the  ruins  that  bestrewed  his  way. — Ed. 

40.  Acheruntis  pabulum.      (L.)      Plaut.  Cas.  2,  1,  12. — Food 

for  Acheron.  A  vicious  abandoned  character.  A  ne'er- 

41.  Ach  !  warum,  ihr  Gotter,  ist  unendlich 

Alles,  alles,  endlich  unser  Gliick  nur  1  (G.)     Goethe, 

Pandora. — Alas!  why,  ye  gods,  is  all,  all  eternal,  our 
happiness  alone  fleeting  I 

42.  Ach  wie  gliicklich  sind  die  Todten  !     (G.)      Schill.   Das 

Siegesfest.—  Ah  !  how  happy  are  the  dead  ! 

43.  A  coeur  vaillant  rien  d'impossible.     (Fr.) — Nothing  is  im- 

possible to  a  valiant  heart.  Motto  of  Jeanne  d'Albret  of 
Navarre,  mother  of  Henry  IV".,  and  adopted  by  him  as 
his  own  devise. 

44.  A  confesseurs,  me'decins,  avocats,  la  verite*  ne  cele  de  ton 

cas.  {Fr')  Prov. — From  confessors,  physicians,  and 
lawyers,  do  not  hide  the  truth  of  your  case.  Tell  them 
the  worst,  that  the  remedy  may  be  all  the  more  speedy 
and  effectual. 

45.  Acribus,  ut  ferme  talia,  initiis,  incurioso  fine.     (L.)      Tac. 

A.  6,  17. — As  is  generally  the  case  with  such  movements, 
an  impulsive  beginning  and  a  careless  termination.  It  is 
comparatively  easy  to  launch  a  movement  amid  every 
sign  of  excitement  and  zeal,  the  difficulty  is  to  sustain 
action  when  the  first  novelty  of  the  thing  has  worn  off 


46.  Acriora  orexim  excitant  enibammata.     (L.)     Col.  12,  57 

fin. — Pungent  sauces  whet  the  appetite. 

47.  A  cruce  salus.     (X.) — Salvation  from  the  cross.     Motto  of 

the   earl  of  Mayo. 

48.  Ac  si  Insanire  paret  certa  ratione  modoque.     (L.)     Hor. 

S.  2,  3,  27. — lie  would  try  to  be  mad  xoith  reason  and 
method.     He  has  method  in  his  madness. 
"Why,  the  job's  as  bad 
As  if  you  tried  by  reason  to  be  mad. — Conington. 

Cf.  Shakesp.  Hamlet,  2,  2,  208  : 
Tho'  this  be  madness,  yet  there  is  method  in  it. 

49.  Acta  exteriora  indicant  interiora  secreta.     (L.)    Law  Max. 

— Outward  acts  indicate  the  secret  intention. 

Thus,  a  man  having  rights  of  common,  if  he  cut  down  a  tree  on 
the  common,  is  judged  to  have  had  an  illegal  intention  in  his 
mind,  and  must  be  considered  in  the  light  of  a  trespasser. 

50.  Actio  personalis  moritur  cnm  persona.     (L.)     Law  Max. — 

A  personal  right  of  action  expires  with  the  death  of  the 

person  concerned. 
Thus,  in  Osborne  v.  Gillett,  Baron  Bram well  held  that  a  father 
might  bring  an  action  for  negligence,  whereby  his  daughter 
was  killed  :  but  Chief  Baron  Kelly  and  Baron  Piggott  main- 
tained that  the  maxim  Actio  personalis,  etc.,  applied  (42  Law 
J.  Rep.  Exch.  53). 

51.  Actio  recta  non  erit,  nisi   recta   fuerit   voluntas,  ab   bac* 

enim  est  actio.  Rursus,  voluntas  non  erit  recta,  nisi 
habitus  animi  rectus  fuerit :  ab  hoc  enim  est  voluntas. 
(L.)  Sen.  Ep.  95. — An  action  cannot  be  right  if  tlie 
intention  prompting  it  be  not  right,  since  the  intention 
constitutes  the  act.  Again,  the  intention  cannot  be  rigid 
unless  the  mind  of  the  jyerson  is  rightly  disposed,  for  the 
intention  sp-ings  from  ilie  mind. 

52.  Actum  aiunt  ne  agas.     (£.)     Ter.  Phor.  2,  3,  72. —  What's 

done,  they  say,  dont  do  again.  You  are  wasting  your 
time  :  acting  to  no  purpose.  Cf.  Rem  actam  agis.  Plant. 
Ps.  1,  2,  27. — You  are  doing  work  twice  over. 

53.  Actum  est  de  republics!,     (-£.)? — It  is  all  over  with  the 


54.  Actus  Dei  nemini  facit  injuriam.     (L.)     Law  Max. — The 

act  of  God  cannot  be  lield  in  law   to  affect  any  man 

Thus,  loss  of  goods  at  sea  by  the  foundering  of  a  vessel  in  a 
tempest  falls  upon  the  owner,  not  the  carrier,  and  Res  perit  sue 
domino,  the  goods  perish  at  the  owner's  risk. 

ADDE.  15 

55.  Actus  legis  nemini  facit  injuriam.     (L.)     Law  Max. — Tlve 

action  of  tlve  law  cannot  wrong  any  man. 

If  any  one  abuses  authority  given  by  law,  he  is  held  by  law  as 
if  he  had  acted  without  any  such  authorisation.  A  right  of 
way  past  a  dwelling  may  not  be  so  injured  by  the  carts  of  the 
party  possessing  the  right,  as  to  make  the  road  unserviceable 
to  the  tenants  of  the  dwelling  past  which  the  right  of  way 

56.  Actus  me  invito  factus,  non  est  meus  actus.     (L.)     Law 

Max. — An  act  done,  to  which  I  am  not  a  consenting  party, 
cannot  be  called  my  act. 

57.  Actus  non  facit  reum,  nisi  mens  sit  rea.    (L.)    Law  Max. — 

The  act  itself  does  not  make  a  man  guilty  unless  his  inten- 
tions were  guilty. 

58.  A  cuspide  corona.     (L.) — From  the  spear  a  crown.     Motto 

of  Viscount  Midleton. 

59.  Acutum,  prudens,  et  idem  sincerum  et  solidum,  et  exsic- 

catum  genus  orationis.  (L.)  Cic.  Brut.  84,  291. — A 
pointed  and  thoughtful  style  of  oratory,  and  at  the  same 
time  plain,  solid,  and  dry  in  character.  Cf.  Nihil  erat 
in  ejus  oratione  nisi  sincerum,  nihil  nisi  siccum  atque 
sanum.  Id.  ibid.  55,  202. — There  was  nothing  in  his 
(C.  Cotta)  speeches,  but  what  was  plain,  solid,  and 

60.  Ac  veluti  magno  in  populo  quum  ssepe  coorta  est 

Seditio,  ssevitque  animis  ignobile  vulgus, 

Jamque  faces  et  saxa  volant;  furor  arma  ministrat. 

(L.)    Virg.  A.  1,  148. 

As  when  sedition  oft  has  stirred 

In  some  great  town  the  vulgar  herd, 

And  brands  and  stones  already  fly, 

(For  rage  has  always  weapons  nigh). — Coningtoru 

61.  Adam  muss  eine  Eva  haben,  die  er  zeiht  was  er  gethan. 

(G.)  Prov. — Adam  must  have  an  Eve,  to  blame  for  what 
he  has  done. 

62.  Ad  calamitatem  quilibet  rumor  valet.    (L.)    ?Pub.  Syr. — 

Every  rumour  is  believed,  where  disaster  is  concerned. 
Bad  news  travels  apace. 

63.  Ad  captandum  vulgus.    (L.) — To  please  the  mob.     A  bait 

thrown  out  to  gain  the  plaudits  of  the  crowd. 

64.  Adde  parum  parvo,  magnus  acervus  erit.    (L.)    Prov. — 

Add  little  to  little,  and  you  will  have  a  great  heap, 
Mony  littles  mak  a  muckle. 

16  ADDE. 

65.  Adde  quod  injustum  rigido  jus  dicitur  ense  ;  Dantur  et  in 

medio  vulnera  ssepe  foro.  (L.)    Ov.  T.  5,  10,  43. 

Miscarriage  of  Justice. 
The  sword  of  justice  cuts  in  cruel  sort, 
And  wounds  are  often  dealt  in  open  court.  — Ed. 

66.  Addere   legi  justitiam  decus.     (L.) — It  is  an  honourable 

thing  to  combine  justice  with  law.  Motto  of  Lord 

67.  A  Deo  et  rege.    (L.) — From  God  and  tlie  king.    Motto  of 

Earls  of  Chesterfield,  Harrington,  and  Stanhope. 

68.  Adeo  exornatum  dabo,  adeo  depexum,  ut  dum  vivat  merajn- 

erit  mei.  (L.)  Ter.  Heaut.  5,  1,  77. — P 11  give  him  such 
a  dressing,  such  a  hiding,  that  Jie'll  remember  me  as  long 
as  lie  lives. 

69.  Adeo  in  teneris  consuescere  multum  est.      (Z.)     Virg.  G. 

2,  272. — So  important  is  it  to  grow  inured  to  anything 
in  early  youth.  The  value  of  sound  principles,  early 
instilled  in  the  mind,  is  incalculable. 

'Tis  education  forms  the  common  mind  ; 

Just  as  the  twig  is  bent,  the  tree's  inclined. — Pope,  Ep.  1,  149. 

70.  Adeon'homines  immutarier 

Ex  amore,  ut  non  cognoscas  eundem  esse  1  (L.)  Ter. 
Eun.  2,  1,  19. — Is  it  possible  a  man  can  be  so  changed 
by  love,  that  one  would  not  know  him  for  the  same 
person  ? 

71.  Ad  eundem.    (L.) — To  the  same  degree. 

A  graduate  of  one  university  is  permitted  to  enjoy  the  same 
degree  at  another,  and  is  said  to  be  admitted  ad  eundem  sc. 
gradum  (to  the  same  degree),  at  the  sister  university.  The 
coach  that  used  to  run  (and  may  do  so  still)  from  Oxford  to 
Cambridge  and  back,  was  facetiously  called  the  ad  eundem  by 
the  undergraduate  wits. 

72.  Adhibenda  est  munditia  non  odiosa,  neque  exquisita  nimis ; 

tantum  quse  fugiat  agrestem  ac  inhumanam  negligentiam. 
(L.)  Cic.  Off.  1,  36,  130. — It  is  right  to  observe  a 
certain  neatness  in  dress,  without  being  foppish  or  dandi- 
fied ;  and  at  the  same  time  equally  removed  from  a  rustic 
and  boorish  slovenliness.  In  this,  as  in  all  else,  the 
modus  in  rebus  (moderation  in  things)  is  the  principle 
dictated  by  good  taste. 

73.  Ad  hoc.    (L.) — For  this  (special)  purpose.      A  clause  ad 

hoc  was  specially  inserted  in  the  covenant. 

74.  Adhuc  sub  judice  lis  est.    (X.) — The  point  in  dispute  is  still 

before  the  judge.     The  controversy  is  yet  undecided. 


75.  Adieu,  brave  Crillon,  je  vous  aime   a   tort  et  a  travers. 

(/V.) — Adieu,   my    brave    Crillon,   I    love   you  xoithout 

rhyme  or  reason. 
The  saying  is  quoted  commonly  in  the  above  form  as  the  con- 
clusion of  a  letter  of  Henry  IV.  to  a  favourite.  The  original, 
however,  runs :  "II  n'y  manque  que  le  brave  Grillon,  qui 
sera  toujours  le  bien  venu  et  veu  de  moy.  Adieu." — Nothing 
is  wanting  except  the  company  of  good  Grillon,  who  will  ahcays 
have  a  hearty  welcome  and  good  wishes  from  me.     Adieu. 

76.  Adieu  la  voiture,  adieu  la  boutique  !    (Fr.)    Pro  v. — Good- 

bye to  tlie  carriage,  good-bye  to  the  shop  !  There  is  an 
end  of  the  business  :  the  establishment  is  broken  up. 

77.  Adieu,  paniers,  vendanges  sont  faites.    (^V.)    Prov. — Good- 

bye, baskets  !  vintage  is  over  /  The  work  is  over,  and  its 
accessories  may  be  put  away. 

78.  Adieu,  plaisant  pays  de  France  ! 

O  ma  patrie,  la  plus  chene,  etc.  (-^V.)  De  Quer.  ? — 
Adieu,  pleasant  land  of  France!  Oh!  my  country,  tlie 
dearest  in  the  world,  etc.  Supposed  to  have  been  sung 
by  Mary  Stuart  on  leaving  the  shores  of  France,  but  in 
reality  an  historical  forgery  of  De  Querlon,  who  admitted 
as  much  to  the  Abbe*  Menier  de  Saint-Leger. 

79.  Ad  infinitum.  (L.) — To  infinity  ;  without  end. 
Big  fleas  have  little  fleas  upon  their  backs  to  bite  'em  ; 
And  little  fleas  have  lesser  fleas,  and  so  ad  infinitum  (?). 

80.  Ad  interim.      (L.) — In  the  meantime  ;  provisionally. 

81.  A  discretion.      (Fr.) — According  to  discretion.      Without 

limitation.      "Unconditionally. 

82.  Aditus    ad     multitudinem,    ut    in    universorum    animos 

tanquam  influere  possimus.  (L.)  Cic.  Off.  2,  9,  31. — 
Access  to  the  ear  of  the  masses,  so  tliat  we  are  able,  as  it 
were,  to  insinuate  ourselves  into  tJie  affections  of  tlie 
multitude.  This  is  one  of  the  elements  (according  to 
Cicero)  of  the  greatest  human  glory,  and  applicable  to 
the  enormous  power  wielded  by  any  great  speaker. 

83.  A  diverticulo  repetatur  fabula.     (L.)     Juv.   15,  72. — To 

return  from  tJie  digression.  Like  the  Fr. — Revenons 
a  nos  moutons,  q.v. 

84.  Ad  Kalendas  Gracas.     (L.)     Aug.  ap.  Suet.  Aug.   87. — 

At  the  Greek  Kalends.     The  next  day  after  never. 
As  the  Greeks  had  no  Kalends,  the  phrase  is  used  of  anything 
that  can  never  possibly  take  place.     According  to  Suetonius 
the  saying  was  often  in  the  mouth  of  Augustus  in  speaking  of 
the  probability  of  his  paying  his  creditors. 


85.  Ad  libitum  or  ad  lib.    (L.) — At  pleasure;  without  restraint, 

to  one's  heart's  content.  In  music,  it  signifies  that  the 
"  time  "  of  the  passage  may  be  extended  at  will  accord- 
ing to  the  taste  of  the  performer. 

86.  Ad  mala  quisque  animum  referat  sua.      (L.)      Ov.  R.  A. 

559. — Let  each  one  call  to  mind  his  own  woes. 

87.  Ad  minora  ilia   .    .    .    demittere  me  non  recusabo.      (Z.) 

Quint.  Procem.  §  5. — /  will  not  refuse  to  descend  to  even 
the  most  minute  particulars.  I  will  enter  into  all  and 
every  detail,  if  you  desire  it. 

88.  Admonere  voluimus,  non  mordere  ;  prodesse,  non  laedere ; 

consulere  morbis  hominum,  non  officere.  (L.)  Erasm.  1 — 
My  object  is,  to  advise,  not  to  wound  ;  to  be  of  service,  not 
to  hurt ;  to  cure  the  failings  of  mankind,  not  to  obstruct 
their  remedy. 

89.  Ad  morem  villa?  de  Poole.     (L.) — After  the  custom  of  the 

town  of  Poole.     Motto  of  Borough  of  Poole. 

90.  Ad  ogni  santo  la  sua  torcia  or  candela.     (It.) — Every  saint 

his  torch  or  candle.  Every  one  should  have  his  proper 
honours  and  precedence  allowed  him.  A  compliment 
should  be  paid  to  all. 

91.  Ad  ogni  uccello  suo  nido  e  bello.     (It.)     Prov. — Every  bird 

thinks  its  own  nest  beautiful. 
Be  it  never  so  humble,  there's  no  place  like  home. 

— J.  H.  Payne,  Opera  of  Clari. 

92.  Ad  ognuno  par  piu  grave  la  croce  sua.     (It.)     Prov. — 

Every  one  thinks  his  own  cross  the  heaviest. 

93.  Ad   omnem   libidinem   projectus   homo.      (L.)1 — A    man 

addicted  to  every  species  of  debauchery. 
Justinus  (41,  3,  9),  speaking  of  the  Parthians,  describes  them  as 
in  libidinem  projecti,  in  tibum  parci  (immoderate  in  gratifying 
their  sexual  passions,  sparing  in  the  use  of  food). 

94.  Adornare  verbis  benefacta.      (L.)      Plin.  Ep.   1,  8,  15. — 

To  enhance  the  worth  of  a  favour  by  kind  words.  Gifta 
of  little  or  no  intrinsic  worth  are  often  rendered  valu- 
able by  the  manner  or  words  with  which  they  are 

95.  Ad  pcenitendum  properat,  cito  qui  judicat.      (L.)     Pub. 

Syr.  6. — Who  decides  hastily,  is  hurrying  to  repentance. 

96.  Ad  perniciem  solet  agi  sinceritas.    (L.)    Phsedr.  4,  13,  3. — 

Sincerity  is  often  driven  to  its  own  ruin. 

97.  Ad  populum  phaleras,  ego  te  intus  et  in  cute  no vi.     (L.) 


Pei's.  3,  30. — Keep  your  finery  for  the  mob,  I  know  your 

nature,  inside  as  well  as  out. 
Such  pageantry  be  to  the  people  shown, 
There  boast  thy  horse's  trappings  and  thy  own  ; 
I  know  thee  to  the  bottom,  from  within 
Thy  shallow  centre  to  thy  utmost  skin.  (?) 

98.  Ad  quae  noscenda  iter  ingredi,  transmittere  mare  solemus, 

ea  sub  oculis  posita  negligimus :  seu  quia  ita  compar- 
atum,    ut    proximorum  incuriosi,  longinqua    sectemur : 
seu  quod  omnium  rerum  cupido  languescit  quum  facilLs 
occasio  est.    (L.)    Plin.  Sec.  Ep.  8,  20,  1. 
Foreign  travel. 
We  generally  cross  the  sea  in   order  to  gain  a  knowledge  of 
things,  neglecting  all  the  while  what  is  under  our  nose  :  either 
because  it  is  part  of  human  nature  to  be  always  seeking  dis- 
tant scenes,  and  to  care  little  for  what  is  near ;  or,  because 
the  greater  the  facility  there  is  for  gratifying  a  desire,  the  less 
is  the  advantage  taken  of  it. 

99.  Ad  qusestionem   legis  respondent  judices,  ad  quaestionem 

facti  respondent  juratores.  (L.)  Law  Max. — It  is  the 
business  of  the  judge  to  instruct  the  jury  in  points  of  law, 
of  the  jury  to  decide  on  matters  of  fact. 

100.  Ad  quod  damnum.    (Z.)    Law  Term. — To  wliat  damage. 

A  writ  sued  before  granting  certain  liberties  (such  as  the  holding 
of  a  fair  or  market),  which  may  be  prejudicial  to  the  king 
granting  it,  or  the  public.  The  sheriff  is  therefore  directed 
to  inquire  what  damage  may  possibly  result  from  the  grant  in 
question.  — Brand  and  Cox,  Diet,  of  Science,  etc. 

101.  Ad    referendum.    (L.) — To  be   referred,  or   to  be  left  for 

future  consideration. 

102.  Ad  rem.    (L.) — To  the  point,  or  purpose.     As,  e.g.,  Nihil 

ad  rem. — It  is  not  to  the  point ;  it  is  beside  the  question. 

103.  Adscriptus  glebae.    (Z.) — Tied  to  the  soil.     Term  used  de- 

scribing the  status  of  the  serf  or  slave,  who,  in  feudal 
times,  was  attached  to  his  lord's  demesne,  and  went  with 
it,  like  other  chattels. 

1 04.  Adsit  Regula,  peccatis  quae  poenas  irroget  aequas ; 

Ne  scutica  dignum  horribili  sectere  flagello. 

(L.)    Hor.  S.  1,  3,  117. 
Be  just :  and  mete  to  crime  its  condign  pain  ; 
Nor  use  the  mnrd'rous  lash  where  suits  the  cane.  — Ed. 

105.  Adstrictus  necessitate.     (L.)     Cic.  N.  D.  1,  7,  17. — Bound 

by  necessity.  Driven  by  the  irresistible  force  of  circum- 
stances to  the  performance  of  any  act. 

20  AD  SUMMOS. 

106.  Ad  summos  honores  alios  scientia  juris,  alios  eloquentia, 

alios  gloria  militaris  provexit ;  huic  versatile  ingenium 
sic  pariter  ad  omnia  fuit,  ut  natum  ad  id  unum  diceres, 
quodcunque  ageret.    (L.)    Liv.  39,  40. 

The  Elder  Cato. 
Some  men  attain  power  by  their  great  legal  abilities,  some  by 
their  eloquence,  some  by  military  achievements ;  but  he  was 
a  person  ;of  such  versatile  talents,  and  so  equally  adapted 
for  any  and  every  pursuit,  that  let  him  be  doing  what  he 
would,  you  would  have  said  that  it  was  the  very  thing  that 
nature  had  intended  him  for. 

107.  Ad    suum    quemque    sequum    est  qusestum   esse  callidurn. 

(L.)  Plaut.  As.  1,  3,  34. — Every  man  is  naturally  alive 
to  his  own  interests. 

108.  Ad  tristem  partem  strenua  est  suspicio.    (L.)    Pub.  Syr.  ? 

— One  is  keen  to  suspect  quarters  from  which  we  have 
once  received  hurt. 

109.  Adulandi  gens  prudentissima  laudat 

Sermonem  indocti,  faciem  deformis  arnici.  (L.)  J u v.  3,  86. 
A  friend,  the  crafty  flatt'ring  race  will  praise  ; 
His  talk  tho'  stupid,  and  tho'  plain  his  face. — Ed. 

110.  Ad  valorem.    (L.) — According  to  the  value.     Phrase  used 

in  imposing  duties  on  articles  of  merchandise,  either 
at  the  import  or  export,  when  they  are  to  pay  so  much 
ad  valorem,  or  according  to  their  value. 

111.  Ad  versa  virtu  te  repello.    (L.) — I  repel  misfortune  by  virtue. 

Motto  of  Earl  Londesborough. 

112.  .^Edincare  in  tuo  proprio  solo  non  licet  quod  alteri  noceat. 

(X.)  Law  Max. — No  one  lias  a  right  to  erect  a  new  edifice 
on  his  ground,  so  as  to  prejudice  what  has  long  been 
enjoyed  by  another,  as  e.g.,  a  new  building,  obscuring  the 
light  and  air  from  a  previously  erected  house. 

113.  ^Egrescitque  medendo.       (L.)      Virg.  A.    12,  46.—  He  de- 

stroys his  health  by  the  pains  he  takes  to  preserve  it.  The 
life  of  the  valetudinarian. 

Cf.  the  Italian  epitaph  of  a  person  of  this  description  :  Stavo 
ben,  ma  per  star  meglio,  sto  qui, — "I  was  well;  I  would  be 
better ;  and  here  I  am "  (Spectator,  25).  Cf.  Celuy  meurt 
tous  les  jours,  qui  languit  en  vivant.  (Fr.)  Pierrard  Poullet 
(1595),  La  Charity. — Be  dies  every  day  who  lives  a  lingering 

114.  iEgritudinem   laudare,    unam   rem   maxime  detestabilem, 

iEQUAM.  21 

quorum  est  tandem  philosophoruin  ?  (X.)  Cic.  Tusc. 
4,  25,  55. — Pray  what  sort  of  philosophy  is  it  to  praise 
melancholy,  about  the  most  detestable  thing  in  the 
world  ? 

115.  ^Egroto,  dum  anima  est,  spes  esse  dicitur.     (L.)    Pro  v.  ap. 

Cic.  Att.  9,  10,  3. —  While  a  sick  man  has  life,  it  is  said 
that  there  is  hope. 

116.  j^Egyptum  quam  mini  laudabas,  Serviane  charissime,  totam 

didici  levem  pendulam  et  ad  omnia  famae  momenta  voli- 
tantem.  .  .  .  Genus  hominum  seditiosissimum  vanis- 
simum  injuriosissimum.  (L.)  Hadrian  ap.  Yop.  Saturn. 
8,  p.  960  (Hist.  August). 

Character  of  the  Egyptians. 
Dearest  Servian, — In  spite  of  your  commendations  lavished  upon 
Egypt,  I  find  the  people  to  be  as  frivolous  and  untrustworthy 
as  possible,  and  fluttering  at  every  wave  of  rumour.  They  are 
the  most  revolutionary,  excitable,  and  criminal  race  that  can 
be  imagined. 
The  character  of  the  people  seems  to  have  undergone  little 
change  since  the  emperor  wrote  these  lines  1800,years  ago. 

117.  ^mulatio  semulationem  parit.      (L'.)     Prov. — Emulation 

begets  emulation.     Nothing  like  competition. 

118.  ^Emulus  atque  imitator  studiorum  ac  laborum.     (Z.)     Cf. 

Cic.  Marc.  1,  2. — The  rival  and  imitator  of  the  studies 
and  labours  of  another. 

119.  Aendern  und  bessern  sind  zwei.     (G.)     Prov. — To  change 

and  to  better  are  two  different  things. 

120.  ^Equabiliter  et  diligenter.     (L.) — Equitably  and  diligently. 

Motto  of  Lord  Truro. 

121.  ^Equa  lege  necessitas  Sortitur  insignes  et  imos  ; 

Omne  capax  movet  urna  nomen.     (L.)     Hor.  C.  3,  1,  15. 

Even-handed  Fate 
Hath  but  one  law  for  small  and  great : 
That  ample  urn  holds  all  men's  names. — Calverley. 

122.  ^Equam  memento  rebus  in  arduis 

Servare  mentem,  non  secus  in  bonis 

Ab  insolenti  temperatam  Lsetitia.    (L.)    Hor.  C.  2,  3, 1. 
An  equal  mind,  when  storms  o'ercloud 

Maintain,  nor  'neath  a  brighter  sky 
Let  pleasure  make  your  heart  too  proud. — Conington. 

The  first  line  was  written  by  the  Constable  Montmorency  (16th 
cent.)  over  his  castle  gate,  and  eventually  gave,  from  its 
initial  word,  the  name  to  the  castle  itself—  JEquam,  corrupted 
in  course  of  time  to  Ecouen. 


123.  ^Equanimiter.       (L.)     With  equanimity.      Motto  of  Lord 


124.  ^Equa  tellus  Pauperi  recluditur 

Regumque  pueris.  (L.)     Hor.  C.  2,  18,  32. 

Earth  removes  the  impartial  sod 
Alike  for  beggar  and  for  monarch's  child. — Conington. 

125.  -^Equat  munia  comparis.      (L.)      Cf.  Hor.  C.  2,  5,  2. — S/ie 

discharges  the  duties  of  a  partner.  Motto  of  the  Order 
of  St  Catherine  (Russia),  instituted  by  Tsar  Peter  the 
Great  in  honour  of  his  consort,  Catherine  I. 

126.  ^Equitas  enim  lucet  per  se:  dubitatio  cogitationem  significai 

injurise.  (L.)  Cic.  Off.  1,  9,  30. — Integrity  shines  by 
its  own  light,  while  hesitancy  suggests  the  idea  of  wrongful 

127.  ^Equo  animo,      (X.) — With  equanimity.      Motto  of  Lord 


128.  ^Equum  est  Peccatis  veniam  poscentem  reddere  rursus. 

(L.)     Hor.  S.  1,  3,  74. 

It  is  but  just  and  right  that  tbey  who  claim 
Themselves  forgiveness  should  extend  the  same. — Ed. 

129.  ^Era  nitent  usu  ;  vestis  bona  quserit  haberi; 

Canescunt  turpi  tecta  relicta  situ.    (L.)   Ov.  Am.  1,  8,  51. 
Brass  shines  with  use  ;  good  clothes,  unworn,  grow  old  ; 
And  empty  houses  whiten  soon  with  mould. — Ed. 

130.  ^rugo  animi,  rubigo  ingenii.    (i.)    ?Sen. — The  rust  of  the 

mind  is  the  blight  of  genius.  Cf.  Rubigo  animorum. 
Sen.  Ep.  95,  36. 

131.  yEstuat  ingens  Imo  in  corde  pudor,  mixtoque  insania  luctu, 

Et  Furiis  agitatus  amor,  et  conscia  virtus. 

(L.)     Virg.  12,  666. 

Fierce  boils  in  every  vein 
Indignant  shame  and  passion  blind, 
The  tempest  of  a  lover's  mind, 

The  soldier's  high  disdain. — Conington. 

132.  ^Etatem  Priami  Nestorisque 

Longam  qui  putat  esse,  Martiane, 

Multum  decipitur  falliturque. 

Non  est  vivere,  sed  valere,  vita.      (L.)     Mart.  6,  70,  12. 

Health  not  long  life. 
The  man  to  whom  old  Priam's  years 
Or  Nestor's  a  long  life  appears, 
Mistaken  is  and  much  deceived  : 
Health,  not  long  life,  is  life  indeed. — Ed. 

AGE.  23 

133.  ^tatis  cuj usque  notandi  sunt  tibi  mores.    (L.)    Hor.  A.  P. 

156. — You  must  note  the  manners  peculiar  to  each  age  of 
human  life.  Addressed  to  the  poet  who  aspired  to  draw 
the  various  characters  of  men  as  they  are  seen  in  the  world. 

134.  ^Eternum  inter  se  discordant.     (L.)     Ter.  And.  3,  3,  43. — 

Tliey  are  eternally  at  variance. 

135.  iEvo  rarissima  nostro  Simplicitas.    (X.)    Ov.  A.  A.  1,  241. 

— Simplicity,  a  very  rare  thing  in  our  days. 
Most  rare  is  now  our  old  simplicity. — Dryden. 

Motto  of  Spectator  269,  on  Sir  Roger  de  Coverly  in 
Gray's  Inn  Walks. 

136.  Aflirmatim.     (L.) — In  tlie  affirmative. 

137.  Afflata  est  nuniine  quando 

Jam  propiore   Dei.      (L.)      Virg.   A.  6,  50. —  When  she 

(the  Sibyll)  is  inspired  by  t/ie  closer  presence  of  t/ie  Deity. 

Hence  the  divine   afflatus   (inspiration)  of   poets.      Cf.   Nemo 

igitur  vir  magnus  sine  aliquo  afflatu  divino  iinquam  fuit.    Cic. 

N.  D.  2,  66,  167. — There  has  never  been  a  really  great  man 

who  had  not  some  divine  inspiration  in  him. 

138.  Afflavit   Deus    et  dissipantur.     (L.) — God   sent  forth    his 

breath,  and  they  are  scattered.  Legend  of  medal  struck  in 
commemoration  of  the  destruction  of  the  Spanish  Armada. 

139.  A  fin.     (Fr.)—To  the  end.     Motto  of  the   earl  of  Airlie. 
14Q.   A  fonte  puro  pura  defluit  aqua.     (L.)     Prov. — Clear  water 

flows  from  a  pure  spring. 

141.  A  force  de  peindre  le  diable  sur  les  niurs,  il  finit  par  ap- 

paraitre  en  personne.  {Fr.)  Prov. — If  you  will  go  on 
painting  t/ie  devil  on  tlie  walls,  it  will  end  by  his  appear- 
ing in  person.  It  is  one  way  to  hasten  disasters  to  be 
always  talking  of  them. 

142.  A  fortiori.    (L.) — With  greater  reason  ;  all  the  more.    If  one 

glass  of  beer  disturbs  your  digestion,  a  fortiori  two 
glasses  will  do  so. 

143.  A  Gadibus  usque  auroram.    (L.) — From  Cadiz  (the  West) 

to  tlie  dawn  (the  East).     Motto  of  South  Sea  Company. 

144.  Age,  libertate  Decembri, 

Quando  ita  majores  voluerunt,  utere.    (L.)   Hor.  S.  2,  7,  4. 

Christmas  comes  but  once  a  year. 

Well,  since  our  wise  forefathers  so  ordained, 

Enjoy  December's  licence  unrestrained. 

During  the  Saturnalia  (the  Roman  Christmas)  the  slaves  were 
allowed  an  unwonted  freedom,  treating  their  masters  as  equals, 
and  being  at  liberty  to  speak  without  restraint.     The  line  is  ap- 

24  AGERE. 

plicable  to  the  relaxation  of  the  Christinas  holidays,  which  come, 
as  it  is  said,  "once  a  year,"  as  if  Easter  and  Whitsuntide  were 
continually  recurring. 

145.  Agere  considerate  pluris  est  quam  cogitare  prudenter.      (L.) 

Cic.  1 — To  act  with  caution,  is  better  than  wise  reflection. 

146.  Agnoscere  solis  Permissum  est,  quos  jam  tangit  vicinia  fati 

Victurosque  Dei  celant,  ut  vivere  durent, 

Felix  esse  mori.  (L.)     Luc.  4,  517. 

'Tis  only  known  to  those  who  stand 
Already  on  death's  borderland 

The  bliss  it  is  to  die  : 
Where  life  is  vigorous  still,  to  give  «£ 

Men  courage  to  endure  to  live, 

The  gods  have  sealed  the  eye. — Ed. 

147.  Agnosco  veteris  vestigia  flamnue.       (L.)     Virg.  A.  4,  23. — 

I  feel  the  traces  of  my  ancient  flame  (attachment). 
E'en  in  our  ashes  live  their  wonted  fires. — Gray,  Elegy,  st.  23. 

148.  Agnus  Dei.     (L.) — The  Lamb  of  God. 

Medals  of  wax,  stamped  with  this  emblem  and  blessed  by  the 
Pope,  are  so  called.  A  part  of  the  Mass  has  also  this  name, 
where  the  words  Agnus  Dei,  qui  tollis  peccata  mundi  miserere 
nobis  (0  Lamb  of  God,  that  takest  away  the  sins  of  the  world, 
etc.),  occur  three  times  following. 

149.  Ah  !   frappe-toi  le  coeur,   c'est   la   qu'est   le   genie.       (Ft.) 

De  Musset. — Ah !  knock  at  thine  heart,  'tis  there  that 
genius  dwells.  Cf.  Vauvenargues,  Reflex,  et  Max.  No.  87, 
Les  grandes  pensees  viennent  du  coeur. — Great  thoughts 
come  from  the  heart. 

150.  Ah !    il  n'y  a  plus  d'enfants.      (Fr.)      Mol.    Mai.    Imagin. 

— Ah!  there  are  no  children  nowadays  !  Regret  for  the 
simplicity  of  childhood  of  former  ages.  What  would 
Moliere  have  said  of  the  precocity  of  the  infants  of  the 
nineteenth  century  1 

151.  Ah!  le  bon  billet  qu'  a  La  Chatre  !     (Fr.)1 — Ah!  what  a 

good  billet  (place,  berth,  office)  La  Ghdlre  has  !  Envious 
exclamation  at  another's  good  fortune. 

152.  Ah  miser!  Quanta  laborabas  Chary bdi, 

Digne  puer  meliore  flamma.     (L.)     Hor.  C.  1,  27,  28. 
An  unfortunate  liaison. 
That  wild  Charybdis  yours  ?     Poor  youth  ! 
0,  you  deserved  a  better  flame.  —  Conington. 

153.  Ah  !  nimium  faciles  qui  tristia  crimina  csedis 

Fluminea  tolli  posse  putetis  aqua.     (L.)     Ov.  F.  2,  45. 
Too  simple  souls  !  to  think  foul  deeds  of  blood 
Can  be  washed  clean  by  dipping  in  the  flood.  — Ed. 

AINSI.  25 

154.  Ah  !  pour  etre  deVot,  je  n'en  suis  pas  moins  homme.     (Fr.) 

Mol.  Tart.  3,  3. — Ah!  I'm  religious,  but  I'm  none  the 
less  of  a  man  for  that  reason. 
154a.  Ah  quam  dulce  est  meminisse  !     (L.) — Ah  !  how  pleasant 
it  is  to  remember  ! 

155.  Ah  qu'un  grand  nom  est  un  bien  dangereux ! 

Un  sort  cache*  fut  toujours  plus  heureux.  (Fr.)  Gresset, 
Yert-Yert,  chant  2. — W/iat  a  dangerous  possession  a 
great  name  is  /   An  obscure  lot  is  always  more  happy. 

156.  Aide-toi,  le  ciel  t'aidera.      (^V.)     La  Font.  6,  18. — Help 

thyself  and  heaven  will  help  thee.  Regnier  had  long  be- 
fore said  (Sat.  13),  Aidez-vous  seulement,  et  Dieu  vous 

157.  Aidons-nous  l'un  et  l'autre  a  porter  nos  fardeaux.      (Fr.) 

Yolt.  Religion  Naturelle,  pt.  2. — Let  us  help  one  anotlier 
to  bear  our  burdens. 

158.  A  Idos  de  mi  casa,  y  Que  quereis  con  mi  muger,  no  hay 

que  responder.  (S.)  Pro  v. — To  "  Get  out  of  my  house," 
and  "  What  have  you  to  do  with  my  wife,"  there  is  nothing 
to  be  said  in  answer. 

159.  Aime  la  ve'rite',  mais  pardonne  a  l'erreur.      (-^V.)      Yolt. 

Discours  sur  l'Homme,  disc.  3. — Love  the  truth  but 
pardon  error. 

160.  Aimer  en  trop  haut  lieu  une  dame  hautaine, 

C'est  aimer  en  soucy  le  travail  et  la  peine.  (Fr.)  Reg- 
nier, Ep.  2. — -To  love  a  haughty  lady  far  above  one's  ourn 
rank,  is  to  love,  to  one's  sorrow,  trouble  and  grief. 

161.  Ainsi  que  la  vertu,  le  crime  a  ses   degres.     (-^V.)     Rac. 

Phedre,  4,  2. —  Vice  like  virtue  grows  by  degrees. 

162.  Ainsi  que  le  bonheur,  la  vertu  vient  des  dieux.      (Fr.) 

Yolt.  Merope,  5,  7. —  Virtue  as  much  as  happiness  comes 
from  Jieaven. 

163.  Ainsi  que  le  hei-os  brille  par  ses  exploits, 

La  grandeur  des  bienfaits  doit  signaler  les  rois.  (Fr.) 
Crebillon,  Electre,  2,  4. — Just  as  a  liero  is  distinguished 
by  his  exploits,  so  kings  should  be  known  by  the  greatness 
of  the  benefits  which  they  confer. 

164.  Ainsi  que  son  esprit,  tout  peuple  a  son  langage.      (Fr.) 

Volt.  Le  Temple  du  Gout. — Every  nation  has  its  own 
language  just  as  it  has  its  characteristic  temperament. 

26  AIO  TE. 

165.  Aio  te,  CEacida,  Romanos  vincere  posse.     (L.)    Ennius  ap. 

Cic.  Div.  2,  56,  116. — I  say  the  son  ofjfiacus  the  Romans 
can  defeat.  Instance  of  Amphibolia,  or  ambiguous  lan- 
guage of  oracles,  from  the  response  said  to  have  been 
given  by  the  Delphic  Apollo  to  Pyrrhus,  King  of  Epirus. 

For  other  examples,  Cf.  Croesus  Halym  penetrans  magnam  per- 
vertet  opum  vim.  Id.  ibid.  115. — "Croesus  by  crossing  the 
Halys  will  overthrow  a  large  force,"  i.e.,  his  own.  Also, 
Ibis,  redibis,  non  nwrieris  in  bello  (Thou  shalt  go,  thou  shalt 
return,  thou  shalt  not  die  in  battle),  which  by  a  different 
punctuation  may  be  made  to  give  an  exactly  opposite  mean- 
ing. When  Edward  II.  was  a  prisoner  at  Berkeley  Castle, 
the  queen  (Isabella)  sent  the  following  message  (said  to  be 
written  by  Orleton,  Bishop  of  Hereford)  to  the  king's  gaolets  : 
Edwardum  occidere  nolite  timere  bonum  est.  Read  one  way  it 
would  mean,  "  Beware  of  killing  Edward  :  it  is  good  to  fear  ;" 
but  it  might  also  signify,  "  Fear  not  to  kill  Edward  :  the  deed 
is  good." 

166.  A  la  burla,  dejarla  quando  mas  agrada.    (S.)    Prov. — Leave 

the  jest  at  its  best.     See  Bonn's  Foreign  Prov. 

167.  A  la  chandelle  la  chevre  semble  demoiselle.     (Fr.)     Prov. 

— By  candle-light  the  goat  looks  like  a  young  lady. 

168.  A  la  cour  d'un  tyran,  injuste  ou  legitime, 

Le  plus  leger  soupcpn  tint  toujours  lieu  de  crime*; 
Et   c'est   e"tre   proscrit   que    d'etre    soupconne.         (Fr.) 
Cre"billon,  Rhadamiste,  5,  2. — At  the  court  of  a  tyrant, 
whether  usurped  or  legitimate,  the  least  suspicion  always 
amounts  to  crime,  and  to  he  suspected  is  to  he  proscribed.. 

169.  A  la  cour  .   .  .  l'art  le  plus  necessaire, 

N'est  pas  de  bien  parler,  mais  de  savoir  se  taire.  (Fr.) 
"Volt.  1 — The  most  necessary  accomplishment  at  Court  is 
not  to  be  able  to  speak  well,  but  to  knoic  how  to  hold  your 

170.  A  la  fin  saura-t  on  qui  a  mange  le  lard.     (Fr.)    Prov. — In 

tlie  end  we  shall  know  who  ate  tlie  bacon. 

171.  A  l'amour  satisfait  tout  son  charme  est  ote.    (Fi:)  T.  Corn. 

Festin  de  Pierre,  1,  2. — All  the  charm  of  love  vanislies 
when  once  it  is  satisfied. 

172.  A  la  queue  git  le  veil  in.     (-^V.)     Prov. — The  sting  lies  in 

the  tail. 
172a.  A  la  religion  discretement  fidele, 

Sois  doux,  compatissant,  sage,  indulgent  comme  elle. 
(Fr.)  Volt.  Religion  Nat.  pt.  3. — Discreetly  faithful  to 
religion,  be  gentle,  compassionate,  wise,  indulgent  as  site  is. 

ALFANA.  27 

173.  A  latere.    (Z.) — From  the  side  of  sc.  the  Sovereign  Pontiff 

Name  given  to  Papal  Legates.  Of  these  there  are  three 
kinds :  (1.)  Legati  a  latere,  an  office  generally  confided 
to  cardinals.  (2.)  Legati  missi,  usually  termed  "Apos- 
tolic Nuncios,"  and  "  Internuncios."  3.  Legati  nati,  or 
"Legates  born,"  i.e.,  prelates  holding  their  office  in 
virtue  of  their  See,  like  the  former  Archbishops  of 

174.  Al  desdichado  poco  le  vale  ser  esforzado.     (S.)     Prov. — It 

is  little  use  to  the  unfortunate  to  be  brave. 

175.  Alea  belli.     (L.)    Liv.  37,  36.— The  fortunes  of  war.     (2.) 

Alea  judiciorum.  —  The  liazard  of  the  laxo.  Chance 

176.  Alea  j acta  est.     (L.) — The  die  is  cast.      For  good  or  evil 

the  decision  has  been  made,  and  we  can  only  await  the 

This  is  founded  upon  Jacta  alea  esto  (Suet.  Caes.  32),  "  Let  the 
die  he  cast ! "  ;  the  memorable  exclamation  of  Csesar  when,  at 
the  Rubicon,  after  long  hesitation  he  finally  decided  to  march 
on  Rome.  (See  Lewis  and  Short,  Lat.  Diet.  s.v.  alea.) 
Plutarch  (Cses.  32)  gives  it  as,  iras  £ppi<pdu  Kvfios.  Cf. 
Menand.  'Apprj<p.  1,4:  Ae6oyp.£vop  rb  irpdypM,  wepplipdu  kiJjSos. 
(Gr.) — The  matter  is  decided.     Let  the  die  be  cast. 

177.  Alegrias,  antruejo,  que  mafiana  seras  ceniza.     (S.)     Prov. 

— Rejoice,  Shrove-tide,  for  to-morrow  tJwu  wilt  be  aslies. 

178.  Ales  volat  propriis.     (L.) — A  bird  flies  to  its  own.      Motto 

of  Lord  Hothfield. 

179.  Alfana  vient  d' equus  sans  doute, 

Mais  il  faut  avouer  aussi 
Qu'en  venant  de  la  jusqu'ici 
II  a  bien  change'  sur  la  route. 

(Fr.)     Chev.  de  Cailly,  Epigr.  on  Menage. 
Absurd  Etymologies. 
Alfana 's  from  Equus,  of  course  ; 

But,  perhaps,  you'll  allow  me  to  say 
That,  in  coming  so  far,  the  poor  horse 
Has  very  much  changed  on  the  way. — Ed. 

Menage's  derivations  of  "Alfana"  (A  mare,  Ital.  poet.) 
from  the  Latin  Equus,  lacche  (a  lacquey),  from  verna, 
and  others  equally  absurd,  will  be  found  in  Le  origini 
delta  lingua  italiana  compilate  da  E.  Menagio  (Geneva, 
G.  A.  Chouet,  1635). 

28  AL  FIN. 

180.  Al  fin  se  canta  la   Gloria.     (S.)     Prov. — At  the  end  the 

Gloria  is  chanted.  Don't  shout  till  you  are  out  of  the 

181.  Alise  nationes  servitutem  pati  possunt,  populi  Romani  est 

propria  libertas.  (L.)  Cic.  Phil.  6,  7,  19. — Other  nations 
can  put  up  with  servitude,  liberty  is  the  prerogative  of 
the  Roman  people  alone. 

182.  Aliam  excute  quercum.     (L.)     Prov. — Go  and  shake  some 

other  oak  t  Try  some  one  else ;  you  won't  get  any  more 
out  of  me. 

183.  Alias.      (L.) — Otherwise.     Thus,  Jones  alias  Smith,  alias 

Robinson,  signifies  that  Jones  passes  under  the  assumed 
name  or  names  (alias  or  aliases)  of  Smith  or  Robinson. 
(2.)  Elsewhere,  in  another  place.  Employed  in  referring 
to  passages  in  books  and  documents. 

184.  Alibi.     (L.)     Law  Term. — Elsewhere.      Defence  set  up  in 

criminal  cases  to  show  that  accused  was  elsewhere  when 
the  act  with  which  he  is  chai'ged  is  said  to  have  been 

"  I  know'd  what  'ud  come  o'  this  here  mode  o'  doin  bisness. 
Oh  Sammy,  Sammy,  vy  wom't  there  a  alleybi  ! " — Pickwick 
Papers,  chap.  33,  fin. 

185.  Aliena  negotia  centum 

Per  caput,  et  circa  saliunt  latus.     (L.)    Hor.  S.  2,  6,  33, 

For  other  people's  matters  in  a  swarm 

Buzz  round  my  head  and  take  my  ears  by  storm. — Conington. 

186.  Aliena  negotia  euro  Excussus  propriis. 

(L.)      Hor.  S.  2,  3,  19. 

I  make  my  neighbour's  matters  my  sole  care, 
Seeing  my  own  are  damaged  past  repair. — Conington. 

187.  Aliena  nobis,  nostra  plus  aliis  placent.      (L.)      Pub.  Syr.  ? 

—  We  find  most  pleasure  in  what  belongs  to  others,  while 
they,  again,  are  most  taken  with  wliat  belongs  to  us. 

188.  Aliena  optimum  frui  insania.      (L.)      Prov. — It  is  best  to 

profit  by  the  madness  of  others. 

189.  Alienatio  rei  prsefertur  juri  accrescendi.     (Z.)     Law  Max. 

— Alienation  of  property  is  favoured  by  the  law  rather 
than  accumulation.  The  law  opposes  as  far  as  possible 
any  attempt  to  tie  up  property  beyond  a  reasonable  time. 

190.  Alieni  appetens,  sui  profusus,  ardens  in  cupiditatibus ;  satis 

loquentise,  sapientiae  parum.     (L.)    Sail.  C.  5,  4. 



While  coveting  the  wealth  of  others,  he  was  at  the  same  time 
lavish  with  his  own.  A  man  of  passionate  desires,  fluent 
enough  in  speech  but  lacking  wisdom. 

190a.  Alienis  pedibns  ambulamus,  alienis  oculis  agnoscimus, 
aliena  memoria  salutamus,  aliena  opera  vivimus.  (Z.) 
Plin.  29,  1,  8,  §  19. — We  take  our  walks  by  means  of  the 
feet  of  others,  we  recognise  a  friend  through  another's  eyes, 
we  salute  him  by  another  recalling  his  name,  we  live  by 
the  work  of  others,  etc. 

191.  Alieni  temporis  flores.      (Z.) — Flowers  of  a  bygone  time. 

Villon  in  his  Dames  du  temps  jadis  asks,  "  Mais  ou  sont 
les  roses  d'antan]"  (-^V.) — But  where  are  last  year's 
roses?  Said  of  the  joys  of  youth  of  which  only  the 
regretful  memory  remains. 

192.  Alieno  in  loco  Haud  stabile  regnum  est.      (Z.)     Sen.  Her. 

Fur.  344. — Sovereignty  over  a  distant  kingdom  is  insecure, 
such  as,  e.g.,  the  hold  of  England  over  India. 

193.  Alieno  more  vivendum  est  mihi.     (Z.)     Ter.  And.  1,1, 

125. — /  have  to  live  according  to  another's  humour. 

194.  Alienum  est  omne,  quicquid  optando  venit.      (Z.)      Pub. 

Syr.  ap.  Sen.  Ep.  8. — Anything  which  comes  to  you  ac- 
cording to  your  wishes  cannot  be  called  your  own. 

194a  Alii  ventosis  follibus  auras 

Excipiunt  redduntque ;  alii  stridentia  tingunt 
./Era  lacu.  Gemit  impositis  incudibus  antrum.  (Z.) 
Virg.  A.  8,  449. — Some  ply  the  windy  bellows,  taking  in 
and  giving  forth  blasts  of  air.  Others  plunge  the  hissing 
•metal  in  the  water.  The  cavern  groans  'neath  the  weight 
of  the  anvils. 

195.  A  l'impossible  nul  n'est  tenu.     (Fr.)     Prov. — No  one  can 

be  obliged  to  do  what  is  impossible. 

196.  Aliquid  facerem  ut  hoc  ne  facerem.     (Z.)     Ter.  And.  1,  5, 

24. — /  would  do  anything  not  to  do  this. 

197.  Aliquis  in  omnibus,  nullus  in  singulis.    (Z.) — Having  some 

knowledge  of  all  things  and  perfect  in  none.  Jack  of  all 
trades  and  master  of  none. 

198.  Aliquis  non  debet  esse  judex  in  propria  causa,  quia  non 

potest  esse  judex  et  pars.  (Z.)  Law  Max. — No  one 
may  be  judge  in  his  own  case,  because  no  one  may  be  judge 

30  ALITOR. 

and  suitor  at  the  same  time.  Thus,  a  magistrate  with- 
draws from  the  bench  during  the  investigation  of  a  case 
in  which  he  is  personally  interested,  as,  e.g.,  a  charge  of 
trespass  upon  his  own  land. 

199.  Alitur  vitium  vivitque  tegendo.     (Z.)     Virg.  G.  3,  454. — 

The  evil  is  fostered  and  grows  by  concealment. 

200.  Aliud  est  celare,  aliud  tacere.     (L.)     Law  Max. — Conceal- 

ment is  one  thing,  silence  is  another.  A  dealer  may  be 
innocently  silent  respecting  some  vice  in  a  horse  on  the 
subject  of  which  he  was  not  interrogated  and  gave  no 

201.  Alium  silere  quod  voles,  primus  sile.     (Z.)     Sen.  Hipp. 

376. — If  you  wish  to  silence  another,  be  silent  first  your- 

202.  Alia  vayas,  mal,  ado  te  pongan  buen  cabe9al.     (S.)     Prov 

— Away  with  you,  sickness,  to  the  places  where  they  make 
you  a  good  pillow  to  take  your  ease. 

203.  Alle  anderen  Dinge  miissen ;  der  Mensch  ist  das  Wesen, 

welches  will.  (G.)  Schill.  Das  Erhabene. — All  other 
things  "must,"  man  is  the  only  being  who  can  "will." 

204.  Alle  Frachten  lichten,  sagte  der  Schiffer,  da  warf  er  seine 

Frau  iiber  Bord.  (G.)  Prov. — All  freight  lightens,  said 
the  skipper,  as  he  flung  his  wife  overboard. 

205.  Allegans  contraria  non  est  audiendus.     (L.)     Logical  and 

Legal  Max. — No  one  is  to  be  heard  who  asserts  things 
contradictory  to  each  other. 

A  rule  applicable  in  testing  credibility  of  witness  making  con- 
tradictory statements  in  court  of  justice,  in  enforcing  duties 
attached  to  certain  benefits,  in  estoppel,  etc. 

206.  Aller  Anfang  ist  schwer,  Sprach  der  Dieb  und  stahl  zuerst 

einen  Amboss.  (G.)  Prov. — All  beginnings  are  hard, 
said  the  thief,  when  he  began  by  stealing  an  anvil. 

207.  Alles  Gescheidte  ist  schon  gedacht  worden,  man  muss  nur 

versuchen,  es  noch  einmal  zu  denken.  (G.)  Goethe, 
Spruche. — Everything  wise  has  already  been  thought  out , 
one  can  only  try  and  think  it  once  more. 

208.  Alles  in  der  "Welt  lasst  sich  ertragen, 

Nur  nicht  eine  Reihe  von  schonen  Tagen.  (G.)  Goethe, 
Spriichwortlich,  1815. — Everything  in  the  world  is  to  be 

ALS  ADAM.  31 

borne,  only  not  a  succession  of  fine  days.  Luther,  bk.  lvii. 
p.  128,  had  already  said,  Gute  Taye  k'onnen  wir  nicht 
ertrayen,  We  cannot  bear  prosperity. 

209.  Alles  ware   gut,  war  kein  Aber  dabei.       (G.)      Pro  v. — 

Everything  would  be  right  if  it  were  not  for  "  Buts." 

210.  Alles  was  ist,  ist  verniinftig.       (G.) — Everything  that  is,  is 

reasonable.  Abbrev.  form  of  Hegel's  words  (Rechts- 
philosophie,  Preface,  p.  17),  Was  verniinftig  ist,  das  ist 
wirklich :  und  was  wirklich  ist,  das  ist  verniinftig.  Cf. 
Pope,  Essay  on  Man,  1,  294:  "Whatever  is,  is 

211.  Allia  vina  Venus  fumus  faba  lumen  et  ignis 

Ista  nocent  oculis,  sed  vigilare  magis.  (Z.) 

Garlick,  wine,  women,  smoke,  beans,  fire,  and  light 
Hurt  th  eyes,  but  most  to  lie  awake  at  night. — Ed. 

212.  Allons,  allons,  saute  Marquis  !      (Fr.)      Regnard,  Joueur. 

— Come,  come  Marquis,  jump  ! 

213.  Allons,   enfants  de  la  patrie  !      (Fr.)      Rouget  de  Lisle 

(f  1836). — Come,  children  of  our  country  !  First  words 
of  the  famous  Republican  song,  La  Marseillaise,  com- 
posed April  25,  1792,  and  set  to  a  melody  from  a  mass 
of  Holtzmann. 

214.  Allwissend  bin  ich  nicht;  doch  viel  ist  mir  bewusst. 

(G.)     Goethe,  Faust,  Studirzimmer. 

Meph.  Omniscient  am  I  not,  though  I  know  much. — Ed. 
214a.  Allzuviel  ist  nicht  genug.     (G.) — Too  much  is  not  enough. 

215.  Alma  mater.     (L.) — A  kind  mother.     Applied  to  the  uni- 

versity, school,  or  early  scenes  of  any  one's  education. 

215a.  Al  merito  militar.     (S.) — For  military  merit.     Order  of 
St  Ferdinand  (Spain). 

216.  A  l'ceuvre  on  connait  Partisan.      (Fr.)     La  Font.  I,  21. — 

By  the  work  one  knows  the  workman. 

217.  A  los  bobos  se  les  aperece  la  Madre  de  Dios.     (*S'.)     Pro  v. 

— Tlie  MotJier  of  God  appears  to  fools. 

218.  Als  Adam  grub,  und  Eva  spann, 

Wer  war  da  der  Edelmann  1  (G.) 

When  Adam  delved  and  Eve  span. 
Who  was  then  the  gentleman  ? 

32  ALTA 

219.  Altamane;  supraque  tuos  exsurge  dolores ; 

Infragilemque  animum,  quod  potes,  usque  tene.  (L.) 
Ov.  ad  Liv.  353. — Be  bvave,  and  rise  superior  to  your 
sorrows,  and  maintain  (for  you  can)  a  spirit  that  cannot 
be  broken. 

220.  Alta  sedent  civilis  vulnera  dextrse.      (L.)      Luc.  1,  32. — 

Deep-seated  are  the  wounds  of  civil  war. 

221.  Alte  fert  aquila.     (L.) — The  eagle  bears  me  on  high.     Lord 


221a.  Altera  manu  fert  lapidem,  altera  panem  ostentat.  (L.) 
Plaut.  1 — He  carries  a  stone  in  one  hand,  and  shows*you 
bread  in  the  other. 

222.  Alter  ego.     (L.) — A  second  self.     Said  of  intimate  friends. 

Cf.  the  Greek,  6  cTaipos,  eVe/oos  eyw.  Clem.  Al.  450. — A 
companion  is  like  a  second  self.  (2.)  Alter  idem  (same 
signif.).  Cf.  Amicus  est  tanquam  alter  idem.  Cic.  Sen.  21, 
82. — A  friend  is  a  kind  of  second  self ;  like  the  Greek  erepot 
avroC  of  Arist.  Eth.  N.  8,  12,  3. 

223.  Alterius  non  sit  qui  suus  esse  potest.     (L.) — Let  no  one  be 

at  the  beck  of  another  man  who  can  be  his  own  master. 
Chosen  as  motto  by  Paracelsus,  and  thought  to  be  of 
his  composing  (vide  Fournier,  L'Esprit  des  autres, 

224.  Alter  rixatur  de  lana  saepe  caprina 

Propugnat  nugis  armatus.       (L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  18,  5. 

Your  blunt  fellow  battles  for  a  straw, 

As  though  he'd  knock  you  down  or  take  the  law. — Oonington. 

225.  Altiora  in  votis.     (L.) — /  wish  for  what  is  higher.      High- 

gate  School. 

226.  A.M.    (L.) — Abbrev!  for,  Anno  Mundi,  Year  of  the  world; 

Ante  Meridiem,  Before  noon ;  Artium  Magister,  or 
M.A.,  Master  of  Arts. 

227.  Ama  l'amico  tuo  col  vizio  suo.     (It.)     Prov. — Love  your 

friend  with  his  faults. 

228.  Amans    semper,    quod    timet,    esse    putat.  (L.)       Ov. 

A.  A.  3,  720. — A  lover  always  believes  it  to  be  as  he 

229.  Amantes,    amentes.      (L.) — Lovers,    lunatics.      In    lovej 


A  MENSA.  33 

230.  Amantibus  justitiam,  pietatem,  fidem.     (L.) — To  the  lovers 

of  justice,  piety,  and  truitu  Motto  of  Order  of  St  Anne 

231.  Amantium  irae  amoris  integratio'st.      (L.)      Ter.  And.  3, 

3,  23. — Lovers'  quarrels  are  only  a  renewal  of  their  love. 

232.  A  ma  puissance.     {Fr.) — To  my  power.      Motto  of  the 

Earl  of  Stamford. 

233.  Amare   autem  nihil  aliud  est,    nisi   eum   ipsum  diligere, 

quern  ames,  nulla  indigentia,  nulla  utilitate  qusesita. 
(L.)  Cic.  Am.  27,  100. — To  love  is  nothing  else  than 
to  hold  in  high  esteem  the  object  of  your  affection,  apart 
from  all  compulsion  and  all  question  of  advantage. 

234.  Amare  simul  et  sapere  vix  Jovi  conceditur.     (L.)    ?Laber. 

— To  be  in  love,  and  at  the  same  time  to  be  wise,  is  scarcely 
given  even  to  Jove  himself. 

Cf.  Amour,  amour,  quand  tu  nous  tiens, 

On  peut  dire,  Adieu,  Prudence  !  (Fr.)  La  F.  Le  Lion  amoureux. 
— 0  Love  1  Love  I  wlien  you  get  hold  of  us,  one  viay  bid  prudence 

235.  Amariorem  enim  me   senectus  facit.      Stomachor  omnia. 

Sed  mihi  quidem  /?e/?iWcu.  Viderint  juvenes.  (Z.) 
Cic.  Att.  14,  21,  3. — Old  age  makes  me  sour.  The  least 
thing  puts  me  out.  However,  as  far  as  I  am  concerned, 
e'en  est  fini,  /  have  lived  my  time.  Let  the  young  men 
look  to  it. 

236.  Ambiguum  placitum  interpretari  debet  contra  proferentem. 

(L.)    Law  Max. — Where  two  meanings  present  themselves, 
that  construction  shall  be  adopted  which  is  most  unfavour- 
able to  the  party  pleading. 
Every  man  is  presumed  to  make  the  best  of  his  own  case,  and  it 

is  incumbent  on  him  to  make  his  meaning  clear.    (See  Broom, 

Legal  Max.  p.  577.) 

237.  Ambitiosa  non   est  fames.      (L.)      Sen.    Ep.    119,    14. — 

Hunger  is  not  over  nice. 

238.  Ambo  florentes  setatibus,  arcades  ambo 

Et  cantare  pares,  et  respondere  parati.  (L.)    Virg.  E.  7,  4. 
Both  young  Arcadians,  both  alike  inspired 
To  sing,  and  answer  as  the  song  required. — Dryden. 

It  would  mean  that  their  voices  were  matched  so  as  to  sing  in 
duet,  or  alternately.  Arcades  ambo  is  said  separately  of  any 
couple  of  country  folk  of  simple,  unsophisticated  ideas. 

239.  A  mensa  et  thoro.      (L.) — From  bed  and  board.     Sentence 

of  the  Eccles.  Courts  (prior  to  1857)  separating  man  and 


wife  for  adultery,  cruelty,  or  desertion,  and  now  called 

Judicial    separation.        (2.)    A    vinculo    matrimonii. — 

Divorce  from  the  conjugal  tie,  or,  Dissolution  of  Marriage. 

In  England,  as  in  countries  governed  by  canon  law,  divorce  a 

vinculo  was  legally  unknown  and  was  only  possible,  until  the 

passing  of  the  Divorce  Act,  by  special  Act  of  Parliament ;  now, 

the  matrimonial  bond  may  be  dissolved  by  the  sentence  of 

the  Secular  Court,   and  the   parties  divorced  contract  fresh 


240.  A  merveille.     (Fr.) — Wonderfully,  astonishingly.     Such  a 

one  has  acquitted  himself  a  merveille. 

241.  Amicitia^  virtutisque  foedus.     (L.) — The  bond  of  friendship 

and  virtue.     Motto  of  Grand  Order  of  Wurtemburg. 

242.  Amicitiam   trahit   amor.       (Z.) — Love   draws  friendship. 

Motto  of  Wiredrawers'  Company. 

243.  Amici  vitium  ni  feras,  prodis  tuum.     (Z.)     Pub.  Syr.? — 

Unless  you,  make  allowances  for  your  friend 's  foibles,  you 
betray  your  own. 

244.  Amico  d'ognuno,  amico  di  nessuno.     (It.)     Prov. — Every- 

one's friend  is  no  one's  friend.       "  A  favourite  has  no 
friends." — Gray. 

245.  Amicorum  esse  communia  omnia.     (L.)     Prov.     Cf.  Cic. 

Off.    1,    16,    51. — Friends'  goods  are  common  property. 
(Translated  from  the  Greek — ra.  twv  <£iAa>v  kolvol.) 

246.  Amicorum,  magis  quam  tuam  ipsius  laudem,  prsedica.    (Z.) 

— Expatiate  rather  in  your  friend's  praise,  than  in  your  own. 
Cf.  Laudet  te  alienus,  et  non  os  tuum  ;  extraneus,  et  non  labia 
tua.      Vulg.  Prov.  27,  2. — Let  another  man  praise  thee,  and 
not  thine  own  mouth  ;  a  stranger,  and  not  thine  own  lips. 

247.  Amicum  ita  habeas  posse  ut  fieri  hunc  inimicum  scias. 

(Z.)  Decim.  Laber.  1 — Live  with  your  friend  as  if  you 
knew  he  might  some  day  become  your  enemy. 
Cf.  Ex  inimico  cogiba  posse  fieri  amicum.  Sen.  ? — Consider 
that  of  an  enemy  you  may  be  able  to  make  a  friend ;  and  the 
Prov.,  Ama  tanquam  osurus ;  oderis  tanquam  amaturus. — 
Love,  as  one  that  may  hate;  hate,  as  one  that  may  hereafter 
love:  and,  Ita  amare  oportere,  ut  si  aliquando  esset  osurus. 
Cic.  Am.  15,  59. — One  ought  so  to  love  as  if  it  were  possible 
that  love  might  turn  to  hatred.  This  last  maxim  is  attributed 
to  Bias  (one  of  the  Seven),  and  condemned  by  Scipio  as 
destructive  of  all  true  friendship.     Cf.  also — 

6  t'  ixOpb*  iF  &  rocrdvd'  ix&apTtos, 

cbs  ical  <pCkf)<jU3v  addis,  &  re  rbv  <pi\ov 

rocravd'  virovpy&v  di(jie\eif  ^ovKijdoixai. 

ws  alif  6v  ijuevovvra.  (Gr.)     Soph.  Aj.  679. 

AMISSUM.  *  35 

"Who  is  my  foe,  I  must  but  hate  as  oue 

Whom  I  may  yet  call  friend  :  and  him  who  loves  me, 

Will  I  but  serve  and  cherish  as  a  man 

Whose  love  is  not  abiding. — Calverley. 

248.  Amicum  Mancipium  domino  et  frugi,  quod  sit  satis,  hoc  est 

Ut  vitale  putes.  (Z.)  Hor.  S.  2,  7,  2.—  A  faithful 
servant  to  his  master  and  an  honest,  as  honesty  goes,  but 
not  too  good  to  live. 

249.  Amicus  aniinae  dimidium.     (Z.) — A  friend  is  the  lialf  of 

my  life. 

250.  Amicus  certus  in  re  incerta  cernitur.     (Z.)     Enn.  ap.  Cic. 

Am.  17,  64. — Real  friends  are  best  knoivn  by  adversity. 

251.  Amicus  humani  generis.     (Z.) — A  benefactor  of  the  human 

A  title  fittingly  given  to  all  that  have  conferred  lasting  obliga- 
tions upou  their  fellow-men.  Wilberforce,  Macaulay,  Sharpe, 
Channing,  the  liberators  of  the  slave ;  Simpson  and  Jenner, 
the  inventors  of  chloroform  and  vaccination ;  Davy,  the  author 
of  the  safety-lamp  ;  and  Franklin  of  the  lightning-conductor, 
are  so  many  humani  generis  amid,  friends  of  mankind  at 

252.  Amicus  Socrates,  sed  magis  arnica  Veritas.    (Z.)     ap.  Rog. 

Bacon,  Opus  Maj. — Socrates  is  dear  to  me  (is  my  friend), 

but  truth  is  dearer  still. 
In  Don  Quixote,  vol.  ii.,  cap.  8,  occurs,  Amicus  Plato,  sed  magis 
arnica  Veritas. — Plato  is  dear  to  me,  but  truth  is  dearer  still. 
Cf.  Plato,  Phcedo,  91,  where  Socrates  says  of  himself,  v/xds 
5i  fiAvroi.,  6j>  ifwl  Treidrjcrde,  apuKpbv  <ppovTL<ravTes  ~ZidK.p6.Tovs, 
■nji  5£  aXwOelas  ttoXi)  fiaXXov.  (Or.) — If  you  will  be  guided  by 
me,  you  will  make  little  account  of  Socrates,  and  much  more  of 
truth.  Consideration  for  our  friends,  or  for  the  opinions  of 
those  we  value,  must  not  be  preferred  to  the  interests  of 
truth  ;  for  Magna  est  Veritas  et  prmvalet.  (L. )  Vulg.  Esdras, 
8,  4,  41. — Great  is  truth,  and  mighty  above  all  things. 

253.  Amicus  usque  ad  aras.     (Z.) — A  friend  even  to  the  very 

altar,  to  the  last  extremity. 

254.  Amis,  de  mauvais  vers  ne  chargez  pas  ma  tombe.     (Fr.) 

Passerat. — Friends,  I-  beg  you  not  to  load  my  tomb  with 
bad  verses.  Last  line  of  epitaph  written  for  himself, 
and  a  parting  injunction  which  others  than  the  friends  of 
the  poet  would  do  well  to  observe. 

255.  Amissum  non  net,  quum  sola  est  Gellia,  patrem. 

Si  quis  adest,  jussae  prosiliunt  lacrymae. 
Non  dolet  hie,  quisquis  laudari,  Gellia,  quaerit, 
Ille  dolet  vere,  qui  sine  teste  dolet. 

(Z.)   Mart  1,  S4,  1. 

36  AMITIE. 

Jane  weeps  not  for  her  dad  when  none  is  by: 

When  some  one  enters  she  begins  to  cry. 

Not  by  its  wish  for  praise  is  true  grief  shown  : 

He  mourns  indeed  who  mourns  when  he's  alone. — Ed. 

Cf.  Plerique  enim  lacrimas  fundunt,  ut  ostendant ;  et  totiej 
siccos  oculos  habent,  quoties  spectator  defuit.  Sen.  Tranq. 
15.  —  Very  many  shed  tears  merely  for  show  ;  and  have  per- 
fectly dry  eyes  when  no  one  is  looking  on. 

256.  Amitie,  que  les  rois,  ces  illustres  ingrats 

Sonfc  assez  malheureux  pour;  ne  connaitre  pas.  (Fr.) 
Volt.  Henriad,  8. — Friendship,  which  kings,  as  ungrate- 
ful as  they  are  exalted,  are  unhappy  enough  not  to  know. 

257.  Amittit  merito  proprium,  qui  alienuru  appetit.    (L.)  Phstdr. 

1,  4,  1. —  Who  covets  another's  goods,  deservedly  loses  his 
own.  From  the  fable  of  the  Dog  and  the  Shadow,  who 
lost  the  morsel  in  his  mouth  through  attempting  to 
snatch  its  reflection  in  the  water. 

258.  Arao.     (L.) — I  love.     Motto  of  Duke  of  Buccleuch  and 

Lord  Montague. 

259.  Amores  De  tenero  meditatur  ungui.     (L.)     Hor.  C.  3,  6, 

24. — She  dreams  of  love  while  yet  a  child, — lit.,  while 
her  nails  are  still  soft.  "  Fresh  from  the  nursery." — 

260.  Amore  sitis   uniti.      (L.) — Be  ye  joined  together  in  love. 

Mottoes  of  the  Tin-Plate  and  Wire-Workers'  Companies. 

261.  Amor  et  melle  et  felle  est  fecundissimus.    (L.)    Plaut.  Cist. 

1,  1,  70. — Love  is  a  thing  most  fruitful  both  in  honey 
and  in  gall.     A  mixture  of  sweet  and  bitter. 

262.  Amor  et  oboedientia.    (L.) — Love  and  obedience.     Motto  of 

Puinter-Stainers'  Company. 

263.  Amor  patriae.    (L.) — The  love  of  one's  country. 

264.  Amor  proximi.     (L.) — Love  for  one's  neighbour. 

265.  Amor  tutti  equaglia.   (It.) — Love  reduces  all  to  one  common 


266.  Amour  avec  loyaulte*.     {Fr.) — Love  with  loyalty.     Motto 

of  Queen  Katharine  Parr. 

267.  Amour  fait  moult,  ai'gent  fait  tout.      (Fr.)      Prov. — Love 

can  do  much,  money  everything. 

268.  Amour,  tous  les  autres  plaisirs 

Ne  valent  pas  tes  peines.  (-^V.)  Charleval  % — 0  love, 
thy  pains  are  worth  more  than  all  other  pleasures. 

ANCH'  10.  37 

The  preceding  lines  are : 
Bien  que  mes  esperances  vaines 
Fassent  naitre  en  mon  ecenr  d'inutiles  desirs, 
Bien  que  tes  lois  soient  inhuniaines, 
Amour,  tous  les  autres  plaisirs 
Ne  valent  pas  tes  peines. 

The  pleasing  pain. 
Though  my  hopes  are  but  idle  and  vain, 

Though  my  fears  and  desires  are  at  strife, 
And  though  harsh  and  inhuman  thy  reign, 

Yet  the  rest  of  the  pleasures  of  life 
Cannot  match,  Love,  the  bliss  of  thy  pain. — Ed. 

269.  Amphora  coepit  Institui :  currente  rota  cur  urceus  exit  1 

(L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  221. 

That  crockery  was  a  jar  when  you  began, 

It  ends  a  pitcher  :  you  an  artist,  man  ! — Conington. 

270.  Ampliat  aetatis  spatium  sibi  vir  bonus ;  hoc  est 

Yivere  bis  vita  posse  priore  frui.     (L.)    Mart.  10,  23,  7. 

The  pleasures  of  memory. 
A  good  man  makes  his  lifetime  doubly  last, 
And  lives  twice  o'er  as  he  recalls  the  past. — Ed. 

Of.  also  Pope,  Works  (1770),  7,  223 : 

For  he  lives  twice,  who  can  at  once  employ 
The  present  well,  and  e'en  the  past  enjoy. 

And  Cowley,  Discourses : 

Thus  would  I  double  my  life's  fading  space  ; 
For  he,  that  runs  it  well,  runs  twice  his  race. 

271.  Am  Rhein,    am  Rhein,  da  wachsen  uns're  Reben  !     (G.) 

Claudius.     Song  of  the  Rhine  wine. — On  the  Shine,  on 
the  Rhine,  there  grow  our  vines  ! 

272.  Amt  ohne  Geld  macht  Diebe.      (G.)      Prov. — Office  with- 

out salary  breeds  thieves. 

273.  'AvayKjt  B'ovSi  6eol  p-d\ovrai.     (Gr.)     Simon,  8,  20. — Even 

the  gods  do  not  battle  against   necessity.     Needs   must 
when  the  d —  drives. 

274.  Anche  il  mar,  che  e  si  grande,  si  pacifica.     (It.)     Prov. — 

Even  tlie  sea,  for  all  it  is  so  great,  grows  calm.    The  most 
hot-tempered  man  is  sometimes  cool. 

275.  Anche  la  rana  morderebbe  se  avesse  denti.     (It.)     Prov. — 

Even  the  frog  would  bite  if  it  had  teeth. 

276.  Anch'  io  sono  pittore  !     (It.) — I  too  am  a  painter/    Ex- 

clamation of  Correggio  before  the  St  Cecilia  of  Raphael 
at  Bologna. 

38  AN  DIVES. 

277.  An  dives  sit  omnes  quserunt,  nemo  an  bonus.    (L.)  1 — Every- 

one inquires  if  he  is  well  off,  no  one  asks  if  he  is  a  good 
man  or  no. 

278.  A  nemico  clie  fugge,  fa  un  ponte  d'oro.      (It.) — Make  a 

bridge  of  gold  for  an  enemy  who  is  flying  from   you. 
Facilitate  the  natural  disappearance  of  any  evil. 

279.  An  erit  qui  velle  recuset 

Os  populi  meruisse,  et  cedi'o  digna  locutus 
Linquere,  nee  scombros  metuentia  carmina,  nee  thus  ? 

(L.)     Pers.  1,  41. 
Is  there  a  man  who  can  the  public  mind  V 

Afford  to  spurn,  nor  wish  to  leave  behind 
Works  worthy  russia  ;  such  as  shall  not  come 
To  wrap  a  herring  in,  or  sugar  plum  ? — Ed. 
Cf.  Ne  .  .  .  Deferar  in  vicum  vendentem  thus  et  odores, 
Et  piper,  et  quidquid  chartis  amicitur  ineptis. 

Hor.  Ep.  2,  1,  219. 
Lest  I  (i.e.,  my  booh)  should  travel  down  the  street  where  they  sell  spice 
and  sweets  and  pepper,  and  the  hind  of  goods  they  wrap  in  waste 
paper.     May  my  works  never  descend  so  low  as  to  reach  the  public 
through  the  grocer  ! 

280.  'Avyp  6  (f>€vyo>v  Kal  to.Xlv  /za^Tjo-erai.      (Gr.)     IMenand. — 

The  man  who  runs  away  will  fight  again. 
He  that  fights  and  runs  away 
May  live  to  fight  another  day  ; 
But  he  who  is  in  battle  slain 
Can  never  rise  to  fight  again. 

—Bay's  Hist,  of  Rebellion,  p.  48  (Bristol,  1752). 

Tertullian,  de  Fnga  in  Persecutione,  cap.  10,  quotes — 
Qui  fugiebat,  rursus  prseliabitur.      (L.) — He  who  flies  will  fight  in 

battle  again. 

And  Scarron,  +  1660,  has  the  lines — 
Qui  fuit,  peut  revenir  aussi, 
Qui  meurt,  il  n'en  est  pas  ainsi.      (Fr.) — He  who  flies  can  also  return 

again,  which  is  not  the  case  with  him  who  dies. 

281.  Anglica  gens,  optima  flens,  pessima  ridens.      (L.)     Med. 

Lat. — The  English  people  are  best  at  weeping,  worst  at 
2S2.  Anglice.     (L.) — In  English,  or,  according  to  the  English 
fashion  or  custom. 

283.  Anguillam  cauda  tenes.     (L.)     Prov. — You've  got  an  eel  by 

the  tail.     Your  opponent  is  a  slippery  fellow. 

284.  Animal   implume   bipes.     (L.) — A  featherless  biped.      Cf. 

Plato's  (Def.  415  A)  avOpwn-os  £<£ov  aTrrepov. 

285.  Anima  magis  est  ubi  amat,  quam  ubi  animat.     (L.)     S. 

Aug.  1 — The  soul  is  more  where  it  loves,  than  where  it  lives. 

ANIMUS.  39 

286.  Animi  cultus  ille  erat  ei  quasi  quidam  humanitatis  cibus. 

(L.)  Cic.  Fin.  5,  19,  54. — That  culture  of  the  mind 
supplied  him  with  a  kind  of  intellectual  food.  Said  of 
literary  studies,  writing,  composition. 

287.  Animo  et  fide.     (L.) — By  courage  and  faith.    Motto  of  the 

Earl  of  Guildford. 

288.  Animo,  non  astutia.    (L.) — By  courage,  not  craft.     Motto 

of  Duke  of  Gordon  and  Marquess  of  Huntly. 

289.  Animorum  Impulsu,  et  coeca  magnaque  cupidine  ducti. 

{L.)    Juv.  10,  350. 
Led  by  the  soul's  impulsive  fire, 
By  blind  and  passionate  desire  ! — Ed. 

290.  Animula,  vagula,  blandula,  Hospes,  comesque  corporis ; 

Quae  nunc  abibis  in  loca  ?  Pallidula,  rigida,  nudula 

Nee,  ut  soles,  dabis  jocos  ! 

(L.)    Spart.  Hadr.  25.— (Hist.  August). 
The  dying  emperor  to  his  soul. 
Ah  !  gentle,  fleeting,  wavering  sprite, 
Friend  and  associate  of  this  clay  ! 

To  what  unknown  region  borne, 
Wilt  thou  now  wing  thy  distant  flight  ? 
No  more  with  wonted  humour  gay, 

But  pallid,  cheerless,  and  forlorn. — Lord  Byron. 

291.  Animum  nunc  hue,  nunc  dividit  illuc.  (L.)  Virg.  A.  4,  285. 
So  by  conflicting  cares  distraught 

This  way  and  that  way  whirls  his  thought. — Conington. 

292.  Animum  pictura  pascit  inani.     (L.)    Virg.  A.  1,  464. 
He  feeds  his  fancy  on  the  painted  scene. — Ed. 

This  may  be  applied  either  to  the  delight  with  which  the  con- 
noisseur devours  an  especially  captivating  work  of  art,  or  to 
the  exercise  of  the  fancy  and  imagination  in  the  pleasing 
occupation  of  castle-building. 

293.  Animus  sequus  optimum  est  serumnse  condimentum.     (L.) 

Plaut.  Rud.  2,  3,  71. — Patience  is  the  best  remedy  for 
trouble.     What  can't  be  cured  must  be  endured. 

294.  Animus   furandi.     (Law  L.) — The  design  or  intention   of 

stealing.  A  suspicious  character,  e.g.,  enters  a  house, 
animo  furandi,  with  the  intention  of  committing  theft. 

295.  Animus  homini,  quicquid  sibi  imperat,  obtinet.     (L.) — The 

human  mind  can  accomplish  whatever  it  is  determined  to 
effect.  Patience  and  perseverance  surmount  every  diffi- 

296.  Animus  non  deficit  sequus.      (L.) — A  calm   mind  is  not 

wanting.     Motto  of  Lord  Willoughby  d'Eresby. 

40  ANIMUS. 

297.  Animus  quod  perdidit  optat, 

Atque  in  prseterita  se  to tus  imagine  versat.  (Z.)  Petr.  1, 
128. — The  mind  still  wishes  for  what  it  has  lost,  and 
is  occupied  entirely  in  conjuring  up  the  past.  Useless 

298.  Animus  sevocatus  a  contagione  corporis,  meminit  praateri- 

torum,  praesentia  cernit,  futura  prsevidet.  (Z.)  Cic. 
Div.  1,  30,  63. — The  mind,  freeing  itself  from  the  in- 
fluence of  the  body,  recalls  t/ie  past,  examines  the  present, 
and  forecasts  the  future. 

299.  An  nescis  longas  regibus  esse  manus?     (Z.)     Ov.  H..J7, 

166. — Do  you  not  know  that  kings  have  far-reaching 
hands  ?  It  is  hard  to  get  out  of  their  clutches.  The 
ramifications  of  the  machinery  of  State  are  so  widely 
extended  as  to  be  able  to  track  an  offender  on  a  distant 

300.  An  nescis,  mi  fili,  quantilla  prudentia  mundus  regatur  (or, 

regatur  orbis)  1     (Z.)     Axel  Oxenstierna,  t  1654  (Lund- 

blad,    Svensk    Plut.,    2  vols.,   Stockholm,   1824).— Dost 

thou  not  know,  my  son,  with  how  very  little  wisdom  the 

world  is  governed  ? 

Prom  a  letter  of  the  illustrious  Swedish  statesman  to  his  son 

John,   the  envoy  of  Sweden  to  the  Conference  at  Munster, 

1648,  where  the  Treaty  of  Westphalia,  concluding  the  Thirty 

Years'  War,  was  signed.    John  Selden,  +1654,  in  his  Table  Talk 

(Pope),  has :  "Thou  little  thinkest  what  a  little  foolery  governs 

the  whole  world."     (See  also  Buchmann,  p.  352.) 

301.  Anno    Christi.     (Z.) — In   the   year   of    Christ.      This   is 

synonymous  with  Anno  Domini  (In  the  year  of  our 
Lord).  The  period  from  which  we  date  the  commence- 
ment of  the  Christian  Era. 

302.  Annus  mirabilis.      (Z.) — A  year  of  wonders,  ov  the  wonder- 

ful year. 

This  may  be  applied  to  any  particular  year  which  is  distinguished 
by  any  very  remarkable  event,  or  series  of  events.  Thus  1797 
is  called  the  annus  mirabilis  of  Coleridge,  being  that  in  which 
he  composed  his  finest  poems.  1871  may  be  called  the  annus 
mirabilis  of  the  Papacy,  as  the  year  in  which  the  reigning 

Eontiff  attained  and  passed  the  twenty -five  years  of  St  Peter, 
•ryden  has  a  poem  of  this  name,  treating  of  the  events  of  the 
year  1666,  which  witnessed  the  fire  of  London,  and  the  gallant 
attack  on  the  Dutch  fleet  led  by  Prince  Eupert. 

303.  An  potest  quidquam  esse  absurdius,  quam  quo  minus  vise 

restat,  eo  plus  viatici  quaerere  1  (Z.)  Cic.  Sen.  18,  66. — 
Can  anything  be  more  absurd  than  to  be  accumulating 

ANTE.  41 

the  more  provision  for  the  way,  the  less  of  it  remains  to  be 
travelled  ?  Covetousness  instead  of  diminishing  increases 
with  years. 

304.  An  quisquam  est  alius  liber,  nisi  ducere  vitam 

Cui  licet,  ut  voluit1?  (L.)  Pers.  5,  83.  (Dama  the 
enfranchised  slave  loq.) — Can  any  man  be  considered 
free,  except  he  is  free  to  spend  his  life  as  he  pleases  't 

305.  An  taciturn  sylvas  inter  rep  tare  salubres 

Curantem  quicquid  dignum  sapiente  bonoque  est. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  4,  4. 

Or  sauntering,  calm  and  healthful,  through  the  wood, 

Bent  on  such  thoughts  as  suits  the  wise  and  good  ? — Conington. 

What  is  your  favourite  occupation  in  the  country  ?  Are  you 
busy  with  your  pen,  or  roaming  about  the  pleasant  woods  and 
fields  curantem  quicquid  dignum  sapiente  bonoque  est  f 

306.  Ante  ferit  quam  flamma  micet.     (L.) — He  strikes  before  the 

spark  flies.  Motto  of  the  Order  of  the  Golden  Fleece 
(Spain),  alluding  to  the  steels  and  flints  emitting  sparks 
(Arms  of  Burgundy),  of  which  the  collar  of  the  Order  is 
composed.  The  motto  on  the  badge  is  Pretium  non 
vile  loborum  (no  poor  reward  for  labour),  and  on  the 
mantle  Je  Fay  empris  (I  have  acquired  it). 

307.  Ante  mare,  et  tellus,  et,  quod  tegit  omnia  coelum, 

Unus  erat  to  to  naturae  vultus  in  orbe, 

Quern  dixere  Chaos;  rudis  indigestaque  moles. 

(L.)     Ov.  M.  1,  15. 

When  sea,  and  land,  and  the  all  covering  sky 
As  yet  were  not  in  being,  Nature  wore 
One  uniform  aspect,  which  men  have  called 
Chaos,  a  rude  and  undigested  mass. — Ed. 

308.  Ante  oculos  errat  domus,  TJrbs,  et  forma  locorum ; 

Succeduntque  suis  singula  facta  locis.  (L.)  Ov.  T.  3, 
4,  57. — My  home,  the  town,  and  each  well-known  spot 
moves  before  my  eyes ;  and  each  item  of  the  day  follows 
in  its  proper  place.  The  thoughts  of  an  exile  realising 
what  is  taking  place  at  home. 

309.  Ante  senectutem  curavi,  ut  bene  viverem ;  in  senectute,  ut 

bene  moriar.  (L.)  Sen.  Ep.  1 — Before  I  was  old,  I 
studied  to  live  virtuously ;  now  I  am  old,  my  object  is  to 
meet  death  with  fortitude. 

310.  Ante  tubam  tremor  occupat   artus.      (L.)     Virg.  A.  11, 

424. — He  trembles  befyre  the  signal  of  battle  is  given. 

42  ANTE. 

311.  Ante  victoriam  canere  triumphum.      (L.) — To  celebrate  a 

triumph  before  gaining  the  victory.  To  count  your 
chickens  before  they  are  hatched. 

312.  Antiquitas  sseculi  juventus  mundi.     (Z.)1? — The  olden  time 

was  the  world's  youth. 
On  this  Lord  Bacon  says  (de  Augm.  Sc.  lib.  1) :   These  times 
are  the  ancient  times,   when  the  world  is  ancient,  and   not 
those  which  are  accounted   ancient   ordine  retrogrado,    by  a 
computation  backward  from  ourselves. 

Cf.  Lord  Tennyson,  Day  Dream  (L'Envoi) — • 
We  are  ancients  of  the  earth 
And  in  the  morning  of  the  times. 
See  also  Pascal,  Treatise  de  Vacuo,  Pref.  • 

313.  Antiquum  obtinens.      (Z.) — Possessing  antiquity.      Motto 

of  Lord  Bagot 

314.  A    outrance,    or   a    l'outrance.       {Fr.)  —  To    the    utmost 

extent/  to  excess.  Applied  to  a  contest  between  two 
antagonists  who  were  each  determined  to  conquer  or  to 
die ;  also  to  dress,  or  to  any  custom  or  habit  which  is 
carried  to  an  extravagant  excess. 

315.  "A7ra£  Xeyofxevov.    (Gr.) — Only  once  read,  or  occurring  (viz., 

in  an  author,  book). 

316.  Aperit  prsecordia  Liber.      (Z.)      Hor.  S.  1,  4,  89. — Wine 

opens  the  heart. 

317.  Aperte  mala  cum  est  mulier,  turn  demum  est  bona.     (Z.) 

Prov.  Pub.  Syr.? — Wlien  a  woman  is  openly  bad,  then 
at  least  she  is  honest. 

318.  Aperto  vivere  voto.     (Z.)     Pers.  2,  7. — To  live  with  every 

wish  declared.  Frankly,  openly,  without  concealing  any 
of  our  secret  desires.     Motto  of  Earl  of  Aylesford. 

319.  Apices  juris  non  sunt  jura.     (Z.)     Law  Max. — Fine  points 

of  law  are  not  the  law.  "  The  law  disallows  curious  and 
nice  exceptions  as  tending  to  the  delay  of  justice." — 
Broom,  188. 

320.  Apis  Matinse  More  modoque.      (Z.)      Hor.  C.  4,  2,  27.— 

Like  Matinata's  busy  bee. 

321.  Apparent  rari  nantes  in  gurgite  vasto.     (Z.)     Virg.  A.  1, 

118. — A  few  appear,  swimming  in  the  vasty  deep.  The 
line  is  often  used  of  such  authors,  or  passages  of  authors, 
as  have  survived  the  wreck  of  time ;  or  where  a  good 
verse  is  found  mixed  up  with  a  quantity  of  trash.  A 
few  good  lines  exist  here  and  there,  but  that  is  all. 

AQUA.  43 

322.  Apparefc  id  quidem  etiam  cseco.     (L.)     Liv.  32,  34,  3. — 

Even  a  blind  man  can  see  that.  (2.)  Caecis  hoc,  ut  aiunt, 
satis  clarum  est.  Quint.  12,  7,  9. — This  is  plain  enough 
for  a  blind  man  to  see,  as  they  say. 

323.  Appetitus  rationi  obcediant.      (L.)     Cic.  Off.  1,  29,  102.— 

Keep  your  passions  under  the  control  of  your  reason. 
Earl  Fitzwilliam's  motto,  with  pareat  for  obcediant. 

324.  Appui.    (Fr.)    Mil.  Term. — The  point  d'appui  =  the  point  to 

lean  on.  The  support  or  defence  on  which  you  rest  the 
safety  of  anything,  either  in  a  literal  or  figurative  sense. 

325.  Apres  donner  il  faut  prendre.      {Fr.) — After  giving  one 

must  take.     Motto  of  the  Cameren  family  (Brittany). 

326.  Apres  la  mort  le  me'decin.     (Fr.)     Prov. — After  death  the 

doctor.     When  it  is  too  late. 

327.  Apres  la  pluie,  le  beau  temps.     (Fr.) — After  the  rain,  fair 

weather.     After  the  storm,  a  calm. 

328.  Apres  le  rire,  les  pleurs  : 

Apres  les  jeux,  les  douleurs.  (-^V.)  Breton  Prov. — 
After  laughter,  tears  ;  after  play,  pain. 

329.  Apres  nous  le  deluge  !    (Fr.)    Mme.  de  Pompadour. — After 

us  the  deluge/  Usually  quoted  as  the  expression  of 
Louis  XV. 

330.  A  priori,  a  posteriori.      (L.) — From  the  former  ;  from  the 

Phrases  used  to  distinguish  two  classes  of  reasonings.  A  priori 
demonstration  rests  its  conclusions  upon  general  notions  and 
principles,  and  is  independent  of  experience.  A  posteriori 
reasoning  is  based  upon  experience  and  fact.  The  well-known 
enmity  entertained  by  B  towards  A  would  a  priori  be  suffi- 
cient to  throw  the  suspicion  of  the  murder  of  the  latter  upon 
B  :  but  the  fact  that  B  was  found  in  possession  of  articles  be- 
longing to  A  after  the  commission  of  the  crime,  would  be 
a  posteriori  evidence  of  B's  guilt.  Loosely  speaking,  the  two 
kinds  may  be  defined  as  theoretical  or  speculative  reasoning, 
and  reasoning  from  facts. 

331.  Apropos.    (Fr.) — To  the  purpose.    At  a  fortunate  moment, 

opportunely,  well-timed.  (2.)  As  an  interjection — by  the 
vjay.  (3.)  A  propos  de,  with  regard  to, — e.g.,  a  propos  de 
bottes,  nothing  to  the  purpose. 

332.  Aqua  fortis.     (L.) — Strong  water.    Nitric  acid.     (2.)  Aqua 

regia. — Royal  water.  A  mixture  of  nitric  and  hydro- 
chloric acid,  having  the  power  of  dissolving  gold,  the 
royal  metal. 

44  A  QUATRE. 

333.  A  quatre  e'pingles.     (Fr.) — With  four  pins.     A  man  whose 

dress  is  distinguished  by  an  affectation  of  dandyism,  is 
said  to  be  tire  a  quatre  e'pingles,  or  as  we  say,  to  look  as 
if  he  had  just  come  out  of  a  band-box.  (2.)  Tirer  son 
^pingle  du  jeu. — To  get  out  of  a  scrape. 

334.  Aquilae  senectus.      (Z.)      Ter.  Heaut.  3,  2,  10.—  The  old 

age  of  t/te  eagle.     A  vigorous  old  age. 

335.  Aquila  non   capit   muscas.      (Z.)     Prov. — The   eagle   does 

not  catch  flies.     Motto  of  Lords  Graves  and  Churston. 
Great  people  should  be  above  noticing  or  avenging  petty  annoy- 
ances.    Cf.  in  same  sense,  Elephantus  non  capit  mures.     (L.) 
Prov. — An  elephant  doesn't  catch  mice.  « 

33G.  A  raconter  ses  maux,  souvent  on  les  soulage.  (Fr.) 
Corn.  (Polyeucte,  1,  3). — In  relating  our  misfortunes, 
we  often  feel  them  lightened. 

337.  Aranearum  telas  texere.     (Z.) — To  weave  a  spider's  web. 

To  employ  a  sophistical  argument. 

338.  Arbeit,  Massigkeit,  und  Ruh 

Schlagt  dem  Arzt  die  Thiire  zu.  (G.)     Prov. 

Labour,  Temperance,  and  Repose 
Slam  the  door  on  the  Doctor's  nose. 

339.  Arbiter  bibendi.     (Z.) — Tlie  toast-master.     Like  the  Greek 

/Jao-iAevs  tov  o-vfnrocriov  (king  of  the  feast).  Cf.  Quern 
Venus  arbitrum  Dicet  bibendi?  Hor.  C.  2,  7,  25. — 
Whom  shall  the  dice  appoint  as  chairman  of  the  carouse  ? 
(2.)  Arbiter  elegantiarum. — Judge  of  taste.  Cf!  Ele- 
gantiae  arbiter.  Tac.  A.  16,  18 — said  of  one  of  Nero's 
intimates.  (3.)  Arbiter  formse. — Judge  of  beauty.  Cf. 
Ov.  H.  16,  69.  Title  of  Paris,  as  appointed  to  award 
the  prize  of  beauty  to  the  most  fair. 

340.  Arbore  dejecta  qui  vult  ligna  colligit.     (Z.)     Prov. — When 

the  tree  is  dovon,  every  one  gathers  tvood.  The  meanest 
and  weakest  creature  may  triumph  eveD  over  majesty 
when  it  is  overthrown. 

341.  Avbores    serit  diligens   agricola,  quarum    aspiciet   baccam 

ipse  nunquam  :  vir  magnus  leges,  instituta,  rempublicam 
nonseret?  (Z.)  Cic.Tusc.  1, 14,  31. — The  gardener  plants 
trees,  not  one  berry  of  which  he  will  ever  see :  and  shall 
not  a  public  man  plant  laws,  institutions,  government, 
in  short,  under  the  same  conditions  ? 
312.  Arbor  vitse  Christus,  fructus  per  fidem  gustamus.  (Z.) — 
Tlie  tree  of  life  is  Christ,  the  fruit  by  faith  we  taste. 
Motto  of  Fruiterers'  Company. 

AREN^E.  45 

343-  Arcana  imperii.  (L.) — State  secrets.  The  mysteries  of 
governing.  (2.)  Arcana  regum.  Curt.  4,  6,  5. — The 
secrets  of  kings.  (3.)  Jovis  arcanis  Minos  admissus. 
Hor.  C.  1,  28,  9. — Minos  admitted  to  the  secrets  of  Jove. 
Cabinet  secrets,  still  more  the  (as  yet)  undivulged  pro- 
gramme of  a  Prime  Minister,  would  be  Jovis  arcana,  the 
secret  counsels  of  Jupiter. 

344.  Arcanum  neque  tu  scrutaberis  ullius  unquam  ; 

Commissumque  teges,  et  vino  tortus  et  ira. 

(L.)    Hor.  Ep.  1,  18,  37. 
Avoid  all  prying  :  what  you're  told,  keep  back, 
Though  wine  and  anger  put  you  on  the  rack. — Conington. 

345.  &PXV  ya-P    AeyeTcu    ukv    r}   iravrbs    £v  tous    7rapoiuiai<s 

epyov.  (Gr.)  Plat.  466,  D. — For,  according  to  the  pro- 
verb, the  beginning  is  half  the  whole  business. 

346.  Arcui  meo  non  confido.     (L.) — /  do  not  trust  to  my  bow. 

John  Wilkes'  motto. 

347.  Ardeat  ipsa  licet,  tormentis  gaudet  amantis.     (L.)     Juv. 

6,  208. 

Though  equal  pains  her  peace  of  mind  destroy, 
A  lover's  torments  give  her  spiteful  joy.  (?) 

348.  Ardentia    verba.     (L.) — Glowing  words.      Expressions  of 

great  warmth  and  ardour.  "Thoughts  that  glow,  and 
words  that  bum."  (?)  Cf.  Orator  gravis,  acer,  ardens. 
Cic.  Or.  28,  99. — A  powerful,  ready,  and  passionate 

349.  Ardua  cervix 

Argutumque  caput,  brevis  alvus,  obesaque  terga, 
Luxuriatque  toris  animosum  pectus.  (L.)  Virg.  9,  3,  80. 
Points  of  a  good  Jwrse. 
Sharp-headed,  barrel-bellied,  broadly-backed, 
Brawny  his  chest,  and  deep. — Dryden. 

350.  Ardua  molimur :  sed  nulla  nisi  ardua  virtus.     (L.)     Ov. 

A.  A.  2,  537. — /  am  attempting  an  arduous  task :  but 
virtue  only  attempts  what  is  hard. 

351.  A  re  decedunt.     (L.) — They  wander  from  the  point.     Irre- 

levant matter. 

352.  Arense  funis  effici  non  potest.      (L.)     Col.  10,  praef.  §  4. — 

You  can't  make  a  rope  of  sand.  Cf.  the  Greek  equiva- 
lent, e£  ap.p.ov  cty/hviov  TrXenciv. — Aristid.  (2.)  Arenas 
semina    mandas    Non    profecturis    litora    bubus    aras. 

46  ARGENT. 

Ov.  H.  5,  115. — You  are  sowing  tlie  sands,  and  plough- 
ing the  sea-shore  with  oxen  to  no  purpose.  Said  of  im- 
possibilities, wasting  time.  (3.)  Arena  sine  calce. 
Suet.  Cal.  53. — Sand  without  lime.  Said  by  Emperor 
Caligula  of  the  Tragedies  of  Seneca,  from  their  uncon- 
nected character;  and  applicable  to  any  desultory  dis- 
jointed performance. 

353.  Argent  comptant.     (^V.) — Ready  money.     Money  down. 

354.  Argentum   accepi,  dote  imperium  vendidi.      (L.)      Plaut. 

As.  1,  1,  74. — /  have  received  hex  dowry,  and  in  return 
have  parted  with  my  authority.  The  fate  of  one  who  has 
married  for  money.  **-. 

355.  Argilla  quidvis  imitaberis  uda.      (L.)     Hor.  Ep.  2,  2,  8. — 

You  may  mould  damp  clay  to  any  form  you  please. 
Young  natures,  being  pliant  and  tractable,  can  be  easily 
formed  in  the  direction  you  desire. 

356.  Arguit,  arguito  :  quicquid  probat  ilia,  probato  : 

Quod  dicet,  dicas  :  quod  negat  ilia,  neges. 

Riserit,  arride  :  si  flebit,  flere  memento  ; 

Imponat  leges  vultibus  ilia  tuis.     (L.)     O v.  A  A.  2, 199. 
To  a  lover. 
Blame,  if  she  blames  ;  but  if  she  praises,  praise. 
"What  she  denies,  deny  ;  say  what  she  says. 
Laugh,  if  she  smiles  ;  but  if  she  weeps,  then  weep, 
And  let  your  looks  with  hers  their  motions  keep. — Ed. 

357.  Argurnentuni.     (Z.) — An  argument. 

(1.)  Argumentum  ab  impossibili  plurimum  valet  in  lege.  (L.) 
Law  Max. — An  argument  founded  upon  impossibility  of  per- 
formance is  forcible  in  law.  (2.)  Argumentum  ab  incon- 
venienti  plurimum  valet  in  lege.  Law  Max. — Arguments 
drawn  from  inconvenience  are  forcible  in  law;  as,  where  in 
any  deed  equivocal  expressions  occur,  and  great  inconvenience 
follows  from  one  construction,  it  argues  that  such  construction 
is  not  according  to  the  true  intention  of  the  grantor.  (3.) 
Argumentum  ad  captandum. — An  argument  calculated  to  flatter 
your  opponent.  A  plausible  and  specious  statement  of  the 
case.  (4.)  Argumentum  ad  hominem. — A  personal  argument, 
the  force  of  which  consists  in  its  personal  application  to  the 
individual,  and  not  to  the  real  question.  (5.)  Argumentum 
ad  iguorantiam. — Arguments  founded  on  your  opponent's  ignor- 
ance of  the  circumstances  of  the  case.  (6.)  Argumentum  ad 
inisericordiam. — An  appeal  to  the  mercy  of  your  adversary. 
(7.)  Argumentum  ad  populum. — An  appeal  to  the  prejudices, 
2>assions,  etc. ,  of  the  mob  or  multitude.  (8. )  Argumentum  ad 
verecundiam.  — Appeal  to  our  reverence  for  constituted  authority. 
(9.)  Argumentum  baculinum. — Stick  argument.  Club  law, 
conviction  by   force.       These  latter   (3   to   9)  must  be  dis 


tinguished  from  (10.)  Argumentum  ad  rem,  or  ad  judicium. 
— Arguments  bearing  on  the  real  question,  or  addressed  to  the 
judgment,  and  when  unfairly  pressed  come  under  the  head  of 

358.  Argutos  inter  strepere  anser  olores.     (L.)     Virg.  E.  9,  36. 
To  gabble  like  a  goose  amidst  the  swan-like  quire. — Dryden. 

359.  "Aptcrrov  fiev  vSotp.     (Gr.)     Pind.  Olymp.  1,  1. — Water  is 

best.     Inscription  over  the  Pump  room  at  Bath. 

360.  "A/otcrrov  fierpov.     (Gr.)  or   (L.)  Optimus  modus. — A  mean, 

or  moderation  is  best.  Saying  of  Cleobulus,  one  of  the 
seven  wise  men  of  Greece. 

361.  Anna   cerealia.     (L.)      Virg.    A.    1,    177. — TJie   arms  of 

Ceres.  Term  comprehending  the  implements  connected 
with  the  making  of  bread  (grinding,  baking,  etc.),  and 
may  be  extended  to  mean  agricultural  implements, 
farmers'  gear,  tools,  and  tackle. 

362.  Arma  pacis  fulcra.     (Z.) — Arms  are  the  supports  of  peace. 

Motto  of  Hon.  Artillery  Company. 

363.  Arma  tenenti  Omnia  dat,  qui  justa  negat.    (L.)    Luc.  1,  348. 
To  armed  opponents  he  grants  all  he  can 

If  he  withhold  what's  right. — Ed. 

364.  Armati  terram  exercent,  semperque  recentes 

Convectare  juvat  prsedas,  et  vivere  rapto. 

(L.)     Virg.  A.  7,  748. 
In  armour  sheathed,  they  till  their  soil, 
Heap  foray  up,  and  live  by  spoil. — Conington. 

Part  of  the  quotation  forms  the  motto  of  Spectator  (No.  130) 
on  Gipsies,  and  is  rendered  by  Dryden — 
A  plundering  race,  still  eager  to  invade, 
On  spoil  they  live,  and  make  of  theft  a  trade. 

365.  Arme  de  foi  hardi.     (Fr.) — Bold  from  being  armed  with 

faith.     Motto  of  Viscount  Cranbrook. 

366.  Armoiries  parlantes.     (Ft.) — Punning  arms.     A  crest,  or 

coat  of  arms,  designed  in  rebus  fashion,  to  express  sym- 
bolically the  bearer's  name.  Thus  a  buck  couchant  on  a 
ton  would  stand  for  Buxton. 

367.  Armuth  ist  der  sechste  Sinn.     (G.)     Prov. — Poverty  is  the. 

sixth  sense. 

368.  Armuth    schandet    nicht.      (G.)      Prov. — Poverty  is   no 


369.  Arrectis  auribus  adsto.      (L.)      Virg.  A.  2,  303. — I  wait 

with  listening  ear. 

48  ARS. 

370.  Ars  artium  omnium  conservatrix.     (Z.) — The  art  that  pre- 

serves all  other  arts — viz.,  printing.  Inscription  on  facade 
of  Laurent  Koster's  house  at  Haarlem,  1540. 

371.  Ars  est  celare  artem.     (Z.)1? — The  perfection  of  art  consists 

in  concealing  it.  Cf.  Ov.  A.  A.  2,  313.  Si  latet  ars 
prodest. — If  the  art  is  hidden  it  succeeds. 
In  every  department  of  art  the  artist  must  not  allow  the  labour, 
required  for  the  perfection  of  his  work,  to  appear  on  the  sur- 
face. The  verse  of  the  poet  must  not  betray  the  hacking  and 
polishing  it  has  gone  through  in  its  production  ;  the  painting 
must  not  show  any  technical  artifice  ;  the  audience  must  not 
be  able  to  detect  professional  trickery  in  the  actor.  All  must 
appear  easy,  unlaboured,  in  a  word,  natural.  ^ 

372.  Ars  longa,  vita  brevis.     (Z.) — Art  is  long  and  life  is  fleet- 

ing.— Longfellow.  The  original  (Hippocrates  Aphorism. ) 
reverses  the  oi'der.  6  (3los  ftpaxvs,  fj  8k  rkxvrj  [MLKprj.  (Gr.) 
— Life  is  short,  but  art  is  long :  translated  by  Seneca  (de 
Brevit.  Yit.  1),  vitam  brevem  esse,  longam  artem. 

373.  Ai-s  varia  vulpis,  ast  una  echino  maxima.     (Z.)    Prov. — 

The  fox  knows  many  tricks,  but  tJie  hedgehog  only  one, 
though  it  is  the  greatest, — viz.,  to  roll  itself  up  in  a  ball. 
(2.)  Multa  novit  vulpis,  sed  felis  unuin  magnum.  Prov. 
— The  fox  knows  many  tricks,  the  cat  only  one  great  one, 
— viz.,  to  run  up  a  tree. 

374.  Arte  magistra.      (Z.)     Yirg.  A.  8,  442. — By  the  aid  of  art. 

375.  Artus   confecti   languent.      (Z.)     Lucret.   3,   959. — Their 

wasted  limbs  become  languid. 

376.  ao-ySeo-Tos  ycAws.     (£?*•)      Horn.  II.  1,  599. — Unquenchable 

laughter,  or,  Homeric  laughter. 

377.  As  in  praesenti  perfectum  format  in  avi.     (Z.) — First  words 

of  the  part  of  the  Eton  Latin  Grammar  treating  of  the 
conjugation  of  verbs.  That  which  deals  with  the  genders 
of  nouns  begins  :  Propria  qua?  maribus,  etc.  Hence  the 
lines  would  express  the  earliest  rudiments  of  Latin.  A 
boy  would  be  said  to  be  beginning  his  as  in  prozsenti,  or 
his  propria  quoz  maribus. 

378.  Asinus  asino,  et  sus  sui  pulcher.     (Z.) — An  ass  to  an  ass 

seems  beautiful :  a  pig  to  a  pig. 

379.  A  soixante  ans  il  ne  faut  pas  remettre 

L'instant  heureux  qui  promet  un  plaisir. 

(Fr.)     De"saugiers,  Diner  de  Madelon. 
At  sixty  years  old  'tis  not  well  to  postpone 
E'en  a  moment  that  promises  joy. — Ed. 

A  TATONS.  49 

380.  Asperis  facetiis  .  .  .  quae  ubi   multuru  ex  vero  traxere, 

acrein  sui  memoriam  relinquunt.  (L.)  Tac.  A.  15,  68. 
— Cutting  jokes,  especially  when  they  have  a  large 
foundation  of  truth,  leave  a  sore  which  is  not  soon 

381.  Asperitas  agrestis  et  inconcinna  gravisque, 

Quae  se  commendat  tonsa  cute,  dentibus  atm 
Duru  volt  libertas  dici  mera  veraque  virtus. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  18,  6. 

A  brutal  boorishness,  which  fain  would  win 
Regard  by  unbrushed  teeth  and  close  shorn  skin, 
Yet  all  the  while  is  anxious  to  be  thought 
Pure  independence,  acting  as  it  ought. — Conington. 

382.  Asperius  nihil  est  hurnili,  cum  surgit  in  altum. 

Cuncta  ferit,  dum  cuncta  timet :  dessevit  in  omnes 
Ut  se  posse  putent :  nee  bellua  tetrior  ulla 
Quam  servi  rabies  in  libera  terga  furentis.  (L.)  Claud. 
Eutr.  1,  181. — Nothing  so  odious  as  a  clown  that 
has  risen  to  power.  He  beats  all  while  he  fears  all : 
and  is  in  a  rage  with  all  that  they  may  think  him 
mighty :  nor  is  there  a  monster  fouler  ilian  a  slave  vent- 
ing his  fury  on  free  men.  "  Set  a  beggar  on  horse- 
back," etc. 

383.  Aspettare  e  non  venire,  Stare  in  letto  e  non  dormire, 

Ben  servire  e  non  gradire, 

Son  tre  cose  da  morire.  (It.)    Pro  v. 

To  wait  for  one  who  never  comes, 

To  be  in  bed  and  sleepless  lie, 

To  do  one's  best  and  not  to  rise, 

Are  reasons  three  to  make  one  die. — Ed. 

384.  Assai  ben  balla,  a  chi  fortuna  suona.     (It.)     Prov. — He 

dances  well  enough  wlw  has  fortune  for  his  fiddler. 
Prosperity  lightens  the  heels  as  well  as  the  heart. 

385.  Assez  dure.     (Fr.) — Hard  enough.    Motto  of  Ironmongers' 


386.  Assumpsit.     (L.)     Law  Term. — He  undertook. 

A  claim  of  damages  sustained  through  the  breach  of  a  simple 
contract  (i.e.,  a  promise  not  under  seal),  and  alleges  that  the 
defendant  assumpsit,  undertook,  to  perform  the  acts  specified. 
(Brand  and  Cox,  Diet.) 

387.  A  tatons.     (Fr.) — Groping,  feeling  the  way  in   the  dark. 

Often  applied  to  those  who  guide  themselves  in  their 
affairs  more  by  chance  than  judgment. 

50  AT  EST. 

388.  At  est  bonus  ut  melior  vir 

Non  alius  quisquam \  at  tibi  amicus,  at  ingenium  ingens 
Inculto  latet  hoc  sub  corpora.     (L.)     Hor.  S.  1,  3,  32. 

But  he's  the  soul  of  virtue  :  but  he's  kind  ; 

But  that  coarse  body  hides  a  mighty  mind. — Conington. 

389.  At  hsec  aniraos  a3rugo  et  cura  peculi 

Quuru  semel  imbuerit,  speramus  carmina  fingi 
Posse  linenda  cedro,  et  levi  servanda  cupresso. 

(L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  330. 

0,  when  this  cankering  rust,  this  greed  of  gain, 

Has  touched  the  soul  and  wrought  into  its  grain, 

What  hope  that  poets  will  produce  such  lines 

As  cedar-oil  embalms,  and  cypress  shrines  ? — Conington. 

390.  At   haec   etiam    servis    semper    libera   fuerunt,    timerent, 

gauderent,  dolerent,  suo  potius  quam  alterius  arbitrio. 
(L.)  Gic.1 — Even  slaves  have  always  been  free  to  fear, 
rejoice,  or  grieve  at  their  own  pleasure,  and  not  at  the 
wish  of  another. 

391.  AduvaTOvs  fikv  irpu>Ta  Oeovs,  vo/xty  ws  SiaKeircu  Ti/xa.      {@f-) 

Pythagor.  1 — Pay  reverence,  first  of  all,  to  the  immortal 
gods,  according  as  it  is  laid  down  by  law.  The  established 
religion.    Motto  of  Spectator,  1 82  (Sunday  at  Sir  Roger's). 

First  in  obedience  to  thy  country's  rule, 

Worship  the  immortal  gods. 

392.  At  nihil  est  dotis  quod  dem.     Ne  duas. 

Dummodo  morata  recte  veniat,  dotata  est  satis. 

(L.)     Plaut.  Aul.  2,  2,  61. 
Euclio.  But  I  have  nothing  to  give  in  the  way  of  dowry. 
Megadorus.  There's  no  need.      Provided  a  woman  comes  with 
virtuous  principles,  she  has  dowry  enough  of  her  own. 

393.  At  non  ingenio  qua^situm  nomen  ab  awo 

Excidit :  ingenio  stat  sine  morte  decus. 

(L.)     Prop.  3,  2,  23. 

Time  cannot  wither  talents'  well-earned  fame  : 
True  genius  has  secured  a  deathless  name. — Ed. 

394.  A  tort  et  a  travers.    (Fr.) — Wrong  and  across.    At  random, 

by  chance. 

395.  A  tout  seigneur   tout  honneur.     (-^V.)     Prov. — To  every 

lord  his  due  honour.  Give  every  one  his  due.  Grant 
each  their  proper  rights. 

396.  At  pulchrum  est  digito  monstrari  et  dicier,  Hie  est.     (Z.) 

Pers.  1,  28. — It's  a  fine  thing  to  be  pointed  out  with  the 
finger,  and  for  people  to  say,  There  he  is  /  Love  of 
popularity  and  public  notoriety. 

AT  SECURA.  51 

397.  Atque  in  rege  tamen  pater  est.       (L.)     Ov.  M.  13,  187. 
And  yet  he  feels  the  father  in  the  king. — Ed. 

Though  a  king,  he  has  a  father's  feelings.  Said  of  Aga- 
memnon, unwilling,  even  at  the  behest  of  Diana,  to 
sacrifice  his  daughter  Iphigenia. 

398.  Atque  utinam  his  potius  nugis  tota  ilia  dedisset 

Tempora.  (Z.)     Juv.  4,  150. 

"Would  that  he'd  spent  that  wretched  life  of  his 
On  harmless  trifles  such  as  these  ! — Ed. 

Said  of  Domitian,  who  would  turn  from  the  occupation  of  banish- 
ing and  murdering  his  subjects,  to  the  question  of  how  a 
turbot  ought  to  be  cooked. 

399.  At  qui  legitimum  cupiet  fecisse  poema, 

Cum  tabulis  animum  censoris  sumat  honesti : 
Audebit,  qusecunque  parum  splendoris  habebunt 
Et  sine  pondere  erunt,  et  honore  indigna  ferentur, 
Verba  movere  loco.  (L.)     Hor.  Ep.  2,  2,  109. 

But  he  who  meditates  a  work  of  art, 

Oft  as  he  writes  will  act  the  censor's  part : 

Is  there  a  word  wants  nobleness  and  grace, 

Devoid  of  weight,  nor  worthy  of  high  place  ? 

He  bids  it  go  though  stiffly  it  decline, 

And  cling  and  cling  like  suppliant  to  a  shrine. — Conington. 

400.  Atqui  vultus  erat  multa  et  prseclara  minantis.     (L.)     Hor. 

S.  2,  3,  9. — And  yet  your  (his)  looks  were  of  one  that 
promised  many  fine  things. 

401.  At  reditus  jam  quisque  suos  amat,  et  sibi  quid  sit 

Utile,  solicitia  supputat  articulis.    (L.)    Ov.  Ep.  2,  3,  1 7. 

But  nowadays  each  loving  naught  but  pelf, 
Counts  on  his  fingers  what'll  enrich  himself. — Ed. 

402.  At  scio,  quo  vos  soleatis  pacto  perplexarier ; 

Pactum  non  pactum  est ;  non  pactum  pactum  est,  quod 
vobis  lubet.  (Z.)  Plaut.  Aul.  2,  2,  81. — I  know  the  way 
you  have  of  confusing  things  ;  a  bargain's  no  bargain,  or 
no  bargain's  a  bargain,  just  as  it  pleases  you.  Euclio  to 
Megadorus  when  the  latter  announces  that  his  daughter 
is  to  have  no  portion. 

403.  At  secura  quies,  et  nescia  fallere  vita, 

Dives  opum  variarum  ;  at  latis  otia  fundis, 
Speluncae,  vivique  lacus  ;  at  frigida  Tempe, 
Mugitusque  bourn,  mollesque  sub  arbore  somni 
Non  absunt.  (L.)     Virg.  G.  2,  467. 

52  AT  SERMO. 

The  pleasures  of  a  country  life. 

But  tranquil  ease,  a  life  untaught  to  cheat, 
Rich  in  its  varied  wealth  :  a  calm  retreat 
'Mid  ample  fields  ;  cool  grots,  and  running  lake3, 
Valleys  like  Tempe's  shaded  lawns  and  brakes  ; 
And  lowing  herds,  sweet  sleep  beneath  the  plane,— 
These  are  the  pleasures  of  the  country  swain. — Ed. 

404.  At  sermo  lingua  concinnus  utraque 

Suavior,  ut  Ohio  nota  si  commista  Falerni  est.  (L.) 
Hor.  S.  1,  10,  23. — But  a  style  (composition)  elegantly 
composed  in  both  languages  (Latin  and  Greek)  is  all  the 
more  charming,  just  as  wine  of  the  Falernian  brand  is 
sweeter  for  being  mixed  with  Chian.  This  applies  to  any 
mixture  of  languages,  e.g.,  the  use  of  French  expressions 
in  a  piece  of  English  writing.  To  use  Horace's  simile, 
the  poorer  tongue  is  cowp6  (mixed)  with  the  richer  one. 

405.  At  si  cognatos,  nullo  natura  labore 

Quos  tibi  dat,  retinere  velis,  servareque  amicos, 
Infelix  operam  perdas,  ut  si  quis  asellum 
In  campo  doceat  parentem  currere  frsenis. 

(L.)     Hor.  S.  1,  1,  88 

Nay,  would  you  win  the  kinsmen  Nature  sends 
Made  ready  to  your  hand,  and  keep  them  friends, 
'Twere  but  lost  labour,  as  if  one  should  train 
A  donkey  for  the  course  by  bit  and  rein.  — Conington. 

406.  At  spes  non  fracta.     (L.) — Yet  hope  is  not  broken.     Motto 

of  Earl  of  Hopetoun. 

407.  Attendez  a  la  nuit  pour  dire  que  le  jour  a  ete  beau.     (Fr.) 

Prov.  (Brittany). — Wait  till  night  before  you  say  whether 
the  day  has  been  fine  or  not. 

408.  At  te  nocturnis  juvat  impallescere  chartis.     (Z.)     Pers.  5, 

62. — But  your  delight  is  to  make  yourself  pale  with  mid- 
night compositions. 

409.  At  vindicta  bonum  vita  jucundius  ipsa. 

Nempe  hoc  indocti,  quorum  praecordia  nullis 
Interdum  aut  levibus  videas  flagrantia  causis ; 
Quantulacunque  adeo  est  occasio,  sufficit  irse. 

(L.)     Juv.  13,  180. 
Revenge  is  sweet. 
Revenge  is  sweet,  dearer  than  very  life  : 
At  least  fools  think  so  :  folks  so  fond  of  strifo 
That  none  or  little  cause  sets  them  on  fire  ; 
However  slight  it  serves  to  raise  their  ire.  — Ed. 


410.  At  vos  incertam,  mortales,  funeris  horam 

Quseritis,  et  qua  sit  mors  aditura  via ; 
Quseritis  et  coelo  Phoenicum  inventa  sereno, 

Quae  sit  stella  homini  commoda,  quaeque  mala. 

(L.)     Prop.  2,  27,  1. 
Fortune  telling. 
Into  death's  hidden  hour  ye  mortals  are  prying, 

Searching  what  is  the  way  ye  shall  come  to  your  end. 
To  interpret  the  teaching  of  planets  ye're  trying, 

Which  star  is  man's  enemy,  which  is  his  friend. — Ed. 

411.  Au  bon  droit.      (Fr.) — Of  good  right.      Motto   of  Lord 


412.  Au  bout  de  son  Latin.     (Fr.) — At  one's  wit's  end.     I  was 

au  bout  de  mon  Latin,  as  the  French  say,  at  my  wit's  end 
to  know  what  to  do. 

413.  Auctor  nominis  ejus  Christus,  Tiberio  imperitante,  per  pro- 

curatorem  Pontium  Pilatum,  supplicio  affectus  erat; 
repressaque  in  prsesens  exitialis  superstitio  rursum  erum- 
pebat,  non  modo  per  Judaeam,  originem  ejus  mali,  sed  per 
urbem  etiam,  quo  cuncta  undique  atrocia  aut  pudenda 
confluunt  celebranturque.  (L.)  Tac.  H.  15,  44. — The 
leader  of  the  sect,  Christ,  had  been  put  to  death  by 
procurator  Pontius  Pilate  in  the  reign  of  Tiberius.  The 
deadly  superstition  was  for  the  moment  suppressed :  but 
it  broke  out  again,  infecting  not  only  Juda?a,  the  source 
of  the  mischief,  but  even  Rome,  the  general  sink  for  all 
the  abominations  and  infamies  of  the  world  at  large  to 
collect  together  and  run  riot  in.  Celebrated  passage  of 
the  Roman  historian,  in  which  the  death  of  Our  Blessed 
Lord  and  the  gradual  spread  of  Christianity  are  mentioned. 

414.  Auctor  pretiosa   facit.       (L.) — The   giver   makes   the  gift 

precious.     Motto  of  the  Earl  of  Buckinghamshire. 

415.  Aucto  splendore  resurgo.    (L.) — I  rise  again  with  increased 

splendour.     85  th  Foot. 

416.  Aucun  chemin  de  fleurs  ne  conduit  a  la  gloire.     (-^V.)     La 

Font.  10,  14. — No  path  of  flowers  leads  to  glory. 

417.  Audacem  fecerat  ipse  timor.     (L.)      Ov.  F.  3,  644. — Fear 

had  made  her  bold.  Cf.  Audendo  magnus  tegitur  timor. 
Luc.  4,  702. — Under  a  show  of  daring  great  fear  is 

418.  Audacter  et  sincere.     (Z.) — Boldly  and  sincerely.     Motto 

of  Lord  "Windsor  and  Lord  Strath eden  and  Campbell. 


54  AUDAX. 

419.  Audax  ad  omnia  foeimna,  quae  vel  amat  vel  odit.     (L.)t — 

A  woman  will  dare  anything,  when  she  loves  or  hates. 

420.  Audax  omnia  perpeti 

Gens  humana  ruit  per  vetitum  et  nefas. 

(L.)     Hor.  C.  1,  3,  25. 
Daring  all,  their  goal  to  win, 
Men  tread  forbidden  ground,  and  rush  on  sin. — Conington. 

421.  Ande  aliquid  brevibus  Gyaris  et  carcere  dignum, 

Si  vis  esse  aliquis.     Probitas  laudatur  et  alget. 

(L.)     Juv.  1,  73. 
Dare  something  that  will  sentence  yon  to  jail 

Or  transportation,  if  your  luck  should  fail :  **- 

Then  you  may  make  a  name.     Be  bold  ! 
For  virtue's  praised,  and  left  out  in  the  cold. — Ed. 

422.  Audentes   Fortuna  juvat.       (L.)      Virg.    A    10,    284.— 

Fortune  favours  the  brave.  (2.)  Audentes  deus  ipse 
juvat.  Ov.  M.  10,  586. — Heaven  itself  helps  the  brave. 
(3.)  Of  boldness  in  love  : — Audendum  est :  fortes  ad- 
juvat  ipsa  Yenus.  Tib.  1,  2,  16. — We  must  venture  it: 
Venus  herself  assists  the  brave ;  and  Cf.  Audentem 
Forsque  Yenusque  juvant.  Ov.  A.  A.  1,  608. — 
Fortune  and  Venus  befriend  the  daring. 

423.  Au  diable  tant  de  maitres,  dit  le  crapaud  a  la  herse.     (Fr.) 

Prov. — The  devil  take  so  many  masters,  as  the  toad  said 
to  the  harrow  / 

424.  Audi  alteram  partem.     (X.)     Law  Max. — Hear  the  other 

side.     No  man  should  be  condemned  unheard. 
Quicunque  aliquid  statuerit,  parte  inaudita  altera, 

iEquuin  licet  statuerit,  baud  aequus  fuerit.  Sen.  Med.  195. — 
Whoever  shall  decide  a  question  without  hearing  the  other  side, 
even  though  he  decide  justly,  will  not  act  with  justice. 

425.  Audiet  pugnas  vitio  parentum 

Kara  juventus.  (L.)     Hor.  C.  1,  2,  23. 

Civil  Wars. 
And  Roman  youths,  whose  fathers'  crimes 
Have  sadly  thinned,  in  after  times 

Shall  hear  the  tale  of  civic  war. — Ed. 

426.  Audio  sed  taceo.     (L.) — /  hear  but  am  silent.     Motto  of 

Lord  Kesteven. 

427.  Audire,  atque  togam  jubeo  componere,  quisquis 

Ambitione  mala,  aut  argenti  pallet  amore, 

Quisquis  luxuria.  (L.)     Hor.  S.  2,  3,  77. 

Now  give  attention  and  your  gowns  refold, 

"Who  thus,  for  fame,  grow  yellow  after  gold, 

Victims  to  luxury. — Conington. 

AUREA.  55 

428.  Audire  est  operae  pretium,  procedere  recte 

Qui  rem  Romanam  Latiumque  augescere  voltis. 

(X.)     Ennius  ? 
'Tis  worth  while  hearing,  ye  who  wish  to  see 
Rome  and  the  Latin  State's  prosperity. — Ed. 

Cf.  Horace's  parody  of  these  lines  (S.  1,  2,  37). 

429.  Audita  querela.    (Z.)    Law  Phrase. — The  complaint  having 

been  investigated. 

430.  Auditis  ?     An  me  ludit  amabilis  Insania  ? 

(L.)     Hot.  C.  3,  4,  5. 
Did  ye  hear  ?    Or  is  some  sweet  delusion  mine  ? — Calverley. 

431.  Auditque  vocatus  Apollo.       (L.)      Virg.    G.    4,    7. — And 

Apollo  hears  when  invoked.  The  god  is  auspicious  to 
poets  who  invoke  his  muse-inspiring  protection. 

432.  Auferimur  cultu  :  gemmis  auroque  teguntur 

Omnia;  pars  minima  est  ipsa  puella  sui.  (Z.)  Ov.  R.  A. 
343. — Dress  deceives  one  so  :  jewels  and  gold  ornaments 
everywhere  :  a  girl  is  often  the  least  part  of  herself. 

433.  Augurium  ratio  est,  et  conjectura  futuri  : 

Hac  divinavi,  notitiamque  tuli.  (Z.)  Ov.  T.  1,  9,  51. 
— Reason  is  my  augury  and  forecast  of  the  future ;  by 
her  aid  have  I  divined  events,  and  got  my  knowledge  of 
what  is  to  come. 

434.  Au  pis-aller.     (Fr.) — At  tlie  worst.     Let  the  worst  come  to 

the  worst. 

435.  Au  plaisir  fort  de  Dieu.     {Fr.) — At  the  powerful  disposal 

of  God.     Motto  of  the  Earl  of  Mount  Edgecomb. 

436.  Aurea  mediocritas.    (Z.) — The  golden  mean.    Cf.  Proverbs, 

xxx.  8:  "Give  me  neither  poverty  nor  riches;  feed  me  with 
food  convenient  for  me  :  lest  I  be  full,  and  deny  thee,  and 
say,  Who  is  the  Lord  1  or  lest  I  be  poor,  and  steal,  and 
take  the  name  of  my  God  in  vain." 

437.  Auream  quisquis  mediocritatem  Diligit,  tutus  caret  obsoleti 

Sordibus  tecti,  caret  invidenda 

Sobrius  aula.  (Z.)     Hor.  C.  2,  10,  5. 

Who  makes  the  golden  mean  his  guide, 

Shuns  miser's  cabin,  foul  and  dark, 
Shuns  gilded  roofs,  where  pomp  and  pride 
Are  envy's  mark. — Conington. 

438.  Aurea  nunc  vere  sunt  ssecula  ;  plurimus  auro 

Yenit  honos  :  auro  conciliatur  amor. 

(Z.)    Ov.  A.  A.  2,  277. 

56  AUREA 

The  Age  of  Gold. 
Joking  apart,  this  is  the  age  of  gold  ; 
Love,  place,  preferment — all  is  bought  and  sold.  — Ed. 

439.  Aurea  prima  sata  est  setas,  quae  vindice  nullo, 

Sponte  sua,  sine  lege,  fidem  reetumque  colebat. 

Poena  metusque  aberant.  (L.)     Ov.  M.  1,  89. 

The  Golden  Age. 
First  came  the  Golden  Age,  that  without  lord, 
Or  law,  kept  justice  of  its  own  accord. 
Both  fear  and  penalty  were  all  unknown. — Ed. 

440.  Aurum   in  stercore   quserere.     (Z.)      Cassiod.    Inst.  Div. 

Lit.   i.    p.    510. — To   seek  for  gold  amid    dung.       Tc 
extract  good  passages  from  a  heap  of  literary  trash. 

441.  Aurum  omnes  victa  jam  pietate  colunt. 

Auro  pulsa  fides,  auro  venalia  jura; 

Aurum  lex  sequitur,  mox  sine  lege  pudor.  (L.)  Prop. 
3,  13,  48. — Trampling  religion  under  foot,  gold  is  wor- 
shipped by  all.  Integrity  yields  to  its  assault ;  justice  is 
bartered  away  for  gold  ;  the  law  follows  in  the  chase,  and 
soon  modesty  will  be  without  the  law's  protection. 

Cf.  Ov.  F.  1,  217 : 
In  pretio  pretium  est ;  dat  census  honores, 
Census  amicitias  ;  pauper  ubique  jacet. 

Worth  nowadays  means  wealth  ;  friends,  place,  power,  all 
Can  money  buy  ;  the  poor  goes  to  the  wall. — Ed. 

442.  Aurum  per  medios  ire  satellites 

Et  perrumpere  amat  saxa,  potentius 

Ictu  fulmineo.  (L.)     Hor.  C.  3,  16,  9. 

Gold,  gold  can  pass  the  tyrant's  sentinel, 

Can  shiver  rocks  with  more  resistless  blow 
Than  is  the  thunder's. — Conington. 

443.  Auspice  Christo.     (L.) — Under  Christ's  auspices.      Motto 

of  Lord  Wenlock. 

444.  Auspicium  melioris  sevi.       (Z.) — An  augury  of  an  happier 

age.     Motto  of  the  Duke  of  St  Alban's  and  the  Order  of 
.St  Michael  and  St  George. 

445.  Aussitot  dit,  aussitot  fait.    (Fr.) — Hf o  sooner  said  than  done. 

446.  Ausus  est  vana  contemners     (Z.)  1 — He  dared  to  despise 

vain  fears.     Said  of  Columbus. 

447.  Aut  amat,  aut  odit  mulier;  nil  est  tertium.     (L.)     Pub. 

Syr.  1 — A   woman   either   loves   or    hates ;    there    is   no 

AUTRE.  57 

448.  Autant  en  emporte  le  vent.     {Fr.) — That  is  all  moonshine. 

Idle  talk. 

449.  Aut  bibat,  aut  abeat.  (L.)    or  rj  ttiOl,  rj  airidi.    (Gr.)    Prov. 

cit.  H.  Steph. — Either  drink  or  depart ! 
Cicero  quotes  this  old  rule  of  Greek  feasts  as  the  maxim  he  had 
observed  in  life  whenever  Fortune  frowned  on  him.  By  so 
doing,  i.e.,  hy  retiring  (he  says),  Injurias  fortunse,  qnas  ferre 
nequeas,  diffugiendo  relinquas.  (L.)  Tusc.  5,  41,  118. — The 
rude  blows  of  Fortune  which  you  are  unable  to  encounter,  you 
may  by  flight  leave  behind  you. 

450.  Aut  Caesar  aut  nullus  (1  nihil).      (L.) — Either  C&sar  or 

nothing.  Motto  of  Caesar  Borgia,  under  a  bead  of  Julius 

451.  Aut  insanit  homo,  aut  versus  facit.      (L.)      Hor.  S.  2,  7, 

117. — The  man  is  either  mad,  or  else  he's  writing  verses. 
Davus'  (Horace's  slave)  description  of  his  master's 
eccentric  and  irregular  habits. 

452.  Aut  non  tentaris,  aut  perfice.    (L.)     Ov.  A.  A.  1,  389. — 

Either  carry  it  out,  or  don't  attempt  it. 

453.  Auto  da  fe\     (P.) — An  act  of  faith. 

A  name  given  to  the  religious  procession  and  ceremonies  in  Spain 
and  Portugal  attending  the  execution  of  heretics  condemned  by 
the  tribunal  of  the  Inquisition.  What  was  to  the  condemned 
an  act  of  temporal  punishment,  was  to  the  Catholics  assisting 
an  "  Act  of  Faith."  Later  it  has  come  to  mean  the  execution 
itself,  by  fire,  and  so  to  signify  any  destruction  by  the  flames. 
The  destruction  of  the  books  of  magic  (Acts  ix.  19)  at  Ephesus 
was  an  auto  dafe  in  every  sense  of  the  term.  Not  long  since 
a  picture  of  a  lady  burning  some  old  letters  had  this  for  its  title. 

454.  Avrb  Se  to  o-Lyav  o/JLoXoyovvros  coti  crov.       (Gr.)      Eurip. 

Iph.  Aul.  1142. — Your  silence  is  a  sign  that  you  consent. 

455.  Aut  prodesse  volunt  aut  delectare  poetae, 

Aut  simul  et  jucunda  et  idonea  dicere  vitae. 

{L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  333. 

A  bard  will  wish  to  profit  or  to  please, 

Or,  as  a  tertium  quid,  do  both  of  these. — Conington. 

456.  Aut  regem  aut  fatuum  nasci  oportere.     (L.)    Sen.  Apoc. — 

One  ought  to  be  born  either  a  king  or  a  fool, — viz.,  to  have 
unlimited  licence  allowed  one.  Proverb  quoted  by  Seneca 
in  his  Lampoon  on  the  death  of  Claudius  Caesar,  Apocolo- 
cyntosis,  or  the  "  Apotheosis  of  the  Pumpkin,"  which  is 
the  name  he  gives  his  late  Majesty. 

457.  Autre  n'auray.     (Er.) — Other  I  will  not  have.     Motto  of 

the  Order  of  the  Golden  Fleece. 





458.  Autre   temps,  autres  niceurs.     (Er.)      Prov. — Other  times, 

other  manners.     The  fashion  changes  with  the  age. 

459.  Autumnusque  gravis  Libitina3  questus  acerbse.    (L.)    Hor. 

S.  2,  6,  19. 
Sad  autumn,  Libitina's  bitter  crop.  — Ed. 

Autumn  is  generally  a  sickly  season,  and  Libitina  is  the 
goddess  presiding  over  funerals. 

460.  Aut  virtus  nomen  inane  est, 

Aut  decus  et  pretium  recte  petit  experiens  vir.  (L.) 
Hor.  Ep.  1,  17,  41. — Either  virtue  is  an  empty  name,  or 
the  man  who  strains  every  nerve  may  justly  claim  the 
honour  and  the  reward. 

461.  Aux  grands   maux  les  grands  remedes.     (-^V.)     Prov. — 

Desperate  diseases  demand  desperate  remedies. 

462.  Auxilium  ab  alto.     (L.) — Help  from  on  high.     Motto  of 

Lord  Clonbrock. 

463.  Auxilium  meum  a  Domino.     (L.)      Vulg.  Ps.  cxx.  2. — 
My  help  cometh  from  the  Lord.     Motto  of  Lord  Mostyn. 

Aux  petits  des  oiseaux  il  donne  la  pature.  (Fr.)  Corn. 
(Athalie). — To  the  bird's  young  ones  He  gives  food.  The 
irreverent  Et  sa  bonte  s'arrete  a  la  literature  (and  His 
bounty  only  is  withheld  from  men  of  lettei's)  which  will 

i  home  to  the  penniless  author,  is  Gozlan's  variant 

e  second  line  of  the  couplet. 

JAes  couleuvres.     (Er.) — To  put  up  with  affronts. 

Avaricez.     (-^V.) — Advance.     Motto  of  Viscount  Hill. 

ffiWfcrus,  nisi  cum  moritur,  nil  recte  facit.  (L.) — A  miser, 
except  when  he  dies,  does  nothing  right. 

Avec  de  la  vertu,  de  la  capacite*,  et  une  bonne  conduite, 
peut  etre  insupportable ;  les  manieres  que  Ton 
ige  comme  de  petites  choses,  sont  souvent  ce  qui  fait 
HKe  les  hommes  de*cident  de  vous  en  bien  ou  en  mal ; 
une  legere  attention  a  les  avoir  douces  et  polies,  preVient 
leur  mauvais  jugement.  (Er.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  vol.  i. 
p.  87. — It  is  possible  to  possess  virtue,  talent,  and  good 
conduct,  and  yet  be  tinbearable  in  society.  One  is  apt  to 
neg&t  the  question  of  manners  as  something  trifling,  and 
yet  tmy  are  often  the  criterion  by  which  people  will  judge 
wellvjbtil  of  you:  a  little  attention  to  render  them  engag- 
ing ana  polished  will  have  the  effect  of  preventing  an 
unfavourable  opinion  being  formed  of  you. 



AVITA.  59 

469.  Ave  !  Imperator,  morituri  te  salutant.     (L.)     Suet.  Claud. 

21. — Hail,  Emperor,  those  who  are  about  to  die,  salute 
you.  Greeting  of  the  combatants  to  the  Emperor 
Claudius  at  a  naval  fight  on  the  Lago  Fucino.  Claudius, 
instead  of  Yalete,  replied,  "Avete  vos,"  as  bidding  them 
farewell :  but  the  gladiators  taking  it  in  its  usual  sense, 
as,  "  Live  I  Long  life  to  you,"  refused  to  fight,  and  in- 
terpreted the  words  as  a  reprieve;  nor  could  they  be 
induced  to  proceed  with  the  show. 

470.  Ave,  Maria,  gratia  plena,  Dominus  tecum,  etc.    (L.)    Vulg. 

Luc.  1,  28. — Hail,  Mary,  full  of  grace,  the  Lord  is'  with 
thee,  etc.  The  first  words  of  the  Angelic  Salutation  or 
greeting  of  the  Angel  Gabriel  to  the  B.V.M.';*and  since 
then,  with  other  words,  used  by  Catholics  prayer  to 
be  said  daily  along  with  the  Lord's  Prayer. 

471.  A  verbis  legis  non  est  recedendum.  (Z.)  Law  Max. — No  de- 

parture can  be  allowed  from  the  express  letter  of  a  statute. 

472.  Avia  Pieridum  peragro  loca,  nullius  ante 

Trita  solo;  juvat  integros  accedere  fonteis  *•-  •»• 
Atque  haurire ;  juvatque  no  vos  decerpere  flores, 
Insignemque  meo  capiti  petere  inde  coronam,  ^.. 

Unde  prius  nulli  velarint  tempora  Musae.  %r 

(L.)     Lucret.  1^5. 
The  Poet. 

I  love  to  roam  amid  the  secret  haunts 

Of  the  Pierides,  where  no  foot  bath  trod. 

To  visit  virgin  springs,  and  thence  to  drink  ; 

Fresh  flowers  to  gather,  that  shall  make  a  crown 

The  Muses  never  twined  for  mortal  brows. — Ed. 

Sed  me  Parnassi  deserta  per  ardua  dulcis 

Raptat  amor  ;  juvat  ire  jugis,  qua  nulla  priorum 

Castaliain  molli  divertitur  orbita  clivo.  Yir^iG,  8,  291. 

Led  on  by  Love  I  climb  Parnassus'  height 

Lonely  and  steep  :  to  wander  I  delight 

"Where  foot  of  man  has  never  turned  to  mount 

The  slope  that  rises  to  Castalia's  fount.  — Ed. 

473.  Avi  numerantur  avorum.     (Z.) — /  boast  oft^^^g  train  of 

ancestors.     Motto  of  Lord  Grantley. 

474.  Avise  la  fin.     {Ft.) — -Weigh  well  the  end.^KLotto  of  the 

Marquess  of  Ailsa. 

475.  Avita  et  aucta.     (L.) — Inherited  and  inmteased.      Mottc 

of  Order  of  the  Iron  Crown  (Austrian),  instituted  by 
Napoleon  I.  in  1805  on  his  coronation  as  King  of  Italy 
with  the  Iron  Crown  of  Lombardy.     The  motto  on  the 

60  AVITO. 

badge  round  the  crown  is,  Dio  me  la  diede,  guai  a  chi  la 
tocca  (God  gave  it  me,  woe  to  him  who  touches  it !). 

476.  Avito   viret   honore.       (L.) — He  flourishes   with   honours 

derived  from  his  ancestors.      Motto  of  the  Marquess  of 
Bute  and  Earl  of  Wharncliffe. 

477.  A  volonte".    (Fr.) — At  will.    According  to  your  inclination 

or  desire. 

478.  Aymez  loyaute*.     (Fr.) — Love  loyalty.     Motto  of  Duke  of 

Cleveland,  the  Marquess  of  Winchester,  and  Lord  Bolton. 


479.  Balnea,  vina,  Venus  corrumpunt  corpora  nostra ; 

Sed  vitam  faciunt  balnea,  vina,  Venus.  (L.)  Inscr.  Griiter. 
Wine,  women,  baths,  with  health  are  quite  at  strife  ; 
Yet  baths,  wine,  women,  make  the  sum  of  life. — Ed. 

480.  Barbara  Celarent  Darii  Ferioque  prioris 

Cesare  Camestres  Festino  Baroko  secundae,  etc.  (L.) 
Commencement  of  ancient  mnemonic  lines  of  unknown  origin, 
giving  the  19  moods  and  4  figures  in  which  a  syllogism  may 
be  stated.  Each  vowel  has  its  signification.  A  =  an  universal 
affirmative  proposition  ;  E,  an  universal  negative  ;  I,  a  par- 
ticular affirmative  ;  and  0,  a  particular  negative.  The  follow- 
ing is  a  syllogism  in  Barbara : — 

A.  All  alcohol  is  intoxicating  ; 

A.  All  wine  contains  alcohol ;  therefore 

A.  All  wine  is  intoxicating. 

481.  Barbaras  hie  ego  sum,  quia  non  intelligor  ulli : 

Et  rident  stolidi  verba  Latina  Getse. 

(L.)    Ov.  T.  5,  10,  37. 

The  traveller  in  foreign  parts. 
I'm  a  foreigner  here  on  this  shore, 

For  none  understand  what  I  say. 
At  my  Latin  the  Thracian  boor 

Only  laughs  in  his  thick-headed  way. — Ed. 

482.  Basis  virtutum  constantia.    (Z.) — Constancy  is  the  founda- 

tion of  virtue.     Motto  of  Viscount  Hereford. 

483.  Beatam  vitam  non   depulsione  mali,  sed   adeptione   boni 

judicemus :  nee  earn  cessando,  sive  gaudentem  .  .  . 
sive  non  dolentem,  sed  agendo  aliquid  considerandoque 
quseramus.  (Z.)  Cic.  Fin.  2,  13,  41. — Life  is  to  be 
considered  happy,  not  in  the  absence  of  evil,  but  in  the 
acquisition  of  good :  and  this  we  should  seek  for,  not  in 
inactivity,  enjoyment,  or  freedom  from  trouble,  but  by 
employment  of  some  kind,  or  by  reflection. 

BELLA.  61 

484.  Beati  hnmaculati  in  via.    (L.)     Vulg.  Ps.  cxviil  1. — Blessed 

are  those  that  are  undefiled  in  the  way. 

485.  Beati  misericordes,    quoniam  ipsis  misericordia  tribuetur. 

(L.) — Blessed  are  the  merciful,  for  mercy  shall  be  shown 
to  them.     Motto  of  Scots'  Company. 

486.  Beati  monoculi  in  regione  caecoruin.     (L.)     Prov. — Blessed 

are  the  one-eyed  in  the  kingdom  of  the  blind. 

487.  Beati  mundi  corde  :  quoniam  ipsi  Deum  videbunt.      (L.) 

Vulg.  St.  Matt.  v.  8. — Blessed  are  tlte  pure  in  heart:  for 
they  shall  see  God.  First  three  words  are  the  Motto  of 
Lancing  College. 

488.  Beati  possidentes.     (L.) — Blessed  are  the  wealthy,  or  tlwse 

that  possess!  Applicable  to  any  fortunate  beings  "in 
possession,"  regarded  from  the  point  of  view  of  one  de- 
barred from  such  enjoyment.  This  is  founded  upon 
Horace's  Non  possidentem,  etc.,  of  which  it  is  the  exact 

489.  Beatus  ille  qui  procul  negotiis,  Ut  prisca  gens  mortalium, 

Paterna  rura  bobus  exercet  suis, 

Solutus  omni  fcenore.  (L.)     Hor.  Epod.  2,  1. 

The  bliss  of  a  country  life. 
Happy  the  man  who  far  from  town 

(Like  one  of  earth's  primeval  nations) 
Ploughs  his  own  land,  with  team  his  own, 

Untroubled  by  the  last  quotations. — Ed. 

490.  Beaucoup  de  memoire,  et  peu  de  jugement.    (Fr.)    Prov. — 

A  good  memory,  but  little  judgment. 

491.  Beau  monde.     (Fr.) — The  fashionable  world.     The  upper 

ranks  of  society. 

492.  Beaux  esprits.      (Fr.) — Wits.      Men  of  quick  parts,  and 

ready  at  repartee. 

493.  Beinahe   bringt  keine   Mucke   urn.     (G.)     Prov. — Almost 

never  killed  a  fly. 

494.  Beleidigst  du  einen  Monch,  so  knappen  alle  Kuttenzipfel 

bis  nach  Rom.  (G.)  Prov. — Offend  one  single  monk, 
and  the  lappets  of  all  cowls  will  flutter  as  far  as  Home. 

495.  Bella  femmina  che  ride,  vuol  dir  borsa  che  piange.     (It.) 

Prov. — A  beautiful  woman  smiling  means  a  purse  weeping. 
The  purse  must  shed  its  contents  to  ensure  the  continu- 
ance of  the  lady's  smiles. 

62  BELLA ! 

496.  Bella!    horrida    bella !      (L.)      Virg.    A.    6,    86.— War! 

horrible  war  !     Motto  of  Lord  Lisle. 

Cf.  Multos  castra  juvant,  et  lituo  tubse 

Permixtus  sonitus,  bellaque  matribus 

Detestata.  Hor.  C.  1,  1,  23. 

Some  love  the  camp,  the  clarion's  joyous  ring, 
And  battle,  by  the  mother's  soul  abhorred. — Conington. 

497.  Belle  fille et  me'chante  robe  trouvent  toujours qui les accroche. 

(Fr.)     Prov. — A  pretty  girl  and  a  torn  gown  always  find 
something  to  hook  them. 

498.  Bellende  Hunde  beissen  nicht.    (G.)    Prov. — Barking  dogs 

don't  bite.  - 

499.  Bellicse  virtutis  premium.     (L.) — The  reward  of  valour  in 

war.     Motto  of  Order  of  St  Louis  and  of  the  Legion  of 

500.  Bellum  intemecinum.    (L.)     Li  v.  9,  25. — Internecine  war. 

War  of  extermination.     War  to  the  knife. 

501.  Bellum   nee   timendum   nee    provocandum.      (Z.)      Plin. 

Pan.  16. — War   should  neither  be  dreaded,  nor  rashly 

502.  Bellum  joined  with  Pax  (Peace  and  War). 

(1.)  Bellum  ita  suscipiatur,  ut  nihil  aliud  nisi  pax  qusesita 
videatur.  (L.)  Cic.  Off.  1,  23,  80. — If  a  war  is  undertaken, 
it  should  be  shown  that  peace  is  the  only  object  sought  to  be 
gained.  (2.)  Suseipienda  quidem  bella  sunt  ob  earn  causam, 
ut  sine  injuria  in  pace  vivatur.  Cic.  Off.  1,  11,  35. — The 
grounds  for  engaging  in  any  war  should  be  that  one  may  be 
able  to  lire  at  peace  without  dishonour.  (3. )  Pax  paritur  bello. 
Nep.  Epam.  5. — Peace  is  procured  by  war.  Cf.  Si  vis  pacem, 
para  bellum. — If  you  want  peace,  be  prepared  for  war.  (4.) 
Miseram  pacem  vel  bello  bene  mutari.  Tac.  A.  3,  44. — Even 
war  is  a  better  alternative  than  a  dishonourable  peace. 

503.  Bellus  homo  et  magnus  vis  idem,  Cotta,  videri : 

Sed,  qui  bellus  homo  est,  Cotta,  pusillus  homo  est. 

(L.)     Mart.  1,  10,  1. 
You  wish  to  be  a  fop,  and  great  man  too  ; 
But  fops  are  mostly  but  a  paltry  crew. — Ed. 

504.  Benedictus  es,  O  Domine ;  doce  me  statuta  tua.     (L.)    Cf. 

Vulg.  Ps.  cxviii.  12. — Blessed  art   Thou,  0  Lord;  teach 
me  Thy  statutes.     Bradfield  College. 

505.  Benefacta  sua  verbis  adornant.     (L.)     Plin.  Ep.  1,  8,  15. 

— They  enhance  the  value  of  their  favours  by  the  words 
with  which  they  are  accompanied. 


506.  Beneficium.       (L.) — A  favour;  kindness.      Benefaction; 

(1.)  Quid  est  ergo  beneficium  ?  Benevola  actio  tribuens  gaudium, 
capiensque  tribuendo,  in  id  quod  facit  prona,  et  sponte  sua 
parata.  Itaque  non  quid  fiat,  aut  quid  detur,  refert,  sed  qua 
mente.  (Z.)  Sen.  Ben.  1,  6. — A  favour  is  a  kind  action  con- 
ferring and  receiving  pleasure  by  the  mere  act  of  giving,  and  done 
from  a  prompt  and  spontaneous  inclination  of  the  giver  ;  so  that 
the  gift  or  benefit  itself  is  not  of  so  much  importance  as  the 
spirit  in  which  it  is  done.  (2.)  Beneficium  non  in  eo  quod  fit 
aut  datur,  consistit,  sed  in  ipso  dantis  aut  facientis  animo. 
Sen.  Ben.  1,  6. — A  favour  does  not  consist  in  the  service  done 
or  given,  but  in  the  spirit  itself  of  the  man  who  confers  it.  (3.) 
Gratissima  sunt  beneficia,  parata,  facile  occurrentia,  ubi  nulla 
mora  fuit,  nisi  in  accipientis  verecundia.  Sen.  Ben.  2,  1. 
— The  most  acceptable  favours  are  those  which  are  prompt, 
quickly  forthcoming,  and  where  there  is  no  hesitation,  except  it 
arise  from  the  modesty  of  the  recipient.  (4.)  Tempore  quaedam 
magna  fiunt,  non  summa.  Sen.  Ben.  3,  8. — The  greatness 
of  gifts  depends  not  so  much  in  the  am&unt,  as  the  time  when 
they  are  given.  (5.)  Primum  est  antecedere  desiderium  cujus- 
que  ;  proximum,  sequi.  Sen.  Ben.  2,  1.  —  The  best  thing  is 
to  anticipate  a  person's  wants;  the  next  best  to  grant  them. 
(6.)  Illud  melius,  occupare  antequam  rogemur ;  quia  quum 
nomini  probo  ad  rogandum  os  concurrat,  et  suffundatur  rubor, 
qui  hoc  tormentum  remittit,  multiplicat  munus  suum.  Sen. 
Ben.  2,  1. — The  better  way  is  to  forestall  a  petition;  because 
when  an  honest  man  has  to  frame  his  lips  to  ask  a  favour,  he 
is  covered  with  blushes,  and  to  relieve  him  of  this  torture  is 
greatly  to  enhance  your  benevolence.  (7.)  Ingratum  est  bene- 
ficium, quod  diu  inter  maims  dantis  hsesit,  quod  quis  segre 
dimittere  visus  est ;  et  sic  dare,  tanquam  sibi  eriperet.  Sen. 
Ben.  2,  1. — A  benevolence  loses  its  grace,  if  it  cling  so  long  to 
the  hand  of  the  giver,  that  he  seem  to  part  with  it  with  diffi,- 
culty,  and  gives  it  at  last  as  though  he  were  robbing  himself. 
(8.)  Benefacta  male  locata,  malefacta  arbitror.  Enn.  ap.  Cic. 
Off.  2,  18,  62. — Favours  injudiciously  conferred  I  consider 
as  so  much  injury.  Indiscriminate  charity.  (9.)  Sunt  quae- 
dam nocitura  impetrantibus  ;  qua?  non  dare,  sed  negare,  bene- 
ficium est.  Sen.  Ben.  2,  14.—  Where  the  gifts  would  be 
injurious  to  tlwse  who  seek  them,  to  refuse  instead  of  granting, 
is  a  real  kindness.  (10.)  Nullum  beneficium  esse  duco  id, 
quod,  quoi  facias,  non  placet.  Plaut.  Trin.  3,  2,  12. — /  do 
not  consider  that  a  kindness,  which  gives  no  pleasure  to  the  man 
you  show  it  to.  (11.)  Non  estdicendum,  quid  tribuerimus.  Qui 
admonet,  repetit  .  .  .  nisi  ut  aliud  dando,  prioris  admoneas. 
Sen.  Ben.  2,  11. — Do  not  tell  what  you  have  given.  To 
remind  a  man  of  his  obligations,  is  to  seek  a  return :  only  by 
repeating  a  benevolence,  is  it  allowable  to  call  former  bounties 
to  mind.  (12.)  Beneficium  dedisse  qui  dicit,  petit.  Pub. 
Syr.  ? — Who  talks  of  the  favours  he  has  given,  is  seeking 
one  himself.  (13.)  Un  bienfait  reproche  tint  toujours  lieu 
d'offense.  (Fr.)  Rac.  Iphig.  4,  6. — To  reproach  a  man  with  your 


favows  is  tantamount  to  an  affront.  (14.)  Ne  aliis  quidem 
narrare  debemus  ;  qui  dedit  beneficium,  taceat :  narret  qui 
accepit.  (L.)  Sen.  Ben.  2,  11. —  We  should  not  tell  to  others 
what  we  give :  let  him  who  gives  keep  silence,  and  he  only  publish 
it  who  has  received.  (15.)  Un  bienlait  perd  sa  grace  a  le  trop 
publier.  (Fr. )  Corn.  Tlieod.  1,  2. — A  favour  loses  its  grace 
by  publishing  it  too  loudly. 
(16.)  Crede  mihi,  quamvis  ingentia,  Postume,  dona: 

Auctoris  pereunt  garrulitate  sua.     (L. )   Mart.  5,  52,  7. 

Great  are  your  gifts,  but  when  proclaimed  around 
The  obligation  dies  upon  the  sound. — Hay. 

(17.)  Beneficia  eo  usque  lseta  sunt,  dum  videntur  exsolvi 
posse  ;  ubi  multum  antevenere,  pro  gratia  odium  redditur. 
Tac.  A.  4,  18. — Favours  are  only  acceptable,  where  it  appears, 
possible  to  requite  them;  but  when  they  pass  all  bounds  of  a 
return,  they  produce  hatred  in  lieu  of  gratitude.  (18.)  Un 
service  au  dessus  de  toute  recompense  k  force  d'obliger  tient 
presque  lieu  d'offense.  (Fr.)  T.  Corn.  Surena,  3,  1. — A  service 
which  exceeds  all  possibility  of  returning  it,  becomes  an  obligation 
so  great  that  it  almost  amounts  to  an  injury.  (19.)  Leve  aes 
alienum  debitorem  facit,  gcave  inimicum.  (Z. )  Sen.  Ep.  19. 
— A  small  debt  makes  a  man  your  debtor,  a  large  one  makes 
him  your  enemy.  (20.)  Qui  grate  beneficium  accepit,  primam 
ejus  pensionem  solvit.  Sen.  Ben.  2,  22. — To  accept  a  kind- 
ness with  gratitude,  is  to  take  the  first  step  towards  returning 
it.  (21.)  Qui  libenter  accepit,  reddidit.  Sen.  Ben.  2,  30. 
—  To  accept  a  favour  cheerfully,  is  to  requite  it.  (22.)  Qui 
gratus  futurus  est  statim  dum  accipit,  de  reddendo  cogitat. 
Sen.  Ben.  2,  25. — The  man  who  would  be  grateful  for  a 
favour  begins  to  think  how  he  may  return  the  kindness,  as  soon 
as  he  receives  it.  (23.)  Discamus  beneficia  secure  debere,  et 
occasiones  reddendorum  observare,  non  manu  facere  :  hanc 
ipsaru  cupiditatem  primo  quoque  tempore  liberandi  se,  mem- 
inerimus  ingrati  esse.  Sen.  Ben.  6,  41. — Learn  to  owe  an 
obligation  unconstrainedly,  and  to  watch  for  an  opportunity  of 
repaying  the  favour,  so  as  to  avoid  acting  in  too  pronounced  a 
manner.  The  over-anxiety  to  seize  the  first  possible  moment  for 
quitting  one's  self  of  a  debt  of  kindness  is,  remember,  the  act  of 
an  ungrateful  man.  (24.)  Beneficia  dare  qui  nescit,  injuste 
petit.  ?  Pub.  Syr. — He  who  cannot  perform  a  kind  act,  is  un- 
reasonable if  he  expects  to  receive  one.  (25.)  Beneficia  plura 
recipit  qui  scit  reddere.  ?  Pub.  Syr. — He  receives  most  favours 
who  knows  how  to  return  them.  (26.)  Beneficium  accipere 
libertatem  vendere  est.  Decim.  Laber.  ? — To  accept  an 
obligation,  is  to  barter  one's  liberty. 

507.  Beneficium  invito  non  datur.     (Z.) — No  obligation  can  be 

imposed  upon  a  man  who  refuses  to  receive  it. 

508.  Bene  merentibus.     (Z.) — To  the  well  deserving.     Motto  of 

Orders  of  the  Lion  of  Lemberg  (Austrian)  and  of  St 
Charles  of  Wurtenibenj. 

BIS.  65 

509.  Bene   mones ;   tute  ipse  cunctas.      (L.)      Enn.  ap.   Non. 

469,  25. — You  give  good  advice,  but  you  are  slow  to  follow 
it  yourself. 

510.  Benignse  faciendse  sunt  interpretationes  propter  simplicitatem 

laicorum,  ut  res  magis  valeat  quam  pereat;  et  verba 
intentioni,  non  e  contra,  debent  inservire.  (L.)  Law 
Max. — A  liberal  construction  should  be  put  upon  written 
instruments  in  consideration  of  the  ignorance  of  the  un- 
learned, so  as  to  make  them  operative  impossible,  and  carry 
out  to  the  fullest  extent  the  intention  of  the  parties. 

511.  Benignior  sententia  in  verbis  generalibus  seu  dubiis,  est 

preferenda.  (Z.)  Law  Max. — In  cases  where  the  mean- 
ing is  too  general,  or  is  doubtful,  a  liberal  construction  is 
to  be  preferred.  Maxim  relating  to  tbe  interpretation  of 

512.  Benignus  etiam   dandi  causain  cogitat.      (L.)      Prov. — A 

benevolent  man  will  weigh  even  the  grounds  of  his 

513.  Berretta  in  mano  non  fece  mai  danno.     (It.)     Prov. — Cap 

in  hand  never  yet  did  a  man  harm.  Politeness  is  never 
thrown  away. 

514.  Besser  ein  magrer  Vergleich  als  ein  fetter  Prozess.     (G.) 

Prov. — A  lean  compromise  is  better  than  a  fat  lawsuit. 

515.  Besser  ist  besser.     (6.)     Prov. — Better  is  better. 

516.  B<Hes-a-couronne.     (Fr.)      Mme.    de   Coeslin. — Crowned- 

animals.     Crowned-heads,  royalties,  princes. 

517.  Bien  vengas  mal,  si  vienes  solo.      (S.)     Prov. —  Welcome, 

misfortune,  if  thou  comest  alone.  But  (alas  !)  misfortunes 
never  come  singly. 

518.  Bis.     (L.) — Twice.     Proverbial  Sayings  depending  on  : 

(1.)  Bis  gratum  est,  quod  dato  opus  est,  ultro  si  offeras.  (L.) 
Pub.  Syr.  44. — If  you  proffer  spontaneously  what  you  have  to 
give,  it  is  doubly  acceptable.  (2. )  Inopi  beneficium  bis  dat,  qui 
dat  celeriter.  Pub.  Syr.  235. — He  gives  a  double  favour  to 
a  poor  man,  who  gives  quickly.  Hence  (3.)  Bis  dat  qui  cito 
dat. — He  gives  twice,  who  gives  at  once.  (4.)  Bis  peccare 
in  bello  non  licet. — It  is  not  allowed  to  make  a  mistake  in  war 
more  than  once.  (5. )  Bis  ad  eundem  (scil.  lapidem  otfendi). 
Cic.  Fam.  10,  20,  2. — To  commit  the  same  fault  twice.  (6.) 
Bis  est  mori,  alterius  arbitrio  mori.  Pub.  Syr.  50. — It  is 
twice  dying,  to  die  at  the  will  of  another.  (7. )  Bis  vincit  qui 
se  vincit  in  victoria.  Pub.  Syr.  ? — He  conquers  twice  wlw 
conquers  himself  in  the  moment  of  victory. 


519.  Bisogna  amar  l'amico  con  i  suoi  difetti.     (It.) — We  must 

love  our  friend  with  all  his  defects.  We  must  take  him, 
failings  and  all. 

520.  Blanc-bec.     (Ft.) — A  youngster.     A  green-horn. 

521.  Blandus  Honos,  hilarisque,  tamen  cum   pondere,  Virtus. 

(L.)  Statius,  S.  2,  3,  65. — Courteous  Honour  and  glad, 
yet  dignified,  Virtue. 

522.  Bceotum  in  crasso  jurares  aere  natum.     (L.)     Hor.  Ep.  2, 

1,  244. — You  would  swear  that  he  was  born  in  the  thick 
air  of  the  Bozotians.      Thick-headed,  undiscriminating, 
"  Derbyshire  born  and  Derbyshire  bred,  ^ 

Strong  in  the  arm  and  thick  in  the  head." 

523.  Bologna  la  grassa,   Firenze  la  bella,   Genova  la  superba, 

Lucca  l'industriosa,  Mantua  la  gloriosa,  Milano  la  grande, 
Padova  la  forte,  Pavia  la  dotta,  Verona  la  degna.  (It.) 
— Bologna  the  rich  (or  fat),  Florence  the  beautiful,  Genoa 
the  superb,  Lucca  the  busy,  Mantua  the  glorious,  Milan 
the  grand,  Padua  the  strong,  Pavia  the  learned,  Verona 
the  worthy.  The  celebrated  cities  of  North  Italy,  with 
their  distinguishing  titles. 

524.  Bona  fide,  or  ex  bona  fide.     (L.) — In  good  faith.     True, 

genuine,  reliable.  Used  as  an  adjective.  (Cf.  Lewis  and 
Short,  Lat.  Eng.  Diet.,  s.v.  Fides  II.,  2.) 

525.  Bona  malis  paria  non  sunt,  etiam  pari  numero  ;  nee  lsetitia 

ulla  minimo  moerore  pensanda.  (L.)  Plin.  7,  40,  41, 
§  132. — The  blessings  of  life  do  not  balance  its  ills,  even 
in  point  of  number;  nor  can  any  degree  of  joy  compensate 
even  the  slightest  degree  of  grief 

526.  Bona  nemini  bora  est,  ut  non  alicui  sit  mala.     (L.)      Pub. 

Syr.  1 — The  hour  that  brings  happiness  to  one,  brings 
sorrow  to  another. 

527.  Bona  notabilia.     (L.)     Law  Term. — Goods  to  the  value  of 

£5,  whereof  if  a  man  died  possessed  in  two  dioceses,  his 
will  must  be  proved  before  the  Metropolitan  of  the 
Province.  (2.)  Bona  vacantia. — Goods  without  owner,  or 
lost  goods. 

528.  Bon  avocat,  mauvais  voisin.     (Fr.)     Prov. — A  good  lawyer 

is  a  bad  neighbour.  His  argus-eyed  vigilance,  backed  up 
by  his  legal  knowledge,  is  likely  to  take  advantage  of  his 
neighbours'  ignorance  and  indifference  in  such  matters, 
and  may  lead  to  great  annoyance. 

BONUM.  67 

529.  Bon  chien  chasse  de  race.     (Fr.)     Prov. — A  well  bred  dog 

hunts  by  nature. 

530.  Bon  gre",  mal  gre\      {Ft.) — Whether  you  will  or  no\     Willy 


531.  Bon  jour,  bonne  ceuvre.    {Fr.)    Prov. — TJie  better  the  day, 

the  better  the  deed. 

532.  Boni  judicis   est   anipliare  jurisdictionem.       (L.)      Law 

Max. — It  is  a  judge's  duty,  when  necessary,  to  amplify 
tlie  limits  of  his  jurisdiction.  Lord  Mansfield  suggested 
that  justitiam  should  be  read  for  jurisdictionem ;  the 
principle  of  English  law  being  to  "  amplify  its  reme- 
dies, and,  without  usurping  jurisdiction,  to  apply  its 
rules  to  the  advancement  of  substantial  justice."  Cf. 
Bonus  judex  secundum  sequum  et  bonum  judicat,  et 
aequitatem  stricto  juri  prsefert. — It  is  the  duty  of  a 
judge  to  base  his  decisions  upon  what  is  right  and  just, 
and  to  prefer  equity  to  a  too  rigid  interpretation  of  the 

533.  Boni  pastoris  est  tondere  pecus,  non  deglubere.    (L.)    Suet. 

Tib.  32,  fin. — It  is  the  duty  of  a  good  shepherd  to  shear 
his  sheep,  not  to  flay  them.  Attributed  to  Tiberius 
a  propos  of  excessive  taxation. 

534.  Bonis  avibus.    (L.)    Ov.  F.  1,  513. — Under  good  auspices. 

535.  Bonis  quod  benefit  haud  perit.     (L.)     Plaut.  Rud.  4,   3, 

2. — Acts  of  kindness  shown  to  good  men  are  never  thrown 

536.  Bonne  bouche.     (Fr.) — A  nice  morsel.     A  tit-bit,  reserved 

as  a  gratification  for  the  last  mouthful. 

537.  Bonne  renommee  vaut  mieux  que  ceinture  doree.     (Fr.) 

Prov. — A  good  name  is  better  than  a  girdle  of  gold. 

538.  Bono  ingenio  me  esse  auctam  quam  auro  multo  mavolo  : 

Aurum  in  fortuna  invenitur,  natura  ingenium  bonum. 
Bonam  ego  quam  beatam  me  esse  nimio  dici  mavolo. 
(L.)  Plaut.  Pcen.  1,  2,  90. — /  liad  much  rather  be 
endowed  with  a  good  disposition  than  with  gold.  Gold  is 
found  by  chance,  a  good  disposition  is  the  gift  of  nature. 
I  had  much  rat/ier  be  called  good  than  fortunate. 

539.  Bonum  est,  pauxillum  amare  sane,  insane  non  bonum  est. 

(L.)  Plaut.  Cure.  1,  3,  20. — It  is  good  to  be  moderately 
and  wisely  in  love  ;  to  be  madly  in  love  is  not  good. 

68  BONUM. 

540.  Bonum  magis  carendo  quam  fruendo  cernitur.    (L.)    Prov. 

— We  value  a  blessing  more  when  we  are  without  it,  tlian 
when  we   are   enjoying   it.       Cf.  Shakesp.    Much.  Ado 
About  Nothing,  4,  1,  220  : 
"  That  which  we  have,  we  prize  not  to  the  worth ; 
But  being  lacked  and  lost — why  then  we  rate  its  value." 

541.  Bonum  surnmum  quo  tendimus  omnes.     (L.)     Lucret.   6, 

26. — That  sovereign  good,  at  which  we  all  aim.  Sum- 
mum  bonum  is  used  to  express  the  end  and  object  of 
existence,  and  =  the  reAos  and  to  dya66v,  chief  good  ( Arist. 
Eth.  N.  1,  2,  1 :  Plat.  Rep.  506  B),  of  philosophy. 

542.  Bonus  animus  in  mala  re  dimidium  est  mali.     (Z.)    Plant. 

Ps.  1, 5,  37. — Courage  in  a  bad  business  is  half  the  battU. 

543.  Bonus  atque  fidus 

Judex  honestum  prsetulit  utili.  (L.)  Hor.  C.  4,  9,  41. 
— A  good  and  faithful  judge  prefers  what  is  honourable 
to  what  is  expedient. 

544.  Borgen   macht  Sorgen.      (G.)      Prov. — Borrowing   makes 


545.  Borgen  thut  nur  einmal  wohl.     (G.)     Prov. — Borrowing 

does  well  for  once  only. 

546.  Boser   Brunnen,   da   maun  Wasser  muss  eintragen.     (G.) 

Prov. — It  is  a  bad  well  that  you  must  bring  water  to. 

547.  Bos  lassus  fortius  figit  pedem.     (L.)     Prov. — The  tired  ox 

treads  all  the  more  firmly. 

548.  Boutez  en  avant.     (Fr.) — Push  forward.     Motto  of  Earl 

of  Barrymore. 

549.  Breve  enini  tempus  setatis  satis  est  ad   bene  honesteque 

vivendum.  (Z.)  Cic.  Sen.  19,  70. — Even  a  short  span 
of  life  is  long  enough  for  a  virtuous  and  honourable 

550.  Brevis  ipsa  vita  est,  sed  longior  malis.     (L.)     Prov.    Pub. 

Syr.  1— Life  is  short  indeed,  but  troubles  are  shorter. 

551.  Briller  par  son  absence.     {Fr.) — To  be  conspicuous  by  one's 

Tacitus  (An.  3,  76),  speaking  of  the  funeral  of  Junia,  wife  of 
Cassius,  says :  ' '  Sed  praefulgebant  Cassius  atque  Brutus,  eo 
ipso  quod  effigies  eorum.non  videbantur."  (L.) — Brutus  and 
Cassius,  however,  were  all  the  mare  conspicuous  on  the  occasion, 
from  the  fact  of  the  busts  of  neither  of  them  being  seen  in  the  pro- 
cession. When  the  Jesuits  succeeded  in  removing  the  names  of 
Arnauld  and  Pascal  from  the  Histoires  des  Hommes  Ulustres 
(Perrault),  the  phrase  was  iu  everybody's  mouth. 

CADIT.  69 

552.  Brisant  des  potentats  la  couronne  ephemera 

Trois  mille  ans  ont  passe*  sur  la  cendre  d'Homere  : 
Et  depuis  trois  mille  ans,  Honiere  respecte* 
Est  jeune  encore  de  gloire  et  d 'immortality. 

(Fr7)     M.  J.  Chenier,  Ep.  a  Voltaire. 
'Mid  wreck  of  empires,  crowns,  and  crumbled  thrones, 
Three  thousand  years  have  passed  o'er  Homer's  bones  ; 
Yet  Homer  now,  after  three  thousand  years, 
Undimmed  in  glory  and  in  youth  appears. — Ed. 

553.  Britannia   victrix.      (L.) — Britain   victorious.      Motto   of 

Earl  of  Northesk. 

554.  Brouille  sera  a  la  maison  si  la  quenouille  est  maitresse. 

(Fr.)  Breton  Prov. — There  will  be  discord  in  the  house  if 
the  spindle  rules. 

555.  Bruta  fulmina   et   vana,    ut   quae   nulla   veniunt   ratione 

naturae:  (L.)  Plin.  2,  43,  43,  §  113.— Thunderbolts 
tliat  strike  blindly  and  harmlessly,  such  as  are  traceable 
to  no  natural  cause. 

A  brutwm  fulmen  is  used  metaphorically  of  any  violent  act,  or 
denunciatory  language,  producing  more  noise  than  injury.  A 
loud  but  idle  menace.  An  inoperative  law.  The  idea  is  of 
some  terrestial  Jupiter,  whose  bolts  have  lost  their  potency. 

556.  Biiche  tortue  fait  bon  feu.     (Fr.)     Prov. — A  crooked  log 

makes  a  good  fire.    Don't  j  udge  from  personal  appearances. 

557.  Buen  siglo  haya  quien  dijo  bolta.      (S.)     Prov. — Blessings 

on  the  man  that  said,  Right  about  face  I 

C  and  the  Greek  X  (CH). 

558.  Cada  cosa  en  su  tiempo,  y  navos  en  adviento.    (S.)   Prov. — 

Everything  in  its  proper  season,  and  turnips  in  Advent. 

559.  Cada  uno  es  como  Dios  le  bizo,  y  aun  peor  muchas  veces. 

(S.)  Cervantes,  D.  Quijote,  2,  4. — Every  one  is  as  God 
made  him,  and  oftentimes  a  great  deal  worse. 

560.  Cada   uno   es   hijo   de   sus  obras.      (S.)      Cervantes,   D. 

Quijote,  2,  32. — Every  man  is  the  son  of  his  own  works. 
Every  one  is  responsible  for  bis  own  acts.  The  child  is 
father  of  the  man. 

561.  Cadit  qusestio.     (L.) — The  question  is  at  an  end.      The 

subjectVequires  no  further  discussion. 

ro  c^ca. 

562.  Caeca  invidia  est,  .    .   .    nee   quidquam  aliud   scit,  quam 

detrectare  virtu tes.  (L.)  Liv.  38,  49. — Envy  is  blind, 
and  her  whole  power  consists  in  disparaging  the  virtues 
of  others. 

563.  Caecus  non  judicat  de  colore.     (L.) — A  blind  man  is  a  bad 

judge  of  colour. 

564.  Caelitus  mini  vires.     (L.) — My  strength  is  from  heaven. 

Motto  of  Viscount  Ranelagh. 

565.  Caelo  tegitur  qui  non  habet  urnam.     (Z.)     Luc.  7,  819. 

The  unburied  dead.  ^ 

The  vault  of  heaven 
Doth  cover  him  who  hath  no  funeral  urn. — Ed. 

566.  Caelum  non  animum  mutant  qui  trans  mare  currant. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  11,  27. 
Change  of  scene. 
Who  fly  beyond  the  seas  will  find 
Their  climate  changed,  but  not  their  mind. — Ed. 

Motto  of  American  newspaper  Albion. 

567.  Csesarem  vehis  Caesarisque  fortunam.     (L.)     Or  in  Greek 

(see  Plutarch,  Caes.),  Kaurdpa  ^peis,  kcu  T7)y  Kaio-apos 
t6\tjv. — You  carry  Cazsar  and  his  fortunes. 

This  is  the  famous  traditional  reply  of  Julius  Caesar  to  the 
mariner,  Amyclus,  when  overtaken  by  tempest  as  he  was 
secretly  crossing  from  Durazzo  to  Brindisi  in  an  open  boat. 
The  sailor  declared  he  would  go  no  further.  Caesar,  grasping 
his  hand,  bade  him  fear  nothing.  Perge  aiulacter,  Caesarem 
vehis,  etc. — Go  on  boldly,  you  carry  Casar,  etc.,  as  above. 
(V.  Suet.  Jul.  Ed.  Delphin.  Valpy,  Lond.  1826,  vol.  iii, 
Notae  Varior.,  p.  1302.) 

Lucan  (5,  577)  renders  the  incident  in  verse. 

Fisus  cuncta  sibi  cessura  pericula  Caesar 
Sperne  minas,  inquit,  pelagi,  ventoque  furenti 
Trade  sinum.     Italiam  si  caelo  auctore  recusas 
Me  pete.     Sola  tibi  causa  haec  est  just  a  tinioris 
Vectorem  non  nosse  tuum. 

Caesar  and  the  Mariner. 
Reckoning  all  dangers  to  surmount 
Caesar  replied,  Make  little  count 
Of  threatening  sea  or  furious  gale, 
But  boldly  spread  the  bellying  sail. 
And  if  in  spite  of  Heaven's  acclaim 
Thou  would'st  turn  back,  then  ask  my  name. 
There's  a  just  reason  for  thy  fears, 
Thou  know'st  not  whom  thy  vessel  bears. — Ed. 


5G8.  Calamitosus  est  animus  futuri  anxius  et  ante  miser ias 
miser,  qui  solicitus  est,  ut  ea  quibus  delectatur  ad  extre- 
mum  usque  permaneant.  (L.)  Sen.  Ep.  98. — The  man 
who  is  always  thinking  of  the  future  is  in  a  deplorable 
state,  and  makes  himself  wretclied  before  his  time,  in  his 
anxiety  to  have  his  enjoyment  'prolonged  to  the  last  day 
of  life. 

569.  Callidos   eos  appello  quorum,   tanquam  manus  opere,  sic 

animus  usu  concalluit.  (Z.)  Cic.  N.  D.  3,  10,  25. — 
I  call  persons  shrewd,  whose  minds  have  been  toughened 
by  experience,  as  a  maris  hands  get  hard  by  labour. 

570.  Calomniez,  calomniez,  il  en  reste  toujours  quelque  chose. 

(Fr.)  Beaumarchais,  Barbier  de  SeVille. — Keep  on  abusing, 
some  of  it  always  remains  behind. 

Cf.  Bacon,  de  Augm.  Sc.  8,  2.  Audacter  calumniare,  semper 
aliquid  hseret.  (L.) — Calumniate  boldly,  some  of  it  will  always 
remain.  An  identical  saying  will  be  found  in  Maulius' 
Locorum  Comm.  Collectanea  (Basilese,  1563),  vol.  ii.,  p.  268, 
and  also  in  Caspar  Peucer's  Historia  Carcerum  (Tiguri,  1605), 
p.  57,  both  quotations  relating  to  one  Midias  (?Medius),  a 
well-known  calumniator,  who  was  accustomed  to  use  the  say- 
ing. Archbishop  Whately  used  to  say,  "If  you  only  throw 
dirt  enough,  some  of  it  is  sure  to  stick." 

571.  Calumniari  si  quis  autem  voluerit, 

Quod  ai'bores  loquantur,  non  tantum  feree ; 
Fictis  jocari  nos  meminerit  fabulis. 

(Z.)     Phiedr.  1,  Prol.  5. 
JEsops  Fables. 
But  if  the  critics  it  displease 
That  brutes  should  talk,  and  even  trees, 
Let  them  remember  I  but  jest, 
And  teach  the  truth  in  fiction  drest. — Ed. 

572.  Campos  ubi  Troja  fuit.     (L.)1 — The  fi elds  where  Troy  once 

stood.  Applicable  to  the  site  of  any  ruined  or  vanished 
city  of  antiquity,  or  of  any  formerly  well-known  build- 
ings now  no  longer  standing. 

573.  Canam  mihi  et  Musis.    (L.)    Bayle? — I  icill  sing  to  myself 

and  to  the  Muses.     An  unappreciated  poet. 

574.  Can  ch'  abbaia  non  morde.     (It.)      Prov. — Tlie  cur  that 

barks  does  not  bite. 

575.  Candida  pax  homines,  trux  decet  ira  feras.    (L.)    Ov.  A.  A. 

3,  502. — Smiling  peace  is  becoming  to  men,  and  fierce 
anger  to  wild  beasts. 


576.  Candida,  perpetuo  reside,  concordia,  lecto, 

Jam  que  pari  semper  sit  Venus  aequa  jugo  : 
Diligat  ilia  senem  quondam ;  sed  et  ipsa  marito, 
Tunc  quoque  cum  fuerit,  non  videatur  anus. 

(L.)     Mart.  4,  13,  7. 
Marriage  wishes. 
Sweet  concord  ever  o'er  their  home  preside, 
And  mutual  Love  the  well-matched  couple  guide  : 
May  she  love  him  when  time  hath  touched  his  hair, 
And  he,  when  she  is  old,  still  think  her  fair. — Ed. 

577.  Candide  et  constanter.    (L.) — With  candour  and  constancy. 

Motto  of  the  Earl  of  Coventry. 

578.  Candidus  in  nauta  turpis  color:  sequoris  unda 

Debet  et  a  radiis  sideris  esse  niger.  (Z.)     Ov.  1 

The  sailor. 
A  fair  skin  in  a  sailor's  out  of  place, 
The  sun  and  salt  sea-spray  should  tan  his  face. — Ed. 

579.  Canis.      (L.) — A  dog.      Proverbial  expressions  connected 

with : 

(1.)  Cane  pejus  et  angui.  (L.)  Prov.  Hor.  Ep.  1,  17,  30.— 
Worse  than  a  dog  or  snake.  (2. )  Canina  eloquentia.  Quint. 
12,  9,  9.  (Cf.  Canina  facundia,  Appius  ap.  Sail.  Fragm. 
25,  37.) — Dog -eloquence,  dog-oratory.  Snarling,  abusive.  (3.) 
Canis  caninam  non  est.  Auct.  ap.  Varr.  L.  L.  7,  §  32. — Dog 
don't  eat  dog.  (4.)  Canis  timidus  vehementius  latrat  quam 
mordet.  Curt.  7,  4,  13. — A  cowardly  dog  barks  worse  than 
it  bites.  (5.)  Cave  canem.  Petr.  29. — Beware  of  the  dog. 
Inscription  of  warning  to  trespassers  on  doors.  (6.)  Stultitia 
est  venatum  ducere  invitos  canes.  Plaut.  Stich.  1,  2,  82. 
— It  is  folly  to  take  unwilling  hounds  out  hunting.  (7.) 
Ut  canis  e  Nilo.  Cf.  Phsedr.  1,  25. — {To  run)  like  a  Nile 
dog — i.e.,  quickly  to  avoid  being  snapped  up  by  crocodiles. 
(8.)  Canis  festinans  caecos  parit  catulos.  Prov. — A  dog  that 
hurries  too  fast  will  have  blind  puppies.  (9.)  Canis  a  corio 
nunquam  absterrebitur  uncto.  Hor.  S.  2,  5,  83. — You  will 
never  tear  a  dog  away  from  a  greasy  hide.  A  dog  that  has 
once  tasted  flesh  will  be  always  gnawing  anything  of  the  kind. 
Proverb  implying  that  bad  habits  stick  closely.  (Cf.  The 
Greek  saying,  ^a\e7r6v  x°P^  K^va  yevcrai.  Theocr.  10,  11. — 
It  is  ill  letting  a  dog  taste  blood. ) 

580.  Cantabit  vacuus  coram  latrone  viator.     (L.)     juv.  11,  22. 

— The  traveller,  whose  pockets  are  empty,  will  sing  in  the 
presence  of  robbers. 

581.  Cantantes   licet   usque,    (minus   via   laedet)   eamus.      (L.) 

Yirg.  E.  9,  84. 
Keep  we  singing  as  we  go, 
It  will  make  the  wav  less  slow. — Ed. 

CAPUT.  73 

582.  Cantat  vinctus  quoque  coinpede  fossor, 

Indocili  nuniero  cum  grave  mollit  opus. 
Cantat  et  innitens  limosae  pronus  arena?, 

Adverse-  tardam  qui  trahit  amne  ratem. 

(L.)     Ov.  T.  4,  1,  5. 
The  convict  bound  with  heavy  chains 
His  labour  cheers  with  artless  strains  : 
Or  sings  as  bent  by  oozy  marge, 
He  slowly  drags  against  the  stream  the  barge.  — Ed. 

583.  Cantilenam  eandem  canis.     (L.)     Ter.  Phorm.  3,  2,  10. — 

You  are  singing  the  same  {old)  song  (in  Greek  to  avrb 
aSeis  q[<T[ia.). 

584.  Cap  a  pie.      (Old  Fr.) — From  top  to  toe.     The  modern 

French  equivalent  is  de  pied  en  cap.  Armed  cap-a-pie  = 
in  complete  armour. 

585.  Capias.     (L.)     Law  Phrase. —  You  may  take.     In  English 

common  law  the  first  word  of  a  writ  directed  against  the 
person  to  effect  his  arrest. 

586.  Capias  ad  respondendum.      (L.)      Law  Term. — You  may 

take  him  to  make  answer.  Writ  to  arrest  a  party  at 
large,  or  already  in  custody  of  the  sheriff.  (2.)  Capias 
ad  satisfaciendum  (abbrev.  ca,  sa). — Writ  of  execution 
after  judgment  for  recovery  of  debt  or  damages. 

587.  Capistrum  maritale.     (L.) — The  matrimonial  halter.     Vide 

Juv.  6,  43. 

588.  Capitis  nives.     (L.)     Hot.  C.  4,  13,  12. — The  snowy  head. 

White  hair. 

589.  Captum  te  nidore  sua?  putat  ille  culinae 

Nee  male  conjectat.  (L.)     Juv.  5,  162. 

He  knows  you  can't  resist  the  savoury  smell 
From  his  own  kitchen  ;  and  he  guesses  well. — Ed. 

590.  Caput  inter  nubila  condit.     (L.)     Virg.   A.  4,  177. — She 

hides  her  head  amidst  the  clouds.  Said  of  rumour. 
Motto  of  the  town  of  Gateshead. 

591.  Caput  mortuum.     (L.) — A  dead  head.     In  chemistry,  the 

inert  residuum  of  the  distillation  and  sublimation  of 
different  substances.  (2.)  Trop. — A  blockhead,  a  cypher, 
a  nonentity. 
692.  Caput  mundi.  (L.) — The  head  of  the  world.  Applied 
anciently  to  Pagan  and,  later,  to  Papal  Rome.  Cf.  Ipsa, 
caput  mundi  .  .  .  Roma.  Lucan.  2,  655.  Cf.  Caput 
imperii      Tac.  H.  1,  84. — Head  of  the  Empire;  and 

74  CARA. 

Caput  rerum.  Id.  A.  1,  47. — Head  of  things  (civilisa- 
tion).    All  said  of  Imperial  Rome. 

593.  Cara  al  mio  cuor  tu  sei,  Cib  ch'e  il  sole  agli  occhi  miei.    {It.)1 

— Thou  art  as  dear  to  my  heart  as  the  light  to  my  eyes. 
Cf.  Gray,  Bard,  1,  3,  12  : 

Dear  as  the  light  that  visits  these  sad  eyes, 
Dear  as  the  ruddy  drops  that  warm  my  heart. 

594.  Car  il  n'est  si  beau  jour  qui  n'amene  sa  nuit.       (-^V-) 

[  We  seek  to  prolong  human  pleasures  in  vain,] 
For  the  sunniest  day  brings  the  night  in  its  train. 

Epitaph  of  Jean  d'Orbesan,  quoted  by  Chateaubriand  in 
the  Memoires  d'Outre-Tombe.  **■ 

595.  Cari  sunt  parentes,  cari  liberi,  propinqui,  familiares;  sed 

omnes  omnium  caritates  patria  una  complexa  est :  pro 
qua  quis  bonus  dubitet  mortem  oppetere,  si  ei  sit  pro- 
futurus.  (L.)  Cic.  Off.  1,  17,  57. — Dear  are  our 
parents,  dear  to  us  our  children,  relations,  and  friends : 
but  the  attachment  of  all  of  these  combined  is  embraced  in 
the  thought  of  one's  country,  for  whose  sake  who  would 
hesitate  to  face  death,  should  it  be  of  any  advantage  to  her  ? 

596.  Carmen  hie  .  .  .    intus  canit.     (Z.)     Cic.  Agr.  2,  26,  68. 

— He  sings  for  himself     Consults  his  own  interests. 

597.  Carmen  triumphale.     (L.) — Song  of  triumph. 

598.  Carmina  nil  prosunt :  nocuerunt  cannina  quondam.     (L.) 

Ov.  Ep.  4,  13,  41. — Verse  does  no  good:  it  has  done 
sometimes  harm. 

599.  Carmina  proveniunt  animo  deducta  sereno; 

Nubila  sunt  subitis  tempora  nostra  malis. 
Carmina  secessum  scribentis  et  otia  quserunt ; 

Me  mare,  me  venti,  me  fera  jactat  hiems. 
Carminibus  metus  omnis  abest :  ego  perditus  ensem 
Hsesururu  jugulo  jam  puto  jamque  meo. 

(L.)     Ov.  T.  1,  39. 
Poems  the  offspring  are  of  minds  serene  ; 
My  days  are  clouded  with  ills  unforeseen. 
Poems  retirement  need  and  easy  leisure  ; 
Sea,  winds,  and  winter  tease  me  at  their  pleasure. 
Poems  must  have  no  fears  ;  I,  luckless  wight, 
Fancy  the  knife  is  at  my  throat  each  night. — Ed. 

600.  Carmina  spreta  exolescunt ;   si  irascare,  agnita  videntur. 

(£.)  Tac.  A.  4,  34. — Leave  a  scurrilous  libel  unnoticed, 
and  it  will  expire  of  itself ;  but  show  that  you  are  hurt, 
and  you  seem  to  admit  its  application. 

CASUS.  75 

601.  Carmina  sublimis  tunc  sunt  peritura  Lucreti, 

Exitio  terras  quum  dabit  una  dies. 

(L.)     Ov.  Am.  1,  15,  23. 

The  Poet's  Immortality. 
Sublime  Lucretius'  verses  then  shall  die, 
"When  Heaven  and  Earth  shall  all  in  ruins  lie. — Ed. 

602.  Carmine  di  snperi  placantur,  carmine  Manes. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  2,  1,  138. 

The  gods  above,  the  shades  below 
Are  both  appeased  by  song. — Ed. 

603.  Carte  blanche.     (Fr.) — A  blank  card.     Giving  a  person  a 

carte  blanche  in  any  affair,  is  giving  him  full  permission 
to  act  according  to  his  own  pleasure  or  discretion. 

604.  Caseus  est  nequam  quia  concoquit  omnia  secum.     Caseus 

est  sanus  quern  dat  avara  manus.  (L.)  Maxims  of 
the  School  of  Salerno. — Cheese  is  injurious,  because  it 
digests  all  other  things  with  itself.  Cheese  when  given 
with  a  sparing  hand  is  wholesome  On  the  superiority 
of  either  of  these  two  contending  aphorisms  over  the 
other,  it  must  be  left  to  the  caseists  and  anticaseists  of 
the  medical  world  to  decide. 

605.  Cassis  tutissima  virtus.     (L.) — Virtue  is  the  safest  helmet. 

Motto  of  the  Marquess  of  Cholmondeley  and  Lord 

606.  Castigat  ridendo  mores.    (L.)     Santeuil,  XVIIth.  century. 

— He  corrects  men's  manners  in  a  playful  way.  Adopted 
as  motto  by  the  Comedie  Italienne  and  the  Opera  Comique 
theatres  at  Paris. 

607.  Castum  esse  decet  pium  poetam 

Ipsum  :  versiculos  nihil  necesse  est.     (L.)     Cat.  16,  5. 

A  poet  should  be  chaste  himself,  I  know  : 

But  nought  requires  his  verses  should  be  so.  — Ed. 

608.  Casus  belli.     (L.) — Fortune  of  war.     In  modern  Latin  it 

=  a  case,  or,  ground  for  proceeding  to  war. 

609.  Casus  omissus  et    oblivioni   datus   disposition!  communis 

juris  relinquitur.    (Z.)    Law  Max. — Any  case  which  has 
been  omitted  and  overlooked  by  the  statute  must  be  dis- 
posed of  according  to  the  laiv  as  it  existed  prior  to  such 
The  maxim  refers  to  exceptional  and  individual  cases  which  it 
would  be  impossible  to  provide  for  in  framing  a  statute,  and 
therefore,  ad  ea  qua  frequcntius  accidunt  jura  adaptamiur,  tho 
laws  are  adapted  to  those  cases  which  most  frequently  occur. 

76  CASUS. 

610.  Casus  quern  ssepe  transit,  aliquando  invenit.     (L.)     Pub. 

Syr.  1 — Misfortune  often  passes  by  a  man  without  harming 
him,  but  reaches  him  some  day.  The  pitcher  goes  often 
to  the  well,  but  is  broken  at  last. 

611.  Casus  ubique  valet;  semper  tibi  pendeat  hamus  : 

Quo  minime  credas  gurgite,  piscis  erit. 

(L.)    Ov.  A.  A.  3,  425. 
There's  always  room  for  chance,  so  drop  your  hook  ; 
A  fish  there'll  he  where  least  for  it  you  look. — Ed. 

612.  Cato  contra  mundum.    (L.)  1 — Cato  against  the  world.    Cf. 

Victrix  causa,  etc.  •£ 

This  saying  and  the  similar  one  (Athanasius  contra  mundum)  is 
quoted  of  any  man  who,  like  Cato  in  his  ineffectual  struggle 
against  Caesar,  or  Athanasius  in  his  single-handed  defence  of 
the  truth,  champions  an  unpopular  and  desperate  cause  in  the 
face  of  general  public  opinion. 

613.  Caton  se  le  donna;  Socrate  l'attendit.      (Fr.) — Lemierre, 

Barnevelt. — Cato  inflicted  it  on  himself ;  Socrates  waited 
till  it  came, — i.e.,  death. 

614.  Catus   amat  pisces,   sed   non   vult   tingere   plantas.     (L.) 

Med.  Lat. — Pussy  loves  fish,  but  is  unwilling  to  wet  her  feet. 

615.  Causa  latet,  vis  est  notissima.  (L.)     Ov.  M.  4,  287. 
The  cause  is  hidden,  its  effect  most  clear. — Ed. 

616.  Causam  hanc  justam  esse,  animum  inducite, 

Ut  aliqua  pars  laboris  minuatur  raihi.  (X.)  Ter.  Heaut. 
Prol.  41. — Believe  me  that  this  is  a  just  request,  that  so 
some  portion  of  my  labours  may  be  diminished. 

617.  Cause  celebre.     (-^V.) — A  celebrated  case.     Said  generally 

of  any  celebrated  action  at  law,  e.g.,  the  Tichborne  trial. 

618.  Cautus  enim  metuit  foveam  lupus,  accipiterque 

Suspectos  laqueos,  et  opertum  miluus  hamum. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  16,  50. 
The  wolf  avoids  the  pit,  the  hawk  the  snare, 
And  hidden  hooks  teach  fishes  to  beware. — Conington. 

619.  Caveat  emptor,  quia  ignorare  non  debuit  quod  jus  alienum 

emit.     (L.)     Law  Max. — Let  a  purchaser  beware,  for  he 

ought  not  to  be  ignorant  of  the  nature  of  the  property 

which  he  is  buying  from  another  party. 

The  maxim  '  •  caveat  emptor, "  let  a  purchaser  beware,  applies  in 

the  purchase  of  land  and  goods,  with  certain  restrictions,  both 

as  to  the  title  and  quality  of  the  thing  sold.     Out  of  the  legal 

sphere  the  phrase  is  used  as  a  caution  in  the  case  of  any 

articles  of  doubtful  quality  offered  for  sale. 

CELA.  77 

620.  Cavendo  tutus.     (X.) — Safe  by  caution.     Punning  motto 

of  the  Duke  of  Devonshire,  Lord  Waterpark,  and  Lord 
Chesham  (Cavendish). 

621.  Cavendum  est  ne  ...  in  festinationabus  suscipiamus  nimias 

celeritates.  (L.)  Cic.  Off.  1,  36,  131.—  We  must  take 
care  not  to  let  our  haste  lead  us  into  unnecessary  hurry. 
More  haste,  less  speed. 

622.  Cave    sis   te    superare   servom    siris   faciundo  bene.     (L.) 

Plaut.  Bacch.  3,  2,  18. — Take  care  you  don't  let  your 
servant  surpass  you  in  well  doing. 

623.  Cead  mille  fail  the.    (Celt.) — A  hundred  thousand  welcomes. 

624.  Cedant  anna  togse,  concedat  laurea  linguae.     (L.)     Cic.  Off. 

1,  22,  77. — Let  arms  give  place  to  the  robe,  and  the  laurel 
of  the  warrior  yield  to  the  tongue  of  the  orator.  So  the 
line  is  usually  quoted,  though  Cicero  wrote  laudi,  not 
linguae.  It  is  sometimes  said  of  the  diplomatic  discus- 
sions which  follow  upon,  and  not  unfrequently  fritter 
away,  the  successes  gained  in  the  field. 

625.  Cedant  carminibus  reges,  regumque  triumphi. 

(L.)     Ov.  Am.  1,  15,  33. 
To  verse  must  kings,  and  regal  triumphs  yield. — Ed. 

626.  Cede  nullis.     (L.) — Yield  to  none.     105th  Foot. 

627.  Cede  repugnanti:  cedendo  victor  abibis.     (L.)     Ov.  A.  A. 

2,  197. — Yield  to  your  opponent,  by  yielding  you  will 
come  off  conqueror.  Cases  often  occur  when  a  prudent 
and  dignified  concession  gives  the  person  making  it  a 
decided  advantage  over  his  adversary. 

628.  Cedit  amor  rebus,  res  age,  tutus  eris.     (L.)     Ov.  R.   A. 

144. — Love  gives  way  to  matters  of  business,  be  busily 
occupied  and  you  will  be  safe. 

629.  Ceaite  Romani  scriptores,  cedite  Graii, 

Nescio  quid  majus  nascitur  Iliade.    (L.)    Prop.  2,  34,  65. 
Your  places  yield,  ye  bards  of  Greece  and  Rome, 
A  greater  than  the  Iliad  has  come  ! — Ed. 

630.  Cedunt  grammatici,  vincuntur  rhetores.     Oinnis 

Turba  tacet.  (L.)  Juv.  6,  437. — The  philologists  are 
dumb,  the  rhetoricians  are  beaten,  the  whole  crowd  is 
silent :  while  Messalina,  wife  of  Claudius,  descants  upon 
the  merits  of  Homer  and  Virgil. 

631.  Cela  m'echauffe  la  bile.     (Fr.) — It  stirs  my  bile. 

632.  Cela  n'est  pas  de  mon  ressort.     (-^V.) — That  is  not  in  my 

line  of  business.     It  is  not  in  my  province. 

78  CELA. 

633.  Cela  va  sans  dire.     (Fr.) — That  is  a  matter  of.  course.     I 

need  not  say.     It  is  unnecessary  to  add. 

634.  Celer  et  audax.     (L.) — Active  and  daring.     Motto  of  60th 


635.  Ce  livre  n'est  pas  long,  on  le  voit  en  une  heure ; 

La  plus  courte  folie  est  toujours  la  meilleure.     {Ft.) 
This  book  is  not  long,  one  sees  that  at  a  glance, 
And  shortness  does  always  a  folly  enhance. 
(From  the  frontispiece  of  a  collection  oiJoyeux  e'pigrammes 

of  La  Giraudiere,  1633.) 

636.  Celsse  graviore  casu  Decidunt  turres,  feriuntque  summos 

Fulgura  montes.  (L.)     Hor.  C.  2,  10,  10.     * 

High  places. 
The  higher  the  tower,  the  worse  the  crash 

When  to  the  earth  it  headlong  drops  ; 
And  smites  the  dreaded  lightning-flash 
The  mountain  tops. — Ed. 

637.  Celui-la  est  le  mieux  servi,  qui  n'a  pas  besoin  de  niettre  les 

mains  des  autres  au  bout  de  ses  bras.  (Fr.)  Rous.? — 
He  is  the  best  served  who  does  not  need  to  have  other 
people's  hands  at  the  ends  of  his  own  arms.  If  you  want 
a  thing  done,  do  it  yourself. 

638.  Celui  qui  a  de  l'imagination  sans  e'rudition  a  des  ailes,  et 

n'a  pas  de  pieds.  (Fr.)  Joubert  1 — The  man  who  has 
imagination  without  learning,  has  wings  ivitlwut  feet. 

639.  Celui  qui  a  trouve  un  bon  gendre,  a  gagne*  un  fils ;  mais 

celui  qui  en  a  rencontre'  un  mauvais,  a  perdu  une  fille. 
(Fr.)  Prov. — The  man  who  has  got  a  good  son-in-law  has 
found  a  son,  but  he  who  has  met  with  a  bad  one  lias  lost  a 

640.  Celui  qui  deVore  la  substance  du  pauvre,  y  trouve  a  la  fin 

un  os  qui  l'e'trangle.  (Fr.)  Prov. — He  who  devours  the 
substance  of  the  poor  will  meet,  in  the  end,  with  a  bone  to 
choice  him. 

641.  Celui  qui  met  un  frein  a  la  fureur  des  flots, 

Sait  aussi  des  nie'chants  arreter  les  complots. 

(Fr.)     Rac.  Athalie,  1,1. 

For  He  who  can  bridle  the  rage  of  the  waves 

Can  hinder  the  mischievous  plottings  of  knaves. — Ed. 

642.  Celui  qui  veut,  celui-la  peut.     (-^V.)     Breton  Prov. — He 

who  wills,  can. 

643.  C'en  est  fait.     (Fr.) — It  is  all  over. 

CE  QUI.  79 

644.  Ce  n'est  pas  6tre  bien  aise  que  de  lire.     (Fr.)     St  Evre- 

mond  1— Laughing  is  not  always  a  sign  of  a  mind  at  ease. 

645.  Ce  n'est  plus  qu'a  demi  qu'on  se  livre  aux  croyances ; 

Nul  dans  notre  age  aveugle  et  vain  de  ses  sciences, 
Ne  sait  plier  les  deux  genoux. 

(Fr.)     V.  Hugo,  Les  deux  Archers. 

The  decay  of  faith. 
We  believe  but  by  halves  in  this  wise  age  of  ours 
So  blind,  and  so  vain  of  its  science  and  powers  ; 
None  will  bend  both  his  knees  to  the  ground. — Ed. 

646.  Censor  morum.     (L.) — Censor  of  morals  and  conduct. 

Title  of  two  officers  appointed  at  Rome  to  take  care  of  the  public 
morals,  and  to  punish  moral  and  political  offenders  by  degrada- 
tion to  the  ararii,  or  lowest  class  of  citizen.  The  term  is  now 
applied  to  any  rigid  censurer  of  morality.  Sallust  is  called  by 
Macrobius  (2,  9,  9),  Gravissirnus  aliense  luxuriae  objurgator  et 
censor. — A  most  severe  reprover  and  cciisor  of  the  luxury  of 

647.  Cent  'ore  di  nialinconia  non  pagano  un  quattrino  de'  debito. 

(It.)     Prov. — A  hundred  hours  of  repining  will  not  pay 
one  farthing  of  debt. 

648.  Centum  doctuni  hominum  consilia  sola  hsec  devincit  dea 

Eortuna,  atque  hoc  verum  est :  proinde  ut  quisque  fortuna 

Ita  proecellet ;  atque  exinde  sapere  eum  omnes  dicimus. 

(L.)     Plaut.  Ps.  2,  3,  12. 
This  goddess  Fortune  will  of  herself  upset  the  plans 
Of  a  bundred  wiseacres,  and  that's  the  truth. 
The  man  who  knows  how  to  use  her  aright 
Excels  accordingly  ;  and  then  we  all  exclaim 
How  wise,  how  clever,  what  a  prudent  man ! — Ed. 

649.  Centum  solatia  curse 

Et  rus,  et  comites  et  via  longa  dabunt. 

(L.)     Ov.  R.  A.  241. 
A  hundred  ways  you'll  find  to  soothe  your  care  ; 
Travel,  companions,  fields,  and  country  air. — Ed. 

650.  Ce  que  Ton  conceit  bien  s'e'nonce  clairement 

Et  les  mots  pour  le  dire  arrivent  aisement. 

(Fr.)     Boil.  A.  P.  1,  153. 

A  felicitous  thought  is  as  quickly  exprest, 

And  the  words  are  not  wanting  in  which  it  is  drest. — Ed. 

651.  Ce  qui  est  moins  que  moi  m'^teint  et  m'assommej  ce  qui 

est  a  c6te*  de  moi  m'ennuie  et  me  fatigue ;  il  n'y  a  ce 
qui  est  au  dessus  de  moi  qui  me  soutienne,  et  m'arrache 

80  CE  QUI. 

a  moi-me'me.  (Fr.)  ? — What  is  beneath  me  crushes  and 
opjrresses  me;  what  is  on  a  level  with  me  wearies  and 
fatigues  me  ;  it  is  only  what  is  above  me  that  can  support 
and  lift  me  out  of  myself . 

652.  Ce  qui  fait  qu'on  n'est  pas  content  de  sa  condition,  c'est 

l'ide'e  chime'rique  qu'on  se  forme  du  bonheur  d'autrui. 
(Fr.)  1 — That  which  makes  us  so  discontented  with  our 
own  condition,  is  the  false  and  exaggerated  estimate  we 
are  apt  to  form  of  the  happiness  of  others. 

653.  Ce  qui  manque  aux  orateurs  en  profondeur, 

lis  vous  le  donnent  en  longueur.  (Fr.)  Montesquieu  ? 
—  What  orators  fail  in,  as  to  depth,  they  make  up  to  yom, 
in  length. 

654.  Ce  qui  ne  vaut  pas  la  peine  d'etre  dit,  on  le  chante.     (-^V.) 

Beaumarchais  (Mar.  de  Figaro),  Figaro  loq. —  What  is 
not  worth  saying,  often  sounds  very  well  when  it  is  sung. 

655.  Ce  qui  vient  par  la  flute,  s'en  va  par  le  tambour.     (Fr.) 

Prov. — What  is  earned  by  the  flute,  goes  with  the  drum. 
Light  come,  light  go. 

656.  Ce  qu'on  donne  aux  mechants 

Toujours  on  le  regrette  : 
Laissez-leur  prendre  un  pied  chez  vous 
Us  en  auront  bientot  pris  quatre. 

(Fr.)     La  Font.  La  Lice  et  sa  compagne. 

What  one  gives  to  the  wicked 

One  is  sure  to  deplore  : 
In  your  house  give  them  one  foot, 

They  will  soon  have  got  four.  — Ed. 

Said  of  those  who  abuse  privileges  and  encroach  on  their 
friends'  good  nature.     Give  them  an  inch,  etc. 

657.  Ce  qu'on  fait  main  tenant,  on  le  dit;   et  la  cause   en  est 

bien  excusable  :  on  fait  si  peu  de  chose.  (Fr.)  A.  de 
Musset  1 —  Whatever  we  do  nowadays,  we  tell  it ;  and  t/te 
reason  is  a  very  excusable  one :  we  do  so  very  little. 

658.  Ce  qu'on  nomme  libeValitd,  n'est,  souvent,  que  la  vanite  de 

donner,  que  nous  aimons  mieux  que  ce  que  nous  donnons. 
(Fr.)  La  Rochef.  Max.  p.  66,  §  271.—  What  is  called 
liberality,  is  often  nothing  more  than  the  vanity  of  giving, 
a  feeling  which  we  are  fonder  of  than  the  actual  bestowal 
of  alms. 

659.  Ce  qu'on  possede  double  de  prix,  quand  on  a  le  bonheur 

de  le  partager.    (Fr.)     Bouilly  1 — WJtatever  one  possesses, 

CERTUM.  81 

becomes  of  double  value,  when  we  have  the  opportunity  of 
sharing  it  with  others. 

660.  Cerens  in  vitium  flecti,  monitoribus  asper, 

Utilium  tardus  provisor,  prodigus  seris, 
Sublimis  cupidusque  et  amata  relinquere  pernix. 

(L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  163. 

Pliant  as  wax  to  those  who  lead  him  wrong, 

But  all  impatience  with  a  faithful  tongue  ; 

Imprudent,  lavish,  hankering  for  the  moon, 

He  takes  up  things  and  lays  them  down  as  soon.—  Conington. 

661.  Cernis  ut  ignavum  corrumpant  otia  corpus; 

Ut  capiant  vitium,  ni  moveantur,  aquae. 

(L.)     Ov.  Ep.  1,  5,  5. 
You  see  how  ease  impairs  an  idler's  strength  : 
And  water  unless  stirred  grows  foul  at  length. — Ed. 

662.  Certa  amittimus  dum  incerta  petimus :   atque  hoc  evenit 

In  labore  atque  in  dolore  ut  mors  obrepat  interim.  (L.) 
Plaut.  Ps.  2,  3,  19. —  We  lose  what  is  sure,  while  we  are 
seeking  what  is  not  sure  ;  and  so  it  happens  that  between 
labour  and  sorrow  death  meanwhile  steals  upon  us. 

663.  Certe   ignoratio   futurorum    malorum    utilius    est    quam 

scientia.  (L.)  Cic.  Div.  2,  9,  23. — Certainly  our 
ignorance  of  impending  evils  is  more  advantageous  than 
would  be  a  knowledge  of  them. 

664.  Certiorari     (L.)     Law  Term. — To  certify.      "Writ  issuing 

out  of  Chancery  or  King's  Bench,  directed  to  the  judges 
or  officers  of  inferior  Courts,  commanding  them  to  certify 
or  return  the  records  of  a  cause  depending  before  them. 
By  this  writ  indictments  may  be  removed  from  inferior 
Courts  to  the  King's  Bench. 

665.  Certum  est  quod  certum  reddi  potest.     (L.)     Law  Max. — 

That  is  sufficiently  certain  which  can  be  made  certain.  If, 
e.g.,  a  lease  for  so  many  years  be  granted  after  three 
lives  yet  in  being,  the  uncertainty  depending  on  those 
lives  ceases  when  the  remaining  life  comes  to  an  end, 
and  id  certum  est  quod,  etc. 

666.  Certum  quia  impossibile.     (£.)     Tert.  de  Came  Christi,  5. 

— It  is  certain  because  it  is  impossible.  Said  of  the  re- 
surrection of  Our  Blessed  Lord,  in  answer  to  Marcion. 
Another  form  is,  Credo  quia  impossibile — I  believe 
because  it  is  impossible. 

667.  Certum  voto  pete  finem.     (L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  2,  56.— Put 

a  fixed  limit  to  your  wishes. 

82  CEKVI. 

668.  Cei'vi  luporum  piveda  rapacium  Sectamur  ultro,  quos  opimus 

Fallere  et  effugere  est  triumphus.    (L.)    Hor.  C.  4,  4,  50. 

Weak  deer,  the  wolves'  predestin'd  prey, 

Blindly  we  rush  on  foes,  from  whom 
'Twere  triumph  won  to  steal  away. — Conington. 

669.  Cervius  hsec  inter  vicinus  garrit  aniles 

Ex  re  fabellas.  (L.)  Hor.  S.  2,  6,  77. — Between  these 
matters  my  neighbour  Cervius  talks  his  old  women's  tales, 
as  occasion  serves. 

670.  Ces  malheureux  rois 

Dont  on  dit  tant  de  mal,  ont  du  bon  quelquefois.  (Fr.) 
Andrieux,  Meunier  de  Sans  Sonci. — These  miserable  kings 
of  whom  so  much  evil  is  said,  have  their  good  points 
sometimes.     Said  of  Frederick  II.  and  the  miller. 

671.  Ce  sont  la  jeux  de  prince  : 

On  respecte  un  moulin,  on  vole  une  province  !  (Fr.) 
Andrieux,  Meunier  de  Sans  Souci. — Such  is  the  sport  of 
princes  ;  they  spare  a  windmill  and  steal  a  province  !  The 
king  had  threatened  to  seize  his  neighbour,  the  miller's, 
windmill,  to  which  the  latter  replies,  "  Oui,  si  nous  riavions 
pas  de  jttges  a  Berlin : "  in  the  end  the  mill  is  spared. 

672.  Ce  sont  toujours  les  aventuriers  qui  font  de  grandes  choses, 

et  non  pas  les  souvrains  des  grands  empires.  (Fr.) 
Montesquieu  1 — It  is  by  adventurers  that  great  actions  are 
performed,  and  not  by  the  sovereigns  of  great  empires. 

673.  Cessante  ratione  legis  cessat  ipsa  lex.     (L.)     Law  Max. — 

Wlien  the  reason  for  any  particular  law  comes  to  an  end, 
the  law  itself  expires.  Thus,  a  Member  of  Parliament 
may  not  be  arrested  during  session,  but  the  reason  for 
such  privilege  ceases  when  the  session  is  over,  and 
cessante  causa,  cessat  ejfectus,  the  cause  ceasing,  the  effect 
likewise  comes  to  an  end. 

674.  Cest  ainsi  que  je  poursuis  la  communication  de  quelque 

esprit  fameux,  non  afin  qu'il  m'enseigne,  mais  afin  que  je 
le  connaisse,  et  que  le  connaissant,  s'il  le  faut,  que  je 
1'imite.  (Fr.)  Montaigne  1 — It  is  thus  that  I  study  the 
mind  of  any  famous  author,  not  necessarily  to  be  instructed, 
but  in  order  to  embrace  his  meaning,  and  having  arrived 
at  this,  then,  if  necessary,  to  imitate  him. 

675.  Cest  double  plaisir  de  tromper  le  trompeur.     (Fr.)     La 

Font.  Le  coq  et  le  Renai'd. — It  is  a  double  pleasure  to 
deceive  the  deceiver. 

C'EST.  83 

676.  C'est  du  Nord  aujourd'hui  que  nous  vient  la  lumiere.     (-^V.) 

Volt,  to  Catherine  II. — It  is  from  the  North  nowadays 
that  we  get  our  light.  A  piece  of  flattery  having  allusion 
to  the  encouragement  which  the  Empress  afforded  to 
literature,  and  perhaps  to  her  own  essays  in  authorship. 

677.  C'est   la   force  et  le  droit  qui   reglent   toutes   les   choses 

dans  le  monde;  la  force  en  attendant  le  droit.  (Fr.) 
Joubert? — Force  and  right  govern  everything  in  this 
world ;  force  till  right  is  ready.     Mr  M.  Arnold,  tr. 

678.  C'est  la  le  diable.      (Fr.)— There's  the  rub.      That's  the 

devil  of  it 

679.  C'est  la  prosperity  qui  donne  des  amis,  c'est  l'adversitd  qui 

les  e"prouve.  (-^V.) — Prosperity  gives  us  friends,  adversity 
proves  them. 

680.  C'est  le  bon  sens,  la  raison  qui  fait  tout : 

Yertu,  genie,  esprit,  talent  et  gout. 

Qu'est  ce  vei'tu  1     Raison  mise  en  pratique. 

Talent]     Raison  produite  avec  e*clat. 

Esprit1?     Raison  qui  finement  s'exprime — 

Le  gout  n'est  rien  qu'un  bon  sens  delicat, 

Et  le  genie  est  la  raison  sublime.    (Fr. )    M.  J.  Chenier  1 

In  good  sense  and  reason  are  all  things  embraced, 

Both  virtue  and  genius,  wit,  talent,  and  taste. 

What  is  virtue  but  reason  in  exercise  traced  ? 

What  talent,  but  reason  in  brilliant  dress  ? 

What  is  wit  but  the  same  that  can  finely  express  ? 

Taste  is  delicate  sense,  like  a  rose  at  its  prime, 

And  genius  itself  is  but  reason  sublime. — Ed. 

681.  C'est  le  commencement  de  la  fin.    (Fr.) — It  is  the  beginning 

of  the  end.  Mot  belonging  to  the  time  of  the  "  Hundred 
Days,"  and  said  or,  at  least,  endorsed  by  Talleyrand. 
Cf.  Shakesp.  Midsummer  Night,  5, 1. — "  That  is  the  true 
beginning  of  our  end." 

682.  C'est  le  propre  de  l'erudition  populaire  de  rattacher  toutes 

ses  connaissances  a  un  nom  vulgaire.  (Fr.)  Nodier? — 
It  is  the  characteristic  of  the  learning  of  the  people  to 
couple  each  item  of  its  information  with  some  well-known 

683.  C'est  l'imagination  qui  gouverne  le  genre  humain.     (Fr.) 

Napoleon  I. — The  human  race  is  governed  by  its  imagina- 

684.  C'est  par  l'^tude  que  nous  sommes  contemporains  de  tous 

les  terns,  et  citoyens  de  tous  les  lieux.     (Fr.)     De  La 

84  C'EST. 

Mo  lie  ? — It  is  by  study  that  we  become  contemporaries  of 
every  generation,  and  citizens  of  every  country. 

685.  C'est  plus  qu'un  crime,  c'est  une  faute.     (Fr.) — It  is  worse 

than  a  crime,  it  is  a  blunder.  Said  by  Fouche*  (Minister 
of  Police  under  the  First  Empire)  of  the  execution  of  the 
Due  d'Enghien.  The  saying  is  often  attributed  to 

686.  C'est  posse*der  les  biens  que  de  savoir  s'en  passer.     (Fr.) 

Begnard,  Joueur,  4,  13. — To  be  able  to  do  without  things 
amounts  to  possessing  them. 

Cf.  Sen.  Ep.  29.      Summse  opes,  inopia  cupiditatum.      (Z.) — 
The  greatest  riches  is  to  be  free  from  all  desires.  *, 

687.  C'est  sou  vent  hasarder  un  bon  mot  et  vouloir  le  perdre,  que 

de  le  donner  pour  sien :  il  n'est  pas  releve',  il  tombe  avec 
des  gens  d'esprit,  ou  qui  se  croient  tels,  qui  ne  l'ont  pas 
dit,  et  qui  doivent  le  dire.  C'est,  au  contraire,  le  faire 
valoir  que  de  le  rapporter  comme  d'un  aiitre.  ...  II 
est  dit  avec  plus  d'insinuation,  et  recu  avec  moins  de 
jalousie.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  vol-,  ii.  p.  84. — A  good 
saying  often  runs  the  risk  of  being  missed  and  thrown 
away  when  it  is  quoted  as  the  speaker's  own :  having 
nothing  to  set  it  off,  it  falls  somewhat  flat  with  those  who 
are  or  who  claim  to  be  witty,  and  should  have  said  it 
themselves,  only  they  have  not  done  so.  On  the  contrary, 
it  enhances  a  good  saying  to  report  it  of  a  third  person. 
It  is  told  with  greater  insinuation,  and  received  with  less 

688.  C'est  une  grande  difFormite"  dans  la  nature  qu'un  vieillard 

amoureux.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  vol.  ii.  p.  50. — An 
old  man  in  love  is  a  monstrous  anomaly. 

689.  C'est  une  grande  folie  de  vouloir  etre  sage  tout  seul.     (Fr.) 

La  Bochef.  Max.  p.  61,  §  238. — It  is  a  great  piece  of  folly 
to  wish  to  be  wise  all  alone.  He  must  be  silly  indeed  who 
insists  on  holding  the  only  right  view  of  things  in  the 
face  of  universal  public  opinion  the  other  way. 

690.  C'est  une  grande  misere  que  de  n'avoir  pas  assez  d'esprit 

pour  bien  parler,  ni  assez  de  jugement  pour  se  taire. 
Voila  le  principe  de  toute  impertinence.  (Fr.)  La 
Bruy.  Car.  vol.  i.  p.  84. — It  is  a  great  misfortune  not 
to  possess  talent  enough  to  speak  well,  nor  sufficient  tact  to 
hold  one's  tongue.  All  impertinences  have  no  other  origin 
than  this* 

CET.  85 

691.  Cest  une  sphere  infinie,  dont  le  centre  est  partout,  la  cir- 

confe*rence  nulle  part.  (Fr.)  Pascal,  Pense'es. — It  (i.e., 
the  universe)  is  an  infinite  sphere,  the  centre  of  which  is 
everywhere,  and  the  circumference  nowhere.  But  the 
idea  was  borrowed  from  Rabelais  (Pantagruel,  5,  47), 
who  says  of  the  intellectual  sphere  :  "  De  laquelle  en  tous 
lieux  est  le  centre,  et  n'a  en  lieu  aucun  circonference, 
que  nous  appellons  Dieu."  It  is  besides  attributed  to  St 
Bonaventure  (1250),  Gerson  (1400),  and  others. 

692.  Cest  un  foible  roseau  que  la  prosperite.     (Fr.)      Daniel 

D'Ancheres,  1608,  Tyr  et  Sidon. — Prosperity  is  but  a 
feeble  reed  to  lean  upon. 

693.  Cest  un  grand  pas  dans  la  finesse,  que  de  faire  penser  de 

soi,  que  Ton  n'est  que  me'diocrement  fin.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy. 
Car.  1 — It  is  a  great  proof  of  address  in  negotiation,  to 
induce  those  with  whom  you  treat  to  unier-rate  your 

694.  Cest  un  verre  qui  luit 

Qu'un  souffle  peut  detruire,  et  qu'un  souffle  a  produit. 
(Fr.)  De  Caux  (comparing  the  world  to  his  hour-glass). 
— It  is  but  a  glittering  glass  that  a  breath  can  destroy, 
as  a  breath  has  created  it.  Cf.  Goldsmith,  Deserted 
Village,  54 : 
A  breath  can  make  them,  as  a  breath  has  made. 

695.  Cest  un  zero  en  chiffres.    (Fr.) — He  is  a  mere  cypher.    He 

is  a  person  of  no  consequence  or  consideration  whatever. 

696.  Cet  age  est  sans  pitie'.     (Fr.)     La  Font.  Deux  Pigeons. — 

This  age  (childhood)  is  without  pity.  Children  have  no 
mercy.  They  roar  for  what  they  want  at  the  expense 
of  the  weaker  nerves  of  their  seniors.  Observe  also 
their  treatment  of  animals  (kittens  and  such  like). 

697.  Cet  animal  est  tres  mdchant, 

Quand  on  l'attaque  il  se  defend.  (Fr.)  La  Menagerie. 
— This  animal  is  extremely  vicious,  if  you  attack  him  he 
will  defend  himself/ 

Burlesque  on  a  passage  from  L'Histoire  O&nirale  des  Voyages, 
Walckenaer,  1826,  recounting  the  adventures  of  Vasco  de 
Gama  and  his  comrades  amongst  some  "sea-wolves"  of  an 
extraordinary  size,  and  armed  with  tremendous  teeth.  "Ces 
animaux,"  it  proceeds,  "sont  si  furieux,  qu'il  se  defendent 
contre  ceux  qui  les  attaquent."  It  is  difficult  to  say  which  is 
the  most  ludicrous,  the  serious  prose  or  the  burlesque  verse. 

86  CETTX. 

698.  Ceux  qui  n'aiment  pas,  ont  rarement   de  grandes  joies; 

ceux  qui  airuent,  ont  sou  vent  de  grandes  tristesses.  (Fr.) 
— Those  who  know  not  what  love  is,  rarely  experience 
great  joys;  and  those  who  do,  frequently  suffer  deep 

699.  Ceux  qui  nuisent  a  la  reputation  ou  a  la  fortune  des  autres, 

plut6t  que  de  perdre  un  bon  mot,  meYitent  une  peine 
infamante.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  1 — Those  who  would 
injure  the  reputation,  or  the  fortunes  of  others,  ratlier 
than  lose  a  witty  saying,  deserve  to  be  branded  as 

700.  Ceux  qui,  sans  nous  connaitre  assez,  pensent  mal  de  nous*' 

ne  nous  font  pas  tort ;  ce  n'est  pas  nous  qu'ils  attaquent, 
c'est  le  fan  tome  de  leur  imagination.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy. 
Car.  vol.  ii.  p.  77. — Those  who,  without  adequate  know- 
ledge, form  unfavourable  opinions  of  us,  do  us  no  wrong  ; 
since  it  is  not  us  whom  they  are  attacking,  but  the  creation 
of  their  own  imagination. 

701.  Chacun  a  son  gout.     (-^V.) — Every  man  according  to  his 

taste.  This  is  not  to  be  translated — "Every  man  has 
the  gout." 

702.  Chacun  dit  du  bien  de  son  cceur,  et  personne  n'en  ose  dire  de 

de  son  esprit.  (Fr.)  La  Rochef.  Max.  p.  44,  §  98. — Every 
one  can  say  a  good  word  for  his  heart,  but  no  one  is  bold 
enough  to  say  as  much  for  his  wits.  Want  of  feeling  we 
naturally  disclaim,  not  so  readily  want  of  perception. 

703.  Chacun  doit  balayer  devant  sa  propre  porte.     (Fr.)     Pro  v. 

— Everybody  ought  to  sweep  before  his  own  door. 

704.  Chacun  en  particulier  peut  tromper,  et  etre  trompe* ;  per- 

sonne n'a  trompe1  tout  le  monde,  et  tout  le  monde  n'a 
trompe  personne.  (Fr.)  Bouhours  1 — An  individual 
may  deceive  and  be  deceived,  but  no  one  has  ever  yet  suc- 
ceeded in  deceiving  the  whole  world,  nor  has  t/te  world 
ever  combined  to  deceive  any  individual. 

If  the  Christian  world  is  persuaded  of  the  truth  of  Christianity, 
the  conviction  is  not  the  result  of  deceit,  but  because  the  most 
educated  portion  of  mankind  is  convinced  of  the  truth  of  the 
Gospel.  In  the  same  way,  the  general  agreement  of  men  on 
any  subject  may  be  taken  as  a  guarantee  of  its  truth.  The 
unanimity  is  too  large  to  admit  of  the  idea  of  fraudulent  in- 
tention. Cf.  in  this  connection  the  French  Prnv. ,  Quand  tout 
le  monde  a  tort,  lout  le  monde  a  raison  (La  Chaussee,  Gouver- 
itante,  1,  3). — When  every  one  ia  5c  the  wrong,  every  one  is 
in  the  right. 


705.  Chacun  a  son  metier,  et  les  vaches  seront  bien  gardees.  (Fr.) 

Prov. — Every  one  attend  to  his  own  business,  and  the 
cows  will  be  well  looked  after. 

706.  XaAe7ra  to.  /caAa.     (Gr.) — WJiat  is  beautiful  is  hard.     All 

fine  accomplishments  are  difficult  of  attainment. 

707.  Chaque  age  a  ses  plaisirs,  son  esprit,  et  ses  moeurs.      (Fr.) 

Boil.  A.  P.  3,  374. — Every  age  lias  its  pleasures,  its  style 
of  wit,  and  its  own  ways. 

708.  Chaque  medaille  a  son  revers.    (Fr.)    Prov. — Every  medal 

lias  its  reverse.     There's  another  side  to  every  tale.     One 
story  is  good  till  another  is  told. 

709.  Xa'pts  x*PLV  tmctcu     (Gr.)    See  Soph.  Aj.  522. — Kindness 

begets  kindness. 

710.  Charite  bien  ordonnee  commence  par  soi-meme.     (Fr.) — 

Well  regulated  charity  begins  at  Jiome. 

711.  Chasse  cousin.     (Fr.) — Chace-cousin,  i.e.,  bad  wine.     Such 

as  one  would  put  down  to  drive  away  poor  relations,  or 
the  description  of  persons  called  hangers-on. 

712.  Chateaux  en  Espagne.     (Fr.) — Castles  in  Spain.     Castles 

in  the  air. 

713.  Chat  echaude'  craint  l'eau  froide.     (Fr.)     Prov. — A  scalded 

cat  dreads  even  cold  water.    A  burnt  child  dreads  the  fire. 

714.  Chef  d'oeuvre.     (F. .) — A  masterpiece.     The  best  work  of 

any  painter,  poet,  etc. 

715.  Che  non  men  che  saver,  dubbiav  m'aggrata. 

(It.)     Dante,  Inf.  11,  93. 
Ignorance  not  less  than  knowledge  charms.  — Cary. 

716.  Chercher  k  connaitre,  c'est  chercher  a  douter.     (Fr.) — To 

wish  to  know  is  to  wish  to  doubt.     Knowledge  which  is 
not  guided  by  faith  generally  ends  in  scepticism. 

Cf.  Vous  ne  prouvez  que  trop  que  chercher  h  connaitre, 

N'est  souvent  qu'apprendre  a  douter. — Mme.  Dcshoidiercs. 

You  prove  but  too  clearly  that  seeking  to  know 
Is  too  frequently  learning  to  doubt. — Ed. 

717.  Cherchez  la  femme.     (Fr.)     Alex.  Dumas  pere,  Mohicans 

de  Paris,  vol.  ii.  cap.  16. — Search  for  the  woman.     Say- 
ing put  into  the  mouth  of  an  officer  of  the  Paris  Detective 
Police  Force.     It  has  been  attributed  to  Fouche\ 
Sardou  introduces  the  phrase  in  his  drama  Fcrreol ;  and  George 
Ebers,  Uarda,  vol.  ii.  cap.  14  (1876),  says:  — 

88  CHE. 

Du  vergisst,  dass  hier  eine  Frau  mit  im  Spiel  ist. 
Das  ist  sie  iiberall,  entgegnete  Ameui,  u.  s.  w. 
You  forget  that  there  is  a  woman  in  this  case. 
That  is  so  all  the  world  over,  replied  Ameni,  etc. 
Sometimes  the  expression  takes  the  form  of  OiL  est  la  femme  t 
(or  in  German,  Wo  ist  sie,  or  wie  heiszt  sie  ?)   Where  is  the 
woman  ?  where  is  she  f  what  is  her  name  ?    As  if,  according  to 
our  own  saying,  Wherever  there  is  a  quarrel,  there  is  always 
a  lady  in  the  case  ;  or,  as  Richardson  says  (Sir  C.  Grandison, 
vol.  i.  Letter  24),  Such  a  plot  must  have  a  woman  in  it.    (See 
Buchmaun,  pp.  220,  221.) 

718.  Che  sara,  sara.    (It.)    Prov. — What  will  be,  will  be.    Motto 

of  the  Duke  of  Bedford,  Earl  Russell,  Lord  Ampthill, 
and  Lord  de  Clifford. 

719.  Chevalier  d'industrie.     (-^V.) — -4  swindler.      A  man  who 

lives  by  his  wits.     A  sharper. 

720.  Chi  compra  ha  bisogno  di  cent  occhi, 

Chi  vende  n'ha  assai  di  uno.  (It.)  Prov. — He  who  buys 
requires  an  hundred  eyes,  while  he  wlw  sells  has  occasion 
only  for  one. 

721.  Chi  compra  terra,  compra  guerra.    (It.)     Prov. — Who  buys 

land,  buys  war  (trouble) ;  who  buys  soil,  buys  moil. 

722.  Chi  6  causa  del  suo  mal,  pianga  se  stesso.     (It.) — Let  him 

who  is  the  cause  of  his  own  misfortunes  bewail  his  own 
folly.     No  one  else  will  pity  him. 

723.  Chi  fa  il  conto  senza  l'oste,  gli  convien  farlo  due  volte.    (It.) 

— He  who  reckons  without  his  host  must  reckon  over 

724.  Chi  ha  il  lupo  per  compagno,  port'  il  cane  sotto  il  mantello. 

(It.) — He  who  keeps  company  with  a  wolf  should  carry  a 
dog  under  his  cloak. 

725.  Chi  lingua  ha,  a  Roma  va.     (It.) — He  who  has  a  tongue 

goes  to  Rome.  He  who  has  a  tongue  in  his  head  may  go 

726.  Chi  mal  commincia  peggio  finisce.     (It.)     Prov. — He  who 

begins  badly,  generally  ends  worse. 

727.  Chi  niente  sa,  di  niente  dubita,      (It.)      Prov. — He  who 

knows  nothing,  doubts  nothing.  It  has  been  said  of  some 
that  "they  know  too  much  for  their  peace." 

728.  Chi  non  ha  testa  abbia  gambe.    (It.) — He  who  has  no  head, 

should  have  legs.  If  you  cannot  save  yourself  by  your 
head  (wits),  you  must  by  your  heels. 

CIEL.  89 

729.  Chi  piu  intende,  piu  perdona.     (It.)     Prov. — The  more  a 

man  knows,  t/ie  more  he  forgives. 

730.  Chi  prende,  si  vende.     (It.)     Prov. —  Who  takes  a  present, 

sells  himself. 

731.  Chi  serve  al  commune  serve  nessuno.    (It.) — He  who  serves 

the  public,  serves  no  one.  Services  performed  are  soon 
forgotten,  and  the  public  are  in  general  ungrateful. 

732.  Chi  ti  fa  carezze  piu  che  non  suole, 

O  t'ha  ingannato,  o  ingannar  ti  vuole.  (It.)  Prov. — 
He  who  bestoivs  on  you  more  attentions  than  usual,  either 
has  deceived  you,  or  has  the  intention  to  do  so. 

733.  Chi  troppo  abbraccia  nulla  stringe.     (It.)     Prov. — He  who 

grasps  too  much,  will  hold  nothing. 

734.  Chi  va  piano  va  sano,  e  chi  va  sano  va  lontano.     (It.) 

Prov. — He  wlio  goes  gently  travels  in  safety,  and  goes  far 
in  the  day.     Slow  and  sure. 

735.  Chi  vuol  vada,  chi  non  vuol  mandi.     (It.) — He  who  wislies 

something  done,  let  him  go  himself ;  lie  wlio  is  indifferent 
about  it,  let  him  send  another.  If  you  want  a  thing  done, 
do  it  yourself. 

736.  Chreme,  tantumne  ab  re  tua  est  otii  tibi 

Aliena  ut  cures,  eaque  nihil  qua?  ad  te  attinent  ? 
Homo  sum ;  humani  nihil  a  me  alienum  puto. 

(L.)     Ter.  Heaut.  1,  1,  24. 

Menedemus.  Have  you  such  leisure,  Chremes,  from  your  own  affairs, 

To  attend  to  those  of  others,  which  concern  you  not  ? 
Chremes.  I  am  a  man.     And  nothing  that  belongs  to  man 
Do  I  consider  indifferent  to  me. — Ed. 

737.  Christen  haben  keine  Nachbarn.     (G.)    Prov. — Christians 

have  no  neighbours. 

738.  Christiana  militia.     (L.) — Christian  warfare.      Motto  of 

the  Order  of  Christ  of  Portugal. 

739.  Christianos  ad  leonem.    (L.)     Tert.  Apol.  40. — To  the  lion 

with  the  Christians!  Cry  of  the  pagans  against  the 
Catholics  in  the  early  persecutions  of  the  Chui-ch,  when 
anything  adverse  occurred  either  in  the  natural  or  poli- 
tical world.  Also,  atpe  tovs  adeovs.  (Gr.)  Euseb.  iv. 
15. — Away  with  the  atlieists/ 

740.  Ciel  pomniele',  fern  me  fardee 

Ne  sont  pas  de  longue  dure*e.  (Fr.)  Prov. — A  dappled 
sky,  and  a  woman  who  paints,  are  not  of  long  duration. 

90  CI-GIT. 

741.  Ci-git  ma  femme  :  all !  qu'elle  est  bieii 

Pour  son  repos  et  pour  le  mien.        (Fr.)     Du  Lorens  1 

Here  lies  my  wife  :  there  let  her  lie  1 
She's  in  peace,  and  so  am  I. 

742.  Ci-git  Piron,  qui  ne  fut  rien 

Pas  meme  Academicien.  (Ft.) — Here  lies  Piron,  toJio 
was  nothing,  not  even  a  member  of  the  Academy.  The 
witty  epitaph  composed  for  himself  by  Alexis  Piron. 

743.  Cineri  gloria   sera  venit.      (L.)     Mart.   1,  26,  8. — Glory 

comes  too  late  when  one  is  turned  to  ashes. 

744.  Cio  che  Dio  vuole,  Io  voglio.     (It.) — What  God  wills,  I 

will.     Motto  of  Lord  Dormer. 

745.  Cio  che  si  usa,  non  ha  bisogno  di  scusa.     (It.)     Pro  v. — 

TJiat  which  is  customary  requires  no  excuse. 

746.  Citharsedus  Ridetur  chorda  qui  semper  oberrat  eadem. 

(L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  356. 

The  harp-player,  who  for  ever  wounds  the  ear 

With  the  same  discord,  makes  the  audience  jeer. — Conington. 

747.  Citius   venit   periculum   cum    contemnitur.     (L.)      Pro  v. 

Decim.  Laber.  1 — Laugh  at  danger,  and  it  comes  all  the 

748.  Cito  rumpes  arcum,  semper  si  tensum  habueris, 

At  si  laxaris,  cum  voles,  erit  utilis. 

Sic  ludus  animo  debet  aliquando  dari, 

Ad  cogitandum  melior  ut  redeat  sibi.    (L.)    Phsedr.  3,  14. 

The  bow  that's  always  bent  will  quickly  break  ; 

But  if  unstrung  'twill  serve  you  at  your  need. 
So  let  the  mind  some  relaxation  take 

To  come  back  to  its  task  with  fresher  heed.  — Ed. 

749.  Cito  scribendo  non  fit  ut  bene  scribatur,  bene  scribendo  fit 

ut  cito.  (L.)  Quint.  10,  3,  10. — Quick  writing  does 
not  make  good  writing ;  the  way  to  write  quickly  is  to 
write  well. 

750.  Clarior  e  tenebris.      (L.) — /  shine  all  the  clearer  in  the 

gloom.     Motto  of  Earl  of  Milltown. 

751.  Claudite  jam  rivos,  pueri;  sat  prata  biberunt. 

(L.)    Virg.  E.  3,  11. 
Now  close  the  hatches,  boys,  the  meads  have  drunk  enough. 

752.  Clausum  fregit.     (L.)      Law  Term. — He  has  broken  into 
my  enclosure.     He  has  committed  a  trespass. 

753.  Coepisti  melius  quam  desinis  :  ultima  primis 

Cedunt :  dissimiles  hie  vir,  et  ille  puer.     (L.)      Ov.  H. 

COMES.  91 

9,  23. — You  began  better  titan  you  end:  your  later 
achievements  must  yield  the  palm  to  those  before :  how 
little  does  the  man  correspond  to  the  promise  of  the  child. 
Deianira  reproaching  Hercules. 

754.  Cceur  content  soupire  souvent.     (Fr.)     Prov. — A  satisfied 

heart  will  often  sigh.  The  cross  proverb  says  :  Cceur  qui 
soupire  n'a  pas  ce  qu'il  desire. — The  heart  that  sighs 
has  not  got  what  it  desires. 

755.  Cogenda   mens  est  ut  incipiat.     (L.)     Sen.  ? — Tlie   mind 

must  be  compelled  to  make  a  beginning. 

756.  Cogitato  raus  pusillus  quam  sit  sapiens  bestia 

^Etatem  qui  uni  cubili  nunquam  committit  suam.  (L.) 
Plaut.  True.  4,  4,  15. — Consider  what  a  clever  animal 
the  little  mouse  is,  tJiat  never  trusts  its  life  to  one  hole 
only.     Chaucer,  Wif  of  Bath  (Prol.  572),  has : 

I  hold  a  mouse  's  hert  not  worth  a  leek 

That  hath  but  oon  hole  to  sterte  to. 

757.  Cogito,  ergo  sum.     (L.) — I  think,  therefore  I  eocist.     Des- 

cartes' first  principle.  Thought,  or  rather  self-conscious- 
ness, is  man's  only  ground  for  the  truth  of  anything, 
even  of  his  own  existence. 

758.  Cognovit.      (L.)      Law  Term. — He  has  admitted.     Term 

signifying  that  a  defendant  admits  that  the  plaintiff's 
action  is  just  {cognovit  actionem),  and  suffers  judgment 
to  be  entered  against  him  without  trial. 

759.  Colubruni  in  sinu  fovere.     (L.)     Phaedr.  1 — To  cherish  a 

serpent  in  your  bosom.  To  harbour,  or,  to  admit  into 
your  confidence,  a  false  friend. 

760.  Combien  de  heYos,  glorieux,  magnanimes,  ont  vecu  trop 

d'un  jour !  (Fr.)  J.  B.  Rousseau  1 — How  many  illustrious 
and  noble  heroes  have  lived  too  long  by  one  day  I  Their 
reputation  would  have  been  absolutely  without  blemish, 
had  their  lives  been  cut  off  at  some  earlier  date. 

761.  Comediens  e'est  un  mauvais  temps 

La  Tragedie  est  par  les  champs.  (Fr.)  Song  of  '93. — 
Comedians  /  what  a  wretched  time  with  Tragedy  abroad! 
Cf.  Que  parles-tu,  Yallier,  de  faire  des  tragedies  1  La 
Tragedie  court,  les  rues  !  Ducis  1 —  What  do  you  mean 
by  writing  tragedies,  when  Tragedy  herself  is  stalking 
the  streets  ? 

762.  Comes  jucundus  in  via  pro  vehiculo  est.     (L.)     Pub.  Syr. 

Frag. — An  agreeable  companion  on  a  journey  is  as  good 


as  a  coach.  He  will  beguile  the  time.  Text  of  Spectator 
122,  Sir  Roger  riding  to  the  County  Assizes. 

763.  Coruitas  morum.      (L.)     Cic.  Am.  1 — Courteous   manners. 

Cf.  Suavissimi  mores.  Id.  Att.  16,  16,  a,  6. — Most 
charming  manners. 

764.  Comitas  inter  gentes.     (L.) — Civility  betiveen  nations. 

765.  Comme  il  faut.     (Fr.) — As  it  ought  to  be, — i.e.,  properly, 

well  done.  Such  a  thing  is  done  comme  il  faut.  This 
expression  is  also  used  to  imply  persons  of  respectability, 
as,  des  gens  comme  ilfaut,  gentlefolks. 

766.  Comme  je  fus.    (Fr.) — As  I  was.    Motto  of  Earl  of  Dudley  , 

and  Ward. 

767.  Comme  je  trouve.    (Fr.) — As  I  find  it.    Motto  of  Marquess 

of  Ormonde. 

768.  Commune  bonum.     (L.) — The  common  good.     A  thing  of 

public  advantage  or  benefit. 

769.  Commune  id  vitium  est :  hie  vivimus  ambitiosa 

Paupertate  omnes.     Quid  te  moror  ?     Omnia  lionise 
Cum  pretio.  (L.)    Juv.  3,  182. 

It  is,  I  fear,  an  universal  vice  ; 

Here  we're  all  struggling  hard,  as  poor  as  mice, 

To  outdo  one  another.     In  a  word, 

Money  at  Rome  is  king  and  sovereign  lord.  — Ed. 

770.  Commune  naufragium   omnibus  est  consolatio.      (L.) — A 

general  shipwreck  is  a  consolation  to  all.  A  general 
calamity,  in  which  an  entire  neighbourhood,  or  a  whole 
nation  is  involved,  is  always  borne  with  more  firmness 
of  mind,  and  supported  with  greater  resignation. 

771.  Commune  periculum  concordiam  parit.     (L.) — A  common 

danger  produces  concord. 

772.  Commune  quod  est,   ne  tuum  solum  dicas.       (L.) — That 

which  is  common  property  you  may  not  call  your  own. 

773.  Communia  esse  amicorum  inter  se  omnia.      (L.)     Prov. 

Ter.  Ad.  5,  3,  18. — All  things  are  common  property 
amongst  friends. 

774.  Communibus  annis.     (L.) — On  an  average  of  years.     One 

year  with  another. 

775.  Communi  fit  vitio  naturae,  ut   invisis,  latitantibus   atque 

incognitis  rebus  magis  confidamus,  vehementiusque  ex- 
terreamur.  (L.)  Caes.  B.  C.  2,  14. — It  is  a  common 
fault  of  our  nature  to  give  greater  credence  to  those  things 


which  are  unseen,  concealed,  and  unknown,  and  to  be 
more  violently  alarmed  by  them. 

776.  Communitates  Burgi  de  Dorchestria.     (L.) — The  Corpora- 

tion of  the  Burgh  of  Dorchester. 

777.  Comparaison  n'est  pas  raison.     (-^V.) — Comparison  is  no 


778.  Compedes,  quas  ipse  fecit,  ipsus  ut  gestet  faber.    (L.)    Aus. 

Id.  6  fin. — The  smith  must  wear  the  fetters  he  himself 
has  made.  As  you  have  made  your  bed,  so  must  you 
lie.  Cf.  Tute  hoc  intristi;  tibi  omne  est  exedendum. 
Ter.  Phorm.  2,  2,  4. —  You  have  made  this  dish,  and  you 
must  eat  it  up.  You  began  the  affair  and  you  must  go 
through  with  it. 

779.  Compendiaria  res  improbitas,  virtusque  tarda.    (L.)1 — Dis- 

honesty chooses  the  most  expeditious  route,  virtue  the  more 
circuitous  one. 

780.  Complectamur  illam  et  amemus  :  plena  est  voluptatis  si  ilia 

scias  uti  .  .  .  jucundissima  est  aBtas  devexa,  non  tamen 
pra^ceps :  et  illam  quoque  in  extrema  regula,  stantem, 
judico  habere  suas  voluptates,  aut  hoc  ipsum  succedit  in 
locum  voluptatum,  nullis  egere.  (L.)  Sen.  Ep.  12. — 
As  for  old  age,  embrace  and  love  it.  It  abounds  with 
pleasure,  if  you  know  how  to  use  it.  The  gradually  (I  do 
not  say  rapidly)  declining  years  are  amongst  the  sweetest 
in  a  man's  life ;  and,  I  maintain,  that  even  where  they 
have  reached  the  extreme  limit,  they  Jiave  their  pleasures 
still ;  or  else,  this  takes  the  place  of  pleasures,  to  need  them 
no  more. 

781.  Componitur  orbis 

Regis  ad  exemplum ;  nee  sic  inflectere  sensus 
Humanos  edicta  valent,  quam  vita  regentis. 

(L.)     Claud.  IV.  Cons.  Hon.  299. 

A  Prince's  Example. 
The  great  world  moulds  its  manners  on  the  king's 
Example :  nor  can  wisest  laws  constrain 
His  people  half  so  much,  as  the  king's  life. — Ed. 

782.  Compositum  jus  fasque  animo,  sanctosque  recessus 

Mentis,  et  incoctum  generoso  pectus  honesto.  (Z.)  Pers. 
2,  73. — Regulated  principles  of  justice  and  duty  in  the 
mind :  pure  thoughts  within  ;  and  a  breast  filed  with  an 
instinctive  sense  of  honour.  (Compositum  jus  fasque 
animi.     Motto  of  Lord  Ellenborough.) 


783.  Compositum  miraculi  causa.      (L.)     Tac.  A.   11,  27. — A 

story  got  up  to  create  astonishment. 

784.  Compos   mentis.      (Law  L.) — In    the  possession    of  his 


Compos  or  non  compos  are  used  to  denote  the  saneness,  or  not,  of 
any  one.  Tu  mentis  es  compos  ?  Tu  non  constringendus  ? 
Cic.  Phil.  2,  38,  97. — Are  you  then  in  your  right  mind?  Are 
you  not  a  person  to  be  kept  under  restraint  ? 

785.  Con  amore.     (It.) — With  love.     Enthusiastically. 

786.  Concessa  pudet  ire  via,  civemque  videri.     (L.)     Luc.   2, 

446. — He  is  ashamed  to  advance  by  the  public  way,  and 
to  appear  in  the  character  of  an  honest  man.  Said  of 
Julius  Csesar. 

787.  Concordans.    (L.) — Agreeing  together.    Motto  of  the  Order 

of  Concord,  Brandenburg. 

788.  Concordia  discors.      (L.)      Luc.  1,  98. — Discordant  har- 

mony. Ill-assorted  union  or  combination  of  persons  or 
things  :  agreeable  discords  in  music. 

789.  Concordia,  integritate,  industria.      (L.) — By  concord,  in- 

tegrity, and  industry.    Motto  of  Lord  Rothschild. 

790.  Concordia  parvae  res  crescunt,  discordia  maxumfe  dilabuntur. 

(L.)  Sail.  Jug.  10,  16. — If  harmony  be  preserved, 
small  undertakings  will  prosper;  but  dissension  will 
bring  the  greatest  states  to  the  ground.  (The  first  four 
■words  are  the  Motto  of  Merchant  Tailors'  Company.) 

791.  Concurritur:  horse 

Momento  cita  mors  venit,  aut  victoria  laeta. 

(L.)     Hor.  S.  1,  1,  7. 

One  short,  sharp  shock,  and  presto !  all  is  done : 

Death  in  an  instant  comes,  or  victory's  won. — Conington. 

792.  Condicio   dulcis  sine  pulvere  palmae.     (L.)     Hor.  Ep.   1, 

1,  5  v. — The  certainty  of  winning  the  coveted  palm  with- 
out an  effort. 

793.  Condo   et  compono   quae  mox   depromere    possim.      (L.) 

Hor.  Ep.  1,  1,  12. — /  am  storing  and  collecting  what 
some  day  or  other  I  shall  be  able  to  produce. 

794.  Con  el  Eey  y  con  la  Inquisicion,  chitos  !     (S.)     Prov. — 

About  the  King  and  the  Inquisition,  not  a  word  ! 

795.  Confido,  conquiesco.      (L.) — /  trust  and  rest.     Motto  of 

Earl  of  Dysart  and  Lord  Tollemache. 


796.  Confiteor,  si  quid  prodcst  delicta  fateri.     (L.)     Ov.  Am.  2, 

4,  3. — /  confess  my  fault  if  the  confession  can  be  of  any 
avail.     (2.)  Confiteor,  a  part  of  the  office  of  the  Mass. 

797.  Conge"  d'eslire.     (Fr.) — Leave  to  elect. 

Terra  used  in  the  Anglican  Church  to  express  the  permission 
granted  by  the  Sovereign  to  the  Chapter  of  a  cathedral  to 
elect  a  Bishop.  This  is,  however,  a  matter  of  form,  as  the 
Chapter  is  bound  to  nominate  the  person  recommended  in  the 
Royal  letter  which  accompanies  the  Conge. 

798.  Conjugium  vocat,  hoc  prsetexit  nomine  culpam. 

(L.)    Virg.  A.  4,  172. 
She  calls  it  marriage  now  ;  such  name 
She  chooses  to  conceal  her  shame. — Oonington. 

Dido's  guilty  love  for  iEneas  :  not  the  only  woman  who 
has  endeavoured  to  screen  her  shame  under  a  false  title. 

799.  Connubialis  amor  de  Mulcibre  fecit  Apellem.     (L.) — Love 

turned  a  blacksmith  into  an  Apelles.    Epitaph  of  Quintin 
Matsys,  the  blacksmith-painter  of  Antwerp. 

800.  Conscia  mens  recti  famae  mendacia  risit 

Sed  nos  in  vitium  credula  turba  sumus. 

(L.)     Ov.  F.  4,  311. 

Conscious  of  truth,  the  mind  can  smile  at  lies, 
But  we're  a  race  too  prone  t'  imagine  vice. — Ed. 

Si  quid  Usquam  justitia  est,  et  mens  sibi  conscia  recti.     Virg. 

A.  1,  604. — If  justice,  and  a  sense  of  conscious  right  yet  avail 


Conscia  mens  recti  is  sometimes  used  as  a  periphrasis  for  inno- 
cence, conscious  integrity. 

801.  Conscientiam    rectse    voluntatis  maximam    consolationem 

esse  rerum  incommodarum.  (L.)  Cic.  Fam.  6,  4,  2. — 
'Consciousness  of  an  honourable  intention  is  the  greatest 
consolation  in  troubles.  (2.)  Conscientia  mille  testes. 
Quint.  5,  11,  41. — A  good  conscience  is  worth  a  t/iousand 
witnesses ;  and  cf.  Mea  mihi  conscientia  pluris  est  quam 
omnium  sermo.  Cic.  Att.  12,  28,  2. — The  verdict  of 
my  own  conscience  is  more  to  me  than  t/ie  testimony  of  all 
men  put  together.  (3.)  Bona  conscientia  turbam  advocat, 
mala  etiam  in  solitudine  anxia  atque  solicita  est.  Sen. 
Ep.  43,  5. — A  good  conscience  invites  the  inspection  of 
all,  a  bad  is  anxious  and  distressed  even  in  solitude. 

802.  Consensus  tollit  errorem.    (L.)    Law  Max. — Consent  does 

away  with  all  objections  on  tlie  score  of  irregularity.      If 
an  action  ought  to  have  been  laid  in  Surrey,  but  with  the 


consent  of  the  parties  (per  assensum  partium)  it  is  tried 
in  Middlesex,  no  objection  can  be  taken  on  the  ground 
of  irregularity. 

803.  Consentientes  et  agentes  pari  poena  plectentur.     (L.)     Law- 

Max. — Parties  to  a  wrongful  act  are  to  be  visited  with 
the  same  penalties  as  the  principals. 

804.  Consequitur  quodcunque  petit.     (L. ) — He  attains  whatever 

he  aims  at.     Motto  of  the  Marquess  of  Headfort. 

805.  Conservez  bien  la  foi,  conservez  votre  loi.     (-^V.)     Breton 

Prov. — Keep  well  your  faith,  keep  your  law. 

80G.  Consilia  firmiora  sunt  de  divinis  locis.  (L.)  Plaut.  Most. 
5,  1,  55. — Advice  is  more  reliable  that  comes  from  conse- 
crated spots. 

807.  Consilia  qui  dant  prava  cautis  hominibus 

Et  perdunt  operam  et  deridentur  turpiter. 

(L.)     Phsedr.  1,  25,  1. 
Who  ill  advice  on  wary  men  confer 
Waste  time  and  shameful  ridicule  incur. — Ed. 

808.  Consilio  et  animis.    (L.) — By  wisdom  and  courage.    Motto 

of  the  Earl  of  Lauderdale. 

809.  Constans  et  fidelitate.     (L.) — Constant  and  with  faithful- 

ness.    Motto  of  Order  of  St  Hubert. 

810.  Constantia  et  virtute.      (L.) — By  constancy   and  virtue. 

Motto  of  Earl  Amherst. 

811.  Constructio  legis  non  facit  injuriam.     (L.)     Law  Max. — 

The  construing  or  interpretation  of  the  lata  must  not  be 
allowed  to  injure  any  one. 

812.  Consuetudinem  sermonis  vocabo   consensum  eruditorum; 

sicut  vivendi  consensum  bonorum.  (L.)  Quint.  1,  4, 
3. — I  consider  the  style  of  speaking  adopted  by  men  of 
education  to  be  the  standard  of  correct  language,  just  as 
the  example  of  good  men  furnishes  the  model  for  our  own 

Consensus  =  the  collective  opinion  or  general  agreement  of  any 
body  of  men  upon  any  given  question.  Cf.  Consuetudo  vero 
certissima  loquendi  magistra  ;  utendumque  plane  sermone,  ut 
nummo,  cui  publica  forma  est.  Id.  ibid. — Custom  after  all 
is  the  best  rule  in  speaking,  and  we  should  choose  words,  as  we 
do  money,  that  have  the  public  stamp  on  them. 

813.  Consuetudinis  magna  vis  est.      (L.)      Cic.  Tusc.  2,  17,  40. 

— Great  is  the  force  of  habit. 


814.  Consuetudo  est  altera  lex.     (L.)     Law  Max. — Custom  is  a 

second  law. 

815.  Consuetudo  est  secunda  natura.     (Z.)      S.  Aug.  adv.  Jul. 

5,  59. — Custom  is  second  nature.  Cf.  Morem  fecerat 
usus.     Ov.  M.  2,  345. — Custom  had  made  it  a  habit. 

816.  Consuetudo  loci  est  observanda.     (L.)     Law  Max. — The 

customary  law  of  a  particular  place  is  to  be  observed, — 
such,  e.g.,  as  the  custom  of  gavelkind  in  parts  of  Kent. 
But  the  custom  must  be  capable  of  being  reduced  to  a 
certainty,  and  it  must  be  reasonable  :  under  these  con- 
ditions, Consuetudo  ex  certa  causa  rationabili  usitata 
privat  communem  legem,  Custom,  when  grounded  on  a 
certain  and  reasonable  cause,  supersedes  the  common 

817.  Consule  veritatem.      (L.)      Cic.  Or.  48,  159. — Consult  the 

etymology  (of  the  word)  :  in  Greek,  to  Zrvfiov,  the  literal 
sense  of  a  word  according  to  its  origin. 

818.  Consummatum  est.    (L.)   Vulg.  Joan.  xix.  30. — Itisfinislied. 

819.  Contemnuntur  ii,  qui  nee  sibi,  nee  alteri,  ut  dicitur :    in 

quibus  nullus  labor,  nulla  industria  nulla  cura  est.  (L.) 
Cic.  Off.  2,  10,  36. — Those  men  are  held  in  deserved 
contempt,  who  do  no  good  to  themselves  or  any  one  else,  as 
the  saying  is ;  who  make  no  exertion,  shoio  no  industry, 
exercise  no  thought. 

820.  Contemporanea  expositio  est  optima  et  fortissima  in  lege. 

(Z/.)  Law  Max. — The  best  and  surest  way  of  expounding 
any  statute  is  by  referring  to  the  construction  put  upon  it 
at  the  time  it  vsas  made,  and,  Optimus  legis  interpres 
consuetudo,  Customary  usage  is  the  best  expounder  of 
the  import  of  a  stattite. 

821.  Contemptor  susemet  vitse,  dominus  aliense.     (Z.)     Sen.  1 — 

The  man  who  2n^s  small  value  on  his  own  life  will  be 
master  of  the  lives  of  others. 

822.  Contentement   passe   richesse.       (Fr.) — A  mind  contented 

with  its  lot,  is  more  valuable  than  riches. 

823.  Contesa  vecchia  tosto  si  fa  nuova.     (It.)     Prov. — An  old 

feud  is  soon  renewed. 

824.  Conticuisse   nocet   nunquam,    nocet   esse   locutum.       (L.) 

Anth.  Sacr.  Jac.  Billii  (in  loquaces). — It  never  hurts  a 
man  to  keep  silence,  but  often  to  speak. 



825.  Continue)  culpam  ferro  compesce,  priusqnam 

Dira  per  incantum  serpant  contagia  vnlgus. 

(L.)     Virg.  G.  3,  468. 
Prompt  measures. 
Cut  oft'  at  once  with  knife  the  mischiefs  head, 
Lest  thro'  the  unthinking  crowd  the  poison  spread. — Ed. 

Prompt  measures  must  he  taken  with  disorders,  either  of  the 
natural  or  the  political  hody :  sedition,  like  any  other  ulcer, 
must  be  at  once  removed. 

826.  Con  toclo   el  mondo  guerra,   y  paz  con   Inglaterra.     (S.) 

Prov. — War  with  all  the  world,  and  peace  with  England. 

827.  Contra  malum  mortis,  non  est  medicamen  in  hortis.      (LT) 

Med.  Apkor. — No  chemist's  herbarium  contains  a  remedy 
against  death. 

828.  Contranando  incrementum.     (L.) — Progress  by  swimming 

against  the  stream.     Motto  of  the  town  of  Peebles. 

829.  Contra  verbosos  noli  contendere  verbis  ; 

Sermo  datur  cunctis,  animi  sapientia  paucis.  (L.)  Dion. 
Cato.  1 — Avoid  xiyrangling  with  the  contentious;  speech  is 
given  to  every  man,  wisdom  to  few. 

830.  Contredire,    e'est   quelquefois   frapper  a  une   porte,    pour 

savoir  s'il  y  a  quelqu'un  dans  la  maison.  (Fr.)  Prov.1 — 
To  contradict,  sometimes  means  to  knock  at  Hie  door  to 
find  out  w/iet/ier  there  is  any  one  at  home. 

831.  Contre  fortune  bon  camr.     (-Fr.) — Against  the  fickleness  of 

fortune  oppose  a  bold  heart. 

832.  Contre  les  rebelles,  e'est  cruaute  que  d'estre   humain  et 

humanitd  d'estre  cruel.  (Fr.)  Corneille  Muis,  Bp.  of 
Bitonte. — Against  rebels,  it  is  cruelty  to  be  humane,  and 
humanity  to  be  cruel.  A  maxim  adopted  by  Catherine 
de  Medici  in  her  "  Counsels  "  to  her  son  Charles  IX. 

833.  Contumeliam  si  dicis,  audies.     (L.)     Plaut.  Ps.  4,  7,  77. — 

If  you  abuse  others,  you  will  have  to  listen  to  it  yourself. 

83 i.  Coram  domino  rege.  (L.)  —  Before  our  lord  the  king. 
(2.)  Coram  non  judice.  Law  Term. — Before  one  who  is 
not  a  judge. 

If  judgment  be  delivered  in  a  county  which  has  no  jurisdiction 
to  try  the  case,  the  judgment  is  a  mere  nullity.  Thus,  a  case 
belonging  to  the  provincial  Court  of  Canterbury,  if  tried  before 
a  judge  sitting  at  "Westminster,  would  be  coram  non  judice, 
and  the  judgment  consequently  null.  (3.)  Coram  nobis.— 
Before  us.     Before  the  Court. 


835.  Coram  rege  suo  de  paupertate  tacentes 

Plus  poscente  ferent.     Distat,  sumas  ne  pudenter 
An  rapias.  (L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  17,  43. 

Those  who  have  tact  their  poverty  to  mask 

Before  their  chief  get  more  than  those  who  ask  ; 

It  makes,  you  see,  a  difference,  if  you  take 

As  modest  people  do,  or  snatch  your  cake. — Conington. 

836.  Cor  nobyle,  cor  immobyle.    (L.) — A  noble  heart  is  a  change- 

less heart.     Motto  of  Lord  Vivian. 

837.  Corpora  lente  augescunt,  cito  extinguuntur.     (L.)      Tac. 

Agr.  3. — Bodies  are  slow  in  growth,  rapid  in  decay. 

838.  Corpora  magnanimo  satis  est  prostrasse  leoni : 

Pugna  suuru  fineni,  quum  jacet  hostis,  habet. 

(L.)     Ov.  T.  5,  3,  35. 

The  lion  is  content  to  fell  his  foe  : 

The  fight  is  done,  when  the  enemy's  laid  low. — Ed. 

839.  Corporis  et  fortuna?  bonorum,  ut  initium,  finis  est :  omnia 

orta  occidunt,  et  aucta  senescunt.  (L.)  Sail.  J.  2. — 
The  advantages  of  person  and  fortune  have  their  ap- 
pointed end,  as  they  Jiave  their  beginning :  all  that  rises 
has  its  setting,  and  growth  is  only  a  step  towards  decay. 

840.  Corps  diplomatique.     (^V.) — The  diplomatic  body.      The 

ambassadors,  ministers,  and  envoys  from  foreign  Courts 
resident  at  the  capitals  of  the  various  kingdoms  with 
their  secretaries  and  attache's. 

841.  Corpus  Christi.     (L.)—The  Body  of  Christ.     Festival  of 

the  Roman  Church  in  honour  of  the  Holy  Eucharist, 
instituted  by  Pope  Urban  IV.  in  1264,  and  observed  on 
the  Thursday  following  Trinity  Sunday.    (Fr.  Fete  Dieu.) 

842.  Corpus  delicti.    (L.)    Law  Term. — The  body  of  the  offence. 

The  entire  nature  of  the  crime,  containing  the  substance, 
and  matter,  of  which  the  several  counts  in  the  indict- 
ment must  be  formed. 

843.  Corrumpunt   bonos   mores  colloquia  mala.      (L.)      Pro  v. 

Vulg.  Cor.  1,  15,  33. — Evil  communications  corrupt 
good  manners. 

844.  Corruptio  optimi  pessima.      (L.)      S.  Greg.  Moral.  1 — A 

corruption  of  ilie  best  possible,  is  the  worst  possible. 

Originally  said  of  bad  priests,  and  referring  particularly  to  the 
sins  of  all  who  have  received  grace,  the  saying  expresses 
generally  that  the  better  a  thing  is,  the  worse  is  its  abuse. 


For  fairest  things  grow  foulest  by  foul  deeds ; 
Lilies  that  fester,  smell  far  worse  than  weeds. 

— Shakesp.  Sonn.  94,  13. 

The  higher  a  man's  reputation,  the  graver  his  downfall.  In- 
stitutions of  the  most  salutary,  as  well  as  of  the  most  sacred 
kind,  have  been  perverted  to  become  perfect  plague-spots  of 
corruption,  instead  of  centres  of  life  and  health.  The  extent 
of  the  deterioration  is  proportionate  to  the  excellence  of  pur- 
pose for  which  the  institution  was  established. 

845.  Corruptissima  in  republica  plurimae  leges.     (L.)     Tac.  A. 

3,  27. — Tlie  worst  states  produce  tlie  greatest  number  of 

846.  Cor  unum,  via  una.     (L.) — One  lieart,  one  way.     Motto  of 

the  Marquess  of  Exeter. 

847.  Cosa  fatta,  capo  ha.     (It.)     Prov. — That  which  is  done  has 

a  head.  A  thing  is  never  done  until  it  is  perfectly 

848.  Cosa  mala  nunca  muere.     (S.)     Prov. — A  bad  thing  never 


849.  Cos!  fan  tutti.       (It.)— So  do  they  all.      Title  of  one  of 

Mozart's  operas.     The  way  of  the  world. 

850.  Coup  de  grace.     (Ft.) — The  finishing  stroke  (or  blow). 

851.  Coup  de  main.     (Fr.)     Mil. — A  surprise. 

852.  Coup  d'oeil.     (Fr.) — A  glance.     A  view  or  prospect. 

853.  Courage  sans  peur.     (Fr.) — Courage  without  fear.     Motto 

of  Viscount  Gage. 

854.  Coute  que  coute.     (Fr.) — Cost  what  it  will.     The  expense 

is  no  consideration.  I  will  have  it,  or  I  will  do  it, 
"  covLte  que  coute."     Anyhow. 

855.  Coutume,  opinion,  reines  de  notre  sort, 

Yous  re'glez  des  mortels  et  la  vie,  et  la  mort.  (Fr.)  De 
La  Motte  1 — Custom,  opinion,  arbiters  of  our  fate,  ye 
influence  the  life  and  even  the  death  of  man. 

856.  Craignez  honte.    (Fr.) — Dread  shame.    Motto  of  the  Duke 

of  Portland. 

857.  Crains  Dieu  tant  que  tu  viveras.     (Fr.) — Fear  God  as  long 

as  you  live.     Motto  of  Lord  Athlumney. 

858.  Craignez  tout  dun  auteur  en  courroux.     (^V.) — Fear  every- 

thing from  an  autlior  in  a  rage. 

CREDE.  101 

859.  Cras  aruet,  qui  nunquam  amavit, 

Quique  amavit,  cras  amet.     (L.)     %  Pervigilium  Veneris. 
Let  those  love  now  who  never  loved  before, 
Let  those  who  always  loved,  now  love  the  more. — T.  Parnell,  1717. 

860.  Cras  hoc  net?     Idem  cras  fiet.     Quid  1  quasi  magnum 

Nempe  diem  donas  1  sed  quum  lux  altera  venit, 
Jam  cras  hesternum  consumpsimus ;  ecce  aliud  cras 
Egerit  hos  annos,  et  semper  paulum  erit  ultra. 

(L.)    Pers.  5,  66. 
To-morrow  and  to-morrow  and  to-morrow. 

It  shall  be  done  to-morrow.     But,  I  say, 

You'll  sing  to-morrow  what  you  sing  today. 

What!  is  one  day  of  such  vast  consequence 

That  you  preseut  it  as  a  boon  immense  ? 

No  !  but  reflect,  when  next  day's  sun  has  shone, 

Then  yesterday's  "to-morrow"  will  have  gone  ; 

And  you're  kept  idling  by  one  morrow  more, 

No  nearer  action  than  you  were  before.  — Ed. 

861.  Cras  te  victurum,  cras  dicis,  Postume,  semper. 

Die  mihi  cras  istud,  Postume,  quando  venit? 

(L.)     Mart.  5,  58,  1. 
To-morrow,  you  always  say,  I'll  wisely  live  : 
Say,  Posthumus,  when  does  that  day  arrive  ? — Ed. 

862.  Credat  Juda3us  Apella 

Non  ego  :  namque  deos  didici  securum  agere  oevum  ; 
Nee,  si  quid  miri  faciat  natura,  deos  id 
Tristes  ex  alto  coeli  demittere  tecto. 

(L.)     Hor.  S.  1,  5,  100. 
The  miraculous  liquefaction. 
Tell  the  crazed  Jews  such  miracles  as  these  ! 
I  hold  the  gods  live  lives  of  careless  ease, 
And,  if  a  wonder  happens,  don't  assume 
'Tis  sent  in  anger  from  the  upstairs  room. — Conington. 

Credat  Judoeus  Apella  is  often  used  in  a  more  or  less  contemptuous 
way,  meaning  that  the  tiling  is  too  absurd  and  improbable  to 
obtain  credence,  like  our  "Tell  that  to  the  marines  !" 

863.  Credebant  hoc  gi'ande  nefas,  et  morte  piandum 

Si  juvenis  vetulo  non  assurrexerat.       (L.)    Juv.  13,  34. 
Old  fashioned  manners. 
'Twas  thought  a  grave,  a  capital  offence, 
For  youth  not  to  rise  up  in  age's  presence. — Ed. 

86-4.  Crede  Byron.     (Z.) — Believe,  or  trust  Byron.      Motto  of 

Lord  Byron. 
865.  Crede  mihi  bene  qui  latuit  bene  vixit,  et  intra 

Fortunam  debet  quisque  manere  suam. 

(L.)     Ov.  T.  3,  4,  25. 

102  CREDE. 

He  lives  the  best  who  from  the  world  retires 
And,  self-contained,  to  nothing  else  aspires. — Ed. 

866.  Crede  mihi,  nriseros  prudentia  prima  relinquit.     (Z.)     Ov. 

Ep.  4,  12,  47. — Prudence,  believe  me,  is  the  first  to  leave 
the  unfortunate. 

867.  Crede  mihi,  res  est  ingeniosa  dare.     (Z.)     Ov.  Am.  1,  8, 

62. — Believe  me,  giving  is  a  matter  that  requires  tact. 

868.  Crede  quod  est  quod  vis ;  ac  desine  tuta  vereri ; 

Deque  fide  certa  sit  tibi  certa  fides.    (Z.)    Ov.  T.  4,  3,  13. 

Think  it  is  as  you  wish  :  bid  fears  adieu : 

Sure  of  yourself,  be  sure  I'm  constant  too. — Ed. 

869.  Credite  me  vobis  folium  recitare  Sibyllse.      (Z.)     Juv.  8, 

126. — Believe  I'm  quoting  you  the  Sibylls'  leaves.  It  is 
Gospel  truth.  The  Sibyll  wrote  her  oracles  on  palm 

870.  Credite,  posteri !  (Z.)     Hor.  C.  2,  19,  2. 
Believe  it,  after  years  ! — Conington. 

Is  it  possible  that  our  descendants  will  credit  such  things  1 

871.  Creditur  ex  medio  quia  res  arcessit  habere 

Sudoris  minimum  ;  sed  habet  comcedia  tanto 
Plus  oneris,  quanto  venise  minus. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  2,  1,  168. 
The  comic  dramatist. 
'Tis  thought  that  Comedy,  because  its  source 
Is  common  life,  must  be  a  thing  of  course  ; 
Whereas  there's  nought  so  difficult,  because 
There's  nowhere  less  allowance  made  for  flaws. — Conington. 

872.  Credo  pudicitiain  Saturno  rege  moratam 

In  terris  visamque  diu.  (Z.)     Juv.  6,  1. 

That  thing  called  Chastity,  in  Saturn's  reign, 
Did,  I  believe,  her  parting  steps  detain, 
And  for  a  while  was  seen  on  mortal  earth 
E'er  she  resought  the  realms  that  gave  her  birth. — Ed. 

873.  Credula  res  amor  est.      (Z.)      Ov.  M.  7,  826. — Love  is  a 

credulous  thing.     Love  will  believe  anything. 

874.  Credula  si  fueris,  aliae  tua  gaudia  carpent, 

Et  lepus  hie  aliis  exagitandus  erit.  (Z.)  Ov.  A.  A. 
3,  661. — If  you  are  too  ready  to  believe,  others  will  reap 
the  pleasures  that  shoxdd  be  yours,  and  you  will  be  hunt- 
ing the  hare  for  the  benefit  of  others. 

CRESSA.  103 

Prov.  of  doing  anything  for  another's  advantage.  Cf.  Diocl.  ap. 
Vopisc.  Numer.  15  :  Ego  semper  apros  occido,  sed  alter  semper 
utitur  pulpamento. — /  do  all  the  shooting  of  the  boars,  but 
another  always  gets  the  game.  I  shake  the  bush,  but  another 
catches  the  bird. 

875.  Credula  vitam  Spes  fovet,  et  fore  eras  semper  ait  melius. 

(L.)     Tib.  2,  6,  19. 
Hope  fondly  cheers  our  days  of  aching  sorrow, 
And  always  promises  a  brighter  morrow. — Ed. 

876.  Credule,  quid  frustra  simulacra  fugacia  captas? 

Quod  petis,  est  nusquam  :  quod  amas,  avertere,  perdes. 
Ista  repercussse  quam  cernis  imaginis  umbra  est, 
Nil  habet  ista  sui.  (L.)     Ov.  M.  3,  432. 


Why  vainly  catch,  fond  youth,  at  fleeting  forms  ? 

You're  seeking  what  is  not :  avert  your  view, 

And  what  you  yearn  for,  will  have  vanished  too. 

What  you  heboid's  a  mere  reflection  thrown, 

A  shadow,  with  no  substance  of  its  own. — Ed. 

877.  Crescentem  sequitur  cura  pecuniam 

Majorumque  fames.  (L.)     Hor.  C.  3,  16,  17. 

Cares  follow  on  with  growth  of  store, 
And  an  insatiate  thirst  for  more. — Ed. 
Cf.  Crescit  amor  nummi  quantum  ipsa  pecunia  crescit 

Et  minus  banc  optat,  qui  non  habet.  Juv.  14,  139. 

The  love  of  money  is  with  wealth  increased, 
And  he  that  has  it  not,  desires  it  least. — Ed. 

Creverunt  et  opes,  et  opum  furiata  cupido : 
Et  quum  possideant  plurima,  plura  volunt.  Ov.  F.  1,  211. 

Wealth  has  increased,  and  wealth's  fierce  maddening  lust, 
And  though  men  have  too  much,  have  more  they  must. — Ed. 

Effodiuntur  opes  irritamenta  malorum.  Ov.  M.  1,  140. — Men 
dig  the  earth  for  gold,  seed  of  unnumbered  ills.  Cf.  Radix 
enim  malorum  omnium  cupiditas.  Vulg.  Tim.  1,  6,  10. — 
The  love  of  money  is  the  root  of  all  evil. 

878.  Crescit  occulto  velut  arbor  sevo.      (L.)      Hor.  C.  1,  12,  45. 

— It  grows  as  trees  do  with  unnoticed  growth.  A  line 
applied  by  St  Beuve  (?)  to  the  progress  of  the  Catholic 

879.  Cressa  ne  careat  pulcra  dies  nota.     (L.)     Hor.  C.  1,  36,  10. 

Note  we  in  our  calendar 
This  festal  day  with  whitest  mark  from  Crete. — Contagion. 

104  CRETA. 

880.  Creta  an  carbone  notandi.      (L.)      Hor.  S.  2,  3,  246.— 

Are  they  to  be  marked  with  chalk  or  charcoal  ?  Are  their 
characters  black  or  white1?  "Were  they  happy  days, 
or  no? 

881.  Cretizandum  est  cum  Crete.     (L.)     Prov. —  We  must  do  at 

Crete  as  the  Cretans  do. 

882.  Crimen  loesse  majestatis.     (L.) — Crime  of  high-treason. 

883.  Crimina  qui  cernunt  aliorum,  non  sua  cernunt, 

Hi  sapiunt  aliis,  desipiuntque  sibi.  (L.)1 — Those  who 
see  the  faults  of  others,  and  are  blind  to  their  own,  are 
wise  as  regards  others,  fools  as  regards  themselves. 

884.  Croire  tout  ddcouvert  est  une  erreur  profonde, 

C'est  prendre  l'horizon  pour  les  bornes  du  monde. 

(Fr.)     Lemierre,  Utility  des  ddcouvertes. 

To  think  all  disco vered's  an  error  profound  ; 

'Tis  to  take  the  horizon  for  earth's  mighty  bound. — Ed. 

885.  Crom-a-boo.     (Irish.) — Crom  for  ever.     Motto  of  Duke  of 


886.  Croyez  moi,  la  priere  est  un  cri  d'espe'rance.     (Ft.)     A.  de 

Musset,  L'Espoir  en  Dieu. — Believe  me,  prayer  is  a  cry 
of  hope. 

887.  Crudelem  medicum  intemperans  aeger  facit.      (L.)     Pub. 

Syr.  1 — An  unreasonable  patient  makes  a  harsh  doctor. 

888.  Crudelis  mater  magis,  an  puer  improbus  ille  1 

Improbus  ille  puer :  crudelis  tu  quoque  mater.  (L.) 
Virg.  E.  8,  49. — Was  the  mother  cruel,  or  was  it  rather 
the  son  who  was  so  bad  ?  The  son  was  bad,  and  thou,  0 
mother,  cruel  also. 

889.  Crudelis  ubique 

Luctus,  ubique  Pavor,  et  plurima  mortis  imago. 

(L.)     Virg.  A.  2.  368. 
Dire  agonies,  wild  terrors  swarm, 
And  death  glares  grim  in  many  a  form. — Conington. 

890.  Crux.      (L.) — A    cross.      A    difficulty   (puzzle,   dilemma, 

problem)  that  perplexes  and  baffles  and  seems  insur- 

891.  Crux  stat  dum  volvitur  orbis.     (L.)1 — The  Cross  stands 

erect  while  the  world  revolves. 

892.  Cucullus  non  facit  monachum.     (L.)    Yvov.—The  cowl  does 

not  make  the  monk. 

CUT.  105 

The  dress  appropriate  to  any  profession  does  not  necessarily  make 
the  wearer  a  member  of  the  body  he  appears  to  represent. 
The  saying  means  that  costume  goes  for  nothing  compared  with 
actual  qualifications.  You  may  get  yourself  up  in  the  most 
unexceptionable  nautical  attire,  and  yet  know  no  more  how  to 
handle  a  vessel  than  a  London  'bus  conductor. 

893.  Cui  bono?   (L.) — For  whose  advantage  is  it?   Cf.  Cic.  Rose. 

Am.  30,  84  :  Cui  bono  fuisset,  Whose  advantage  would  it 
have  been  ?  A  question  often  propounded  in  lawsuits  by 
L.  Cassius,  the  judge.     (2.)  Cui  malo  1 — To  whose  hurt  ? 

894.  Cuicunque  aliquis  quid  concedit,  concedere  videtur  et  id, 

sine  quo  res  ipsa  esse  non  potest.     (L.)     Law  Max. — 
Whoever  grants  a  thing  is  supposed  also  tacitly  to  grant 
that  without   which   the  grant   itself   would   be   of   no 
A  person  selling  the  timber  on  his  estate,  the  buyer  may  cut 
down  the  trees,  and  convey  them  away  without  being  respon- 
sible for  the  injury  which  the  grass  may  sustain  from  carts,  etc. , 
during  the  necessary  time  of  conveyance. 

895.  Cui  dolefc,  meminit.      (L.)      Prov.  Cic.  Mur.  20,  i2.—He 

xoho  suffers,  remembers.     A  burnt  cbild,  etc. 

896.  Cui  lecta  potenter  erit  res 

Nee  facundia  deseret  hunc  nee  lucidus  ordo. 

(L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  40. 

Let  but  our  theme  be  equal  to  our  powers, 

Choice  language,  clear  arrangement,  both  are  ours. — Conington. 

897.  Cuilibet  in  arte  sua  peri  to  est  credendum.      (L.)      Law 

Max. — Every  man  should  be  given  credence  on  points 
connected  with  his  own  special  profession. 

Thus,  questions  relating  to  any  particular  trade  must  be  decided 
by  a  jury  after  examination  of  witnesses  skilled  in  that  par- 
ticular profession.  Surgeons  on  a  point  of  surgery,  pilots  on  a 
question  of  navigation,  and  so  on. 

898.  Cui  licet  quod  majus,  non  debet  quod  minus  est  non  licere. 

(Z.)  Law  Max. — He  who  has  authority  to  do  the  greater, 
ought  not  to  be  debarred  from  doing  the  less.  A  man 
under  a  power  to  lease  for  twenty-one  years,  may  lease 
for  fourteen,  since  omne  majus  continet  in  se  minus, 
the  greater  contains  the  less. 

899.  Cui  licitus  est  finis,  etiam  licent  media.    (L.)    Busenbaum, 

Medulla  Theol.  Moralis,  6,  6,  2. — Where  the  end  is  law- 
ful the  means  thereto  are  lawful  also.  This  maxim  of  the 
Jesuit  writer  is  generally  cited  as  "  The  end  justifies  the 

106  CUI. 

900.  Cui  non  conveniat  sua  res,  ut  calceus  olira, 

Si  pede  major  erit,  subvertet,  si  minor,  uret. 

Hor.  Ep.  1,  10,  42. 

Means  should,  like  shoes,  be  neither  great  nor  small ; 

Too  wide,  they  trip  us  up,  too  strait,  they  gall. — Conington. 

901.  Cui  peccare  licet,  peccat  minus.     Ipsa  potestas 

Seruina  nequitise  languidiora  facit.    (Z.)    Ov.  Am.  3,  4,  9. 

Who's  free  to  sin,  sins  less  :  the  very  power 
liobs  evildoing  of  its  choicest  flower. — Ed. 

902.  Cui  placet  alterius,  sua  nimirura  est  odio  sors. 

Stultus  uterque  locum  immeritum  causatur  inique ; 
In  culpa  est  animus,  qui  se  non  effugit  unquam. 

(Z.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  14,  11. 

Admiring  others'  lots,  our  own  we  hate  ; 

Each  blames  the  place  he  lives  in  ;  but  the  mind 

Is  most  in  fault,  which  ne'er  leaves  self  behind. — Conington. 

903.  Cui  pi-odest  scelus,  Is  fecit.      (Z.)      Sen.  Med.  500. — His 

is  the  crime,  who  profits  by  it  most. 

904.  Cuique  sua  annumerabimus.      (Z.)      Columella,  xii.  2. — 

We  will  put  down  to  the  account  of  each  what  belongs  to 

905.  Cui  sit  condicio  dulcis  sine  pulvere  palmse.     (Z.)     Hor. 

Ep.  1,  1,  51. —  Who  has  the  terms  of  winning  the  coveted 
palm  without  an  effort.  Literally  without  the  dust  or 
sand  (called  in  Gr.  a<f>rj  or  "  touch. "),  with  which  the 
wrestlers  sprinkled  their  bodies  to  get  a  firmer  grip. 

906.  Cui  vis  potest  accidere,  quod  cuiquam  potest.     (Z.)     Pub. 

Syr.  ap.  Sen.  Tranq.  11. — Accidents  that  may  befall  any 
man,  may  befall  every  man. 

907.  Cujuscunque  orationem  vides   politam    et   sollicitam,  scito 

animum  in  pusillis  occupatum,  in  scriptis  nil  solidum. 
(Z.)  Sen.  Ep.  1,  21. —  Whenever  you  observe  a  man  too 
careful  about  the  neatness  of  his  style,  you  may  put  him 
down  for  a  dilettante  (trijler),  with  nothing  of  a  solid 
character  in  his  writings. 

908.  Cujus  est  dare  ejus  est  disponere.     (Z.)     Law  Max. — He 

who  makes  a  gift  has  a  perfect  right  to  regulate  its  dis- 
posal. A  founder  of  a  charity  may  give  it  what  shape 
he  pleases,  provided  it  be  a  legal  one. 

909.  Cujus  est  instituere,  ejus  est  abrogare.     (Z.)     Law  Max. — 

The  power  that  institutes  may  also  abrogate.  The  legisla- 
tion can  only  repeal  laws  which  itself  has  made. 

CUM.  107 

910.  Cujus  est  solum,   ejus  est  usque  ad  coelum.     (Z.)      Law 

Max. — He  who  owns  the  soil,  owns  everything  above  it. 
By  a  conveyance  of  land,  all  buildings,  timber,  and 
water  thereupon  pass  with  it. 

911.  Cujus  omne  consilium  Themistocleum  est.     Existimat  enim 

qui  mare  teneat,  eum  necesse  esse  reruni  potiri.  (Z.) 
Cic.  Att.  10,  8,  4. — Pompeys  plan  is  just  that  of  Themis- 
tocles.  He  considers  tliat  whoever  has  the  command  of  the 
sea  rrnist  necessarily  obtain  the  supreme  power. 

912.  Cujus  rei  libet  simulator  atque  dissimulator.     (Z.)      Sail. 

C.  5,  4. — A  man  who  could  assume  all  characters,  and 
perfectly  conceal  his  oivn.     A  finished  hypocrite. 

913.  Cujus  tu  fidem  in  pecunia  perspexeris 

Verere  ei  verba  credere?  (Z.)  Ter.  Phorm.  1,  2,  10. — 
Can  you  hesitate  to  confide  in  the  word  of  a  man,  of  whose 
probity  in  pecuniary  matters  you  have  had  full  proof? 

914.  Cujusvis    hominis    est   errare,   nullius,   nisi  insipientis  in 

errore  perseverare.  Posteriores  enim  cogitationes  (ut 
aiunt)  sapientioi'es  solent  esse.  (Z.)  Cic.  Phil.  12,  2, 
5. — Any  one  is  liable  to  make  mistakes,  but  no  one,  except 
a  fool,  will  persist  in  his  error.  As  they  say,  second 
thoughts  are  generally  best. 

915.  Cujus  vulturis  hoc  erit  cadaver!      (Z.)      Mart.  6,  62,  4. — 

WJiat  vulture  will  fasten  on  this  carcass  ?  Who  will 
have  the  plucking  of  this  greenhorn1?  Who  will  be  the 
lucky  heirs  of  this  enormous  wealth  1 

916.  Cul  de  sac.     (-?V.) — A  blind  lane,  or  entry,  without  exit  at 

the  other  end.     No  thoroughfare. 

917.  Culpam  poena  premit  comes.      (Z.)      Hor.  C.  4,  5,  24. — 

Swift  vengeance  follows  sin.  An  ideal  state  of  things 
supposed  to  be  realised  under  the  government  of  Augustus. 

918.  Cum  grano  salis.     (Z.)  ] — With  a  grain  of  salt. 

Said  of  the  qualification  or  latitude  with  which  statements  of  a 
doubtful  nature  are  to  be  received.  You  should  always  receive 
X's  stories  cum  grano,  since  he  is  notorious  for  drawing  the 
long  bow. 

919.  Cum  humanis  divina.     (Z.) — Human  and  divine  learning. 

Islington  School. 

920.  Cum  multis  aliis,  quse  nunc  perscribere  longum  est.  (Z.)  Eton 

Latin  Grammar  (Genders  of  Nouns). —  With  many  other 
things  which  it  would  now  be  too  long  to  recount  at  length. 

108  CUM. 

921.  Cum  pulcris  tunicis  sumet  nova  consilia  et  spes. 

(Z.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  18,  33. 

He  will  feel  inspired 
With  new  conceptions  when  he's  new  attired. — Conington. 

922.  Cum  tristibus  severe,  cum  remissis  jucunde,  cum  senibus 

graviter,  cum  juventute  comiter  vivere,  cum  facinorosis 
audacter,  cum  libidinosis  luxurie  vivere.  (Z.)  Cic. 
Am.  6,  13. — With  the  melancholy,  he  would  affect  melan- 
choly ;  with  the  careless,  cheerfulness :  in  the  company  of 
old  men  he  was  grave,  and  with  the  younger  ones,  gay : 
a  match  for  criminals  in  bravado,  and  for  debauchees  in 
licentiousness.  Character  of  Catiline,  who,  in  this  sense 
of  the  words,  made  himself  "  all  things  to  all  men." 

923.  Cuncta  prius  tentata  :  sed  immedicabile  vulnus 

Ense  reddendum,  ne  pars  sincera  trahatur. 

(Z.)     Ov.  M.  1,  190. 

The  Rebellion  of  the  Giants. 
All  has  been  tried  that  could  :  a  gangrened  wound 
Must  be  cut  deep  with  knife,  before  the  sound 
And  unaffected  parts  contract  decay. — Ed. 

924.  Cuncti  adsint,  meritseque  expectent  prsemia  palmse.     (Z.) 

Virg.  A.  5,  70. — Let  all  attend,  and  expect  the  prizes 
due  to  their  well-earned  laurels.    A  distribution  of  prizes. 

925.  Cupidine  humani  ingenii  Kbentius  obscura  credendi.     (Z.) 

Tac.  H.  1,  22. — Through  the  natural  inclination  of  the 
mind  to  give  credence  more  readily,  in  proportion  as  the 
subject  is  obscure. 

926.  Cupido  dominandi  cunctis  affectibus  flagrantior  est.     (Z.) 

Tac.  A.  15,  53. — The  thirst  for  power  is  the  most  power- 
ful of  all  the  affections  of  the  mind. 

927.  Curse  leves  loquuntur,  ingentes  stupent. 

(Z.)     Sen.  Hipp.  607.  . 
Light  sorrows  speak,  but  deeper  ones  are  dumb. — Ed. 

928.  Curarum  maxima  nutrix  Nox.      (Z.)      Ov.  M.  8,   81. — 

That  best  nurse  of  troubles,  Night. 

929.  Curatio   funeris,   conditio   sepulturse,   pompse  exequiarum, 

magis  sunt  vivorum  solatia,  quam  subsidia  mortuorum. 
(Z.)  August.  1 — The  management  of  funerals,  the  pomp 
and  circumstance  of  burial,  are  rather  devised  for  the 
consolation  of  the  living,  than  for  any  actual  relief  to  the 

CTJSTOS.  109 

930.  Cura  ut  valeas.     (L.)     Cic.  Fam.  7,  15,  2. — Take  care  of 

your  liealth.  Mind  you  keep  well.  Ordinary  termi- 
nation of  letters. 

931.  Curia  pauperibus  clausa  est :  dat  census  honores : 

Inde  gravis  judex,  inde  severus  eques. 

(L.)     Ov.  Am.  3,  8,  55. 
The  senate's  closed  to  poor  men  :  gold,  gold,  gold 
Makes  peers  and  judges  :  every  honour's  sold  ! — Ed. 

932.  Cur  indecores  in  limine  primo 

Deficimus  1     Cur,  ante  tubam  tremor  occupat  artus  1 

(L.)     Yirg.  A.  11,  423. 
Why  fail  we  on  the  threshold  ?  why, 
Ere  sounds  the  trumpet  quake  and  fly  ? — Conington. 

933.  Cur  in  theatrum,  Cato  Severe,  venisti, 

An  ideo  tantum  veneras,  ut  exires.    (L.)     Mart.  1,  1,  3. 

Wherefore,  stern  Cato,  came  you  to  the  play  ? 
Was  it  that  we  might  see  you  go  away  ? — Ed. 

934.  Curiosus  nemo  est,  quin  idem  sit  malevolus.     (L.)     Plaut. 

Stich.  1,  3,  54. — Nobody  acts  the  part  of  a  meddlesome 
person,  unless  he  intends  you  Jiarm. 

935.  Cur  me  querelis  exanimas  tuis?       (Z.)     Hor.  C.  2,  171. 
Why  rend  my  heart  with  that  sad  sigh  ? — Conington. 

936.  Cur  nescire,  pudens  prave,  quam  discere  malo. 

(L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  88. 

Why  should  false  shame  compel  me  to  endure, 

An  ignorance  which  common  pains  would  cure  ? — Conington. 

937.  Cur  opus  adfectas,  ambitiose,  novum1?    (L.)    Ov.  Am.  1,  1, 

14. — Why,  ambitious  youth,  do  you  undertake  a  new  work? 

938.  Currente  calaino.     (L.) — With  a  running  pen.     Writing, 

composing,  etc.,  as  fast  as  my  pen  would  travel. 

939.  Cur  tua  prsescriptos  evecta  est  pagina  gyros? 

JSbn  est  ingenii  cymba  gravandi  tui.    (L.)  Prop.  3,  3,  21. 
The  ambitious  Poet. 
Why  has  your  page  transgressed  th'  appointed  mark  ? 
You  must  not  overload  your  talents'  bark. — Ed. 

940.  Custos   morum.      (L.) — The   guardian    of  morals.      (2.) 

Custos  regni. — The  protector  of  tlie  realm,  viz.,  in  the 
absence  or  minority  of  the  Sovereign.  (3.)  Custos 
rotulorum. — Keeper  of  the  rolls.  Name  of  the  first  civil 
officer  of  the  shire,  as  being  keeper  of  the  records  of  the 
Sessions  of  the  peace.  The  Lord-Lieutenant  is  always 
appointed  to  this  office,  though  distinct  from  bis 

110  CUTIS. 

941.  Cutis  vulpina  consuenda  est  cmn  cute  leonis.  (L.)  Prov. — 
The /ox's  skin  must  be  sewn  on  to  that  of  the  lion.  When 
we  cannot  cany  our  point  by  physical  foi'ce,  stratagem 
and  address  must  sometimes  be  resorted  to. 


942  D.  (L.) — Abbrev.  for  Divus,  divine  or  saint ;  Decimus, 
tenth ;  Devotus,  devoted  or  sacred ;  Dicat  (dicavit),  he 
dedicates  (he  dedicated) ;  Numerically,  D  or  ID  =  500. 

943.  D'abord  je  suis  femme,  et  puis  je  suis  artiste.     (Fr.) — lam 

first  of  all  a  woman,  after  that  an  actress.  Answer  of 
Pauline  Viardot  when  questioned  as  to  the  secret  of  her 
professional  successes  on  the  stage. 

944.  Da  capo,  abbrev.  D.  C.    (It.) — From  the  beginning.    Direc- 

tion in  music,  showing  that  the  first  movement  is  to  be 
played  over  again  and  so  conclude. 

945.  D'accord.     (Fr.) — Agreed.     In  accordance.     In  tune. 

946.  Daemon  languebat,  monachus  tunc  esse  volebat : 

Daemon  convaluit,  daemon  ut  ante  fuit.     (L.)     Med.  Lat. 

The  Devil  was  sick,  the  devil  a  monk  would  be  : 
The  Devil  got  well,  the  devil  a  monk  was  he.  (?) 

947.  Da  gloriam  Deo.      (L.) — Give  glory  to   God.      Motto  of 

Dyers'  Company. 

948.  AaKpv  abdupva.      (Gr.)      Eurip.  Iph.  Taur.  832. — Tearless 


949.  Dal  detto  al  fatto  v'e  un  gran  tratto.     (It.)     Prov. — The 

difference  is  great  between  saying  and  doing. 

950.  Da  locum  melioribus.       (L.)       Ter.   Phorm.   3,   2,   37.— 

Make  room  for  your  betters. 

951.  Damna  minus  consueta  movent.     (I-)1 — Losses  (troubles) 

to  which  one  is  accustomed  do  not  disturb  one  much  ;  or, 
it  may  be  translated  conversely,  Troubles  to  which  we  are 
unaccustomed  affect  us  greatly. 

952.  Damnosa  haereditas.     (L.)  1 — A  losing  inheritance.     A  pro- 

perty which  costs  more  than  it  brings  in. 

953.  Damnosa  quid  non  imminuit  dies? 

^Etas  parentum,  pejor  avis,  tulit 
Nos  nequiores,  mox  daturos 

Progeniem  vitiosiorem.       (L.)     Hor.  C.  3,  6,  45. 

DANS.  Ill 

Time,  weakening  Time,  corrupts  not  what  I 
Our  fathers,  worse  than  theirs,  begat 
A  still  lower  race,  ourselves  ;  and  we 
Hand  down  a  worse  posterity. — Ed. 

954.  Damnum  absque  injuria.     (L.)     Law  Term. — Loss  without 

injury  (injustice),  such  as  the  result  of  competition  in  trade. 

955.  Damnum  appellandum  est,  cum  mala  fama  lucrum.     (L.) 

Pro  v.  1  Pub.  Syr. — Gain  made  at  the  expense  of  reputa- 
tion, is  no  better  than  so  much  loss. 

956.  Da  modo  lucra  mihi,  da  facto  gaudia  lucro ; 

Et  fave  ut  emptori  verba  dedisse  juvet.   (L.)  Ov.  F.  5,  690. 
Tlie  tradesman's  prayer. 
Put  profits  in  my  way,  the  joy  of  gain  ; 
Nor  let  my  tricks  on  customers  he  vain  ! — Ed. 

Prayer  to  Mercury,  the  patron  of  thieves  and  shop- 

957.  Dauda  est  remissio  animis :   meliores  acrioresque  requieti 

ut  resurgent.  (L.)  Sen.  Tranq.  15. — The  mind  should 
be  allowed  some  relaxation,  tliat  it  may  return  to  its  work 
all  the  better  for  tlie  rest. 

958.  Da  nobis  lucem,  Domine.     (L.) — Grant  us  light,  0  Lord. 

Motto  of  Glaziers'  Company. 

959.  Dans  1'art  d'inteYesser  consiste  l'art  d'ecrire.    (Fr.)    Delille1? 

— The  art  of  writing  well  consists  in  its  power  of  exciting 
interest.  ■ 

960.  Dans  le  nombre  de  quarante  ne  faut-il  pas  un  zero?     (Fr.) 

Boursault1? — -Among  the  forty  (Academicians)  vmst  there 
not  be  a  zero  ? 

Said  of  the  French  Academy,  and  still  more  true  of  the  Society 
of  Painters  which  bears  the  name  in  England.  The  amusing 
thing  is,  that  it  was  the  admission  of  La  Bruyere  into  an 
academy  of  nonentities  that  prompted  the  lines,  La  Bruyere 
being  the  zero ! 

961.  Dans  les  conseils  d'un  dtat,  il  ne  faut  pas  tant  regarder  ce 

qu'on  doit  faire,  que  ce  qu'on  peut  faire.  (Fr.)  1 — Ln  the 
councils  of  states,  we  are  not  so  much  to  deliberate  on 
wliat  we  ought  to  do,  as  on  what  we  can. 

962.  Dans  les  premieres  passions  les  femmes  aiment  l'amant,  et 

dans  les  autres  elles  aiment  l'amour.     (Fr.)     La  Eochef. 
Max.  p.  91,  §  494. 
In  her  first  passion,  woman  loves  her  lover, 
In  all  the  others,  all  she  loves  is  love. — Byron,  Don  Juan,  c.  3,  st.  3. 

112  DANS. 

963.  Dans  le  temps  des  chaleurs  extremes, 

Heureux  d'amuser  vos  loisirs, 
Je  saurai  pres  de  vous  amener  les  Ze'phyrs 
Les  Amours  y  viendront  d'eux-memes.     {Fr.) 

The  Fan. 

In  summer  times'  stifling  heat 

Your  amusement  shall  be  my  care  ; 
The  Zephyrs  shall  come  at  my  beat, 

The  Loves  of  themselves  will  be  there. — Ed. 

Written  by  Lemierre  on  a  lady's  fan,  and  a  favourite 
quotation  in  the  mouth  of  Louis  XVIII. 

964.  Dans   l'opinion   du   ruonde,  le   mariage,    comme   dans   la 

comedie,  finit  tout.  C'est  pre'cise'ment  le  contraire  qui 
estvrai:  il  commence  tout.  {Fr.)  Mme.  Swetchine'? — 
In  the  world's  opinion  marriage  is  supposed  to  wind  up 
everything,  as  it  does  on  the  stage.  The  fact  is,  that  the 
precise  contrary  is  the  real  truth.  It  is  the  beginning  of 

965.  Dans  un  pays  libre,  on  crie  beaucoup  quoiqu'on  souffre  peu; 

dans  un  pays  de  tyrannie  on  se  plaint  peu,  quoiqu'on 
souffre  beaucoup.  (Fr.)  Carnot? — In  a  free  country 
there  is  more  crying  out  than  suffering:  under  a  despotism, 
there  is  little  complaint,  although  the  evils  endured  are 

966.  Dapes   inemptas.       (L.)      Hor.   Epod.    2,   48. — Unbought 

dainties.     Produced  at  home ;  of  our  own  growth. 

967.  Da  populo,  da  verba  mihi,  sine  nescius  errem  ; 

Et  liceat  stulte  credulitate  frui.    (L.)    Ov.  Am.  3, 14,  29. 

To  a  faithless  mistress. 
Pray  undeceive  me  not,  nor  let 

Me  know  that  I  mistaken  be. 
I  would  a  little  longer  yet 

Enjoy  my  fond  credulity. — Ed. 

968.  Dari  bonum  quod  potuit,  auferri  potest.     (L.)     Pub.  Syr. 

ap.  Sen.  Ep.  8. — The  goods  that  came  by  gift,  can  be  as 
easily  taken  away.  What  we  earn  by  our  labours  can 
only  properly  be  said  to  be  our  own. 

969.  Das   Alter  is   nicht  triibe,   weil   darin   unsere   Freuden, 

sondern  weil  unsere  Hoffnungen  aufhoren.  (G.)  Jean 
Paul  1 — Old  -  age  is  not  sad  because  our  pleasures,  but 
because  our  hopes,  have  then  ceased. 


970.  Das  Alter  ruacht  nicht  kinclisch,  wie  man  spricht,  es  findet 

uns  nur  noch  als  wahre  Kinder.  (G.)  Goethe,  Faust. 
— Age  does  not  make  us  childish,  as  people  say,  it  only 
finds  us  as  children  after  all. 

971.  Das  eben  ist  der  Fluch  der  bosen  That, 

Dass  sie  fortzeugend  Bbses  muss  gebaren.  (G.)  Schill. 
Piccol.  5,  1. — That  is  the  very  curse  of  an  evil  deed,  that 
it  must  engender  and  bring  foi'th  the  same. 

972.  Das  Edle  zu  erkennen  ist  Gewinnst 

Der  nimmer  uns  entrissen  werden  kann.  (G.)  Goethe, 
Tasso. — To  appreciate  what  is  noble  is  a  gain  that  can 
never  be  taken  from  us. 

973.  Das  Erste  und  Letzte  was  vom  Genie  gefordert  wird,  ist 

Wahrheitsliebe.  (G.)  Goethe,  Spriiche. — The  first  and 
last  thing  which  is  demanded  of  Genius,  is  love  of  truth. 

974.  Das  Genie  bleibt  sich  immer  selbst  das  grosste  Geheimniss. 

(G.)  Schill.  an  Gotbe.  —  Genius  always  remains  tJie 
greatest  mystery  to  itself. 

975.  Das  Gliick  giebt  Vielen  zu  viel,  aber  Keinem  genug.     ((?.) 

Prov. — Fortune  gives  many  a  one  too  much,  but  no  one 

976.  Das  Leben   heisst  Streben.     (G.)     Prov. — Living  means 

striving.     Life  is  a  struggle. 

977.  Das  Leben  ist  die  Liebe 

Und  des  Lebens  Leben  Geist.  (G.)  Goethe,  Westost- 
licher  Divan. — Life  is  love,  and  the  life  of  Life,  Spirit. 

978.  Das  Leben  ist  nur  ein  Moment,  der  Tod  ist  auch  nur 

einer.  (G.)  Schill.  Mary  Stuart. — Life  is  only  a  moment, 
Death  is  but  anotlier. 

979.  Das  Naturell  der  Frauen 

Ist  so  nah  mit  Kunst  verwandt.  (G.)  Goethe,  Faust. 
— Nature  in  women  is  so  nearly  allied  to  art. 

980.  Da  spatium  tenuemque  moram,  male  cuncta  ministrat 

Impetus.  (L.)     Statius  Theb.  10,  703. 

Give  time  and  some  delay,  for  passionate  haste 
Will  ruin  all.— Ed. 

981.  Das   schlech teste    Rad    am    Wagen    knarrt    am   meisten. 

((?.)  Prov. — The  worst  wheel  in  the  xcaggon  creaks  the 

982.  Das  Schwerste   klar,  und  Allen  fasslich  sagen, 

Heisst  aus  gediegnem   Golde    Munzen   schlagen.       (G.) 


Geibel  t — To  put  the  most  difficult  matters  clearly,  and 
everything  intelligibly,  is  to  be  making  coins  out  of  pure 

983.  Das  Universum  ist  ein  Gedanke  Gottes.       (G.)      Schill. 

Philos.  Briefe. — The  universe  is  a  thought  of  God. 

984.  Das  Wenige  verschwindet  leicht  dem  Blick, 

Der  vorwarts  sieht,  wie  viel  noch  iibrig  bleibt.  (G.) 
Goethe,  Iphigenia.  (Iphig.  loq.) — The  little  (that  is  ac- 
complished) is  soon  lost  sight  of  by  one  who  sees  before 
him  how  much  still  remains  (to  be  done).  Mr  M.  Arnold 
quotes  the  words  (Essays  in.  Criticism)  against  self- 
satisfied  people,  as  "  a  good  line  of  reflection  for  weak 

985.  D;is  Wunder  ist  des  Glaubens  liebstes  Kind.    (G.)    Goethe, 

Faust  (Nacht). — Miracle  is  the  dearest  child  of  Faith. 

986.  Data   fata    secutus.      (L.) — Following    the  fate    decreed. 

Motto  of  Lord  St  John. 

987.  Dat  Deus  immiti  cornua  curta  bovi.      (L.)     Prow — God 

sends  a  curst  coio  short  horns. — Shakesp.  Much  Ado,  2, 
1,  22. 

988.  Dat  Deus  incrementum.      (L.) — God  giveth  tJie  increase. 

Motto  of  Lord  Crofton,  and  of  "Westminster  School. 

989.  Da  tempo  al  tempo.     (It.)     Pro  v. — Give  time  time.    Don't 

be  impatient. 

990.  Date  obolum  Belisario.    (L.)  1 — Give  a  penny  to  Belisarius  I 

The  distinguished  general  of  the  reign  of  Justinian,  during  his 
short  imprisonment  in  563,  has  been  represented  by  writers  of 
fiction  (Marmontel  and  others)  as  blind  and  beggared,  and  re- 
duced to  hanging  out  a  bag  from  his  prison  bars,  with  the  above 
appeal  to  a  pitying  public. 

991.  Dat  veniam  corvis,  vexat  censura  columbas. 

(L.)     Juv.  2,  63. 

[  Who  will  deny  that  justice  has  miscarried  ?] 

The  crows  escape,  the  harmless  doves  are  harried. — Ed. 

As  we  say,  "  one  man  may  steal  a  horse,  while  another 
may  not  look  over  a  hedge." 

992.  Da  veniam  lacrymis.     (L.)  1 — Forgive  these  tears  ! 

993.  Davus  sum  non  OEdipus.     (L.)    Ter.  And.  1,  2,  23. — I  am 

Davus  not  (Edipus. 

994.  Dea  moneta.     (L.) — The  goddess  Money.      The  almighty 


DED1MUS.  115 

Moneta  or  Mnemosyne  {Remembrance),  the  mother  of  the  Muses, 
was  also  a  title  of  Juno,  and  from  the  circumstance  of  her  temple 
in  Rome  heing  used  for  coining  public  money,  comes  the  use  of 
the  word  moneta,  money,  and  mint.    A  curious  derivation. 

995.  De  asini  umbra  disceptare.     (L.) — To  argue  about  an  ass's 

shadow.     To  dispute  about  trifles. 

996.  Debetis  velle  qua?  veliinus.      (L.)     Plaut.  Am.  Prol.  39. — 

You  ought  to  wish  the  same  as  we  do. 

997.  Debilem  facito  manu,  Debilem  pede,  coxa ; 

Tuber  adstrue  gibberum,  Lubricos  quate  dentes ; 
Vita  dum  superest,  bene  est.     (L.)     Maecenas  ap.  Sen. 
Ep.  101,  11. — Make  me  weak  in  the  hands,  feet,  and  hips; 
add  to  this  a  swollen  tumour.     Knock  out  my  loosening 
teeth  ;  only  let  life  remain,  and  I  am  content. 

998.  Debito  (or  E  debito)  justitise.     (L.)     Law  Term. — By  debt 

of  justice.  In  virtue  of  rights  which  have  been  fully 
allowed  by  law. 

999.  Debonnaire.    (Fr.) — Debonair.    Motto  of  Earl  of  Lindsay. 

1000.  De  bon  vouloir  servir  le  roy.     (Fr.) — To  serve  the  king 

with  good  will.     Motto  of  Earls  Tankerville  and  Grey. 

1001.  De  calceo  sollicitus,  at  pedem  nihil  curans.     (L.)     Prov. — 

Anxious  about  the  appearance  of  the  shoe,  but  regardless 
of  the  comfort  of  the  feet. 

1002.  Deceptio  visus.    (L.) — A  deception  of  the  sight.    An  illusion. 

Ocular  deception. 

1003.  Decet  verecundum  esse  adolescentem.      (L.)      Plaut.  As. 

5,  1,  6. — It  is  becoming  in  a  young  man  to  be  modest. 

1004.  Decipimur  specie  recti  ;  brevis  esse  laboro, 

Obscurus  fio.  (L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  25. 

One's  led  astray  so  by  one's  private  views 

Of  good  and  bad  ;  I  try  to  be  concise 

And  end  in  being  obscure — an  equal  vice. — Ed. 

The  latter  part  of  the  quotation  is  said  to  have  been 
humorously  repeated  by  Thomas  Warton  on  his  snuffing 
out,  when  he  would  have  snuffed,  his  candle. 

1005.  Decori  decus  addit  avito.       (L.) — He   adds   lustre  to  the 

honours  of  his  ancestors.     Motto  of  the  Eai-1  of  Kellie. 

1006.  Decrevi.    (L.) — I  have  decreed.    M.  of  Marq.  of  Westmeath. 

1007.  Dedimus  potestatem.     (L.)     Law   Term. —  We  have  given 

power.  A  writ  or  commission  given  to  one  or  more,  for 
the  speeding  of  an  act  pertaining  to  some  court.      (2.) 

116  DEDIMUS. 

A  writ  of  dedimus  potestatem  is  also  issued  out  of 
Chancery,  when  a  new  name  is  inserted  in  the  commis- 
sion of  the  peace,  directing  an  acting  justice  to  swear 
him  in. 

1008.  Dedimus  tot  pignora  fatis.     (L.)     Luc.  7,  662. — We  have 

given  so  many  hostages  to  fortune. 

1009.  Dediscit  animus  sero  quod  didicit  diu..      (L.)    Sen.  Troad. 

631. — The  mind  is  slow  to  unlearn  anything  it  has  been 
learning  long.     The  difficulty  of  eradicating  ideas  or  pre- 
judices early  instilled. 

1010.  Dedit  hanc  contagio  labem 

Et  dabit  in  plures.  (L.)  Juv.  2,  78. — Contagion  has 
spread  this  pollution  and  will  spread  it  much  further. 
Said  of  the  contagious  effect  of  immoral  habits. 

1011.  De  facto.     (L.) — In  point  of  fact.     Usually  opposed  to  de 

jure,  by  law  or  by  right.  Thus  William  and  Mary  were 
said  to  be  the  de  facto,  and  James  II.  and  III.  the  de 
jure,  sovereigns  of  England  by  the  non-juring  party. 

1012.  Defectio  virium  adolescentium  vitiis  efficitur  ssepius  quam 

senectutis.  (Z.)  Cic.  Sen.  9,  29. — Decay  of  strength  is 
more  commonly  the  result  of  youthful  excesses  than  any 
real  fault  in  old  age  itself. 

1013.  Defendamus.      (L.) — Let  its  defend.      Motto  of  town  of 


1014.  Defenditnumerusjunctseque  umbone  phalanges.    (L.)    Juv. 

2,  46. — Their  numbers  protect  them  and  their  serried 
lines,  joined  shield  to  shield. 

1015.  Deforme  est  etiam,  de  se  ipsum  praedicare,  falsa  praesertim. 

(L.)  Cic.  Off.  1,  38,  137. — It  is  unseemly  for  any  one  to 
boast  about  himself,  more  especially  when  it  is  untrue. 

1016.  Defuncti  ne  injuria  afficiantur.     (L.)     Law  of  the  Twelve 

Tables. — The  dead  are  not  to  be  maligned.  Like  De 
mortuis,  etc. 

1017.  Degeneres  animos  timor  arguit.     (Z.)     Virg.   A.  4,  13. — 

Fear  argues  a  base-born  soul. 

1018.  De  gustibus  non  est  disputandum.     (L.)    Prov.  1 — -There  is 

no  disputing  about  tastes.  Cf.  Diversos  diversa  juvant ; 
non  omnibus  annis  Omnia  conveniunt.  Pseudo-Gall.  2, 
104. — Different  things  delight  different  people ;  it  is  not 
everything  that  suits  all  ages. 

DELERE.  117 

1019.  De  hoc  ruulti  multa,  omnes  aliquid,  nemo  satis.     {L.)% — 

On  this  subject  many  people  have  said  much,  all  have  said 
something,  but  no  one  enough. 

1020.  De  industria.     (L.)     Cic.  Or.   44,  151  ;    or  Ex  industria 

(Liv.  1,  56,  8). — On  purpose,  intentionally.  Generally 
in  a  bad  sense. 

1021.  De  l'absolu  pouvoir  vous  ignorez  l'ivresse, 

Et  du  lache  flatteur  la  voix  enchantresse.  (Fr.)1 

Of  Power  you  know  not  the  intoxication, 

Nor  the  flattering  magic  of  base  adulation. — Ed. 

1022.  De  l'audace,   encore  de  l'audace,  et  toujours  de  l'audace ! 

{Ft.)  —  Audacity,  still  more  audacity,  and  always 

Famous  conclusion  of  Danton's  speech  delivered  before  the  Legisla- 
tive Assembly  (Sept.  2, 1792)  on  the  eve  of  the  frightful  September 
massacres,  of  which  Danton  may  be  said  to  have  thus  fired  the 
first  spark.  He  concluded  with  a  powerful  appeal  to  the  nation 
to  crush  the  enemies  of  France  and  of  the  Revolution.  Pour 
les  vaincre,  pour  les  atterrer,  que  faut-il  f  De  l'audace,  etc. ,  ut 

1023.  Delectare  in  Domino.     {L.)     Vulg.  Ps.  xxxvi.  4. — Delight 

tJiou  in  tlie  Lord.     Motto  of  Lord  Poltimore. 

1024.  Delegata  potestas  non  potest  delegari.     (Z.)     Law  Max. — 

A  delegated  authority  cannot  be  re-delegated  (or,  Vicarius 
non  habet  Vicarium,  An  agent  cannot  appoint  another  to 
do  his  agency).  A  broker,  e.g.,  cannot  turn  over  the  man 
who  commissions  him  (his  principal)  to  another  broker, 
of  whom  his  employer  knows  nothing. 

1025.  Delenda  est  Carthago.     {L.)     Cat.  ap.  Servius  ad  Virg.  4, 

683. — Carthage  must  be  destroyed. 

The  hatred  which  the  elder  Cato  bore  towards  Carthage  is  well 
known,  a  country  which,  he  insisted,  was  a  formidable  rival  to 
Home,  and  should  be  forthwith  suppressed.  He  is  said  to  have 
concluded  his  speeches  in  the  senate,  whatever  the  question  might 
be,  with  the  words,  Ca:terum  ccnsco,  Carthaginem  esse  delendam, 
For  the  rest,  I  am  of  opinion  that  Carthage  should  be  destroyed. 

1026.  Deleo  omnes  dehinc  ex  animo  mulieres.     (Z.)     Ter.  Eun. 

2,  4,  5. — From  Jienceforth  I  blot  out  every  woman  from 
my  mind. 

1027.  Delere  licebit 

Quod  non  edideris  :  nescit  vox  missa  reverti.  {L.)  Hor. 
A.  P.  389. — You  may  strike  out  what  you  please  before 
publishing ;  but  once  sent  into  tlte  world  the  words  can 
never  be  recalled. 


1028.  Deliberando  ssepe  perit  occasio.     (L.)     Syr.  140. — Oppor- 

tunity is  often  lost  through  deliberation.  "While  we  are 
considering,  the  occasion  is  gone. 

Cf.  Dum  deliberamus  quando  incipiendum,  incipere  jam  serum  fit. 
Quint.  12,  6,  3.  —  While  we  are  considering  when  to  begin,  it  becomes 
already  too  late  to  do  so. 


Eja,  age,  rumpe  moras,  quo  te  spectabimus  usque  ? 
Dum  quid  sis  dubitas,  jam  potes  esse  nihil. 

(L.)    Mart.  2,  64,  9. 
Come,  come,  look  sharp  !     How  long  are  we  to  wait  ? 
"While  doubting  what  to  be,  you'll  be  too  late. — Ed. 

1029.  Deliberandum  est  ssepe,  statuendum  est  semel.     (L.)     Syr. 

132. — Deliberate  as  often  as  you  please,  but  when  you 
decide  it  is  once  for  all. 

1030.  Deliberat  Roma,   perit   Saguntum.      (L.)      Prov. — While 

Borne  deliberates,  Saguntum  perishes. 

Saguntum  (Murviedro),  in  218  B.C.,  after  a  heroic  resistance  against 
the  forces  of  Hannibal,  was  reduced  by  famine,  the  men  making  a 
final  sortie,  while  their  wives  set  fire  to  the  town,  and  perished  in 
the  flames.  The  famine  became  proverbial  (Saguntina  fames,  the 
famine  of  Saguntum)  for  any  severely-felt  dearth  of  food. 

1031.  Deliramenta  doctrinse.    (L.) — The  crazes  of  learning.    Wild 

theories  of  learned  men.     Fantastic  speculations. 

1032.  De  loin  c'est  quelque  chose,  et  de  pres  ce  n'est  rien.     {Fr.) 

La  Font.  Chameau  et  Batons  flottants. — At  a  distance  it 
looks  like  something  important,  but  close  by  it  is  nothing 
at  all. 

Like  sticks  floating  on  water,  things  at  a  distance  seem  important 
to  those  watching  them,  but  on  nearer  inspection  they  turn  out  to 
be  insignificant  enough.  Hence,  any  such  deceptive  appearances 
are  said  to  be  bdtons  flottants  sur  I'onde,  sticks  floating  on  the  water. 

1033.  Delphinum  sylvis  appingit,  fluctibus  aprum.     (L.)     Hor. 

A.  P.  30. — lie  paints  dolphins  among  forests,  boars  in 
seas.  This  must  be  the  artist  who  enlivened  a  bit  of  sea- 
shore with  a  few  red  lobsters. 

1034.  De  mal  en  pis.     {Fr) — From  bad  to  worse. 

1035.  De  male  qusesitis  vix  gaudet  tertius  ha3res, 

Nee  habet  eventus  sordida  prseda  bonos.     {L.)     Quoted 

by  Walsingham,  Hist.  p.  260. 
Ill-gotten  gains. 
What's  ill-got  scarce  to  a  third  heir  descends, 
Nor  wrongful  booty  meet  with  prosperous  ends. — Ed. 

DE  MOTU.  119 

This  has  been  signally  verified  in  the  case  of  most  of  the  Church 
lands  seized  and  distributed  by  Henry  VIII.  among  his  courtiers. 
Cf.  Plaut.  Psen.  4,  2,  22.  Male  partum  male  disperit. — Badly 
gotten  and  badly  spent.     Light  come,  light  go. 

1036.  De  medietate  linguae.     (L.)     Law  Term. — Of  a  moiety  of 


A  foreigner  tried  in  a  British  Court  may  demand  to  have  a  jury 
half  foreigners,  which  is,  therefore,  called  a  jury  dc  medietate 
Ungues,  half  one  language,  half  another. 

1037.  De  niendico  male  meretur  qui  ei  dat  quod  edat,  aut  quodbibat, 

Nam  et  illud  quod  dat,  perdit,  et  illi  producit  vitam  ad 
miseriam.  (L.)  Plaut.  Trin.  2,  2.  58. — He  deserves  no 
thanks  of  a  beggar  who  gives  him  to  eat  or  drink,  for  he 
only  throws  his  own  away,  and  lielps  to  prolong  a  miser- 
able existence. 

1038.  De  minimis  non  curat  lex.     (L.)     Law  Max. — The  law 

does  not  concern  itself  about  trifles.  The  law,  though 
strict,  is  not  harsh  and  pedantic  in  its  requirements. 

1039.  Demitto   auriculas  ut  iniqua?  mentis  asellus.     (L.)     Hor. 

S.  1,  9,  20. — Down  go  my  ears,  like  a  surly  young  ass. 
I  revolt,  rebel,  refuse  at  the  proposition. 

1040.  Dem    Mimen    flicht    die   Nachwelt  keine   Krauze.      (G.) 

Schill.  Prol.  Wallenstein's  Camp. — Posterity  binds  no 
wreaths  for  the  actor. 

1041.  De  mortuis  nil  nisi  bonum.     (£.)     ?  Prov. — Say  nothing  of 

tlie  dead  but  what  is  good. 

Cf.  Aewoi  fnfo  avSpl  Ttavres  eafiev  eu/cXeet 

Zwjti  <f>dovrj<rai,  KarOavbvra  5'  alviffai.  (Gr.)  Menand.  in  Bachii 
Mimner,  p.  52.  —  We  arc  all  ready  enough  to  envy  a  famous  man 
while  he  is  alive,  and  to  praise  him  when  he  is  dead.  Cf.  Dum 
vivit  hominem  noveris :  ubi  mortuus  est,  quiescas.  (L. )  Plaut. 
True.  1,  2,  62. — As  long  as  a  man  is  living,  you,  may  know  him  : 
but  after  he  is  dead,  keep  silence.  Among  the  laws  of  the  Twelve 
Tables  is,  Defuncti  ne  injuria  afficiantur. — It  is  forbidden  to  speak 
injuriously  of  the  dead. 

1042.  Demosthenem  ferunt,  si  qui  qusesivisset  quid  primum  esset 

in  dicendo,  actionem ;  quid  secundum,  idem  et  idem 
tertium  respondisse.  (L.)  Cic.  Brut.  38,  142. — It  is 
said  of  Demosthenes,  that  whenever  he  was  asked  what 
was  the  principal  thing  in  public  speaking,  he  replied, 
Action;  to/tat  was  the  second?  Action;  the  third?  the 

1043.  De  motu  proprio.     (L.) — Of  his  own  motive  or  impulse 

Of  a  person's  own  act. 

120  DE  NIHILO. 

1044.  De   nihilo    nihilum,   in   nihiluui    nil   posse  revevti.       (L.) 

Pers.  3,  84. — From  nothing  nought,  and  into  nought  can 
nought  return. 

Matter  being  considered  eternal,  the  creation  of  the  world  out  of 

nothing,  and  its  ultimate  resolution  into  nothingness,  was  held 

by  the  school  of  Epicurus  to  be  absurd. 

Cf.  Nil  igitur  fieri  de  nilo  posse  putandum  est 

Semine  quando  opus  est  rebus.     Lucret.  1,  206. — We  cannot 

conceive  of  matter  being  formed  of  nothing,  since  things  require  a 

seed  to  start  from. 

1045.  Denique   non    omnes    eadem    mirantur    ainantque.      (L.) 

Hor.  Ep.  2,  2,  58. — Men  do  not,  in.  short,  all  admire  or 
love  the  same  things.     Diversity  of  taste. 

1046.  De  non  apparentibus,  et  non  existentibus,  eadem  est  ratio. 

(Z.)  Law  Max. — That  which  is  not  forthcoming  must  be 
treated  as  if  it  did  not  exist.  If  the  Court  cannot  take 
judicial  notice  of  a  fact,  it  is  the  same  as  if  the  fact  had 
not  existed.  Deeds,  e.g.,  must  be  produced  in  Court,  or 
be  treated  as  non-existent. 

1047.  Dens  theonina.     (L.)     Cf.  Hor.  Ep.  1,  18,  82.-4  calum- 

niating tooth  {tongue).  The  tongue  of  a  scandal-monger. 

1048.  Deo  adjuvante.     (L.) — God  assisting.     Motto  of  Viscount 

Exmouth.  (2.)  Deo  ducente. — Under  God's  guidance. 
Motto  of  Lord  Haldon.  (3.)  Deo  favente. — By  the 
favour  of  God.  (4.)  Deojuvante. — God  Iielping.  Motto 
of  Bruton  Grammar  School.  (5.)  Deo  volente,  or  D.V. 
— God  willing,  if  God  will. 

1049.  Deo  dante  nil  nocet  invidia,  et  non  dante,  nil  proficit  labor. 

(L.)  1 — Where  God  gives  envy  cannot  Jiarm,  and  where 
He  gives  not,  all  labour  is  in  vain. 

1050.  Deo  date.     (L.) — Give  unto  God.     Motto  of  Lord  Arundell 

of  Wardour. 

1051.  Deo  duce,  ferro  comitante.     (L.) — God  is  my  guide,   my 

sword,  my  companion.     Motto  of  Earl  of  Charlemont. 

1052.  Deo  duce  fortuna  comitante.     (L.) — With  God  for  leader, 

and  fortune  for  companion.     Motto  of  the  Merchants  of 
.  1053.  Deo  fidelis  et  Regi.     (L.)— Faithful  to  God  and  the  King. 
Motto  of  Lord  Dunsandle  and  Clanconal. 
1054.  Deo  honor  et  gloria.      (L.) — To   God  be  tJie  honour  and 
glory.     Motto  of  Leather-Sellers'  Company. 

DE  PRESCIENT!  A.  121 

1055.  De  omnibus  rebus,  et  quibusdam  aliis.     (L.) — About  every- 

thing in  the  world,  and  some  others  beside.  Said  of  a 
voluminous  treatise. 

Pico  of  Mirandola  (t  1494),  the  wonder  of  his  age,  when  only  23 
published  at  Rome  900  theses  on  every  imaginable  topic  (drawn 
from  Latin,  Greek,  Hebrew,  and  Arabic  writers),  and  offered  to 
dispute  on  the  propositions  against  all  the  scholars  in  Europe. 
One  of  his  theses  he  entitled,  De  omni  re  scibili  (On  every  tiling 
that  can  be  known),  to  which  Voltaire  has  wittily  added,  Et  de  qui- 
busdam  aliis  (And  on  some  other  points  beside). 

1056.  Deo  non   fortuna.       (L.) — From   God,  not  from  fortune. 

Motto  of  Earl  Digby. 

1057.  Deo  Optimo  Maximo,  or  D.O.M.     (L.) — To  the  Most  High 

God.     Inscription  on  temples,  churches,  etc. 

1058.  Deo  patriae  amicis.     (L.) — For  God,  my  country  and  my 

friends.     Motto  of  Lord  Colchester. 

1059.  Deo,  Regi,  Patriae.     (L.) — To  God,  the  King,  and  country. 

Motto  of  Earl  of  Feversham. 

1060.  Deo,   Regi,  Yicino.     (L.) — For  God,   the   King,  and  our 

neighbour.     Motto  of  Bromsgrove  Grammar  School. 

1061.  Deo  reipublicae  et  amicis.     (L.) — To   God,  the  state,   and 

our  friends.     Motto  of  Levant  Company. 

1062.  Deos  fortioribus  adesse.     (L.)     Tac.  H.  4,  17.— The  Gods 

always  assist  the  strongest  side. 

Bussy  Rabutin  (Letters,  4,  91,  October  18,  1677)  says :  Dieu  est 
d'ordinaire  pour  les  gros  escadrons  contre  les  petits.  {Fr.) — As 
a  rule  God  is  on  the  side  of  the  big  squadrons  as  against  the  small 
ones.  Voltaire  in  his  Ep.  A  M.  le  Riclie,  February  1770,  writes  : 
Le  nombre  des  sages  sera  toujours  petit.  II  est  vrai  qu'il  est  aug- 
ments ;  mais  ce  n'est  rien  en  comparaison  des  sots,  et  par  malheur 
on  dit  que  Dieu  est  toujours  pour  les  gros  bataillons. — The  number 
of  the  wise  will  be  always  small.  It  is  true  that  it  has  been  largely  in- 
creased ;  but  it  is  nothing  in  comparison  with  the  number  of  fools,  and 
unfortunately  they  say  that  God  always  favours  the  heaviest  battalions. 

1063.  De  par  le  roy,  defense  a  Dieu 

De  faire  des  miracles  en  ce  lieu.  (Fr.) 

'Tis  forbidden  to  God,  by  His  Majesty's  grace, 
To  perform  any  miracles  in  this  place. — Ed. 
Written  by  a  wit  on  the  gates  of  the  cemetery  of  St  Medard,  when 
closed  by  Louis  XV.  on  account  of  the  reputed  miracles  worked 
by  the  relics  of  Le  Diacre  Paris,  a  Jansenist  there  interred. 

1064.  De  pis  en  pis.    {Fir.) — From  worse  to  worse.    The  evil  goes 

on  increasing. 

1065.  De  praescientia  Dei.     (L.) — Of  tJte  foreknowledge  of  God. 

Motto  of  Barber-Surgeons'  Company. 


1066.  Deprendi  miserum  est.     (L.)     Hor.  S.   1,  2,  134.—  It  is 

dreadful  to  be  detected.  Take  care  you  are  not  found 
out,  much  less  caught. 

1067.  Depressus  extollor.     (L.) — Having   been   depressed,  I  am 

exalted.     Motto  of  Viscount  Mountgarret. 

1068.  De  profundis  clamavi  ad  te  Domine.      (L.)     Vulg.   Ps. 

cxxix.  1. — Out  of  the  deep  have  I  called  unto  thee,  0 
Lord.  Funeral  Psalm  chanted  in  the  mass  for  the 
departed.  The  Psalm  is  called  the  Be  profundis  from 
its  first  words. 

1069.  De  rabo  de  puerco  nunca  buen  virote.      (S.)      Pro  v. — You 

will  never  make  a  good  arrow  of  a  pig's  tail. 

1070.  Der  den  Augenblick  ergreift 

Das  ist  der  rechte  Mann.  (G.)  Goethe,  Faust,  Schuler- 
scene. — He  who  seizes  the  (right)  moment,  is  the  right  man. 

1071.  Der  Erde  Druck,  die  heiligen  Uebel  des  Lebens, 

Erhohen  den  Geist,  erheben  die  Seele  zu  Gott.  (G.) 
Tiedge? — The  pressure  of  earth,  the  holy  ills  of  life  exalt 
tlie  sjririt,  and  raise  the  soul  to  God. 

1072.  Der  Glaube  ist  nicht  der  Anfang,  sondern  das  Ende  alles 

Wissens.  (G.)  Goethe,  Spriiche. — Faith  is  not  the 
beginning,  but  tJie  end  of  all  knowledge. 

1073.  Der  Gliickliche  glaubt  nicht  dass  noch  Wunder  geschehen; 

denn  nur  im  Elend  erkennt  man  Gottes  Hand  und 
Finger,  der  gute  Menschen  zum  Guten  leitet.  (G.) 
Goethe,  Hermann  and  Dorothea. — The  happy  do  not 
believe  that  miracles  still  happen  ;  for  it  is  only  in  misery 
that  one  recognises  the  hand  and  finger  of  God  leading 
good  men  to  goodness. 

1074.  Der   grbsste    Hass   ist  wie    die    grosste    Tugend  und  die 

schlimmsten  Hunde,  still.  (G.)  Jean  Paul] — The  deepest 
hatred,  like  the  greatest  virtues  and  the  most  dangerous 
dogs,  is  quiet. 

1075.  Der  Hahn  schliesst  die  Augen,  wann  er  krahet,  weil  er  es 

auswendig  kann.  (G.)  Prov. — The  cock  shuts  his  eyes 
w7ien  he  crows,  because  he  knows  it  by  heart. 

1076.  Der  Historiker  ist  ein  riickwarts  gekehrter  Prophet.     (G.) 

Fried,  von  Schlegel,  Athenaeum,  vol.  i.  pt.  2,  p.  20. — Tlie 
historian  is  a  propliet  who  looks  backward. 

1077.  Dei*idet,  sed  non  derideor.     (L.) — He  lauglis  at  me,  but  1 

wiU  not  take  the  affront  (will  not  be  laughed  at). 

DES  DIETTX.  123 

1078.  Derivativa  potestas  non  potest  esse  major  primitive.,     (L.) 

Law  Max. — Derived  power  cannot  be  greater  than  the 
power  of  the  fountain  head  from  which  it  springs. 

1079.  Der  Krieg  ist  schrecklich,  wie  des  Himmels  Plagen, 

Dock  ist  er  gut,  ist  em  Geschenk  wie  sie.  (G.)  Schill. 
Wallenstein's  Tod. —  War  is  terrible  as  the  Plagues  of 
Heaven,  still  it  is  good  and  is  a  gift  as  they  are. 

1080.  Der  Lebende  hat  Becht.     (G.)     SchilL  An  die  Freunde.— 

The  living  is  right. 

1081.  Der  Mensch  erfahrt,  er  sei  auch  werer  mag, 

Ein  letztes  Gliick  und  einen  letzten  Tag.  (G.)  Goethe, 
Essex,  Epilog. — Man  experiences,  be  he  who  he  may,  a 
last  pleasure  and  a  last  day. 

1082.  Der  Mensch  ist  nicht  geboren  frei  zu  sein, 

Und  fur  den  Edeln  ist  kein  schoner  Gliick 
Als  einem  Fiirsten,  den  er  ehrt,  zu  dienen.    (G.)    Goethe, 
Tasso. — Man  is  not  bom  to  be  free,  and  for  the  noble 
spirit  there  is  no  greater  fortune  than  to  serve  a  Prince 
whom  he  honours. 

1083.  Der  Mensch  liebt  nur  einmaL      (G.)     Prov. — Man  only 

loves  once. 

1084.  Der  Umgang  mit  Frauen  ist  das  Element  guter   Sitten. 

(G.)  Goethe,  Wahlverwandschaften. — Tiie  society  of 
women  is  the  school  of  good  manners. 

1085.  Descriptas  servai'e  vices,  operumque  colores, 

Cur  ego,  si  nequeo  ignoroque,  poeta  salutor  1 

(L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  86. 

Why  hail  me  poet,  If  I  fail  to  seize 

The  shades  of  style,  its  fixed  proprieties  ? — Coninglon. 

1086.  De  scurra  multo  facilius  divitem,   quam  patrem   familias 

fieri  posse.  (L.)  Prov.  ap.  Cic.  Quint.  17,  55. — It  is 
much  easier  to  make  a  rich  man  of  a  buffoon  than  a  sober 
father  of  a  family. 

1087.  Des  dieux  que  nous  servons,  connais  la  difference, 

Les  tiens  t'ont  commande'  le  meurtre  et  la  vengeance  : 
Le  mien,  lorsque  ton  bras  vient  de  m'assassiner, 
M'ordonne  de  te  plaindre  et  de  te  pardonner. 

(Fr.)     Voltaire,  Alzire. 

Of  the  Gods  that  we  worship  the  difference  see  : 
To  avenge  and  to  kill  is  enjoined  unto  thee  ; 
But  mine,  when  I  fall  'neath  thy  murderous  blow, 
Only  bids  me  feel  pity  and  pardon  bestow. — Ed. 


1088.  Desideranteni  quod  satis  est,  neque 

Tumultuosum  sollicitat  mare, 

Nee  ssevus  Arcturi  cadentis 

Impetus,  aut  orientis  Hsedi.       (L.)     Hor.  C.  3,  1,  25. 

"Who  having  competence  has  all, 

The  tumult  of  the  sea  defies, 
Nor  fears  Arcturus'  angry  fall, 

Nor  fears  the  kid-star's  sullen  rise. — Conington. 

1089.  Desideratum.     (L.) — A  thing  to  be  desired.     Such  an  im- 

provement, etc.,  is  a  great  desideratum. 

1090.  Desinant  Maledicere,   facta  ne  noscant  sua.      (L.)      Ter. 

And.  Prol.  22. — Let  them  cease  to  speak  ill  of  others,  lest 
tliey  come  to  hear  of  their  own  misdoings. 

1091.  Desine  fata  Deum  flecti  sperare  precando. 

(L.)     Virg.  A.  6,  376. 

No  longer  dream  that  human  prayer 

The  will  of  Fate  can  overbear. — Conington. 

1092.  Desine  quapropter,  novitate  exterritus  ipsa, 

Exspuere  ex  animo  rationem ;  sed  magis  acri 

Judicio  perpende,  et,  si  tibi  vera  videntur 

Dede  manus  :  aut  si  falsum  est,  accingere  contra. 

(L.)     Lucret.  2,  1040. 
Cease,  then,  in  terror  of  mere  novelty, 
To  drive  all  reason  from  your  mind,  but  rather  weigh 
With  accurate  judgment.     If  the  thing  be  true, 
Assent :  if  false,  attack  it  hardily. — Ed. 

1093.  De*sir  de  Dieu  et  desir  de  l'liomme  sont  deux.     (Fr.)    Breton 

Prov. — God's  will  and  man's  will  are  two  different  things. 

1094.  Des  Lebens  Miihe 

Lehrt   uns   allein   des    Lebens  Giiter  schatzen.       (G.) 

Goethe,  Tasso. — The  work   of  life   alone,  teaches  us  to 
value  the  good  of  life. 

1095.  Des  Menschen  Engel  ist  die  Zeit.  (G.)    Sehill.  Wall.  Tod. 

5,  11  (Octavio  loq.). — Time  is  the  Angel  of  humanity. 

109G.  Des  Menschen  Wille,  das  ist  sein  Gliick.  (G.)  Sehill. 
Wallenstein's  Lager. — T/ie  will  of  man,  tlvat  is  his  happi- 
ness. Cf.  Sebastian  Franck's  Sprichworter  Sammlung 
(1532)  No.  16,  Des  Menschen  Wille  ist  sein  Himmel- 
reich,  Man's  will  is  his  kingdom  of  heaven. 

1097.  Des  taupes  dans  chez  nous  et  des  lynx  chez  autrui.  (-^V.) 
D'Esternod,  Tableau  des  Ambitieux,  etc.,  see  "Variete's 
hist,  et  litt.  4,  58. 

Moles  to  our  own,  lynxes  to  others'  faults. — Ed. 

DETTS.  125 

1098.  Desunt  csetera.     (L.) — The  rest  is  wanting.     Placed  at  the 

end  of  an  imperfect  story  or  sentence. 

1099.  Desunt  inopise  multa,  avaritise  omnia.     (L.)    1  Pub.  Syr.  ap. 

Sen.  Ep.  108. — Poverty  wants  many  things,  avarice  every 

1100.  Ddtestables  flatteurs,  present  le  plus  funeste 

Que  puisse  faire  aux  roia  la  colere  celeste. 

(Fr.)     Rac.  Phedre,  4,  6. 

Detested  flatterers  !  the  most  fatal  gift 

Heav'n  in  its  wrath  can  send  to  wretched  kings  ! — Ed. 

(Phedre's  dying  words.) 

1101.  Det  ille  veniam  facile,   cui  venia  est  opus.      (L.)      Sen. 

Agam.  267. — Who  needs  forgiveness,  should  the  same 
extend  with  readiness. 

1102.  Detrahet  auctori  multum  fortuna  licebit; 

Tu  tamen  ingenio  clara  ferere  meo. 
Dumque  legar,  mecum  pariter  tua  fama  legetur ; 
Nee  potes  in  moestos  omnis  abire  rogos. 

(L.)     Ov.  T.  5,  14,  3. 
To  his  wife. 
Let  fortune  disparage  my  verse  as  she  will, 

Your  fame  shall  shine  bright  enough  thanks  to  my  art. 
As  long  as  I'm  read,  they'll  remember  you  still, 
And  your  mem'ry  survive  e'en  when  life  shall  depart. — Ed. 

1103.  Detur  aliquando  otium  Quiesque  fessis.     (L.)     Sen.  Her. 

Eur.  925. — Grant  at  length  to  tlie  weary  ease  and  rest. 

1104.  Detur  digniori.     (L.) — Let  it  be  given  to  the  most  worthy. 

(2.)  Detur  pulchriori. — Let  it  be  given  to  the  most  fair. 
The  inscription  on  the  golden  apple  cast  upon  the 
banquet-table  of  the  Gods  in  the  halls  of  Peleus,  and 
awarded  by  Paris,  son  of  Priam,  King  of  Troy,  to  Venus, 
in  preference  to  Juno  and  Minerva,  who  each  claimed 
the  prize. 

1105.  Detur  Gloria  soli  Deo.     (L.) — Let  Glory  be  given  to  God 

alone.     Dulwich  College. 

1106.  Deum  cole,  regem  serva.     (L.) — Worship  God,  preserve  the 

king.     Motto  of  Earl  of  Enniskillen. 

1107.  Deus  aut  bestia.     (Z.)  1 — A  god  or  a  brute.     Latin  version 

of  Aristotle's  rj  Ovpiov,  rj  Qeos  (Pol.  1,  2),  where  he  is 
contrasting  the  characteristics  of  mankind  with  such 
beings  as  are  not  human. 


126  DEUS. 

1108.  Deus   dat   incrementum.      (L.) — God  gives   the  increase. 

Tonbridge  Grammar  School  and  Fruiterers'  Company. 

1109.  Deus  litec  fortasse  benigna  Reducet  in  sedem  vice.     (L.) 

Hor.  Epod.  13,  7. — God  will,  perhaps,  by  some  gracious 
change,  restore  matters  to  their  former  state. 

1110.  Deus  major  columna.     (L.) — God  is  the  greater  support. 

Motto  of  Lord  Henniker. 

1111.  Deus  milii  providebit.      (L.) — God  will  provide  for  me. 

Motto  of  Lord  Keane. 

1112.  Deus  nobis  haec  otia  fecit.      (L.)     Virg.   E.    1,   6. — This 

peaceful  life  (Jiome)  came  from  the  hand  of  God. 

1113.  Deus  vult.     (L.) — God  wills  it. 

The  Council  of  Clermont,  1095,  held  under  Urban  II.  for  considering 
the  project  of  a  crusade  against  the  Turks,  broke  up  amid  unanimous 
shouts  of  Deus  vult  (It  is  God's  will),  and  the  words  became  event- 
ually the  battle-cry  of  the  First  Crusade. 

114.  Deux  e'tiongyt  n'avions  qu'un  cceur.  {Fr.)  Villon,  Ron- 
deaux. —  We  were  two  and  had  but  one  heart  between  us. 
Said  of  a  perfectly  mutual  friendship  or  love. 

1115.  De  votre  esprit  la  force  est  si  puissante 

Que  vous  pourriez  vous  passer  de  beaute  : 
De  vos  attraits  la  grace  est  si  piquante 

Que  sans  esprit  vous  auriez  enchante".  C^7"-) 

Impromptu  of  Voltaire. 
The  sparkle  of  your  wit  is  such 

You'd  charm,  were  beauty  wanting : 
Your  looks  and  air  attract  so  much 

That  dumb,  you're  still  enchanting. — Ed. 

1116.  Dextro  tempore.       (L.)      Hor.  S.   2,   1,   IS.— At  a  lucky 


1117.  Di  bene  f ecerunt,  inopis  me  quodque  pusilli 

Einxerunt  animi,  raro  et  perpauca  loquentis.  (L.)  Hor. 
S.  1,  4,  17. — The  Gods  did,  well  who  made  me  of  a 
poor  and  feckless  spirit  that  speaks  but  seldom  and 

Thank  heaven  that  formed  me  of  unfertile  mind 

My  speech  not  copious,  and  my  thoughts  confined. — Conington 

1118.  Dicam  insigne  recens  adhuc 

Indictum  ore  alio.  (L.)     Hor.  C.  3,  25,  7. 

Sweet  and  strange  shall  be  my  lays, 

A  tale  till  now  by  poet's  voice  unsung. — Conington. 

DICTA.  127 

1119.  Dicebam,  Medicare  tuos  desiste  capillos: 

Tingere  quam  possis  jam  tibi  nulla  coma  est. 

(L.)     Ov.  Am.  1,  14,  1. 

Cease  doctoring  your  liair,  I  used  to  cry  : 
But  now  you  have  no  longer  hair  to  dye. — Ed. 

1120.  Dicenda  tacendaque  calles.     (L.)     Pers.  4,  5. — You  know 

when  to  speak  and  when  to  be  silent.  Cf.  Dicenda  tacenda 
locutus.  Hor.  Ep.  1,  7,  72. — Saying  whatever  came 
into  his  head, — lit.,  things  to  be  mentioned  as  well  as 
what  should  be  suppressed.  Conversation  of  a  man  when 
the  wine  has  got  into  his  head. 

1121.  Dicere  quod  puduit,  scribere  jussit  amor. 

(L.)     Ov.  Heroid.  4,  10. 
What  shame  forbade  me  speak,  Love  bade  me  write. — Ed. 

1122.  Die,  hospes,  Spartae  nos  te  hie  vidisse  jacentes 

Dum  Sanctis  patriae  legibus  obsequimur. 

(L.)     Simonid.  Epigr.  ap.  Cic.  Tusc.  1,  42,  101. 

Stranger  !  to  Sparta  say  that  here  we  fell, 
Obedient  to  the  land  we  loved  so  well ! — Ed. 

1123.  Dicite  To  Paean,  et  Io  bis  dicite  Paean; 

Decidit  in  casses  praeda  petita  meos. 

(L.)     Ov.  Art.  Am.  2,  1. 

Hurrah  !  Hurrah  !  and  give  one  cheer  more  yet  ! 
The  game  I  chased  has  fallen  into  my  net. — Ed. 

1124.  Die  mihi,  an  boni  quid  usquam  est,  quod  quisquam  uti  posset 

Sine  malo  omni :  aut,  ne  laborem  capias,  quum  illo  uti 
velles]  (L.)  Plaut.  Merc.  1,  2,  34. — Tell  me,  is  there  a 
a  single  blessing  that  a  man  can  enjoy  free  from  all  evil, 
or  that  he  must  not  take  great  pains  to  obtain  ? 

1125.  Dico  unum  ridiculum  dictum  de  dictis  melioribus, 

Nemo  ridet.  (£.)  Plaut.  Capt.  3,  1,  22  and  24.— /repeat 
a  witty  saying  from  among  the  best  bonmots,  and  no  one 

1126.  Dicta   fides  sequitur.      (L.)      Ov.  M.   3,  527.— The  words 

are  straight  fulfilled.  The  promise  is  immediately  ful- 
filled. Cf.  Res  dicta  secuta  est.  Id.  ibid.  4,  550. — 
The  deed  forthicith  followed  the  word.  Instant  accom- 

1127.  Dicta  tibi  est  lex.     (L.)     Hor.  Ep.  2,  2,  18.— You  know 

the  conditions. 

128  DICTUM. 

1128.  Dictum  ac  factum,  or  dictum  factum.     (Z.)     Ter.  And.  2, 

3,  7. — No  sooner  said  than  done.  (In  Greek,  a/ta  c7ros 
aua  tpyov,  word  and  deed  at  once.) 

1129.  Dictum  sapienti  sat  est.     (L.)     Plaut.  Pers.  4,  7,  19. — A 

word  to  the  wise  is  enough.  Verbum  sapienti  (or  Verburu 
sap.)  has  tbe  same  meaning. 

1130.  Die  Augen  glauben  sich  selbst,  die  Ohren  andern  Leuten. 

(G.)  Prov. — The  eyes  believe  themselves,  the  ears  other 

1131.  Die  Evinnerung  ist  das  einzige  Paradies  aus  dem  wir  nicht 

vertrieben  werden  konnen.  (G.)  Jean  Paul1? — Memory 
is  the  only  Paradise  from  which  no  one  can  drive  us.  Cf. 
Die  Probe  eines  Genusses  ist  seine  Erinnerung,  id. — The 
test  of  our  enjoyment  is  its  recollection. 

1132.  Die  ersten  Entschliessungen  sind  nicht  immer  die  kliigsten, 

aber  gewohnlich  die  redlichsten.  (G.)  Lessing? — First 
resolutions  are  not  always  the  wisest,  but  generally  the 
most  honest. 

1133.  Die  Fische  haben  gut  leben,  die  trinken  wann  sie  wollen. 

(G.)  Prov. — The  fishes  have  a  pleasant  life,  they  drink 
when  they  please. 

1134.  Die  Freuden,  die  man  iibertreibt 

Verwandeln  sich  in  Schmerzen.  (G.)  Bertuch,  Das 
Lammchen. — The  pleasures  in  which  men  indulge  too 
freely,  become  pains. 

1135.  Die  Gabe  zu  beten  ist  nicht  immer  in  unserer  Gewalt. 

Dem  Himmel  ist  beten  wollen  auch  beten.  (G.)    Lessing? 

— The  gift  of  prayer  is  not  always  in  our  power,  in 
Heaven's  sight  the  wish  to  pray  is  prayer. 

1136.  Die  Gegenwart  isteine  macht'ge  Gottin.  (G.)     Goethe, 

Tasso. — The  Present  is  a  mighty  goddess. 

1137.  Die  Geister  platzen  auf  einander.      ((?.)       Luther? The 

Spirits  explode  against  each  other.  Angry  recriminations 
between  literary  opponents. 

1138.  Die  Irrthiimer  des  Menschen  machenihn  eigentlich  liebens- 

wiirdig.    (G.)—  A  man's  faults  make  him  really  lovable. 

1139.  Die  Krankheit  des  Gemiithes  loset  sich 

In  Klagen  und  Vertrau'n  am  leicht'sten  auf.  (G. )  Goethe 
Tasso. — Morbidity  of  mind  finds  vent  most  easily  in  conl 
plaints  and  confidences. 

DIES.  129 

1140.  Die  Kunst  darf  nie  ein  Kunststiick  werden.      (G.) — Art 

should  never  degenerate  into  artifice. 

1141.  Die  Leidenschaften  sind  Mangel  oder  Tugenden,  nur  ges- 

teigerte.  (G.)  Goethe,  Spriiche. — The  Passions  are  Vices 
or  Virtues  only  in  an  exaggerated  form. 

1142.  Die  Liebe  ist  der  Liebe  Preis.     (G.)     Schill.  Don  Carlos, 

2,  8  (Princess  Eboli  loq.). — Love  is  the  reward  of  love. 

1143.  Diem  perdidi.     (L.)      Suet.   Tit.   8. — /  have  lost  a  day ! 

Reflection  of  the  Emperor  Titus,  if  on  finding  at  night 
that  he  had  done  no  good  action  during  the  preceding 

Count  that  day  lost  whose  low  descending  sun 
Views  from  thy  hand  no  noble  action  done. 

Stamford's  Art  of  Reading,  3d  ed.  p.  27,  Boston  1803. 

1144.  Die   Natur  hat  jederzeit  Recht,  und   das   gerade  da  am 

griindlichsten,  wo  wir  sie  am  wenigsten  begreifen.  (G.) 
Goethe,  Spriiche. — Nature  is  always  right,  and  particu- 
larly,most  emphatically  there  where  we  least  understand  her. 

1145.  Die  Natur  ist  das  einzige  Buch,   das  auf  alien  Blattern 

grossen  Inhalt  bietet.  (G.)  Goethe,  Spriiche. — Nature 
is  the  only  book  that  presents  weighty  matter  on  every  page. 

1 146.  Die  Natur  kann  nicht  anders,  als  ewig  recht  handeln ;  un- 

bekiimmert  was  daraus  erfolgen  moge.  (G.)  Goethe, 
Spriiche. — Nature  cannot  do  other  tJian  always  act  aright, 
unconcerned  what  may  be  the  result. 

1147.  Die   Natur   weiss   allein,    was  sie   will.      (G.)       Goethe, 

Spriiche. — Nature  alone  knows  what  she  means. 

1148.  Die  Regierung   muss   der   Bewegung   stets  einen   Schritt 

voraus  sein.  (G.) — TJie  Government  must  always  be 
a  step  in  advance  of  public  opinion.  Count  Arnim- 
Boytzenburg,  speech  on  the  address  to  the  Throne,  April 
2,  1848. 

1149.  Dies  adimit  segritudinem.     (L.)     Ter.  Heaut.  3,  1,  13. — 

Time  effaces  grief. 

1150.  Dies  datus.     (L.)    Law  Term. — A  given  day',  appointed  for 

appearance  before  the  Court  to  put  in  an  answer.  (2.) 
Dies  dominicus  non  est  juridicus. — Sunday  is  not  a  day 
for  legal  pi'oceedings.  Hence  the  term  dies  non  (sub. 
dominicus),  a  no-day  or  bye-day,  when  courts,  banks,  and 
public  offices  are  closed,  and  no  business  can  be  ti'ansacted. 
(3.)  Dies  fa.ustus  (infaustus). — A  lucky  {unlucky)  day. 


1151.  Die  Seligkeit  nicht  selbst,  nur  ihrer  werth  zu  sein, 

Das  ist  die  Bliithe  dieses  Tliales.  (G.)     Tiedge  1 

Not  blessedness  itself,  but  to  be  wortby  of  it, 
That  is  the  blossom  of  this  earthly  vale. — Ed. 

1152.  Dies  irse,  dies  ilia  Sseclum  sol  vet  in  fa  villa 

Teste  David  cum  Sibylla,  etc. 

?  Thomas  de  Celano,  13th  century. 

Day  of  wrath  !     0  Day  of  mourning  ! 

See  fulfilled  the  prophet's  warning, 

Heaven  and  earth  in  ashes  burning  !  etc. — Dr  Irons. 

The  opening  lines  of  the  Prose  sung  in  the  Mass  for  the 
Dead,  also  used  in  the  Commemoration  of  the  Faithful 
Departed  on  All  Souls  Day. 

1153.  Dies  regnis  ilia  suprema  fuit.     (L.)    Ov.  F.  2,  852.— That 

was  the  last  day  of  that  royal  line.  Said  of  the  expulsion 
of  the  kings  from  Latium. 

1154.  Die  Statte,  die  ein  guter  Mensch  betrat, 

Ist  eingeweiht ;  nach  hundert  Jahren  klingt 
Sein  Wort  und  seine  That  dem  Enkel  wieder. 

(G.)     Goethe,  Tasso,  1,1. 

The  places  trodden  by  a  good  man's  foot 

Are  hallowed  ground  :  after  a  hundred  years 

His  words  and  deeds  come  back  to  his  posterity.  — Ed. 

1155.  Dieu  avec  nous.     (Fr.) — God  xoith  us.     Motto  of  Earl  of 

Berkeley  and  Lord  Fitz  Hardinge. 

1156.  Dieu  ayde.     (Fr.)— God  assist.    Motto  of  Viscount  Mount- 

morres  and  Yiscount  Frankfort. 

1157.  Dieu  de'fend  le  droit.    (Fr.) — God  defends  the  right.    Motto 

of  Earl  Spencer  and  Lord  Churchill. 

1158.  Dieu  est  le  poete,  les  hommes  ne  sont  que  les  acteurs.     Ces 

grandes  pieces  qui  se  jouent  sur  la  terre  ont  e*te  composees 
dans  le  ciel.  (Fr.)  J.  Balzac,  Socrate  Chretien. — God 
is  the  poet,  men  are  only  the  actors;  the  great  dramas 
which  are  played  on  earth  have  been  composed  in  heaven. 

1159.  Dieu  et  mon  droit.     (Fr.) — God  and  my  rigid.     Motto  of 

the  Sovereigns  of  Great  Britain. 

The  Motto  was  assumed  by  Cceur-de-Lion,  with  reference  to  his 
French  conquests,  and  seems  to  have  been  revived  in  the  same 
connection  by  Edward  III.,  and  continued  in  use  until  Elizabeth. 
Since  Queen  Anne,  who  adopted  Elizabeth's  motto  (Semper  eadem, 
q. v.),  the  words  have  been  the  uniform  motto  of  the  Kings  of 


1160.  Dieu  fit  du  repentir  la  vertu  des  mortels.     (Fr.)     Volt. 

Olyuipie,  2,  2. — God  made  repentance  the  virtue  of 

1161.  Dieu,  France  et  Marguerite, 

Hors  cet  annel,  point  n'ai  d'amour.  (Fr.) — God,  France, 
and  Margaret,  beyond  this  ring  I  have  no  other  love. 
Inscribed  on  a  ring  by  St  Louis  (Louis  IX.). 

1162.  Die  Uhrschlagt  keinem  Gliicklichen.     (G.)     Schill.  Piccol. 

3,  3. — The  clock  does  not  strike  for  the  happy. 

1163.  Dieu  me  conduise.      (Fr.) — God  direct  me!      Motto  of 

Lord  Delaval. 

1164.  Dieu  mesure  le  froid  a  la  brebis  tondue.     (Fr.)     Pro  v. 

Henri  Estienne,  Pre'niices,  p.  47  (1594). — God  tempers 
the  ivind  to  the  shorn  lamb. — Sterne,  Sent  Journey. 

1165.  Dieu  pour  la  tranchee,  qui  contre?     (Fr.) — If  God  is  for 

the  Trench,  who  shall  be  against  it  ?  Motto  of  Earl 

1166.  Dieu  seul  devine  les  sots.     (Fr.)     Prov. — God  only  can 

understand  fools. 

1167.  Die  Weltgeschichte  ist  das  Weltgericht.       (G.)      Schill. 

(Resignation),  Thalia,  vol.  i.  pt.  2. — History  is  the  world's 

1168.  Die  Welt  will  Nacht-enlen  haben,  sich  zu  verwundern.    (G.) 

Prov. — The  world  will  have  night-owls,  to  have  something 
to  wonder  at. 

1169.  Differ:  habent  parvse  commoda  magna  morse.     (L.)     Ov. 

4,  3,  394. — Wait  a  while:  a  short  delay  often  has  great 

1170.  Difficile  dictu  est,  quantopere  conciliet  animos  hominum 

comitas,  affabilitasque  sermonis.  (L.)  Cic.  Off.  2,  14, 
48. — It  is  difficult  to  express  the  effect  that  courtesy  and 
affability  of  speech  have  in  conciliating  the  dispositions  of 

1171.  Difficile  est  crimen  non  prodere  vultu.     (L.)     Prov.     Ov. 

M.  2,  447. — It  is  difficult  not  to  betray  guilt  by  one's 

1172.  Difficile  est,  fateor,  sed  tendit  in  ardua  virtus.     (L.)     Ov. 

Ep.  2,  2,  113. — It  is  difficult,  I  acknowledge,  but  courage 
aims  high. 


1173.  Difficile  est  longum  subito  deponere  amorem, 

Difficile  est ;  verum  hoc  qualubet  efficias. 

(L.)    Cat.  76,  13. 

'Tis  hard  to  quit  at  once  long-cherished  love ; 

'Tis  hard  ;  set  somehow  you'll  successful  prove.  — Ed. 

1174.  Difficile  est  propvie  communia  dicere.     (L.)     Hor.  A.  P. 

128. — It  is  hard  to  treat  hackneyed  subjects  with  origin- 
ality. — Conington. 

'Tis  hard,  I  grant,  to  treat  a  subject  known 

And  hackneyed  so  that  it  may  look  one's  own. — Id. 

1175.  Difficile  est  satiram  non  scribere.     Nam  quis  iniquse 

Tam  patiens  urbis,  tam  fei-reus,  ut  teneat  se  ? 

(L.)     Juv.  1,  30. 

Indeed  the  hard  thing's  not  to  satirize, 
For  who's  so  tolerant  of  the  vicious  town, 
So  cased  in  iron,  as  to  hold  his  spleen  ? 

1176.  Difficile  est,  tristi  fingere  mente  jocum.     (L.)     Tib.  3,  7, 

2. — It  is  hard  pretending  gaiety  iciih  a  sad  heart. 

1177.  Difficilem  oportet  aurera  habere  ad  crimina.     (L.)     Pub. 

Syr.  133  (Rib.). — Our  ears  ought  to  be  deaf  in  listening 
to  accusations  of  others. 

1178.  Difficilis,  facilis,  jucundus,  acerbus  es  idem ; 

Nee  tecum  possum  vivere,  nee  sine  te. 

(L.)    Mart.  12,  47,  1. 

You  please,  provoke,  by  turns  amuse  and  grieve  ; 
That  nor  without  nor  with  thee  can  I  live.— Ed. 

In  all  thy  humours,  whether  grave  or  mellow, 
Thou'rt  such  a  touchy,  testy,  pleasant  fellow, 
Hast  so  much  wit,  and  mirth,  and  spleen  about  thee, 
That  there's  no  living  with  thee  nor  without  thee.  (?) 

1179.  Difficilis  optimi  perfectio  atque  absolutio.     (L.)    Cic.  Brut. 

36,  137. — Perfection  and  finish  of  the  highest  kind  is 
very  hard  to  attain. 

1180.  Difficilius  est  temperare  felicitati,  qua  te  non  putes  diu 

usurum.  (L.)  Tac.  H.  2,  47. — It  is  a  more  difficult 
matter  to  restrain  one's  enjoyment  of  good  fortune,  when 
you  have  reason  to  think  that  it  will  not  last  long. 

1181.  Diffugiunt,  cadis  Cum  fsece  siccatis  amici 

Ferre  jugum  pariter  dolosi.      (L.)     Hor.  C.  1,  35,  26. 

Unequal  to  misfortune's  yoke 

Your  friends,  when  all  the  wine  is  gone, 

Faithless  will  leave  you  alone. — Ed. 

DILATOR.  133 

Cf.  Diligitur  nemo,  nisi  cui  Fortuna  secunda  est ; 

Quae,  simul  intonuit,  proxima  quaeque  fugat.     Ov.  Ep.  2,  3,  23. 

No  man's  beloved  save  when  bis  Fortune's  bright : 
When  thunder's  heard,  off  flies  each  parasite. — Ed. 

1182.  Dignurn  barba  dignumque  capillis 

Majorum.  (L.)    Juv.  16,  31. 

A  wise,  grave,  and  reverend  seignior. 
He's  worthy  of  the  beard  and  hair 
That  our  forefathers  used  to  wear.  — Ed. 

1183.  Dignum  laude  virum  musa  vetat  mori 

Coelo  nmsa  beat.  (L.)    Hor.  C.  41,  8,  28. 

The  man  of  honest  worth 

The  muse  will  not  let  die, 
But  lifts  bim  from  the  earth 

Among  the  blest  on  high. — Ed. 

1184.  Di  irati  laneos  pedes  habent.     (L.)     Macr.  1,  8,  5. — The 

angered  gods  have  feet  of  wool.      Though  noiseless  and 
unperceived,  punishment  certainly  overtakes  the  sinner. 

1185.  Dii  rexque   secundent.      (L.) — May   God   and    t/ie    king 

favour  us.     Motto  of  Soapinakers'  Company. 

1186.  Diis  aliter  visum.     (L.)     Virg.  A.  2,  428.— The  Gods  have 

judged  otherwise.      Cf.  the  French  proverb :    L'homme 
propose,  Dieu  dispose. — Man  proposes,  God  disposes. 

1187.  Diis  proximus  ille  est 

Quern  ratio,  non  ira  movet,  qui  facta  rependens 
Consilio  punire  potest.        (L.)     Claud.  Cons.  Mall.  227. 

Impartia  I  justice. 
He  most  resembles  God,  whom  not  blind  rage 
But  reason  moves  :  who  weighs  the  facts,  and  thence 
Gives  penalties  proportionate  to  th'  offence. — Ed. 

1188.  Dii  talem  terris  avertite  pestem  !    (L.)    Virg.  A.  3,  620. — 

May  God  avert  from  the  earth  such  a  scourge  1 

1189.  Dilator,  spe  longus,  iners,  avidusque  futuri, 

Difficilis,  querulus,  laudator  temporis  acti 
Se  puero,  censor  castigatorque  minorum. 

(L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  172. 

The  old  fogey. 
Inert,  irresolute,  his  neck  he  cranes 
Into  the  future,  grumbles  and  complains, 
Extols  his  own  young  years  with  peevish  praise, 
But  rates  and  censures  these  degenerate  days. — Conington. 


1190.  Diligentia,  qua  una  virtu te  omnes  virtutes  reliquse  contin- 

entur.  (L.)  Cic.  de  Or.  2,  35,  150. — Diligence,  the  one 
virtue  that  contains  in  itself  all  the  rest.  Cf.  "'Dili- 
gent ! '  that  includes  all  virtues  in  it  a  student  can  have." 
— Garlyle,  Installation  Address,  Edinburgh,  April  1866. 

1191.  Di  meliora,  or  melius  {dent,  or  velint — understood  or  ex- 

pressed). (Z.)  —  Heaven  forbid.  Lit.,  May  the  gods 
grant  better  than  you  say.  Cf.  Di  melius  duint.  Ter. 
Phorm.  5,  9,  16  ;  and  Di  meliora  velint.     Ov.  M.  7,  37. 

1192.  Di  melius   quam   nos   moneamus  talia  quemquam.      (L.) 
Ov.  E/.  A.  439. — God  forbid  that  I  should  counsel  any  man 

to  adopt  such  a  course. 

1193.  Dimidium  facti,  qui  ccepit,  habet :  sapere  aude; 

Incipe.  (L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  2,  41. 

Come  now,  have  courage  to  be  wise  :  begin  : 
You're  half  way  over  when  you  once  plunge  in. — Coninglon. 
Cf.  the  Greek  proverb,  dpxv  to  tf/jucrv  iravrds. —  The  beginning  is  half 
the  whole.    Or  the  French,  Ce  n'est  que  le  premier  pas  qui  coute. — 
It  is  only  the  first  step  that  costs  anything.    Well  begun  is  half  done. 

1194.  Di  nos  quasi   pilas  homines  habent.     (L.)     Plaut.   Capt. 

Prol.  22. — The  gods  treat  us  mortals  like  so  many  balls 
to  play  with. 

1195.  Diruit,  sedificat,  mutat  quadrata  rotundis.     (L.)     Hor.  Ep. 

1,  1,  67. 

A  -flighty,  dreamy,  inconsequent  fellow. 
Builds  castles  up,  then  pulls  them  to  the  ground, 
Keeps  changing  round  for  square,  and  square  for  round. 

— Conington. 

1196.  Disce,  aut  discede.     (L.) — Learn,  or  leave.      Punning  in- 

scription for  a  schoolroom. 

1197.  Disce,  docendus  adhuc,  quse  censet  amiculus,  ut  si 

Csecus  iter  monstrare  velit :  tamen  aspice,  si  quid 
Et  nos  quod  cures  proprium  fecisse  loquamur. 

(L.)    Hor.  Ep.  1,  17,  3. 
Yet  hear  a  fellow-student :  'tis  as  though 
The  blind  should  point  you  out  the  way  to  go, 
But  still  give  heed,  and  see  if  I  produce 
Aught  that  hereafter  you  may  find  of  use. — Conington. 

1198.  Disce  hinc  quid  possit  fortuna,  immota  labascunt, 

Et  quse  perpetuo  sunt  fluitura,  manent. 

(L.)     Janus  Vital  is  ? 
The  Tiber  at  Eome. 
See  fortune's  power  :  th'  immovable  decays, 
And  what  is  ever  moving,  ever  stays. — Ed. 

DISJICE.  135 

1199.  Disce  pati.      (L.) — Learn  to  suffer.      Motto  of  the  Earl 

of  Camperdown. 

1200.  Disce  puer  virtutem  ex  me,  verumque  laborem, 

Fortunam  ex  aliis.  (L.)     Virg.  A.  12,  435. 

JEneas  to  Ascanius. 
Learn  of  your  father  to  be  great, 
Of  others  to  be  fortunate. — Conington. 

1201.  Discere  si  cupias,  gratis  quod  quseris  habebis.     (L.) — If 

you  desire  to  learn,  you  shall  have  ivhat  you  desire  free 
of  cost.  Inscription  on  a  school  at  Salzburg,  and  a  good 
motto  for  the  advocates  of  Free  Education. — Vide  Times 
of  October  13,  1885. 

1202.  Discit  enim  citius,  meminitque  libentius  illud 

Quod  quis  deridet  quam  quod  probat  et  veneratur. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  2,  1,  262. 
For  easier  'tis  to  learn  and  recollect 

"What  moves  derision  than  what  claims  respect. — Conington. 
Cf.  Dociles  imitandis 

Turpibus  et  pravis  omnes  sumus  et  Catilinam 

Quocunque  in  populo  videas,  quocunque  sub  axe.    Juv.  14,  40. 

Quick  are  we  all  to  learn  what's  vile  and  base, 

And  Catilines  you  may  find  in  every  race 

And  under  every  sky. — Ed. 

1203.  Discitur  innocuas  ut  agat  facundia  causas  : 

Protegit  haec  sontes,  immeritosque  premit. 

(L.)    Ov.  T.  2,  273. 
The  Bar. 
V  the  cause  of  truth  men  study  eloquence  ; 
Yet  it  screens  guilt,  and  bullies  innocence. — Ed. 

1204.  Discors  concordia.   (L.)   Ov.M.  1,433. — Discordant  concord. 

1205.  Diseur  de  bons  mots,  mauvais  caractere.     (Fr.)     Pascal, 

Pensees  Mor.  26. — To  be  a  sayer  of  good  things  is  a  sign 
of  a  bad  disposition. 

1206.  Disjecti  membra  poetse.     (L.)    Hor.  S.  1,  4,  62. — Limbs  of 

the  dismembered  poet.  Lines  and  expressions  of  a  great 
poet  divorced  from  their  context,  or  absurdly  and  inap- 
propriately applied,  are  still  good  poetry,  though  they  be 
but  the  poet's  mangled  remains. 

1207.  Disjice  compositam  pacem,  sere  crimina  belli, 

Anna  velit  poscatque  simul  rapiatque  juventus.  (L.) 
Virg.  A.  7,  338.  Juno  loq.  (bidding  Alecto  sow 
hostilities  between  Trojans  and  Latins). 

Break  off  this  patched-up  peace,  sow  war's  alarms  ! 

Let  youth  desire,  demand  and  seize  its  arms  ! — Ed. 


1208.  Disponendo  ine,  non  mutando  me.     (L.) — By  displacing, 

not   by   changing   me.      Motto   of  the    Duke   of  Man- 

1209.  Dissolve  frigus,  ligna  super  foco 

Large  reponens,  atque  benignius 
Deprome  quadrimum  Sabina, 

O  Thaliarche,  merum  diota.     (L.)     Hor.  C.  1,9,  5. 

Let's  melt  the  cold  with  ruddy  glow 

From  blazing  logs  ;  then  fill  a  flask, 

Thaliarchus,  from  the  Sabine  cask 
That's  mellowed  since  four  years  ago.  — LI. 

1210.  Dis  te  minorem  quod  geris,  imperas  : 

Hinc  omne  principiurn,  hue  refer  exituiu. 
Di  multa  neglecti  dederunt 

Hesperise  mala  luctuosa^.      (L.)     Hor.  C.  3,  6,  5. 

The  cause  of  Rome's  decay. 
The  fear  of  God  cements  your  sway, 

From  first  to  last  all's  in  His  hand  ; 
And  your  neglect  of  Him  has  brought 

Unnumbered  woes  upon  the  land. — Ed. 

1211.  Distrahit  animum  librorum  multitude    (L.)    Sen.  Ep.  2. — 

A  multitude  of  books  distracts  the  mind. 

1212.  Districtus  ensis  cui  super  impia 

Cerviee  pendet,  non  Siculee  dapes 
Dulcem  elaborabunt  saporem, 
Non  avium  cithara?que  cantus 
Somnum  reducent.  (L.)     Hor.  C.  3,  1,  7, 

Damocles7  sword. 

When  o'er  his  guilty  head  the  sword 
Unsheathed  hangs,  nor  sumptuous  board 
Spread  with  Sicilian  cates  will  please, 
Nor  song  of  singing-birds  give  ease 
Or  Music  bring  back  sleep.  — Ed. 

1213.  Distringas.     (L.)     Law  Term. — You  may  distrain.     Writ 

formerly  empowering  the  sheriff  to   distrain  goods   in 
order  to  compel  an  appearance. 

1214.  Di  tibi  dent  annos  !  a  te  nam  csetera  sumes ! 

Sint  modo  virtuti  tempora  longa  tuse. 

(L.)  Ov.  Ep.  2,  1,  58. 

God  grant  thee  years  !  the  rest  thou  canst  provide, 
If  for  thy  virtues  time  be  not  denied. — Ed. 

DIXERTT.  137 

1215.  Di  tibi  sint  faciles  !  et  opis  nullius  egentem 

Fortunam  pfaestent,  dissimilemque  meae.      (L.)     Ov.  ? 

The  Gods  befriend  thee,  and  such  fate  assign 
As  needs  not  help,  the  opposite  of  mine. — Ed. 

1216.  Di  tibi,  si  qua  pios  respectant  nuraina,  si  quid 

Usquam  justitia  est  et  mens  sibi  conscia  recti, 
Prsemia  digna  ferant.  (L.)     Virg.  A.  1,  603. 

The  Gods  (if  Gods  to  goodness  are  inclined, 
If  acts  of  mercy  touch  their  heavenly  mind), 
And,  more  than  all  the  Gods,  your  generous  heart, 
Conscious  of  worth,  requite  its  own  desert ! — Drijden. 

1217.  Dives  agris,  dives  positis  in  fcenore  minimis.     (L.)     Hor. 

S.  1,  2,  13. — Rich  in  land,  besides  money  laid  oat  at 

1218.  Dives  amicus 

Ssepe  decern  vitiis  instructior,  odit  et  horret.  (L.)  Hor. 
Ep.  1,  18,  25. — Your  rich  friend,  though  ten  times  more 
deeply  dyed  in  tlie  vices  you  affect,  hates  and  ablwrs  your 
imitation  of  him. 

1219.  Dives  qui  fieri  vult,  Et  cito  vult  fieri.     (L.)     Juv.  14,  176. 

— Tlie  man  who  would  be  rich  desires  to  get  rich  at  once. 

1220.  Divide  et  impera.     (i.) — Divide  and  govern. 

This  maxim  has  obtained  both  in  politics  and  in  religion.  In  the 
one,  the  supreme  power  has  often  been  more  securely  held,  by  turn- 
ing the  various  currents  of  faction  to  act  against  each  other,  and  so 
diverting  them  from  a  combination  against  the  throne  ;  while  in 
the  other,  the  enemy  of  Christianity  has  endeavoured  to  ruin  the 
unity  of  the  Church  by  calling  into  existence  a  multitude  of  mutu- 
ally conflicting  sects. 

1221.  Divina  natura  dedit  agros,   ars  humana  redificavit  urbes. 

(Z.)     Varr.  Res.  Rom.  3,  1. — Divine  Nature  gave  the 
country,  the  art  of  man  built  the  cities. 
Cf.  Cowper,  Task,  Sofa,  1,  749  : 

God  made  the  country  and  man  made  the  town. 

1222.  Divitiae  grandes  homini  sunt,  vivere  parce 

iEquo  animo ;  neque  enim  est  unquam  penuria  parvi.  (L.) 
Lucret.  5,  1117. — It  is  wealth  to  a  man  to  be  able  to  live 
contentedly  upon  a  frugal  store :  nor  can  there  be  want  to 
him  who  wants  but  little. 

1223.  Dixerit  e  multis  aliquis,  quid  virus  in  anguem 

Adjicis?  et  rabidte  tradis  ovile  lupse?  (L.)  Ov.  A.  A.  3,  7. 

On  teaching  women  the  art  of  love. 
Some  ask,  why  add  more  venom  to  the  asp  ? 
Why  to  the  fierce  she-wolf  the  fold  unhasp  ? — Ed. 

138  DIXIT. 

1224.  Dixit  et  avertens  rosea  cervice  refulsit, 

Ambrosiseque  comae  divinum  vertice  odorem 

Spiravere  :  pedes  vestis  defluxit  ad  imos ; 

Et  vera  incessu  patuit  Dea.         (L.)     Virg.  A.  1,  402. 

She  turned  and  flashed  upon  their  view 
Her  stately  neck's  purpureal  hue  ; 
Ambrosial  tresses  round  her  head 
A  more  than  earthly  fragrance  shed  : 
Her  falling  robe  her  footprints  swept, 
And  show'd  the  Goddess  as  she  stept.  — Conington. 

1225.  D.  M.  (abbrev.  for  Dis  Manibus).      (L.) — To   the   sacred 

spirits  of  the  departed.  Sepulchral  inscription.  (2.) 
Or  for  Deo  magno,  To  the  great  God. 

1226.  Docti  rationem  artis  intelligunt,  indocti  voluptatem.     (L.) 

1  Quint. — Learned  men  comprehend  the  principles  of  art, 
the  unlearned  experience  the  pleasure  only. 

1227.  Doctor.     (L.) — A  learned  divine.     Theological  professor. 

D.  Angelicus  (the  angelic),  title  of  Thomas  Aquinas  :  D.  Authen- 
ticus  (Authentic),  Gregory  of  Eimini :  D.  Christianissimus  (Most 
Christian),  John  Gerson :  D.  Irrefragdbilis  (Irrefutable),  Alex- 
ander de  Hales :  D.  Mirabilis  (Wonderful),  Roger  Bacon :  D. 
Profundus  (Profound),  Thomas  Bradwardine :  D.  Singularis  (In- 
imitable), William  Occam  :  D.  Seraphieus  (Seraphic),  Bonaven- 
tura :  D.  Subtilis  (Subtle),  Duns  Scotus,  etc.,  etc 

1228.  Doctrina  sed  vim  promovet  insitam, 

Rectique  cultus  pectora  roborant : 
Utcunque  defecere  mores 

Dedecorant  bene  nata  culpa?.    (Z.)    Hor.  C.  4,  4,  33. 

But  care  draws  forth  the  power  within 
And  cultured  minds  are  strong  for  good  : 

Let  manners  fail,  the  plague  of  sin 
Taints  e'en  the  course  of  gentle  blood. — Conington. 

More  literally :  "  But  instruction  enlarges  the  innate 
powers "  (of  the  mind),  and  careful  training  adds  moral 
strength  to  the  breast,  etc. 

1229.  Dolendi  modus,  non  est  timendi.      (L.)      Plin.  8,  17. — 

Pain  has  its  limits,  apprehension  none. 

1230.  Doli  non  doli  sunt,  nisi  astu  colas.     (L.)     Plaut.  Capt.  2, 

1,  30. — Fraud  is  not  fraud,  when  there's  no  subtlety 

1231.  Dolor  ipse  disertum  Fecerat.      (L.)      Ov.  M.  13,  228.— 

Grief  of  itself  made  me  eloquent. 

DOMUS.  139 

1232.  Dolus  an  virtus,  quis  in  hoste  requirat  1  (L.)  Virg.  A.  2,  390. 

Who  questions  when  with  foes  we  deal, 

If  craft  or  courage  guides  the  steel  ? — Conington. 

Cf.  Dolo  pugnandum  est,  dum  quis  par  non  est  armis.  Nep. 
Harm.  10. — He  must  fight  by  stratagem  who  cannot  match  his  foe 
in  arms.     Cf.  the  proverb,  All's  fair  in  love  and  war. 

1233.  Dolus  (or  dolosus)  versatur  in  generalibus.      (L.)      Law 

Max. — Fraud,  or  a  person  intending  to  deceive,  deals  in 
general  terms. 

In  Twyne's  case  (3  Rep.  80)  a  gift,  by  which  the  defendant  sought 
to  evade  payment  by  making  a  secret  and  general  gift  of  all  his 
goods  to  a  third  party,  was  declared  fraudulent ;  for  this  reason 
(amongst  others),  that  the  gift  was  general,  not  excepting  personal 
apparel  and  other  necessaries,  this  being  sufficient  to  stamp  the 
proceeding  with  the  marks  of  intentional  fraud  (see  Broom,  p. 
284  seq.). 

1234.  Doruinam  emacem  (or  Domina  emax).      (L.)      Ov.  A.  A. 

1,  421. — A  lady  who  is  always  buying.  Fond  of  shop- 
ping and  of  bargains. 

1235.  Domine,  dirige  nos.     (L.) — Lord,  direct  us/    Motto  of  the 

City  of  London,  and  of  the  City  of  London  School. 

1236.  Dominus  dedit.    (L.) — The  Lord  gave.    M.  of  Lord  Herries. 

1237.  Dominus  illuminatio  mea.     (L.)     Vulg.  Ps.  xxvi.  1. — The 

Lord  is  my  Light.     Motto  of  University  of  Oxford. 

1238.  Dominus  providebit.    (L.) — The  Lord  will  provide.    Motto 

of  the  Earl  of  Glasgow. 

1239.  Dominus  vobiscum,  et  cum  spiritu  tuo.     (L.) — The  Lord 

be  with  you,  and  with  thy  spirit.  The  common  Versicle 
and  Response  in  the  offices  of  the  Church. 

1240.  Domi  puer  ea  sola  discere  potest  quae  ipsi  prsecipiuntur,  in 

schola  etiam  quae  aliis.  (L.)  Quint.  1 — At  home  a  boy 
can  only  learn  what  is  taught  him  individually,  but  at 
school  he  learns  in  addition  what  is  taught  to  others. 
Advantages  of  a  school-education. 

1241.  Domum   pusillam   rempublicam.      (L.)      Sen.    Ep.    49. — 

Every  household  is  a  republic  in  miniature,  or,  as  we 
should  say,  a  miniature  kingdom. 

1242.  Domus  arnica  domus  optimus.     (L.) — A  friend's  house  is 

the  best  house. 

1243.  Domus  sua  cuique  est  tutissimum  refugium.     (L.)     Law 

Max. — Every  man's  house  is  his  castle. 


1244.  Dona  praesentis  cape  laetus  horse,  et 

Lin  que  severa.  (L.)     Hor.  C.  3,  8,  27. 

The  guerdon  of  the  passing  hour 
Seize  gladly  while  'tis  in  thy  power 
And  bid  dull  care  begone.  — Ed. 

1245.  Donatio  mortis  causa.     (L.)     Law  Term. — A  donation  in 

prospect  of  death,  differing  from  a  legacy  in  that  it 
requires  no  probate,  not  being  a  testamentary  act. 

1246.  Donee  eris  felix  multos  numerabis  amicos, 

Tempora  si  fuerint  nubila,  solus  eris.    (L.)    Ov.  T.  1,9,  5. 
"While  fortune  smiles  you'll  have  a  host  of  friends, 
But  they'll  desert  you  when  the  storm  descends. — Ed. 
Cf.  Ut  cuique  homini  res  parata  est,  firmi  amici  sunt :  si  res  lassa 
labat  Itidem  amici   conlabascunt.     Res  amicos  invenit.      Plaut. 
Stich.  4,  1,  16. — According  as  a  man's  means  are,  so  is  his  friends' 
constancy.     Let  his  means  come  to  an  end,  and  his  friends  will  fall 
away  too.     It  is  money  that  finds  us  in  friends. 

1247.  Donne,  asini  e  noci 

Voglian  le  mani  atroci.  (It.)  Pro  v. — Women,  asses, 
and  nuts  require  strong  hands. 

1248.  Donner  de  si  mauvaise  grace  qu'on  n'a  pas  d'obligation. 

(Fr.) — To  give  in  so  ungracious  a  manner,  as  to  cancel 
any  obligation. 

1249.  Dono  dedit,  or  D.  D.     (L.) — Gave  as  a  gift.     Inscription 

on  presents.  Sometimes  the  phrase  is  expanded  to  Dat, 
donat  dicatque,  or  D.  D.  D.,  he  gives,  presents,  and 
dedicates  this  book,  etc.,  to  so  and  so. 

1250.  Dont  elle  eut  soin  de  peindre  et  orner  son  visage, 

Pour  reparer  des  ans  l'irre'parable  outrage.  (Fr.) 
Rac.  Athalie. — She  had  taken  care  to  paint  and  adorn 
her  face,  to  repair  the  irretrievable  ravages  of  time. 
Quoted  of  ladies  who  paint,  the  last  line  being  fre- 
quently said  a  propos  of  any  refurbishing  of  old  and 
faded  things. 

1251.  Donum  exitiale  Minervse.    (L.)    Virg.  A.  2,  31. — Minerva's 

fatal  gift,  i.e.,  the  wooden  horse,  by  means  of  which  Troy 
was  taken  at  the  suggestion  of  Minerva,  patron  of  learn- 
ing and  arts.  Hence,  an  excessive  facility  or  talent  in 
any  art  used  to  the  author's  hurt  may  be  so  called. 

1252.  Dormir  les  poings  ferme's.     (Fr.)     Prov. — To  sleep  with 

one's  fists  closed,  i.e.,  very  soundly.  To  sleep  "  on  both 


1253.  Dormiunt  aliquando  leges,  nunquam  moriuntur.    (L.)    Law 

Max. — The  law  sleeps  sometimes,  but  it  never  dies. 

1254.  Dos  est  magna  parentium 

Virtus,  et  metuens  alterius  viri 
Certo  foedere  castitas, 

Et  peccare  nefas,  aut  pretium  emori. 

(Z.)     Hor.  C.  3,  24,  21. 
Domestic  chastity. 
Theirs  are  dowries  not  of  gold, 

Their  parents'  worth,  their  own  pure  chastity 
True  to  one,  to  others  cold  : 
They  dare  not  sin,  or,  if  they  dare,  they  die. — Conington. 
Horace  contrasts  the  strict  conjugal  fidelity  of  the  wild  races  of  the 
North  with  the  licentious  manners  of  Roman  society. 

1255.  Aoo-is  8'd Aiyr;  re,  <f>i\r)  re.     (Gr.)     Horn.  Od.  6,  208.— 4 

little  gift  but  a  valued  one. 

1256.  Dos  linajes  solo  hay  en  el  mundo,  el  "Tener"  y  el  "no 

tener."  (S.)  Prov.  ap.  Cervantes,  D.  Quijote,  2,  20. — 
There  are  but  two  families  in  the  world,  the  "  Haves  " 
and  the  "  Haverits." 

1257.  Double  entendre.      (Fr.) — A   double  meaning.     Any  am- 

biguous expression  to  which  two  meanings  may  be 
attached, — generally  in  a  bad  sense. 

1258.  Douce  est  la  mort  qui  vient  en  bien  aimant.  (^V.)  Desportes, 

Sonnet. — Sweet  is  the  death  that  comes  thro'  loving  well. 

1259.  Do  ut  des.      (L.) — I  give  in  order  that  you  may  give. 

Maxim  of  Bismarck,  and  translated  by  Mr  Goschen 
(speech  at  Leeds,  see  Times  of  February  12,  1885)  to 
mean,  "  The  exchange  of  friendly  offices,  based  on  the 
avowed  self-interest  of  the  parties." 

1260.  Droit  et  avant.       (Fr.) — Right  and  forward.      Motto  of 

Earl  Sydney. 

1261.  Droit  et  loyal.     (Fr.) — Eight  and  loyal.     Motto  of  Lord 


1262.  Dubitando  ad  veritatem  pervenimus.       (L.)      Cic.  de  Off. 

— Through  doubt  we  arrive  at  the  truth. 

A  maxim  which  may  apply  in  scientific  research,  but  opposed  to 
all  principles  of  revealed  truth,  which  is  arrived  at  not  by  doubt, 
but  by  faith,  notwithstanding  all  that  Lord  Tennyson  is  pleased  to 
say  of  "  honest  doubt "  to  the  contrary. 

1263.  Duce   et   auspice.       (L.) — Under  His  lead  and   auspices. 

Motto  of  the  Order  of  the  Holy  Ghost  (France). 

142  DUCES. 

1264.  Duces  tecum.      (L.)      Law  Term. — You  shall  bring  with 

you,  viz.,  papers,  documents,  etc.,  into  court. 

1265.  Duce  tempus  eget.     (L.)    Lucan.  7,  88. — The  times  require 

a  leader.  A  case  of  men  not  measures.  The  hour  has 
come,  but  not'  the  man. 

1266.  Du  choc  des  esprits  jaillissent  les  etincelles.     {Fr.)     Prov. 

— When  great  spirits  clash  sparks  fly  about. 

1267.  Ducimus  autem  Hos  quoque  felices,  qui  ferre  incommoda  vitae 

Nee  jactare  jugum,  vita  didicere  magistra. 

(Z.)     Juv.  13,  20. 

But,  they  are  also  to  be  reckoned  blest 

"Who've  learnt  as  'prentices  in  Life's  stern  school 

To  bear  life's  ills,  nor  fret  beneath  his  rule.  — Ed. 

1268.  Ducit  amor  patriae.     (L.) — The  love  of  country  leads  me. 

Motto  of  Lord  Milford. 

1269.  Ductor  dubitantium.     (L.) — A  guide  of  persons  in  dovht. 

A  spiritual  adviser,  director,  casuist. 

1270.  Ducunt  vol entem  fata,  nolen tern  trahunt.  (L.)  Sen.  Ep.  107. 

Fate  leads  th'  obedient,  drags  those  that  resist. — Ed. 

1271.  Dulce  domum  resonemus.     {L.)% — Let  us  make  the  sweet 

song  of  "  Home  "  to  resound  ! 

Burden  of  the  Domum,  or  well-known  school  song  (Concinamus,  0 
sodales,  etc.,  Comrades,  let  us  sing  together)  sung  at  Winchester 
and  other  schools  on  the  eve  of  the  holidays.  Dulce  domum  is 
sometimes  improperly  used  for  "sweet  home." 

1272.  Dulce  etiam  fugias,  fieri  quod  amarum  potest.     (L.)    Prov. 

Pub.  Syr.  144,  Rib. — Fly  even  from  what  seems  pleasant 
but  may  turn  out  to  be  bitter  in  the  end. 

1273.  Dulce  sodalitium.     (Z-.) — A  pleasant  association  of  friends. 

1274.  Dulcique  animos  novitate  tenebo.     (L.)     Ov.  M.  4,  284. 

— /  will  captivate  your  mind  with  the  charm  of 

1275.  Dulcis  amor  patriae,  dulce  videre  suos.     (Z.)    Ov.  1 — Sweet 

is  the  love  of  one's  country,  sweet  to  see  one's  own  kin- 
dred I  Exclamation  of  Ovid  when  an  exile  on  the 
Black  Sea. 

1276.  Dulcis  inexpertis  cultura  potentis  amici ; 

Expertus  metuit.  (L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  18,  86. 

Untried  how  sweet  a  court  attendance  ! 

When  tried,  how  dreadful  the  dependence  ! — Francis. 

A  patron's  service  is  a  strange  career, 

The  tiros  love  it,  but  the  experts  fear. — Conington. 

DUM.  143 

1277.  Duldet  muthig,  Millionen  !  Duldet  fur  die  bess're  Welt ! 

Droben  iiber'm  Sternenzelt 

Wird  ein  grosser  Gott  belohnen.  (G.)  Schill.  An  die 
Freunde. — Suffer  bravely,  ye  Millions !  suffer  for  the 
better  world  /  Titer e  above  the  canopy  of  stars  xoill  a  great 
God  reward  you.  "Written  after  rescuing  a  young  man 
from  contemplated  suicide. 

1278.  Dum  fata  fugimus,  fata  stulti incurrimus.    (L.)   Buchanan? 

— While  we  fly  our  fate,  we  are  all  t/te  while  blindly 
rushing  on  to  it. 

1279.  Dum  in  dubio  est  animus,  paulo  momento  hue  illuc  impel- 

litur.  (Z.)  Ter.  And.  1,  5,  31. —  While  the  mind  is  in 
suspense,  a  very  little  suffices  to  turn  it  this  loay  or  that. 

1280.  Dum   loquor,  hora  fugit.      (Z.)      Ov.  Am.   1,   11,   15.— 

While  I  speak  time  flies. 

1281.  Dummodo  sit  dives,  barbarus  ipse  placet.     (Z.)    Ov.  A.  A. 

2,  276. — Provided  he  be  rich,  a  foreigner  himself  pleases 
well  enough. 

1282.  Dum  ne  ob  malefacta  pei*eam,  parvi  aestimo.     (Z.)     Plaut. 

Capt.  3,  5,  24. — Provided  it  be  not  for  evil-doing,  I  care 
little  for  dying. 

1283.  Du    moment    qu'on   aime,    On   devient   si   doux.       (-^V.) 

Marmontel  (Zemire  et  Azor). — The  moment  one  is  in 
love,  one  becomes  so  amiable. 

1284.  Dum,   or  quamdiu  se  bene  gesserit.     (Z.)     Law  Term. — 

As  long  as  he  conduct  himself  properly.  During  good 
behaviour.  (2.)  Durante  beneplacito. — During  our  good 

Both  these  phrases  express  the  tenure  under  which  most  official 
appointments,  such  as  judgeships  and  others,  are  held.  Durante 
vita  (during  life)  would,  on  the  other  hand,  imply  that  the  office 
or  emolument  was  held  absolutely,  independent  of  all  contingencies, 
until  death. 

1285.  Dum  spiro  spero.     (Z.) — While  I  breathe  I  hope.     Motto 

of  Viscount  Dillon. 

1286.  Dum  vires  annique  sinunt,  tolerate  labores; 

Jam  veniet  tacito  curva  senecta  pede. 

(Z.)     Ov.  A.  A  2,  669. 

While  strength  and  years  allow,  your  toils  enduro : 
Bent  age  will  soon  with  silent  foot  be  here. — Ed. 

144  DUM. 

1287.  Dum  vitant  stulti  vitia,  in  contraria  currunt. 

(L.)     Hor.  S.  1,  2,  24. 

To  escape  one  vice,  fools  rush  into  extremes. — Ed. 
Cf.  Est  huic  diverso  vitio  vitium  prope  majus.     Hor.  Ep.  1,  18,  5. 
A  different  vice  there  is,  perhaps  a  worse. — Conington. 

1288.  Dum  vivimus,  vivamus.     (L.) — Inser.  Gruter.  —  While  we 

live,  let  us  enjoy  life. 

Enjoy  life  while  you  can. 
"Live  while  you  live,"  the  epicure  would  say, 
"And  seize  the  pleasures  of  the  present  day." — Doddridge. 

(2.)  Manducemus  et  bibanius,  eras  enim  morieraur.      Vulg.  Cor.  1, 
15,  32. — Let  us  eat  and  drink  for  to-morrow  we  die. 

(3.)  Dum  licet,  in  rebus  jucundis  vive  beatus, 

Vive  memor  quam  sis  sevi  brevis.  Hor.  S.  2,  6,  96. 

Then  take,  good  sir,  your  pleasure  while  you  may, 

With  life  so  short,  'twere  wrong  to  lose  a  day. — Conington. 

(4.)  Dum  fata  sinunt,  vivite  laeti.     (L.)    Sen.  Here.  Fur.  177.— 
While  fate  allows,  live  happily. 

(5.)  Sapias,  vina  liques  et  spatio  brevi 

Spem  longam  reseces.     Dum  loquimur,  fugerit  invida 
iEtas  :  carpe  diem,  quam  minimum  credula  postero. 

Hor.  C.  1,  11,  6. 
Strain  your  wine,  and  prove  your  wisdom :  life  is  short,  should 

hope  be  more  ? 
In  the  moment  of  our  talking,  envious  time  has  slipped  away. 
Seize  the  present ;  trust  to-morrow  e'en  as  little  as  you  may. 

— Conington. 
(6.)  Indulge  genio,  carpamus  dulcia  ;  nostrum  est 
Quod  vivis :  cinis  et  manes  et  fabula  fies. 
Vive  memor  leti :  fugit  hora  ;  hoc,  quod  loquor,  inde  est. 

Pers.  5,  151. 
Stint  not  then  your  inclination,  pluck  the  rose-bud  while  you 

It  is  ours  the  living  moment,  soon  you'll  be  but  dust  and  clay. 
Think  of  death  :  the  hour's  flying,  what  I  speak  is  sped  away. 


1289.  D'un  deVot  souvent  au  chre'tien  veritable 

La  distance  est  deux  foix  plus  longue,  a  mon  avis, 

Que  du  pole  antaictique,  au  ddtroit  de  Davis.   (^V.)  Boil.  1 

'Twixt  a  true  Christian  and  a  devotee 

The  distance,  to  my  mind,  is  twice  as  great 

As  from  the  Antarctic  Pole  to  Davis'  Strait. — Ed. 

1290.  Duplex  est  omnino  jocandi  genus :  unum  illiberale,  petu- 

lans,  flagitiosum,  obscoenum ;  alterum  elegans,  urbanum, 
ingeniosum,  facetum.  (L.)  Cic.  Off.  1,  29,  104. — There 
are  two  hinds  of  joking.      There  is  the  ungentlemanly, 

DU  TITRE.  145 

rude,  outrageous,  or  filthy  class  of  jokes :  and  there  is  the 
refined,  witty,  clever,  and  humorous  species. 

1291.  Dura  aliquis  prsecepta  vocet  mea ;  dura  fatemur 

Esse ;  sed  ut  valeas,  nvulta  dolenda  feres. 

(L.)     Ov.  R  A.  225. 

Hard  precepts  these,  one  says  ;  I  own  they  are  : 

But  health  to  gain  much  hardship  must  you  bear. — Ed. 

1292.  Dura  Exerce  iinperia,  et  ramos  compesce  fluentes. 

(L.)    Yirg.  G.  2,  370. 

Exert  a  rigorous  sway, 
And  lop  the  too  luxuriant  houghs  away. — Dryden. 

Very  necessary  advice  to  a  prolix  author. 

1293.  Durate,  et  vosmet  rebus  servate  secundis. 

(L.)    Virg.  A.  1,  207. 

Endure  the  hardships  of  the  present  state  ; 

Live,  and  reserve  yourselves  for  better  fate. — Dryden. 

Bear  up,  and  live  for  happier  days.  —  Conington. 

1294.  Durum  !  Sed  levius  fit  patientia 

Quicquid  corrigere  est  nefas.    (L.)     Hor.  C.  3,  24,  19. 

'Tis  hard,  but  what's  impossible  to  change, 
Patience  will  make  more  light. — Ed. 

1295.  Du  sublime  au  ridicule  il  n'y  a  qu'uu  pas.     (Fr.) — There  is 

only  one  step  from  the  sublime  to  the  ridiculous. 

The  saying  is  attributed  to  Napoleon  I.,  with  reference  to  the 
Retreat  from  Moscow  in  1813,  a  phrase  which,  in  conversation  with 
his  ambassador,  De  Pradt,  at  Warsaw,  he  kept  on  repeating  five  or 
six  times  over.  The  mot  is,  however,  of  an  earlier  origin.  Mar- 
montel,  1 1799  (Works,  vol.  v.  p.  188),  has,  "  En  general,  le 
ridicule  touche  au  sublime." — In  general  the  ridiculous  ap- 
proaches very  nearly  to  the  siMime :  Tom  Paine,  Age  of  Reason, 
1794,  pt.  2,  fin.  (note),  had  said,  "One  step  above  the  sublime 
makes  the  ridiculous,  and  one  step  above  the  ridiculous  makes  the 
sublime  again."  Cf.  also  Wieland,  Abderiten  (1774),  vol.  iii.  cap. 
12 :  Die  Dummheit  hat  ihr  Sublimes  so  gut  als  dcr  Verstand, 
und  wer  darin  bis  zum  Absurden  gehen  kann,  hat  das  Erhabene  in 
dieser  Art  erreicht.  (G.) — Stupidity  has  a  Sublime  of  its  own  as 
well  as  wit,  and  whoever  can  make  it  appear  absurd,  has  attained 
the  SiMiyne  in  this  particidar.  And  to  go  to  Classical  periods,  Cf. 
Longin.  de  Subl.  311  :  'Ek  rod  (poflepov  kclt  dXtyov  vwovoorei  irpbs  to 
eOKct.TCMppdi'TjTov.  {Or.) — The  dreadful  by  little  and  little  turns  into 
the  contemptible  {vide  Biichmann,  p.  386). 
1296.  Du  titre  de  clement  rendez-le  ambitieux ; 

C'est  par  la  que  les  rois  sont  semblables  au  dieux. 

(Fr.)     La  Font.  (Nymphes  de  Vaux). 

To  the  title  of  merciful  make  him  aspire  ; 
Kings  are  likest  to  gods  when  they  conquer  their  ire.—  Ed. 

146  DUX. 

1297.  Dux-fceminafacti.  (L.)     Virg.  A.  1,  364. 

A  woman's  daring  wrought  the  deed.  — Conington. 

E  and  the  Greek  H  (long  E). 

1298.  Eamus  quo  ducit  gula.     (L.)     Hoy.  Ep.  1,  6,  56. — Let  us 

go  where  our  appetite  calls  us.     Let  us  go  to  dinner. 

1299.  Ea  quoniam  nemini  obti'udi  potest, 

Itur  ad  me.  (L.)  Ter.  And.  1,  5,  16. — As  they  cannot 
foist  her  off  on  any  one  else,  they  have  recourse  to  me. 
Said  of  an  unmanageable  girl. 

1300.  Ea  sola  voluptas,  Solamenque  mali.     (L.)     Virg.  A.   3, 

660. — His  "sole  remaining  joy"  and  solace  of  his  woes. 
Said  of  the  flocks  of  the  Cyclops  Polyphemus  after  he 
was  blinded  by  Ulysses. 

1301.  Eau  benite  de  cour.     {Fr.) — lit.  Court  holy  water.     False 


1302.  Ebbe  il  migliore 

De' miei  giorni  la  patria.  (It.)  Metast.  1 — Tlie  best  of 
my  days  were  devoted  to  my  country. 

1303.  E   ccelo  descendit  yvG>di.  creavrov.      (L.)     Juv.   11,   27. — 

From  heaven  descends  the  precept,  Know  thyself.  Ad- 
monition of  the  oracle  of  Apollo  at  Delphi. 

It  has  been  attributed  to  Thales  (?  Chilo),  one  of  the  Seven  Sages. 
Quum  igitur,  nosce  te,  dicit,  hoc  dicit,  Nosce  animum  tuum :  nam 
corpus  quidem  quasi  vas  est  aut  aliquod  animi  receptaculum : 
ab  animo  tuo  quidqnid  agitur,  id  agitur  a  te.  Cic.  Tusc.  1,  1,  22, 
52. —  When  the  god  says,  Know  thyself,  he  means,  Know  thy  own 
mind:  the  body  being,  as  it  were,  the  vessel  and  receptacle  of  the 
mind,  so  that  whatever  is  done  by  your  mind,  is  done  by  yourself. 

1304.  Ecce  Agnus  Dei,   qui  tollit  peccata  mundi.     (L.)     Vulg. 

Joan,  i.  29. — Behold  the  Lamb  of  God  !  that  taJceth  away 
the  sins  of  the  world  !    M.  of  Tallow  Chandlers'  Company. 

1305.  Ecce  Homo.     (L.)     Vulg.  Joan,  xix.  5. — Behold  tlie  Man! 

Pilate's  words  on  presenting  Our  Lord  to  the  Jews. 
Pictures  of  Our  Lord  in  purple  robe  and  Crown  of 
Thorns  and  bearing  a  reed  are  also  so  called. 

1306.  Ecce  iterum  Crispinus  !  et  est  mihi  saepe  vocandus 

Ad  partes,  monstrum  nulla  virtute  redemptum 

A  vitiis,  seger,  solaque  libidine  fortis.     (L.)    Juv.  4,  1. 

Lo  !  Crispinus  in  a  new  part ; 
This  unmitigated  scoundrel, 
Great  alone  in  sensuality. — Shaw 


Ecce  iterum  Crispinus  is  said  of  any  person  or  character 
who  is  for  ever  coming  on  the  scene,  or  continually 
"  turning-up."    "What  here  again  !  Ecce  iterum  Crispinus/ 

1307.  Ecce  par  Deo  dignum,  vir  fortis  cum  mala  fortuna  com- 

positus.  (L.)  Sen.  Pro  v.  2. —  A  brave  man  struggling 
with  misfortune  is  a  match  worthy  of  the  Gods  to  behold. 

1308.  'J^ydpuv  a8(opa  Supa  kovk  6vq<ripvx.      (Gr.)     Soph.  Aj.  665. 

A  foeman's  gifts  are  no  gifts,  but  a  curse. — Calverley. 

1309.  'Ex#pos  yap  p.oi  kcivos,  'AtSao  ttuXyjo-lv, 

"Os  x'  €T6/jov  p.\v  Kevdet  kvl  <f>pecriv,  aAAo  8e  /3a£«.  (Gr.) 
Horn.  II.  9,  312. — The  man  is  hateful  to  me  as  the  gates 
of  Hades,  who  conceals  one  thing  in  his  breast,  and  utters 

1310.  E  contra.     (L.) — On  the  other  hand. 

1311.  Ecorcher  une  anguille  par  la  queue.      (Fr.)      Pro  v. — To 

skin  an  eel  from  the  tail.  To  begin  a  business  at  the 
wrong  end. 

1312.  Edepol  nae  hie  dies  pervorsus  et  advorsus  mihi  obtigit. 

(L.)  Plaut.  Men.  5,  5,  1. — (Menaechmus  loq.)  I  declare 
this  day  has  gone  all  wrong  and  contrary  with  me  / 

1313.  "HSmttov  S.Kova-p.a  ?7raivos.     (Gr.)     Xen.  Mem.   2,  1,  31. — 

Praise  is  the  sweetest  thing  to  hear. 

1314.  *H  }J*aoTa,  ?;  V/Sicrra.     (Gr.) — Either  the  least  possible,  or  the 

pleasantest  possible.  If  you  have  bad  news,  tell  it  as 
quickly  as  you  can. 

1315.  Effloresco.     (L.) — I  flourish.     Motto  of  Earl  Cairns. 

1316.  Effugit  mortem,  quisquis  contempsei-it :  timidissimum  quem- 

que  consequitur.  (L.)  Curt.  4,  14,  25. — The  man  icho 
despises  death  escapes  it,  while  it  overtakes  him  who  is 
most  frightened  at  it. 

1317.  Effutire  leves  indigna  Tragcedia  versus, 

Ut  festis  matrona  moveri  jussa  diebus, 
Intererit  Satyris  paullum  pudibunda  protervis. 

(L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  231. 

Tragedy  and  Comedy. 

Like  a  staid  matron  on  some  gala  day, 

"Who,  if  she  trips  it,  moves  with  dignity, 

So  Tragedy,  disdaining  vulgar  chatter, 

Consorts  but  for  the  nonce  with  Faun  and  Satyr. — Ed. 

148  E  FLAMMA. 

1318.  E  flamma  cibum  petere.     (L.)    Ter.  Eun.  3,  2,  38.— To 

snatch  food  from  the  flames.  To  be  reduced  to  the  last 
extremity  by  want.  Cf.  Cat.  59,  3,  Rapere  de  rogo 
ccenam. — To  snatch  a  dinner  from  a  funeral  pile,  sc.} 
from  the  funeral  bake-meats  placed  on  the  pyre. 

1319.  TH    yap   epwTi  UoXXaKis,   (3  JJo\v(paip.e,  rot  p.r/  KaXa.  KaXa 

irecfxivTcu.  (Gr.)  Theocr.  Id.  6,  18. — Truly,  Polyphemus, 
what  is  not  beautiful  often  seems  so  to  the  eyes  of  love. 

1320.  'Eyyva- Trdpa  S'anj.     (Gr.)    Thales.  ap.  Plat.  Charm.  165a. 

— Give  a  pledge,  and  trouble  is  nigh  at  hand.  Cf.  'Eyyt'as 
ara  'crri  OvyaT-qp,  eyyva  Se  £a/«as.  Epich.  150  Ahr. — Mis- 
chief is  the  daughter  of  pledges,  and  pledges  the  offspring 
of  loss.  Don't  stand  security  for  any  one,  or  you'll 
rue  it. 

1321.  Egle,  belle  et  poete  a  deux  petits  travers, 

Elle  fait  son  visage,  et  ne  fait  pas  ses  vers. 

(Fr. )     Lebrun  1 

Mme.  F.  de  Bcauharnais. 
Fair  Egle  the  poet  (what  a  paradox  hers  is  !), 
She  makes  her  complexion,  but  not  her  own  verses. — Ed. 

Impromptu  of  Lebrun  on  Mme.  Fanny  de  Beauharnais,  a  literary 
lady  of  the  First  Empire,  who  revenged  herself  by  inviting  the 
author  of  the  lines  to  dinner,  and  there  exhibiting  the  couplet  to 
her  company,  with  the  addition,  in  her  own  hand,  of  "Vers  faits 
centre  moipar  M.  Lebrun,  qui  dene  aujourd'hui  chez  moi  /" 

1322.  Egli  ha  fatto  il  male,  ed  io  mi  porto  la  pena.     (It.)     Prov. 

— He  has  done  the  mischief,  and  I  have  to  bear  the  blame. 

1323.  'H  yAxoo-o-'  6p.wp.ox,  V  ^  <f)PVv  avuporos.       (Gr.)      Eurip. 

Hipp.  612  (translated  by  Cic.  Off.  3,  29,  108,  Juravi 
lingua,  mentem  injuratam  gero). — My  tongue  has  sworn 
it,  but  my  mind's  unsworn.     Mental  reservation. 

1324.  Ego,  Charine,  neutiquam  officium  liberi  esse  hominis  puto, 

Quum  is  nihil  promereat,  postulare  id  gratiae  apponi  sibi. 

(L.)    Ter.  And.  2,  1,  3. 
(Pavtyhilus  log.) — I  do  not  think  it  shows  a  gentleman,  Charinus, 
To  insist  on  obligations  who  has  none  conferred. 

— Ed. 

1 325.  Ego  deum  genus  esse  semper  dixi  et  dicam  coelitum  : 

•  Sed  eos  non  curare  opinor  quid  agat  humanum  genus. 
(L.)     Enn.  Telamon.  ap.  Cic.  de  Inv.  2,  50,  104. 

I  have  always  said  and  will  say  that  there  is  a  race  of  Gods, 
But,  I  fancy,  that  what  men  do,  is  to  them  but  little  odds.— Ed 

EGO.  149 

1326.  Ego  ero  post  principia,     (L.)     Ter.  Eun.  4,  7,  11. — I  will 

take  my  stand  in  tlie  rear  ranks.    .Prudence  is  the  better 
part  of  valour. 

1327.  Ego  et  rex  meus.     (L.) — I  and  my  king.     Phrase  used  by 

Cardinal  Wolsey  in  official  documents,  and  made  one  of 
the  counts  against  him  on  his  fall. 

1328.  Ego  hsec  mecum  mussito ; 

Bona  mea  inhiant ;  certatim  dona  mittunt  et  munera, 
(L.)  Plaut.  Mil.  3,  1,  120. 
(Periplectomenes  loq.) — I  say  quietly  to  myself,  These 
people  are  longing  for  my  money,  and  trying  which  can 
outdo  the  other  in  sending  me  presents  and  pretty  things. 
Old  Miss  Crawley  (  Vanity  Fair)  probably  said  the  same 
of  the  attentions  of  her  affectionate  relations  at  the  Hall 
and  Rectory. 

1329.  Ego  nee  studium  sine  divite  vena 

Nee  rude  quid  possit  video  ingenium  :  alterius  sic 
Altera  poscit  opem  res,  et  conjurat  amice. 

(L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  409. 

For  me,  I  cannot  see  how  native  wit 

Can  e'er  dispense  with  art,  or  art  with  it. 

Set  them  to  pull  together,  they're  agreed, 

And  each  supplies  what  each  is  found  to  need. — Conington. 

1330.  Ego  pretium  ob  stultitiam  fero.     (L.)     Ter.  And.  3,  5,  4. 

— I  am  well  rewarded  for  my  folly. 

1331.  Ego  primam  tollo,  nominor  quoniam  Leo.     (L.)     Phsedr. 

1,  5. — I  take  the  first  share  by  my  title  of  Lion.  The 
Lion  hunting  in  partnership  with  Sheep,  Cow,  and  Goat 
secures  all  four  quarters  of  the  booty  for  himself  : 
hence  Leonina  societas  (a  Lion's  society)  is  used  for  any 
assembly  whei*e  the  Lion  of  the  hour  engrosses  all  the 
attention  to  himself. 

1332.  Ego  quod  te  laudas  vehementer  probo, 

Namque  hoc  ab  alio  nunquam  continget  tibi.  (L.) 
Phaedr.  Mart.  8. — I  strongly  approve  of  your  praising 
yourself,  for  it  is  the  only  praise  you  are  ever  likely  to 
get.  iEsop's  reply  to  an  author  who  was  much  tickled 
with  his  own  wretched  performances. 

1333.  Ego  si  bonam  famam  mihi  servasso,  sat  ero  dives.     (Z.) 

Plaut.  Most.  1,  3,  71. — If  I  can  only  keep  my  good  name, 
I  sliall  be  rich  enough. 

150  EGO 

1334.  Ego  spem  pretio  non  emo.     (L.)    Ter.  Ad.  2,  2,  11. — I  do 

not  purchase  hope  with  gold.  Mere  hopes  are  not  worth 
such  an  outlay. 

1335.  Egregie  cordatus  homo  catu'  iElius  Sextus.    (Z.)    Enn.  ap. 

Cic.  Rep.  1,  18,  30. — An  eminently  judicious  and  saga- 
cious man,  JElius  Sextus. 

1336.  Eheu  fugaces,  Postume,  Postume, 

Labuntur  anni  ;  nee  pietas  moram 
Rugis  et  instanti  senectse 

Afferet,  indoniita?que  morti.     (Z.)    Hor.  C.  2, 14,  1. 

Ah  !  Postumus,  they  fleet  away 

Our  years,  nor  piety  one  hour 
Can  win  from  wrinkles  and  decay 

And  Death's  indomitable  power. — Conington. 

1337.  Eheu  !  quam  brevibus  pereunt  ingentia  causis  !  (Z.)   Claud. 

Kufin.  2,  39. — Alas!  what  trifling  causes  serve  to  over- 
throw great  power  ! 
So  Pope  (?) :  "  What  mighty  contests  spring  from  trivial  things  ! " 

1338.  Eheu  Quam  temere  in  nosmet  legem  sancimus  iniquam  ! 

Nam  vitiis  nemo  sine  nascitur ;  optimus  Die  est, 

Qui  minimis  urgetur.  (Z.)    Hor.  S.  1,  3,  66. 

Alas  !  what  hasty  laws  against  ourselves  we  pass  ! 
For  none  is  born  without  his  faults  :  the  best 
But  bears  a  lighter  wallet  than  the  rest. — Conington. 

1339.  Ehrlich  ist  ein  hohes  "Wort,  und  bedeutet  sehr  viel,  viel 

mehr  als  die  Meisten  gewbhnlich  dahineinlegen.  (G.) 
Arndt.  ? — Honourable  is  a  word  of  high  meaning,  and. 
signifies  very  much,  much  more  indeed  than  most  people 
commonly  think. 

1340.  Ehrlich  wahrt  am  langsten.      (G.)     Prov. — Honesty  lasts 

the  longest.     Honesty  is  the  best  policy. 

1341.  Ei  ist  Ei,  sagte  der  Kiister,  aber  er  nahm  das    Gans-Ei. 

(G.)  Prov. — An  egg  is  an  egg,  said  the  Sacristan,  as  he 
took  the  goose's  egg. 

1342.  Ein  Augenblick  gelebt  im  Paradies, 

Wird  nicht  zu  teuer  mit  dem  Tod  gebiisst. 

(£.)     Schill.  D.  Carlos,  1,  5. 

One  moment  spent  in  Paradise, 

Were  not  too  dearly  bought  with  Death. — Ed. 

1343.  Eine  schbne  Menschenseele  finden 

Ist  Gewinn.  (G.)  Herder,  Der  gerettete  Jungling. — 
It  is  a  gain  to  find  a  beautiful  human  soul. 


1344.  Eine  Versohnung  1st  keine,  die  das  Herz  nicht  ganz  befreit, 

Ein  Tropfen  Hass,  der  in.  dem  Freudenbacher 
Zuriickbleibt,  macht  den  Segenstrank  zum  Gifte.     (G.) 
Scbill.  Maid  of  Orleans. — A  reconciliation  that  does  not 
completely  free  the  heart,  is  none  at  all.    One  drop  of  liate 
left  in  the  cup  of  joy  renders  the  blissful  drink  a  poison. 

1345.  Ein  Feind  ist  zu  viel,  und  hundert  Freunde  sind  zu  wenig. 

(G.)  Prov. — One  foe  is  too  many,  a  hundred  friends 
too  few. 

1346.  Ein  Kerl,  der  spekuliert,  Ist  wie  ein  Tiei*,  auf  einer  Heide, 

Von  einem  bosen  Geist  im  Kreis  hei-umgefiibrt, 
Und  rings  umher  Hegt  schone  griine  Weide.  (G.)  Goethe, 
Faust,  Studirziminei*. — A  fellow  that    theorizes    is   like 
an  animal  on  a  heath,  led  round  and  round  by  some  evil 
spirit,  while  all  around  lies  beautiful  green  pasture. 

1347.  Ein    Mann,   ein    Wort.     (G.)     Prov. — A    man,    a    word. 

An  honest  man's  word  is  as  good  as  his  bond. 

1348.  Ein  tiefer  Sinn  wohnt  in  den  alten  Brauchen ; 

Man  muss  sie  ehren.  (G.)  Schill.  Maria  Stuart. — A 
deep  meaning  lives  in  old  customs :  we  must  respect  them. 

1 349.  Ein  Traum,  ein  Traum  ist  unser  Leben 

Auf  Ei-den  hier ; 
Wie  Schatten  auf  den  Wogen  schweben 

Und  schwinden  wir ; 
Und  messen  uns're  tragen  Tritte 

Nach  Rauni  und  Zeit, 
Und  sind,  und  wissen's  nicht,  in  Mitte 

Der  Ewigkeit !  (G.)     Herder  1 

A  dream,  a  dream  is  all  our  lifetime  here  ! 
Shadows  on  wave  we  toss  and  disappear  ; 
And  mark  by  time  and  space  our  weary  way, 
And  are,  but  know  not,  in  eternity  ! — Ed. 

1350.  Ein  Weib     verschweigt    nur,  was  sie  nicht  weiss.      (G.) 

Prov. — A  woman  only  keeps  secret  what  she  does  not  know. 

1351.  Efs  oicovos  apio-ros,  dfivvea-Oai  nepl  Trdrpt^.     (Gr.)     Horn.  II. 

12,  243. — The  best  omen  is,  to  fight  for  one's  country. 
The  patriot  has  no  need  to  consult  auguries  when  his 
country's  in  danger. 

1352.  Ejusdem  farinae.     (L.)-Of  the  same  meal.      Men  of  the 

same  kidney.    Cf.  Quurn  fueris  nostra  paulo  ante  farinse. 
Pers.  5,  115. — Although  you  were  a  little  while  ago  of 
the  same  way  of  thinkiyig  as  myself     The  French  say 
Gens  de  meme  farine. — Birds  of  a  feather. 

152  EL  DIABLO. 

1353.  El  diablo  esta  en  Cantillana.     (S.)     Prov.  ap.  Cervantes, 

D.  Quijote,  2,  49. — The  devil's  in  Cantillana. 

1354.  Elegit.     (L.)     Law  Term. — He  has  chosen. 

Writ  by  which  creditors  can  seize  the  whole  of  a  debtor's  lands, 
until  the  debts  are  paid  out  of  the  rent.  The  creditor  for  that 
time  becomes  tenant,  and  the  estate  his,  by  elegit. 

1355.  Eligito  tempus,  captatum  ssepe,  rogandi.     (L.)     Ov.  Ep.  3, 

1,  129. — Choose  your  opportunity  for  making  the  request 
after  you  have  long  watched  for  it. 

1356.  Elle  a  trop  de  vertus  pour  n'etre  pas  Chretienne.     {Ft.) 

Corn.   Polyeucte. — She  has  too  many  virtues  not  to  be 
a  Christian.      From   Polyeucte's   prayer   for  Pauline's 
1357    Elle  fuit,  mais  en  Parthe,  en  lui  percant  le  cceur. 

(-^V.)     Corneille  (Rodogune). 
She  fled  ;  but  the  nymph  as  she  turned  to  depart 
Shot  a  Parthian  bolt  that  went  straight  to  his  heart. — Ed. 
Written  in  the  album  of  the  Marquise  du  Prie,  who  was  leaving 
Paris  for   Turin.      (Cf.   Virg.   Geor.   3,   31.       Fidentemque  fuga 
Parthum,  versisque  sagittis. ) 

1358.  'EA/rtSes  (v  (wouriv,  avkXirto-TOL  Se  Oavovres.      {Gr.)     Theocr. 

Id.  4,  42. — There's  hope  for  living  men,  but  none  when 
once  they  are  dead. 

While  there  is  life  there's  hope,  he  cried. 

— Gay,  Fables  (Sickman  and  the  Angel). 

1359.  El  rey  y  la  patria.      (S.) — King  and  fatherland.      Spanish 

Order  of  St  Ferdinand. 

1360.  El  sabio  muda  consejo,  el  necio  no.       (S.)      Prov. — The 

wise  man  changes  his  mind,  the  fool  never. 

1361.  E  mala  cosa  esser  cattivo,  ma  e  peggiore  esser  conosciuto. 

(It.)  Prov. — It  is  a  bad  thing  to  be  a  rascal,  but  worse 
to  be  found  out. 

1362.  Emas  non  quod  opus  est,  sed  quod  necesse  est: 

Quod  non  opus  est,  asse  carum  est.  (L.)  Cato  ap.  Sen. 
Ep.  94. — Buy  only  what  is  necessary,  not  what  you 
want :  tohat  you  don't  want  is  dear  at  a  gift. 

1363.  'Efiov   6av6vro<s  yaia  /^x^?™   irvpC.      (Gr.)     Frag.    Incert. 

Trag. —  When  I  am  dead  let  the  earth  be  mingled  with 
fire.  Like  the  French  apres  moi  le  deluge,  q.  v. 
Nero,  on  some  one  repeating  the  Greek  line  in  his  presence,  ex- 
claimed, "  Immo,  i/xoD  5t  fwrros,"  Aye,  and  while  lam  alive  too  ! 
and,  as  Suetonius  (Nero  38)  goes  on  to  say,  "so  it  came  about,  for 
without  any  attempt  at  concealment  he  proceeded  to  set  the  city 
on  fire. " 

EN  HABILES.  153 

Cf.  Claudian,  Rufin.  2,  19  (on  the  death  of  Rufinus) : 
Everso  juvat  orhe  mori,  solatia  letho 
Exitium  commune  dabit. 
So  the  world  perish,  I'll  not  ask  to  live, 
Comfort  in  death  the  general  doom  will  give.  —  Ed. 

1364.  E  multis  paleis  paulum  fructus  collegi.     (L.)     Prov. — Out 

of  much  chaff,  I  have  gathered  but  little  grain. 

1365.  Emunctse  naris.    (L.)    Hor.  S.  1,  4,  8. — Of  nice  discrimina- 

tion (joined  with  facetus).     Phsedr.  3,  3,  14,  calls  iEsop 
naris  emunctce  senex,  the  old  man  of  ready  wit. 

1366.  En  amour  comme  en  amitie  Un  tiers  sou  vent  nous  embar- 

rasse.    {Fr.)  1 — A  third  person  is  often  in  the  way  in  love 
as  well  as  in  friendship. 

1367.  En  cada  tierra  su  uso.     {S.)     Prov.   ap.     Cervantes,   D. 

Quijote,  2,  9. — Every  country  has  its  own  custom. 

1368.  Ende  gut,  Alles  gut.    (G.)  Prov. — All's  well  that  ends  well. 

1369.  Iv  8e  <£aei  kcu  oAio-o-ov.     {Gr.)1 — If  you  will  kill,  do  it  in 

daylight.     Don't  stab  in  the  dark. 

1370.  En  donner  d'une  belle.     {Fr.) — To  impose  upon  any  one. 

To  make  a  fool  of  one. 

1371.  En  Dieu  est  tout.     {Fr.) — All  depends  on  God.     Motto  of 

Lord  Alington. 

1372.  Endure  fort.      {Fr.)—Bear   bravely.      Motto   of  Earl   of 

Crawford  and  Balcarres. 

1373.  En  ego,  quum  patria  caream,  vobisque  domoque, 

Raptaque  sint,  adimi  quse  potuere,  mihi  : 
Ingenio  tamen  ipse  meo  comitorque  fruorque, 
Caesar  in  hoc  potuit  juris  habere  nihil. 

{£.)     Ov.  T.  3,  7,  45. 
The  poet  in  exile. 
When  of  my  country,  home,  and  you  bereft, 

And  all  that  could  be  ta'en,  was  ta'en  from  me  ; 
My  art,  t'accompany  and  cheer,  was  left ; 

Caesar  in  this  could  claim  no  right  nor  fee. — Ed. 

1374.  Enfants  et  fous  sont  devins.     {Fr.)     Prov. — Children  and 

madmen  are  prophets. 

1375.  Enfants  perdus.     (^V.)     Mil.  Term. — A  forlorn  hope.    (2.) 

Enfants  terribles. — Dreadful  children :  such  as  by  their 
precocity,  or  plain  speaking,  annoy  their  elders  and 
betters.  The  term  first  appeared  in  one  of  Gavarni's 
comic  sketches.     (3.)  Enfant  gate. — A  spoilt  child. 

1376.  En  habiles  gena     {Fr.) — Like  able  men. 

154  EN  B.MC. 

1377.  En  hsec  promissa  fides  est?     (L.)     Virg    A.  6,  346. — Is 

this  the  fulfilment  of  his  promise  ? 
13.78.  En!  hie  declarat,  quales  sitis  judices.     (L.)     Phsedr.  5,  5, 

38. — This  shoivs,  my  friends,  what  good  judges  you  are  I 

1379.  En  la  rose  je  fleuris.     (Fr.) — In  the  rose  I  flourish.    Motto 

of  the  Duke  of  Richmond. 

1380.  En  los  nidos  de  antaiio 

No  hay  pajaros  hogafio.  (S.)  Prov.  Cervantes,  D. 
Quijote,  2,  74. — There  are  no  this  year's  birds  in  last 
year's  nests. 

1381.  En  masse.     {Ft.) — In  a  body.     (2.)  En  foule,  in  a  crowd. 

1382.  'Ei/  op(f)vrj  8p<nreTi]S  //.eya  crOeva.      (Gr.)     Eurip.  Ehes.  69. — 

Cowards  are,  very  mighty  in  the  dark. 

1383.  En  pudet,  et  fateor,  jam  desuetudine  longa 

Yix  subeunt  ipsi  verba  Latina  mihi.    (L.)    Ov.  T.  5,  7,  57. 

I  own  with  shame  that  discontinuance  long 
Makes  me  well  nigh  forget  the  Latin  tongue. — Ed. 

1384.  En  revanche.      (Fr.) — In  revenge.     In  return;   to  make 

amends,  or  requital. 

1385.  En  sa  maison  Le  dos  au  feu,  le  ventre  a  table. 

(Fr.)     Maynard  1 

At  home  he'll  sit  down  :  eat  as  long  as  he's  able 
"With  his  back  to  the  fire,  his  face  to  the  table. — Eel. 

1386.  En   suivant    la   ve'rite.      (Fr.) — In  following   tlie   truth. 

Motto  of  Earl  of  Portsmouth. 

1387.  'Ev  tw   cf>poveiv  yap  p;Sev    t}8l<ttos  /3ios.      (Gr.)      Soph.  Aj. 

553. — The  happiest  life  consists  in  feeling  nothing. 

1388.  En  toute  chose  il  faut  conside'rer  la  fin.      (Fr.)      La  Font. 

Le  Renard  et  le  Bouc. — In  everything  one  must  consider 
the  end.  Cf.  In  omnibus  operibus  tuis  memorare  novis- 
sima  tua,  et  in  seternum  non  peccabis.  (L.)  Vulg. 
Ecclus.  7,  40. — Whatsoever  thou  takest  in  hand,  remember 
the  end  and  thou  shalt  never  do  amiss. 

1389.  Entre   chien   et    loup.      (Fr.) — Between    dog    and    wolf. 


1390.  Entre  deux  vins.     (Fr.) — Neither  drunk  nor  sober.     Half 

seas  over ;  mellow. 

1391.  Entre  esprit  et  talent  il  y  a  la  proportion  du  tout  a  sa 

partie.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  vol.  ii.  p.  80. — Wit  is  to 
talent,  as  the  whole  is  to  a  part. 

EQTJI.  155 

1392.  Entre  le  bon  sens  et  le  bon  gout  il  y  a  la  difference  de  la 

cause  a  son  effet.  (-^V.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  vol.  ii.  p.  80. — 
Between  good  sense  and  good  taste,  there  is  the  same 
difference  as  between  cause  and  effect. 

1393.  Entre  nos  ennemis  Les  plus  a  craindre  sont  sou  vent  les 

plus  petits.  (Fr.)  La  Eont.  Lion  et  Moucheron. — 
Among  our  enemies,  the  most  to  be  dreaded  are  often  the 

1394.  Entre  nous.      (-^V.) — Between  ourselves.      Privately;  con- 


1395.  En  ve'rite^  ce  siecle  est  un  mauvais  moment.    (^V.)  Musset1? 

— In  truth  this  age  is  an  evil  time. 

1396.  En  ve'rite'  l'amour  ne  saurait  etre  profond,  s'il  n'est  pas 

pur.  (Fr.)  Comte  1 — Love  will  in  truth  never  be  deep, 
if  it  is  not  pure. 

1397.  En  vieillissant  on  devient  plus  fou  et  plus  sage.    (Fr.)    La 

Rochef.  1 — As  men  get  old  they  become  at  once  more  foolish 
and  more  wise. 

1398.  Envie  passe  avarice.    (Fr.)    Prov. — Envy  surpasses  avarice. 

1399.  "ETj-ea  TTTepoevra.    (Gr.)    Horn.  II.  1,  201. — Winged  words. 

1400.  Eppur  si  muove  !     (It.) — And  yet  it  moves/ 

Reputed  saying  of  Galileo  Galilei  (fl642),  on  his  abjuration  of  his 
celebrated  Dialogue  on  Sun  spots  and  the  Sun's  rotation,  before  the 
Inquisition  in  1632. 

1401.  Equidem   multos  et  vidi  in  hac   civitate   et   audivi,  non 

modo  qui  primoribus  labris  gustassent  genus  hoc  vitse  et 
extremis,  ut  dicitur,  digitis  attigissent,  sed  qui  totam 
adolescentiam  voluptatibus  dedissent,  emersisse  aliquando 
et  se  ad  frugem  bonam,  ut  dicitur,  recepisse,  gravesque 
homines  atque  illustres  fuisse.     (L.)     Cic.  Ccel.  12,  28. 

Wild  Oats. 

I  myself  have  seen  and  heard  of  many  men  in  Rome  who  had  not 
merely  taken  a  brief  sip  of  this  kind  of  life,  and  just  touched  it 
with  the  tips  of  their  fingers,  as  the  phrase  goes,  but  who  aban- 
doned the  whole  period  of  their  youth  to  the  pursuit  of  pleasure. 
Yet  afterwards  they  emerged,  and  became  what  is  called  "reformed," 
and  even  turned  out  quite  sober  and  distinguished  members  of 

1402.  Equi  frsenato  est  auris  in  ore.     (L.)    Hor.  Ep.  1,  15,  13. 

A  horse  when  bridled  listens  through  his  jaws.  — Conington. 

156  EQUUS. 

1403.  Equus  Sejanus.     (L.) — The  horse  of  Seius,  which,  from  the 

circumstance  of  four  of  its  owners  dying  in  succession 
soon  after  acquiring  the  animal,  came  to  be  proverbial 
for  any  possession  that  carried  ill-luck  with  it.  E.g., 
Me  homo  habet  equuni  Seianum.  Gell.  Sejan.  3,  9,  6. — 
That  fellow  has  got  Seius'  horse.     I  don't  envy  his  luck. 

1404.  Era  gia  l'ora,  che  volge  '1  disio 

A'  naviganti,  e'ntenerisce  il  cuore 
Lo  di  ch'  han  detto  a  dolci  amici  a  Dio ; 
E  che  lo  nuovo  peregrin  d'amore 
Punge,  se  ode  squilla  di  lontano 
Che  paia  '1  giorno  pianger,  che  si  muore. 

(It.)     Dante,  Purg.  8,  1. 
The  sunset  hour. 
Now  was  the  hour  that  wakens  fond  desire 
In  men  at  sea,  and  melts  their  thoughtful  heart 
Who  in  the  morn  have  bid  sweet  friends  farewell, 
And  pilgrim,  newly  on  his  road,  with  love 
Thrills  if  he  hear  the  vesper  bell  from  far 
That  seems  to  mourn  for  the  expiring  day. — Cary. 
Cf.  Statius,  S.  4,  6,  3,  Jam  moriente  die ;  and  Gray  (Elegy),  The 
curfew  tolls  the  knell  of  parting  day. 

1405.  Erant   quibus   appetentior  famse  videretur,  quando  etiam 

sapientibus  cupido  glorise  novissima  exuitur.  (Z-.) 
Tac.  H.  4,  6. — There  were  some  who  thought  him  (Hel- 
vidius  Prisons)  a  little  too  eager  for  fame,  and  indeed 
even  by  the  wise  the  thirst  for  glory  is  the  last  passion  to 
be  laid  aside. 

Cf.  Plato,  ap.  Athenaeum,  11,  116,  p.  507,  "Ecrxaros  Xtyerat,  rwv 
iraOQiv  xlT^v  V  <£'Ao5o£ta,  Sioti  rwv  &\\wv  ttoW&kis  diavrrfv  dvodvo/xivup 
avTr]  TrpocrL<rxeTai  /xaWov  ry  ipvxy.  {Gr. ) — The  Love  of  glory  is  called 
the  last  garment  of  the  passions ;  for  when  other  feelings  are  laid 
aside  for  her  sake,  she  clings  all  the  more  to  the  soul. 
And  Milton,  Lycidas,  70  : 

Fame  is  the  spur  that  the  clear  spirit  doth  raise 

(That  last  infirmity  of  noble  mind) 

To  scorn  delights,  and  live  laborious  days. 

1406.  Erase  que  se  ei'a.     (S.)     Prov.  ap.  Cervantes,  D.  Quijote, 

1,  20. —  What  has  been,  has  been. 
1406a.  'Epya    veW   f3ovXai   re   fieo-cav  ei'yat   re   yepovroiv.       (GV-) 
Hes.  1 — The  work  of  the  young,  the  counsels  of  the  middle- 
aged,  and  the  prayers  of  the  old.     Quot.  by  Sir  A.  Grant 
(Nicomachean  Ethics). 

1407.  Er  geht  herum,  wie  die  Katze  um  den  heissen  Brei.     (G.) 

Prov. — He  goes  round,  like  a  cat  round  hot  porridge. 

ERIPUIT.  157 

1408.  Ergo  baud  difficile  est  pei'ituram  arcessere  summam, 

Lancibus  oppositis,  vel  matris  imagine  fracta. 

(Z.)     Juv.  11,  17. 

The  spendthrift. 
The  soon -spent  sum  is  quickly  got  on  trust ; 
He  pawns  his  plate,  his  mother's  fractured  bust. — Ed. 

1409.  Ergo  vivida  vis  animi  pervicit,  et  extra 

Processit  longe  flammantia  moenia  niundi : 

Atque  omne  immensum  peragravit  mente  animoque ; 

Unde  refert  nobis  victor  quid  possit  oriri 

Quid  nequeat :  finita  potestas  denique  quoique 

Quanam  sit  ratione,  atque  alte  terminus  hserens. 

(L.)     Lucret.  1,  73. 
The  living  vigour  of  his  mind  prevailed 
And  the  bright  bastions  of  the  world  outsailed  : 
His  reason  and  his  soul's  intelligence 
Swept  the  whole  area  of  that  void  immense  ; 
Thence  he  returned  victorious  to  declare 
"What  men  might  hope  for,  and  what  cease  to  fear ; 
The  law,  in  fine,  by  which  all  power  that  is 
Lies  within  fixed  unvarying  boundaries. — Ed. 

1410.  Eripe  te  mora?.    (L.)   Hor.  3,  29,  5. — Away  with  all  delay  / 

1411.  Eripe  turpi  Collajugo.    Liber,  liber  sum,  die  age.    Non  quis. 

(L.)     Hor.  S.  2,  7,  91. 

The  henpecked  husband. 
Break  the  vile  bondage  ;  cry 
I'm  free,  I'm  free!     Alas,  you  cannot. — Conington. 

1412.  Eripit  interdum,  modo  dat  medicina  salutem, 

Qnaeque  juvans  monstrat,  quasque  sit  herba  nocens. 

(L.)    Ov.  T.  2,  2G9. 
Medicine  now  injures  health,  and  now  bestows, 
And  herbs  that  heal  from  those  that  hurt,  she  shows. — Ed. 

1413.  Eripuit  coelo  fulmen  sceptrumque  tyrannis.     (L.)    Turgot? 

— Heaven's  bolts  he  robbed,  and  of  their  sceptres  kings. 

Inscription  for  the  bust  of  Franklin  by  Houdon.  The  allusion  is, 
of  course,  to  the  discovery  of  the  lightning-conductor,  and  the 
emancipation  of  the  American  colonies  from  the  English  rule.  The 
line  seems  to  be  an  adaptation  of  Manilius'  (Astr.  1,  10)  Eripuitque 
Jovi  fulmen  viresque  tonandi,  already  imitated  by  the  Cardinal  de 
Polignac  (Anti-Lucretius,  1,  96)  in  Eripuit  fulmenque  Jovi,  Phot- 
boque  sagittas.  Franklin  himself  criticised  the  complimentary 
words  in  a  letter  to  Nogaret :  "  Je  vous  ferai  seulement  remarquer 
deux  inexactitudes  dans  le  vers  original.     Malgre"  mes  experiences 

158  ERNST. 

sur  l'electricite,  la  foudre  tombe  toujours  a  votre  nez  et  a  votre 
barbe,  et  quant  au  tyran,  nous  avons  ete  plus  d'un  million  d'hommes 
occupes  a  lui  arracher  son  sceptre. " 

1414.  Ernst  ist  das  Leben,  heiter  ist  die  Kunst.     (67.)     Schill. 

Wallenstein  Prol. — Life  is  earnest,  art  is  cheerful. 

1415.  Errare  bumanum  est,  perseverai'e  diabolicum.      (L.)  1 — To 

err  is  human,  to  continue  in  sin  devilish.     All  will  re- 
member the  line  of  Pope,  Essay  on  Criticism,  p.  12,  325  : 
To  err  is  human,  to  forgive  divine. 

1416.  Errare    malo  cum  Platone,  quam    cum  istis  vera  sentire. 

(L.)  Cic.  Tusc.  1,  17,  39. — /  prefer  to  err  in  company 
with  Plato,  than  to  think  rightly  with  those  men.  1 
would  rather  be  mistaken  and  take  a  wrong  view  of  the 
case  on  the  authority  of  A  or  on  the  side  of  B,  than 
follow  a  multitude  of  wiseacres  who  are  persuaded  that 
all  the  world  is  wrorig  except  themselves. 

1417.  Errat  longe  mea  quidem  sententia 

Qui  imperium  credit  gravius  esse  aut  stabilius 
Yi  quod  fit,  quam  illud  quod  amicitia  adjungitur.     (L.) 
Ter.  Ad.  1,  1,  42. — He  is  much  mistaken,  in  my  opinion, 
who  thinks  that  authority  exerted  by  force,  is  more  weighty 
and  more  lasting  than  that  which  is  enjoined  by  kindness. 

1418.  Es  bildet  ein  Talent  sich  in  der  Stille, 

Sich  ein  Charakter  in  dem  Strom  der  Welt.  (67.)  Goethe, 
Tasso,  1,  2. — A  talent  is  developed  in  retirement,  char- 
acter is  formed  in  the  rush  of  the  world. 

1419.  E  se  finxit  velut  araneus.     (L.) — He  spun  from  himself 

like  a  spider.  Said  of  a  writer  who  draws  his  materials, 
not  from  his  reading,  but  from  his  own  "  inner  con- 

1420.  Esel  singen  schlecht,  weil   sie  zu  hoch  anstimmen.      (67.) 

Prov. — Asses  sing  villainously,  because  they  pitch  their 
notes  too  high. 

1421.  Es  ist  nur  eine  Religion,  aber  es  kann  vielerlei  Arten  des 

Glaubens  geben.  (G.)  Kant1? — There  is  only  one  true 
Religion,  but  there  may  be  many  forms  of  belief. 

1422.  Esperance  en  Dieu.     (Fr.) — Hope  in  God.     Motto  of  the 

Duke  of  Northumberland. 

1423.  Esprit  de  corps.     {Fr.) — Professional  zeal  or  spirit.     Zeal 

for  the  profession  or  order  to  which  a  man  belongs. 
Thus  the  Army,  the  Bar,  Medicine,  and  other  professions 
are  or  should  be  animated  by  esprit  de  corps. 


1424.  Essayez.     (Fr.)—Try.     Motto  of  Earl  of  Zetland. 

1425.  Esse  aliquid  Manes,  et  subterranea  regna, 

Et  contum  et  Stygio  ranas  in  gurgite  nigras, 
Atque  una  transire  vadum  tot  millia  cymba 
Nee  pueri  credunt,  nisiqui  nondum  sere  lavantur : 
Sed  tu  vera  puta.  (L.)     Juv.  2,  149. 

Religious  beliefs. 
Ghosts,  subterranean  regions,  Charon's  pole, 
Frogs  black  as  night,  and  how  each  blessed  soul 
Is  punted  o'er  by  thousands  in  one  skiff —  ! 
Why,  boys  discard  the  superstition  if 
They're  old  enough  t'attend  the  baths ;  but  you, 
I  charge  you,  firmly  hold  it  all  for  true. — Ed. 

1426.  Esse  bonam  facile  est,  ubi  quod  vetet  esse  remotum  est.  (L.) 

Ov.  T.  5,  14,  25. — It  is  easy  for  a  woman  to  be  good, 
when  all  that  hinders  her  from  being  so  is  removed. 

1427.  Esse   quam   videri.      (L.) — To    be    rattier   than   to   seem. 

Motto   of   Earls  Brownlow  and   Winterton   and   Lord 

1428.  Esse  quoque  in  fatis  reminiscitur  affore  tempus 

Quo  mare,  quo  tellus,  correptaque  regia  cceli 
Ardeat ;  et  mundi  moles  operosa  laboret. 

(i.)     Ov.  M.  1,  256. 
The  day  of  doom. 

He  calls  to  mind 
A  presage  of  the  fates  in  times  to  come 
When  sea,  and  earth,  and  Heaven's  high  palaces 
Should  all  break  into  flame  and  be  on  fire  ; 
And  the  laborious  fabric  of  the  universe 
Totter  to  its  base. — Ed. 

1429.  Esse  quid  hoc  dicani  vivis  quod  fama  negatur, 

Et  sua  quod  rarus  tempora  lector  amat? 
Hi  sunt  invidiam  nimirum,  Regule,  mores, 
Praeferat  antiquos  semper  ut  ilia  novis. 

(L.)     Mart.  5,  10,  1. 
Old  and  New  Authors. 
Why,  pray,  to  living  men  is  fame  denied, 

And  readers  mostly  their  own  age  eschew  ? 
It  is  the  freak  of  envy  or  of  pride 
Always  to  rate  the  old  above  the  new. — Ed. 

1130.  Est  aliquid  fatale  malum  per  verba  levare.  (L.)  Ov.  T. 
5,  1,  59. — It  is  some  alleviation  to  ills  we  cannot  cure  to 
speak  of  them.  We  ease  our  woes  in  communicating 
them  to  otbex's. 

160  EST  ANIMUS. 

1431.  Est  animus  tibi  Rerumque  prudens,  et  secundis 

Temporibus  dubiisque  rectus.     (L.)     Hor.  C.  4,  9,  34. 
A  soul  is  yours 
Clear  sighted,  keeu,  alike  upright 
When  fortune  smiles,  and  when  she  lowers. — Conington. 

1432.  Est  aviditas  dives,  et  pauper  pudor.      (L.)     Phsedr.  2,  1, 

12. — Covetousness  is  rich,  while  modesty  goes  barefoot. 

1433.  Est  brevitate  opus  ut  currat  sententia.     (Z.)     Hor.  S.  1, 

10,  9. — Terseness  there  wants  to  make  the  thought  ring 
clear. — Conington.     Need  of  a  concise  style. 

1434.  Est  cotis  vis  in  acutis.     (L.) — The  use  of  a  whetstone  is  to 

sharpen.     Somersetshire  Coll.  Bath. 

1435.  Est  demum  vera  felicitas,  felicitate  dignum  videri.     (L.) 

Plin.  Sec.  ? — True  happiness  is  then  attained,  when  it  is 
considered  no  more  than  you  deserve. 

1436.  Est  deus  in  nobis,  agitante  calescimus  illo, 

Impetus  hie  sacra  semina  mentis  habet.    (L.)    Ov.  F.  6, 5. 
The  poet's  inspiration. 
There's  a  divinity  within  inspires, 
Touching  the  poet's  lips  with  sacred  fires. — Ed. 

1437.  Est  deus  in  nobis,  et  sunt  commercia  cceli.     (L.)     Ov.  A. 

A.  3,  549. — We  poets  have  a  god  within  us,  and  com- 
merce with  the  sky. 

1438.  Est  enim  proprium  stultitia?,  aliorum  vitia  cernere,  oblivisci 

suorum.  (L.)  Cic.  Tusc.  3,  30,  73. — It  is  the  way  with 
fools  to  discover  their  neighbour's  faults,  and  to  forget 
their  own. 

1439.  Est  enim  [sc.   verus  amicus]  tanquam  alter  idem.      (L.) 

Cic.  Am.  21,  80. — A  true  friend  is  a  sort  of  second  self. 

1440.  Est  etiam  miseris  pietas,  et  in  hoste  probatur.     (L.)     Ov. 

T.  1,  9,  35. — We  owe  duties  to  the  unfortunate,  and  even 
in  the  case  of  an  enemy  such  an  act  is  laudable. 

1 441 .  Est  genus  hominum,  qui  esse  primos  si  omnium  reruni  voluut, 

Nee  sunt.  (L.)     Ter.  Eun.  2,  2,  17. 

There  are  a  kind  of  men  who  wish  to  be  the  head 
Of  everything  :  but  are  not. — Colman. 

1442.  Est  hie,  est  animus  lucis  contemptor,  et  istum 

Qui  vita  bene  credat  emi,  quo  tendis,  honorem. 

(L.)    Virg.  A.  9,  205. 
Here,  here  within  this  bosom  burns 
A  soul  that  mere  existence  spurns, 
And  holds  the  fame  you  seek  to  reap, 
Though  bought  with  life,  were  bought  full  cheap.— Conington. 

ESTNE.  161 

1443.  Est  huic  diversum  vitio  vitiuni  prope  majus, 

Asperitas  agrestis  et  inconcinna  gravisque, 
Qua?  se  commendat  tonsa  cute,  dentibus  atris ; 
Dum  vult  libertas  dici  mera,  veraque  virtus. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  18,  5. 

A  different  vice  there  is,  perhaps  a  worse, 

A  brutal  boorishness,  which  fain  would  win 

Regard  by  unbrushed  teeth  and  close-shorn  skin, 

Yet  all  the  while  is  anxious  to  be  thought 

Pure  independence,  acting  as  it  ought. — Conington. 

1444.  Est-il  aucun  moment  Qui  vous  puisse  assurer  d'un  second 

seulement?  (-^V.)  La  Font.  Vieillard  et  les  trois  jeunes 

Can  with  certainty  any  one  moment  be  reckoned 

That  can  give  you  th'  assurance  of  passing  a  second  ? — Ed. 

1445.  Est  mihi,  sitque  precor,  nostris  diuturnior  annis, 

Filia:  qua  felix  sospite  semper  ero.    (Z.)    Ov.  F.  6,  219. 

I've  a  dear  daughter  (long  may  she  survive  !) ; 
While  she  remains,  I  shall  in  comfort  live. — Ed. 

1446.  Est  modus  in  rebus;  sunt  certi  denique  fines, 

Quos  ultra  citraque  nequit  consistere  rectum. 

(Z.)     Hor.  S.  1,  1,  106. 

Yes,  there's  a  mean  in  morals  ;  life  has  lines, 

To  north  or  south  of  which  all  virtue  pines. — Conington. 

Society  is,  or  should  be,  inspired  by  that  golden  mean  which  is 
called  good-taste,  and  which  preserves  what  is  enjoyable  in  life 
from  being  abused  to  a  vulgar  excess.  Woe  to  the  man  who  over- 
steps the  boundary !  Let  your  moderation  be  known  unto  all 

1447.  Est  multi  fabula  plena  joci.     (Z.)     Ov.  F.  6,  320.— The 

story  is  full  of  fun. 

1448.  Est  natura  hominum  novitatis  avida.     (Z.)     Plin.  Maj.? 

— It  is  the  nature  of  man  to  love  novelty. 

Cf.  Est  quoque  cunctarum  novitas  carissima  rerun)  ; 

Gratiaque  officio,  quod  mora  tardat  abest.     Ov.  Ep.  3,  4,  51. 

The  dearest  of  all  things  is  novelty  ; 

And  favours  lose  their  value  by  delay. — Ed. 

1449.  Estne  Dei  sedes  nisi  terra,  et  pontus,  et  aer, 

Et  ccelum,  et  virtus  ]     Superos  quid  quserinius  ultra  1 
Jupiter  est,  quodcunque  vides,  quocunque  moveris.    (Z.) 
Luc.  9,  578. — Is  not  the  Deity's  dwelling  the  earth  and, 
sea  and  air  and  heaven  and  virtue  ?     Why  seek  the  gods 

162  ESTO. 

elsewhere  ?     Jupiter  is,  in  truth,  whatever  you  see,  and 
w/ieresoever  you  are.      The  doctrine  of  Pantheism,  which 
the  concluding  line  well  sums  up. 
Cf.  Virg.  G.  4,  221  : 

Deum  namque  ire  per  omnes 

Terrasque,  tractusque  maris,  coelumque  profundum. 

For  God  omnipresent  pervades,  'tis  said, 

All  earth  and  tracts  of  sea  and  sky  o'erhead. — Ed. 

1450.  Esto  peccator  et  pecca  fortiter,  sed  fortius  fide  et  gaude  in 

Christo,  etc.  (L.)  Luther,  Ep.  ad  Melanchthon,  ex. 
Epp.  P.  P.  M.  Lutheri  (Iense,  1556,  Tom.  i.  p.  345). — 
Be  a  sinner,  and  sin  mightily,  but  believe  and  rejoice  in 
Christ  moi^e  mightily  still,  etc. 

1451.  Est  opera?  pretium  duplicis  pernoscere  juris 

Natufam.  (L.)     Hor.  S.  2,  4,  63. 

There  are  two  hinds  of  sauce  ;  and  I  may  say 

That  each  is  worth  attention  in  its  way.  —  Conington. 

The  recipe  for  the  above  must  be  sought  in  the  context. 

1452.  Esto  perpetua.      (L.) — Mayest  thou  endure  for  ever  !     The 

dying  apostrophe  of  Paolo  Sarpi,  in  speaking  of  his 
beloved  Venice.    M.  of  Amicable  Life  Insurance  Society. 

1453.  Esto  quod  es  :  quod  sunt  alii  sine  quemlibet  esse  : 

Quod  non  es  nolis  :  quod  potes  esse  velis.  (Z.)  1 

Be  what  you  are  ;  let  who  will  be  what  others  are  : 
"What  you  are  not,  disown  ;  what  you  can  be,  prefer. — Ed. 

1454.  Esto  quod  esse  videris.     (L.) — Be   what  you  seem  to  be. 

Motto  of  Earl  Sondes. 

1455.  Esto  ut  nunc  multi  dives  tibi  pauper  amicis. 

(L.)     Juv.  5,  113. 

Adopt  the  way  the  present  fashion  tends  ; 

Indulge  yourself,  be  saving  tow'rds  your  friends. — Ed. 

1456.  Est  pater  ille  quern  nuptise  demonstrant.     (L.)     Law  Max. 

— He  is  the  father  whom  the  marriage-rites  designate  as 

1457.  Est  profecto  Deus,  qui  quae  nos  gerimus  auditque  et  videt, 

Neque  id  verum  existimo  quod  vulgo  dicitur, 
Fortuna  humana  fingit  aptatque  ut  lubet.  (Z.)  Plaut. 
Capt.  2,  3,  63. — There  is  certainly  a  God  who  hears  and 
sees  everything  we  do,  nor  can  I  allow  the  vulgar  idea, 
that  fortune  fashions  and  shapes  all  human  affairs  as  she 


1458.  Est  quadam  prodire  tenus,  si  non  datur  ultra.     (L.)     Hor. 

Ep.  1,1,  32. — It  is  possible  to  advance  to  a  certain  point, 
though  it  be  not  allowed  to  go  any  further.  Progress  in. 
any  direction  is  not  to  be  despised  even  though  it  Stop 
short  of  perfection. 

1459.  Est  quiddam  gestus  edendi.     (L.)     Ov.  A.  A.  3,  755. — 

There  is  much  in  a  person's  mode  of  eating. 

1460.  Est  rosa  flos  Veneris  :  quo  dulcia  furta  laterent 

Harpocrati  matris  dona  dicavit  Amor. 

Inde  rosam  mensis  hospes  suspendit  amicis, 

Convivae  ut  sub  ea  dicta  tacenda  sciant.  (Z.)  ] 

Sub  rosa. 
The  rose  is  Venus'  flower  :  his  thefts  to  aid 
Love  to  Harpocrates  the  gift  conveyed. 
Tis  why  each  host  hangs  o'er  his  board  a  rose, 
That  what's  said  under  it  may  none  disclose.  —Ed. 

Harpocrates  was  the  God  of  Silence. 

1461.  Est  teinpus  quando  nihil;  est  tempus   quando  aliquid  est 

dicendum  :  nullum  vero  tempus  est  quando  dicenda  sunt 
omnia.  (L.)  Hugo  de  discipl.  Monach. — There  is  a 
time  when  nothing,  and  a  time  when  something,  should  be 
said.     But  there  is  no  time  when  we  may  say  everything. 

1462.  Est  via  sublimis  ccelo  manifesta  sereno, 

Lactea  nomen  habet,  candore  notabilis  ipso. 

(L.)     Ov.  M.  1,  168. 
The  Milky  Way. 
There  shines  a  tract  in  heaven  each  cloudless  night, 
The  Milky  Way,  called  from  its  zone  of  white. — Ed. 
Manilius  (tl2  a.d.)  in  his  Astronomicon,  after  alluding  to  the 
mythological  fable  of  the  origin  of  the    Milky  Way,  suggests  a 
theory  which  the  discovery  of  the  telescope  (1600  years  afterwards) 
confirmed.     He  asks : 

Anne  magis  densa  stellarum  turba  corona 
Contexit  flammas,  et  crasso  lumine  candet, 
Et  fulgore  intet  collato  clarior  orbis  ? 
Is  it  not  rather  a  dense  crowd  of  stars 
That,  thickly  constellated,  weave  their  fires, 
Gleaming  with  massed  refulgence,  and  the  zone 
Shines  all  the  brighter  with  collective  light  ? — Ed. 

1463.  Est  virtus  placitis  abstinuisse  bonis.     (L.)     Ov.  H.  17,  70. 

— 'Tis  a  real  virtue  to  abstain  from  joys  that  please. 

1464.  Esurienti  ne  occurras.     (L.)     Prov. — Don't  get  in  the  way 

of  a  hungry  man.  Avoid  a  contest  or  encounter  with  a 
man  impelled  by  some  desperate  necessity. 

164  ET  AMARUNT. 

1465.  Et  amarunt  me  quoque  Nyniphse.     (L.)     Ov.  M.  3,  456. — 

/  too  have  been  loved  by  the  Nymphs.  I  too  have  found 
women  to  love  me.  Words  of  Narcissus  on  being  unable 
to  grasp  bis  own  reflection  in  the  water. 

1466.  *H  Tav  t)  €7ti  Tav.     (Gr.) — Either  this,  or  upon  this  !    Part- 

ing words  of  the  Spartan  mother  on  handing  her  son 
the  shield  he  was  to  carry  into  battle.  He  was  to  be 
brought  back  upon  the  shield,  if  he  brought  it  not  back 
hi  mself . 

1467.  Et  ces  deux  grands  ddbris  se  consolaient  entre  eux.     (Fr.) 

Delille,  Sardins. — And  these  two  ruined  monuments  mutu- 
ally consoled  each  oilier.  Originally  written  of  Marina 
amid  the  ruins  of  Carthage,  the  line  has  before  now  been 
quoted  of  any  two  elderly  people  sitting  apart  in  a 
company  much  their  junior. 

1468.  Et  c'est  etre  innocent  que  d'etre  malheureux.     (Fr.)     La 

Font.  Nymphes  de  Vaux. — And  misfortune's  the  proof 
of  a  man's  innocence. 

1469.  Et  decus  et  pretium  recti.    (Z.) — At  once  the  ornament  and 

the  reward  of  virtue.  Motto  of  the  Duke  of  Grafton  and 
Lord  Southampton. 

1470.  Etenim  omnes  artes  quae  ad  humanitatem  pertinent,  habent 

quoddam  commune  vinculum,  et  quasi  cognatione  quadam 
inter  se  continentur.  (Z.)  Cic.  Arch.  1,  2. — All  the 
civilising  arts  Jiave  a  sort  of  common  bond,  and  are  con- 
nected by  a  certain  relationship  with  each  other.  Paint- 
ing, poetry,  and  music,  e.g.,  have  close  affinities  with  one 

1471.  Et  face  re  et  pati  fortiter  Romanum  est.     (L.)     Liv.  2,  12. 

— Brave  deeds  and  brave  suffering  is  the  Roman  fashion. 

1472.  Et  genus  et  virtus,  nisi  cum  re,  vilior  alga  est. 

(L.)     Hor.  S.  2,  5,  8. 

Yet  family  and  worth,  without  the  staff 

Of  wealth  to  leau  on,  are  the  veriest  draff. — Conington. 

1473.  i]dos.     (Gr.) — Character,  disposition.    The  moral  imjyression 

conveyed  by  a  speaker  or  writer  to  his  hearers  or  readers. 
Moral  tone,  or  spirit.  Any  great  work  of  art  has  also 
its  special  ijdos,  to  be  impressed  on  the  mind  of  the 
attentive  spectator,  who  will  carry  away  the  idea  (teach- 
ing) peculiarly  belonging  to  it. 

ET  MEA.  165 

1474.  Etiain  capillus  unus  habet  umbram  suam.     (L.)     Prow  1 — 

Even  a  single  hair  casts  a  shadow.  The  slightest  clue  is 
of  importance. 

1475.  Etiam  celeritas  in  desiderio,  mora  est.      (Z.) — When  we 

long  for  a  thing  haste  itself  is  slow. 

1476.  Etiam  fortes  viros  subitis  terreri.     (L.)     Tac.  A.  15,  59. — 

Even  the  bravest  men  may  be  alarmed  by  a  surprise. 

1477.  Etiam  oblivisci  quod  scis,  interdum  expedit.     (L.)     Pub. 

Syr.  1 — It  is  sometimes  expedient  to  forget  what  one  knows. 

1478.  Etiam  sanato  vulnere  cicatrix  manet.     (L.)1 — Though  the 

wound  is  Jiealed,  a  scar  remains.  Wrongs  forgiven  are 
not  always  forgotten. 

1479.  Et  jam  summa  procul  villarum  culmina  fumant, 

Majoresque  cadunt  altis  de  montibus  umbrae. 

(L.)     Virg.  E.  1,  83. 
Approach  of  Evening. 
Far  off  the  smoke  of  farmsteads  now  ascends, 
The  mountain's  brow  its  lengthening  shadow  bends. — Ed. 

1480.  Et  je  dis  au  danseurs  d'un  si  grave  maintien  : 

Cedez-moi  vos  vingt  ans  si  vous  n'en  faites  rien.  (Er.) 
Lacretelle,  1805. — And  I  said  to  solemn-looking  dancers, 
Give  me  your  twenty  years  (youth)  if  you  are  making  no 
use  of  it.  A  sort  of  Byronic  languor  was  the  mode  of 
the  day,  even  affecting  dancing  which  was  gone  through 
in  a  dreamy  abstracted  manner,  hateful  to  the  poet  who 
remembered  with  pleasure  the  lively  figuring  of  the  ball- 
goers  of  his  youth. 

1481.  Et  latro,  et  cautus  prsecingitur  ense  viator  ; 

Ille  sed  insidias,  hie  sibi  portat  opem.    (L.)    Ov.  T.  2,  27 1 . 

Both  thief  and  wary  traveller  wear  a  knife  ; 
The  one  to  take,  the  other  save  a  life. — Ed. 

1482.  Et  mala  sunt  vicina  bonis;  errore  sub  illo 

Pro  vitio  virtus  crimina  ssepe  dedit.    (L.)    Ov.  R.  A.  323. 

Bad  is  akin  to  good  :  through  this  caprice 
Virtue  has  often  borne  the  blame  of  vice. — Ed. 

1  483.  Et  mea  cymba  semel  vasta  percussa  procella, 
Ilium,  quo  lsesa  est,  horret  adire  locum. 

(L.)     Ov.  T.  1,  1,  85. 

My  bark  once  shivered  by  the  tempest's  shock, 

Dreads  to  approach  the  spot  where  she  was  struck.  —  Ed. 

166  ET  ME. 

1484.  Et  me  fecere  poetara 

Pierides  :  sunt  et  mihi  cai*mina  :  me  quoque  dicunt 
Vatem  pastores ;  sed  non  ego  credulus  illis. 

(L.)     Virg.  E.  9,  32. 

Me  too  a  poet  have  the  Muses  made  ; 

Songs  I  can  boast :  the  shepherds  call  me  bard  : 

But  what  of  that  ?     I  heed  not  what  they  say. — Ed. 

1485.  Et  mihi  res,  non  me  rebus,  subjungere  conor.     (L.)     Hor. 

Ep.  1,  1,  19. — /  try  to  govern  circumstances,  not  be  led 
by  them. 

1486.  Et  monere,  et  moneri,  proprium  est  verse  amicitise.      (L.) 

Cic.  Am.  25,  91. — To  advise  and  to  take  advice  is  the 
mark  of  true  friendship. 

1487.  Et  nati  natorum,  et  qui  nascentur  ab  illis.      (L.)1 — The 

children  of  our  children,  and  those  who  shall  be  born  of 
them.  Our  posterity  to  the  latest  period.  These  things 
will  affect  not  only  ourselves,  but  likewise  our  nati 
natorum,  etc. 

1488.  Et  neque  jam  color  est  misto  candore  rubori 

Nee  vigor,  et  vires,  et  qua?  modo  visa  placebant. 

(L.)     Ov.  M.  1,  491. 
Faded  his  cheek,  the  blended  white  and  red 
And  strength  and  vigour,  all  that  charmed,  had  fled. — Ed. 

1489.  Et  nova  factaque  nuper  habebunt  verba  fidem,  si 

Graeco  fonte  cadunt  parce  detorta.     (L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  52. 

New  words  will  find  acceptance,  if  they  flow 

Forth  from  the  Greek,  with  just  a  twist  or  so. — Conington. 

1490.  Et  nucibus  facimus  quaacunque  relictis.     (L.)     Pers.  1,  10. 

— And  all  the  kind  of  things  we  do  when  we  have  aban- 
doned the  games  of  early  life. 

1491.  Et  nulli  cessura  fides,  sine  crimine  mores, 

Nudaque  simplicitas,  purpureusque  pudor. 

(L.)     Ov.  Am.  1,  3,  13. 

Trusty  good  faith,  a  life  without  a  stain  ; 
Of  blushing  purity,  of  manners  plain. — Ed. 

1492.  Et  nunc  omnis  ager,  nunc  omnis  partui-it  arbos; 

Nunc  frondent  sylvae,  nunc  formosissimus  annus. 

(L.)     Virg.  E.  3,  56. 

Now  fields  and  trees  all  blossoming  appear, 
Leafy  the  woods,  aud  loveliest  the  year. — Ed. 

ETRE.  167 

1493.  Et  pudet,  e't  metuo,  semperque  eademque  precari, 

Ne  subeant  animo  tsedia  justa  tuo.  (Z.)  Ov.  Ep.  4, 
15,  29. — I  am  ashamed  and  fear  to  be  always  making 
the  same  requests,  lest  you  should  conceive  a  well-deserved 
disgust  of  me. 

1494.  Et  quaerit,  posito  pignore,  vincat  uter.      (Z.)      Ov.  A.  A. 

1,  168. — And  having  deposited  his  stakes,  enquires  which 
would  win.     Betting  upon  a  race. 

1495.  Et  quae  sibi  quisque  timebat, 

Unius  in  miseri  exitium  con  versa  tulei'e.     (Z.)    Virg.  A. 

2,  130. — And  what  each  man  dreaded  for  himself,  they 
bore  lightly,  wlien  turned  to  the  destruction  of  one  miser- 
able creature. 

[And  hailed  the  doom],  content  to  see 
The  bolt  that  threatened  all  alike 
One  solitary  victim  strike. — Conington. 

1496.  Et  quando  uberior  vitiorum  copia?     Quando 

Major  avaritiae  patuit  sinus  ?     Alea  quando 
Hosanimos?  (Z.)     Juv.  1,  87. 

"What  age  so  large  a  crop  of  vices  bore, 

Or  when  was  avarice  extended  more, 

When  were  the  dice  with  more  profusion  thrown  ? — Dryden. 

1497.  Et  quiescenti  agendum  est,  et  agenti  quiescendum  est.    (Z.) 

Sen.  1 — The  indolent  should  work,  and  those  who  labour 
should  take  repose. 

1498.  Et  qui  nolunt  occidere  quenquam 

Posse  volunt.  (Z.)     Juv.  10,  96. 

And  they  who  do  not  wish  to  kill 
Like  to  he  able,  should  they  will. — Ed. 

1499.  Et  quisquam  ingenuas  etiam  nunc  suspicit  artes, 

Aut  tenerum  dotes  carmen  habere  putat  1 
Ingenium  quondam  fuerat  pretiosius  auro  : 
At  nunc  barbaries  grandis  habere  nihil. 

(Z.)     Ov.  Am.  3,  8,  1. 

Is  there  any  one  nowadays  honours  the  arts, 

Or  thinks  that  sweet  verse  has  its  due  recompense  ? 

More  than  gold  were  prized  formerly  talents  and  parts : 
But  now  they're  a  drug  in  this  sad  decadence. — Ed. 

1500.  Etre  aimable,  charmer,  ce  n'est  pas  si  facile, 

Quand  on  se  fait  aimer,  on  n'est  pas  inutile. 

(ZV.)     Eatisbonne,  Corned.  Enfantine. 
To  be  amiable,  charming  's  not  done  with  such  ease  ; 
They've  a  useful  career  who  have  learnt  how  to  please. — Ed. 

168  ETRE. 

1501.  Etre  capable  de  se  laisser  servir  n'est  pas  line  des  nioindres 

qualite's  que  puisse  avoir  un  grand  roi.  (Fr.)  Richelieu, 
Testament  Pol. — The  capacity  of  allotting  one's  self  to  be 
served  ■  by  others  is  not  one  of  the  least  qualities  which 
distinguish  a  great  king. 

1502.  Etre  de  trop.     (Fr.) — To  be  in  the  way.     To  be  one  too 

many.  My  room  was  evidently  more  desired  than  my 
company ;  I  was  clearly  de  trop,  and  so  I  retired. 

1503.  Etre  pauvre  sans  etre  libre,  c'est  le  pire  dtat  ou  l'homme 

puisse  tomber.  (Fr.)  Rouss.  1 — To  be  poor  without 
being  free,  is  the  worst  situation  in  which  man  can  be 

1504.  Etre  recu  comme  un  chien  dans  un  jeu  de  quilles.     (Fr.) 

Prov. — To  be  received  like  a  dog  in  a  game  of  skittles. 

1505.  Etre   rigoureux  pour  les    particuliers   qui   font  gloire    de 

mepriser  les  lois,  c'est  etre  bon  pour  le  public  ...  on 
ne  saurait  faire  un  plus  grand  crime  contre  les  interets 
publics  qu'en  se  rendant  indulgent  envers  ceux  qui  les 
violent.  (Fr.)  Richelieu,  Testament  Pol. — To  act  with 
rigour  towards  those  individuals  who  glory  in  despising 
the  laivs,  is  to  consult  the  public  good  .  .  .  one  could  not 
commit  a  greater  crime  against  public  interests,  than  to 
show  indulgence  to  those  who  violate  them. 

1506.  Eti-e  sur  le  qui  vive.     (Fr.) — To  be  on  the  alert. 

1507.  Etre  sur  un  grand  pied  dans  le  monde.      (Fr.) — To  be  on 

a  great  footing  (in  flourishing  circumstances)  in  the 

1508.  Et  ssepe  usque  adeo,  mortis  formidine,  vitse 

Percipit  human os  odium,  lucisque  videndse, 
Ut  sibi  consciscant  mcerenti  pectore  lethum. 

(L.)     Lucret.  3,  79. 


And  oft,  thro'  fear  of  dying,  men  conceive 
Hatred  of  life  and  to  behold  the  light : 
So  much  that  they  with  sorrow-laden  hearts 
Inflict  their  deaths  upon  themselves  ! — Ed. 

1509.  Et  sequentia,  et  seqq.,  or  seqq.     (L.) — And  the  following. 

The  rest  of  the  passage  referred  to,  etcetera. 

1510.  Et  sic  de  similibus.     (L.) — And  so  of  all  such  like.     Other 

similar  things  are  to  be  done  in  the  same  manner. 


1511.  Etsi  pervivo  usque  ad  summam  aetatem  tamen 

Breve  spatium  est  perferundi,  quae  minitas  nrihi.  (L.) 
Plaut.  Capt.  3,  5,  84  (Tyndarus  to  Hegio,  loq.). — Even 
if  I  should  live  to  extreme  old  age,  it  would  not  be  long 
enough  to  endure  all  you  threaten  me  with. 

1512.  Et  tenuit  nostras  numerosus  Horatius  aures, 

Dum  ferit  Ausonia  carmina  culta  1  yra. 

(L.)     Ov.  T.  4,  10,  49. 

With  rhythmic  numbers  Horace  charmed  our  ears 
Tuning  th'  Ausonian  lyre  to  polish'd  verse. — Ed. 

1513.  Et  vaincre  sans    pe'ril   serait  vaincre  sans  gloire.      (Fr.) 

Scud  dry,  L'Arminius. — And  to  conquer  without  danger 
would  be  to  conquer  without  glory.  Copied  from  a  line 
in  Corneille's  Cid,  1,1. 

1514.  Et  veniam  pro  laude  peto  :  laudatus  abunde, 

Non  fastiditus  si  tibi,  lector,  ero.     (L.)     Ov.  T.  1,  7,  31. 
Pardon  not  praise  I  seek  ;  enough  I'm  praised, 
If,  on  perusal,  no  disgust  be  raised. — Ed. 

1515.  Et  voila  juste ment  comme  on  dcrit  l'histoire  !     (^V.)    Volt. 

Chariot,  1,  7. — That  is  precisely  how  history  is  written/ 
A  jumble  of  errors,  lies,  hypotheses,  probabilities,  and 

1516.  Euge  poeta!     (L.)     Pers.  1,  75. — Bravo  Poet  / 

1517.  Eutuy/<i  7roAu<£iAos.    (Gr.)1 — Good  fortune  has  many friends. 

1518.  Eventu   rerum   stolidi   didicere   magistro.       (L.)      Claud. 

Eutr.  2,  489. — The  issue  of  things  is  the  master  for 
teaching  dullards. 

Cf.  Liv.  22,  39,  Eventus  docet ;  stultorum  iste  magister  est. — The 
event,  which  is  always  your  fools'  teacher,  proves  it. 

1519.  Ex  abundante  cautela.     (L.) — From  excessive  precaution. 

1520.  Ex   abundantia   cordis   os    loquitur.      (L.)      Prov.   Vulg. 

Matt.  xii.  34. — Out  of  the  abundance  of  the  heart  the 
mouth  speaketh. 

1521.  Ex  abusu  non  arguitur  ad  usum.     (Z.)     Law  Max. — The 

abuse  of  anything  is  no  argument  against  its  proper  use. 
(2.)  Ex  abusu  non  argumentum  ad  desuetudinem. — The 
abuse  of  anything  is  no  argument  for  its  discontinuance. 

1522.  Ex  cathedra.     (L.) — From  the  chair. 

Solemn  decisions  of  the  Pope  or  Bishop,  delivered  from  the 
Cathedra  or  Episcopal  Seat,  are  so  termed,  denoting  official  and 
authoritative  pronouncements  as  distinguished  from  mere  personal 
utterances.  Decisions  of  a  judge  on  the  Bench,  or  of  a  professor  in 
the  lecture-room,  would  also  be  similarly  designed. 


1523.  Exceptio  probat  regulam.     (L.)    Law  Max. — The  exception 

proves  the  rule. 

1524.  Excepto  quod  non  simul  esses,  csetera  laetus.     (L.)  1 — With 

the  exception  that  you  were  not  with  me,  I  was  otherwise 

1525.  Excerpta.     (L.) — Extracts.     From  any  work. 

1526.  Excessit  ex  ephebis.     (L.)     Ter.  And.   1,  1,  24. — He  has 

come  of  age. 

1527.  Excidat  ilia  dies  sevo,  nee  postera  credant 

Sa^cula ;  nos  certe  taceamus,  et  obruta  multa 
Nocte  tegi  propria?  patiamur  crimina  gentis.  (L.)  Statius 
Syl.  5,  2. — Let  that  day  be  blotted  out  of  the  record  of 
time,  and  future  ages  know  it  not :  Let  us  at  least  be 
silent,  and  alloio  many  crimes  of  our  own  race  to  be  buried 
in  the  grave  of  night.  Quoted  by  President  de  Thou 
a  propos  of  the  St  Bartholomew  massacres. 

1528.  Excitari  non  hebescere.     (Z.) — To  be  capable  of  excitement, 

not  to  be  sluggish.     Motto  of  Lord  Walsingham. 

1529.  Ex  concesso.     (Z.) — From  what  has  been  conceded.     An 

argument  based  upon  your  opponent's  admissions. 

1530.  Ex  curia.     (L.) — Out  of  court. 

1531.  Excusatio  non  petita,  fit  accusatio  manifesta.     (L.)     Law 

Max. — An  uncalled-for  exculpation  is  plain  self  accusa- 
tion. Cf.  The  French  proverb,  Qui  s'excuse,  s'accuse. — 
Who  excuses  himself,  accuses  himself. 

1532.  Ex  debito  justitise.     (L.) — From  a  regard  to  justice. 

1533.  Ex  desuetudine  amittuntur  privilegia.     (Z.)     Law  Max. — 

Bights  are  forfeited  by  disuse. 

1534.  Ex   diuturnitate   temporis    omnia    prasumuntur    rite    et 

solemniter  esse  acta.  (Z.)  Law  Max. — All  acts  estab- 
lished for  a  length  of  time  are  presumed  to  have  been 
rightly  and  regularly  done. 

1535.  Ex  dolo  malo  non  oritur  actio.      (Z.)     Law  Max. — No 

right  of  action  can  rise  out  of  fraud.  E.g.,  a  loan  is 
advanced  by  B  to  C,  in  consideration  that  C  would 
abstain  from  prosecuting  B  for  embezzlement;  this  being 
a  fraudulent  compact,  B  would  have  no  right  of  recovery 
of  his  loan. 

1536.  Exeat  aula  Qui  vult  esse  pius.     Virtus  et  summa  potestas 

Non  coeunt.     Semper  metuet,  quern  sa^va  pudebunt. 

(Z.)     Lucan.  8,  493. 

EX  FACTO.  171 

Let  all  who  prize  their  honour  quit  the  court : 

Virtue  with  sovereign  power  seldom  mates, 

And  he's  not  safe  who  still  can  blush  at  blood. — Ed. 

1537.  Exegi  monumentum  sere  perennius 

Regalique  situ  pyramidum  altius  ; 

Quod  non  imber  edax,  non  Aquilo  impotens 

Possit  diruere,  aut  innumerabilis 

Annorum  series,  aut  fuga  temporum. 

Non  omnis  moriar ;  multaque  pars  mei 

Vitabit  Libitinam.  (L.)     Hor.  C.  3,  30,  1. 

The  Poet's  Fame. 
Finished  my  monument  of  song, 
More  durable  than  bronze,  more  strong  ; 
And  loftier  than  the  royal  pile 
Of  Pyramid  by  distant  Nile. 
Nor  can  the  slowly-sapping  rains, 
Or  North-wind's  impotence,  or  trains 
Of  endless  years,  or  lapse  of  time 
Obliterate  the  poet's  rhyme. 
Not  all  shall  perish  ;  much  I've  said 
Shall  'scape  the  Goddess  of  the  dead. — Ed. 

1538.  Exempli  gratia,  or  e.g.     (Z.) — For  example. 

1539.  Exemplo  quodcunque  malo  committitur  ipsi 

Displicet  auctori;  prima  haec  ultio,  quod,  se 
Judice,  nemo  nocens  absolvitur.  (L.)  Juv.  13,  1. — 
Every  deed  of  a  criminal  nature  is  condemned  by  the 
doer  of  it  himself.  This  is  the  immediate  revenge  that, 
acting  himself  as  judge,  the  guilty  person  cannot  be 
acquitted.     He  stands  self-condemned. 

1540.  Exemplumque  Dei  quisque   est  in  imagine  parva.       (L.) 

Manil.  Astr.  4,  895. — Each  man  is  the  copy  of  his  God 
in  small.  Man  is  made  in  the  image  and  likeness  of  the 

1541.  Exercent  illi  sociae  commercia  linguae  : 

Per  gestum  res  est  significanda  mihi.  (Z.)  Ov.  T.  5, 
10,  35. — They  converse  together  in  a  common  language, 
while  with  me  everything  has  to  be  expressed  by  gestures. 
The  traveller  abroad. 

1542.  Exeunt  omnes.    (L.) — All  go  out.    Common  stage  direction. 

1543.  Ex  facto  jus  oritur.     (L.)     Law  Max. — The  law  arises  out 

of  the  fact.  In  a  trial,  the  facts  of  the  case  have  first 
to  be  ascertained,  usually  by  a  jury,  and  thereupon 
judgment  delivered. 

172  EX  HUMILI. 

1544.  Ex  humili  magna  ad  fastigia  rerura 

Extollit,  quoties  voluit  fortuna  jocari.     (Z.)     Juv.  3,  39. 

Fortune,  whene'er  it  suits  her  freakish  pranks 
Lifts  man  from  nothing  to  the  proudest  ranks. — Ed. 

1545.  Exigite  ut  mores  teneros  ceu  pollice  ducat, 

Ut  si  quis  cera  vultum  facit.  (L.)     Juv.  7,  237. 

Bid  him  their  plastic  natures  shape  with  thumb 

Like  one  who  moulds  in  wax  some  portrait  dumb. — Ed. 

1546.  Exigua  est  virtus,  prsestare  silentia  rebus; 

At  contra  gravis  est  culpa,  tacenda  loqui.  (L.)  Ov.  A. 
A  2,  603. — It  is  a  small  virtue  to  preserve  silence  on 
-matters,  but  a  grave  fault,  on  the  other  hand,  to  repeat 
what  should  be  kept  secret. 

1547.  Exigui  numero,  sed  bello  vivida  virtus.  (L.)  Virg.  A.  5,  754. 

A  gallant  band,  in  number  few, 

In  spirit  resolute  to  dare. — Conington. 

1548.  Exilioque  domos  et  dulcia  limina  mutant 

Atque  alio  patriam  quaerunt  sub  sole  jacentem. 

(L.)     Virg.  G.  2,  511. 

The  Emigrants. 
Forth  from  familiar  scenes  the  exiles  roam, 
To  seek  'neath  other  suns  another  home. — Ed. 

1549.  Exilis  domus  est,  ubi  non  et  multa  supersunt, 

Et  dominum  fallunt,  et  prosunt  furibus. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  6,  45. 

It's  a  poor  house  which  not  great  substance  leaves, 
To  'scape  the  master's  eye,  and  fatten  thieves. — Ed. 

1550.  Eximia  veste  et  victu  convivia,  ludi, 

Pocula  crebra,  unguenta,  corona?,  serta  parantur, 
Nequidquam  :  quoniam  medio  de  fonte  leporum 
Surgit  amari  aliquid,  quod  in  ipsis  floribus  angat. 

(L.)     Lucret,  4,  1127. 
Surgit  amari  aliquid. 

Go,  deck  the  board  with  damask  fine, 

Cheer  of  the  best,  and  mirth  and  wine  : 

Fill  fast  the  cups,  and  in  their  train 

Bring  perfumes,  wreaths 'Tis  all  in  vain  1 

'Mid  the  full  flood  of  revelries, 

Some  drop  of  bitterness  will  rise 

To  dash  the  pleasure  of  the  hour, 

And  poison  each  delightsome  flower. — Ed. 

Byron  (Childe  Harold,  Cant.  1,  St.  82)  has— 

Still  from  the  fount  of  joy's  delicious  springs 

Some  bitter  o'er  the  flowers  its  bubbling  venom  flings. 


1551.  Existimo  in   summo   imperatore   quatuor    has   res  inesse 

oportere  ;  scientiam  rei  militaris,  virtutem,  auctoritateni, 
felicitatem.      (Z.)     Cic.  Leg.  Man.  10,  28. 

Qualifications  of  a  General. 
I  consider  that  a  Commander-in-chief  ought  to  possess  these  four 
qualities  :  a  knowledge  of  warfare,  courage,  authority,  and  a  lucky 

1552.  Exitio  est  avidum  mare  nautis.     (L.)     Hor.  C.  1,  28,  18. — 

Sailors  meet  their /ate  from  the  voracious  sea. 

1553.  Exitus   acta   probat.      (L.)      Ov.    H.    2,    85. — The   event 

justifies  tlie  deed. 

1554.  Exitus  in  dubio  est:  audebimus  ultima,  dixit; 

Viderit  audentes  forsne  Deusne  juvet.    (L.)  Ov.  F.  2,  781. 
Doubt  shrouds  th'  event ;  but  we'll  dare  all,  he  said, 
And  see  if  chance  or  God  the  daring  aid.  — Ed. 

1555.  Ex  magna  ccena  stomach o  fit  maxima  poena, 

Ut  sis  nocte  levis,  sit  tibi  ccena  brevis.  (L.) 

Who  sups  too  well  pays  vengeance  fell  ; 
From  suppers  light  comes  quiet  night. — Ikl. 

1556.  Ex  malis  moribus  bonse  leges  natae  sunt.     (L.)     Cokel — 

Good  laws  arise  out  of  bad  morals. 

1557.  Ex  niero  motu.     (L.) — From  mere  motion.     Of  one's  own 

free  will. 

1558.  Ex  necessitate  rei.     (L.) — From  tlie  necessity  of  the  case. 

1559.  Ex  nihilo  nihil  fit.     (L.) — From  nothing  nothing  can  come. 

1560.  Ex  noto  fictum  carmen  sequar,  ut  sibi  qui  vis 

Speret  idem,  sudet  multum  frustraque  laboret 

Ausus  idem.  (L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  240. 

A  hackneyed  subject  I  would  take  and  treat 

So  deftly,  all  should  hope  to  do  the  feat. 

Then,  having  strained  and  struggled,  should  concede 

To  do  the  feat  were  difficult  indeed. — Conington. 
Cf.  Pascal,  Pensees,   1,    3. — Les  meilleurs   livres  sont   ceux   que 
chaque  lecteur  croit  qu'il  aurait  pu  faire.     (Fr. ) — The  best  books 
are  those  which  each  reader  thinks  he  could  have  written  himself. 

1561.  Ex  officio.     (L.) — By  virtue  of  his  office.     Officially. 

1562.  Exoriare  aliquis  nostris  ex  ossibus  ultor. 

(L.)    Virg.  A.  4,  625. 
Rise  from  my  ashes,  some  avenger,  rise  ! — Ed. 
Dying  imprecation  of  Dido  upon  the  false  JSneas,  and  said  to  have 
been  written  with  the  point  of  his  sword  on   the  walls  of  his 
dungeon  by  Philip  Strozzi  before  killing  himself,  wheu  imprisoned 
by  Cosmo  I.,  Grand  Duke  of  Tuscany. 

174  EX  OTIO. 

1563.  Ex  otio  plus  negotii  quam  ex  negotio  habemus.    (Z.)    Yet 

Sehol.  ad  Eiinium  in  Iphigen. — Idleness  gives  us  more  to 
do  than  business. 

1564.  Ex  parte.      (L.) — Of  the  one  part.      Ex  parte   evidence 

only  is  heard  by  grand  juries  on  the  side  of  the 

Statements,  evidence,  commissions,  are  called  ex  parte  where  one 
side  only  speaks  or  acts,  the  other  party  not  having  been  heard  or 
refusing  to  join.  Hence,  any  argument  or  statement  which  takes 
only  one  view  of  the  case  is  called  ex  parte,  in  the  sense  of  being 
one-sided  and  particular  instead  of  general,  and  as  expressing, 
more  or  less,  an  interested  and  biassed  opinion. 

1565.  Ex  pede  Herculem.     (L.) — You  can  judge  of  Hercules' s 

stature  by  his  foot.  Judge  of  the  whole  of  anything  from 
the  part.  Cf.  Ex  ungue  leonem. —  You  may  tell  the  lion 
from  his  claw.  The  master's  touch  may  be  recognised 
from  the  smallest  part  of  his  work. 

1566.  Expedit  esse  deos,  et  ut  expedit,  esse  putemus  : 

Dentur  in  antiquos  thura  merumque  focos. 
Kec  secura  quies  illos  similisque  sopori 
Detinet :  innocui  vivite,  numen  adest. 

(L.)     Ov.  A.  A.  1,  637. 

'Tis  right  there  should  be  gods,  therefore  let's  so  believe, 
And  wine  and  incense  on  time-honoured  altars  give  : 
Nor  do  they  rock  themselves  in  heedless  ease,  or  sleep  : 
The  Deity  is  here  !  watch  o'er  your  actions  keep  ! — Ed. 

1567.  Expende  Hannibalem  :  quot  libros  in  duce  summo 

Invenies.  (L.)     Juv.  10,  147. 

"Weigh  out  Hannibal :  see  how  many 

Pounds  there'll  be  in  that  great  Captain  ! — Shaw. 

1558.   Experiar  quid  concedatur  in  illos 

Quorum  Flamminia  tegitur  cinis  atque  Latina.  (L.) 
Juv.  1,  170. — I  will  try  what  I  may  against  those  whose 
dust  lies  buried  by  the  Flaminian  and  the  Latin  ways.  I 
will  satirize  the  vices  of  the  living  under  the  names  of 
the  dead  who  cannot  harm  me. 

Since  none  the  living  dare  implead, 
Arraign  them  in  the  persons  of  the  dead.  (?) 

1569.  Experientia  docet.     (L.)     Pro  v. — Experience  teaches.     We 

learn  by  experience.  Cf.  Usus,  magister  egregius.  Plin. 
Ep.  1,  20,  12. — That  excellent  master,  Experience. 

1570.  Experimentum  crucis.     (L.) — The  ordeal  of  the  cross.     A 

crucial  experiment ;  a  severe  test. 

EX  TEMPORE.  175 

1571.  Experto  credite.     (Z.)     Yirg.  11,   283. — Believe  one  who 

speaks  from  experience. 

"  Experto  crede"  would  mean  I  know  what  I  am  saying.  Cf.  the 
mediaeval  line,  Quctm  subito,  quam  certo,  experto  crede  Roberto. — 
How  suddenly  and  how  certainly  (it  will  come)  you  may  learn  from 
Robert,  who  speaks  from  experience.  Also  see  Antonius  de  Arena 
(+  1544)  Poemat.  (ad  compagnones,  vers.  3),  Hier.  Ep.  51,  and 
Biiohmann,  Gefliigelte  Wbrte,  p.  305,  where  the  saying  is  traced 
to  other  sources. 

1572.  Expliquera  morbleu  !  les  femmes  qui  pourra. 

(Fr.)     Barthe,  Fausses  Infidelity. 
Explain  the  women  ?    Zounds  !  let  him  who  can  ! — Ed. 

1573.  Exploranda  est  Veritas.    (L.)    Phsedr.  3,  10,  5. — The  truth 

■must  be  investigated. 

1574.  Explorant  ad  versa  viros,  perque  aspera  duro 

Nititur  ad  laudem  virtus  interrita  clivo.    (Z.)    Sil.  4,  605. 

Adversity's  the  test  of  men  ;  unterrified 
Virtue  fights  up  the  rugged  steep  to  fame. — Ed. 

1575.  Ex  post  facto.     (Z.)    Law  Max. — By  something  done  after- 

wards. Laws  enacted  with  retrospective  effect  intended 
to  deal  with  a  particular  offence  already  committed, 
would  come  under  the  head  of  ex  post  facto  legislation. 

1576.  Expressa  nocent,  non  expressa  non  nocent.      (Z.)     Law 

Max. — What  is  expressed  may  be  prejudicial,  what  is  not 
expressed  cannot  be  so.  With  reference  to  the  law  of 
contracts  and  interpretation  of  deeds. 

1577.  Expressio  unius,  est  exclusio  altei'ius.     (L.)     Law  Max. — 

The  express  mention  of  one  thing  implies  the  exclusion  of 

A  first  principle  in  the  construction  of  deeds.  Covenants  with 
express  stipulations  may  not  be  extended  by  implication.  The 
conditions  expressed  are  taken  to  express  all  the  conditions  affect- 
ing the  parties  to  the  agreement. 

1578.  Ex  quovis  ligno  non  fit  Mercurius.   (Z.)  Prov. — A  Mercury 

is  not  to  be  made  out  of  any  piece  of  wood. 

1579.  Exsulis  hsec  vox  est;  pra?bet  mihi  litera  linguam  ; 

Et,  si  non  liceat  scvibere,  mutus  ero.  (Z.)  Ov.  Ep.  2,  6,  3. 

Foreign  letters. 
The  voice  of  the  exile,  his  pen  is  his  word  : 
And  were't  not  for  letters,  I  should  not  be  heard. — Ed. 

1580.  Ex  tempore.      (Z.) — Off  hand.      Without  deliberation  or 

preparation  :  applied  to  preachers  or  speakers  who  speak 
without  a  written  discourse. 

176  EXTRA. 

1581.  Extra  Ecclesiam  nulla  salus.     (L.)     Cf.  S.  Cyp.  Ep.  4,  4, 

and  73,  18. — Outside  the  Church  there  is  no  salvation. 

Cf.  S.  Aug.  vol.  ix.  422  D.  (Bened.  Ed.),  Extra  Ecclesiam 
Catholicam  totum  potest  prater  salutem.  Potest  habere  honorem, 
potest  habere  sacramentum,  potest  cantare  Halleluia,  potest  re- 
spondere  Amen,  potest  Evangelium  tenere,  potest  in  nomine  Patris 
et  Filii  et  Spiritus  Sancti  fidem  et  habere  et  praedicare  :  sed  nus- 
quam  nisi  in  Ecclesia  Catholica  salutem  poterit  invenire. — Outside 
of  the  Catholiek  Church  everything  may  be  had  except  salvation. 
You  may  have  Orders  and  Sacraments,  you  may  sing  Alleluia  and 
answer  Amen,  you  may  hold  the  Gospel  and  have  and  preach  the 
faith  in  the  name  of  the  Father,  the  Son,  and  the  Holy  Ghost :  but 
nowhere  except  in  the  Catholiek  Church  can  salvation  be  found. 

1582.  Extra  fortunam  est,  quidquid  donatur  amicis ; 

Quas  dederis,  solas  semper  habebis  opes. 

(L.)     Mart.  5,  42,  7. 

Who  gives  to  friends  so  ranch  from  Fate  secures, 

That  is  the  only  wealth  for  ever  yours. — Hay. 
Cf.  the  Epitaph  of  Edward,  Earl  of  Devon  (t  1419),  and  of  Mabel 
his  wife  : 

"What  we  gave,  we  have, 

What  we  spent,  we  had, 

What  we  left,  we  lost. 

1583.  Extrema  gaudii  luctus  occupat.  (Z.)  ] 

And  sorrow  treads  upon  the  heels  of  joy. 

1584.  Extremis   malis,   extrema  remedia.      (L.) — Extreme  evils 

demand  extreme  remedies. 
15  85.  Exuerint  sylvestrem  animum,  cultuque  frequenti, 

In  quascunque  voces  artes,  haud  tarda  sequentur. 

(L.)    Virg.  G.  2,  51. 
They  change  their  savage  mind, 
Their  wildness  lose,  and  quitting  nature's  part, 
Obey  the  rules  and  discipline  of  art. — Dryden. 

1586.  Ex  uno  disce  omnes.     (L.) — From  one  example  you  may 

form  an  opinion  of  all. 

1587.  Ex  uno  puteo  similior  nunquam  potest  aqua  aquai  sumi. 

(L.)  Plaut.  Mil.  2",  6,  70. — You  couldn't  draw  water 
liker  to  water  out  of  the  same  well.     As  like  as  two  peas. 


1588.  Fabas  indulcat  fames.  (L.)  Prov. — Hunger  sweetens 
beans.  A  good  appetite  gives  a  relish  to  the  most 
humble  fare. 

FACILIS.  177 

1589.  Fabrum  esse  suae  quemquam  fortunse.     (L.)     App.  Claud. 

ap.  Sail,  de  Rep.  ord.  1. — Each  man  is  the  architect  of 
his  own  fortunes.  You  are  young,  and  the  world  is 
before  you ;  but  all  depends  upon  your  own  exertions, 
Faber  est  quisquam  fortunes  suce,  Each  man  is  the 
architect,  etc. 

1590.  Fabula  (nee  sentis)  tota  jactaris  in  urbe.     (L.)     Ov.  Am. 

3,  1,  21. —  You  don't  know  it,  but  you  are  the  talk  of  all 
the  town. 

1591.  Faciendi  plures  libros  nullus  est  finis:  frequensque  rnedi- 

tatio,  carnis  afflictio  est.  (L.)  Vulg.  Eccles.  xii.  12. — 
Of  making  many  books  there  is  no  end;  and  much  study 
is  a  weariness  of  the  flesh. 

1592.  Facies  non  omnibus  una, 

Nee  diversa  tamen;  qualem  decet  esse  sororum.  (Z.) 
Ov.  M.  2,  13. — The  features  were  not  the  same  in  all,  nor 
yet  the  difference  great :  but  such  as  is  the  case  between 
sisters.     A  family  likeness. 

1593.  Facies  tua  computat  annos.      (Z.)      Juv.  6,   199. — Your 

face  tells  your  age. 

1594.  Facile  est  imperium  in  bonis.     (L.)    Plaut.  Mil.  3,  1,  17. — 

It  is  easy  to  rule  over  the  good. 

1595.  Facile  est  inventis  addere.       (L.) — It  is  easy  to  add  to 

things  already  invented. 

1596.  Facile  largiri  de  alieno.     (L.)     See  Just.  36,  3,  9. — It  is 

easy  to  be  generous  with  other  people's  property. 

1597.  Facile  omnes  cum  valemus  recta  consilia  aegrotis  damus. 

Tu,  si  hie  sis,  aliter  sentias.  (L.)  Ter.  And.  2,  1,  9. — 
When  we  are  well,  we  can  all  give  good  advice  to  the  sick. 
You,  if  you  were  in  my  place,  would  judge  otherwise. 

1598.  Facile   princeps.      (L.) — Easily   the  first,      A   long   way 

ahead  of  all  the  rest ;  by  far  the  best. 

1599.  Facilis  descensus  Averno ; 

Noctes  atque  dies  patet  atri  janua  Ditis ; 
Sed  revocare  gradum  superasque  evadere  ad  auras, 
Hoc  opus,  hie  labor  est.  (L.)     Virg.  A.  6,  126. 

The  descent  to  the  Lower  World. 
Smooth  the  descent  and  easy  is  the  way  ; 
(The  Gates  of  Hell  stand  open  night  and  day) : 
But  to  return,  and  view  the  cheerful  skies, 
In  this  the  task  and  mighty  labour  lies. — Dryden 


Applicable  to  the  ease  with  which  men  fall  into  vicious 
habits,  and  the  difficulty  of  retracing  their  steps.  Cf. 
Vulg.  St  Matt.  vii.  13.  Lata  porta,  et  spatiosa  via  est 
qua?  ducit  ad  perditionem,  et  multi  sunt  qui  intrant  per 
eain. —  Wide  is  the  gate,  etc. 

1600.  Facilius  crescit  quam  inchoatur  dignitas.    {L.)1 — It  is  more 

easy  to  gain  an  accession  of  dignity,  than  its  first  step. 
The  first  round  of  the  ladder  of  advancement  accom- 
plished, the  rest  is  easy. 

1601.  Facinus  audax  incipit 

Qui  cum  opulento  pauper  homine  coepit  rem  habere  aut 
negotium.  (Z.)  Plaut.  Aul.  3,  4,  1. — It  is  a  very  bold 
thing  for  a  poor  man  to  begin  having  business  transac- 
tions with  a  rich  one. 

1602.  Facinus    est   vincire   civem   Eomanum,    scelus   verberare, 

prope  parricidium  necare  :  quid  dicam  in  crucem  tollere  1 
verbo  satis  digno  tarn  nefaria  res  appellari  nullo  potest. 
(L.)  Cic.  Verr.  2,  5,  66,  §  170. — It  is  a  grave  offence 
even  to  bind  a  Roman  citizen,  a  crime  to  flog  him,  almost 
the  act  of  a  parricide  to  put  him  to  death :  what  shall  I 
then  call  crucifying  him  ?  Language  worthy  of  such  an 
enormity  it  is  impossible  to  find. 

1603.  Facinus  majoris  abollsa      (L.)     Juv.   3,  115. — A  crime  of 

more  dignified  station. 

He  is  speaking  of  a  murder  committed  by  a  stoic  who  wore  the 
abolla,  or  philosopher's  robe.  Improperly,  it  might  =  a  crime  of 
deeper  dye. 

1604.  Facinus  quos  inquinat  sequat.  (L.)     Lucan.  5,  290. 

Crime,  where  it  stains,  brands  all  with  level  rank. — Ed. 
A  mutual  consciousness  of  guilt  places  men  on  an  equal 
footing  of  degradation. 

1605.  Facis  de  necessitate  virtutem.     (L.)     Hier.  adv.  Ruf.  3,  1. 

— You  are  making  a  virtue  out  of  necessity. 

1606.  Facito    aliquid    operis,    ut   te    semper    diabolus    inveniat 

occupatum.  (X.)  Hier.  1,  14,  A. — Always  be  doing 
something,  that  the  devil  may  find  you  engaged. 

1607.  Faciunt  nae  intelligendo,  ut  nihil  intelligant.     (Z.)     Ter. 

And.  Prol.  17. — They  are  so  knowing,  that  they  know 
nothing  at  all. 

1608.  Facon  de  parler.     (-^V.) — A  way  of  speaking. 


1609.  Facta  canam  ;  sed  erunt  qui  me  finxisse  loquantnr.     (Z.) 

Ov.  F.  6,  3. — /  speak  of  facts,  though  some  will  say  that 
I  am  inventing, 

1610.  Facta  ducis  vivent,  operosaque  gloria  rerum; 

Hsec  manet,    hsec  avidos  effugit  una  rogos. 

(Z.)     Ov.  Liv.  265. 

The  hero's  deeds  and  hard-won  fame  shall  live; 
They  can  alone  the  funeral  fires  survive. — Ed. 

1611.  Facta  ejus  cum  dictis  discrepant.     (Z.)    See  Oic.  Fin.  2,  30, 

96. — His  actions  do  not  agree  with  his  words. 

1612.  Facta  non  verba.     (Z.) — Deeds  not  words. 

1613.  Fac  tantum  incipias,  sponte  disertus  eris.     (Z.)    Ov.  A.  A. 

1,  610. — Only  begin,  and  you  will  become  eloquent  of 

1614.  Factis  ignoscite  nostris 

Si  seel  us  ingenio  scitis  abesse  meo.  (Z.)  Ov.  F.  3, 
309. — Forgive  the  deed,  since  you  know  that  all  wicked 
intent  was  far  from  my  mind. 

1615.  Factum  abiit,  monumenta  manent     (Z.)     Ov.  F.  4,  709. 

— The  event  is  past,  tlte  memorial  of  it  remains.  Motto 
of  London  Numismatic  Society. 

1616.  Factum  est.     (Z.) — It  is  done.     Plasterers'  Company. 

1617.  Factum  est  illud ;  fieri  infectum  non  potest.     (Z.)     Plaut 

Aul.  4,  10,  11. — The  deed  is  done  and  cannot  be  undone. 

1618.  Fsex  populi.     (Z.) — The  dregs  of  the  people.      The  very 

lowest  class. 

1619.  Faire  le  diable  &  quatre.     (Fr.) — To  play  the  very  deuce. 

To  tear,  fret,  rant,  rage.  II  fait  le  diable  d,  quatre,  he 
tears,  fumes  at  a  devil  of  a  rate. 

1620.  Faire  mon  devoir.     (Fr.) — To  do  my  duty.     Motto  of  the 

Earl  of  Roden.  (2.)  Faire  sans  dire. — To  act  without 
talking.     Motto  of  the  Earl  of  Ilchester. 

1621.  Fais  ce  que  dois,  advienne  que  pourra.     (Fr.)     Prov. — Do 

your  duty,  come  what  will. 

1622.  Faites   votre   devoir   et   laissez   faire   aux  dieux.       (^V.) 

Scudery,  L'amour  tyrannique,  3,  8. — Do  your  own  duty, 
and  leave  the  rest  to  God. 

1623.  Fallacia  Alia  aliam  trudit.    (Z.)    Ter.  And.  4,  4,  30.— One 

lie  begets  another. 

180  FALLERE. 

1624.  Fallere  credentem  non  est  operosa  puellam 

Gloria.    Siinplicitas  digna  favore  fuit.   (L.)  Ov.  H.  2,  63 
To  dupe  a  trustful  girl  is  small  renown  ; 
To  one  so  simple,  kindness  should  be  shown. — Ed. 

1625.  Fallite  fallentes  :  ex  magna  parte  profanum 

Sunt  genus ;  in  laqueos  quos  posuere,  cadant. 

(L.)     Ov.  A.  A.  1,  645. 

The  cheaters  cheat,  mostly  a  godless  gang  ; 

In  their  own  nooses  let  the  scoundrels  hang. — Ed. 

1626.  Fallit  enim  vitium,  specie  virtutis  et  umbra, 

Cum  sit  triste  habitu,  vul  tuque  et  veste  severum. 

(L.)     Juv.  14,  109. 

Vice  can  deceive,  ape  virtue's  mien  and  air 
By  sad  demeanour,  face  and  dress  severe. — Ed. 

1627.  Fallitur  egregio  quisquis  sub  principe  credit 

Servitium.     Nunquam  libertas  gratior  extat 
Quam  sub  rege  pio.       (L.)     Claud.  Cons.  Stil.  3,  113. 
He  errs  who  deems  it  slavery  to  live 
Under  a  noble  prince  :  for  liberty 
Is  never  sweeter  than  with  pious  kings. — Ed. 

1628.  Falso  damnati  crimine  mortis.       (Z.)      Virg.  A.   6,  430 

— Condemned  to   death    on    a  false    charge.      Unjust 

1629.  Falsus  honor  juvat,  et  mendax  infamia  terret, 

Quern  nisi  mendosum  et  medicandum. 

(X.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  16,  39. 

Trust  me,  false  praise  has  charms,  false  blame  has  pains 

But  for  vain  hearts,  long  ears,  and  addled  brains. — Conington. 

1630.  Famse  laboranti  non  facile  succurritur.      (L.) — It  is  not 

easy  to  save  a  tottering  reputation. 

1631.  Fama  malum,  quo  non  velocius  ullum ; 

Mobilitate  viget,  viresque  acquirit  eundo  ; 
Parva  metu  primo,  mox  sese  attollit  in  auras, 
Ingrediturque  solo,  et  caput  inter  nubila  condit. . 

(L.)     Virg.  A.  4,  173. 
Fame  than  who  never  plague  that  runs 

Its  way  more  swiftly  wins  ; 
Her  very  motion  lends  her  power, 
She  flies  and  waxes  every  hour. 
At  first  she  shrinks  and  cowers  for  dread  ; 

Ere  long  she  soars  on  high  : 
Upon  the  ground  she  plants  her  tread, 
Her  forehead  in  the  sky. — Conington. 

FAX.  181 

1632.  Famam  atquo  rum  ores    .    .    .    sermoneru    sine  ullo  certo 

auctore  dispersum,  cui  malignitas  initiura  dederit,  incre- 
mentuin  credulitas.  (L.)  Quint.  5,  3,  1. — Hearsay  and 
rumour  are  reports  spread  abroad  upon  no  authority, 
brought  into  the  world  by  malice,  and  fostered  by  credulity. 

1633.  Famam    extendere   factis.     (L.)     Virg.   A.   10,   468.— To 

extend  one's  fame  by  deeds.    Motto  of  Viscount  Gal  way. 

1634.  Familiare  est  hominibus  omnia  sibi  ignoscere.     (L.)     Yell. 

2,  30,  3. — It  is  common  to  man  to  pardon  all  his  own 

1635.  Fare,  fac.     (L.) — Speak,  do.     Motto  of  Lord  Fairfax. 

1636.  Fari  quse   sentiat.      (L.) — To  speak  what  he  may  think. 

Motto  of  the  Earl  of  Orford. 

1637.  Faro  quel  che  potrb,  e  un  poco  manco  per  potervi  durare. 

(It.)  Prov. — /  will  do  all  I  can,  and  a  little  less,  so  as 
to  be  able  to  go  on  at  it. 

1638.  Fastidientis  est  stomachi  multa  degustare.     (L.)     Sen.  Ep. 

2. — It  shows  a  delicate  stomach  to  be  tasting  so  many 
dislies.     Said  of  reading  too  many  kinds  of  books. 

1639.  Fata  obstant.     (L.) — The  Fates  are  against  it. 

1640.  Fatigatis  humus  cubile  est.     (L.)     Curt.  3,  2,  15. — To  the 

weary  the  earth  is  a  good  bed. 

1641.  Faut  d'la  vertu,  pas  trop  n'en  faut, 

L'exces  en  tout  est  un  defaut. 

(Fr.)     Monvel,  Erreur  d'un  moment. 

Est  modus  in  rebus. 
Be  virtuous  :  not  too  much  ;  just  what's  correct : 
Excess  in  anything  is  a  defect. — Ed. 

Cf.  Mol.  Misanthr.  1,  1  (Philinte  loq.) : 

La  parfaite  raison  fuit  toute  extremite, 
Et  veut  que  Ton  soit  sage  avec  sobriete. 

Perfect  good  sense  shuns  all  extremity, 
Content  to  couple  wisdom  with  sobriety. — Ed. 

1642.  Fax  mentis  honestae  gloria.     (L.) — Glory  is  the  torch  of  a 

noble  mind.  Devise  of  Henry,  Prince  of  Wales  (eldest 
son  of  James  I.),  and  adopted  as  Motto  by  the  Nova 
Scotia  Baronetage.  (2.)  Fax  mentis  incendium  glorise. — 
The  flame  of  glory  is  the  torch  that  kindles  t/ie  soul. 
Motto  of  Earl  of  Granard. 

182  FAY. 

1643.  Fay  ce  que  voudras.     (Fr.)—Do  as  you  please.     Motto  of 

the  Club  of  wits  and  literati  (called  St  Franciscans,  after 
Sir  Francis  Dashwood,  the  President),  assembling  at 
Medmenham  Abbey,  middle  of  eighteenth  century,  and 
adopted  from  the  words  inscribed  over  the  Abbey  gates. 
It  is  also  the  inscription  on  Rabelais'  Abbey  of  Thelenia. 

1644.  Fecisti  enim  nos  ad  te,  et  cor  inquietum  donee  requiescat 

in  te.  (L.)  S.  August.  Conf.  1,  1. — Thou  hast  made 
us  for  Thyself,  and  the  heart  of  man  is  restless  until  it 
finds  its  rest  in  Thee. 

1645.  Fecunda  culpse  secula  nuptias 

Primum  inquinavere,  et  genus,  et  domos  : 
Hoc  fonte  derivata  clades 

In  patriam  populumque  fluxit. 

(L.)     Hor.  C.  3,  6,  17. 

An  evil  age  erewhile  debased 

The  marriage-bed,  the  race,  the  home  ; 
Hence  rose  the  flood  whose  waters  waste 

The  nation  and  the  name  of  Rome. — Conington. 

1646.  Fecundi  calices  quern  non  fecere  disertum, 

Contracta  quern  non  in  paupertate  solutum  1 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  5,  19. 

What  tongue  hangs  fire  when  quickened  by  the  bowl  ? 
"What  wretch  so  poor  but  wine  expands  his  soul  ? — Conington. 

1647.  Felices  errore  suo,  quos  ille  timorum 

Maximus,  haud  urget  leti  metus.  Inde  ruendi 
In  ferrum  mens  prona  viris,  animaeque  capaces 
Mortis,  et  ignavum  periturse  parcere  vitse. 

(L.)     Lucan.  1,  459. 

Blest  error  theirs  ;  no  fears  appall 

Of  Death,  that  greatest  fear  of  all : 

Hence  rush  they  gladly  on  the  steel 

(Come  life,  come  death,  come  woe,  or  weal  :) 

And  deem  it  cowardice  to  save 

A  body  destined  for  the  grave. — Ed. 

1648.  Felices  ter  et  amplius 

Quos  irrupta  tenet  copula,  nee,  malis 
Divulsus  quserimoniis, 

Suprema  citius  solvet  amor  die.    (L.)    Hor.  C.  1,  13,  17. 

Happy,  happy,  happy  they 

Whose  living  love,  untroubled  by  all  strife 

Binds  them  till  the  last  sad  day, 

Nor  parts  asunder  but  with  parting  life  ! — Conington. 


1649.  Feliciter  is  sapit,  qui  periculo  alieno  sapit.     (L.)     Plaut. 

Merc.  4,  7,  40. — He  is  lucky  in  his  wisdom,  who  learns 
it  at  another  man's  expense. 

Cf.  Felix  quicunque  dolore 

Alterius  disces  posse  carere  suo.  Tib.  3,  6,  43. — Happy  are 
you,  whosoever  shall  learn  by  another's  suffering,  to  escape  it 
yourself;  also,  Felix  quern  faciunt  aliena  pericula  cautum ! — 
Happy  is  he  who  learns  prudence  from  the  dangers  of  others. 

1650.  Felix  qui  potuit  rerum  cognoscere  causas 

Atque  metus  omnes  et  inexorabile  fatum 
Subjecit  pedibus.     (L.)     Virg.  G.  2,  490. — Happy  is  he 
who  can  trace  all  things  to  their  causes,  and  trample  all 
fears  and  inexorable  fate  under  foot. 

1651.  Felodese.    (L.)   Law  Term. — A  felon  of  himself .    A  suicide. 

1652.  Feme   covert.      {Fr.)      Law   Term. — A    married  woman. 

(2.)  Feme  sole. — An  unmarried  woman. 

1653.  Feras,  non  culpes,  quod  mutari  non  potest.     (L.)1 — Blame 

not  but  bear  what  cannot  be  mended.  What  can't  be 
cured,  must  be  endured. 

1654.  Fere  libenter  homines  id  quod  volunt  credunt.     (L.)     Cses. 

B.  G.  3,  18. — Men  in  general  believe  that  which  they 
wish.     The  wish  is  father  to  the  thought. 

1655.  Feriis  caret  necessitas.     (L.)     Pall.  1,  6,  7. — Necessity  has 

no  holiday,  or  knows  no  law. 

1656.  Ferme  acerrima  proximorum  odia  sunt.     (Z.)     Tac.  H.  4, 

70. — The  hatred  between  relations  is  generally  the  most 
bitter  of  all. 

1657.  Ferme  fugiendo  in  media  fata  ruitur.     (Z.)     Liv.  8,  24. — 

It  generally  happens  that  men  rush  into  the  very  evils 
they  are  endeavouring  to  fly. 

1658.  Ferro   non   gladio.       (L.) — By   iron,    not    by   my   sicord. 

Motto  of  Lord  Wimborne. 

1659.  F.E.R.T.       (L.)—He  bears.       Motto  of  Italian  Order  of 

Annunciation.  The  initials  are  said  to  signify  Frappez, 
Entrez,  Rompez  Tout  (Knock,  Enter,  Break  Everything) ; 
or,  Fortitudo  Ejus  Rhodum  Tenuit,  His  (Amadeus  the 
Great)  fortitude  held  Rhodes  (against  the  Turks). 

1660.  Fertilior  seges  est  alienis  semper  in  agris, 

Vicinumque  pecus  grandius  uber  habet. 

(L.)     Ov.  A.  A.  1,  349. 

Crops  are  e'er  richer  in  a  neighbour's  field  ; 

And  neighbours'  cows  produce  a  fuller  yield. — Ed. 

184  FERVET. 

1661.  Fervet  avaritia  miseroque  cupidine  pectus? 

Sunt  verba  et  voces,  quibus  hunc  lenire  dolorem 
Possis,  et  magnaui  morbi  deponere  partem. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  1,  33. 

Say,  is  your  bosom  fevered  with  the  fire 

Of  sordid  avarice  or  unchecked  desire  ? 

Know,  there  are  spells  will  help  you  to  allay 

The  pain,  and  put  good  part  of  it  away. — Gonington. 

1662.  Fervet  c-lla,  vivit  amicitia.     (L.)     Prov. — As  long  as  the 

pot  boils,  the  friendship  lasts.  False  friends.  Dinner 
acquaintance,  trencher- mates. 

1663.  Festina  lente.       (L.)      Suet.  Aug.  25;  or  o-irerSe  /fyaSews. 

(Gr.) — Hasten  slowly.  A  saying  of  Augustus  Csesar. 
Motto  of  the  Earl  of  Fingal,  Lords  Dunsany,  Louth, 
Onslow,  and  Plunket. 

1664.  Festinare  nocet,  nocet  et  cunctatio  ssepe; 

Tempore  qua^que  suo  qui  facit,  ille  sapit.  (L.)  1 

Hurry  is  bad,  and  oft  as  bad,  delay  ; 

Each  thing  at  its  right  time,  is  wisdom's  way.  — Ed. 

Cf.  Festinatio  tarda  est.  (L.)1 — Haste  is  slow.  More 
haste  less  speed. 

1665.  Festinat  decui-rere  velox 

Flosculus,  angustse,  miserseque  brevissima  vita? 
Portio  ;  dum  bibimus,  dum  serta,  unguenta,  puellas 
Poscimus,  obrepit  non  intellecta  senectus. 

(L.)    Juv.  9,  126. 

Our  fleeting  prime,  the  too  brief  flower 
Of  life's  unhappy,  anxious  hour, 

Hastes  to  run  out  its  race : 
'Mid  flowing  cups  and  garlands  gay, 
Perfumes  and  girls,  its  stealthy  way 

Old  age  steals  on  apace.  — Ed. 

1666.  Festo  die  si  quid  prodegeris, 

Profesto  egere  liceat,  nisi  peperceris.  (L.)  Plaut.  Aul. 
2,  8, 10. — If  you  have  been  extravagant  on  gala  days,  you 
may  have  to  want  on  working  days,  should  you  not  have 
been  care/id. 

1667.  Fete  champetre.     (^V.) — A  rural  feast.    An  entertainment 

given  in  the  open  air,  with  dancing,  and  country  sports. 

1668.  Fiat.     (Z.) — Let  it  be  done.     So  be  it. 

The  old  forms  of  excommunication  used  to  conclude  with  the 
assembled  clergy  dashing  their  lighted  tapers  on  the  ground  as 
they  exclaimed,  Fiat,  fiat,  fiat  I 

FIDES.  185 

1669.  Fiat  experimentum  in  corpore  vili.     (L.)1 — Let  the  experi- 

ment be  made  upon  some  common  body. 

1670.  Fiat  justitia,  mat  coelum.     (L.) — Justice  must  be  done,  even 

though  the  heavens  should  fall.  We  must  do  what  is 
right  whatever  may  ensue. 

Mr  Bartlett  (Quotations)  points  out  that  the  words  are  to  he  found 
in  Ward's  Simple  Cobbler  of  Aggawam  in  America.  Printed  1645. 
Cf.  Ruat  coelum,  fiat  Voluntas  Tua.  Sir  T.  Browne,  Rel.  Med. 
Pt.  2,  sec.  11. — Let  thy  will  be  done,  if  Heaven  fall ;  and  George 
Herbert,  Country  Parson,  ch.  29,  Do  well  and  right,  and  let  the 
world  sink. 

1671.  Fide  et  amore.     (L.) — By  faith  and  love.     Motto  of  the 

Marquess  of  Hertford.  (2.)  Fide  et  fiducia. — By  faith 
and  by  confidence.  Motto  of  the  Earl  of  Posebery.  (3.) 
Fide  et  fortitudine. — By  faith  and  fortitude.  Motto  of 
the  Earl  of  Essex.  (4.)  Fide  et  Uteris. — By  faith  and 
letters  (learning).     St  Paul's  School,  London. 

1672.  Fidei  coticula  crux.     (L.) — The  cross  is  the  touchstone  of 

faith.  Motto  of  the  Earls  of  Clarendon  and  Jersey.  (2.) 
Fidei  tenax. — Holding  the  faith.    M.  of  Lord  Wolverton. 

1673.  Fideli  certa  merces.     (L.) — Reward  is  certain  to  the  faith- 

ful.    Motto  of  Earl  of  Morley. 

1674.  Fidelis   et  audax.      (£.) — Faithful  and   bold.     Motto   of 

Lord  Hampton. 

1675.  Fidelite  est  de  Dieu.    (Fr.)— Fidelity  is  of  God.    Motto  of 

Earl  of  Powerscourt. 

1676.  Fideliter    et    constanter.       (L.) — Faithfully    and  firmly. 

Motto  of  the  Order  of  Prince  Ernest  of  Saxe-Coburg- 

1677.  Fidem  qui  perdit,  quo  se  servet  relicuo?     (L.)     Pnb.  Syr. 

166,   Rib. —  Who  loses  his  character,  with  what  can  he 
support  himself  in  future  ? 
Shakesp.  Oth.  3,  3  : 

Who  steals  my  purse,  steals  trash  ;  'tis  something,  nothing  ; 

'Twas  mine,  'tis  his,  and  has  been  slave  to  thousands ; 

But  he  that  filches  from  me  my  good  name, 

Robs  me  of  that  which  not  enriches  him, 

And  makes  me  poor  indeed. 

1678.  Fides    invicta   triumphat.       (L.) — Unconquerable  fidelity 

triumphs.  Motto  of  the  County  of  Gloucester.  (2.) 
Fides  probata  coronat. — Approved  faith  confers  a  crown. 
Motto  of  Lord  Polwarth. 

1679.  Fides  servanda  est.     (L.) — Faith  must  be  kept. 

186  FIDES. 

1680.  Fides  sit  penes  anctorem.     (L.) — Let  credence  he  given  to 

the  author.     If  the  author  is  to  be  believed. 

1681.  Fides  ut  anima,  unde  abiit,  eo  nunquam  redit.     (L.)    Pub. 

Syi\  181,  Rib. — A  man's  character,  like  his  soul,  is  never 
regained  when  once  it  is  gone.  This  might,  improperly, 
be  applied  to  loss  of  faith. 

1682.  Fidus  et  audax.     (L.) — Faithful  and  intrepid.     Motto  of 

Viscount  Lismore. 

1683.  Fiel  pero    desdichado.       (S.) — Loyal  though  unfortunate. 

Motto  of  the  Duke  of  Marlborough. 

1684.  Fieri  curavit,  or  F.  C.     (L.  Inscriptions). — Caused  it  to  be 

done  or  made. 

1685.  Fieri  facias,  or  fi.  fa.     (L.)     Law  Term. — Make  it  to  be 

done.  A  writ  empowering  a  sheriff  to  levy  the  amount 
of  a  debt,  or  damages  recovered. 

1686.  Filii   non   plus   possessionum    quam    morborum   haeredes 

sumus.  (L.)  1 — Sons  are  heirs  to  diseases  no  less  than  to 

1687.  Filius  nullius.     (L.)     Law   Term. — The  son  of  no  man. 

A  bastard ;  for  Qui  ex  damnato  coitu  nascuntur  inter 
liberos  non  computantur,  Those  born  from  unlawful  union 
are  not  reckoned  as  children. 

1688.  Fille  de  joie.     {Fr.) — A  icoman  of  pleasure. 

1689.  Fille  de  la  douleur,  Harmonie  !  Harmonie  ! 

Langue  que  pour  l'amour  inventa  le  genie 

Qui  nous  vins  d'ltalie,  et  qui  lui  vins  des  cieux. 

(Fr.)     A.  de  Musset,  Lucie. 
Daughter  of  sorrow,  oh  Harmony  !  Harmony  ! 

Lauguage  that  genius  invented  for  love  ! 
Thou  travelledst  hither  from  musical  Italy, 
And  to  Italy  earnest  from  Heaven  above  ! — Ed. 

1690.  Fils  de  Saint  Louis,  montez  au  ciel !      (Fr.) — Son  of  St 

Louis,  ascend  to  heaven  ! 

Imaginary  speech  of  the  Abbe  Edgeworth  at  the  death  of  Louis 
XVI.,  and  invented  the  night  of  the  execution  by  Charles  His, 
Editor  of  the  Republicain  Fra?u;ais.  At  the  actual  moment  of 
death,  and  for  some  moments  previous,  Mr  Edgeworth  seems  to 
have  been  kneeling  by  the  king  in  a  semi-unconscious  state  (vide 
Journal  of  Mary  Frampton,  p.  89). 

1691.  Fin  contre  fin.     (Fr.) — Cunning  matched  against  cunning. 

Diamond  cut  diamond. 

FLEBILE.  187 

1692.  Finem  respice.     (L.) — Look  to  the  end.     Motto  of  the  Earl 

of  Darnley. 

1693.  Finge  datos  currus,  quid  agas?      (L.)     Ov.  M.  2,  74. — 

Suppose  the  chariot  were  granted  you,  What  would  you 
do  ?  Apollo  to  Phaethon  requesting  the  chariot  of  the 
Sun.  Suppose  you  gained  the  object  of  your  ambition, 
what  then  ) 

1694.  Finis  coronat  opus.     (L.) — The  end  crowns  the  work.     The 

merits  of  a  work  cannot  be  appreciated  until  it  is  com- 

1695.  Firmior   quo  paratior.     (L.) — I  am  all  the   stronger  for 

being  prepared. 

1696.  Fit  cito  per  multas  prseda  petita  manus.     (L.)     Ov.  Am. 

1,  8,  92. — The  booty  that  is  sought  by  several  hands  is 
soon  gathered. 

1697.  Fit  erranti  medicina  confessio.      (L.)  1 — Confession  is  as 

medicine  to  him  who  has  gone  astray. 

1698.  Fit  fabricando   faber.     (L.)     Prov. — To  be  a  smith  you 

must  work  at  the  forge. 

1699.  Fit  in  dominatu  servitus,  in  servitute   dominatus.      (L.) 

Cic.  Deiot.  11,  30. — The  master  sometimes  serves,  and 
the  servant  sometimes  is  master. 

1700.  Fit  scelus  indulgens  per  nubila  ssecula  virtus.     (L.)     Sil. 

Ital.  1 — In  the  hour  of  danger  leniency  is  crime. 

It  was  sufficient  to  bring  Louis  XVI.  to  the  scaffold.  In  a  time  of 
great  emergency  a  weak  and  irresolute  government  not  certain  of 
the  popular  mind,  and  (what  is  much  more)  not  knowing  its  own, 
may  place  the  lives  and  fortunes  of  citizens  in  extreme  peril.  No 
policy  is  so  cruel  as  that  which  lives  by  temporizing  and  concession. 

1701.  Flagrante  bello.     (L.) — While  the  war  is  raging.     During 

the  continuance  of  hostilities.  (2.)  Flagrante  delicto. — 
In  the  very  act  of  commission.     Red-handed. 

1702.  Flammam  a  sapiente  facilius  in  ore  ardente  opprimi,  quam 

bona  dicta  teneat.  (L.)  Cic.  de  Or.  2,  54,  222. — It  is 
easier  for  a  wit  to  keep  fire  in  his  mouth,  than  to  hold  in 
a  bonmot  that  he  is  burning  to  tell. 

1703.  Flare  simul  et  sorbere  haud  facile  est.     (L.)     Plaut.  Most. 

3,  2,  104. — It  is  not  easy  to  sup,  and  to  blow  at  the  same 
time.     It  is  foolish  to  attempt  to  do  two  things  at  once. 

1704.  Flebile  ludibrium.     (L.)  ? — A  deplorable  mockery.     A  sad 


188  FLEQUE. 

1705.  Fleque  meos  casus  :  est  qusedam  flere  voluntas : 

Expletur  lacrimis  egeriturque  dolor. 

(L.)     Ov.  T.  4,  3,  37. 

Weep  o'er  my  woes  :  to  weep  is  some  relief, 

For  that  doth  ease  and  carry  out  our  grief. — Dryden. 

"Weep  on  ;  and  as  thy  sorrows  flow 

I'll  taste  the  luxury  of  woe. — Moore. 

1706.  Fleres  si  scires  unum  tua  tempora  mensem ; 

Rides  quum  non  sit  forsitan  una  dies.  (L.) — You  would 
weep  if  you  knew  that  your  life  was  limited  to  a  month, 
yet  you  laugh,  when  you  know  not  whether  it  may  last  a 

Inscription  on  an  old  public-house,  the  Four  Crosses,  on  the  road- 
side between  Walsall  and  Ivetsey,  Cheshire. 

1707.  Flet  victus,  victor  interiit.      (Z.)1? — The  conquered  weep, 

the  conqueror  is  undone.     Neither  side  wins. 

1708.  Floreat  seternum  Carthusiana  domus.     (L.) — May  Charter- 

house flourish  for  ever  I  M.  of  Charterhouse  School.  (2.) 
Floreat  Etona. — May  Eton  flourish  !    M.  of  Eton  College. 

1 709.  Floriferis  ut  apes  in  saltibus  omnia  libant, 

Omnia  nos  itidem  depascimur  aurea  dicta, 
Aurea,  perpetua  semper  dignissima  vita. 

(L.)     Lucret.  3,  11. 

Just  as  the  bee  sips  all  the  opening  flowers 
That  Flora  scatters  o'er  her  fragrant  bowers, 
We  cull  thy  golden  words,  with  wisdom  rife, 
Golden  indeed,  and  worthy  endless  life. — Ed. 

1710.  Fluctus  in  simpulo,  ut  dicitur.    (Z.)    Cic.  Leg.  3,  16,  36. — 

A  tempest  in  a  teacup,  as  the  saying  is. 

1711.  Flumine  vicino  stultus .  sitit.      (L.)     Petr.  Fragm.  p.  899, 

Burm. — A  fool  is  dying  of  thirst  with  tlie  river  close  by. 
He  starves  in  the  midst  of  plenty.  Cf.  Ov.  M.  9,  1760. 
Mediis  sitiemus  in  undis. —  We  shall  thirst  in  the  midst  of 
water.  Water,  water  everywhere  and  not  a  drop  to 

1712.  Flnvius  cum  mari  certas      (L.)     Prov. — You  a  river,  and 

contending  with  the  ocean  ! 

1713.  Fcedius  hoc  aliquid  quandoque  audebis  amictu. 

Nemo  repente  fuit  turpissimus.  (L.)     Juv.  2,  82. 

Thus,  you'll  proceed  to  greater  lengths  of  evil : 
No  man  was  all  at  once  a  perfect  devil. — Shaw. 

FORMA.  189 

Cf.  id.  14,  123. — Sunt  quaedam  vitiorum  elementa. — 
T/tere  are  certain  rudiments  in  vice.  Vice  has  its  stages 
like  every  other  pursuit.  See  Beaumont  and  Fletcher, 
King  and  no  King,  A.  5,  S.  4 : 

There  is  a  method  in  man's  wickedness, 
It  grows  up  by  degrees. 

1714.  Fcedum  inceptu,  fceduni  exitu.     (L.)     Li  v.  Frsef.   10. — A 

bad  beginning  and  a  bad  ending. 

1715.  Fcenum  habet  in  cornu,  longe  fuge,  dummodo  risum 

Excutiat  sibi,  non  hie  cuiquam  parcit  aruico. 

(L.)     Hor.  S.  1,  4,  33. 

Beware  !  he's  vicious  !    So  he  gains  his  end, 

A  selfish  laugh,  he  will  not  spare  a  friend. — Conington. 

Lit.  "  He  has  hay  on  his  horn,"  as  though  a  dangerous 

1716.  Fol   a  vint-ciuq  carats,  dont  les  viut-quatre  sont  le  tout. 

(Fr.)  Bona  venture,  Despensiers. — He  is  a  madman 
of  twenty-Jive  carats,  when  twenty-four  is  the  highest 
ratio  known.  A  pure  unadulterated  madman ;  an  un- 
alloyed ass. 

1717.  Folia  sunt  artis  et  nugaa  merse.     (L.)     App.  M.  1,  p.  106, 

8. — Mere  artistic  trifles. 

1718.  Foliis  tantum  ne  carmina  manda: 

Ne  turbata  volent  rapidis  ludibria  ventis. 

(L.)     Vii-g.  A.  6,  74. 

But  0  commit  not,  I  implore, 

To  faithless  leaves  thy  precious  lore, 

Lest  by  the  wind's  wild  eddies  tost 

Abroad  they  fly,  their  sequence  lost. — Conington. 

1719.  Fons  et  origo  mali.     (L-)1 — The  source  and  origin  of  the 

mischief.  Cf.  Origo  et  fons  belli.  Flor.  3,  6. — The 
origin  and  cause  of  tlie  war. 

1720.  Forma  bonum  fragile  est :  quantumque  accedit  ad  annos 

Fit  minor  :  et  spatio  carpitur  ipsa  suo. 

Et  tibi  jam  cani  venient,  formose,  capilli 
Jam  venient  ruga?,  qua?  tibi  corpus  arent. 

Jam  molire  animum,  qui  duret,  et  adstrue  formse, 
Solus  ad  extremos  permanet  ille  rogos. 

(L.)     Ov.  A.  A.  2,  113. 

190  FORMAT. 

Fragile  is  beauty. 
Fragile  is  beauty  :  with  advancing  years 
'Tis  less  and  less  and,  last,  it  disappears. 
Your  hair  too,  fair  one,  will  turn  grey  and  thin  ; 
And  wrinkles  furrow  that  now  rounded  skin  ; 
Then  brace  the  mind,  thus  beauty  fortify, 
The  mind  alone  is  yours,  until  you  die. — Ed. 

1721.  Format  enim  natura  prius  nos  intus  ad  omnem 

Fortunarurn  habitum  ;  juvat,  aut  impellit  ad  iram, 
Aut  ad  hurnum  mcerore  gravi  deducit  et  angit, 
Post  efFert  animi  motus  interprete  lingua. 

(L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  108. 

For  Nature  forms  and  moulds  us  inwardly 
To  suit  each  varying  mood  of  Fortune's  sway  : 
Now  she  delights,  now  she  transports  with  rage, 
Or  bows  to  earth  in  woe  :  and,  at  each  stage, 
Whate'er  the  emotion  be  the  spirit  feels 
The  tongue,  as  her  interpreter,  reveals. — Ed. 

1722.  Forma  viros  neglecta  decet.     (L.)     Ov.  A.  A.  1,  509. — An 

unstudied  dress  is  most  becoming  to  men. 

1723.  Formosa  facies  muta  commendatio  est.     (L.)     Pub.   Syr. 

169,  Rib. — A  beautiful  face  is  a  mute  recommendation. 

1724.  Formosos  saepe  inveni  pessimos, 

Et  turpi  facie  multos  cognovi  optimos.  (L.)  Phsedr.  3, 
4,  6. — /  have  often  found  handsome  men  to  be  scoundrels, 
and  ugly  looking  fellows  to  prove  most  excellent  men. 

1725.  Forsan  miseros  meliora  sequentur.      (L.)      Virg.  A.   12, 

153. — Perhaps  a  better  fate  is  in  store  for  us  miserable 

1726.  Fors  et  virtus  miscentur  in  unum.      (L.)     Virg.   A.    12, 

715. — Chance  and  force  unite  together.  Said  of  the 
combat  between  Turnus  and  .^Eneas,  the  words  may  be 
applied  to  any  struggle  in  which  the  odds  are  equal  and 
it  is  uncertain  which  side  will  prevail.  Mr  Conington 
renders  it, 

"  Chance  joins  with  force  to  guide  the  steel." 

1727.  Forsitan  hsec  aliquis,  nam  sunt  quoque,  parva  vocabit : 

Sf;d,  quae  non  prosunt  singula,  multa  juvant.  (L.)  Ov. 
R.  A.  419. — Perhaps  some  one  will  call  these  slight 
matters,  and  so  they  are,  yet  what  is  of  little  good  by 
itself  combined  with  others  effects  much.  The  power  of 
small  things. 

1728.  Forte  etfidele.     (Fr.)— Strong  and  loyal     Lord  Talbot  de 


FORTI.  191 

1729.  Fortem  posce  animum  mortis  terrore  carentem, 

Qui  spatium  vitae  extremum  inter  niunera  ponat 
Naturae,  qui  ferre  queat  quoscunque  labores, 
Nesciat  irasci,  cupiat  nihil  et  potiores 
Herculis  aerurnnas  credat  saevosque  labores 
Et  Venere,  et  caanis,  et  pluma  Sardanapali. 

(L.)     Juv.  10,  357. 

Ask  strong  resolve,  freed  from  the  fears  of  death, 

That  counts  'mid  Nature's  gifts  our  latest  breath : 

That  can  with  courage  an)T  toil  support ; 

That  knows  not  anger,  and  that  covets  naught : 

Preferring  the  hard  life  Alcides  led 

To  Love,  or  feasts,  or  luxury's  downy  bed. — Ed. 

Line  1.  First  three  words  are  the  Motto  of  Lord  Saye 
and  Sele. 

1730.  Fortes  creantur  fortibus  et  bonis; 

Est  in  juvencis,  est  in  equis  patruni 
Virtus,  nee  imbellem  feroces 

Progenerant  aquilae  columbam.   (Z.)  Hor.  C.  4,  4,  39. 

Good  sons  and  brave  good  sires  approve  : 

Strong  bullocks,  fiery  colts,  attest 
Their  fathers'  worth,  nor  weakling  dove 

Is  hatched  in  savage  eagle's  nest. — Conington. 

1731.  Forte  scutum  salus  ducuni.    (X.) — A  leaders  safeguard  is  a 

strong  shield.  Punning  motto  of  Earl  Fortescue  and 
Lord  Carlingford,  (Fortescue.) 

1732.  Fortes  fortuna  adjuvat.      (L.)      Ter.  Phorm.   1,  4,  26. — 

Fortune  helps  the  brave. 

Cf.  Fortibus  est  fortuna  viris  data.  Enn.  np.  Macr.  S.  6,  1. — 
Good  fortune  is  given  to  brave  men;  also,  Fortes  enim  non  modo 
fortuna  juvat,  ut  est  in  vetere  proverbio,  sed  multo  magis  ratio. 
Cic.  Tusc.  2,  4,  4. — It  is  not  only  fortune  that  favours  the  brave,  as 
the  old  proverb  says  but,  much  more,  forethought. 

1733.  Fortes  indigne  tuli 

Mihi  insultare  :  te,  naturae  dedecus, 
Quod  ferre  cogor  te,  bis  videor  mori. 

(L.)     Phajdr.  1,  21,  10. 
The  dying  Lion  to  the  Ass  that  kicked  him. 

Ill  have  I  brook'd  that  nobler  foes 
Should  triumph  o'er  my  dying  woes  : 
But,  scorn  of  nature,  forced  to  lie 
Aud  take  thy  taunts,  is  twice  to  die. — Ed. 

1734.  Forti  et  fideli  nihil  difficile.     (L.) — To  the  brave  and  loyal 

nothing  is  difficult.     Motto  of  Lord  Muskerry. 

192  FORTIOR. 

1735.  Fortior   et   potentior   est   dispositio   legis   quam  hotniuis. 

(L.)  Law  Max. — The  action  of  tlie  law  is  in  some  cases 
superior  to  and  overrides  the  expressed  intention  of  the 
individual.  This  applies  in  contracts  and  disposition  of 
property  and  similar  cases  where  private  arrangements 
are  deficient  in  respect  of  what  the  law  declares  to  be 

1736.  Fortis  cadere,  cedere  non  potest.      (L.) — The  brave  may 

fall  but  can  never  yield.   M.  of  the  Marquess  of  Drogheda. 

1737.  Fortissima  Tyndaridarum.      (L.)      Hor.   S.    1,    1,    100. — 

Brave  as  tlie  daughter  of  Tyndarus.  A  second  Clytetn- 
nestra,  Lady  Macbeth,  Judith. 

1738.  Fortis  sub  forte  fatiscet.    (L.) — A  brave  man  will  yield  to  a 

brave.     Motto  of  Lord  Castletown. 

1739.  Fortiter  defendit  triumphans.       (L.) — It  bravely  defends, 

triumphing.  Motto  of  Newcastle-upon-Tyne.  (2.) 
Fortiter,  fideliter,  feliciter. — Boldly,  faithfully,  success- 
fully. Motto  of  Viscount  Monk.  (3.)  Fortiter  geret 
crucem. — He  will  bravely  support  the  cross.  Motto  of 
Earl  of  Donoughmore. 

1740.  Fortitudini.       (L.) — For  bravery.      Mil.  order   of  Maria 

Theresa  (Austria). 

1741.  Fortitudo  in  laboribus  periculisque  cernatur,  temperantia 

in  prsetermittendis  voluptatibus,  prudentia  in  delectu 
bonorum  et  malorum,  justitia  in  suo  cuique  tribuendo. 
(L.)     Cic.  Fin.  5,  23,  67. 

The  Cardinal  Virtues. 
Fortitude  is  shown  in  toil  and  danger :  Temperance  in  declining 
sensual  enjoyments :   Prudence  in  the  choice   between  good  and 
evil  :  Justice  in  awarding  to  every  one  his  due. 

1742.  Fortuito   quodam  concursu  atoniorum.      (Z.)     Cic.  N.  D. 

1,  24,  66. — By  some  accidental  combination  of  atoms. 
Democritus'  theory  of  the  creation  of  the  world. 

1743.  Fortuna.      (L.) — Fortune,  personified  as  the  Goddess  of 

Chance,  Luck,  Fate. 

(1.)  Fortuna  cum  blanditur,  captatum  venit.  Pub.  Syr.  167,  Rib. 
—  When  Fortune  comes  fawning,  it  is  to  ensnare.  (2. )  Fortuna 
fortes  metuit,  ignavos  premit.  Sen.  Med.  159. — Fortune  fears  the 
brave,  and  tramples  on  the  coward.  (3. )  Fortunam  citius  reperies, 
quam  retineas.  Pub.  Syr.  168. — It  is  easier  to  meet  with  Fortune, 
than  to  keep  her.  (4.)  Fortuna  meliores  sequitur.  Sail.  H.  1,  48, 
15. — Fortune  befriends  the  better  man.  Cf.  Fortuna,  ut  saepe  alias, 
virtutem  secuta  est.     Liv.  4,  37. — Fortune,  as  is  not  uncommon, 

FORTUNE.  193 

befriended  valour.  (5.)  Fortunam  reverenter  habe,  quicunque 
repente  Dives  ab  exili  progredicre  loco.  Aus.  Ep.  8,  7. — Be  re- 
spectful to  Fortune,  you  who  have  all  at  once  risen  to  wealth  from 
a  humble  position.  (6.)  Fortuna  multis  dat  nimis,  satis  nulli. 
Mart.  12,  10,  2. — Fortune  gives  many  too  much,  enough  to  none. 
(7.)  Fortuna  obesse  nulli  contenta  est  semel  ? — Fortune  is  never 
content  with  doing  a  man  one  injury  only.  (8.)  Fortuna  opes 
auferre,  non  animum  potest.  Sen.  Med.  176. — Fortune  may  take 
my  wealth,  but  not  my  spirit.  (9.)  Fortuna  paginam  utramque 
facit.  Plin.  2,  7,  5,  §  22. — Fortune  fills  both  sides  of  the  account, 
i.e.,  good  or  bad. 

(10.)  Fortuna  ssevo  lseta  negotio,  et 

Ludum  insolentem  ludere  pertinax, 
Transmutat  ineertos  honores, 
Nunc  mihi,  nunc  aliis  benigna.   Hor.  C,  3,  29,  49. 

Fortune,  who  loves  her  cruel  game, 
Still  bent  upon  some  heartless  whim, 

Shifts  her  caresses,  fickle  dame, 
Now  kind  to  me,  and  now  to  him. — Conington. 

(11.)  Fortuna  nunquam  sistit  in  eodem  statu  : 
Semper  movetur  :  variat  et  mutat  vices, 
Et  summa  in  imum  vertit,  ac  versa  erigit. 
Fortune  to  stay  is  never  known  ; 

She  shifts  and  moves  and  changes  places. 
What's  uppermost  she'll  topple  down, 

And  what  is  underneath  she  raises. — Ed. 

(12.)  Fortuna  vitrea  est,  turn  quum  splendet,  frangitur.  Pub. 
Syr.  189,  Rib. — Fortune  is  of  glass ;  she  glitters  just  at  the  moment 
of  breaking.  "My  hour  is  not  come  ;  when  it  does,  I  shall  break 
like  glass."  Saying  of  Napoleon  III.  (see  N.  Senior's  Conver- 
sations). Cf.  Et  comme  elle  (la  gloirc)  a  V eclat  du  verre,  Elle  en  a 
la  fragiliti.  (Fr.)  Godeau,  Ode  to  Louis  XVIII. — And  as  glory 
has  the  brilliancy  of  glass,  it  also  shares  its  brittleness. 

(13. )  Iniqua  raro  maximis  virtutibus 

Fortuna  parcit.     (L.)     Sen.  Her.  Fur.  325.  —  Spiteful 
Fortune  rarely  spares  those  of  great  name. 

(14.)  Heu  !  Fortuna,  quis  est  crudelior  in  nos 
Te,  Deus  ?  ut  semper  gaudes  illudere  rebus 
Humanis  !  Hor.  S.  2,  8,  61. 

O  Fortune  !  cruellest  of  heavenly  powers, 
Why  make  such  game  of  this  poor  life  of  ours  ? 

— Conington. 

1744.  Fortunse  csetera  ruando.     (L.)     Ov.  M.  2,  140. — /  leave  the 

rest  to  fortune.  I  have  exerted  all  the  means  in  my 
power  to  insure  success,  the  rest  is  in  other  hands. 

1745.  Fortuna}  filius.     (L,)     Hor.  S.  2,  6,  49.-4  son  of  fortune. 

Fortune's  favourite.     A  lucky  fellow.     In  Greek,  7rcus 

T»}s  TVXr)S- 



Cf.  Juv.  13,  141 : 
Quia  tu  gallinse  filius  albae, 

Nos  viles  pulli,  nati  infelicibus  ovis. — Because  you  are  "a  white 
hen's  chick,"  we  a  common  brood  hatched  from  unlucky  eggs.  Born 
with  a  silver  spoon  in  his  mouth. 

1746.  Fortuna  magna  magna  domino  est  servitus.     (L.)     Prov.  1 

Pub.  Syr. — A  large  fortune  is  a  great  slavery  to  its  owner. 

1747.  Fortuna  mea  in  bello  campo.     (Z.) — The  lot  has  fallen  unto 

me  in  a  fair  field.     Punning  motto  of  Earl  Beauchamp. 

1748.  Fortuna  misei*rima  tuta  est.     (L.)     Ov.  Ep.  2,  2,  31. — A 

poor  fortune  is  the  safest. 

1749.  Fortuna  sequatur.      (Z.) — Let  fortune  follow.      Motto  of 

the  Earl  of  Aberdeen. 

1750.  Fortunati  ambo,  si  quid  mea  carmina  possunt, 

Nulla  dies  unquam  memori  vos  eximet  ajvo. 

(L.)     Virg.  A.  9,  446. 
Nisus  and  Euryalus. 
Blest  pair  !  if  aught  my  verse  avail 
No  day  shall  make  your  memory  fail 

From  off  the  heart  of  time. — Conington. 

1751.  Fortunato  omne  solum  patria  est.     (L.) — Every  soil  is  tlie 

country  of  the  fortunate.  Prosperity  reconciles  us  tc 
any  country.  Cf.  Patria  est,  ubicumque  est  bene. 
Pacuv.  ap.  Cic.  Tusc.  5,  37,  108. — One's  country  is 
wherever  one  is  well,  or  shorter,  TJbi  bene,  ibi  patria. 

1752.  Fortunatus  et  ille  deos  qui  novit  agrestes.     (L.)     Virg.  G. 

2,  493. — Happy  is  the  man  who  knows  the  country  gods. 
The  innocent  and  healthful  habits  of  a  country  life. 

1753.  Foy  est    tout.       {Fr.) — Faith   is  everything.      Motto   of 

Marquess  of  Ripon.     (2.)  Foy  pour  devoir. — Faith  for 
duty.    Motto  of  the  Duke  of  Somerset  and  Lord  Alcester 
1751.  Franche,  leal  et  oye\      (Old  Fr.) — Free,  loyal,   and  open. 
Motto  of  Duke  of  Leeds. 

1755.  Frangas  non  flectes.     (L.) — You  may  break,  but  you  cannot 

bend  me.    M.  of  Duke  of  Sutherland  and  Earl  Granville. 

1756.  Frange,  miser,  calamos,  vigilataque  prselia  dele, 

Qui  facis  in  parva  sublimia  carmina  cella, 
Ut  dignus  venias  hederis,  et  imagine  macra. 

(L.)     Juv.  7,  27. 
The  Grub-Street  Poet. 
Man,  break  your  pens  !  your  pored  o'er  battles  blot ! 
You  that  write  epics  in  a  garret's  dust ; 
For  what?  some  ivy,  and  a  paltry  bust  I— Ed. 

FRUCTUS.  195 

1757.  Frappe  fort.     (Fr.) — Strike  liard.     Earl  of  Kimberley. 

1758.  Fraus  et   dolus   nemini  patrocinari  debent.      (L.)      Law 

Max. — No  one  can  be  permitted  to  take  advantage  of  his 
own  wrongful  and  fraudulent  act. 

1759.  Freiheit  ist  bei  der  Macht  allein.      (G.)      Scbill.  Wall. 

Lager. — Freedom  eocists  only  with  power. 

1760.  Frei  will  ich  sein  im  Denken  und  im  Dichten, 

Im  Handeln  schrankt  die  "Welt  genug  tins  ein.  (G.) 
Goetbe,  Tasso. — Free  will  I  be  in  thought  and  in  my 
poetry,  in  conduct  t/ie  world  trammels  us  enough. 

1761.  Fremdes  Pferd  und  eigene  Sporen  haben  bald  den  Wind 

verloren.  (G.)  Prov. — A  stranger's  horse  and  your 
own  spurs  will  soon  leave  the  wind  behind. 

1762.  Freunde  offenbaren  einander  gerade  das  am  Deutlichsten, 

was  sie  einander  verscbweigen.  (G.)  Goetbe,  Wilbelm 
Meister's  Wanderjabre. — Friends  reveal  to  each  oilier 
most  clearly  just  that  upon  which  tliey  are  silent. 

1763.  Frigora  mitescunt  zephyris  :  ver  proterit  aestas, 

Interitura,  simnl 
Pomifer  autumnus  fruges  effuderit ;  et  mox 

Bruuia  recurrit  iners.  (L.)     Hor.  C.  4,  7,  9. 

This  is  rendered  by  Sir  Theod.  Martin  : 

"Winter  dissolves  beneath  the  breath  of  Spring-, 
Spring  yields  to  Summer,  which  shall  be  no  more 

When  Autumn  spreads  her  fruits  thick-clustering, 

And  then  comes  Winter,  black,  bleak,  icy-dead,  and  hoar. 

1764.  Frisch  gewagt  ist  balb  gewonnen.     (G.)     Prov. — Bravely 

dared  is  Jialf  done  {won). 

1 765.  Frons,    oculi,    vultus    perssepe    nientiuntur ;    oratio   vero 

ssepissime.  (L.)  Cic.  Q.  Fr.  1,  1,  6. — The  forehead,  eyes, 
and  face  often  belie  the  thoughts,  but  the  speech  vwst  of 
all.  Cf.  Frontis  nulla  fides.  Juv.  2,  8. — Trust  no  man's 

1766.  Fructus    matura    tulissem.      (L.)  —  Had    maturity    been 

granted  me,  I  slwuld  liave  borne  fruit.  The  melancholy 
motto,  with  a  broken  branch  for  emblem,  sketched  upon 
the  wall  of  his  dungeon  by  one  of  the  victims  of  the 
French  Revolution,  the  young  Trudaine,  comrade  of 
Andrew  Chenier. 

196  FRUI. 

1767.  Frui  paratis  et  valido  inihi  La  toe  dones,  et  precor  integra 

Cum  mente,  nee  turpem  senectam 

Degeve,  nee  cithara  carentem.    (L.)    Hor.  C.  1,  31,  17. 

O  grant  me,  Phoebus,  calm  content, 

Strength  unimpaired,  a  mind  entire  ; 
Old  age  without  dishonour  spent, 

Nor  unbefriended  by  the  lyre. — Conington. 

1768.  Frustra  fit  per  plura,  quod  fieri  potest  per  pauciora.     (L.) 

Law  Max. — Where  fewer  words  will  suffice,  additional 
matter  becomes  mere  surplusage. 

1769.  Frustra  retinacula  tendens 

Fertur  equis  auriga,  neque  audit  currus  habenas. 

(L.)    Virg.  G.  1,  513. 
Phaethon  and  the  Horses  of  tJie  Sun. 
In  vain  he  pulls  the  curb,  driver  and  steeds 
Together  fly,  nor  reins  the  chariot  heeds. — Ed. 

1770.  Frustra  vitium  vitaveris  illud, 

Si  te  alio  pravum  detorseris.  (Z.)  Hor.  S.  2,  2,  54. — 
In  vain  do  you  shun  that  vice,  if  it  is  only  through  de- 
pravity to  turn  to  another.  • 

1771.  Fuge  magna;  licet  sub  paupere  tecto 

Reges  et  regum  vita  pra^currere  amicos. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  10,  32. 

Keep  clear  of  courts  :  a  homely  life  transcends 

The  vaunted  bliss  of  monarchs  and  their  friends.  — Conington. 

1772.  Fugere  pudor,  verumque,  fidesque  : 

In  quorum  subiere  locum  fraudesque  dolique, 
Insidiseque,  et  vis,  et  amor  sceleratus  habendi. 

(L.)     Ov.  M.  1,  129. 

The  Iron  Age. 
Truth,  Modesty,  and  Faith  have  fled  ; 
Deceit  and  Fraud  appear  instead  : 
And  Treachery  and  Force  succeed 
And  the  accursed  Love  of  Greed. — Ed. 

1773.  Fugit  improbus  ac  me  Sub  cultro  linquit. 

(L.)      Hor.  S.  1,  9,  74. 

Off  goes  the  rogue,  and  leaves  me  in  despair, 

Tied  to  the  altar,  with  the  knife  in  air.  — Conington. 

1774.  Fuimus.     (L.) — We  have  been.     Motto  of  the  Marquess  of 

Ailesbury,  Earl  of  Elgin,  and  Lord  Aberdare. 

1775.  Fuit,   fuit  ista  quondam  in  hac  republica  virtus,  ut  viri 

fortes  acrioribus  suppliciis  civem  perniciosum  quam  acer- 
bissimum  hostein  coercerent.      (L.)     Cic.  Cat.  1,1,  3. — 

FURIOSI.  197 

Gone  for  ever  is  that  virtue  once  animating  the  state, 
when  men  deemed  a  mischievous  citizen  worse  than  the 
bitterest  enemy,  and  punished  him  with  severer  penalties., 

1776.  Fuit  hsec  sapientia  quondam, 

Publica  privatis  secernere,  sacra  profanis, 

Concubitu  prohibere  vago,  dare  jura  maritis, 

Oppida  nioliri,  leges  incidere  ligno.    (L.)  Hor.  A.  P.  396. 

'Twas  wisdom's  province  then 
To  judge  'twixt  states  and  subjects,  gods  and  men, 
Check  vagrant  lust,  give  rules  to  wedded  folk, 
Build  cities  up,  and  grave  a  code  in  oak. — ConvagUm. 

1777.  Fulgente  trahit  constrictos  gloria  curru, 

Non  minus  ignotos  generosis.     (L.)     Hor.  S.  1,  6,  23. 
The  race  for  Fame. 
Chained  to  her  glittering  car  Fame  drags  along 
Both  high  and  lowly -born,  a  motley  throng. — Ed. 

1778.  Fumum  et  opes  strepitumque  Romse.  (L.)  Hor.  C.  3,  29, 12. 

The  smoke,  the  wealth,  and  noise  of  Rome. — Conington. 

1779.  Functus  officio.      (L.) — Having  quitted  office,  his  official 

power  has  ceased. 

1780.  Funei'a  plango,  fulgura  frango,  sabbata  pango, 

Excito  lentos,  dissipo  ventos,  paco  cruentos.  (L.) 

The  office  of  tlie  bells. 
Funerals  knelling,  lightning  quelling,  Sundays  telling, 
Sluggards  waking,  tempests  breaking,  and  peace-making. 

— Ed. 

1781.  Fungar  vice  cotis,  acutum 

Reddei-e  qua?  ferrum  valet,  exsors  ipsa  secandi. 
Munus  et  officium,  nil  scribens  ipse,  docebo. 

(L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  304. 

Mine  be  the  whetstone's  lot 
Which  makes  steel  sharp,  though  cut  itself  will  uot. 
Although  no  writer,  I  may  yet  impart 
To  writing  folk  the  precepts  of  their  art. — Conwgton. 

1782.  Furiosi  nulla  voluntas.    (L.)    Law  Max. — A  lunatic  cannot 

be  considered  as  capable  of  any  design,  criminal  or  other- 
wise. (2.)  Furiosus  absentis  loco  est. — A  madman  is 
considered  as  one  absent.  (3.)  Furiosus  solo  furore 
punitur.  (L.) — A  madman  is  punished  only  by  his  own 
•madness.  Idiots  and  lunatics  are  not  held  to  be  charge- 
able for  their  acts,  if  committed  when  in  a  state  of 
•  mental  incapacity. 

198  FUROR. 

1783.  Furor  fit  lsesa  ssepius  patientia.     (L.)     Prov.     Pub.  Syr. 

178,  Rib. — Patience  too  much  provoked  turns  into  rage. 

Cf.  Dry  den,  Abs.  and  Ach.  1,  1005  : 
Beware  the  fury  of  a  patient  man. 

1784.  Fussiez-vous   plus   noire   qu'une  mure,  vous  £tes  blanche 

pour  qui  vous  aime.  {Ft.)  Breton  Prov. — Were  you  as 
black  as  a  mulberry,  you  are  white  {fair)  for  him  who 
loves  you. 

1785.  Fuyez  le3  proces  sur  toutes  les  choses,  la  conscience  s'y 

interesse,  la  santd  s'y  altere,  les  biens  s'y  dissipent. 
{Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car. — In  everything  avoid  lawsuits; 
they  pervert  conscience,  impair  health,  and  ruin  one's 


1786.  Gallus  in  sterquilinio  suo  plurimum  potest.     (Z.)     Sen. 

Apoc.  402. — The  cock  is  master  on  his  own  dunghill. 
Every  man  is  cock  on  bis  own  dunghill. 

1787.  To.[JLeiv   6   [xeXXoiv    els   fierdvoiav    Ip^erat.        {Gr.)       Prov. 

Menand.  Monost.  91. — He  toho  is  going  to  marry  is  on 
the  road  to  repentance. 

1788.  Ta/xos   yap  avOpwirouTiv  eiWcuov   kcxkov.     {Gr.)     Menand. 

Monost.  102. — Marriage  is  an  evil  that  men  pray  for. 

1789.  Garde  la  foi.      {Fr.)—Keep    tU  faith.      Motto   of  Lord 

Kensington  and  Felsted  Grammar  School. 

1790.  Gardez.      {Fr.)—Keep  it.      Motto  of  Lord  Braye.      (2.) 

Gardez  bien. — Take  care.  Motto  of  the  Earl  of  Eglinton. 
(3.)  Gardez  la  foy. — Keep  the  faith.     M.  of  Earl  Poulett. 

1791.  Gardez- vous  bien  de  lui  les  jours  qu'il  communie  !     {Fr.) 

Du  Lorens,  Sat.  1. — Beware  of  tJiat  man  the  day  lie 
receives  communion!  Some  men  alternate  between 
sacrament  and  sin,  and  are  most  dangerous  at  the  time 
when  they  have  just  cleared  off  old  scores. 

1792.  Gateau  et  mauvaise  coutume  se  doivent  rompre.     (Fr.) 
Prov. — Cakes  and  bad  customs  are  made  to  be  broken. 

1793.  Gaude,  Maria  Virgo  !    (Z.) — Rejoice,  Virgin  Mary  /   Motto 

of  Coopers'  Company. 

1794.  Gaudet  tentamine  virtus.      (Z.) — Virtue  rejoices  in  tempta- 

tion.    Motto  of  the  Earl  of  Dartmouth. 


1795.  Gedanken  sind  zollfrei,  aber  nicht  Hollenfrei.     (G.)     Prov. 

— Thoughts  are  toll-free,  but  not  Hell-free. 

1796.  Geheimnissvoll  am  lichten  Tag 

Lasst  sich  Natur  des  Schleiers  nicht  berauben, 
Und  was  sie  deinem  Geist  nicht  offenbaren  mag, 

Das  zwingst  du  ihr  nicht  ab  mit  Hebeln  und  mit 
Schrauben.  (G.)  Goethe,  Faust. — Mysterious  in 
fullest  daylight,  Nature  will  not  let  herself  be  robbed  of 
her  veil ;  and  what  she  does  not  choose  to  reveal  to  thy 
spirit,  thou  wilt  not  force  from  her  by  lever  and 

1797.  TeAtos  a/catpos  lv  fipoToh  Seivov  /caKov.      (Gr.)      Menand. 

Monost.  88. — Ill-timed  laughter  in  men  is  a  terrible 

1798.  Genius  loci.     (L.) — T/ie  Genius  of  the  spot. 

Thus  iEneas  invokes  the  G.  L.  on  landing  in  Italy  (A.  7,  136). 
Applicable  to  the  memories  of  any  illustrious  dead  supposed  to 
haunt  their  former  homes.  In  this  way  the  g.  I.  would  attend  the 
visiter  to  such  places  as  Stratford-on-Avon,  Rydal,  Olney,  Ferney, 
Weimar,  and  Newstead. 

1799.  Genus  immortale  manet,  multosque  per  annos 

Stat  fortuna  domus,  et  avi  numerantur  avorum. 

(L.)     Virg.  94,  208. 

In  endless  line  the  fortunes  of  the  race 

Go  back  for  years  and  grandsires'  grandsires  trace. — Ed. 

Motto  of  Addison's  paper  (Spectator  72)  on  the  Everlasting  Club  of 
100  members  who  relieve  each  other,  one  always  being  in  attend- 
ance. Borrowed  from  the  above  is  the  Stet  fortuna  domus  (May 
the  fortunes  of  the  house  stand  firm),  often  given  as  a  toast  or 

1800.  Benutzt  den  Augenblick.     (G.) — Use  the  present  moment. 

Favourite  maxim  of  Goethe. 

1801.  Gigni  pariter  cum  corpore,  et  una 

Crescere  sentimus  pariterque  senescere  mentem. 

(L.)     Lucret.  3,  44G. 

Body  and  mind  are  born  together,  we  perceive 
Their  mutual  growth,  and  their  conjoint  decay. — Ed. 

1802.  Gleich  und  Gleich  gesellt  sich  gern,  sprach  der  Teufel  zum 

Kbhler.  (G.)  Prov. — Like  and  like  go  well  together,  as 
the  Devil  said  to  the  Charcoal-burner. 

1803.  Gli  uomini  hanno  gli  anni  che  sentono,  e  le  donne  quelli 

che  mostrano.  (/£)  Prov. — Men  are  as  old  as  they 
feel,  and  women  as  old  as  they  look. 

200  GLORTA. 

1804.  Gloria  virtutis  umbra.      (L.) — Glory  is  the  shadow  (com- 

panion) of  virtue.     Motto  of  Earl  of  Longford. 

1805.  Gott  niacht   gesund,   und   der  Doktor   kriegt   das  Geld. 

(G.)  Prov. — God  makes  us  well,  and  the  Doctor  gets  the 

1806.  Got  mit  uns.     (G.) — God  with  us.     Motto  of  the  King  of 


1807.  Gradu  di verso,  via  una.     (L.) — Different  steps  but  Hie  same 

way.     Motto  of  Lord  Cal  thorp. 

1808.  GraBcia  capta  ferum  victorem  cepit,  et  artes 

Intulit  agresti  Latio.  (L.)     Hor.  Ep.  2,  1,  156. 

Greece,  conquered  Greece  her  conqueror  subdued, 

And  Borne  grew  polished,  who  till  then  was  rude. — Conington. 

1809.  Gracia  Mceonidem,  jactat  sibi  Roma  Maronem 

Anglia  Miltonum  jactat  utrique  parem. 

(L.)     Selvaggi  ad  Joan.  Miltonum. 

Greece  boasts  her  Homer,  Rome  can  Virgil  claim  ; 
England  can  either  match  in  Milton's  fame. — Ed. 

1810.  Grseculus  esuriens  ad  cceluni  jusseris,  ibit.    (Z.)    Juv.  3,  78. 

All  trades  his  own  the  hungry  Greekling  counts, 

And  bid  him  mount  the  sky,  the  sky  he  mounts. — Gifford. 

1811.  Grsecuni  est,  non  potest  legi.      (L.)      Franc.   Accursius, 

13th  cent. — It  is  Greek,  it  cannot  be  read. 

The  origin  of  the  Boar's  head  served  every  Christmas  at  Queen's 
College,  Oxon.,  is  traced  to  a  remote  period,  when  a  scholar  of  the 
College,  encountering  a  wild  boar  in  Bagley  Wood,  thrust  the 
volume  of  Aristotle  which  he  was  reading  into  the  savage  brute's 
jaws,  crying  out,  ' '  Greecum  est !  "  and  so  both  choked  his  assailant, 
and  saved  his  own  life. 

1812.  Gram  :  loquitur,   Dia  :  verba  docet,  Rhe  :  verba  colorat, 

Mus  :  canit,  Ar  :  numerat,  Geo  :  ponderat,  As  :  colit  astra. 
(L.) — Grammar  teaches  us  correct  speech,  Logic  the  proper 
use  of  woi'ds,  Rhetonc  ornaments  them.  Music  sings, 
Arithmetic  reckons,  Geometry  measures,  Astronomy  is  oc- 
cupied with  the  stars.  These  two  mediaeval  lines  give, 
the  former  the  THvium,  and  the  latter  the  Quadrivium 
of  old  scholastic  learning. 

Cf.  The  seven  points  of  knightly  education  contained  in  the  fol- 
lowing : 

Probitates  h?e  sunt  :  equitare,  natare,  sagittare, 
Cestibus  certare,   aucupare,   scacis   ludere,   versificare.  —  The 
honourable  arts  are  these :  to  ride,  sicim,  shoot,  box,  hawk, 
play  at  chess,  and  write  verses. 

GRAVIS.  201 

1813.  Grammatici  certant  et  adhuc  sub  judice  lis  est.    (L.)    Hor. 

A.  P.  75. — The  grammarians  are  at  variance,  and  the 
controversy  is  still  undetermined.  The  question  alluded 
to  here  was,  who  invented  Elegiac  verse  1 

1814.  Grammaticus  Rhetor  Geometres  Pictor  Aliptes 

Augur  Schcenobates  Medicus  Magus — omnia  novit. 

(L.)    Juv.  3,  76. 

Grammarian,  Orator  and  Geometrician, 
Painter,  Gymnastic-teacher  and  Physician, 
Augur,  Ropedancer,  Conjuror — he  was  all. — Ed. 

Cf.  Dry  den,  Abs.  and  Ach.  1,  545 : 

A  man  so  various,  that  he  seemed  to  be 
Not  one,  but  all  mankind's  epitome  : 

Was  everything  by  starts,  and  nothing  long, 

But  in  the  course  of  one  revolving  moon, 

Was  Chymist,  Fiddler,  Statesman,  and  Buffoon. 

1815.  Grandescunt  aucta  labore.     (L.) — They  grow  by  increase  of 

toil.     Motto  of  Lord  Heytesbury. 

1816.  Gratia  placendi.     (L.) — The  pleasure  of  pleasing. 

1817.  Gratis.     (L.) — Free  of  cost.     To  boot.     Into  the  bargain. 

For  nothing.  (2.)  Gratis  dictum. — A  gratuitous  remark. 
Irrelevant.  (3.)  Gratis  asseritur. — It  is  asserted  but 
not  proved. 

1818.  Gratum  est  quod  patriae  civem  populoque  dedisti, 

Si  facis  ut  patriae  sit  idoneus,  utilis  agris. 
Utilis  et  bellorum  et  pacis  rebus  agendis.  (L.)  Juv.  14, 
170. — You  deserve  our  tJoanks  for  presenting  the  country 
and  nation  with  another  citizen,  provided  that  he  grow 
up  of  service  to  tlte  state  and  her  possessions,  useful  in 
transacting  the  affairs  of  xoar  and  peace. 

1819.  Grave  pondus  ilium,  magna  nobilitas,  premit. 

(Z.)     Sen.  Troad.  492. 

The  new  Peer. 
A  heavy  burden  on  his  back  doth  lie, 
Th'  oppressive  sense  of  his  nobility. — Ed. 

1820.  Grave  virus  Munditise  pepulere.    (L.)     Hor.  Ep.  2,  1,  158. 

— Elegance  has  expelled  the  lingering  barbarism,  lit.  "  the 
noxious  poison." 

1821.  Gravis  ira  regum  est  semper.     (L.)     Sen.  Med.  494. — The 

anger  of  kings  is  always  heavy. 


1822.  Gravissimum    est    imperium   consuetudinis.      (L.)% — Tlie 

empire  of  fashion  (or  habit)  is  mighty. 

1823.  Grex  totus  in  agris  Urdus  scabie  cadit.    (L.)    Juv.  2,  79. — 

Tlie  entire  flock  in  the  fields  dies  of  the  disease  introduced 
by  one. 

1824.  Grosse  Leiden  schaf ten  sind  Krankheiten  ohne  Hoffnung; 

was  sie  heilen  konnte,  niacht  sie  erst  l'echt  gefahrlich. 
(G.)  Goethe,  Spriiche. — Great  passions  are  incurable 
diseases ;  wliat  %oould  heal  tliem  is  precisely  thai  which 
makes  them  so  dangerous. 

1825.  Grosse  Seelen  dulden  still.      (G.)     Schill.  D.  Carlos,  4.— 

Great  souls  suffer  in  silence. 

1826.  Guardalo  ben,  guardalo  tutto, 

L'uoni  senza  danar  quanto  e  brutto.  (It.) — Watch  him,  well, 
watch  him  closely,  the  man  without  money,  hoio  vile  he  is  I 

1827.  Guardati  dalP  occasione,  e  ti  guai-dera 

Dio  da  peccati.  (It.)  Prov. — Keep  yourself  from  oppor- 
tunities (of  sinning)  and  God  will  keep  you  from  sins. 

1S28.  Guerra  al  cuchillo.  (Sp.) — War  to  tlie  knife!  Byron,  Ch. 
Harold,  1,  86,  gives  the  reply  of  Palafox,  Governor  of 
Saragoza,  when  summoned  to  surrender  by  the  French 
in  1808 : 

"  War,  war  is  still  the  cry,  war  even  to  the  knife  ! " 

1829.  Guerre    a    outrance.     (-^V.) — War    of   extermination — no 

quarter  given  or  taken.     Similar  to  preceding  quotation. 

1830.  Guerre  aux  chateaux,  Paix  aux  chaumieres!     (Ft-) — War 

to  the  Castles,  Peace  to  the  Cottages  ! 

This  was  a  cry  of  the  First  French  Revolution.     Berchoux  gave 
the  fierce  denunciation  a  humorous  turn  by  adding, 
Attendu  que  dans  ces  dernieres 
Le  pillage  serait  sans  prix. 

Ep.  Pol.  et  Galante  a  Euphrosinc  de  N. 
1831     rVvaiKcis  at^pa  irpk—€i 

ITpo  tou  (jxivevros  X°-Plv  £vva.tve<rat.  (Gr.)  yEsch.  Ag. 
483. — It  is  natural  to  a  woman's  spirit  to  praise  a  kind- 
ness before  it  is  shown. 

1832.   TwatKos  ov&l  XP^H-  Q-vrip  \vi£erai 

'FKrOkrjs  afxtivov,  orSc  piyiov  KaKrjs.  (Gr.)  Simonid. 
Iamb.  7. — A  man  cannot  have  a  better  possession  than  a 
good  wife,  nor  a  more  miserable  than  a  bad  one. 


1833.  Gutes  und  Boses  kommt  unerwartet  dem  Menschen ; 

Auch  verkiindet,  glauben  wir's  nicht.  (G.)  Goethe, 
Faust. — Good  and  evil  come  unexpected  to  man  ;  even  if 
foretold  we  believe  it  not. 

1834.  Gutes  Gewissen  ist  ein  sanftes  Ruhekissen.     (G.)     Prov. 

— A  good  conscience  is  a  soft  pillow. 

1835.  Gutta  cavat  lapidem,  consumitur  annulus  usu 

Et  teritur  pressa  vomer  aduncus  humo. 

(L.)     Ov.  Ep.  4,  10,  5. 
All  things  decay  with  time. 
Water  will  hollow  stone ;  rings  wear  with  use  : 
And  friction  will  the  bent  ploughshare  reduce. — Ed. 


1836.  Habeas  corpus.      (Z.)      Law  Term.  —  You  may  have  the 


Title  of  a  writ  directed  by  Courts  of  Law  or  Equity,  to  produce  a 
person  illegally  detained,  and  to  state  tho  reasons  for  such  deten- 
tion, so  that  the  Court  may  judge  of  their  sufficiency.  This  pro- 
tection of  personal  liberty  was  first  enunciated  in  Magna  Charta, 
and  afterwards  established  by  the  Habeas  Corpus  Act  of  Charles  II. 
There  are  several  kinds  of  this  writ.  H.  C.  ad  respondendum  is 
issued  by  a  Common-law  Court  to  bring  up  a  prisoner  in  order  to 
charge  him  with  a  new  action  in  a  Court  above.  H.  0.  ad  satis- 
faciendum is  a  similar  writ  to  take  the  prisoner  in  execution  for 
another  cause  of  action.  //.  C.  ad  testificandum  is  the  writ  by 
which  a  prisoner  is  brought  up  to  give  evidence  in  a  Court  of 

1837.  Habeas,  ut  nactus  :  nota  mala  res  optuma  \st.    (Z.)    Plaut. 

Trin.  1,  2,  25. — Keep  what  you've  got.     The  evil  that  v;e 
know  is  the  better  of  t/ie  two. 
So  Shakesp.  Haml.  3,  1,  says : 

Rather  bear  those  ills  we  have, 
Than  fly  to  others  that  we  know  not  of. 

1838.  Habemus   luxuriam    atque   avaritiam,    publico   egestatem, 

privatim  opulentiam.  (L.)  Sail.  C.  52,  22. —  We  have 
luxury  and  avarice,  public  want,  2?rivate  opulence.  De- 
scription of  Rome  by  the  younger  Cato  in  the  last  days 
of  the  Republic. 

1839.  Habemus  optimum  testem  confitentem  reum,  or  Habemus 

confitentem  reum.  (L.)  Law  Max. —  We  have  the  best 
possible  toitness  in  the  confession  of  the  accused,  or  We 
luive  his  own  confession  of  the  act. 

204  HABEO. 

"  The  pica  of  guilty  by  the  party  accused  shuts  out  all  further 
inquiry.  Hdbemus  confitentem  reum  is  demonstrative,  unless 
indirect  motives  can  be  assigned "  (Lord  Stowell,  Mortimer  v. 
Mortimer,  2  Hagg.  315). 

1840.  Habeo    senectuti   magnam   gratiam,    quae    mihi   sermonis 

aviditatem  auxit,  potionis  et  cibi  sustulit.  (L.)  Cic.  de 
Sen.  14,  46. — I  owe  great  thanks  to  old  age  for  increasing 
my  avidity  for  conversation,  and  diminishing  my  appetite 
for  meat  and  drink. 

1841.  Habere  et  dispertire.    (L.) — To  have  and  to  give.    Motto  of 

Lord  Aveland. 

1842.  Habere  facias  possessionem.     (L.)     Law  Term. — You  are 

to  cause  to  take  possession.  Writ  by  which,  a  plaintiff, 
who  has  recovered  judgment  in  an  action  of  ejectment, 
is  put  in  possession  of  his  land  or  premises. 

1843.  Habet   enim  pi*aeteriti   doloris   secura   recordatio   delecta- 

tionem.  (L.)  Cic.  Fam.  5,  12,  4. — It  is  pleasant  to 
recall  in  happier  days  the  troubles  of  the  past. 

1844.  Hac  ibat  Simois  :  haec  est  Sigeia  tellus, 

Hie  steterat  Priami  regia  celsa  senis.    (L.)    Ov.  H.  1,  33. 
Here  Simois  ran  :  this  the  Sigeian  land, 
Here  Priam's  lofty  palace  used  to  stand. — Ed. 
Applicable  to  Maps  and  Plans  represented  on  the  table  or  on  paper 
by  conventional  signs.     See  also  Taming  of  the  Shrew,  8,  1. 

1845.  Hac  in  re  scilicet  una 

Multum  dissimiles,  at  cetera  psene  gemelli, 
Fraternis  animis  quidquid  negat  alter  et  alter 
Annuimus  pariter  vetuli  notique  columbi. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  10,  2. 
In  this  one  thing  unlike,  in  all  beside 
"We  might  be  twins,  so  nearly  we're  allied  ; 
Sharing  each  other's  hates,  each  other's  loves, 
We  bill  and  coo  like  two  familiar  doves. — Conington. 

1846.  Hac  sunt  in  fossa  Bedae  venerabilis  ossa.      (L.) — In  this 

vault  lie  the  bones  of  Venerable  Bede.  Inscription  on 
Yen.  Bede's  tomb  in  Durham  Cathedral. 

1847.  Hactenus  invidise  respondimus.     (Z.)     Ov.  R  A.  397. — 

Thus  far  have  I  answered  the  accusation  of  envy. 

1848.  Hac  urget  lupus  hac  canis  aiunt.     (L.)     Hor.  S.  2,  2,  64. 

— A  wolf  on  one  side,  a  dog  on  the  other,  as  they  say. 
Between  two  fires. 

Cf.  Inter  malleum  et  incudem.  Prov. — Between  the  hammer  and 
tlte  anvil.  Cf.  Inter  sacrum  saxumque  sto  :  nee  quid  faciam  scio. 
Plaut.  Capt.  3,  4,  84. — I  am  between  tlie  victim  and  the  knife. 
'Twixt  door  and  wall.     In  a  fearful  predicament. 

H^EC.  205 

1849.  Hsec  a  te  non  multum  abludit  imago.     (L.)     Hor.  S.  2,  3, 

320. — This  picture  bears  no  bad  resemblance  to  yourself. 

1850.  Haec  brevis  est  nostrorum  summa  malorura.     (Z.)     Ov.  T. 

5,  7,  7. — This  is  tlie  slwrt  sum  total  of  our  ills. 

1851.  H$ec  ego  mecum 

Compressis  agito  labris ;  ubi  quid  datur  oti 
Illudo  chartis.  (L.)     Hor.  S.  1,  4,  137. 

So  with  closed  lips  I  ruminate,  and  then 
In  leisure  moments  play  with  ink  and  pen. — Conington. 

1852.  Hoac  est  condicio  vivendi,  aiebat,  eoque 

Responsura  tuo  nunquam  est  par  fama  labori. 

(L.)     Hor.  S.  2,  8,  65. 
("Well)  Such  is  life,  capricious  and  severe, 
And  hence  it  comes  that  merit  never  gains 
A  meed  of  praise  proportioned  to  its  pains. — Conington. 

1853.  Haec  faciant  sane  juvenes  :  deformius,  Afer, 

Omnino  nihil  est  ardelione  sene.    (L.)    Mart.  4,  79,  9. 

Leave  such  pursuits  to  youths  :  for  certainly 
There's  nought  so  odious  as  an  old  Paul  Pry.  — Ed. 

1854.  Haec   generi   incrementa  fides.      (Z-.) — Ennobled  for  our 

fidelity.     Motto  of  the  Marquess  Townshend. 

1855.  Haec  res  et  jungit,  junctos  et  servat  amicos. 

At  nos  virtutes  ipsas  invertimus,  atque 

Sincerum  cupinius  vas  incrustare.    (L.)    Hor.  S.  1,  3,  53. 

This  is  the  sovereign  recipe,  be  sure, 

To  win  men's  hearts  and,  having  won,  secure. 

But  we  put  virtues  down  to  vice's  score, 

And  foul  the  vessel  that  was  clean  before. — Conington. 

1856.  Haec   studia   adolescentiam    alunt,    senectutem    oblectant, 

secundas  res  ornant,  adversis  solatium  ac  perfugium  prse- 
bent,  delectant  domi,  non  impediuut  foris,  pernoctant 
nobiscum,  peregrinantur,  rusticantur.  (L.)  Cic.  Arch. 
7,  16. — These  studies  are  the  food  of  youth,  and  the  solace 
of  old  age;  they  adoi'n  prosperity,  and  are  the  comfort 
and  refuge  of  adversity  ;  they  amuse  us  at  home,  and  are 
no  encumbrance  abroad;  tliey  accompany  us  at  night,  on 
oxir  travels,  and  in  our  rural  retirement. 

1857.  Haec  studia  oblectant.     (L.) — T/tese  studies  are  our  delight. 

Motto  of  Clifton  College. 

1858.  Haec  sunt  jucundi  causa  cibusque  mali.     (L.)     Ov.  R.  A. 

138. — T/iese  things  are  at  once  tlie  cause  and  food  of  the 
agreeable  malady  {Love). 

206  H^EC. 

1859.  Haec  sunt  quce  nosti-a  liceat  te  voce  moneri. 

Vade,  age  !  (L.)  Virg.  A.  3,  461. — So  much  am  I  per- 
mitted to  tell  you :  Now,  begone  / 

1860.  Hre  nugse  seria  ducent  In  mala.     (L.)    Hor.  A..  P.  451. — 

Tliese  trifles  will  lead  to  serious  mischief. 

1861.  Hgeredis  fletus  sub  persona  risus  est.      (L.)  1 — The  weeping 

of  an  heir  is  laughter  under  a  mask. 

1862.  ILeres,  ILereditas.      (L.) — An  Heir,  Inheritance.      Law 

Maxims  relating  to  : 

(1.)  Haeredi  magis  parcendum  est. — The  rights  of  an  heir  must 
be  jealously  guarded.  (2.)  Haereditas  nihil  aliud  est  quam  suc- 
cessio  in  universum  jus  quod  defunctus  habuerit. — Inheritance 
is  nothing  else  titan  succession  to  the  entire  rights  of  the  deceased. 
(3.)  Haereditas  nunquam  ascendit. — The  right  of  inJieritance  never 
lineally  ascends.  This  is  now  altered  by  Stat.  3  and  4  Will.  4, 
c.  106,  by  which  every  lineal  ancestor  can  be  heir  to  any  of  his 
issue.  (4. )  Haeres  est  aut  jure  proprietatis  aut  jure  repraesentationis. 
— An  heir  succeeds  either  in  his  own  right,  or  by  right  of  represen- 
tation :  as  in  the  case  of  a  grandson  representing  his  father  de- 
ceased. (5.)  Hares  est  nomen  juris,  films  est  nomen  naturae. — 
Heir  is  tlic  legal,  son  the  natural  title.  (6.)  Haeres  legitimus  est 
quem  nuptire  demonstrant. — He  is  only  held  by  law  to  be  the  heir 
whom  the  marriage  proves  to  be  such.  (7. )  Deus  solus  haeredem  facere 
potest  non  homo.  — A  person  is  made  heir  by  the  act  of  God,  and 
not  of  man,  because  (8. )  Nemo  est  haeres  viventis.  — No  one  can  be 
lieir  during  the  life  of  his  ancestor.  (9. )  Qui  doit  inheriter  al  pere 
doit  inheriter  al  fitz.  (Fr. ) — He  who  would  have  been  heir  to  the 
father  shall  be  heir  to  the  son.  (10.)  Non  jus  sed  seisina  facit 
stipitem.  (L.) — It  is  not  the  right  or  title,  but  the  seisin  (formal 
possession)  which  makes  a  person  the  ancestor  from  which  tlie  inheri- 
tance must  descend.  (11.)  Linea  recta  semper  praefertur  trans- 
versali. — The  right  line  of  descent  shall  always  be  preferred  to  a 
collateral  one. 

1863.  Hceret  lateri  lethalis  arundo.  (L.)     Virg.  A.  4,  73. 

The  fatal  dart 
Sticks  in  her  side,  and  rankles  in  her  heart.  — Dryden. 

Said  of  the  hapless  Dido,  in  love  with  ./Eneas.  The 
passage  may  be  applied  also  to  any  wounds  inflicted  by 
calumny,  censure,  or  remorse. 

1864.  Haltst  du  Natur  getreu  im  Augenmerk, 

Frommt  jeder  tiichtige  Meister  dir  : 

Doch  klammerst  du  dich  bios  an  Menschenwerk, 

"Wird  alles,  was  du  schaffst,  Manier.     (G.)     Geibel. — 

Keep  Nature  faithfully  in  view,  and  you  will  appreciate 

every  thorough  master ;  but  if  you  cling  alone  to  human 

work,  all  tJuit  you  do  will  be  maniere. 


1 865.  Hanc  cupit,  hanc  optat,  sola  suspirat  in  ilia : 

Signaque  dat  nutu,  solicitatque  notis.    (L.)    Ov.  F.  1,  417. 

For  her  he  longs,  for  her  he  yearns, 

He  sighs  for  her  alone  : 
By  nods  and  becks  and  signs,  in  turns, 

He  makes  his  passion  known. — Ed. 

1866.  Hanc  olim  veteres  vitam  colueve  Sabini, 

Hanc  Remus  et  frater  :  sic  fortis  Etruria  crevit; 

Scilicet  et  rerum  facta  est  pulcherrima  Roma. 

(L.)     Virg.  G.  2,  582. 
Such  was  the  life  the  hardy  Sabines  led, 
And  Sylvia's  twins  ;  thus  stout  Etruria  throve, 
And  Rome  became  the  fairest  of  all  things. — Ed. 

1867.  Hanc  personam  induisti,  agenda  est.     (Z.)     Sen,  Ben.  2, 

17,  2. — Now  that  you  /utve  assumed  this  character,  you 
must  go  through  with  it. 

1868.  Has  patitur  poenas  peccandi  sola  voluntas. 

Nam  scelus  intra  se  taciturn  qui  cogitat  ullum, 
Facti  crimen  habet.  (L.)     Juv.  13,  208. 

Sins  of  the  intention. 
Such  pain  the  mere  desire  to  sin  incurs. 
For  he  who  inly  plans  some  wicked  act, 
Has  as  much  guilt,  as  though  the  thought  were  fact. — Ed. 

1869.  Has   poenas    garrula    lingua   dedit.       (Z.)1 — This   is   the 

punishment  a  babbling  tongue  has  incurred. 

1870.  Has  tantas  virtutes   ingentia  vitia  sequabant;   inlmmana 

crudelitas,  perfidia  plusquam  Punica,  nihil  veri,  nihil 
sancti,  nullus  Deorum  metus,  nullum  jus  jurandum, 
nulla  religio.      (L.)     Liv.  21,  4. 

Gliardcter  of  Hannibal. 
Consummate  as  were  the  powers  of  this  famous  man,  they  were 
balanced  by  vices  equally  great.  An  inhuman  cruelty  and  a  more 
than  Punic  perfidy  stained  his  reputation,  leaving  him  without 
regard  for  truth  or  honour,  and  without  reverence  either  for  the 
Gods,  for  the  sanctity  of  an  oath,  or  plighted  faith. 

1871.  Hatez-vous  lentement;  et,  sans  pei-dre  courage, 

Vingt  fois  sur  le  me'tier  remettez  votre  ouvrage  : 
Polissez-le  sans  cesse  et  le  repolissez ; 
Ajoutez  quelquefois,  et  souvent  effacez. 

(Fr.)     Boil.' A.  P.  1,  171. 
Hasten  then,  but  full  slowly  :  don't  lose  heart  of  grace  ; 
And  your  work  twenty  times  on  the  easel  replace. 
Be  continually  polishing  :  polish  again  : 
Add  something  to  this  part ;  through  that  draw  your  pen. 


208  HAUD. 

1872.  Haud  facile  emergunt  quorum  virtutibus  obstat 

Res  angusta  domi.  (L.)    Juv.  3,  164. 

'Tis  hard  to  rise,  when  straitened  household  means 
Stand  in  the  way  of  talent. — Ed. 

1873.  Haut  et  bon.     (Fr.) — Great  and  good.     Motto  of  Viscount 


1874.  Hectora  quis  nosset,  si  felix  Troja  fuisset? 

Publica  virtuti  per  mala  facta  via  est. 

(L.)     Ov.  T.  4,  3,  75. 

Had  Ilium  stood,  who'd  known  of  Hector's  name  ? 
Misfortune  is  the  royal  road  to  fame. — Ed. 

1875.  Hei  mihi  !  difficile  est  imitari  gaudia  falsa  ! 

Difficile  est  tristi  fingere  mente  jocum.  (L.)  Tib.  3,  6,  33. 

How  hard  to  feign  the  joys  one  does  not  feel, 

Or  aching  hearts  'neath  show  of  mirth  conceal ! — Ed. 

1876.  Hei  mihi !  non  magnas  quod  babent  mea  carmina  vires, 

Nostraque  sunt  meritis  oi*a  minora  tuis.  (L.)  Ov.  T. 
1,  6,  30. — Alas!  that  my  verses  Jiave  so  little  force,  and 
that  my  tongue  is  so  unequal  to  your  deserts  ! 

1877.  Hei  mini !  qualis  erat !  quantum  mutatus  ab  illo 

Hectore,  qui  redit,  exuvias  indutus  Achilli. 

(L.)    Virg.  A.  2,  274. 

Ah  !  what  a  sight  was  there  !  how  changed  from  him 

The  Hector  we  remember,  as  he  came 

Back  with  Achilles'  armour  from  the  fray  ! — Ed. 

1878.  Hei  mihi  !  quam  facile  est,  quamvis  bic  contigit  omnes, 

Alterius  luctu  fortia  verba  loqui.        (L.)     Ov.  Li  v.  9. 

How  easy  'tis,  as  all  experience  shows, 

To  give  brave  comfort  for  another's  woes  ! — Ed. 

1879.  Hei  mihi !  quod  nullis  amor  est  medicabilis  berbis.     (L.) 

Ov.  M.  1,  523. —  Woe's  me!  that  there  are  no  herbs  for 
curing  love/ 

1880.  Helleborum  frustra,  quum  jam  cutis  segra  tumebit 

Poscentes  videas.  Venienti  occurrite  morbo.  (L.) 
Pers.  3,  63. — You  may  see  persons  asking  for  hellebore 
when  tlie  diseased  skin  is  already  bloated  with  dropsy. 
Anticipate  the  approach  of  the  malady. 

1881.  Heroumfilii.    {L.)— Sons  of  Heroes.    M.  of  Wellington  Coll. 

1882.  Heu  facinus  !  non  est  hostis  metuendus  amanti, 

Quos  credis  fidos,  effuge ;  tutus  eris.  (L.)  Ov.  A.  A.  1,  751. 

Strange,  that  the  lover  need  not  fear  a  foe  ! 

Beware  of  friends  !  you'll  then  be  safe,  I  know. — Ed,. 

HTC.  209 

1883.  Heu  melior  quanto  sors  tua  sorte  niea.     (L.)     Ov.  Am. 

1,  6,  46. — Alas  /  how  much  superior  is  your  lot  to  mine  ? 

1884.  Heu  mihi !  quod  clidici  !  quod  ine  docuere  parentes. 

Literaque  est  oculos  ulla  morata  meos  !  (L.)  Ov.  T.  2, 
343. —  Woe's  me  that  ever  I  had  any  learning  /  that  my 
parents  taught  me,  or  that  letters  ever  troubled  my  eyes  ! 

1885.  Heu  pietas,  heu  prisca  fides  !  invictaque  bello  Dextera  !  (L.) 

Virg.  6,  879. 

0  piety  !  0  ancient  faith  ! 

0  hand  untam'd  in  battle  scathe  ! — Conington. 

1886.  Heu  !  quam  difficile  est  crimen  non  prodere  vultu  !     (L.) 

Ov.  M.  2,  447. — Ah  !  what  a  difficult  thing  it  is  not  to 
betray  guilt  by  the  countenance  ! 

1887.  Heu  !  quanto  minus  est  cum  reliquis  versari, 

Quam  tui  meminisse  !  (L.) — Alas!  what  little  joy  it  is 
to  live  with  those  that  survive,  compared  with  the  recol- 
lection of  your  presence  1  Shenstone's  epitaph  on  the 
tomb  of  Miss  Dollman. 

Cf.  Moore,  I  saw  thy  form: 

To  live  with  them  is  far  less  sweet 
Than  to  remember  thee  ! 

1888.  Heu  quantum  fati  parva  tabella  vehit !     (L.)     Ov.  F.  2, 

408. — Ah !  what  destinies  the  little  bark  carries  !  Of 
the  basket  or  ark  in  which  Romulus  and  Remus  were 

1889.  Heureux  qui,"  dans  ses  vers,  sait  d'une  voix  legere, 

Passer  du  grave  au  doux,  du  plaisant  au  severe. 

(Fr.)     Boil.  A.  P.  chant  1. 

Happy  who  in  his  verse  can  gently  steer 
From  grave  to  light,  from  pleasant  to  severe. 

— Dryden,  Art  of  P.  1,  75. 

Pope  in  his  Ep.  4,  379,  has  : 

Happily  to  steer 
From  grave  to  gay,  from  lively  to  severe. 

1890.  Hiatus   maxime   deflendus.      (Z.) — A    blank   much  to  be 

deplored.  Used  to  mark  some  blank  in  any  literary 
work.     The  expression  is  sometimes  employed  h-onically. 

1891.  Hie,  ait,  hie  pacem  temerataque  jura  relinquo, 

Te,  Fortuna,  sequor  :  procul  hinc  jam  fcedera  sunto  : 
Credidimus  fatis,  utendum  est  judice  bello. 

(L.)     Lucan.  1,  225. 

210  HIC. 

The  Rubicon. 
Here,  here  I  bid  all  peace  and  law  farewell ! 
With  treaties  hence — Fortune,  I  turn  to  thee 
And  Fate,  and  to  th'  arbitrament  of  war. — Ed. 

1892.  Hie  dies,  vere  mihi  festus,  atras 

Eximet  curas.  (L.)     Hor.  C.  3,  14,  13. 

This  day,  true  holy  day  to  me, 

Shall  banish  care. — Conington. 

1893.  Hie  est  aut  nusquain  quod  qucerimus.     (L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1, 

17,  39. — Here  or  nowhere  is  what  we  are  looking  for. 

1894.  Hie  est  mucro  defensionis  tuae.     (L.)     Cic.  Csecin.  29,  84. 

— This  is  tlie  point  of  your  defence. 

1895.  Hie  et  ubique.       (L.) — Here  and  everywhere.     Ubiquitous. 

Cf.  Sliakesp.  Hand.  1,  5  : 

Ghost.  ( Beueath)  Swear  ! 

Ham.  Hie  et  ubique  ?    Then  we'll  shift  our  ground  : — 
Come  hither,  gentlemen,  etc. 

1896.  Hie  gelidi  fontes,  hie  mollia  prata,  Lycori, 

Hie  nemus,  hie  toto  tecum  consumerer  aevo. 

(L.)     Virg.  E.  10,  42. 

Here  are  cool  founts,  Lycoris,  mead  and  grove  ; 
Here  could  I  live  for  aye  with  thee  to  love. — Ed. 

1897.  Hie  jacet  hujus  sententise  primus  author. 

Disputandi  pruritus  Ecclesiarum  scabies. 
Nomen  alias  qusere. 

(L.)    Epit.  of  Sir  H.  Wotton,  t  1639. 

Here  lies  the  original  author  of  the  saying, 
"The  itch  for  controversy  is  the  scab  of  the  Church." 
Seek  his  name  elsewhere. 

1898.  Hie  locus  est,  partes  ubi  se  via  findit  in  ambas.    (L.)   Virg. 

A.  6,  540. — This  is  the  place  where  the  road  divides  in 

1899.  Hie  murus  aeneus  esto 

Nil  conscire  sibi,  nulla  pallescere  culpa. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  1,  60. 

A  good  conscience. 
Be  this  your  wall  of  brass,  your  coat  of  mail, 
A  guileless  heart,  a  cheek  no  crime  turns  pale. — Conington. 

1900.  Hie  nigrae  succus  loliginis,  haac  est 

iErugo  mera.  (L.)     Hor.  S.  1,  4,  100. 

Here  is  the  poison-bag  of  malice,  here 

The  gall  of  fell  detraction,  pure  and  sheer.  — Conington. 

HI  MORES.  211 

1901.  Hie  rogo,  non  furor  est  ne  moriare,  mori?     (L.)     Mart.  2, 

80. — (To  an  intending  suicide)  I  ask,  Is  it  not  madness 
to  die,  in  order  to  escape  death  ? 

1902.  Hie  situs  est  Phaethon  currus  auriga  paterni, 

Quern  si  non  tenuit,  magnis  tamen  excidit  ausis. 

(L.)    Ov.  M.  2,  327. 

Phaethon' s  Epitaph. 

Here  Phaethon  lies,  who  drove  his  father's  steeds, 
And,  if  he  failed,  he  failed  by  gallant  deeds. — Ed. 

1903.  Hie  tibi  quseratur  socii  serrnonis  origo  : 

Et  moveant  primos  publica  verba  sonos. 

(L.)     Ov.  A.  A.  1,  143. 


Here  you  should  ply  sweet  conversation's  art, 
And  with  the  usual  topics  make  a  start. — Ed. 

1904.  Hie  ubi  nunc  urbs  est,  turn  locus  urbis  erat.     (L.)     Ov.  F. 

2,  280. — Where  the  city  is  now,  was  then  only  its  future 

1905.  Hie   ver   assiduum   atque   alienis   mensibus   asstas.      (Z.) 

Virg.  G.  2,  149. — Here  it  is  one  perpetual  spring,  and 
summer  extends  to  months  not  properly  her  own.  The 
climate  of  Italy. 

1906.  Hie  victor  csestus  artemque  repono.    (L.)    Virg.  A.  5,  484. 

I  here  renounce  as  conqueror  may, 

The  gauntlets  and  the  strife.  — Conington. 

The  successful  artist,  actor,  pugilist,  etc.,  retires  from  professional 
life,  laying  down  his  profession  and  its  accessories  at  once. 

1907.  Hie  vigilans  somniat.     (L.)     Plaut.  Capt.  4,  2,  68. — lie  is 

dreaming  wide-awake.  Castle-building.  A  very  absent 

1908.  Hie  vir,  hie  est,  tibi  quern  promitti  ssepius  audi, 

Augustus  Caesar,  divi  genus.      (L.)     Virg.  A.  6,  792. 
This,  this  is  he,  so  oft  the  theme 
Of  your  prophetic  fancy's  dream, 

Augustus  Ciesar,  Jove's  own  strain. — Conington. 

1909.  Hi  mores,  ha3C  duri  immota  Catonis 

Secta  fuit,  servare  modum  finemque  tenere, 
Naturamque  sequi,  patriseque  impendere  vitam  : 
Nee  sibi,  sed  toti  genitum  se  credere  mundo. 

(L.)     Lucan.  2,  380. 

212  HI  MOTUS. 

The  younger  Cato. 
Such  were  the  manners,  such  the  plan 
Of  Cato,  rugged  as  the  man. 
To  shun  excess,  keep  aims  in  view, 
And  aye  to  Nature  to  be  true  : 
To  shed  his  blood  for  fatherland 
If  so  his  country's  cause  demand, 
And  deem  his  usefulness  designed 
Not  for  himself  but  all  mankind. — Ed. 

1910.  Hi  motus  animorum  atque  hsec  certamina  tanta 

Pulveris  exigui  jactu  compressa  quiescent. 

(L.)    Virg.  G.  4,  86. 

These  quivering  passions  and  these  deathly  throes, 
A  handful  of  earth's  dust  will  soon  compose. — Ed. 
This  is  said  of  the  battles  of  the  bees,  but  has  not  been  inaptly 
applied  both  to  the  scattering  of  dust  at  funerals  (the  last  scene  in 
the  fitful  fever  of  man's  existence),  and  to  the  termination  of  the 
frolics  of  the  Carnival  with  the  symbolic  Ashes  of  the  First  day  of 

1911.  Hi  narrata  ferunt  alio ;  mensuraque  ficti 

Crescit,  et  auditis  aliquid  novus  adjicit  auctor.  (X.) 
Ov.  M.  12,  57. — These  carry  the  tale  elsewhere  ;  the  fiction 
increases  in  size,  and  every  fresh  narrator  adds  something 
to  what  he  hears. 

1912.  Hinc  illse  lachrymse.     (L.)     Ter.  And.   1,  1,  99.—  Hence 

those  tears.     This  is  the  reason  of  all  these  complaints. 

1913.  Hinc  lucem  et  pocula  sacra.  (L .) — From  hence  we  receive  light 

and  draughts  of  sacred  learning.     Cambridge  University. 

1914.  Hinc  subitaB  mortes  atque  intestata  senectus.     (L.)     Juv. 

1,  144. — Hence  sudden  deaths,  and  intestate  old  age,  viz., 
from  over  indulgence  in  eating  and  drinking. 

1915.  Hinc  tibi  copia  Manabit  ad  plenum  benigno 

Ruris  honorum  opulenta  cornu.    (L.)    Hor.  C.  1,  17,  14. 

Come  hither,  and  the  fields  and  groves 
Their  horn  shall  empty  at  your  feet. — Conington. 

1916.  Hinc  totam  infelix  vulgatur  fama  per  urbem.     (Z.)     Virg. 

A.  12,  608. — Hence  the  sad  news  is  propagated  through 
the  whole  city. 

1917.  Hinc  usura  vorax,  avidumque  in  tempore  faenus, 

Et  concussa  fides,  et  multis  utile  bellum.  (L.)  Lucan. 
1,  181. — Hence  [from  Caesar's  ambition)  arise  devouring 
usury,  grasping  interest,  shaken  credit  and  war  welcome 
to  many. 

HOC.  213 

1918.  Hinc  venti  dociles  resono  se  carcere  solvunt, 

Et  can  turn  accepta  pro  libertate  rependunt.  (L.)1 

On  an  Organ. 
Forth  from  the  sounding-board  the  winds  go  free 
And  with  a  tune  repay  their  liberty. — Ed. 

1919.  Hinc  vos,  Vos  hinc  mutatis  discedite  partibus.     Eja  ! 

Quid  statis  1     Nolint.     Atqui  licet  esse  beatis. 

(L.)     Hor.  S.  1,  1,  18. 

Change  your  respective  parts.     You  here  !  you  there  ! 
Why  are  you  waiting  ?    Ah  !  then,  they  refuse  ! 
And  yet  they  may  be  happy  if  they  chuse. — Ed. 

1920.  His  lacrymis  vitam  damus,  et  miserescimus  ultro. 

(L.)     Virg.  A.  2,  145. 

Moved  by  his  tears  we  let  him  live, 

And  pity  crowns  the  boon  we  give. — Conington. 

1921.  His   nunc   prsemium   est,  qui  recta  prava   faciunt.     (L.) 

Ter.  Phorm.  5,  2,  6. — Nowadays  those  are  rewarded  who 
can  make  right  appear  to  be  wrong. 

1922.  His  saltern  accumulem  donis,  et  fungar  inani 

Munere.  (L.)  Virg.  A.  6,  886. — I  will  at  least  lay  this 
tribute  upon  his  tomb,  and  discharge  a  duty,  though  it 
avails  him  not  now. 

1923.  Hoc  age.     (L.) — Bo  this.    Attend  to  the  business  in  which 

you  are  engaged. 

1924.  Hoc  decet  uxores:  dos  est  uxoria  lites.     (L.)     Ov.  A.  A. 

2,  155. — This  is  wives'  business:  strife  is  their  very 

1925.  Hoc  erat  in  more  majorum.     (L.)  1 — This  was  the  custom  of 

our  forefathers. 

1926.  Hoc  erat  in  votis;  modus  agri  non  ita  magnus ; 

Hortus  ubi ;  et  tecto  vicinus  jugis  aquse  fons, 

Et  paullum  silvae  super  his  foret.    (L.)    Hor.  S.  2,  6,  1. 

This  used  to  be  my  wish — a  bit  of  land, 
A  house  and  garden  with  a  spring  at  hand, 
And  just  a  little  wood. — Conington. 

1927.  Hoc  est  quod  palles?  cur  quis  non  prandeat,  hoc  est?     (L.) 

Pers.  3,  85. — Is  it  for  this  you  look  so  pale  ?  is  this  a 
reason  why  one  should  not  dine  ? 

Is  it  for  this  you  gain  those  meagre  looks, 
And  sacrifice  your  dinner  for  your  books  ? 

214  HOC. 

1928.  Hoc  opus  exegi,  fessse  date  serta  carinas; 

Contigimus  portum  quo  mihi  cursus  erat. 

(L.)     Ov.  K.  A.  811. 

My  work  is  done  :  then  wreathe  my  wearied  bark  : 

I've  reached  the  port,  my  journey's  goal  and  mark.  —Ed. 

1929.  Hoc  opus,  hoc  studium,  parvi  properemus  et  ampli 

Si  patriae  volumus,  si  nobis  vivere  cari. — Hor.  Ep.  1,  3,  28, 

Be  this  our  task,  whate'er  our  station,  who 

To  country  and  to  self  would  fain  be  true. — Coninglon. 

1930.  Hoc  patrium  est,  potius  consuefacere  filiuru 

Sua  sponte  recte  facere,  quam  alieno  metu.  (L.)  Ter. 
Ad.  1,  1,  49. — This  is  indeed  a  father's  duty,  to  accustom 
his  son  to  do  tohat  is  right  of  his  own  choice,  rather  than 
from  fear  of  the  consequences. 

1931.  Hoc  quoque  quam  volui  plus  est.     Cane,  Musa,  receptus. 

(L.)  Ov.  T.  4,  9,  31. — This  is  even  more  than  I  wished 
to  say.     Muse,  sound  the  signal  for  retreat  / 

1932.  Hoc  scito,  nimio  celerius 

Venire  quod  molestum  est,  quam  id  quod  cupide  petis. 
(L.)  Plaut.  Most.  1,  1,  69. — Be  sure  of  this,  that  what 
is  unpleasant  travels  much  faster  than  what  you  eagerly 

1933.  Hoc  Scitum  est ;  periculum  ex  aliis  facere,  tibi  quod  ex  usu 

siet.  (L.)  Ter.  Heaut.  1,  2,  35. — It  is  a  icell-known 
maxim  that  one  should  learn  by  the  experience  of  others 
what  may  be  of  advantage  to  one's  self. 

1934.  Hoc  si  crimen  erit,  crimen  amoris  erit.     (L.)    Prop.  2,  30, 

24 — If  this  be  crime,  it  is  tlie  crime  of  love. 

1935.  Hoc  virtutis  opus.     (L.) — This  is  virtue's  work.     Motto  of 

Earl  Lytton. 

1936.  Hoc  volo;  sicjubeo,  sit  pro  ratione  voluntas.     (L.)     Juv. 

6,  223. — This  is  my  will,  thus  I  command,  let  my  wis/ies 
be  reason  enough  ! 

1937.  Hodie  mihi,  eras  tibi.     (L.) — To-day  for  me,  to-morrow  for 

thee.     Epitaph  of  the  elder  Wyatt  at  Ditchley. 

1938.  Hodie   non  eras.      (L.)  —  To-day,  not  to-morrow.      Lord 


1939.  Hombre  pobre  todo  es  trazas.     (S.)     Prov. — A  poor  man 

is  all  scliemes. 

HOMO.  215 

1940.  Homicidium  quuni  adinittunt  singuli,   crimen  est:  virtus 

vocatur  quum  publice  geritur.  (L.)  B.  Cyprian.  1 — 
Murder  is  a  crime,  wlien  committed  by  individuals ;  but 
it  is  reckoned  a  fine  deed  when  it  is  done  wholesale. 

Cf.  Beilby  Porteus,  f  1808  {Death,  154)  : 

One  murder  made  a  villain, 
Millions  a  hero.     Princes  were  privileged 
To  kill,  and  numbers  sanctified  the  crime. 

1941.  Hoinine  imperito  nunquam  quidquam  injustius 

Qui,  nisi  quod  ipse  fecit,  nihil  rectum  putat.  (L.)  Ter. 
Ad.  1,  2,  18. — Nothing  so  unreasonable  as  your  ignorant 
man,  who  thinks  nothing  right  but  what  he  lias  done 

1942.  Hominem  pagina  nostra  sapit.     (L.)     Mart.   10,  4,  10. — 

My  pages  treat  of  mankind. 

1943.  Homines  enim  ad  deos  nulla  re  propius  accedunt,  quam 

salutem  hominibus  dando.  (L.)  Cic.  Lig.  12,  38. — 
In  nothing  do  men  approach  so  nearly  to  tlie  gods,  as  in 
giving  health  to  men. 

1944.  Hominibus  plenum,  amicis  vacuum.      (L.)     Sen.  Ben.  6, 

34. — Crowded  with  men,  and  without  a  single  friend. 
Said  of  kings'  courts. 

1945.  Homines  plus  in  alieno  negotio  videre,  quam  in  suo.      (L.) 

Sen.  Ep.  109,  16. — Men  know  more  of  other  people's 
business,  than  they  do  of  their  own.  Lookers-on  see 
most  of  the  game. 

1946.  Homo  ad  res  perspicacior  Lynceo  vel  Argo,  et  oculeus  totus. 

(L.)  App.  M.  2,  p.  124,  38. — A  man  clearer-sighted  for 
business  than  Lynceus  or  Argus,  and  eyes  all  over. 

1947.  Homo  antiqua  virtute  ac  fide.     (Z.)     Ter.  Ad.  3,  3,  8. — A 

man  of  tlie  old-fashioned  virtue  and  integrity. 

1948.  Homo  homini  aut  deus  aut  lupus.     (L.)     Erasni.  1 — Man 

is  to  man  either  a  god  or  a  wolf.  Cf.  Homo  solus  aut 
deus  aut  daemon. — Man  in  solitude  is  eitlier  a  god,  or  a 
devil.  (2.)  Homo  homini  lupus. — Man  is  to  man  a 
wolf.     Motto  of  Yiscount  Wolseley. 

1949.  Homo  in  medio  luto  est.     Komen  nescit.     (L.)     Plaut.  Ps. 

4,  2,  27. — The  man  is  sticking  in  tlie  mud.  He  doesn't 
even  know  his  own  name. 

1950.  Homo  Latinissimus.    (L.)    Hier.  Ep.  50,  2. — A  most  perfect 

Latin  scholar. 

216  HOMO. 

1951.  Homo  multarum  literarum.     (L.) — A  man  of  many  letters. 

Literary,  erudite. 

1952.  Homo  nullius  coloris.     (L.)     See  Plaut.  Ps.  4,  7,  99.-4 

man  of  no  colour.  Neither  flesh  nor  fowl.  Belonging 
to  no  party. 

1953.  Homo  plantat,  Homo  irrigat,  sed  Deus  dat  incrementum. 

(L.) — Man  plants  and  waters,  but  God  gives  tlie  increase. 
Merchant  Taylors'  School. 

1 954.  Homo  qui  erranti  comiter  monstrat  viam, 

Quasi  lumen  de  suo  lumine  accendat,  facit, 
Nihilominus  ipsi  lucet  quum  illi  accenderit.  (L.)  Enn. 
ap.  Cic.  Off.  1,  16,  51. — He  who  kindly  shows  the  right 
way  to  one  who  has  gone  astray,  is  like  one  wlho  lights 
another  s  candle  from  his  own,  which  both  gives  the  man 
light  and  shines  also  for  himself 

1955.  Homo  trium  literarum.     (L.)     Plaut.  Aul.  2,  4,  46. — A 

man  of  three  letters,  i.e.,  Fur,  a  thief. 

1956.  Homo  unius  libri.     (L.)^ — A  man  of  one  book,  taking  his 

ideas  from  one  work  or  author  only. 

1957.  Homunculi  quanti  sunt,  cum  recogito.     (L.)     Plaut.  Capt. 

Prol.  51. — What  poor  creatures  we  are,  when  I  think 

1958.  Honesta  mors  turpi  vita  potior.     (Z.)     Tac.  Agr.  33. — An 

honourable  death  is  preferable  to  an  ignominious  life. 

1959.  Honesta  qusedam  scelera  successus  facit.     (L.)     Sen.  Hipp. 

598. — Success  sometimes  makes  heinous  actions  honourable. 

Treason  does  never  prosper :  what's  the  reason  ? 
That,  if  it  prospers,  none  dare  call  it  treason. 

1960.  Honesta  quam  splendida.    (L.) — Honour  ratlier  than  shovx 

Motto  of  Viscount  Barrington. 

1961.  Honestum  non  est  semper  quod  licet.     (L.)     Law  Max. — 

What  is  lawful  is  not  always  honourable. 

1962.  Honestus  rumor  alterum  est  patrimonium.      (L.)      Pub. 

Syr.  217,  Pub. — A  good  name  is  a  second  patrimony. 

1963.  Honi  soit  qui  mal  y  pense.     (Fr.) — Evil  be  to  him  who 

evil  thinks,  sc.  of  the  expedition  to  France  then  con- 
templated by  the  King  (Edward  III.).  Motto  of  the 
Crown  of  England,  and  also  of  the  Order  of  the  Garter. 

1964.  Honneur  et  patrie.     (^V.) — Honour  and  country.     Motto 

of  the  Order  of  the  Lejjion  of  Honour. 


1965.  Honora    medicum    propter    necessitatem :    etenim    ilium 

creavit  Altissimus.  (L.)  Ecclus.  38,  1. — Honour  a 
physician  with  the  honour  due  unto  him  for  the  uses 
which  ye  may  have  of  him:  for  the  Lord  hath  created 

1966.  Honorantes  me  honorabo.     (L.) — Them  that  honour  me,  I 

will  honour.     Earl  of  Huntingdon. 

1967.  Honor  Deo.     (L.) — Honour  be  to  God.     Motto  of  Mercers' 

Company.  (2.)  Honor  fidelitatis  prsemium. — Honour 
is  the  reward  of  fidelity.  Motto  of  Lord  Boston.  (3.) 
Honor  sequitur  fugientem. — Honour  follows  him  who 
flies  from  her.  Marquess  of  Donegal.  (4.)  Honor 
virtutis  prsemium. — Honour  is  the  reward  of  virtue. 
Motto  of  Earls  Ferrers  and  Cork. 

1968.  Honos  alit  artes,  omnesque  incenduntur  ad  studia  gloria : 

jacentque  ea  semper,  quae  apud  quosque  improbantur. 
(L.)  Cic.  Tusc.  1,  2,  4. — Honours  encourage  the  Arts, 
for  all  are  incited  towards  studies  by  fame  ;  and  their 
pursuit  has  always  flagged,  wherever  ilie  nation  lias  held 
them  beneath  their  consideration. 

1969.  Honteux  com  me  un  renard  qu'une  poule  aurait  pris.    (-^V.) 

La  Font.  1,  18. — As  sheepish  as  a  fox  taken  in  by  a 
fowl.  Any  one  outwitted  by  the  person  he  was  trying  to 
take  in,  would  be  said  to  be  honteux  comme  un  renard,  etc. 

1970.  Horse   quidem   cedunt   et  dies   et  menses   et  anni :    nee 

prreteritum  tempus  unquam  revertitui*,  nee,  quid  sequatur, 
sciri  potest  (Z.)  Cic.  Sen.  19,  69. — Hours  and  days 
and  months  and  years  pass  away,  and  time  when  once  it 
is  gone  never  returns,  nor  is  it  possible  to  know  what  may 
come  after. 

1971.  Horas  non  numero  nisi  serenas.     (L.) — I  only  mark  the 

shining  hours.     Common  inscription  on  sun-dials. 

1972.  Horresco  referens.     (L.)     Virg.  A.  2,  204. — 1  shudder  to 

tell  it. 

1973.  Horridus  miles  esse  debet,  non  coelatus  auro  argentoque, 

sed  ferro  et  animis  fretus.  Virtus  est  militis  decus. 
(Z.)  Liv.  9,  40,  4. — A  soldier  should  be  of  fierce  aspect, 
not  tricked  out  with  gold  and  silver  ornaments,  but  rely- 
ing on  his  courage  and  his  sword.  Manliness  is  the 
soldier's  virtue. 

218  HORROR. 

1974.  Horror  ubique  animos,  simul  ipsa  silentia  terrent. 

(L.)     Yirg.  A.  2,  755. 

All  things  were  full  of  terror  and  affright, 

And  dreadful  e'en  the  silence  of  the  night. — Dry  den. 

1975.  Hors  de  combat.     (Fr.) — Out  of  condition  to  fight. 

1976.  Hortus  siccus.     (L.) — Lit.  A   dry  garden.      A   collection 

of  specimens  of  the  leaves  of  plants  preserved  in  a  dry 
state.  "  The  hortus  siccus  of  dissent." — Burke.  A  col- 
lection of  the  opinions  of  dissenters  in  all  their  varieties. 

1977.  Hos  ego  versiculos  feci,  tulit  alter  honores; 

Sic  vos  non  vobis  fertis  aratra  boves ; 
Sic  vos  non  vobis  mellificatis  apes ; 
Sic  vos  non  vobis  vellera  fertis  oves ; 
Sic  vos  non  vobis  nidificatis  aves.     (L.)     Virg.  ap.  Don. 
Vit.   Yerg.    17. — /  wrote   these   lines;    another  got  the 
credit — Thus  do  ye  oxen  bear  the  yoke  for  others;  thus  do 
ye  bees  make  honey  for  others ;  thus  do  ye  sheep  grow 
fleeces  for   others ;    thus    do    ye    birds   build  nests  for 
others.     These  lines  are  dignified  with  Virgil's  name,  and 
supposed  to  have  been  his  retaliation  upon  a  scribbler, 
Batliyllus,  who  had  claimed  some  anonymous  lines  of 
Virgil's  composing.     Sic  vos  non  vobis  applies  in  any 
case  where  one  person  does  the  work  and  another  gets 
the  credit  or  benefit  of  it. 

1978.  Hospes  nullus  tarn  in  amici  hospitium  devorti  potest, 

Quin  ubi  triduum  continuum  fuerit,  jam  odiosus  siet, 
Verum  ubi  dies  decern  continuos  immorabitur, 
Tametsi  dominus  non  invitus  patitur,  servi  murmurant. 
(L.)  Plaut.  Mil.  3,  1,  146. — No  person  can  stay  in  a 
friend's  house  for  three  whole  days  together,  but  what  lie 
must  become  a.  nuisance :  but  if  lie  go  on  stopping  ten 
days,  even  if  his  host  is  willing  to  allow  it,  the  servants 

1979.  Hos  successus  alit ;  possunt  quia  posse  videntur. 

(L.)     Virg.  A.  5,  231. 

Cheer'd  hy  success  they  lead  the  van, 

And  win  because  they  think  they  can. — Ed. 

1980.  Hostis  est  uxor  invita  quse  ad  virum  nuptum  datur.     (L.) 

Plaut.  Stich.  1,  2,  53. — The  wife  who  is  given  in  marriage 
to  a  man  against  her  will,  becomes  an  enemy. 

1980a.  Hostis  honori  invidia.     (L.) — Envy  is  honour's  foe.    Lord 

HUMANUM.  219 

1981.  Hue  propius  me, 

Dum  doceo  insanire,  omnes  vos  ordine  adite.  (L.)  Hor. 
S.  2,  3,  81. — Come  hither  near  to  me  all  of  you  in  order, 
while  I  prove  to  you  that  you  are  mad. 

1982.  Huic   maxime   putamus   malo   fuisse    nimiam   opinioneni 

ingenii  atque  virtutis.  (L.)     Nep.  Ale.  7,  7. 

This  I  imagine  to  have  been  the  chief  cause  of  his  misfortunes, 
namely,  an  overrated  estimate  of  his  own  genius  and  valour. 

1983.  Hui !  Quantam  fenestram  ad  nequitiam  patefeceris! 

Tibi  autem  porro  ut  non  sit  suave  vivere  : 
Nam  deteriores  omnes  sumus  licentia. 
Quodcunque  incident  in  mentem,  volet ;  neque  id 
Putabit,  pravum  an  rectum  siet,  quod  petet. 

(L.)     Ter.  Heaut.  3,  1,  71. 

Ah  !  what  a  window  to  debauchery 

You'll  open,  Menedemus  !     Such  an  one 

As  will  embitter  even  life  itself : 

For  too  much  liberty  corrupts  us  all. 

Whatever  comes  into  one's  head,  he'll  have, 

Nor  ever  think  if  his  desire  be  right  or  wrong. — Colman. 

1984.  Hujus  (sc.  Zenonis)  sententia,  neminem  misericordem  esse 

nisi  stultum  et  levem.  (L.)  Cic.  Muraen.  29,  61. — 
Zeno  (the  Stoic's)  opinion  is  that  no  one  shows  compassion 
except  he  be  a  fool  or  feeble-minded. 

1985.  Humani  nihil  alienum.      (L.)      Ter. — Nothing  is  foreign 

to  me  that  relates  to  man.    Motto  of  Lord  Dynevor  (736). 

1986.  Humanitati  qui  se  non  accommodat, 

Plerumque  pcenas  oppetit  superbije.  (L.)  Phaedr.  3, 
16,  1. — He  who  does  not  comply  with  the  forms  of  polite- 
ness, generally  pays  the  penalty  of  his  pride. 

1987.  Humanum  amare  est,  humanum  autem  ignoscere  est.     (Z.) 

Plaut.  Merc.  2,  2,  48. — It  is  human  to  love,  it  is  human 
also  to  forgive. 

1988.  Humanum  est  errare.     (L.) — It  is  human  nature  to  err. 

All  are  liable  to  make  mistakes.  Cf.  "  To  err  is  human, 
to  forgive  divine  "  (Pope,  Essay  on  Criticism,  pt.  2,  325). 

1989.  Humanum  facinus  factum  est 

Actutum  Fortunse  solent  mutarier  :  varia  est  vita.  (L.) 
Plaut.  True.  2,  1,  8. — The  customary  thing  has  happened. 
Fortunes  are  apt  to  cliange  in  an  instant.  Life  is  full  of 

220  HUNC. 

1990.  Hunc  servare  modum  nostri  novere  libelli 

Parcere  personis,  dicere  de  vitiis.      (L.)    Mart.  10,  33,  9. 

My  writings  keep  to  this  restriction  nice  ; 

To  spare  the  man  but  lash  his  special  vice. — Ed. 


1991.  Ibidem  (ibid.)     (L.) — In  the  same  place,  book,  passage  of 

any  author  referred  to. 

1992.  Ibi  omnis  Effusus  labor,  atque  immitis  rupta  tyranni 

Fcedera.  (L.)     Virg.  G.  4,  49. 

Orpheus  and  Eurydicc. 
There  all  his  labour 's  lost,  and  forfeited 
His  compact  with  th'  inexorable  king.  — Ed. 
Orpheus,  permitted  by  Pluto  to  lead  Eurydice  from  the  shades 
below  to  the  upper  air  on  condition  that  he  looked  not  behind 
him  on  the  way,  just  as  he  emerges  from  Orcus  glances  back  and 
loses  her  for  ever. 

1993.  Ibo  intro  ad  libros,  et  discam  de  dictis  melioribus.     (L.) 

Plaut.  Stick  2,  2,  75. — Til  go  to  my  boohs  and  get  some 
of  the  best  sayings  (or  bonmots). 

1994.  I  bone,  quo  virtus  tua  te  vocat,  i  pede  fausto, 

Grandia  laturus  meritorum  praemia  :  quid  stas  ? 

Post  hsec  ille  catus,  quantumvis  rusticus,  Ibit 

Ibit  eo  quo  vis  qui  zonam  perdidit.  (L.)  Hor.  Ep.  2,  2,  37. 

Go,  my  fine  fellow  !  go  where  valour  calls  ! 
There's  fame  and  money  too  inside  those  walls. 
I'm  not  your  man,  replied  the  rustic  wit ; 
He  makes  a  hero  who  has  lost  his  kit. — Conington. 

The  last  line  lit.  is,  He  who  has  lost  his  purse  will  go 
whithersoever  you  please. 

1995.  Ich  bin  ein  Mensch  gewesen 

Und  das  heisst  ein  Kampfer  sein.  (G.)  Goethe,  West- 
ostlicher  Divan. — /  have  been  a  man,  and  that  is  to  be 
a  fighter. 

1996.  Ich  dien.     (G.)— I  serve. 

Devise  of  the  Prince  of  Wales,  and  adopted  first  by  the  Black 
Prince,  who  took  it,  together  with  the  crest  of  the  Three  Feathers, 
from  the  King  of  Bohemia,  after  killing  him  with  his  own  hand 
on  the  field  of  Crecy,  1346. 

1997.  Ich  habe  genossen  das  irdische  Gliick, 

Ich  habe  gelebt  und  geliebet.  (G.)  Schill.  Piccol. 
(Thokla's  song). — /  have  tasted  earthly  happiness,  I  have 
lived  and  I  have  loved. 

ID  EST.  221 

1998.  Icb  habe  hier  bios  ein  Amt  und  keine  Meinung.       (G.) 

Schill.  "Wallenstein's  Tod,  1,  5  (Wrangel  loq.). — /  have 
here  an  office  only,  and  no  opinion. 

1999.  Ich  beisse  der  reicbste  Mann  in  der  getauften  Welt: 

Die  Sonne  gebt  in  meinem  Staat  nicbt  unter.      (G.) 
Schill.  D.  Carlos,  1,  6. 
(Philip  II.  of  Spain  loq.) : 

I  am  the  richest  man  in  Christendom  : 

The  sun  ne'er  sets  in  my  dominions. — Ed. 

2000.  I  danari  del  comune  sono  come  1'  acqua  benedetta,  ognun 

ne  piglia.  (It.)  Pro  v. — Public  money  is  like  holy  water, 
everybody  helps  himself. 

2001.  Id  arbitror,  Adprime  in  vita  esse  utile,  ne  quid  nimis.   (L.) 

Ter.  Andr.  1,  1,  34. — /  consider  it  to  be  a  leading  maxim 
through  life,  not  to  do  anything  to  excess.  Cf.  the  Greek 
p.7]8ev  ayav,  Not  too  much  of  anything,  saying  of  one 
of  the  Seven  Wise  Men,  and  ascribed  to  Cleobulus ;  and 
Talleyrand's  Surtout  pas  de  zele,  Above  all,  do  not 
manifest  any  zeal. 

2002.  Id  cinerem,  aut  manes  credis  curare  sepultos  1    (L.)    Virg. 

A.  4,  34. — Do  you  suppose  that  the  ashes  and  spirits  of 
the  departed  concern  themselves  with  such  things  ? 
2002a.  Id  commune  malum,  semel  insanivimus  omnes.    (-£.)? — It 
is  a  common  complaint,  we  have  all  been  mad  once. 

2003.  Id   demum   est  homini   turpe   quod  meruit   pati.       (L.) 

Phosdr.  3,  11,  7. — That  after  all  only  disgraces  a  man 
which  he  has  deserved  to  suffer. 

2004.  Idem,  or  id.     (L.) — The  same,  sc.  author  already  quoted. 

(2.)  Idem  quod,  or  iq. — The  same  as. 

2005.  I  demens  !  et  saevas  curre  per  Alpes, 

Ut  pueris  placeas,  et  declamatio  has.    (L.)    Juv.  10,  166. 
Haste  !  madman,  haste  to  cross  the  Alpine  height, 
And  make  a  theme  for  schoolboys  to  recite. — Ed. 

2006.  Idem  velle  et  idem  nolle  ea  demum   firma   amicitia   est. 

(L.)  Sail.  C.  20. — An  identity  of  likes  and  dislikes  is 
after  all  the  only  basis  of  friendship. 

2007.  Id  enim  maxime  quemque  decet,  quod  est  cujusque  maxime 

suum.  (L.)  Cic.  Off.  1,  31,  113.— 77«tf  will  always 
become  a  man  best,  which  most  faithfully  reflects  his  own 

2008.  Id  est,  or  i.e.      (L.) — 27mt  is  to  say. 

222  ID  FACERR 

2009.  Id  facei-e  laus  est  quod  decet,  non  quod  licet.     (L.)     Sen. 

Oct.  453. — To  do  what  is  proper,  not  what  is  lawful,  is 
really  meritorious. 

2010.  "ISfiev  ipevSea  iroXXa.  Aeyeiv  Itv/zoktiv  6/iota 

"ISfiev  S',  €vt  e6e\(i)[i€v,  dX^Oea  fxv9rjcraxr0ai. 

(Gr.)     Hes.  Th.  27. 

Oft  do  we  make  what's  false  th     rue  i  ppear  : 
Or,  if  we  please,  the  naked  trut..  declare. — Ed. 

2011.  Id  mutavit,  quoniam  me  immutatum  videt.      (L.)     Ter. 

And.  1,  5,  7  (Pamphilus  loq.). — He  has  changed  his 
mind,  because  he  sees  that  I  am  unchanged. 

2012.  I.H.2.     {Gr.)— JESUS.     Abbrev.  made  by  taking  the  first 

three  letters  (or  the  first  two  and  the  last)  of  our  Lord's 
name  in  Greek,  viz.,  I.E.S.  Motto  of  the  Order  of  the 
Seraphim  (Sweden). 

2013.  Ignavis  semper  feriae  sunt.     (L.)     Pro  v. —  With  the  idle  it 

is  always  holiday. 

2014.  Ignavissimus  quisque,   et,  ut  res  docuit,  in  periculo   non 

ausurus,  nimii  verbis  et  lingua  feroces.  (Z.)  Tac.  H.  1, 
35. — The  most  cowardly  of  them  all,  men  who,  as  the 
event  proved,  would  fly  in  the  hour  of  danger,  were  the 
loudest  and  most  blustering  in  their  language. 

2015.  Ignem  gladio  scrutare.     (L.)     Hor.  S.  2,  3,  276. — Stir  the 

fire  with  a  sword  /     That's  right,  make  bad  worse  ! 
The  phrase  comes  from  the  maxim  of  Pythagoras,  irvp  naxalpg.  /xr] 
cKaXeveiv.     (Gr.)    Diog.  Laert.  8,  17. — Don't  poke  fire  vrith  sword! 
Don't  provoke  a  passionate  man. 

2016.  Ignis  aurumprobat,  miseria fortes  viros.    (L.)   SendeProv.? 

— As  fire  tries  gold, so  is  adversity  the  test  of  man's  fortitude. 
Cf.  Beaumont  and  Fletcher,  Triumph  of  Honour  ; 
Calamity  is  man's  true  touchstone. 

2017.  Ignis  fatuus.     (L.) — A  false  fire.     Will  o'  the  wisp. 

A  deceitful  misleading  light.  Any  pretended  insight  into  occult 
things,  such  as  Spiritualism,  or  a  flaming  prospectus  issued  by  a 
bogus  company,  might  be  properly  called  an  ignis  fatuus 

2018.  Ignorantia  facti  excusat,  ignorantia  juris  non  excusat.    (L.) 

Law  Max. — Ignorance  of  fact  excuses,  ignorance  of  the 
law  does  not  excuse.  "  If  the  heir  is  ignorant  of  the 
death  of  his  ancestor,  he  is  ignorant  of  a  fact ;  but  if, 
being  aware  of  the  fact,  he  is  ignorant  that  certain  rights 
have  thereby  become  vested  in  himself,  he  is  ignorant  of 
the   law"    (Broom,    249),    and    Ignorantia    juris,    quod 

I  GUADAGNI.  223 

quisque  scire  tenetur,  neminera  excusat. — Ignorance  of 
the  law,  which  every  man  is  presumed  to  know,  does  not 
afford  excuse. 

2019.  Ignorant  populi,  si  non  in  morte  probaris, 

An  scieris  ad  versa  pati.  (L.)     Luc.  8,  625. 

Had  you  not  shown  in  death,  men  would  not  know 
How  you  could  meet  adversity's  worst  blow. — Ed. 

2020.  Ignoratio  elenchi.    (L.)    Log.  Term. — Ignorance  of  refuta- 

tion. A  rhetorical  artifice  resorted  to  for  the  apparent 
refutation  of  an  opponent  when  the  proper  contradictory 
of  his  arguments  is  not  forthcoming. 

If,  in  answer  to  a  charge  of  inaccuracy  against  this  work,  I  were  to 
reply  that  other  collections  were  more  inaccurate,  or  that  absolute 
accuracy  was  impossible,  or  that  the  greater  portion  of  it  was 
accurate,  etc.,  etc.,  I  should  be  employing  the  fallacy  of  ignoratio 
elenchi  in  proving  something  "beside  the  question"  (££«  rod 
irpdyfiaros)  instead  of  refuting  the  proposition  requiring  refutation. 

2021.  Ignoscas  aliis  multa,  nil  tibi.     (L.)     Auson.  Sap.  Sent.  3, 

4. — Pardon  otliers  much,  yourself  nothing. 

2022.  Ignoscent  si  quid  peccaro  stultus  amici, 

Inque  vicem  illorum  patiar  delicta  libenter.  (L.)  Hor. 
S.  1,  3,  140. — If  I,  foolishly,  should  commit  any  offence, 
my  friends  will  pardon  it,  and  I,  in  my  turn,  will 
willingly  bear  with  their  failings. 

2023.  Ignoti  nulla  cupido.     (L.)     Ov.  A.  A.  3,  397.— Tliere  is 

no  desire  for  the  unknown. 

2024.  Ignotis  errare  locis,  ignota  videre 

Fiumina  gaudebat,  studio  minuente  laborem.  (L.)  Ov. 
M.  4,  294. — He  loved  to  wander  amid  unknown  places,  to 
visit  unknown  rivers,  t/ie  pursuit  lessening  the  fatigue. 

He  sought  fresh  fountains  in  a  foreign  soil, 

The  pleasure  lessen'd  the  attending  toil.  —Addison. 

2025.  Ignotum  argenti  pondus  et  auri.     (L.)    Virg.  A.  1,  363. — 

An  unknown  (enormous)  weight  of  gold  and  silver. 

2026.  Ignotum  per  ignotius.     (L.) — What  is  unknown  by  what 

is  even  less  known.  An  attempted  illustration  or  ex- 
planation which  renders  the  case  more  obscure  than  it 
was  before. 

2027.  I  gran  dolori  sono  muti.     (It.)     Prov. — Great  sorrows  are 

dumb.     The  grief  is  "  too  deep  for  tears." 

2028.  I  guadagni  mediocri  empiono  la  borsa.     (It.) — Moderate 

profits  fill  the  purse. 

224  IL  A. 

2029.  II  a  invents  l'histoire.     (Fr.)     Mme.  du  Deffand. — He  has 

invented  history. 

A  friend  defending  Voltaire's  historical  accuracy  in  the  presence  of 
Mme.  du  Deffand,  and  maintaining  that  he  invented  nothing, 
"Rien,"  repliquait-elle,  "et  que  voulez-vous  done  de  plus?  II 
a  invente  l'histoire  I " — Fournier,  L'Esprit  dans  l'histoire,  191. 

2030.  11  a  la  tete  pres  du  bonnet.     {Fr.)     Prov. — His  head  is 

near  his  cap.     Soon  angry. 

2031.  II  a  le  diable  au  corps.     (Fr.) — The  deuce  is  in  him. 

2032.  II  a  le  verbe  haut.     (Fr.) — He  talks  big.     Assumes  a  high 


2033.  II  a  le  vin  mauvais.    (Fr.) — He  is  quarrelsome  over  his  cups. 

2034.  II  a  mange*  son  pain  blanc  le  premier.    (Fr.) — He  Jias  eaten 

his  white  bread  first.     He  had  the  best  of  his  life  first. 

2035.  II  arrive  comme  Mars  en  Careme.    (Fr.)  Prov. — He  arrives 

like  March  in  Lent.     An  opportune  arrival. 

2036.  II  a  travaille",  il  a  travaille  pour  le  roi — de  Prusse.    (Fr.) — 

He  has  worked,  he  has  worked  for  the  King — of  Prussia. 
Sung  in  Paris  of  Marshal  Soubise,  after  the  defeat  of 
Rossbach  by  Frederick  the  Great  in  1757.  Hence 
travailler  pour  le  roi  de  Prusse  means  to  labour  in  vain. 

2037.  II  buon  mercato  vuota  la  borsa.      (It.) — Great  bargains 

empty  the  purse. 

2038.  II  buono  e  buono,  ma  il  meglio  vince.     (It.)     Prov. — Good 

is  good,  but  better  gains  the  day. 

2039.  II  connait  l'univers  et  ne  se  connait  pas.     (Fr.)     La  Font. 

8,  26. — He  knows  the  whole  world  yet  does  not  know 

Cf.  II  meurt  connu  de  tous  et  ne  se  connait  pas  (Addition  a  la  vie 
et  aux  ceuvres  de  Vauquelain  des  Yvetaux,  1856,  p.  12). — He  dies 
known  by  all,  and  yet  unknown  to  himself.  But  the  source  is  older 
still,  see  Sic  quum  transierint,  etc. 

2040.  II  coute  peu  a  amasser  beaucoup  de  richesse,  et  beaucoup 

a  en  amasser  peu.  (Fr.) — It  costs  little  trouble  to  amass 
a  great  deal  of  wealth,  but  great  labour  to  amass  a  little. 
The  first  thousand,  it  is  said,  is  more  difficult  of  collection 
than  the  last  hundred  thousand. 

2041.  II  dinoit  de  l'autel  et  soupoit  du  theatre 

Le  matin  catholique  et  le  soir  idolatre.    (Fr.)    C.  Remy  ? 

Tlie  Priest-Dramatist. 
The  altar  finds  dinner,  and  supper  the  theatre  ; 
A  Catholick  by  day,  and  at  night  an  idolater. 

IL  EST.  225 

2042.  II  dolce  far  niente.     (It.)  1 — The  sweet  occupation  of  doing 

nothing.  Cf.  Illud  jucundum  nil  agere.  (L.)  Plin.  Sec. 
Ep.  8,  9. — That  pleasant  doing  of  nothing. 

2043.  II  donne  des  entrailles  a  tous  les  mots.     (Fr.)     Said  by 

Joubert  of  Rousseau. — He  gives  bowels  of  feeling  to  all 
the  words  he  uses.  (Mr  M.  Arnold  trans.,  Essay  on 

2044.  II  en  est  pour  les  choses  litteVah'es  comrne  pour  les  choses 

d'argent :  on  ne  prete  qu'aux  riches.  (-^V.)  Ed.  Foui*- 
nier,  L'Esprit  des  autres,  p.  15. — It  is  the  same  in  literary 
as  in  pecuniary  matters :  one  only  lends  to  the  rich.  A 
fine  line,  unknown,  is,  e.g.,  immediately  set  down  to 

2045.  H  est  alse*  d'ajouter  aux  inventions  des  autres.     (-^V.)  ? — /' 

is  easy  to  add  to  the  inventions  of  others. 

2046.  II  est  avis  a  vieille  vache  quelle  ne  fut  oncques  veau.    (Fr.) 

Prov. — The  old  cow  is  under  the  impression  that  she  never 
was  a  calf.  People  forget  that  they  were  once  young 
and  foolish  like  the  rest. 

2047.  II  est  beau  qu'un  mortel  jusques  aux  cieux  s'e'leve, 

II  est  beau  nieme  d'en  tomber.  (Fr.)  Quinault,  Phae'ton, 
4,  2. — It  is  a  fine  thing  for  a  mortal  to  lift  himself 
up  into  the  skies,  fine  even  to  fall  from  thence.  Thus 
Phaethon  speaks  of  his  own  disaster  in  terms  which  might 
be  applied  to  some  of  our  modern  aeronauts. 

2048.  II  est  bien  aise"  a  ceux  qui  se  portent  bien  de  donner  des 

avis  aux  malades.  (Fr.)  Prov. — It  is  easy  enough  for 
those  who  are  well  to  give  advice  to  ilie  sick. 

2049.  II  est  bien  difficile  de  garder  un  trdsor  dont  tous  les  hommes 

ont  la  clef.  (Fr.)  Trdsor  du  Monde,  Paris,  1565. — It 
is  very  difficult  to  guard  a  treasure  of  which  all  men  have 
the  key.  Dictum  quoddam  de  Virginitate.  Cf.  Difficile 
custoditur  quod  plures  amant.  (L.)  Prov. — It  is  diffi- 
cult to  guard  w/iat  many  are  in  love  with. 

2050.  II  est  comme  l'oiseau  sur  la  branche.    (Fr.) — He  is  like  a  bird 

upon  the  branch.     Unsettled,  ever  flitting  and  changing. 

2051.  II  est  des  nceuds  secrets,  il  est  des  sympathies 

Dont,  par  le  doux  rapport,  les  ames  assorties 
S'attachent  l'une  a  l'autre,  et  se  laissent  piquer 
Par  ce  je-ne-sais  quoi  qu'on  ne  peut  expliquer. 

(Fr.)     Corn.  Rodogune,  1,  7. 

226  IL  EST. 

Ties  are  there,  secret  ties  and  sympathies 

Uniting  souls  in  sweet  affinities 

Each  to  each  other,  and  strangely  thrilling 

With  those  emotions  that  are  past  the  telling. — Ed. 

2052.  II  est  difficile  de  decider  si  l'irresolution  rend  l'hoinme  plus 

malheureux  que  nidprisable ;  de  meme  s'il  y  a  toujours 
plus  d 'inconvenient  a  prendre  un  mauvais  parti,  qu'a  n'en 
prendre  aucun.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  vol.  ii.  p.  18. — It  is 
difficult  to  say  whether  a  want  of  decision  renders  a  man 
the  more  unhappy  or  the  more  despicable  ;  also  whether  it 
is  productive  of  worse  consequences  to  make  a  bad 
decision,  or  none  at  all. 

2053.  II  est  plus  ais^  d'etre  sage  pour  les  autres,  que  pour  soi- 

meme.  (Fr.)  La  Rochef.  Max.  p.  47,  §  132.— It  is 
easier  to  be  wise  for  others,  than  for  ourselves. 

2054.  II  est  plus  honteux  de  se  defier  de  ses  amis  que  d'en  etre 

tronipe\  (Fr.)  La  Rochef.  Max.  p.  42,  §  84.— It  is 
more  discreditable  to  be  suspicious  of  our  friends,  than  to 
be  deceived  by  them. 

2055.  II  est  souvent  plus  court  et  plus  utile  de  cadrer  aux  autres, 

que  de  faire  que  les  autres  s'ajustent  a  nous.  (Fr.)  La 
Bruy.  Car.  vol.  i.  p.  91. — It  is  often  more  easy  and  more 
convenient  to  suit  ourselves  to  others,  than  to  make  others 
adapt  their  opinions  to  our  own. 

2056.  II  fait  un  vent  a  decorner    les  bceufs.     (Fr.)     Prov. — It 

blows  hard  enough  to  wrench  t/ie  horns  off  cattle. 

2057.  II  faut  attendre  le  boiteux.     (-^V.)     Prov. — We  must  wait 

for  the  lame.  "We  must  adapt  our  communications  to  the 
level  of  those  with  whom  we  have  to  do. 

2058.  II  faut  avaler  bien  de  la  fume'e  aux  lampes  avant  que  de 

devenir  bon  orateur.  (Fr.) — A  man  must  swallow  much 
lamp-smoke  before  he  can  be  a  good  orator. 

2059.  II  faut  avoir  pitie"  des  morts.     (-^V.)     "V.  Hugo,  La  Priere 

pour  tous. — One  must  have  pity  on  the  dead. 

2060.  II  faut  craindre  ses  ennemis  de  loin  pour  ne  plus  les  craindre 

de  pres,  et  se  rejouir  a,  leur  approche.  (Fr.)  Bossuet, 
Fun.  or.  of  Louis  de  Bourbon. — It  is  best  to  fear  onds 
enemies  at  a  distance,  so  as  not  to  have  to  fear  them  when 
near,  and  to  be  able  to  rejoice  at  their  approach.  B.  is 
here  quoting  the  Prince  de  Conde's  own  words. 

ILICET.  227 

2061.  II  faut  en  affrontant  l'orage 

Penser,  vivre  et  mourir  en  roi.  (Fr.)  Fredeiic  II.  to 
Volt. — /  must  in  the  face  of  the  storm  think,  live,  and 
die  as  becomes  a  king.  Written  three  days  before 
the  battle  of  Merseburg  when  the  fate  of  Prussia  was 
trembling  in  the  balance. 

2062.  II  faut  de  plus  grand es  vertus  pour   soutenir   la   bonne 

fortune  que  la  mauvaise.  (Fr.) — Greater  virtue  is  neces- 
sary to  support  a  turn  of  good  fortune  than  of  bad. 

2063.  II  faut  hurler  avec  les  loups.     (Fr.)     Prov. — You  must 

lwwl  if  you  are  in  wolves1  company. 

2064.  II  faut  qu'une  porte  soit  ouverte  ou  fermee.     (Fr.)     Brueis 

and  Palaprat,  Grondeur. — A  door  must  either  be  open  or 
shut.  Said  on  any  occasion  where  there  is  only  one 
alternative.  The  thing  must  be  one  way  or  the 

In  the  play  the  servant  (Lolive)  says,  "  Oh  9a,  monsieur,  quand 
vous  serez  sorti,  voulez-vous  que  je  laisse  la  porte  ouverte  ? 
if.  Grichard.  Non.  L.  Voulez-vous  que  je  la  tienne  fermee  ? 
M.  O.  Non.  L.  Si  faut-il  monsieur  .  .  .  M.  G.  Te  tairas-tu  ? 
L.  Monsieur,  je  me  ferais  hacher :  il  faut  qu'une  porte  soit 
ouverte  ou  fermee,  choisissez,  comment  la  voulez-vous  ? " 

2065.  II  faut  savoir  s'ennuyer.      (Fr.) — One  must   learn  to   be 

bored.  V.  Lady  Bloomfield's  Dijilomatic  Life  of  her 
husband,  vol.  i 

2066.  II  fuoco  non  s'estingue  con  fuoco.      (It.)      Prov. — Fire  is 

not  extinguished  by  fire. 

2067.  II  fut  historien,  pour  rester  orateur.     (Fr.)    H.  Taine  ? — 

He  turned  historian,  in  order  to  remain  an  orator. 

Said  of  Livy  in  reference  to  the  political  speeches  which,  as  he 
could  not  deliver  them  himself,  he  put  into  the  mouths  of  person-, 
ages  of  Roman  history.  Unable  to  get  a  seat  in  Parliament,  Mr 
Anthony  Trollope  uttered  his  political  sentiments  in  his  novels 
(see  his  Autobiography  and  Phineas  Finn). 

2068.  Ilicet  infandum  cuncti  contra  omina  bellum, 

Contra  fata  deum,  perverso  numine  poscunt. 

(L.)     Virg.  A.  7,  583. 
'Gainst  omens  flashed  before  their  eyes, 
'Gainst  warnings  thundered  from  the  skies, 
They  cry  for  war. — Conington. 

Applicable  to  any  rash,  ill-advised  war,  such  as  the 
French  attack  on  Prussia  of  1870. 

228  ILL^ESO. 

2069.  Illseso  lumine  solem.      (L.) — (To  gaze  at)  the  sun  with 

undimmed  eye.  Eagles  are  said  to  possess  this  quality. 
Motto  of  the  Earl  of  Rosslyn. 

2070.  Ilia  est  agricolae  messis  iniqua  suo.     (L.)     Ov.  Her.  12, 

48. — That  is  a  harvest  which  pays  the  labourer  badly. 
A  losing  game  :  a  bad  trade. 

2071.  Ilia  laus  est,  magno  in  genere  et  in  divitiis  maxumis, 

Liberos  hominem  educare,  generi  monimentum  et  sibi. 
(L.)  Plaut.  Mil.  3,  1,  109. — It  is  some  honour  to  a  man 
of  good  birth  and  great  wealth,  to  bring  up  his  children 
so  as  to  be  a  credit  both  to  his  family  and,  to  himself 

2072.  Illam,  quicquid  agit,  quoquo  vestigia  flectit, 

Componit  furtim,  subsequiturque  decor. 

(L.)     Tibull.  4,  2,  8. 

Whate'er  she  does,  where'er  her  steps  she  hends, 
Grace  on  each  action  silently  attends.  (?) 

2073.  Ilia  placet  tellus  in  qua  res  parva  beatum 

Me  facit,  et  tenues  luxuriantur  opes.  (L.)  Mart.  10,  96, 
5. — That  spot  of  earth  pleases  me,  where  small  means  pro- 
duce happiness,  and  where  moderate  wealth  abounds. 

2074.  Ilia  vox  vulgaris,  Audivi.     (L.)     Cic.  Plane.  23,  57.—T/uzt 

common  saying,  "  I  heard  "  so  and  so. 

2075.  Ille  dies  primus  leti  primusque  malorum 

Causa  fuit.  (L.)  Virg.  A.  4,  169. — That  day  was  tJie 
beginning  of  death  and  disaster. 

2076.  Ille  igitur  nunquam  direxit  brachia  contra 

Torrentem ;  nee  civis  erat  qui  libera  posset 
Verba  animi  proferre,  et  vitam  impendere  vero. 

(L.)    Juv.  4,  90. 

The  time-server. 
He  therefore  never  boldly  tried 
To  swim  against  the  current's  tide  ; 
Nor  he  the  man  to  give  free  vent 
To  his  unfettered  sentiment, 
Or,  throwing  policy  far  hence, 
To  stake  his  life  in  truth's  defence. — Ed. 

This  is  your  safe  man  who  is  never  guilty  of  indiscreet  verities  and 
always  contrives  to  be  in  with  the  winning  side  as,  in  fact,  Crispus 
did  ;  and,  as  Juvenal  goes  on  to  say,  lived  to  see  fourscore  years 
even  at  the  Court  of  Domitian.  Last  three  words  of  Latin  adopted 
as  motto  by  J.  J.  Rousseau. 

ILLE.  229 

2077.  Ille  mi  par  esse  Deo  videtur, 

Ille  (si  fas  est)  superare  Divos, 
Qui,  sedens  adversus,  identidem  te 

Spectat  et  audit 
Dulce  ridentem.  (L.)     Cat.  51,  1. 

To  Lesbia. 

Blest  as  the  immortal  Gods  is  he, 

Or  (may  I  say  it  ?)  still  more  blest, " 
Who  sitting  opposite  to  thee 

Sees  thee,  and  hears  thy  laugh  and  jest.  — Ed. 

2078.  Hie  per  extentum  funem  mihi  posse  videtur 

Ire  poeta,  meum  qui  pectus  inaniter  angit, 
Irritat  mulcet  falsis  terroribus  implet 
Ut  magus  :  et  modo  me  Thebis,  modo  ponit  Athenis. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  2,  1,  210. 

The  true  Poet. 

That  man  I  hold  true  master  of  his  art 

"Who  with  fictitious  woes  can  wring  my  heart, 

Can  rouse  me,  soothe  me,  pierce  me  with  a  thrill 

Of  Tain  alarm,  and,  as  by  magic  skill, 

Bear  me  to  Thebes,  to  Athens,  where  he  will.  — Conington. 

2079.  Hie  potens  sui  Lsetusque  degit,  cui  licet  in  diem 

Dixisse,  Vixi  :  eras  vel  atra 

Nube  polum  Pater  occupato 
Yel  sole  pure.  (L.)     Hor.  C.  3,  29,  41. 

Happy  he, 
Self-centred,  who  each  night  can  say, 

My  life  is  lived  :  the  morn  may  see 
A  clouded,  or  a  sunny  day : 

That  rests  with  Jove. — Conington. 

2080.  Ille  sinistrorsuin,  hie  dextrorsum,  abit :  unus  utrique 

Error,  sed  variis  illudit  partibus.    (L.)    Hor.  S.  2,  3,  50. 

This  to  the  right,  that  to  the  left  hand  strays, 

And  all  are  wrong,  but  wrong  in  different  ways. — Conington. 

2081.  Ille  ten-arum  mihi  prseter  omnes 

Angulus  ridet.    (L.)    Hor.  C.  2,  6,  13. — That  little  nook 
of  earth  charms  me  more  than  any  other  place. 

2082.  Hie,  velut  pelagi  rupes  imrnota,  resistit ; 

Qua?  sese,  multis  circumlatrantibus  undis, 

Mole  tenet,  scopuli  nequidquam  et  spumea  circum 

Saxa  fremunt,  laterique  illisa  refunditur  alga. 

(L.)     Virg.  A.  7,  58S. 

230  ILLIC. 

He  stands  just  like  some  sea-girt  rock, 
Moveless  against  the  ocean-shock, 
And  anchored  by  the  ponderous  form 
Its  mass  opposes  to  the  storm. 
The  wild  waves  bellow  all  around, 
And  spray-drenched  cliffs  give  back  the  sound  ; 
But,  nothing  heeding,  it  flings  back 
The  broken  wreaths  of  floating  wrack.  — Ed. 

2083.  Illic  apposito  narrabis  multa  Lyseo 

Pame  sit  ut  mediis  obruta  navis  aquis.  (L.)  Ov.  Am. 
2,  11,  49. — There  with  the  wine  in  front  of  you,  you  will 
iell  at  length  how  your  vessel  teas  nearly  lost  in  mid- 

2084.  Illic  et  cantant  quicquid  didicere  theatris ; 

Et  jactant  faciles  ad  sua  verba  manus.  (L.)  Ov.  F.  3, 
535. — There  too  they  sing  snatches  of  the  songs  learnt  at 
the  theatre,  and  accompany  the  words  with  ready  gestures 
of  the  hand. 

2085.  Illi  inter  sese  multa  vi  brachia  tollunt.      (L.)     Virg.  A.  8, 

452. — They  lift  up  their  arms  one  after  the  other  with 
tremendous  swing.  Description  of  the  Cyclops  working 
at  their  forges  under  Mount  Etna.  The  series  of  spon- 
dees in  the  Latin  expresses  the  ponderous  action  de- 
scribed. For  another  imitative  line  of  an  opposite  kind, 
cf.  Virg.  A.  8,  595  :  Quadruped  ante  putrem  sonitu 
quatit  ungxda  campum,  With  galloping  clatter  the  hoofs 
of  the  horses  the  crumbling  ground  shake. 

208G.  Illi  robur  et  ses  triplex 

Circa  pectus  erat,  qui  fragilem  truci 
Commisit  pelago  ratem 

Primus.  (L.)     Hor.  C.  1,  3,  9. 

Oak  and  brass  of  triple  fold 
Encompass'd  sure  that  heart,  which  first  made  bold 

To  the  raging  sea  to  trust 
A  fragile  bark. — Conington. 

2087.  II  lit  an  front  de  ceux  qu'un  vain  luxe  environne 
Que  la  fortune  vend  ce  qu'on  croit  qu'elle  donne. 

(L.)     La  Font.  (Phil,  et  Baucis). 

He  reads  on  the  palace  where  luxury  dwells, 
That  fortune  in  seeming  to  give,  really  sells.  — Ed. 

Cf.  Voiture  (to  the  Comte  du  Guiche) :  "Pour  l'ordinaire  la  for- 
tune nous  vend  bien  cherement,  ce  qu'on  croit  qu'elle  nous 


2088.  Ulud  amicitise  sanctum  eb  venerabile  nomen 

Nunc  tibi  pro  vili  sub  pedibusque  jacet. 

(L.)     Ov.  T.  1,  8,  15. 

And  Friendship's  sacred,  venerable  name 

Lies  trodden  'neath  your  feet,  a  thing  of  shame. — Ed. 

2089.  Ulud  quidquid  est  summum.      (L.)      Plin.   2,  7.  — That 

thing,  whatever  it  be,  which  is  above  all.     Periphrasis  for 
the  Deity. 

2090.  II  lupo  cambia  il  pelo,  ma  non  il  vizio.     (It.)     Pro  v. — The 

wolf  changes  his  coat,  but  not  his  ferocity. 

2091.  II  maestro  di  color  che  sanno.     (It.)     Dante,  Inf.  4,  181. 

— The  master  of  the  wise. 

Said  of  Aristotle  ;  Socrates  and  Plato  being  placed  next  below. 

Petrarch,  Triumph  of  Fame,  C.  3,  gives  the  first  place  to  Plato. 

2092.  II  mange  son  pain  dans  sa  poche.     (Fr.)     Prov. — He  eats 

his  bread  from  his  pocket.      Said  of  any  selfish  person 
who  does  not  share  his  good  things  with  others. 

2093.  II  meglio  e  l'inimico  del  bene.     (It.)     Prov. — Better  is  the 

enemy  of  well. 

Cf.  Shakesp.  Lear,  1,  4 : 

Striving  to  better,  oft  we  mar  what's  well. 

2094.  II  me  semble  que  qui  sollicite  pour  les  autres,  a  la  con- 

fiance  d'un  homme  qui  demande  justice ;  et  qu'en  par- 
lant,  ou  en  agissant  pour  soi-meme,  on  a  l'embarras  et  la 
pudeur  de  celui  qui  demande  grace.  {Fr.)  La  Bruy. 
Car.  1 — It  appears  to  me  that  he  ivho  asks  favours  for 
another  person  has  the  confidence  which  a  sense  of  justice 
inspires;  while  to  urge  a  suit,  or  treat  for  one's  own 
benefit,  produces  all  the  embarrassment  and  feeling  of 
shame  of  any  one  appealing  for  mercy. 

2095.  II  n'a  pas  froid  aux  yeux.     (Fr.)     Prov. — He  has  no  cold 

in  his  eyes.     He  is  not  afraid. 

2096.  II  n'a  pas  l'air,  mais  la  chanson.     (Fr.)     Prov. — He  has 

not  the  tune,  but  the  words.  He  has  not  the  shadow, 
but  the  reality. 

2097.  II  n'appartient  qu'a  ceux  qui  n'esperent  jamais  etre  cites 

de  ne  citer  personne.  (Fr.)  Naude*? — It  is  the  business 
of  those  only  who  never  hope  to  have  their  own  writings 
quoted,  to  refuse  to  quote  others. 

2098.  II  n'appartient  qu'aux  grands  hommes,  d'avoir  de  grands 

deTauts.  (Fr.)  La  Eochef.  Max.  p.  33,  §  195.— It  is 
only  great  men  who  can  afford  to  display  great  defects. 


2099.  II  n'appartient  qu'aux  tyrans  d'6ti-e   toujours  en  crainte. 

La  peur  ne  doit  pas  entrer  dans  une  ame  royale.  Qui 
craindra  la  mort  n'entreprendra  rien  sur  moi :  qui 
meprisera  la  vie  sera  toujours  maitre  de  la  mienne,  etc. 
(Fr.)  Hardouin  de  Pere'fixe. — Tyrants  are  the  only  men 
who  have  any  business  to  be  always  afraid.  Fear  should 
never  enter  into  the  breast  of  a  king.  The  man  who  fears 
death  will  never  take  any  advantage  of  me:  but  he  who 
despises  life  will  ever  be  master  of  my  own,  etc.  Attri- 
buted to  Henry  IV.  of  France. 

2100.  II  n'attache  pas  ses  chiens  avec  des  saucisses.    (Fr.)    Pro  v. 

— He  doesn't  fasten  his  dogs  with  sausages.  He's  no 

2101.  II  n'avait  pas  precise'ment  des  vices,  mais  il  e*tait  range* 

d'une  vermin  e  de  petits  defauts,  dont  on  ne  pouvait 
l'epurer.  (Fr.)  Chateaub.  ? — He  had  not  exactly  any 
vices  about  him,  but  he  was  the  prey  to  a  perfect  vermin 
of  small  defects  of  which  it  seemed,  hopeless  to  rid  him. 

2102.  II  ne  fait  rien,  et  nuit  a  qui  veut  faire.     (Fr.)     Piron? — 

He  does  nothing  himself,  and  hinders  those  who  would. 
Said,  originally,  of  Desfontaines,  and  applicable  to  those 
who  can  criticise,  without  being  able  to  create. 

2103.  II  ne  faut  jamais  hasarder  la  plaisanterie,  me'me  la  plus 

douce  et  la  plus  permise,  qu'avec  des  gens  polis,  ou  qui 
ont  de  l'esprit.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  vol.  i.  p.  92. — It 
never  does  to  risk  a  joke  even  of  the  mildest  and  most  un- 
exceptionable character,  except  in  the  company  of  witty 
and  polished  people. 

2104.  II  ne  faut  jamais  juger  des  despotes  par  les  succes  momen- 

tane's  que  l'attention  meme  du  pouvoir  leur  fait  obtenir. 
C'est  l'e'tat  dans  lequel  ils  laissent  le  pays  a  leur  mort, 
ou  a  leur  chute,  qui  revele  ce  qu'ils  ont  e'te'.  (Fr.)  Mad. 
de  Stael. —  We  are  not  to  judge  of  despots  by  the  short- 
lived successes  which  the  possession  of  power  may  enable 
them  to  achieve ;  it  is  the  state  in  which  they  leave  their 
country  at  their  death,  or  at  their  fall,  that  reveals  what 
they  were. 

2105.  II  ne  faut  pas  parler  Latin  devant  les  Cordeliers.     (Fr.) — 

It  doesn't  do  to  talk  Latin  before  the  Cordeliers  (Franciscan 
friars).  Be  careful  not  to  speak  too  confidently  before 
those  who  are  masters  of  the  subject. 

IL  N'EST.  233 

2106.  II  ne  faut  point  parler  corde  dans  la  famille  d'un  pendu. 

(Fr.)  Prov. — Do  not  talk  rope  in  the  family  of  one  who 
has  been  hanged. 

2107.  II  ne  s'agit  pas  de  consuls,  et  je  ne  veux  pas  §tre  votre 

aide-de-camp.  (Fr.) — It  is  no  question  of  consuls,  and  I 
don't  choose  to  be  your  aide-de-camp.  Sieves  to  Bonaparte 
in  1800  on  resigning  the  post  of  Second  Consul. 

2108.  II  ne  sait  sur  quel  pied  danser.     (Fr.)     Prov. — He  knows 

not  on  which  foot  to  dance.     He  knows  not  how  to  act. 

2109.  II  ne  se  faut  jamais  moquer  des  miserables, 

Car  qui  peut  s' assurer  d'etre  toujours  heureux? 

(Fr.)     La  Font.  Benard  et  L'EcureuiL 

Of  men  in  misfortune  no  ridicule  make, 
For  who  can  be  sure  of  good  luck  without  break  ? — Ed. 
In  the  end  the  bragging  Fox  is  killed,  the  Squirrel  looking  on  : — 
II  le  voit,  mais  il  n'en  rit  pas, 
Instruit  par  sa  propre  misere. 

These  last  lines  are  often  quoted  in  circumstances  which,  though 
ridiculous  in  themselves,  touch  one  too  nearly  to  be  made  subjects 
of  joking.  The  Fable  does  not  occur  in  La  Fontaine,  but  will  be 
found  in  the  Rccueil  de  Conrart,  vol.  ii.  p.  533  (BibliothSque  de 

2110.  II  n'est  bon  bee  que  de  Paris.    (Fr.) — Good  talkers  are  only 

found  in  Paris.  From  an  old  ballad  of  Villon,  Femmes 
de  Paris. 

2111.  II  n'est  pas  besoin  de  tenir  les  choses  pour  en  raisonner. 

(Fr.)  Beaum.  Mar.  de  Figaro,  Act  v. — It  is  not  neces- 
sary to  believe  things,  in  order  to  argue  about  them. 

2112.  II  n'est  pas  d'homme  necessaire.     (Fr.)1 — There  is  no  such 

thing  as  a  necessary  man.  The  best  servant  of  the  state 
can  be  replaced. 

2113.  II  n'est  pas  echappe"  qui  traine  son  lien.     (Fr.)     Prov. — 

Tlie  man  is  not  escaped  who  still  drags  his  chain  after 

2114.  II  n'est  pas  encore  temps  de  le  dire,  les  verites  sont  des 

fruits  qui  ne  doivent  etve  cueillis  que  bien  murs.  (Fr.) 
Voltaire  1 — The  time  has  not  yet  arrived  for  saying  it : 
truths  are  a  fruit  which  ought  not  to  be  gathered  until 
they  are  full  ripe. 

2115.  II  n'est  sauce  que  d'appdtit.     (Fr.)     Prov. — There  is  no 

sauce  like  a  good  appetite.     Hunger  is  the  best  sauce. 

234  IL  N'Y  A. 

2116.  II  n'y  a  de  nouveau  que  ce  qui  a  vieilli.     (Fr.) — There  is 

nothing  new  except  that  which  has  become  antiquated. 
Motto  of  the  Revue  Retrospective. 

2117.  II  n'y  a  de  nouveau  que  ce  qui  est  oublie\     (Fr.) — Tliere  is 

nothing  new  except  what  is  forgotten.  Attributed  to 
Mdlle.  Bertin,  Milliner  to  Marie- Antoinette. 

2118.  II  n'y  a  de  place  dans  l'histoire  que  pour  le  vrai,  et  tout  ce 

qui  n'est  que  vraisemblable  doit  etre  renvoye*  aux  espaces 
imaginah'es  des  romans  et  des  fictions  poetiques.  (Fr.) 
Griffet  1 — History  can  only  admit  what  is  true,  and  mere 
probabilities  must  be  relegated  to  the  imaginary  field  of 
romance  and  poetical  fiction. 

2119.  II  n'y  a  pas  a  dire.     (Fr.) — There  is  nothing  to  be  said.     It 

is  not  to  be  controverted. 

2120.  II  n'y  a  pas  de  gens  plus  affaire's  que  ceux  qui  n'ont  rien  a 

faire.  (Fr.)  Prov. — There  are  no  people  so  busy  as  tlwse 
who  Jiave  nothing  to  do. 

2121.  II  n'y  a  pas  de  heros  pour  son  valet-de-chambre.     (-^V.) 

Mme.  Cornuel  (see  Letters  of  Mdlle.  Aisse,  Dentu,  Paris 
1853,  p.  166). — No  man  is  a  hero  to  his  valet  de  chambre. 

Montaigne  says  (Essays  3,  2),  Peu  d'hommes  ont  est6  admirez  par 
leurs  domestiques. — Few  men  have  been  admired  by  their  servants; 
and  La  Bruy.  (Car.  ?)  Plus  on  approche  des  grands  hoinmes,  plus 
on  trouve  qu'ils  sont  hommes.  Rarement  ils  sont  grands  vis-a-vis 
de  leurs  valets-de-chambre. — The  nearer  one  approaches  to  great 
persons,  the  more  one  sees  that  they  are  but  men.  Rarely  are  they 
great  in  the  eyes  of  their  valets.  Heine  says,  somewhere,  "No 
author  is  a  man  of  genius  to  his  publisher."  (See  Biichmann, 
Gefl.  W.  p.  372,  373.) 

2122.  II  n'y  a  pas  de  mauvaise  chaussure  qui  ne  trouve  sa  pareille. 

(Fr.)  Breton  Prov. — The  worst  shoe  will  find  its 

2123.  11  n'y  a  pas  de  petit  ennemi.     (^V.)     Breton  Prov. — There 

is  no  such  thing  as  a  little  enemy.  All  are  to  be 

2124.  II  n'y  a  pas  moins  d'invention  a  bien  appliquer  une  pensee 

que  Ton  trouve  dans  un  livre,  qu'a  etre  le  premier  auteur 
de  cette  pensee.  (Fr.)  Bayle1? — There  is  as  much 
ingenuity  in  making  a  felicitous  application  of  a  senti- 
ment discovered  in  some  author,  as  in  being  the  first  to 
conceive  it.  A  happy  application  of  a  line  of  Yirgil  is, 
according  to  the  Cardinal  du  Perron,  a  talent  in  itself. 

IL  N'Y  A.  235 

2125.  II  n'y  a  plus  de  Pyrenees.  (Fr.) — The  Pyrenees  have  ceased 
to  exist. 

Mot  with  which  Louis  XIV.  is  credited  on  the  departure  of  the  D.  of 
Anjou  from  Paris  in  1700,  to  assume  the  Crown  of  Spain.  Accord- 
ing to  M.  Fournier  (L'esprit  dans  l'histoire,  p.  188),  the  phrase 
seems  to  have  originated  not  with  Louis  but  with  the  Spanish 
ambassador,  who  said  on  the  occasion,  that  from  that  moment  the 
Pyrenees  had  melted  away  (fondws). 

2126  II  n'y  a  point  au  inonde  un  si  pe"nible  metier  que  celui  de 
se  faire  un  grand  nom.  La  vie  s'acheve  que  Ton  a  a 
peine  dbauche*  son  ouvrage.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  vol.  i. 
cap.  2. — There  is  not  a  more  arduous  task  in  the  world 
than  that  of  making  a  great  name:  life  comes  to  an  end 
before  one  has  hardly  sketched  out  one's  work. 

2127.  II  n'y  a  point  de  chemin  trop  long  a  qui  marche  lentement 

et  sans  se  presser,  il  n'y  a  point  d'avantages  trop  e*loignes 
a  qui  s'y  prepare  par  la  patience.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car. 
vol.  ii.  cap.  12. — No  road  is  too  long  for  the  man  who 
will  travel  slowly  and  without  hurry,  and  no  attainment 
beyond  his  grasp  if  he  will  set  himself  about  acquiring 
it  with  patience. 

2128.  II  n'y  a  point  de  patrie  dans  le  despotique  ;  d'autres  choses 

y  suppleent,  l'interet,  la  gloire,  le  service  du  prince. 
(^V.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  vol.  i.  p.  186. — Under  a  despotic 
government  the  idea  of  country  falls  altogether  out  of 
men's  minds,  and  its  place  is  supplied  in  other  ways,  by 
private  interests,  public  fame,  and  the  service  of  the 

2129.  II  n'y  a  point  de  prince  en  si  mauvais  e"tat,  que  celui  qui 

ne  pouvant  toujours  faire  par  soi-meme  les  choses  a  quoi 
il  est  oblige*,  a  de  la  peine  a  souffrir  qu'elles  soient  faites 
par  autrui :  et  etre  capable  de  se  laisser  servir  n'est  pas 
une  des  moindres  qualites  que  puisse  avoir  un  grand  roi. 
(Fr.)  Richelieu,  Test.  Politique. — No  prince  is  in  so 
miserable  a  position  as  he  who,  not  having  it  in  his  power 
to  perform  all  the  royal  acts  in  his  own  person,  is  yet 
unwilling  that  they  should  be  done  by  any  one  else:  and 
it  is  far  from  being  the  least  of  the  qualities  distinguish- 
ing a  great  monarch,  that  he  has  the  ability  to  let  others 
serve  him. 

2130.  II  n'y  a  que  le  premier  pas  qui  coute.     (-^V.)     Prov. — It 

is  only  the  first  step  tvhich  costs  anything. 

236  IL  N'Y  A. 

Gibbon,  vol.  vii.  cap.  39,  appends  a  note  referring  to  the  account 
of  S.  Dionysius  walking  from  Montmartre  to  S.  Denis  with  his 
head  in  his  hand,  and  adds  that  "a  lady  of  his  acquaintance" 
(presumably  Mme.  Necker  or  Mme.  de  Stael)  observed  thereupon : 
"La  distance  n'y  fait  rien  ;  il  n'y  a  que  le  premier  pas  qui  coute," 
The  distance  is  nothing,  it  is  only  the  first  step  which  signifies. 
By  Quitard  (Dictionnaire  des  Proverbes)  the  remark  is  attributed 
to  Mme.  du  Deffant  in  reply  to  the  Cardinal  de  Polignac  on  the 
same  subject  (vide  Biichinann,  pp.  377,  378). 

2131.  II  n'y  a  que  les  honteux  qui  perdent.    (Fr.)    Prov. — None 

but  the  bashful  lose. 

2132.  II  n'y  a  rien  de  change'  en  France :  il  n'y  a  qu'un  Francais 

de  plus.  (Ft.) — Nothing  is  changed  in  France,  there  is 
only  one  Frenchman  more  than  before.  Celebrated  mot 
of  the  Comte  d'Artois  at  the  Restoration,  and  concocted 
for  him  by  Beugnot,  the  writer  of  the  article  in  the 
Moniteur  of  the  day,  describing  the  entry  into  Paris,  etc. 

2133.  II  n'y  a  rien  que  la  crainte  et  l'esperance  ne  persuadent 

aux  homines.  (Fr.)  Vauvenargues. — There  is  nothing 
that  fear  and  hope  will  not  persuade  men  to. 

2134.  II  parait  qu'on  n'apprend  pas  a  mourir  en  tuant  les  autres. 

(Fr.)  Chateaub.  Mem.  d'outre  Tombe. — It  does  not 
appear  that  killing  other  people  teaches  one  how  to 

2135.  II  passa  par  la  gloire,  il  passa  par  le  crime,  et  n'est  arrive' 

qu'au  malheur.  (Fr.)  V.  Hugo? — He  passed  through 
glory,  and  then  through  crime,  only  to  end  in  misfortune. 
Said  of  Napoleon  III. 

2136.  II  plait  a  tout  le  monde  et  ne  saurait  se  plaire.    (Fr.)   Boil. 

Sat.  2. — He  pleases  all  the  world  but  cannot  please  him- 
self. Said  of  Moliere,  who  himself  acknowledged  the 
truth  of  the  last  half  of  the  line. 

2137.  II   porte  le  deuil  de  sa  blanchisseuse.     (Fr.)     Prov. — He 

wears  mourning  for  his  laundress.     His  linen  is  dirty. 

2138.  II  rit  bien  (or  Rira  bien)  qui  rit  le  dernier.      (Fr.) — He 

laughs  best  who  laughs  the  last. 

2139.  lis   chantent,  ils   payeront.      (Fr.)     Mazarin. — Let   them 

sing,  they  will  have  to  pay. 

"  Le  Cardinal  Mazarin  disoit:  '  La  nation  francaise  est  la  plus  folle 
du  monde  :  ils  crient  et  chantent  contre  moi,  et  me  laissenfc  faire  : 
moi,  je  les  laisse  crier  et  chanter  et  je  fais  ce  que  je  veux.' "  Nou- 
velles  Lettres  de  la  Duchesse  d'Orleans,  1853,  p.  249. 

ILY  A.  237 

2140.  II  se  croit  superieur  a  moi  de  toute  la  hauteur  de  sa  b§tise. 

(Fr.)  ? — The  towering  height  of  his  own  natural  folly 
makes  him  think  it  the  measure  of  his  superiority  to  me. 
Said  of  a  conceited  opponent.  (The  French  is  perfectly 

2141.  II  se  fait  entendre,  a  force  de  se  faire  e'couter.     (Fr.) — He 

makes  himself  understood,  by  making  men  listen  to  him. 
Said  by  M.  Villenain  of  Andrieux,  the  Professor  of  Lite- 
rature at  the  College  de  France,  1800  ;  but  Beaumarchais 
had  forestalled  him  in  Deux  amis,  1,  1  :  "  Une  actrice 
se  fait  toujours  entendre,  lorsqu'elle  a  ce  talent  de  se 
faire  e'couter." 

2142.  II  sent  le  fagot.     (Fr.)     Pro  v. — He  smells  of  the  Iveretics 

faggot.     He  is  a  fellow  to  be  suspected. 

2143.  II  s'est  coupe  le  bras  gauche  avec  le  bras  droit.      {Fr.) 

J.  B.  Say. — He  has  cut  off  his  left  arm  with  his  right. 
Attributed  to  Queen  Christina  of  Sweden  a  propos  of  the 
revocation  of  the  Edict  of  Nantes  by  Louis  XIV. 

2144.  lis  n'ont  rien  appris,  ni  rien  oublie*.    (^V.) — They  have  learnt 

nothing,  and  forgotten  nothing. 

Said  originally  of  the  Emigres  by  Talleyrand  (?),  and  since  fre- 
quently applied  to  the  Bourbons.  But  it  appears  first  in  a  letter 
of  the  Chevalier  de  Panat  to  Mallet  du  Pan,  written  from  London 
1796,  on  the  royalist  refugees  then  in  England.  "  Personne 
n'est  corrige  ;  personne  n'a  su  ni  rien  oublier,  ni  rien  apprendre." 
(Memoirs  of  M.  du  Pan,  2,  197.) 

2145.  lis  sont  trop  verts  :  et  bons  pour  les  goujats  !     (Fr.)     La 

Font.  3,  11. — They  are  too  green,  and  only  good  for 

2146:  II  trouverait  a  tondre  sur  un  ceuf.    (Fr.)   Prov. — He  would 
find  something  to  shave  on  an  egg.     A  skinflint. 

2147.  II  vaut  mieux  etre  fou  avec  tous,  que  sage  tout  seul.    (Fr.) 

Prov. — It  is  better  to  be  mad  in  company  with  everybody, 
than  wise  all  alone. 

2148.  II  vero  punge,  e  la  bugia  unge.    (It.)    Prov. — Truth  stings 

and  falsehood  heals. 

2149.  II  vol  to  sciolto,  i  pensieri  stretti.     (It.) — The  countenance 

open,  the  thoughts  reserved. 

2150.  II  y  a  bien  de  gens  qu'on  estime,  parce  qu'on  ne  les  connait 

point.  (Fr.) — Many  people  are  esteemed  merely  because 
they  are  not  known. 

238  IL  Y  A. 

2151.  II  y  a  de  bona  mariages;  mais  il  n'y  en  a  point  de  de*- 

licieux.  (Fr.)  La  Rochef.  Max.  p.  45,  §  113.— There 
are  good  marriages,  but  there  are  no  delicious  ones. 

2152.  II  y  a  des  gens  a  qui  la  vertu  sied  presqu'  aussi  mal  que  le 

vice.  (Fr.)  Bouhours  t — There  are  some  men  on  whom 
virtue  sits  almost  as  awkwardly  as  vice. 

2153.  II  y  a  des  gens  qui  ressemblent  aux  vaudevilles,  qu'on  ne 

chante  qu'un  certain  temps.  {Fr.)  La  Rochef.  Max. 
p.  57,  §  216. — Some  men  are  like  the  ballads  that  are 
only  popular  for  a  certain  time. 

2154.  II  y  a  des  gens  de'goutants  avec  du  nidrite,  et  d'autres  qui 

plaisent  avec  des  deTauts.  (Fr.)  La  Rochef.  Max.  p.  50, 
§  155. — There  are  men  who  inspire  disgust  in  spite  of 
their  good  qualities,  and  others  who  please  us  in  spite  of 
their  faults. 

2155.  II  y  a  des  reproches  qui  louent,  et  des  louanges  qui  m6disent. 

(Fr.)  La  Rochef.  Max.  p.  49,  §  148. — There  are  reproaches 
which  may  be  considered  as  so  much  praise,  and  there  is 
praise  which  is  tantamount  to  obloquy.  The  censure  of 
some  men  is  praise,  and  their  praise  is  condemnation  in 
the  eyes  of  the  world. 

2156.  II  y  a  des  verites  qui  ne  sont  pas  pour  tous  les  hommes  et 

pour  tous  les  temps.  (Fr.)  Volt.  1 — There  are  truths 
which  are  not  meant  for  every  man,  or  for  every  genera- 
tion (occasion). 

2157.  II  y  a  encore  de  quoi  glaner.     (Fr.)     Prov. — There  is  still 

something  more  to  be  gleaned.  To  nothing  can  this  phrase 
be  more  properly  applied  than  to  a  collection  of  quota- 
tions such  as  the  present,  to  which  additions  might  be 
made  almost  indefinitely. 

2158.  II  y  a  fagots  et  fagots.     (Fr.)     Moliere,  Med.  malgre  lui, 

1,  6. — There  is  a  difference  even  in  faggots.  The  com- 
monest articles  of  daily  life  may  be  made  to  have  some- 
thing uncommon  about  them,  according  to  the  taste  and 
choice  of  the  person  using  them. 

2159.  II  y  a  quel  que  chose  dans  les  malheurs  de  nos  meilleurs 

amis  qui  ne  nous  deplait  pas.  (Fr.)  Prov. — There  is 
something  in  the  misfortunes  of  our  best  friends  which  is 
not  altogether  displeasing  to  us.  Another  form  of  this 
quotation  will  be  found  in  La  Rochef.  Max.  p.  109, 
26 :  Dans  l'adversite'  de  nos  meilleurs  amis,  nous 
trouvons  toujours  quel  que  chose  qui  ne  nous  deplait  pas. 


2160.  II  y  a  une  espece  dehonte  d'etre  heureux  a,  la  vue  de 

certaines  miseres.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  1 — There  is  a  kind 
of  shame  in  being  happy  in  the  presence  of  some  forms  of 

2161.  II  y  en  a  peu  qui  gagnent  a  6tre  approfondis.     (Fr.) — Few 

men  rise  in  our  estimation  on  a  closer  examination. 

2162.  II  y  va  de  la  vie.     (Fr.) — Life  is  at  stake.     The  matter  is 

of  the  last  importance,  the  life  of  a  fellow-creature  hangs 
upon  the  result. 

2163.  Im  Becher  ersaufen  mehr  als  im  Meer.     (G.)     Prov. — The 

bowl  drowns  more  than  the  sea. 

2164.  Imberhus  juvenis  tandem  custode  remoto 

Gaudet  equis  canibusque,  et  aprici  gramine  campi. 

(L.)    Hor.  A.  P.  161. 

The  beardless  youth,  at  last  from  tutor  freed, 

Loves  playing  field  and  tennis,  dog  and  steed.  — C'onington. 

2165.  Immo  id,  quod  aiunt,  auribus  teneo  lupum 

Nam  neque  quomodo  a  me  amittam,  invenio  :  neque,  uti 
retineam  scio.  (L.)  Tei\  Phorm.  3,  2,  21. — Indeed  it 
is  as  they  say,  I  have  got  a  wolf  by  the  ears;  How  to 
loose  him  from,  me  I  don't  see,  how  to  hold  him  I  can't 
tell.     A  fearful  predicament.     Catching  a  Tartar. 

2166.  Immoi-itur  studiis,  et  amore  senescit  habendi.     (L.)     Hor. 

Ep.  1,  7,  85. — His  struggles  are  killing  him,  and  he  is 
getting  an  old  man  through  his  greed  of  more. 

2167.  Immortale  odium,  et  nunquam  sanabile  vulnus 

Ardet  adhuc  Ombos  et  Tentyra.     Summus  utrinque 
Inde  furor  vulgo,  quod  numina  vicinorum 
Odit  uterque  locus  :  quum  solos  credat  habendos 
Esse  Deos  quos  ipse  colit.  (L.)     Juv.  15,  34. 

Religious  controversies. 
A  deathless  hatred  and  a  fatal  wound 
Still  rankles  'twixt  Ombi  and  Tentyra. 
The  fiercest  rage  on  both  sides  fills  the  mob, 
Since  each  detests  his  neighbour's  deities, 
Convinced  that  only  those  are  to  be  held 
As  Gods,  whom  they  especially  adore. — Ed. 

2168.  Immortalia  ne  speres  monet  annus,  et  almum 

Quae  rapit  hora  diem.  (L.)     Hor.  C.  4,  7,  7. 

No  escaping  death,  proclaims  the  year  that  speeds 
This  sweet  spring  day. — Convngtoiu 

240  IMPERAT. 

2169.  Imperat  aut  servit  collecta  pecunia  cuique.      (Z  )     Hor. 

Ep.  1,  10,  48. — A  man's  money  is  either  his  master  or  his 

2170.  Imperium  et  libertas.     (L.) — Umpire  and  freedom. 

Quoted  by  Lord  Beacon sfield  at  Lord  Mayor's  dinner,  November 
10,  1879.  "One  of  the  greatest  of  Romans,  when  asked  what 
were  his  politics,  replied,  Imperium  et  Libertas.  That  would  not 
make  a  bad  programme  for  a  British  Ministry."  Mr  Gladstone  a 
fortnight  later  in  Midlothian  characterised  the  quotation  as  "an 
unhappy  and  ominous  allusion,"  and  said  that  the  words  meant 
simply  this,  "  Liberty  for  ourselves,  Empire  over  the  rest  of  man- 
kind "  (see  Times,  November  11  and  28,  1879).  Cic.  de  Or.  1,  23, 
105,  has,  Hoc  domicilio  imperii  et  glorise. — In  this  home  of  empire 
and  glory ;  and  ibid.  44,  196,  Una  in  omnibus  terris  domus  est 
virtutis,  imperii,  dignitatis. — She  (Rome)  is  the  one  home  in  the 
world  of  valour,  power,  and  dignity. 

2171.  Imperium  in  imperio.     (L.) — An  empire  (or  government) 

existing  within  an  empire. 

The  Catholick  Church  from  its  extending  to  all  countries  inde- 
pendently of  national  distinctions,  presents  everywhere  the  appear- 
ance of  an  imp.  in  imperio,  a  spiritual  kingdom  subsisting  within 
temporal  ones.  "  The  Church,  an  imperium  in  imperio  .  .  .  was 
aggressive  as  an  institution,  and  was  encroaching  on  the  State  with 
organised  system  "  (Froude,  Life  and  Times  of  Thos.  Becket). 

2172.  Impetrare  oportet,   quia  aequum  postulas.      (L.)      Plaut. 

Stich.  5,  4,  44. — You  ought  to  obtain  your  requests,  since 
you  ask  what  is  reasonable. 

2173.  Implacabiles   plerumque    laesse   mulieres.       (L.) — Injured 

females  are  generally  implacable. 

2174.  Impossible  est  un  mot  que  je  ne  dis  jamais.     (Fr.)     Colin 

d'Harley,  Malice  pour  malice,  1,  8. — "Impossible"  is  a 
word  which  I  never  pronounce.  The  variety,  Impossible 
it  est  pas  un  mot  francais  (Impossible  is  not  a  French 
word),  is  ascribed  to  Napoleon  I. 

2175.  Impotentia  excusat  legem.    (L.)    Law  Max. — Impossibility 

of  performance  is  excused  by  the  law  ;  or,  Lex  non  cogit 
ad  impossibilia,  The  law  does  not  seek  to  compel  a  man 
to  do  what  he  cannot  possibly  perform. 

2176.  Imprimatur.     (L.) — Let  it  be  printed. 

In  England  all  writings  intended  for  the  press  were  until  1693 
(when  complete  freedom  was  established)  examined  by  the  Public 
Licenser  or  Censor,  who,  if  the  MS.  contained  no  objectionable 
matter,  granted  the  necessary  permission  by  affixing  Imprimatur 
with  his  signature  to  the  copy. 

INANIS.  241 

2177.  Imprimis  venerare  Deos.     (L.)     Virg.  G.  1,  338. — First 

and  foremost,  reverence  the  Gods. 

2178.  Improbae  Crescunt  divitiae,  tamen 

Curtaa  nescio  quid  semper  abest  rei.  (L.)  Hor.  C.  3, 
24,  62. — Excessive  wealth  keeps  increasing,  and  yet  some- 
thing or  other  is  always  lacking  to  complete  our  means. 

2179.  Improbe   amor   quid   non   mortalia   pectora   cogis !      (L.) 

Virg.  A.  4,  412. — Cruel  love  I  to  what  lengths  will  you 
not  drive  mortal  breasts  ? 

2180.  In  sequali  jure  melior  est  conditio  possidentis.     (L.)     Law 

Max. —  Where  the  right  is  equal,  the  position  of  the  party 
in  actual  possession  is  the  better  of  the  two. 

It  is  not  enough  to  destroy  my  title,  you  must  show  that  your  own 
is  better.  For,  Non  possessori  incurnbit  necessitas  probandi  posses- 
sions ad  se  pertinere,  The  party  in  possession  is  not  hound  to 
produce  proofs  that  the  property  belongs  to  him.  And  the  rule 
applies  not  only  in  cequali  jure,  but  in  pari  delicto.  Where  either 
party  is  equally  at  fault,  the  law  still  favours  the  man  in  possession. 

2181.  In  aera  succus 

Corporis  omnis  abit :  vox  tantum  atque  ossa  supersunt. 
Vox  manet.  (L.)     Ov.  M.  3,  397. 

Echo  pining  for  Narcissus. 
Into  thin  air  her  tender  flesh  dissolved  ; 
Her  voice,  and  eke  her  bones  are  all  that's  left ; 
Her  voice,  I  say,  remains. — Ed. 

2182.  In  amore  hsec  omnia  insunt  vitia,  injuriae, 

Suspiciones,  inimicitiae,  induciae, 

Bellum,  pax  rursus.  (L.)     Ter.  Eun.  1,  1,  14. — In 

love  there  are  all  these  evils  ;  affronts,  suspicions,  quarrels, 
negotiations,  war,  and  then  peace  again. 

2183.  In  amore  haec  sunt  mala,  bellum, 

Pax  rursum  :  hsec  si  quis  tempestatis  prope  ritu 
Mobilia  et  caeca  fluitantia  sorte  laboret 
Reddere  certa  sibi,  nibilo  plus  explicet,  ac  si 
Insanire  paret  certa  ratione  modoque. 

(L.)     Hor.  S.  2,  3,  267. 

Now  love  is  such  a  thing,  the  more's  the  shame, 

First  war,  then  peace,  'tis  never  twice  the  same  ; 

For  ever  heaving  like  a  sea  in  storm, 

And  taking  every  hour  some  different  form. 

You  think  to  fix  it  ?     Why,  the  job's  as  bad 

As  if  you  tried  by  method  to  be  mad. — Conington. 

2184.  Inanis  verborum  torrens.     (L.)     V.  Quint  10,  7,  23. — An 

unmeaning  torrent  of  words. 

242  IN  ARENA. 

2185.  In  arena  sedificas.     (L.) — You  are  building  on  the  sand 

A  work  without  foundation,  or  hope  of  permanence. 

2186.  In  aurem'utramvis  dormire.     (L.) — To  sleep  on  either  ear, 

i.e.,  soundly.  Ademtum  tibi  jam  faxo  omnem  metum 
In  aurem  utramvis  otiose  ut  dormias.  Ter.  Heaut.  2,  3, 
100. — /  will  rid  you  of  all  your  fears  so  that  you  may 
sleep  sound  and  undisturbed.     V.  1252. 

2187.  In  caelo  nunquam  spectatam  impune  cometam.     (L-)1 — A 

comet  never  appears  in  the  heavens  without  ominous 

2188.  In  capite.     (L.) — In  chief.     Persons  in  the  feudal  system 

enfeoffed  of  lands  directly  from  the  crown,  were  termed 
tenants  in  capite. 

2189.  In  casu  extremse  necessitatis  omnia  sunt  communia.     (L.) 

Law  Max. — In  cases  of  extreme  emergency  all  things  are 
common.  Thus  a  neighbouring  house  may  be  pulled 
down  to  stay  progress  of  fire. 

2190.  In  causa  facili,  cuivis  licet  esse  diserto, 

Et  minimse  vires  frangere  quassa  valent. 

(L.)     Ov.  T.  3,  11,  21. 

In  easy  matters  every  one  can  speak, 

And  little  strength  a  bruised  thing  can  break.. — Dryden. 

2191.  Incaute  factum  pro  non  facto  habetur.     (L.)    Law  Max. — 

What  has  been  done  incautiously  is  counted  as  if  it  had 
never  been  done  at  all. 

2192.  Inceptis  gravibus  plerumque  et  magna  professis, 

Purpui-eus,  late  qui  splendeat,  unus  et  alter 
Adsuitur  pannus.  (I.)     Hor.  A.  P.  14. 

Purple  patches. 
When  Poets  would  affect  the  lofty  stave, 
With  pompous  opening  and  with  prelude  brave, 
It  is  a  common  trick,  the  eye  to  catch, 
To  sew  on  here  and  there  a  purple  patch. — Ed. 

2193.  Incerta  haec  si  tu  postules 

Ratione  certa  facere,  nihilo  plus  agas, 
Quam  si  des  operam  ut  cum  ratione  insanias.     (L.)    Ter. 
Eun.  1,  1,  18. — If  you  think  by  help  of  reason  to  make 
certain  what  is  uncertain,  you  might  as  well  attempt  to 
go  mad  by  the  rules  of  reason. 

2194.  Incerta  pro  nullis  habetur.      (L.)      Law  Max. — What  is 

uncertain  must  be  treated  as  though  it  did  mot  exist. 

IN  DEO.  243 

2195.  Incivile  est,  nisi  tota  sententia   inspecta  de  aliqua  parte 

judicare.  (L.)  Law  Max. — It  is  contrary  to  law  to 
judge  of  one  part  of  a  sentence  unless  the  whole  be 

2196.  Inclusio  unius  est  exclusio  alterius.      (L.)     Law  Max. — 

The  mention  or  naming  of  the  one  implies  the  exclusion 
of  the  other. 

2197.  Incoctum  generoso  pectus  honesto.     (L.)     Pers.  2,  74. — A 

breast  imbued  with  true  nobleness  of  feeling. 

2198.  In  commendam.    (L.) — Intrust.    Term  applied  to  benefices 

held  by  bishops  and  other  dignitaries,  whose  official 
income  being  small,  is  supplemented  in  this  manner. 

2199.  In  consimili  casu,  consimile  debet  esse  remedium.      (L.) 

Law  Max. — Where  cases  are  similar,  tlie  remedy  should 
be  similar. 

2200.  In  contractis  tacite  insunt  quae  sunt  moris  et  consuetudinis. 

(L.)  Law  Max. — Terms  which  are  warranted  by  custom 
and  usage  may,  in  some  cases,  be  tacitly  imported  into 

2201.  In   conventionibus   contrahentium   voluntas   potius    quam 

verba  spectari  placuit.  (L.)  Law  Max. — In  contracts 
and  agreements  the  intentions  of  the  parties,  rather  than 
the  words  actually  used  by  them,  should  be  considered. 

2202.  In  criminalibus   sufficit  generalis  malitia  intentionis  cum 

facto  paris  gradus.  (L.)  Law  Max. — In  crimes  a 
general  malidious  intention  is  sufficient  to  convict,  if  the 
particular  fact  ensuing  be  of  equal  degree. 

2203.  In  crucifixo  gloria  mea.      (L.) — /  glory  in  the  Crucified. 

Motto  of  Lord  Brabourne. 

2204.  In  curia.     (L.) — In  the  court. 

2205.  In  cute  curanda  plus  aequo  operata  juventus.     (L.)     Hor. 

Ep.  1,  2,  29. — A  class  of  youth  more  given  to  beautifying 
the  outer  man  than  is  right. 

2206.  Inde  datae  leges  ne  fortior  omnia  posset.     (L.)     Law  Max. 

— Laws  were  made  for  this  purpose,  that  the  stronger 
might  not  always  prevail. 
2207    Inde  iraa  et  lacrimse.     (L.)     Juv.  1,  168. — Hence  this  rage 
and  weeping.     This  is  the  cause  of  this  resentment  and 

2208.  In  Deo  spero.     (L.) — In  God  I  hope.     Lord  de  Saumarez. 

244  INDEX. 

2209.  Index  animi  sermo.      (L.)      Law   Max. — Words   are   the 

index  or  interpretation  of  the  intention.  The  meaning 
of  an  Act  of  Parliament  is  best  explained  by  the  direct 
■words  of  its  framers. 

2210.  Index  expurgatorius.    (L.) — An  expurgatory  index.    A  cata- 

logue of  books  which  the  Catholic  Church  prohibits  the 
faithful  from  reading,  published  on  the  doors  of  one  of 
the  churches  at  Rome. 

2211.  Indica  tigris  agit  rabida  cum  tigride  pacem 

Perpetuam  :  ssevis  inter  se  convenit  ursis. 

Ast  homini  ferrum  letale  incude  nefanda 

Produxisse  parum  est.  (L.)     Juv.  15,  163. 

The  Indian  tiger  bears  no  hate, 

But  keeps  truce  with  its  savage  mate  : 

E'en  fiercely-ranging  bears  agree 

To  live  in  general  amity  : 

But  man  on  anvils  all  abhorred, 

Is  not  afraid  to  forge  the  sword. — Ed. 

2212.  In  dictione,  and  Extra  dictionem.     (L.)     Log.  T. — Falla- 

cies contained  in  the  ivords  of  a  proposition,  or  in  the 
matter  of  it. 

If  you  argue  from  the  distressed  state  of  a  country  that  the  govern- 
ment is  tyrannical,  you  assume,  either  that  "every  country  under 
a  tyranny  is  distressed  " — a  fallacy  in  dictione,  being  false  in  the 
mere  words  of  it ;  or  that  ' '  every  distressed  country  is  under  a 
tyranny,"  which  would  be  referred  to  the  head  of  extra  dictionem 
(Whately,  Logic,  105). 

2213.  Indictum  sit.      (L.) — Let  it  be  unsaid.      I  withdraw  the 

words ;  an  apology  or  retractation. 

2214.  In  die  Holle  kommt  man  mit  grosserer  Miihe,   als  in  den 

Himmel.  (G.)  Pro  v. — It  is  a  greater  toil  to  get  to  Hell, 
than  to  Heaven. 

2215.  In  diem.     (L.)     Plaut.  Mil.  3,  2,  48.-^0  a  future  day. 

Indefinitely :  same  as  sine  die,  without  any  further  day 
being  fixed.  (2.)  In  diem  vivere.  Cic.  de  Or,  2,  40, 
169. — To  live  for  the  day.  Regardless  of  the  future; 
hand  to  mouth.  (3.)  De  die  in  diem. — From  day  to 
day  ;  continuously. 

2216.  Indigna  digna  habenda  sunt  hseres  quse  facit.     (L.)     Plaut. 

Capt.  2,  1,  6. — Unbecoming  acts  are  to  be  accounted  as 
becoming  if  done  by  the  master. 

2217.  Indigne  vivit  per  quern  non  vivit  alter.      (L.)  1 — He  lives 

an  unworthy  life,  who  does  not  help  another  to  live. 

IN  ESSE.  245 

2218.  Indignor  quidquam  reprehendi,  non  quia  crasse 

Compositum,  illepideve  putetur,  sed  quia  nuper. 

(L.)    Hor.  Ep.  2,  1,  76. 

I  cliafe  to  Lear  a  poem  called  third-rate 

Not  as  ill-written,  but  as  written  late. — Conington. 

2219.  Indocilis  pauperiem  pati.     (L.)     Hor.  C.   1,   1,  18. — One 

that  cannot  learn  (has  never  learnt)  to  endure  poverty. 
Motto  of  the  Merchants  of  Bristol. 

2220.  Indocilis  privata  loqui.     (Z.)     Lucan.  5,  539. — Incapable 

of  divulging  secrets. 

2221.  Indocti  discant,  et  anient  meminisse  periti.     (L.) — Let  the 

ignorant  learn,  and  the  learned  take  pleasure  in  refreshing 
their  recollection.  Trans,  by  President  He'nault  (Abrege* 
Chronologique,  1749)  of  Pope  (Essay  on  Criticism) : 

Content,  if  hence  th'  unlearn'd  their  wants  may  view, 
The  learned  reflect  on  what  before  they  knew. 

2222.  Indole  pro  quanta  juvenis,  quantumque  daturus 

Ausonise  populis  ventura  in  ssecula  civem  ! 
Hie  super  Gangen,  super  exauditus  et  Indos 
Implebit  terras  voce,  et  furialia  bella 
Fulmine  compescet  linguae,  nee  deinde  relinquet 
Par  decus  eloquio  cuiquam  sperare  nepotum. 

(L.)     Sil  8,  408. 
What  youthful  genius,  what  a  mighty  name 
To  add  t'Ausonia's  crowded  scroll  of  fame  ! 
He  beyond  Ind  and  Ganges  shall  be  heard, 
And  fill  the  countries  with  his  voice  and  word ; 
Repressing  wars  of  craelty  and  wrong 
By  the  mere  lightning  of  his  vivid  tongue  : 
Nor  may  posterity  hope  in  ages  hence 
To  match  the  splendour  of  his  eloquence. — Ed. 

The  lines  were  quoted  by  Mr  Burke  (speech  on  the  India  Bill, 
1783),  applying  them  to  Mr  Fox,  the  minister  in  charge  of  the 

2223.  In  dubiis  benigniora  semper  sunt  prseferenda.     (L.)     Law 

Max. — In  doubtful  cases  we  should  always  lean  to  tlie 
side  of  mercy. 

2224.  In  eo  quod  plus  sit,   semper  inest  et  minus.     (Z.)     Law 

Max. — That  which  contains  tlie  greater,  always  contains 
the  less. 

2225.  In  esse.     (Z.) — In  being,  actually  existing.    Opposed  to  in 

posse,  in  possible  being.  Possible,  but  not  actually  the 
case.     Present,  and  future. 

246  INEST. 

2226.  Inest  et  formicse  sua  bilis.     (L.)  1 — Even  the  ant  has  spleen 

of  its  own.     A  worm  will  turn. 

2227.  Inest  sua  gratia  parvis.      (L.)% — Even   trifles   liave   their 

peculiar  charm. 

2228.  Inest  virtus,   et  mens  interrita  lethi.     (L.)     Ov.  M.   10, 

616. — A  valiant  soul,  a  Jieart  unterrified  by  death. 

2229.  Inexpiabilis  culpa  discordise  nee  passione  purgatur.      Esse 

martyr  non  potest  qui  in  ecclesia  non  est.  .  .  .  Occidi 
talis  potest,  coronari  non  potest.  (L.)  S.  Cyprian  de 
Unitate,  12. 

No  Martyrs  out  of  the  Church. 
The  inexpiable  sin  of  schism  is  not  done  away  with  even  by  suffer- 
ing.    No  one  can  be  a  martyr  who  is  not  in  the  Church.    .    .    . 
Such  an  one  may  be  slain,  but  crowned  he  cannot  be. 

2230.  In  extenso.     (L.) — In  full.     Said  of  written  or  printed 

records.  B's  speech  was  given  in  extenso  in  the  Morning 

2231.  Infandum,  regina,  jubes  renovare  dolorem. 

(L.)    Virg.  A.  2,  3. 
Too  cruel,  lady,  is  the  pain 
You  bid  me  thus  revive  again. — Conington. 

Spoken  by  ^Eneas,  when  Dido  desired  him  to  relate  to 
her  the  history  of  the  destruction  of  Troy. 

2232.  Infecta  pace.     (L.)     Ter.  Eun.   1,  1,  8. —  Without  having 

effected  a  peace.  The  situation  of  the  enemies  (the 
quarrel,  etc.)  remains  as  it  was. 

2233.  Infelix  operam  perdas  ;  ut  si  quis  asellum 

In  campo  doceat  parentem  currere  frsenis. 

(L.)    Hor.  S.  1,  1,  90. 
'Twere  but  lost  labour,  as  if  one  should  train 
A  donkey  for  the  course  by  bit  and  rein. — Conington. 

2234.  In  ferrum  pro  libertate  ruebant.     (L.) — To  preserve  their 

liberty  they  rushed  upon  the  sword.  Motto  of  the  Earl 
of  Leicester. 

2235.  Inflatum  plenumque  Nerone  Propinquo.     (L.)    Juv.  8,  72. 

— Full  to  bursting  of  his  relation,  Nero.  Of  any  who 
talk  much  of  their  smart  relations. 

2236.  In  flagranti  delicto.     (L.) — In  the  very  commission  of  ilie 

offence.     He  was  taken  in  flagranti  delicto,  in  the  act. 

2237.  In  flammam  flammas,  in  mare  fundis  aquas.     (Z.)     Ov.  1 

—  You  are  adding  fire  to  flames,  and  water  to  the  sea. 


2238.  In  forma  pauperis.     (L.) — In  the  condition  of  a  poor  man. 

As  a  pauper. 

2239.  In  foro  conscientise.     (L.) — In  the  court  of  conscience.    Ac- 

cording to  the  conviction  of  one's  own  conscience,  as  to 
what  is  just  and  equitable.  (2.)  In  foro  domestico. — 
In  the  domestic  court.  In  private  :  at  home.  Both  being 
opposed  to  (3.)  In  foro  externo. — In  the  external  or 
public  court. 

2240.  Infra  dignitatem,  or  infra  dig.    (L.) — Beneath  one's  dignity. 

2241.  In  furias  ignemque  l'uunt;  amor  omnibus  idem. 

(L.)    Virg.  G.  3,  244. 

They  rush  into  the  flame, 
For  love  is  lord  of  all,  and  is  in  all  the  same. — Dryden. 

2242.  Iji  future     (L.) — For  a  future  time. 

2243.  Ingeminant  curse,  rui'susque  resurgens 

Ssevit  amor,  magnoque  irarum  fluctuat  aastu. 

(L.)    Virg.  A.  4,  531. 

Her  cares  redouble,  blow  on  blow  ; 
Love  storms,  and  tossing  to  and  fro 

With  billowy  passion  heaves. — Coningion. 

2244.  Ingenii  dotes  corporis  adde  bonis.    (L.)    Ov.  A.  A.  2,  112. 

— Add  the  endowments  of  the  mind  to  the  charms  of  your 

2245.  Ingeniis  patuit  campus,  certusque  merenti 

Stat  favor  :  ornatur  propriis  industria  donis. 

(L.)     Claud.  Cons.  Mall.  262. 
Fair  Field  and  no  Favour. 
The  field  is  free  to  talent ;  merit's  sure 
Of  its  applause,  and  industry  is  crowned 
With  the  reward  that's  due  to  its  own  pains. — Ed. 

2246.  Ingenio  facies  conciliante  placet.     (L.)     Ov.  Med.  Fac.  44. 

— The  face  pleases,  if  the  dis])Osition  charms. 

2247.  Ingeniorum  cos  semulatio.     (L.) — Rivalry  (or  Competition) 

is  the  whetstone  of  genius. 

2248.  Ingenium  cui  sit,  cui  mens  divinior,  atque  os 

Magna  sonaturum,  des  nominis  bujus  honorem. 

(L)     Hor.  S.  1,  4,  43. 
The  Pod. 
No,  keep  that  name  for  genius,  for  a  soul 
Of  Heav'n's  own  fire,  for  words  that  grandly  roll. — Coningion. 


2249.  Ingenium  mala  ssepe  movent.     (L.)     Ov.  A.  A.  2,  43. — 

Misfortune  often  quickens  genius. 

Cf.  Sed  convivatoris,  uti  ducis,  ingenium  rea 

Adversae  nudare  solent,  celare  secundre.         Hor.  S.  2,  8,  73. 

Good  fortune  hides,  adversity  brings  forth 

A  host's  resources,  and  a  general's  worth. — Francis. 

2250.  Ingenium  par  materia?.     (L.)    Juv.  1,  151. — Talents  equal 

to  the  subject. 

2251.  Ingens   telum    necessitas.       (L.)      Sen.  1 — Necessity   is   a 

powerful  weapon. 

2252.  Ingentem  foribus  domus  alta  superbis 

Mane  salutantum  totis  vomit  sedibus  undam.  (L.) 
Virg.  G.  2,  461. — The  stately  palace  with  its  superb 
portals  pours  forth  from  every  part  of  the  building  an 
immense  stream  of  people,  who  have  been  paying  their 
morning  homage. 

2253.  Ingentes  animos  angusto  in  corpore  versant.     (L.)     Virg. 

G.  4,  83. — A  mighty  spirit  fills  that  little  frame.  True 
of  Alexander  and  Napoleon  I.,  both  men  of  short  stature. 

2254.  Ingentes  dominos,  et  clarse  nomina  famse, 

Illustrique  graves  nobilitate  domos 
Devita,  et  longe  caufcus  fuge  :  contrahe  vela 

Et  te  littoribus  cymba  propinqua  vehat.  (Z.)  ? — Avoid 
and  carefully  eschew  great  lords,  titles  of  great  fame,  and 
the  houses  of  the  illustrious  and  dignified  nobility.  Shorten 
sail,  and  let  your  bark  keep  nearer  to  the  shore. 

2255.  Ingenuas  didicisse  fideliter  artes 

Emollit  mores,  nee  sinit  esse  feros.  (L.)  Ov.  Ep.  2, 
9,  47. — A  careful  study  of  the  liberal  arts  refines  the 
manners,  and  prevents  their  becoming  rude. 

2256.  Inglese  Italianizato,  Diavolo  incarnato.     (It.)     Prov. — An 

Italianised  Englishman  is  a  devil  incarnate. 

2257.  Ingratus.      (L.) — Ungrateful.     Sayings  respecting  Ingra- 

titude : 

(1.)  Ingratus  est  qui  beneficium  accepisse  se  negat,  quod  accepit : 
ingratus  est  qui  dissimulat :  ingratus,  qui  non  reddit :  ingratis- 
simus  omnium,  qui  oblitus  est.  Sen.  Ben.  3,  1. — He  is  ungrateful 
who  denies  that  he  has  received  the  kindness  shown  him :  he  is 
ungrateful  who  hides  the  fact ;  he  is  ungrateful  who  does  not  return 
the  favour ;  he,  most  of  all,  who  has  forgotten  the  whole  matter. 
(2.)  Dixeris  maledicta  cuncta,  quum  ingratum  hominem  dixeris. 
Pub.  Syr.  ? — If  you  say  a  man  is  ungrateful,  you  can  call  him  no 
worse  name.      (3. )  Ingratus  est  qui  remotis  arbitris  agit  gratiam. 

IN  LOCO.  249 

Sen.  Ben.  2,  23. — Ee  is  an  ungrateful  man  who  returns  thanks 
when  all  witnesses  are  out  of  the  way.  (4.)  Nil  homine  terra  pejus 
ingrato  creat.  Auson.  Epigr.  140,  1. — The  earth  does  not  produce 
a  worse  thing  than  an  ungrateful  man.  (5.)  Pol  quidem,  meo 
animo,  ingrato  homine  nihil  impensiu  'st.  Plant.  Bacch.  3,  2,  10. 
— Egad,  to  my  mind  there  is  nothing  more  ruinous  than  an  un- 
grateful man.  (6.)  Ingratus  unus  miseris  omnibus  nocet.  Pub. 
Syr.  ? — One  ungrateful  man  does  an  injury  to  all  poor  people. 

2258.  In  hoc  signo  spes  mea.      (L.) — In  this  sign  is  my  hope. 

Motto  of  Viscount  Taaffe. 

2259.  In  hoc  signo  vinces.      (.£.),  or  iv  tovtm  vUa.     (Gr.)     Cf. 

Euseb.  vit.  Constantin.  1,  28. — In  this  sign,  i.e.,  of  the 
Cross,  thou  shalt  conquer.  Motto  of  Earl  of  Arran,  Lord 
Harlech,  and  of  the  Russian  Order  of  St  Constantine. 

The  words  were  assumed  as  motto  by  the  Emperor  Constantine 
the  Great,  and  attached  to  the  Imperial  Standard  (Labarum),  in 
memorial  of  the  luminous  Cross  which  appeared  to  him  in  the 
heavens  on  the  eve  of  his  defeat  of  Maxentius  and  victorious  entry 
into  Rome,  a.d.  312. 

2260.  Inimici  famam  non  ita  ut  nata  est,  fernnt.     (L.)     Plaut. 

Pers.  3,  1,  23. — Enemies  circulate  stories  in  another 
form  than  that  tliey  originally  had. 

2261.  Initia  magistratuum  nostrum  meliora  ferme,  et  finis  in- 

clinat.  (L.)  Tac.  A.  15,  21. — The  discharge  of  our 
official  duties  is  usually  more  exemplary  at  their  com- 
mencement;  it  is  towards  the  end  that  it  declines  in 
vigour.  Great  alacrity  is  shown  by  men  in  their  en- 
trance into  office ;  nothing  can  be  more  active  than  the 
first  few  months  of  power.     New  brooms  sweep  clean. 

2262.  Initium  est  salutis,  notitia  peccati.     (L.)     Sen.  Ep.  28. — 

The  first  step  toioards  the  soid's  recovery,  is  the  hnoicledge 
of  the  sin  committed. 

2263.  In  judicando  criminosa  est  celeritas.      (L.)     Law  Max. — 

Haste  is  criminal  in  a  judge. 

2264.  Injuriarum  remedium  est  oblivio.      (L.)     Prov.  ap.  Sen. 

Ep.  94. — Oblivion  is  the  best  remedy  for  injuries. 

2265.  Injusta  ab  justis  impetrare  non  decet; 

Justa  autem  ab  injustis  petere,  insipientia 'st.  (L.) 
Plaut.  Am.  Prol.  35. — To  demand  injustice  from  tliejust 
is  not  becoming :  but  to  seek  justice  at  the  hands  of  the 
unjust  is  simple  folly . 

2266.  In  limine.     (L.) — On  the  threshold.     At  the  outset 

2267.  In  loco  parentis.     (Z.) — In  the  place  of  a  parent. 

250  IN  MEA. 

2268.  In  mea  vesanas  habui  dispendia  vires : 

Et  valui  poenas  fortis  in  ipse  meas.    (Z.)  Ov.  Am.  1,  7,  25. 

I  had  a  madman's  strength  to  my  undoing, 
And  proved  most  powerful  to  my  own  ruin. — Ed. 

2269.  In  medias  res.     (L.) — Into  the  midst  of  the  affair.     With- 

out losing  time  we  plunged  in  medias  res,  and  were  soon 
over  head  and  ears  in  business. 

2270.  In  memoriam.     (L.) — In  memory  of.      (2.)  In  perpetuam 

rei  memoriam. — For  the  perpetual  memory  of  the  thing. 
Words  usually  preceding  some  solemn  record  of  events, 
or  authoritative  declaration. 

2271.  In  nocte  consilium.    (L.)    Prov. — Take  counsel  in  the  night. 

Let  the  night  pass  over  your  determination.  Sleep 
upon  it. 

2272.  In   nomine   Domini   incipit  omne   malum.      (L.) — Every 

wickedness  commences  in  tlie  name  of  the  Lord.  Religious 
persecution  has  in  all  ages  been  supposed  to  be  doing 
God  service. 

2273.  In  nova  fert  animus  mutatas  dicere  formas  Corpora.     (L.) 

Ov.  M.  1,  1. — /  am  now  led  to  speak  of  bodies  changed 
into  other  forms. 

The  opening  words  of  the  poet's  celebrated  Metamorphoses,  or 
Stories  of  the  Changes  wrought  in  the  world  of  mythology  upon 
the  persons  of  various  fabulous  individuals  by  the  action  of  the 
Gods.  Thus,  Narcissus  is  turned  into  a  flower,  Daphne  into  a 

2274.  In  nubibus.    (L.) — In  tlie  clouds.    Misty,  vague,  undefined, 

without  practical  shape.  Said  also  of  absent  persons, 
who  are  frequently  "  in  the  clouds." 

2275.  In  nuce.     (L.) — In  a  nut-shell.     Any  question  or  proposi- 

tion stated  in  its  shortest  terms. 

2276.  Innuendo.       (L.) — By   intimating.      An    oblique,   covert 

hint  or  remark,  generally  reflecting  upon  the  action  of 

2277.  In  omnia  paratus.      (L.) — Prepared  for  all  emergencies. 

Motto  of  Lord  Dunally. 

2278.  In   omnibus    quidem,    maxime    tamen    in    jure,   sequitas 

spectanda  sit.  (Z.)  Law  Max. — In  all  things,  but 
especially  in  law,  equity  must  be  observed. 

In  applying  the  general  provisions  of  the  law  to  a  particular  case 
(which  may  have  been  unforeseen),  recourse  is  had  to  that  power, 
called  Equity,  which  modifies  and  applies  the  strict  rules  of  law. 


2279.  In  omni  re  vincit  iinitationem  Veritas.     (L.)     Cic.  de  Or. 

3,  57,  215. — In  everything  the  truth  is  superior  to  the 
imitation  of  it. 

2280.  Inopem  me  copia  fecit.     (L.)     Ov.  M.  3,  466. — Plenty  has 

made  me  poor.  Too  great  copiousness  of  ideas  often 
embarrasses  and  retai'ds  a  due  flow  of  language. 

2281.  Inops,  potentem  dum  vult  imitari,  perit.     (L.)     Phsedr.  1, 

24,  1. — The  poor,  in  attempting  to  imitate  tJie  great, 
comes  to  ruin,  as  the  frog  did  in  aping  the  proportions  of 
the  ox. 

2282.  In  pace  leones,  in  prselio  cervi.     (L.)     Tert.  Coron.  Mil.  1. 

— Lions  in  time  of  peace,  deer  in  time  of  war.  A 
courageous  person.  Cf.  In  prsetoriis  leones,  in  castris 
lepores.  Sid.  Ep.  5,  7. — Lions  in  barracks,  hares  in 
the  field:  and  Domi  leones,  foris  vulpes.  Petr.  44,  4. — 
Lions  at  home,  foxes  abroad. 

2283.  In  pari  materia.     (L  ) — In  a  similar  matter.     In  a  similar 

or  kindred  matter,  question,  topic. 

2284.  In  partibus  (sc.   infidelium).     (L.) — In  the  countries  (of 

unbelievers).  Term  applied  to  Bishops  and  clergy  sent 
into  non-Catholick  countries,  as,  e.g.,  the  titular  Prelates 
acting  in  England  before  the  restoration  of  the  Catholick 
Hierarchy  in  1851. 

2285.  In  pertusum  ingerimus  dicta  dolium.     (L.)     Plaut.  Ps.  1, 

3,  135. — We  are  pouring  our  words  into  a  leaky  cask. 
Advice  thrown  away. 

2286.  In  petto.    (It.)-. — Within  the  breast.    In  reserve.    Cardinals- 

designate,  but  without  churches  assigned  to  them,  are  so 

2287.  In  pios  usus.     (L.) — For  objects  of  piety.     For  pious  uses. 

2288.  In  portu  quies.    (L.) — Rest  in  port.    M.  of  Earl  of  Lathom. 

2289.  In  principatu  commutando,  civium 

Nil  prseter  domini  nomen  mutant  pauperes.  (L.)  Phsedr. 
1,  15. — In  a  change  of  rulers  (government)  the  poorer 
class  change  nothing  except  their  master's  name. 

2290.  In  propria  persona.     (L.) — In  person.    Opposed  to  appear- 

ance or  action  by  proxy. 

2291.  In  puris  natural ibus.     (L.) — In  a  state  of  nature. 

2292.  Inquinat  egregios  adjuncta  superbia  mores.     (L.)     Claud. 

Cons.  Hon.  4,  305. — The  best  manners  are  stained  by  (lie 
presence  of  pride. 

252  IN  RE. 

2293.  In  re.    (L.) — In  the  matter  of.    Respecting,  with  regard  to. 

2294.  In  regno  Francise  omnibus  scribendi  datur  libertas,  paucis 

facultas :  olim  literse  ob  homines  in  pi*etio,  nunc  sordent 
ob  homines.  (L.)  Scaliger  Ep.  ad.  Petas. — In  France 
every  man  has  liberty  to  write,  few  the  ability  to  do  so. 
Formerly  literature  was  in  high  esteem  owing  to  the 
learned  men  who  made  it  their  pursuit,  now  it  is  as  much 
depreciated  by  the  pedants  who  have  succeeded  them. 
Estimate  of  the  school  of  letters  in  France  in  the 
16  th  cent. 

2295.  In  re  mala  animo  si  bono  utare,  adjuvat.     (L.)     Plant. 

Capt.  2,  1,  8. — To  show  a  good  spirit  is  of  much  help  in 
any  difficulty.     In  Fr.,  A  mauvais  jeu,  bonne  mine. 

2296.  I.N.R.I.      (Z.) — Jesus   of  Nazareth,    King   of  the   Jeios. 

Abbrev.  of  Iesus  Nazarenus  Rex  Iudseorum. 

2297.  In  sanguine  foedus.      (L.) — A  covenant  sealed  with  blood. 

Motto  of  the  Orders  of  the  Two  Sicilies,  and  of  St 

2298.  Insanire  putas  sollennia  me,  neque  rides.      (L.)     Hor.  Ep. 

1,  1,  101. — You  think  me  bitten  with  the  prevailing  mad- 
ness, and  you  do  not  laugh. 

2299.  Insani  sapiens  nomen  ferat,  sequus  iniqui, 

Ultra  quod  satis  est  virtu  tern  si  petat  ipsam.  (L.)  Hor. 
Ep.  1,  6,  15. — Let  the  wise  man  be  called  fool,  and  the 
just  unjust,  if  his  pursuit  even  of  Virtue  herself  be  carried 
beyond  the  bounds  of  prudence. 

2300.  In  se  magna  ruunt :  lsetis  hunc  numina  rebus 

Crescendi  posuere  modum ;  nee  gentibus  ultra 
Commodat  in  populum  terrae  pelagique  potentem 
Invidiam  Fortuna  suam.  (L.)     Lucan.  1,  81. 

All  that's  too  great 
Tails  crushed  by  its  inherent  weight. 
Such  righteous  hounds  the  laws  of  Heaven 
T  undue  prosperity  have  given. 
And  Fortune,  Rome  to  overthrow, 
Called  in  no  aid  of  foreign  foe, 
But  wreaked  herself  the  vengeance  plann'd 
Against  the  lords  of  sea  and  land. — Ed. 

T.  May  (1634)  translates  it  thus  : 

Great  things  themselves  oppresse, 
The  Gods  this  bound  to  groning  states  have  set ; 
But  to  no  Forraine  armes  would  Fortune  yet 
Lend  her  owne  envy  o're  great  Rome,  that  awes 
Both  land  and  sea  ;  shee's  her  owne  mines  cause. 


2301.  In  serum  rem  trahere.     (L.)     See  Liv.  32,  35,  4. — To  pro- 

tract the  discussion,  or  the  sitting,  to  a  late  hour. 

2302.  Inservi  Deo  et  lsetare.    (L.) — Serve  God  and  rejoice.     Earl 

of  Wicklow. 

2303.  In  silvam  non  ligna  feras  insanius.     (L.)     Hor.  S.  1,  10, 

34. — It  would  be  as  silly  as  to  carry  sticks  into  the  forest. 

In  silvam  ligna  ferre  (to  carry  logs  into  the  wood) = to  labour  in 
vain,  to  "carry  coals  to  Newcastle."  The  Greeks  have  a  proverb 
to  the  same  effect,  TXavic'  'A6^i>a^e,  Ar.  Av.  301  (or  yXavK  els 
Ad-qvas,  ap.  Cic.  Fain.  9,  3,  2),  Owls  to  Athens,  the  owl  being 
Athene's  bird  ;  so  too  Ix^vs  eh  '^W-qtrirovTov,  Fish  to  the  Hellespont. 

2304.  Insita  mortalibus  natui'a,  propere  sequi  quse  piget  inclioare. 

(Z.)  Tac.  H.  1,  55. — It  is  part  of  our  nature  to  second 
things  readily  enough,  but  to  decline  taking  tJie  first  step. 

2305.  Insita  mortalibus  natura  recentem  aliorum  felicitatem  aegris 

oculis  introspicere,  modumque  fortunse  a  nullis  magis 
exigere,  quam  quos  in  aequo  videre.  (L.)  Tac.  H.  2, 
20. — It  is  natural  to  scan  the  sudden  promotion  of  new 
men  with  jealous  eyes,  and  to  demand  that  those  whom 
we  have  known  in  a  humble  station  should  carry  their 
good  fortune  with  especial  humility. 

2306.  In  situ.     (L.) — In  position.     In  its  place  or  position. 

2307.  In  solo  Deo  salus.       (L.) — Salvation   is  in   God  alone. 

Motto  of  Earl  of  Harewood. 

2308.  In  solo  vi vend i  causa  palato  est.    (L.)    Juv. — Their  palate 

is  the  sole  object  of  their  existence. 

Men  whose  sole  bliss  is  eating,  who  can  give 
But  that  one  brutal  reason  why  they  live.  (?) 

2309.  Insperata  accidunt  magis  ssepe  quam  quae  speres.      (L.) 

Plaut.  Most.  1,  3,  40. — WJiat  is  unexpected  happens  more 
frequently  than  that  which  one  is  looking  for. 

2310.  Inspicere,  tanquam  in  speculum,  in  vitas  omnium 

Jubeo,  atque  ex  aliis  sumere  exemplum  sibi. 

(L.)     Ter.  Ad.  3,  3,  61. 

In  short,  I  bid  him  look  into  the  lives 
Of  all,  as  in  a  mirror,  and  thence  draw 
From  others  an  example  for  himself. — Colman. 

2311.  Instar  omnium.     (L.) — Like  all  the  others. 

2312.  In  stomacho  .  .  .  ridere.      (L.)      Cic.  Fam.  2,  16,  l.—To 

laugh  in  one's  sleeve. 

2313.  Intaminatis  fulget  honoribus.      (L.) — He  shines  with  un- 

spotted honours.     Motto  of  Earl  of  Winton. 

254  IN  TE. 

2314.  In  te,  Domine,  speravi.      (L.)     Vulg.  Ps.  lxx.  1. — In  thee, 

0  Lord,  have  I  trusted.     Motto  of  Earl  of  Strathmore. 

2315.  Integer  vitse  scelerisque  purus 

Non  eget  Mauri  jaculis  neque  arcu.    (L.)  Hor.  C.  1, 22, 1. 

Pure  lives  and  upright  have  no  need 
For  Moorish  arms  of  dart  or  bow.  — Ed. 

2316.  In  tenui  labor  at  tenuis  non  gloria.     (L.)    Virg.  G.  4,  6. 

Slight  is  the  subject,  bat  the  praise  not  small. — Dryden. 
Any  humble,  but  beneficial  undertaking. 

2317.  In  te  omnis  domus  inclinata  recurnbit.     (L.)    Virg.  A.  12, 

59. — On  thee  repose  all  the  hopes  of  your  family.  Speech 
of  Amata  to  her  son  Turnus,  dissuading  him  from  en- 
gaging in  single  combat  with  .iEneas. 

Since  on  the  safety  of  thy  life  alone 

Depends  Latinus,  and  the  Latian  throne.  — Dryden. 

2318.  Inter  alia.     (L.) — Amongst  other  things. 

2319.  Inter  cetera  mala,  hoc  quoque  habet  stultitia  proprium, 

semper  incipit  vivere.  (L.)  Sen.  Ep.  13. — Among  other 
evils,  folly  has  this  special  peculiarity,  it  is  always  be- 
ginning to  live. 

2320.  Inter  delicias  semper  aliquid  stevi  nos  strangulat.     (L.)  1 — 

In  the  midst  of  pleasure  there  is  always  something  bad 
that  torments  us. 

2321.  Interdum  lacrymse  pondera  vocis  habent.      (L.)     Ov.  Ep. 

3,  1,  158. — Sometimes  tears  have  the  force  of  words. 

2322.  Interdum  speciosa  locis  morataque  recte 

Fabula,  nullius  Veneris,  sine  pondere  et  arte, 
Valdius  oblectat  populum  meliusque  moratur 
Quam  versus  inopes  rerum  nugseque  canora?. 

(L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  319. 

For  when  the  sentiments  and  diction  please, 
And  all  the  characters  are  drawn  with  ease, 
Your  play,  though  void  of  beauty,  force,  and  art, 
More  strongly  shall  delight  the  people's  heart, 
Than  where  a  lifeless  pomp  of  verse  appears, 
And  with  sonorous  trifles  charms  our  ears. — Francis. 

2323.  Interdum  vulgus  rectum  videt,  est  ubi  peccat. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  2,  1,  63. 

Sometimes  the  crowd  a  proper  judgment  makes, 
But  oft  they  labour  under  great  mistakes.  —Francis. 

INTER  NOS.  255 

2324.  Interca  dulces  pendent  circum  oscula  nati, 

Casta  pudicitiam  servat  domus.     (L.)     Virg.  G.  2,  524. 

His  little  children,  climbing  for  a  kiss, 

"Welcome  their  father's  late  return  at  night ; 

His  faithful  bed  is  crown'd  with  chaste  delight. — Dryden. 

2325.  Interea  gustus  elementa  per  omnia  quserunt, 

Nunquam  animo  pretiis  obstantibus ;  interius  si 
Attendas,  magis  ilia  juvant,  quae  plnris  emuntur. 

(L.)     Juv.  11,  14. 

The  Gourmet. 
Heaven  and  the  earth  are  ransacked 
For  the  most  expensive  dainties  ; 
In  his  heart  he  likes  the  dish  best 
"Which  has  cost  the  most. — Shaw. 

Cf.  Dii  boni !  quantum  hominum  unus  venter  exercet !  Sen.  Ep. 
95. — Good  God/  to  think  of  the  army  of  men  that  a  single  stomach 
will  keep  to  do  its  bidding  I 

2326.  Inter  eos  rursum  si  reventum  in  gratia  est, 

Bis  tanto  amici  sunt  inter  se,  quam  prius.  (L.)  Plaut. 
Am.  3,  2,  61. — If  they  get  reconciled  to  each  other  again, 
they  become  twice  the  friends  they  were  before. 

2327.  Intererit  multum  Davusne  loquatur  an  heros.     (L.)     Hor. 

A.  P.  114. — It  is  of  much  consequence  whether  Davus  (a 
servant)  is  speaking  or  a  hero.  Addressed  to  dramatic 
authors,  who  should  make  their  characters  use  language 
suited  to  their  station. 

2328.  Interest  reipublicse  ut  sit  finis  litium.     (L.)     Law  Max. — 

It  is  for  the  interest  of  the  State  that  there  be  an  end  to 
litigation.  The  public  good  is  concerned  in  fixing  a  limit 
to  lawsuits,  which  in  some  cases  might  be  almost  in- 
definitely prolonged. 

2329.  Inter   Grsecos   Grsecissimus,    inter   Latinos    Latinissimus. 

(L.)  1 — In  Greek  he  is  the  most  thorough  Grecian,  and  in 
Latin  the  most  perfect  Roman.  Said  of  a  consummate 
classical  scholar. 

2330.  Inter  nos.      (L.) — Between  ourselves,   i.e.,   confidentially, 

privately.     In  French,  entre  nous. 

2331.  Inter  nos  sanctissima  divitiarum 

Majestas.     Etsi,  funesta  pecunia,  templo 

Non  dum  habitas,  nullas  nummorum  ereximus  aras. 

(L.)     Juv.  1,  113. 


The  Almighty  Dollar. 
Riches  among  ourselves  the  reverence  get 
That's  due  to  God  :  altho'  thou  hast  not  yet 
Thy  shrine,  detested  Money,  nor  have  we 
Erected  altars,  quite,  to  £  s.  d. — Ed. 

2332.  In  terrorem.     (L.) — To  terrify.     As  a  warning  or  threat 

2333.  Inter  spem  curamque,  timores  inter  et  iras, 

Omnem  crede  diem  tibi  diluxisse  supremum ; 
Grata  superveniet  quse  non  sperabitur  bora. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  4,  12. 

Let  hopes  and  sorrows,  fears  and  angers  be, 

And  think  each  day  that  dawns  the  last  you'll  see : 

For  so  the  hour  that  greets  you  unforeseen 

Will  bring  with  it  enjoyment  twice  as  keen. — Conington. 

2334.  Inter  sylvas  Academi  quserere  verurn. 

(Z.)     Hor.  Ep.  2,  2,  45. 

To  search  for  truth,  if  so  she  might  be  seen, 
In  Academic  groves  of  blissful  green. — Ed. 

The  Academy  where  Plato  taught  still  remained  at  Athens,  although 
the  school  no  longer  existed.  Its  name,  however,  still  attracted 
youths  from  Italy  and  elsewhere  for  purposes  of  study. 

2335.  In  theatro  ludus.     (L.)—Like  a  scene  at  a  play. 

2336.  Intolerabilius  nihil  est  quam  foemina  dives.      (L.)     Juv.  6, 

460. — There  is  nothing  so  intolerable  as  a  rich  woman. 

2337.  In  toto  et  pars  continetur.     (Z.) — The  part  is  contained  in 

the  wlwle.     (2.)  In  toto. — Entirely,  altogether. 

2338.  In  transitu.     (L.)     Quint.    7,  3,  27. — In  passing,  by  the 

way  (Fr.  en  passant) ;  in  transit.  On  the  way  to  any 

2339.  Intus  et  iu  jecore  aegro 

Nascuntur  domini.  (L.)  Pers.  5,  129. — Masters  spring 
up  in  our  own  breasts,  and  from  a  morbid  liver. 

2340.  Intus  si  recte,  ne  labora.     (L.) — If  inwardly  upright,  be 

not  troubled.     Shrewsbury  School. 

2341.  Intuta  quse  indecora.     (L.)     Tac.  H.  1,  33. — What  is  un- 

becoming, is  unsafe. 

2342.  In    utraque    fortuna    paratus.       (L.) — Prepared  in   any 

emergency.     Viscount  Combermere. 

2343.  In   utroque   fidelis.      (L.) — Faithful  in   both.      Motto   of 

Viscount  Falkland. 

INVLDUS.  257 

2344.  Invendibili  merci  oportet  ultro  emptorem  abducere, 

Proba  merx  facile  emptorem  reperit,  tametsi  in  abstruso 
sita  est.  (L.)  Plaut.  Pcen.  1,  2,  129. — One  must  go  out 
of  one's  way  to  bring  buyers  to  unsaleable  articles  :  good 
wares  easily  find  a  purchaser,  although  they  may  be  hid 
away  in  a  coi'ner. 

2345.  Inveni  portum,  Spes  et  Fortuna  valete, 

Sat  me  lusistis,  ludite  nunc  alios.  (Z.)  1 

Fortune  and  Hope,  farewell !    I've  reached  the  port ; 
Enough  you've  tricked  me,  now  with  others  sport. — Ed. 

Lines  inscribed  by  Gil  Bias  over  the  gate  of  the  Castle  of  Lirias  at 
the  conclusion  of  his  wanderings  and  adventures.  They  occur  (see 
Notes  and  Queries,  Series  3,  8,  199)  in  Janus  Pannonius  (f  1474, 
Bishop  of  Funfkirchen,  Hungary),  op.  2  vols.,  Utrecht,  1784, 
vol.  i.  p.  531,  as  a  translation  from  the  Greek  anthology.  They 
have  also  been  ascribed  to  Lilly,  Prudentius,  and  others. 

2346.  Inventum  medicina  meum  est :  opiferque  per  orbem 

Dicor,  et  herbarum  subjecta  potentia  nobis.  (L.)  Ov. 
M.  1,  521. — Medicine  is  my  invention,  and  I  am  cele- 
brated all  over  the  world  as  the  Healer  of  mankind,  and 
the  virtues  of  herbs  obey  my  sioay.  Words  of  Apollo 
when  complaining  that  lie  could  find  nothing  to  cure  his 
passion  for  Daphne. 

2347.  In  veritate  religionis  confido.     (L.) — I  confide  in  the  truth 

of  Religion.  Motto  of  25  th  Foot.  (2.)  In  veritate 
victoria. —  Victory  lies  with  tlie  Truth.  Motto  of  Earls 
of  Huntingdon  and  Loudoun. 

2348.  Invidiam  ferre  aiit  fortis  aut  felix  potest.    (Z.)    Pub.  Syr.  1 

— It  is  only  the  brave  or  the  happy  that  can  endure  the 
attacks  of  envy. 

2349.  Invidiam  placare  paras,  virtute  relicta] 

(L.)     Hor.  S.  2,  3,  13. 

Think  yon  by  turning  lazy  to  exempt 

Your  life  from  envy  ?   No,  you'll  earn  contempt. — Conington. 

2350.  Invidus,  iracundus,  iners,  vinosus,  amator 

Nemo  adeo  ferus  est,  ut  non  mitescere  possit, 
Si  modo  culture  patientem  commodet  aurem. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  1,  38. 

Bun  through  the  list  of  faults  :  whate'er  you  be, 
Coward,  pickthank,  spitfire,  drunkard,  debauchee, 
Submit  to  culture  patiently,  you'll  find 
Her  charms  can  humanise  the  rudest  mind.  —  Conington. 

258  IN  VINO. 

2351.  In  vino  Veritas.      (L.) — People  in  liquor  tell  the  truth. 

Drink  unlocks  secrets. 

2352.  Invisa  nunquam  imperia  retinentur  diu.     (L.)    Sen.  Theb. 

660. — Hated  governments  never  last  long. 

2353.  Invitat  culpam  qui  peccatum  prseterit.     (L.)     Pub.  Syr.  ? 

— He  who  passes  over  a  crime  encourages  guilt. 

2354.  In  vitium  ducit  culpae  fuga.     (Z.)    Hor.  A.  P.  31. — Avoid- 

ing one  fault  leads  to  another. 

2355.  Invitum  qui  servat  idem  facit  occidenti.     (L.)     Hor.  A.  P. 

467. — If  you  save  a  man  against  his  will,  you  as  good  as 
kill  him. 

2356.  Invitum  sequitur  honos.      (L.) — Honour  follows  him  un- 

solicited.    Motto  of  the  Marquess  of  Donegal  and  Lords 
Templemore  and  O'Neill. 

2357.  Ipsse  rursum  concedite  sylvae.      (L.)     Yirg.  E.  10,  63. — 

Once  more,  ye  woods,  farewell  I 

2358.  Ipsa  quidem  virtus  pretium  sibi,  solaque  late 

Fortunae  secura  nitet,  nee  fastibus  ullis 
Erigitur,  plausuve  petit  clarescere  vulgi. 

(L.)     Claud.  Cons.  Mall.  1,  1. 
Virtue,  her  own  reward. 
Virtue's  her  own  reward.     Her  star  shines  bright, 
And  her's  alone,  in  Fortune's  own  despite  : 
Pomp  cannot  dazzle  her,  nor  is  her  aim 
To  make  the  plaudits  of  the  mob  her  fame.  — Ed. 

2359.  Ipsa  quidem  virtus  sibimet  pulcherrima  merces ; 

Dulce  tamen  venit  ad  manes,  quum  gratia  vitas 
Durat  apud  superos,  nee  edunt  oblivia  laudem. 

(L.)    Sil.  83,  663. 
Virtue  herself  is  her  own  fairest  boon  : 
Yet  sweet  'tis  to  the  dead,  when  those  on  earth 
Retain  some  memory  of  departed  worth 
And  all's  not  swallowed  in  oblivion.  — Ed. 

2360.  Ipsa  quoque  assiduo  labuntur  tenipora  motu, 

Non  secus  ac  flumen.     Neque  enim  consistere  flumen, 
Nee  levis  hora  potest :  sed  ut  unda  impellitur  unda, 
Urgeturque  prior  veniente,  urgetque  priorem ; 
Tempora  sic  fugiunt  pariter,  pariterque  sequuntur  : 
Et  nova  sunt  semper  :  nam  quod  fuit  ante  relictum  est, 
Fitque  quod  haud  fuerat,  momentaque  cuncta  novantur. 

(Z.)     Ov.  M.  15,  179. 

IRA  QTJ^E.  259 

Time  compared  to  a  River. 
Time  glides  along  with  constant  motion 
Just  like  a  river  to  the  ocean. 
For  neither  may  the  waters  stay, 
Nor  the  wing'd  hour  its  flight  delay. 
But  wave  by  wave  is  urged  along, 
Down  hurrying  in  tumultuous  throng  ; 
This  one  by  that  behind  it  sped, 
Itself  impelling  those  ahead— 
So  time  pursues  and  is  pursued, 
And  every  instant  is  renewed. 
"What  was  the  future  is  the  past, 
And  hours  unborn  are  born  at  last : 
And  as  they're  distanced  in  the  race, 
Others  succeed  to  take  their  place. — Ed. 

2361.  Ipse  dixit.     (L.) — He  himself  said  it.     Assertion  without 

proof.  When  asked  the  reason  of  their  doctrines,  the 
disciples  of  Pythagoras  used  to  reply,  'Avtos  e<£a,  He 
said  so. 

2362.  Ipse  docet  quid  agam  :  fas  est  et  ab  hoste  doceri. 

(L.)     Ov.  M.  4,  428. 
He  teaches  me  himself  what  I  should  do  : 
And  good  are  lessons  even  from  a  foe. — Ed. 

We  should  not  be  above  taking  a  leaf  even  from  an 
antagonist's  book. 

2363.  Ipse  pavet ;  nee  qua  commissas  flectat  habenas, 

Nee  scit  qua  sit  iter,  nee,  si  sciat,  imperet  illis. 

(L.)     Ov.  M.  2,  169. 
A  Runaway  Team. 
Scared,  he  forgets  which  rein,  which  way  the  course  is ; 
Nor,  if  he  knew,  could  he  control  his  horses. — Ed. 

2364.  Ipsissima  verba.     (L.) — The  exact  words. 

2365.  Ipso  facto.    (L.) — By  the  fact  itself.    Thereby,  consequently. 

2366.  Ipso  jure.     (L.)     Gai  Inst.  2,  198. — In  strict  law.      By 

the  letter  of  the  law. 

2367.  I.q.,  or  idem  quod.     (Z.) — Tlie  same  as. 

2368.  Ira  furor  brevis  est :  animum  rege,  qui,  nisi  paret, 

Imperat :  hunc  frenis,  hunc  tu  compesce  catena. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  2,  62. 

Anger's  a  short-lived  madness  :  curb  and  bit 

Your  mind  :  'twill  rule  you  if  you  rule  not  it. — Conington. 

2369.  Ira  qua?  tegitur  nocet ; 

Professa  perdunt  odia  vindictze  locum.  (L.)  Sen.  Med. 
153. — Concealed  anger  alone  is  dangerous  ;  hatred  wliea 
declared  loses  its  opportunity  of  revenge. 

260  IE  ARUM. 

2370.  Irai'um  tantos  volvis  sub  pectore  fluctus?     (L.)     Virg.  A. 

12,  831. — Stir  you  such  waves  of  wrath  beneath  (hat 
breast  ?  Jove  to  Juno,  desiring  to  appease  her  rage 
over  the  successes  of  the  Trojans  in  Italy. 

2371.  Ire  domum  atque  Pelliculam  curare  jube. 

(L.)     Hor.  S.  2,  5,  37. 
Bid  him  go  home  and  nurse  himself. — Conington. 

2372.  Ire  tamen  restat,  Numa  quo  devenit  et  Ancus. 

(Z.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  6,  27. 
At  length  the  summons  comes,  and  you  must  go 
To  Numa  and  to  Ancus  dowu  below. — Conington. 

Motto  of  Spectator  (329)  on  Sir  Rogei''s  visit  to  the 

2373.  Irritabis  crabrones.     (L.)    Plaut.  Am.  2,  2,  75. — You  will 

irritate  the  hornets.  You  will  bring  a  hornet's  nest 
about  your  ears. 

2374.  Is  cadet  ante  senem,  qui  sapit  ante  diem.     (L.)     Prov. — 

He  will  die  before  he  is  old,  tcho  is  wise  before  his  time. 

2375.  Is  maxime  divitiis  utitur,  qui  minime  divitiis  indiget.    (L.) 

Sen.  Ep.  14. — He  etnploys  riches  to  tlie  best  purpose  who 
least  needs  them.  Saying  of  Epicurus  or  Metrodorus,  aut 
alicujus  ex  ilia  officina,  or  some  one  of  that  school, 
quoted  by  Seneca  in  l. 

2376.  Is  orator  erit,  mea  sententia  hoc  tarn  gravi  dignus  nomine, 

qui  qusecunque  res  incident,  quae  sit  dictione  explicanda, 
prudenter  et  composite  et  ornate  et  memoriter  dicet  cum 
quadam  actionis  etiam  dignitate.  (L.)  Cic.  de  Or.  1, 
15,  64. — To  be  worthy  of  the  proud  title  of  an  orator, 
requires  in  my  opinion  an  ability  to  put  into  words  any 
question  that  may  occur,  with  good  sense  and  a  proper 
arrangement  of  his  subject:  besides  that  his  discourse, 
which  must  be  spoken  from  memory,  should  be  ornate  in 
style,  and  accompanied  by  dignified  action  befitting  the  topic. 

2377.  Is  ordo  vitio  vacato,  caeteris  specimen  esto.     (L.) — Let  that 

class  be  free  from  vice,  and  an  example  to  the  rest.  Pre- 
cept contained  in  the  Twelve  Tables,  and  addressed  to 
the  Senatorial  or  Patrician  order. 

2378.  Ista  decens  facies  longis  vitiabitur  annis, 

Rugaque  in  antiqua  fronte  senilis  erit. 
Injicietque  manum  formse  damnosa  senectus, 
Qnee  strepitum  passu  non  faciente  venit. 

(L.)    Ov.  T.  3,  7,  33. 

ITALIA.  261 

Tu  vieilliras,  ma  belle/ 
That  comely  face  will  fade  as  years  expand, 

And  wrinkles  on  thy  brow  their  witness  trace  , 
Age  on  thy  beauty  lay  his  ruthless  hand, 

As,  step  by  step,  he  comes  with  noiseless  pace. — Ed. 

2379.  Istsec  in  me  cudetur  faba.     (L.)     Ter.  Eun.  2,  3,  89.—/ 

shall  have  to  smart  for  it.  Lit.  That  bean  will  be 
pounded  on  me. 

2380.  Istam  Oro,  (si  quis  adhuc  precibus  locus)  exue  mentem. 

(L.)     Virg.  A.  4,  318. 
(I  pray)  If  prayer  can  touch  you,  change  your  will. — Conington. 

2381.  Istius  farinae  homines  sunt  admodum  gloriosi.    (L.)    Hier.  1 

— Gentlemen  of  that  kidney  are  excessively  self-confident. 

2382.  Ist's  Gottes  Werk,  so  wird's  besteh'n, 

Ist's  Menschenwerk,  wird's  untergeh'n.  (G.)  Luther? 
— If  it  be  God's  work,  it  will  endure :  if  man's,  it  will 
come  to  nought. 

2383.  Istuc  est  sapere,  non  quod  ante  pedes  modo  est 

Videre,  sed  etiam  ilia  quae  futura  sunt 
Prospicere.      (L )     Ter.    Ad.   3,    3,    32.— That  is  to  be 
wise,  not  merely  to  see  what  is  before  one's  eyes,  but  to 
forecast  those  things  which  are  to  come. 

2384.  Istuc  est  sapere,  qui,  ubicunque  opus  sit,  animum  possis 

flectere.  (L.)  Ter.  Hec.  4,  3,  2. — TJiat  is  to  be  tcise,  to 
be  able  to  bring  yourself  to  comply  with  whatever  circum- 
stances may  require. 

2385.  Ita  fugias,  ne  prseter  casam.     (L.)     Ter.  Phorm.  5,  2,  3. — 

Do  not  run  so  far  as  to  pass  the  safest  hiding  place.  In 
allusion  to  games  of  hide  and  seek. 

2386.  Ita  lex  scripta  est.     (L.) — Thus  tlie  law  is  icritten.     A 

phrase  used  in  controversies,  to  direct  your  opponent  to 
the  letter  of  the  text  in  dispute. 

2387.  Italia,  Italia,  O  tu  cui  feo  la  sorte 

Dono  infelice  di  bellezza,  ond'  hai 
Funesta  dote  d'infiniti  guai 
Che  in  fronte  scritti  per  gran  doglia  porte  : 
Deh  fossi  tu  men  bella,  o  almen  piu  forte, 
Onde  assai  piu  ti  paventasse,  o  assai 
T'amasse  men  chi  dal  tuo  bello  a'  rai 
Par  che  si  strugga,  e  pur  ti  sfida  a  morte. 

(It.)     Vincenzo  Filicaja. 

262  ITA  ME. 

Italia  !  oh  Italia  !  Thou  who  hast 
The  fatal  gift  of  beauty,  which  became 
A  funeral  dower  of  present  woes  and  past, 
On  thy  sweet  brow  is  sorrow  ploughed  by  shame, 
And  annals  graved  in  characters  of  flame. 
Oh  God  !    That  thou  wert  in  thy  nakedness 
Less  lovely  or  more  powerful,  and  couldst  claim 
Thy  right,  and  awe  the  robbers  back  who  press 
To  shed  thy  blood,  and  drink  the  tears  of  thy  distress. 

Lord  Byron,  Ch.  Harold,  4,  42. 

2388.  Ita  me  Dii  ament,  ubi  sim,  nescio.     (L.)     Ter.  Heaut.  2, 

3,  67. — The  Lord  love  me,  if  I  know  where  I  am!  I  am 
lost,  bewildered. 

2389.  Ita  servum  par  videtur  frugi  sese  instituere: 

Proiude   ut   heri   sint,  ipse   item   sit;    voltum  e  voltu 

Tristis  sit,  si  heri  sint  tristes :  hilaris  sit,  si  gaudeant. 
(L.)  Plaut.  Am.  3,  3,  5. — A  trusty  servant,  methinhs, 
should  order  himself  in  this  way.  Just  as  his  masters 
are,  should  he  be  too,  and  fashion  his  looks  after  tlieirs. 
Be  sad,  if  his  masters  are  sad :  gay,  if  they  are  jovial. 

2390.  Ita  vita  est  hominum,  quasi  quum  ludas  tesseris ; 

Si  illud  quod  maxime  opus  est  jactu  non  cadit, 
Illud  quod  cecidit  forte,  id  arte  ut  corrigas. 

(L.)     Ter.  Ad.  4,  7,  21. 

The  life  of  man  is  but  a  game  of  dice  : 
And,  if  the  throw  you  most  want  does  not  fall, 
You  must  then  use  your  skill  to  make  the  best 
Of  whatsoever  has  by  chance  turned  up. — Ed. 

2391.  Ite  missa  est.     (Z.) — Go,  the  service  is  finished.     Words 

with  which  the  priest  concludes  Mass,  and  which  give 
the  office  (Missa)  its  distinctive  name. 

2392.  Iterum  ille  earn  rem  judicatam  judicat, 

Majoreque  multa  multat.  (L.)  Plaut.  Rud.  Prol.  19. — 
He  is  trying  once  again  a  case  already  tried,  and  fining 
with  a  heavier  fine  than  before. 


2393.  Jacet  ecce  Tibullus 

Vix  manet  e  toto  parva  quod  urna  capit.  (Z.)  ? 

Here  lies  Tibullus  :  all  that  now  remains 
A  little  urn  full  easily  contains. — Ed. 

JAM  PAUCA  263 

2394.  J'ai  bonne  cause.     {Fr.) — /  have  good  reason.     Motto  of 

Marquess  of  Bath. 

2395.  J'ai  failli  attendre.     (Fr.) — /  was  all  but  kept  waiting. 

Told  of  Louis  XIV.  upon  some  trifling  unpunctuality 
being  shown  him,  but  probably  fabulous,  and  ill-suiting 
the  naturally  restrained  character  of  the  King. 

2396.  J'aime  mieux  ma  mie.     (Fr.) — /  love  my  sweetheart  better. 

Refrain  of  an  old  song,  beginning  "  Je  dirais  au  Roi 
Henri,"  and  attributed  to  Antony  de  Bourbon,  father  of 
Henry  IV. 

2397.  J'ai  vecu.     (^V.) — I  existed.     Famous  mot  of  Sie"yes  when 

asked  what  he  did  during  the  "  Terror  "  of  the  Revolu- 
tion (Mignet,  Notices  Hist.  1,  81). 

2398.  Jamais  arriere.    (Fr.) — Never  behind. 

2399.  Jamais  la  cornemuse  ne  dit  mot  si  elle  n'a  le  ventre  plein. 

(Fr.)  Prov. — The  bagpipe  will  never  utter  a  word  unless 
it  has  its  belly  full.  A  man  wants  his  dinner  before 
he  can  sing  or  speak. 

2400.  Jamais  l'innocence  et  le  mystere   n'habiterent   long  terns 

ensemble.  (-^V.)  ? — Innocence  and  mystery  never  dwelt 
long  together. 

2401.  Jamais  on  ne  vaincra  les  Romains  que  dans  Rome.     (Fr.)1 

— Never  will  the  Romans  be  conquered  but  in  Rome. 

2402.  Jam  dudum  animus  est  in  patinis.     (L.)     Ter.  Eun.  4,  7, 

46. — My  thoughts  have  for  some  time  been  among  the 
stewpans.    I  am  hungry.    My  stomach  is  crying  cupboard. 

2403.  Jam  non  ad  culmina  rerum 

Injustos  crevisse  queror  :  tolluntur  in  altum 
Ut  lapsu  graviore  ruant.  (L.)     Claud.  Ruf.  1,  21. 

Prosperity  oj  the  wicked. 
I  grieve  no  longer  that  ungodly  men 
Are  raised  to  Fortune's  highest  pinnacle  : 
They're  lifted  high,  on  purpose,  that  they  may 
Be  hurled,  with  crash  more  awful,  to  the  ground. — Ed. 

2404.  Jam  pauca  aratro  jugera  regiae 

Moles  relinquent.  (L.)     Hor.  C.  2,  15,  1 

Few  roods  of  ground  the  piles  we  raise 
Will  leave  to  plough.  —  Coningtoa. 

Great  tracts  of  land  withdrawn  from  cultivation  to  form 
extensive  demesnes  around  the  habitations  of  the  rich. 

264  JAMQUE. 

2405.  Jam  que  opus  exegi  quod  nee  Jovis  ira,  nee  ignis, 

Nee  poterit  ferrum,  nee  edax  abolere  vetustas. 

(L.)     Ov.  M.  15,  871. 
Completion  of  the  Metamorphoses. 

And  now  I've  finished  a  work  that  not  Jove's  rage 
Nor  fire  nor  sword  can  kill,  nor  cank'ring  age. — Ed. 

2406.  Jamque  quiescebant  voces  hominumque  canumque ; 

Lunaque  nocturnos  alta  regebat  equos. 

(L.)     Ov.  T.  1,  3,  27. 

Now  men  and  dogs  were  silent  ;  in  the  height 
The  Moon  drove  on  the  horses  of  the  night. — Ed. 

2407.  Jam  redit  et  Virgo,  redeunt  Saturnia  regna. 

(L.)     Yirg.  E.  4,  6. 
Return  of  the  Golden  Age. 
The  Virgin  now  returns,  and  Saturn's  blissful  reign. — Ed. 

2408.  Jam  seges  est  ubi  Troja  fuit,  resecandaque  falce 

Luxuriat  Phrygio  sanguine  pinguis  humus. 

(L.)     Ov.  H.  1,  53. 
The  site  of  Troy. 
The  scythe  now  reaps  the  corn  where  Ilion  stood, 
And  fields  are  fattened  with  the  Trojan's  blood. — Ed. 

2409.  Januis  clausis.     (L.) — With  closed  doors.     The  sitting  was 

held  januis  clausis,  with  all  secrecy. 

2410.  J'appelle  un  chat  un  chat,  et  Rolet  un  fripon.     (Fr.)    Boil. 

S.  1,  57. — /  call  a  cat  a  cat,  and  Rolet  a  cheat.  As  we 
say  "  Call  a  spade  a  spade." 

Half  afraid  of  the  consequences  (Rolet  was  an  attorney  whom  it  was 
dangerous  to  provoke),  B.  appended  a  note  to  the  name,  "  Inn- 
keeper at  Blois ; "  but,  oddly  enough,  there  was  an  innkeeper  at 
Blois  of  the  same  name,  who  immediately  threatened  proceedings 
against  the  poet. 

2411.  Jasper  fert  myrrhum,  thus  Melchior,  Balthazar  aurum. 

Haec  quicum  secum  portet  tria  nomina  regum, 
Solvitur  a  morbo,  Domini  pietate,  caduco.  (L.) 

The  Three  Kings  of  Cologne. 
Jasper  brings  myrrh,  and  Melchior  incense  brings, 
And  gold  Balthazar  to  the  King  of  Kings  : 
"Whoso  the  names  of  these  three  monarchs  bears 
Is  safe,  through  grace,  of  Epilepsy's  fears. — Ed. 

Mediaeval  Latin  verse.  The  names  of  the  three  Magi  borne  by  any- 
one, or  worn  as  an  amulet,  were  anciently  believed  to  act  as  a 
preservative  against  the  falling  sickness. 

JE  N'AL  205 

2412.  Je  allseitiger,  je  individueller.     (G.)     Mme.  Yamhagen. — 

The  more  many-sided  a  man  is,  the  greater  his  individu- 
ality. The  more  a  pei-son  extends  his  sympathies  and 
bi-oadens  his  feelings,  the  more  original  does  he  become. 

2413.  Jean  s'en  alia  comme  il  etait  venu, 

Mangeant  le  fonds  avec  le  revenu.      {Fr.)     La  Font.  1 

John  went  home  as  he  had  come, 
Spending  capital  and  income. — Ed. 

2414.  Je  cognois  tout,  fors  que  moy-mesme.     {Fr.)     Yillon1? — I 

know  everything,  except  myself. 

2415.  Jede  Periode  des  Lebens  hat  ihre  Leidenschaften;  das  Alter, 

das  man  fur  die  weiseste  halten  sollte,  hat  gewohnlich 
die  schmutzigsten.  {G.)  Seume1? — Every  period  of  life 
has  its  passions :  old  age,  which  one  would  imagine  to  be 
tlie  wisest,  has  generally  the  nastiest. 

2416.  Jeder  muss  ein  Paar  Narrenschuhe  zerreissen,  zerreisst  er 

nicht  mehr.  (G.)  Pro  v. — Every  one  has  to  wear  out  one 
pair  offooVs  shoes,  if  he  wear  out  no  more. 

2417.  Jedes  Weib  will  lieber  schbn  als  fromm  sein.    (G.)    Prov. — 

Every  woman  would  rather  be  pretty  than  pious. 

2418.  Jejunus  raro  stomachus  vulgaria  temnit.     (L.)     Hor.  S.  2, 

2,  38. — A  hungry  stomach  does  not  often  despise  coarse  food. 

2419.  Je  le  tiens.     (Fr.)—I  hold  it.     Motto  of  Lord  Audley. 

2420.  Je  maintiendrai.      {Ft.) — I  will  maintain  it.      Motto  of 

William  III.  and  the  Earl  of  Malmesbury. 

2421.  Je  m'estonne  fort  pourquoy 

La  mort  osa  songer  a  moy 
Qui  ne  songeais  jamais  a  elle. 

{Fr.)     Regnier  (his  own  epitaph). 

I  wonder  Death  should  think  of  me 
Who  never  thought  of  death. — Ed. 

2422.  Je  me  fie  en  Dieu.     {Fr.) — I  put  my  trust  in  God.    Motto 

of  Lord  Windsor. 

2423.  Je  n'ai  fait  celle-ci  plus  longue  que  parce  que  je  n'ai  pas  eu 

le  loisir  de  la  faire  phis  courte.  {Fr.)  Pasc.  Prov.  16. 
— /  have  made  this  letter  longer  than  usual,  only  because 
I  had  not  the  time  to  make  it  shorter. 

2424.  Je  n'ai  merits 

Ki  cet  exces  d'honneur,  ni  cette  indignite*.  {Fr.)  Kac. 
Britann.  2,  3  (Junia  loq.). — 7  Jiave  deserved  neither  such 
excessive  lionour,  nor  such  excessive  indignity. 

266  JE  NE. 

2425.  Je  ne  cherche  qu'un.     {Fr.) — /  seek  but  one.      Motto  of 

Marquess  of  Northampton. 

2426.  Je    n'ai    point    d'ennemis    que    ceux    de    l'Estat.     (-^V.) 

Eichelieu,  Test.  Pol. — /  have  no  enemies  but  those  of  the 
State.  The  reply  of  Richelieu  on  his  death-bed,  when 
asked  by  the  priest  if  he  forgave  his  enemies. 

2427.  Je  ne  suis  pas  la  rose  mais  j'ai  vecu  pres  d'elle.     {Ft.)  1 — / 

am  not  the  rose,  but  I  have  lived  near  her. 

2428.  Je  n'oublierai  jamais.     (-^V.) — i"  will  never  forget.     Motto 

of  Marquess  of  Bristol. 

2429.  Je  pense.     {Fr.) — /  think.     Motto  of  Earl  of  Wemyss  and 

March.  (2.)  Je  pense  plus. — /  think  more. — Motto  of 
Earl  of  Mar. 

2430.  Je  plie  et  ne  romps  pas.     {Fr.)     La  Font.  1,  22. — I  bend, 

but  do  not  break.  This  may  be  said  of  a  good  steel  blade, 
or  of  a  person  who  is  obliging  without  being  weak. 

2431.  Je  sais  k  mon  pot  comment  les  autres  bouillent.       {Fr.) 

Prov. — I  can  tell  by  my  own  pot  how  the  others  are 
boiling.     I  know  what  others  feel  from  my  own  feelings. 

2432.  Je  suis  assez  semblable  aux  girouettes,  qui  ne  se  fixent  que 

quand  elles  sont  rouillees.  {Fr.)  Yolt.  to  M.  d'Albaret. 
— /  am  very  like  the  weathercocks  which  only  stand  in  one 
position  when  they  get  rusty.  Versatility,  variety  are 
essential  to  an  author's  well-being.  Cf.  Barthe'lemy's  Ma 
justification .  "  L'homme  absurde  est  celui  qui  ne  change 
jamais,"  The  absurd  man  is  he  who  never  changes. 

2433.  Je  suis  pret.     (^V.) — /  am  ready.     Motto  of  Lords  Farn- 

ham  and  Lovat. 

2434.  Je  t'aime  d'autant  plus  que  je  t'estime  moins.    {Fr.)    Colle", 

Cocatrix. — /  love  you  all  the  more  that  I  respect  you  but 

2435.  J'e'tais  podte,  historien, 

Et  maintenant  je  ne  suis  rien.  {Fr.)  Boudier  (his  own 
epitaph). — /  once  was  j>oet  and  historian,  and  now  I  am 
nothing  at  all. 

2436.  J'etais  pour  Ovide  a  quinze  ans, 

Mais  je  suis  pour  Horace  a  trente.  {Fr.)  Ducerceau. 
— /  was  all  for  Ovid  at  fifteen,  but  I  am  for  Horace  at 

JUCUNDA.  267 

2437.  Jeter  le  manche  apres  la  cognee.      (Fr.)     Pro  v. — To  throw 

the  helve  after  the  hatchet.  To  yield  to  despair  and,  after 
one  misfortune,  to  throw  away  all  means  of  recovery. 

2438.  Jeu  de  mains,  jeu  de  vilain.      (Fr.) — Horse-play  is  vulgar 

play.  (2.)  Jeu  de  mots.  —  Play  upon  words;  pun, 
quibble.  (3.)  Jeu  d'esprit. — A  witticism.  (4.)  Jeu  de 
theatre. — Stage  effect ;  clap-trap. 

2439.  Jeune,   et  dans  l'age  heureux  qui  me'connait  la  crainte. 

(Fr.) — Young,  and  at  that  happy  age  which  ignores  fear. 

2440.  Jeune,  on  conserve  pour  sa  vieillesse  :  vieux,  on  e*pargne 

pour  la  niort.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  vol.  i.  p.  117. — In 
youth  men  save  for  the  period  of  old  age ;  in  age,  they 
hoard  in  prospect  of  death. 

2441.  Je  vais  queYir  un  grand  peut-etre.     (Fr.) — /  am  going  in 

search  of  a  great  "may  be." 

Message  of  Rabelais  on  his  deathbed  to  the  Cardinal  de  Chatillon 
(see  Sketch  of  author  prefixed  to  (Euvres  de  Rabelais,  by  M.  Dupont, 
18(55,  vol.  1,  p.  xviL).  The  phrase  is  sometimes  varied  to  Je  m'en 
vay  chercher  un  grand  peust-Ure. 

2442.  Je  veux  de  bonne  guerre.       (Fr.) — /  desire  fair  fighting. 

Motto  of  Lord  Wenlock. 

2443.  Je  veux  que  le  dimanche  chaque  paysan  ait  sa  poule  au 

pot.  (Fr.)  Henry  IV. — /  desire  that  every  French 
peasant  may  be  able  to  have  his  chicken  in  the  pot  for  the 
Sunday's  dinner. 

2444.  J'evite  d'etre  long,  et  je  deviens  obscur.        (Fr.)      Boil. 

A.  P. — In  avoiding  diffuseness,  I  become  obscure  (1004). 

2445.  Je  vive  en  espoir.      (Fr.) — /  live  in  hope.     Motto  of  Earl 

of  Stradbroke. 

2446.  Joindre  les  mains,  c'est  bien  :  les  ouvrir,  c'est  mieux.     (Fr.) 

Prov. — To  close  one's  hands  is  well;  to  open  them  is 
better.     Prayer  is  good,  alms  are  better. 

2447.  Jour  de  ma  vie.      (-^V.) — The  day  of  my  life.      Motto  of 

Lord  Sackville.  Used  by  the  French  as  an  oath,  "  By 
my  life ! " 

2448.  Jovis  omnia  plena.      (L.)     Virg.  E.  3,  60. — All  is  full  of 

Jove  (God).  The  whole  univex*se  attests  the  power  and 
presence  of  the  Most  High. 

2449.  Jucunda  memoria  est  prateritorum  malorum.     (L.)     Cic. 

Fin.  2,  32,  105. — The  remembrance  of  past  misery  is 
sweet.  Cf.  Jucundi  acti  labores.  Id.  ibid. — Completed 
toil  is  pleasant  to  look  back  upon. 

268  JUDEX. 

2450.  Judex  damnatur  cum  nocens  absolvitor.     (X.)    Pub.  Syr.  t 

— The  judge  is  censured  when  tlve  guilty  are  acquitted. 

2451.  Judicata  res  pro  veritate  accipitur.      (L.)     Law  Max. — A 

case  that  has  been  tried,  is  to  be  received  as  true. 

2452.  Judicis  est  judicare  secundum   allegata  et  probata.     (L.) 

Law  Max. — It  is  a  judge's  business  to  frame  his  decisions 
upon  what  is  not  merely  alleged,  but  pi'oved. 

2453.  Judicis  est  jus  dicere  non  dai-e.     (L.)     Law  Max. — It  is  a 

judge's  duty  to  expound  the  law,  not  to  make  it. 

245  4.  Judicis  officium  est,  ut  res,  ita  tempora  rerum  quserere. 
(L.)  Ov.  T.  1,  1,  37. — It  is  a  judge's  (critic's)  duty  to 
examine  not  only  the  facts,  but  the  circumstances  of  the 

2455.  Judicium  a  non  suo  judice   datum  nullius  est  momenti. 

(L.)  Law  Max. — Judgment  given  by  one  who  is  not 
judge  of  the  cause  is  of  no  legal  force. 

2456.  Judicium  Dei.     (L.) — The  judgment  of  God.     Name  given 

to  the  ancient  form  of  Ordeal,  of  which  there  were 
several  kinds, — by  fire,  water,  blood,  etc. 

2457.  Judicium  parium  aut  leges  terrse.     (L.) — The  judgment  of 

our  peers,' or  the  law  of  the  land.  By  these  alone,  ac- 
cording to  our  laws,  can  an  Englishman  be  condemned. 
A  quotation  from  Magna  C/iarta,  and  selected  as  his 
motto  by  the  great  Lord  Camden. 

2458.  Judicium  subtile  videndis  artibus.       (L.)     Hor.  Ep.  2,  1, 

242. — A  discriminating  taste  (or  judgment)  in  under- 
standing the  arts. 

2459.  Jugez  un  homme   par  ses  questions,  plutot  que  par  ses 

reponses.  {Ft.) — Form  your  opinion  of  a  man  from 
his  questions,  rather  than  from  his  answers. 

2460.  Jugulare  mortuos.     (L.)  1 — To  slay  the  slain.     To  exercise 

wanton  cruelty.  To  return  to  a  subject  already  thrashed 

2461.  Junge  Faullenzer,  Alte  Bettler.      (£.)      Prov. — A  young 

sluggard  makes  an  old  beggar. 

2462.  Junius  Aprilis  Septemque  Novemque  tricenos, 

Unum  plus  reliqui,  Februs  tenet  octo  vicenos, 
At  si  bissextus  fuerit,  super  additur  unus.     (L.)     From 
Harrison's  Descript.  of  Britaine,  prefixed  to  Holinshed'a 
Chron.  1577. 

JUS.  289 

Thirty  days  hath  September, 
April,  June,  aud  November, 
February  eight  and  twenty  all  alone, 
And  all  the  rest  have  thirty-one. 
Unless  that  Leap-year  doth  combine 
And  give  to  February  twenty-niue. 

— The  Return  from  Parnassus,  Lond.  1606. 

2463.  Jupiter  tonans.  (L.) — Jove  the  thunderer.  Applied  to  any 
powerful  political  speaker  (the  Jupiter  tonans  of  debate), 
or  to  the  leading  Newspaper  of  the  day. 

2-164.  Jura  neget  sibi  nata,  nihil  non  arroget  arm  is. 

(L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  122. 

All  laws,  all  covenants  let  him  still  disown, 

Aud  test  his  quarrel  by  the  sword  alone. — Conington. 

2465.  Jure  divino.     (L.) — By  divine  right.      (2.)  Jure  humano. 

— By  human  law.      Thus,  the  Stuarts  claimed  to  reign 
jure  divino,  and  William  III.  by  a  parliamentary  title. 

2466.  Jurgia  prsecipue  vino  stimulata  caveto  : 

Aptior  est  dulci  mensa  merumque  joco. 

(L.)     Ov.  A.  A.  1,  591,  594. 

All  brawls  and  quarrels  strictly  shun, 
And  chiefly  those  iu  wine  begun  : 
For  harmless  mirth  and  pleasant  jest 
Befit  the  board  and  bottle  best. — Ed. 

2467.  Jus.     (L.) — Law,  Bight. 

(1.)  Jus  Canonicum. — Canon  law.  A  collection  of  Ecclesiastical 
Constitutions  for  the  government  of  the  Catholick  Church,  com- 
piled from  the  Decrees  of  Gratian  and  the  Decretals  and  Extrava- 
gants  of  John  XXII.,  and  forming,  together,  the  Corpus  Juris 
Canonici,  or  great  Body  of  Canon  Law.  (2.)  Jus  Civile. — Soman, 
or  Civil  Law.  The  old  Roman  law,  as  expounded  in  the  Pandects, 
Code  and  Institutes  of  Justinian,  forms  what  is  known  as  the 
Corpus  Juris  Civilis,  or  Body  of  Civil  Law.  Its  rules  still  apply 
to  a  limited  extent  in  England,  more  especially  in  ecclesiastical 
matters,  in  the  Admiralty  Court,  and  the  Courts  of  the  Univer- 
sities. In  Scotland,  as  on  the  Continent,  the  Civil  Law  is  much 
more  generally  followed  and,  on  many  subjects,  is  the  leading 
legal  code.  (3.)  Jus  Commune. — Common  Law.  The  ancient 
customary  law  of  the  land,  unwritten  and  traditional,  as  contra- 
distinguished both  from  Civil  Law  or  Equity,  and  the  positive 
enactments  of  the  Statute.  (4.)  Jus  Deliberandi. — The  right  oj 
deliberating.  In  Scotch  law  the  heir  was  formerly  allowed  a  year 
(annus  deliberandi),  now  six  months,  to  "deliberate"  whether  he 
would  take  the  inheritance  with  the  burden  of  his  predecessor's 
debts  or  no.  (5.)  Jus  Devolutum. — A  right  devolved.  Used  in 
Scotch  ecclesiastical  law  to  denote  the  right  devolving  on  the 
Presbytery  to  appoint  to  a  benefice  if  the  patron  failed  to  do  so 


within  six  months  of  the  vacancy.  (6.)  Jus  Divinum. — Divine 
Jtight.  (7.)  J«s  Gentium. — The  Law  of  Nations.  System  of  law 
comprising  the  principles  of  international  relations  in  peace,  war, 
commerce,  treaties,  quarantine,  and  the  like.  (8.)  Jus  Postliminii. 
— Right  of  Recover])  on  return  to  former  rank  and  privileges,  by  which 
persons  and  property  taken  in  war  return,  respectively,  to  their 
original  freedom  and  original  owners.  (9.)  Jus  Primogeniturae. — 
Right  of  Primogeniture,  or  Birthright.  (10. )  Jus  Proprietatis.  — Right 
of  Property.  (11.)  Jus  Regium. — Right  of  the  Grown  or  Sovereign. 
(12.)  Jus  Relietae.  (Scotch  Law.) — Right  of  a  Widow  to  a  share 
in  the  property  of  her  husband.  (13.)  Jus  Reprsesentationis. — 
Right  of  representation.  In  Scotland  when  one  or  more  of  the 
children  of  a  deceased  person  have  predeceased,  the  children  of 
such  predeceasing  persons  "represent"  their  parent,  and  take  his 
or  her  share  of  the  property  of  the  deceased.  (14.)  Jus  Sanguinis. 
— Right  of  blood,  or  consanguinity. 

2468.  Jus  aliquod  faciunt  affinia  vincula  nobis, 

Quae  semper  maneant  illabefacta  precor. 

(L.)     Ov.  Ep.  4,  8,  9. 

Our  mutual  ties  a  bond  between  us  make 

1  pray  may  aye  continue  without  break.  — Ed. 

2469.  Jus  et  fas  multos  faciunt,  Ptolemsee,  nocentes  . 

Dat  pcenas  laudata  fides,  quum  sustinet,  inquit, 
Quos  Fortuna  premit.     Fatis  accede  Deisque, 
Et  cole  felices,  miseros  fuge.     Sidera  terra 
Ut  distant,  et  flam  ma  mari,  sic  utile  recto. 

(L.)     Lucan.  8,  484. 

Justice  and  law  make  many  criminals,  Ptolemy. 

Men  of  approved  worth  ere  now  have  suffered 

When  Fortune  frowned.     Then,  yield  to  fate  and  God  ! 

Honour  the  lucky,  shun  th'  unfortunate  ! 

Not  earth  from  heav'n  more  distant,  fire  to  flood 

More  opposite,  than  expediency  and  right. — Ed. 

2470.  Jus   omnium  in  omnia,   et  consequenter   bellum    omnium 

in  omnes.  (L.)  Hobbes? — All  men  claiming  a  right 
to  everything,  the  result  is,  that  all  make  war  against 

2471.  Jusqu'ou  les  bommes  ne  se  portent-ils  point  par  l'inte'ret  de 

la  religion,  dont  ils  sont  si  peu  persuades,  et  qu'ils 
pratiquent  si  nial?  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  vol.  ii.  p.  171. — 
To  what  excesses  are  not  men  carried  by  the  interests  of 
religion,  of  which  they  have  in  fact  little  conviction,  and 
much  less  practice  ? 

2472.  Jus  summum  ssepe  summa  est  malitia.     (Z.)     Ter.  Heaut. 

4,  4,  48. — Extreme  law  is  often  extreme  wrong. 

J'Y  SUIS.  271 

2473.  Juste  milieu.     (^V.) — A  strict  middle-course. 

Reply  of  Louis  Philippe  to  a  deputation  at  the  commencement  of 
his  reign.  "  Nous  chercherons  a  nous  tenir  dans  xm  juste  milieu, 
egalement  eloigne  des  ahus  du  pouvoir  royal,  et  des  exces  du  pouvoir 
populaire." — We  shall  endeavour  to  observe  a  strict  middle-course, 
equally  removed  from  the  past  abuses  of  tlie  royal  power  and  from 
the  excesses  of  the  power  of  the  people. 

2474.  Justitia  .  .  .  erga  Deos,  religio,  erga  parentes  pietas,  creditis 

in  rebus  fides  .  .  .  nominatur.  (L.)  Cic.  Part.  Or.  22, 
78. — The  discharge  of  our  duty  towards  God,  is  called 
Religion,  towards  our  parents,  Piety,  and  in  matters  of 
trust,  Good  Faith. 

2475.  Justitia?   soror  fides.      (L.) — Faith   the   sister   of  justice. 

Motto  of  Lord  Thurlow. 

2476.  Justitia  est  constans  et  perpetua  voluntas  jus  suum  cuique 

tribuendi.  (Z.)  Just.  Inst.  1,  1,  1. — Justice  is  the  con- 
stant and  unvarying  desire  to  render  to  every  one  their 
proper  rights. 

2477.  Justitiae  tenax.    (X.) — Tenacious  of  justice.    Lord  Hastings. 

2478.  Justitia   et   pax.       (L.) — Justice   and  peace.       Plumbers' 


2479.  Justitia  non  novit   patrem  nee  matrem,  solum  veritatem 

spectat.  (Z.)  Law  Max. — Justice  knows  neither  father 
nor  mother,  but  regards  truth  alone. 

2480.  Justitia  virtu  turn  Regina.     (L.) — Justice  is  the  Queen  of 

virtues.     Motto  of  Goldsmiths'  Company. 

2481.  Justum  et  tenacem  propositi  virum, 

Non  civium  ardor  prava  jubentium, 
Non  vultus  instantis  tyranni 

Mente  quatit  solida.  (L.)     Hor.  C.  3,  3,  1. 

The  man  of  firm  and  righteous  will 

No  rabhle,  clamorous  for  the  wrong, 
No  tyrant's  brow,  whose  frown  may  kill, 

Can  shake  the  strength  that  makes  him  strong.  — Conington. 

2482.  Justus  ut  palma  florebit.      (L.)     Vulg.   Ps.  xci.  2. — The 

righteous  shall  flourish  like  a  palm-tree.  Motto  of  the 
Order  of  St  George  (Bavaria). 

2483.  J'y  suis,  et  j'y  reste.     (Fr.) — Here  I  am,  and  here  I  stay. 

Reply  of  the  French  general  MacMahon  in  the  trenches  before  the 
Malakoff  (Crimean  war),  when  informed  by  the  commanding  officer 
of  the  expected  undermining  of  the  Fort  by  the  enemy. 

272  KAAMEIA. 


2484.  KaSfieta  vikV.  (Gr.)  Herod.  1,  166,  or  (L.)  Cadmsea 
victoria, — A  Cadmcean  victory,  i.e.,  in  which  the  con- 
querors lose  as  much  as  the  conquei'ed. 

The  expression  is  borrowed  either  from  the  story  of  the  Sparti  (the 
armed  men  who  sprang  up  from  the  dragons'  teeth  sown  by  Cadmus, 
see  Ov.  M.  3,  104  seqq.),  or  from  the  history  of  Eteocles  and 
Polynices.     Of.  also  Plat.  Legg.  641  C.  and  Plut.  2,  488  A.,  Suid. 

24S5.  Kaipbv  yvS>6i.  {Gr.) — Know  your  opportunity.  The 
advice  of  Pittachus,  one  of  the  Seven  Sages. 

2186.  KaKou  KopaKos  kcikov  wov.  (Gr.)  Prov. — A  bad  crow  lays 
a  bad  egg. 

2487.  Kar  z^oxqv.  (Gr.) — Eminently,  like  the  French  par 

24S8.  Kennst  du  das  Land,  wo  die  Citronen  bliih'n  ?  (G.)  Goethe, 
Mignon. — Know'st  thou  the  land  wliere  the  lemon-trees 
bloom  ? 

2489.  K-rrjiJLa  cs  d(L     (Gr.)     Thuc.  1,  22. — A  perpetual  treasure. 

Cf.  Keats,  "  A  thing  of  beauty  is  a  joy  for  ever." 

2490.  k.t.X.    Abbrev.  for  Kal  to.  AoiVa,  or  Aewro/xeva.    (Gr.) — And 

the  rest,  etcetera. 

2491.  Kivos  SfifiaT  Ix^v.     (Gr.)    Horn.  II.  1,  225. — Having  dog's 

eyes.     Motto  of  Spectator  (20)  on  starers. 

2492.  Kurz   ist   der   Schnierz,  und   ewig  ist  die   Freude  !     (G.) 

Schiller,  Maid  of  Orleans. — Short  is  the  pain  and  eternal 
the  joy  / 

2493.  Labitur  occulte,  fallitque  volubilis  setas. 

(L.)     Ov.  Am.  1,  8,  49. 
Time  glides  away  unnoticed,  and  eludes  us  in  its  flight. — Ed. 

2494.  Lahore.     (L.) — By  labour.     Lord  Tenterden.     (2.)  Lahore 

et  honore. — By  labour  and  honour-  Motto  of  Lord 
Eendlesham.  (3.)  Lahore  vinces. — You  will  conquer  by 
toil.     Motto  of  Lord  St  Leonards. 

2495.  Labor  ipse  voluptas.     (L.) — The  toil  itself  is  a  pleasure. 

Motto  of  Earl  of  Lovelace. 


2496.  Labor  omnia  vincit 

Improbus,  et  duris  urgens  in  rebus  egestas.  (Z.)  Virg. 
G.  1,  146. — Unremitting  toil  and  the  exigencies  of  want 
and  hardship  conquer  all  things. 

2497.  Laborum  Dulce  lenimen,     (L.)     Hor.  C.  1,  32, 15.—  Sweet 

solace  of  toil. 

2498.  La  bride  sur  le  cou.     (Fr.) — The  reins  on  the  neck.     At 

full  speed.  "  Je  laisse  trotter  ma  plume,  la  bride  sur  le 
cou."  Mme.  de  Sevignd. — (I  let  my  pen  run  along  as 
fast  as  it  will  go.) 

2499.  L'absence  est  a  l'amour  ce  qu'est  au  feu  le  vent. 

II  dteint  le  petit,  il  allume  le  grand.  (Fr.)  Bussy  Eabutin  ? 
Love  in  Absence. 
Absence  acts  upon  Love  as  wind  acts  upon  fire  ; 
It  quenches  the  faint,  makes  the  ardent  burn  higher. — Ed. 

Cf.  St  F.  de  Sales,  La  vie  devote,  Introd.  3,  33  :  Ce  sont  les  grands 
feux  qui  s'enflamment  au  vent,  mais  les  petits  s'eteignent  si  on  ne 
les  porte  a  couvert. 

2500.  La  carriere  des  lettres  est  plus  dpineuse  que  celle  de  la 

fortune.  Si  vous  avez  le  malheur  d'etre  mediocre,  voila 
des  remords  pour  la  vie ;  si  vous  re'ussissiez,  voila  des 
ennemis ;  vous  marchez  sur  le  bord  d'un  abime  entre  le 
mdpris  et  la  haine.  (Fr.)  Volt.  1 — A  literary  career  is 
a  more  thorny  path  than  that  of  fortune.  If  you  are  so 
unfortunate  as  not  to  rise  above  mediocrity,  remorse  is 
your  portion  for  life  ;  and  if  you  succeed  in  your  object, 
a  host  of  enemies  spring  up  around  you.  Thus  you  have 
to  walk  on  the  brink  of  a  precipice  with  contempt  on  the 
one  side,  and  hatred  on  the  other. 

2501.  La  Charte  sera  desormais  une  ve'rite'.      (Fr.) — The  Charter 

shall  be  henceforward  a  reality. 

Closing  words  of  the  Proclamation  of  Louis  Philippe,  July  31, 
1830.  The  effect  of  this  announcement  was  all  but  ruined  by  the 
substitution  of  the  indefinite  article  for  the  definite  in  the  Moniteur 
two  days  after  {"Une  Charte,"  etc.) ;  so  true  is  it  that,  as  says 
Montaigne,  "La  plupart  des  troubles  de.  ce  monde  sont  gram- 
mairiens."  Cf.  the  printer's  error  in  making  Sieyes  say  in  a  public 
statement  of  his  political  principles,  "  J 'ai  abjuri  la  Republique," 
instead  of  "  J'ai  adjure ;"  a  mistake  sufficient  at  that  time  to  bring 
a  man  to  the  guillotine. 

2502.  La  confiance  fournit  plus  a  la  conversation  que  l'esprit. 

(Fr.)  La  Rochef.  Max.  p.  178,  §  1. — Confidence  contri- 
butes more  to  conversation  than  wit. 

274  LA  COUR 

2503.  La  cour  ne  rend  pas  content,  elle  emp&che  qu'on  ne  le  soit 

ailleurs.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  vol.  i.  cap.  8,  p.  138. — 
The  court  does  not  make  a  man  contented,  but  it  prevents 
his  being  so  elsewhere. 

2504.  La  cre'dulite^  est  plutdt  une  erreur  qu'une  faute.     (Fr.) — 

Credulity  is  rather  an  error  than  a  fault. 

2505.  La  criaillerie  ordinaire  fait  qu'on  s'y  accoutume  et  chacun 

la  me'prise.  (Fr.) — By  continually  scolding  inferiors, 
they  at  length  become  accustomed  to  it  and  despise  your 

2506.  Lacrimseque  decora? 

Gratior  et  pulcro  veniens  in  corpore  virtus. 

(L.)     Virg.  5,  343. 

So  well  the  tears  beseem  his  face, 

And  worth  appears  with  brighter  shine 

"When  lodged  within  a  lovely  shrine. — Conington. 

2507.  La  critique  est  aise'e,  et  Part  est  difficile.    (Fr.)    Destouches, 

Glorieux,  2,  5. — Criticism  is  easy,  art  is  difficult.  The 
passage  is  as  follows  : 

L.  Mais,  on  dit  qu'aux  auteurs  la  critique  est  utile. 
P.  La  critique  est  aisee  et  Vart  est  difficile  : 

C'est  la  ce  qui  produit  ce  peuple  de  censeurs, 

Et  ce  qui  retrecit  le  talent  des  auteurs. 

2508.  La  curiosite  est  si  voisine  de  la  perfidie,  quelle  peut  enlaidir 

les  plus  beaux  visages.  (Fr.)1 — Curiosity  is  so  nearly 
akin  to  craftiness,  that  it  can  disfigure  the  most  handsome 

2509.  La  de'cence  est  le  teint  naturel  de  la  vertu,  et  le  fard  du 

vice.  (Fr.) — Decency  is  the  natural  complexion  of  virtue, 
and  paint  the  mask  of  vice. 

2510.  La  defense  est  un  charme ;  on   dit  qu'elle  assaisonne   les 

plaisirs,  et  surtout  ceux  que  1' amour  nous  donne.  (-^V.) 
La  Font.  1 — Prohibition  is  a  charm;  it  is  said  to  give  a 
stimulus  to  pleasures,  especially  to  those  which  love 
imparts.     Stolen  waters  are  sweet. 

2511.  La  derniere  chose  qu'on  trouve  en  faisant  un  ouvrage  est 

de  savoir  celle  qu'il  faut  mettre  la  premiere.  (Fr.)  Pasc. 
Pens.  31,  42. — In  writing  a  book,  the  last  thing  that  one 
learns  is  to  know  what  to  put  first. 

2512.  La  diffidenza  e  la  madre  delia  sicurta.      (It.) — Diffidence 

{caution)  is  the  mother  of  safety. 

LA  FEMME.  275 

2513.  La  docte  antiquity  est  toujoui's  vdneYable, 

Je  ne  la  trouve  pas  cependant  adorable.  (Fr.)  Boil.  ? — 
The  learning  of  antiquity  is  always  venerable,  but  I  do 
not  find  it  such  an  adorable  object  myself. 

2514.  La  donna  e  mobile.      (It.)      Opera  of  Rigoletto,  Verdi. — 

Woman  is  an  inconstant  thing.  Cf.  Varium  et  mutabile 
semper  Feinina.     (L.)     Virg.  A.  4,  569. 

2515.  Le  doute  s'introduit  dans  l'aine   qui  reve,  la  foi  descend 

dans  l'ame  qui  souffre.  (Fr.)  1 — Doubt  insinuates  itself 
into  a  soul  that  dreams ;  faith  penetrates  into  the  soul 
that  suffers. 

2510.  La  durde  de  nos  passions  ne  depend  pas  plus  de  nous  que 
la  durde  de  notre  vie.  (Fr.)  La  Eochef.  Max.  p.  31,  §  5. 
— Tlie  duration  of  our  passions  no  more  depends  upon 
our  own  will,  than  does  the  continuance  of  our  lives. 

2517.  L'adversite'   fait   l'homme,    et    le    bonheur   les   monstres. 

(Fr.)  1 — Men  are  formed  by  misfortune,  just  as  monsters 
are  the  creations  of  prosperity. 

2518.  Lsetus  in  prsesens  animus,  quod  ultra  est 

Oderit  curare,  et  amara  lento 

Temperet  risu,  nihil  est  ab  omni 

Parte  beatum.  (L.)  Hor.  C.  2,  16,  25.—  Let 
the  mind  enjoy  the  present,  hate  the  thought  of  what  is 
beyond,  and  temper  any  bitterness  with  philosophic  smile. 
Unmixed  happiness  is  not  to  be  found  in  this  world. 

2519.  Lsetus  sum  laudari  a  laudato  viro.     (L.)     Cic.  Fam.  5,  12, 

7. — /  am  pleased  to  be  praised  by  a  man  whom  every  one 

2520.  La  faute  en  est  au  dieux  qui  la  firent  si  belle, 

Et  non  pas  a  mes  yeux.  (Fr.)  Lingendes. — The  Gods 
are  to  blame  who  made  her  so  fair,  and  not  my  poor  eyes. 
From  a  song  of  the  17th  cent,  beginning,  Si  c'est  un 
crime  de  V aimer. 

2521.  La  faveur  met  l'homme  au-dessus  de  ses  dgaux;  et  sa  chute 

au-dessous.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  vol.  i.  cap.  8,  p.  166. — 
Favour  exalts  a  man  above  his  equals,  and  his  fall  places 
him  below  them. 

2522.  La  femme  est  Telement  le  plus  moral  de  l'humanitd     (-^V.) 

Comte  ? —  Woman  is  tlie  most  moral  element  in  all 

276  LA  FEUILLE. 

2523.  La  feuille  tombe  a  terre,  ainsi  tombe  la  beaute".        (Fr.) 

Breton  Prov. — T/ie  leaf  falls  to  earth,  and  so  does  beauty. 

2524.  L'affaire  s'acheniine.     (Fr.) — The  affair  is  in  progress. 

2525.  La  finesse  n'est  ni  une  trop  bonne  ni  une  tres  niauvaise 

qualite* :  elle  flotte  entre  le  vice  et  la  vertu ;  il  n'y  a 
point  de  rencontre  ou  elle  ne  puisse,  et  peut-etre  ou  elle 
ne  doive  etre  supple'ee  par  la  prudence.  (-^V.)  La  Bruy. 
Car.  1,  8,  p.  163. — Finesse  is  neither  a  very  good,  nor 
yet  a  very  bad  quality.  It  holds  an  intermediate  place 
between  vice  and  virtue,  and  there  are  few  occasions  in 
which  its  place  cannot,  and  perhaps  ought  not  to  be 
supplied  by  common  prudence. 

2526.  La  foiblesse  de  l'ennemi  fait  notre  propre  force.     (Fr.) — 

The  weakness  of  one's  enemy  constitutes  our  chief  strength. 

2527.  La  foi  qui  n'agit  point,  est-ce  une  foi  sincere?    (Fr.)     Rac. 

Athalie. — The  faith  that  acts  not,  is  it  truly  faith? 

2528.  La  force,  proprement  dite,  c'est-ce  qui  regit  les  actes,  sans 

regler  les  volontes.  (Fr.)  Comte  %— Force,  properly 
speaking,  is  that  which  rules  the  actions,  without  subduing 
the  will. 

2529.  La  fortune  passe  partout.     (Fr.) — The  influence  of  fortune 

is  felt  everywhere.     Motto  of  Lord  Rollo. 

2530.  La  France  est  un  gouvernement  absolu,  tempe're'  par  des 

chansons.  (Fr.)  Chamfort? — France  is  an  absolute 
government  tempered  by  epigrams. 

2531.  La  garde  meurt  et  ne  se  rend  pas.     (Fr.) — The  guard  dies 

but  does  not  surrender.  Legendary  speech  of  Cambronne 
at  Waterloo,  invented  by  Rougemont  (afaiseur  des  mots) 
on  the  night  after  the  battle,  and  published  next  day  in 
the  Independent. 

2532.  L'age   insensiblement    nous    conduit   a   la   mort.       (Fr.) 

Racan,  Bergeries. — Old  age  insensibly  leads  us  towards 

2533.  La  gloire  est  le  but  ou  j  'aspire, 

On  n'y  va  point  par  le  bonheur.     (-^V.)    V.  Hugo,  Ode  1. 

Glory's  the  goal  that  I  aspire  to  reach, 
But  happiness  will  never  lead  me  there. — Ed. 

2534.  La  gramniaire  qui  sait  regenter  jusqu'aux  rois.    (Fr.)    Mol. 

Femmes  Sav.  2,  6. — Grammar,  that  lords  it  even  over 


Suetonius  (de  111.  Gramm.  1,  22)  says  that  M.  P.  Marcellus  the 
grammarian  rebuked  even  Tiberius  himself  for  some  solecism,  and 
that  on  one  of  the  courtiers  present,  Ateius  Capito,  remarking  that 
if  the  word  was  not  good  Latin  it  would  be  so  in  future,  he  gave 
Capito  the  lie,  adding  (to  the  Emperor)  Tu  enim  Ccesar  civitatem 
darepotes  hominibus,  verbis  nonpotes.  (L.) — Caesar,  you  can  grant 
citizenship  to  men,  to  words  you  cannot.  Hence  the  saying,  Ccesar 
non  supra  grammaticos,  Caesar  is  not  above  the  grammarians.  A 
later  Emperor,  however,  Sigismund  I. ,  disclaimed  any  such  absurd 
limitations  and,  at  the  Council  of  Constance  1414,  replied,  to  a  pre- 
late who  had  objected  to  H.M.'s  grammar,  Ego  sum  Rex  Romanus 
et  supra  grammalicam,  I  am  the  Roman  Emperor  and  am  above 
grammar.  (See  Menzel,  Gesckichte  der  Deutschen,  3d  ed.  cap.  325 ; 
Biichmann,  Gefl.  W.  p.  326  ;  and  Carlyle's  Frederick  the  Great. ) 

2535.  La  grandeur  a  besoin  d'etre  quitted  pour  etre  sentie.    (Fr.) 

Pasc.  Pens.  31,  19. — High  station  has  to  be  resigned  in 
order  to  be  properly  appreciated. 

2536.  La  guerre  ou  l'amour.     (Fr.) — War  or  love.     Motto  of  M. 

le  Roux  de  l'Aunay  (Brittany). 

2537.  L'aigle  d'une  niaison,  est  un  sot  dans  une  autre.     (Fr.) 

Gresset. — The  eagle  of  one  house  is  a  fool  in  another. 
One  man's  swan  is  another  man's  goose. 

2538.  L'aimable  siecle,  ou  l'homme  dit  a  l'homme : 

Soyons  freres,  ou  je  t'assomme  !  (Fr.)     Lebrun? 

What  an  amiable  age  when  one  says  to  another : 
"  I'll  kill  you  if  you  won't  own  me  for  a  brother  ! " 

A  paraphrase  of  the  famous  Fraternite  ou  la  Mort  which 
became  the  watchword  of  the  first  Revolution. 

2539.  Laisser  dire  le  monde,  et  toujours  bien  faire,  c'est  une 

maxime,  qui  e'tant  bien  observee  assure  notre  repos,  et 
^tablit  enfin  notre  reputation.  (Fr.) — To  let  the  world 
talk,  and  always  to  act  correctly,  is  a  maxim  which,  if 
strictly  adhered  to,  secures  our  quiet  and,  finally,  estab- 
lishes our  reputation. 

2540.  Laissez  dire  les  sots,  le  savoir  a  son  prix.    (Fr.)    La  Font. 

8,  1 9  — Let  ignorance  talk  as  it  will,  learning  has  its 

2541.  Laissez  faire,  laissez  passer !    (Fr.) — Let  it  be  !    Let  it  pass/ 

Attributed  to  Gournay,  Minister  of  Commerce  at  Paris,  1751,  also 
to  Quesnay,  the  Political  Economist.  Adam  Smith  quotes  the 
words  in  his  Wealth  of  Nations. 

2542.  La  jeunesse  devrait  Stre  une  caisse  d'dpargne.    (-^V.)    Mme. 

Swetchine. — Youth  ought  to  be  a  saving's  bank. 

278  .  LA  JEUNESSE. 

2543.  La  jeunesse  vit  d'esperance,  la  vieillesse  de  souvenir.    (Ft.) 

— Youth  lives  on  hope,  old  age  on  remembrance. 

2544.  La  langue  des  femmes  est   leur  epee,  et  elles  ne  la  laissent 

pas  rouiller.  (Fr.)  Prov. — The  tongue  of  a  woman  is 
her  sword,  and  she  does  not  let  it  rust. 

2545.  La  le'galite'  nous  tue.    (Fr.) — We  are  being  killed  by  legality. 

M.  Yiennet  in  the  Chamber  of  Deputies,  1833. 

2546.  La  libe'ralite'  consiste  moins  a  donner  beaucoup,  qu'a  donner 

a-propos.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  vol.  i.  cap.  4,  p.  70. — 
Liberality  consists  less  in  giving  profusely,  than  in  giving 

2547.  La  libertd,  convive  aimable, 

Met  les  deux  coudes  sur  la  table.  (Fr.)  Volt.  1 — Liberty, 
amiable  guest,  places  both  her  elbows  upon  the  table.  Free 
and  easy. 

2548.  La  lingua  batte  dove  la  dente  duole.      (It.)      Prov. — The 

tongue  strikes  where  the  tooth  aches. 

2549.  L'AUegorie  habite  un  palais  diaphane.      (Fr.)      Lemierre, 

Peinture,  ch.  3. — Allegory  inhabits  a  transparent  palace. 

2550.  La  loi  de   l'univers  est :   Malheur  aux  vaincus  !       (Fr.) 

Saurin,  Spartacus. — Woe  to  the  conquer' d  is  the  laio  of 
the  world.  An  expansion  of  the  famous  Fee  victis  (q.v.) 
of  Brennus. 

2551.  La  maladie   sans   maladie.        (Fr.)  —  The  disease  without 

disease.     Hypochondria,  vapours. 

2552.  La  marque  d'un  me'rite  extraordinaire  est  de  voir  que  ceux 

qui  l'envient  le  plus,  sont  contraints  de  le  louer.  (-^V.)  1 
— The  sign  of  any  extraordinary  excellence  is  to  observe 
hoio  those  who  regard  it  with  t/ie  most  envious  eyes,  are 
obliged  to  speak  in  its  praise. 

2553.  La  memoire  est  une   muse,  on  plutdt,   e'est  la  mere  des 

muses  que  Ronsard  fait  parler  ainsi : 

Grece  est  notre  pays,  memoire  est  notre  mere. 
(Fr.)     Chateaubriand  1 — Memory  is  a  Muse  in  herself, 
or  rather  the  mother  of  tlie  Muses  whom  Ronsard  repre- 
sents saying, 

Greece  is  our  couutry,  Memory  is  our  Mother. 

2554.  L'ame  n'a  pas  de  secret  que  la  conduite  ne  reVele.      (Fr.) 

Prov. — There  is  no  secret  in  the  heart  which  our  actions 
do  not  disclose. 

LA  MORT.  279 

2555.  L'ami  des  Tyrans  est  l'ennemi  du  genre  humain.      (Fr.) 

Linguet. — The  friend  of  tyrants  is  the  common  enemy  of 
mankind.  The  author  was  condemned  to  the  guillotine 
(1794),  with  this  quotation  from  his  own  writings 
attached  to  his  sentence. 

2556.  La  mode  est  un  Tyran  dont  rien  nous  delivre, 

A  son  bizarre  gout  il  faut  s'accommoder, 
Mais  sous  ses  folles  lois  e"tant  force'  de  vivre, 
Le  sage  n'est  jamais  le  premier  a  la  suivre, 

Ni  le  dernier  a  la  garder.  (Fr.)     Pavilion  1 

The  tyranny  of  fashion. 
A  tyrant  is  fashion  whom  none  can  escape, 
To  his  whimsical  fancies  our  tastes  we  must  shape : 
We  are  forced  to  conform  to  the  mode,  it  is  true, 
But  it's  never  the  wise  who  first  follow  the  new, 
Nor  the  last  who  abandon  the  old.  — Ed. 

2557.  La  moitie*  du  monde  prend  plaisir  a  me*dire,  et  l'autre  moitie 

a  croire  les  me'disances.  (Fr.)  Prov. — One  half  of  the 
world  take  delight  in  uttering  slander,  and  the  other  half 
in  believing  it. 

2558.  La  moltiplicita  delle  leggi  e  dei  medici  in  un  paese  sono 

egualmente  segni  di  malore  di  quelle  (It.) — A  multi- 
plicity of  laws  and  of  physicians  in  any  country  are  proofs 
alike  of  its  bad  state. 

2559.  La  monnoie  de  M.  de  Turenne.      (Fr.)     Mme.  Cornuel. — 

Turenne's  small  change.  Said  of  the  ten  generals  who 
vainly  endeavoured  to  fill  the  place  of  the  great  French 
commander  after  his  death  at  Satzbach,  1675. 

2560.  La  moquerie  est  souvent  indigence  d'esprit.       (Fr.)      La 

Bruy.  Car.  vol.  i.  p.  93. — Derision  is  frequently  a  sign  of 
lack  of  tint. 

2561.  La  mort  est  plus  aisde  a  supporter  sans  y  penser,  que  la 

pensee  de  la  mort  sans  peYil.  (Fr.)  Pasc.  Pens.  31,  3. 
— Death  itself  is  less  painful  to  bear  when  it  comes  upon 
us  unawares,  than  the  bare  contemplation  of  it,  even  when 
danger  is  far  distant. 

2562.  La  mort  ne  surprend  point  le  sage; 

II  est  toujours  pret  a  partir, 

S'dtant  su  lui-menie  avertir 
Du  temps  ou.  Ton  se  doit  resoudre  a  ce  passage.       (Fr. ) 
La  Font.  8,  1. — Death  never  takes  the  wise  unawares,  since 
he  is  always  ready  to  depart ;  having  learnt  to  anticipate 
the  time  when  he  must  perforce  make  this  last  journey. 

280  LA  MORT. 

2563.  La  mort  ravit  tout  sans  pudeur.     (Fr.)     La  Font.  8,  1. — 

Unblushing  death  ravishes  everything. 

2564.  La  mouche  du  coche.     (Fr.)     Prov. — The  fly  of  the  coach. 

Taken  from  La  Fontaine's  fable  (7,  9),  signifying  a  busy- 
body, who  thinks  that  fussing-about  is  the  same  thing 
as  being  really  useful. 

2565.  L'amour  apprend  aux  anes  a  danser.     (Fr.)     Prov. — Love 

teaches  even  asses  to  dance. 

2566.  L'amour  de  la  justice  n'est,  en  la  plus  part  des  hommes, 

que  la  crainte  de  souffrir  l'injustice.  (Fr.)  La  Rochef. 
Max.  78,  p.  41. — TJie  love  of  justice  in  the  majority  of 
mankind,  is  nothing  else  than  the  dread  of  suffering  in- 
justice from  others. 

2567.  L'amour  est  le  roman  du  cceur, 

Et  le  plaisir  en  est  l'histoire.  (Fr.)  M.  de  Bievre. — 
Love  is  the  heart's  romance,  pleasure  is  its  history. 

2568.  L'amour  et  la  fume'e  ne  peuvent  se  cacher.     (-^V.)     Prov. 

— Love  and  smoke  cannot  be  hid. 

2569.  L'amour-propre   est  le  plus   grand  de  tous   les   flatteurs. 

(Fr.)  1— Self-love  is  the  greatest  of  all  flatterers. 

2570.  L'amour-propre  offense*  ne  pardonne  jamais.     (Fr.)    Vige*e, 

Aveux  Diff. —  Wounded  self-love  never  forgives. 

2571.  L'amour  soumet  la  terre,  assujetit  les  cieux, 

Les  rois  sont  a  ses  pieds,  il  gouverne  les  dieux. 

(Fr.)     Corn.  1 
Love  conquers  the  earth,  and  Love  conquers  the  sky, 
Kings  lie  at  his  feet,  and  the  Gods  own  his  sway. — Ed. 

2572.  La  moutarde  apres  le  diner.     (Fr.) — Mustard  when  dinner 

is  over.     A  day  after  the  fair. 

2573.  La  moutarde  lui  monte  au  nez.    (Fr.)   Prov. — The  mustard 

gets  into  his  nose.     A  peppery  fellow. 

2574.  La  naissance  n'est  rien  ou  la  vertu  n'est  pas.     (Fr.)     Moh 

Festin  de  Pierre,  4. — Birth  is  nothing  without  virtue. 

2575.  La  nation  francaise  n'oublie  pas  ses  enfants  celebres,  meme 

lorsqu'ils  sonts  morts  a  l'dtranger.  (Fr.) — The  French 
nation  does  not  forget  its  illustrious  children,  even  when 
they  die  in  a  foreign  land.  Inscription  on  Claude 
Lorraine's  tomb  in  the  Church  of  Trinita  dei  Monti,  in 

LA  PAROLE.  281 

2576.  La  nation  ne  fait  pas  corps  en  France;  elle  reside  toute 

entiere  dans  la  personne  du  roy.  (Fr.) — The  nation,  in 
France,  is  not  a  body  politic,  being  comprised  complete 
and  entire  in  the  person  of  the  king.  MS.  composed 
by  the  order  of  Louis  XIV.  for  the  instruction  of  the 
Dauphin,  Duke  of  Burgundy. 

2577.  Langage  des  halles.     (-^V.) — The  slang  of  the  fish-markets. 

Anglice,  "  Billingsgate." 

2578.  L'anime  triste  di  coloro 

Che  visser  senza  infamia,  e  senza  lodo. 

(It.)     Dante,  Inf.  3,  36. 

The  wretched  souls  of  those,  who  lived 
Without  or  praise  or  blame.  — Cary. 

Dante  places  these  characterless  souls  just  within  the 
gate  of  Hell. 

2579.  L'antipode  du  bon  sens.       C^V"). — The   antipodes  of  good 


2580.  La  nuit  porte  conseil.      (Fr.)     Prov. — The  night  is  a  good 

counsellor.     Sleep  upon  it. 

2581.  La  nuit  tous  les  chats  sont  gris.     (Fr.)     Prov. — At  night 

all  cats  are  grey.     The  dark  hides  defects. 

2582.  La  ou  ailleurs.     (-^V.) — There  or  elsewhere.      Motto  of  De 

Kergariou  (Brittany). 

2583.  La  parole  a  et^  donne'e  a  l'homme  pour  deguiser  sa  pensde. 

(Fr.) — Speech  has  been  given  to  man  to  conceal  his 

Harel,  in  the  Steele  of  August  21,  1846,  attributes  the  sentiment 
to  Talleyrand,  but  it  occurs  in  Voltaire  (Dial,  xiv.):  "Us  ne  se 
servent  de  la  pensee  que  pour  automer  leurs  injustices,  et  n'em- 
ployent  les  paroles  que  pour  deguiser  leurs  pensies. "  Cf.  also  Cam- 
pistron,  Pompeia,  2,  5 :  Le  coeur  sent  rarement  ce  que  la  bouche 
exprime. — It  is  rare  for  the  mouth  to  utter  the  heart's  true  sentiments. 
Young  (t  1765)  had  still  earlier  (1725)  written  in  his  Satire,  Uni- 
versal Passion,  The  Love  of  Fame,  207  : 

Where  Nature's  end  of  language  is  declined, 

And  men  talk  only  to  conceal  the  mind. 

Buchmann  (Gen.  W.  p.  379)  points  out  a  distich  from  Dion.  Cato, 
4,  26: 

Perspicito  tecum  tacitus  quid  quisque  loquatur. 
Sermo  hominum  mores  et  celat  et  indicat  idem.     (L. ) 
Consider  inwardly  what  each  man  says  : 
His  talk  both  hides  and  shows  man's  secret  ways. — Ed. 


2584.  La  patience  est  amere,  mais  le  fruit  en  est  doux.       (Fr.) 

J.  J.  Rouss.  1 — Patience  is  bitter,  but  it  yields  sweet  fruit. 
Disappointment  and  suffering  is  the  school  of  wisdom. 

2585.  La  patience  est  le  remede  le  plus  sure  contre  les  calomnies : 

le  temps,  t6t  ou  tard,  decouvre  la  verite".  (Fr.)1 — 
Patience  is  the  most  sure  remedy  for  calumny :  time, 
sooner  or  later,  reveals  the  truth. 

2586.  La  patrie  veut  etre  servie,  et  non  pas  dominee.     (Ft.) — 

One's  country  requires  to  be  served  and  not  to  be  domineered 

Saying  of  Prince  Bismarck  in  conference  with  Favre  on  the  terms 
of  peace  in  1871  (Moritz  Busch.  vol.  ii.  p.  279,  Eng.  tr.).  Political 
consistency  often  becomes  blundering  wrongbeadedness  :  one  must 
take  wider  views  and  not  force  one's  own  private  wishes  upon  the 

2587.  La  pauvi-ete*  n'est  pas  un  peche", 

Mieux  vaut  cependant  la  cacher.        {Fr.)     Breton  Prov. 

Poverty  is  not  a  sin  ; 

Still  it  is  best  to  keep  it  in. — Ed. 

2588.  La  perfection  marche  lentement,  il  lui  faut  la  main  du 

temps.  (Fr.)  Volt.  1 — Perfection  is  attained  by  sloiv 
degrees,  she  requires  the  hand  of  time. 

2589.  La  peur  est  un  grand  inventeur.     (Fr.)     Prov. — Fear  is  a 

great  inventor. 

2590.  La  philosophic  triomphe  aise"ment  des  maux  passes,  et  des 

maux  a  venir ;  mais  les  maux  presents  ti-iomphent  d'elle. 
(Fr.)  La  Rochef.  Max.  p.  34,  §  22. — Philosophy  triumphs 
easily  enough  over  past  and  future  misfortunes,  but  she  is 
tvorsted  by  the  misfortunes  of  the  moment. 

2591.  La  plus  belle  victoire  est  de  vaincre  son  cceur.     (Fr.)     La 

Font.  Nymphes  de  Vaux. — The  finest  victory  is  to  conquer 
ones  own  heart. 

2592.  La  plus  part  des  hommes  emploient  la  premiere  partie  de 

leur  vie  a  rendre  l'autre  miserable.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car. 
vol.  ii.  cap.  11,  p.  48. — The  generality  of  men  spend  the 
first  part  of  their  lives  in  contributing  to  render  the  latter 
part  miserable. 

2593.  La  plus  part  des  hommes  n'ont  pas  le  courage  de  corriger 

les  autres,  parcequ'ils  n'ont  pas  le  courage  de  souffrir 
qu'on  les  corrige.  (-^V.) — Most  men  have  not  the  courage 
to  correct  others,  because  they  have  not  the  courage  to  bear 
correction  themselves. 


2594.  La  popularity  c'est  la  gloire  en  gros  sous.    (Fr.)    Y.  Hugo, 

Buy  Bias,  3. — Popularity  is  glory  in  copper  coinage. 

2595.  L'appe'tit  vient  en  mangeant,  disoit  Angeston,  mais  la  soif 

s'en  va  en  beuvant.  {Fr.)  Rabelais,  Gargantua.  1,  5. — - 
The  appetite  increases  with  eating,  said  Angeston,  but 
thirst  is  quenched  by  drinking.  The  more  one  has,  the 
more  one  wishes  for.  Men  grow  to  like  pursuits  by  the 
mere  force  of  habitually  engaging  in  them. 

2596.  La  propriete  exclusive  est  un  vol  dans  la  nature.     (Fr.)1 

— Exclusive  possession  is  a  violation  of  nature's  rights. 

2597.  Lapsus  calami.     (L.) — A  slip  of  the  pen.     A  clerical  error. 

(2.)  Lapsus  linguae. — A  slip  of  the  tongue. 

2598.  La  raison  du  plus  fort  est  toujours  la  meilleure.     (Fr.) 

La  Font.  1,  10. — The  opinion  of  the  strongest  is  always 
the  best.  Cf.  Le  droit  du  plus  fort,  etc. — The  right  of  the 
strongest,  etc. 

2599.  La  reconnaissance  est  la  menioire  du  cceur.     (Fr.)     Massieu? 

Gratitude  is  the  memory  of  the  heart.  Cicero  calls  it 
animus  memor,  a  mind  that  does  not  forget. 

2600.  La  republique  des  loups.     (Fr.)    Beaum.  1 — The  republic  of 

wolves.     Said  of  the  republic  of  letters  of  the  18th  cent. 

2601.  La  reputation  d'un  homme  est  comme  son  ombre,  qui  tantofc 

le  suit,  et  tantdt  le  precede ;  quelquefois  elle  est  plus 
longue,  et  quelquefois  plus  courte  que  lui.  (Fr.)1 — A 
mans  reputation  islike  his  shadow,  which  sometimes  follows, 
sometimes  precedes  him,  and  which  is  occasionally  longer, 
occasionally  shorter  than  he  is. 

2602.  L'argent  est  un  bon  passe-partout.     (Fr.)     Pro  v. — Money 

is  a  good  passport. 

2603.  Largior  hie  campos  aether  et  lumine  vestit 

Purpureo  :  solemque  suum,  sua  sidera  noiTint. 

(L.)     Yirg.  A.  6,  640. 
The  Elysian  fields. 
Around  the  champaign  mantles  bright 
The  fulness  of  purpureal  light  ; 
Another  sun  and  stars  they  know, 
That  shine  like  ours,  but  shine  below. — Conington. 

2604.  Largitionem  fundum   non   habere.      (L.)      Prov.  ap.  Cic. 

Off.  2,  15,  55. — Giving  has  no  bottom  to  its  purse.  There 
is  no  end  to  giving  when  you  once  begin. 

284  LARGTJS. 

2605.  Largus  opum  et  lingua  melior,  sed  frigida  bello 

Dextera,  consiliis  habitus  non  futilis  auctor. 

(L.)     Yirg.  A.  11,  338. 
Wealthy,  and  dowered  with  wordy  skill, 
In  battle  spiritless  and  chill ; 
At  council-board  a  name  of  weight 
Powerful  in  faction  and  debate. — Conington. 

2606.  L'aristocratie  a  trois  ages  successifs  ;  l'age  des  supeViorites, 

l'age  des  privileges,  l'age  des  vanite's  :  sortie  du  premier, 
elle  degenere  dans  le  second,  et  s'e'teint  dans  le  dernier. 
(Fr.)  Chateaub.  ? — Aristocracy  passes  through  three  suc- 
cessive periods:  the  age  of  intrinsic  merit,  the  age  of 
privilege,  and  the  age  of  nonentity.  It  passes  out  of  tJie 
first  stage  to  encounter  its  decay  in  the  second,  and  its 
extinction  in  the  last. 

2607.  La   roche   Tarpeienne  est  pres  du  Capitole.     {Fr.) — The 

Tarpeian  rock  is  close  to  the  Capitol.  The  seat  of  power 
is  close  to  the  scene  of  execution.  As  we  might  say  in 
England — It  is  no  great  distance  from  "Westminster  to 
the  Tower. 

2608.  L'art  de  faire  des  vers,  dut-on  s'en  indigner, 

Doit  etre  a  plus  haut  prix  que  celui  de  regner. 
Tous  deux  egalement  nous  portons  des  couronnes  : 
Mais,  roi,  je  les  regois,  et  poete,  tu  les  donnes.       (Fr.) 
Kings  and  Poets. 
The  art  of  verse-making  (should  one  be  complaining) 
Is  higher  at  least  than  the  talent  of  reigning : 
They  each  boast  a  crown,  both  the  monarch  and  poet, 
Yet  kings  but  receive  it,  while  authors  bestow  it. — Ed. 

2609.  L'art  de  vaincre  est  celui  de  mepriser  la  mort.     (Fr.)     M. 

de  Sivrj] — The  art  of  conquering  consists  in  despising 

2610.  Lasciate  ogni  speranza,  voi  ch'entrate. 

(It.)     Dante,  Inf.  3,  9. 
The  Gates  of  Hell. 
All  hope  abandon,  ye  who  enter  here  ! 

2611.  La  science  du  gouvernement  n'est  qu'une  science  de  com- 

binaisons,  d'applications  et  d'exceptions,  selon  le  temps, 
les  lieux,  les  circonstances.  (Fr.)  Rouss.  1 — The  science 
of  government  is  nothing  else  than  the  science  of  combina- 
tion, application  and  exception,  adapted  to  meet  the 
requirements  of  time,  place,  and  circumstance. 


2612.  Lascivi  soboles  gregis.     (L.)     Hor.  C.  3,  13,  8. — Offspring 

of  a  wanton  race. 

2613.  La  seule  vertu  distingue  les  hommes,  des  qu'ils  sont  morts. 

(Fr.)  L'Abbe"  de  Choisy. — It  is  by  their  virtues  alone 
that  one  man  differs  from  anotlier  after  they  are  dead. 
All  distinctions,  save  those  of  moral  excellence,  are 
merged  in  death. 

2614.  La  simple  curiosity  nous  ferait  chercher  avec  soin  ce  que 

nous  deviendrons  apres  la  mort.  (Fr.)  St  Evremondl — 
Curiosity  of  itself  is  enough  to  make  us  enquire  anxiously 
what  becomes  of  man  after  death. 

2615.  L'asino  che  ha  fame  mangia  d'ogni  strame.     (It.)     Prov. — 

The  ass  that  is  hungry  will  eat  any  kind  of  litter. 

2616.  La  speranza  e  l'ultima  ch'abbandona  l'infelice.    (It.)    Prov. 

— Hope  is  the  last  to  abandon  the  unhappy. 

2617.  Lass   dich   nicht   verbluffen.     (G.)     Herder   (to   his   son 

Godfrey),  Brief e  von  und  an  Goethe. — Don't  let  yourself 
be  snubbed.    Herder  calls  this  the  eleventh  commandment. 

2618.  Lateat   scintillula    forsan.       (L.)1 — Perchance   some   little 

spark  may  lie  unseen.  Motto  of  the  Royal  Humane 

2619.  Laterem  lavem.     (L.)     Ter.  Phorm.  1,  4,  9. — /  might  as 

well  wash  a  brickbat  white.  In  Gr.  irXivdov  irXvveiv. — 
Washing  a  blackamoor  white.     Labour  lost. 

2620.  Latet  anguis  in  herba.     (L.)    Virg.  E.  3,  93. — A  snake  lies 

hid  in  the  grass. 

2621.  Latius  regnes  avidum  domando 

Spiritum,  quam  si  Libyam  remotis 
Gadibus  jungas,  et  uterque  Poenus 

Serviat  uni.  (L.)     Hor.  C.  2,  2,  9. 

Who  curbs  a  greedy  soul  may  boast 

More  power  than  if  his  broad-based  throne 
Bridged  Libya's  sea,  and  either  coast 
Were  all  his  own. — Conington. 

2622.  Laudamus  veteres,  sed  nostris  utimur  annis, 

Mos  tamen  est  seque  dignus  uterque  coli. 

(L.)     Ov.  Fast.  1,  226. 
We  laud  the  old,  but  live  in  modern  days  : 
Yet  old  or  new,  each  fashion's  worthy  praise. — Ed. 

2623.  Laudatis  antiqua,  sed  nove  de  die  vivitis.      (L.)     Tert.  ap. 

6. — You  praise  the  old  ways,  but  you  live  every  day  in 
the  new  fashion. 

286  LAUDATO. 

2624.  Laudato  ingentia  rura,  Exiguum  colito.     (L.)     Virg.  G.  2, 

412. — Bestow  your  praises  on  a  large  desmesne,  but 
occupy  a  small  one.  To  a  man,  moderate  in  his  desires, 
the  smaller  estate  is  the  most  likely  to  produce  happiness. 

2625.  Laudator  temporis  acti.     (L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  173. — One  who 

praises  former  days.  Description  of  the  old  fellow  who 
is  always  extolling  the  manners  and  fashions  of  his 
youth  over  the  degeneracy  of  modern  days. 

2626.  Laudatur  ab  his,  culpatur  ab  illis.      (L.)     Hor.  S.  1,  2,  11. 

— He  is  praised  by  these,  blamed  by  those. 

2627.  Laudat  venales  qui  vult  extrudere  merces.      (L.)      Hor. 

Ep.  2,  2,  11. — The  man  who  wants  to  get  his  wares  off 
his  hands,  praises  their  excellence. 

2628.  Laudibus  arguitur  vini  vinosus  Homerus. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  19,  6. 

The  praises  heap'd  by  Homer  on  the  bowl 

At  once  convict  him  as  a  thirsty  soul. — Conington. 

2629.  Laudis  amore  tumes1?  sunt  certa  piacula  quae  te 

Ter  pure  lecto,  poterunt  recreare,  libello. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  1,  36. 

You're  bloated  by  ambition  ?  take  advice  : 

Yon  book  will  ease  you  if  you  read  it  thrice. — Conington. 

2630.  Laudo  Deum  verum,  Plebem  voco,  congrego  Clerum, 

Defunctos  ploro,  Pestem  fugo,  Festa  decoro.      (L.) 
The  Bells. 
True  God  I  praise,  collect  the  flock,  and  call  the  Priests  : 
The  dead  I  mourn,  and  banish  plagues,  and  gladden  feasts.  — Ed. 

2631.  Laudo  manentem  ;  si  celeres  quatit 

Pennas,  resigno  qua?  dedit,  et  mea 
Virtute  me  involvo  probamque 

Panperiem  sine  dote  qusero.    (L.)    Hor.  C.  3,  29,  53. 

She  stays,  'tis  well :  but  let  her  shake 
Those  wings,  her  presents  I  resign, 
Cloak  me  in  native  worth  and  take 
Chaste  Poverty  undowered  for  mine. — Conington. 
A  fallen  minister,  at  the  time  of  the  Restoration  (1814),  applied 
the  lines  to  himself.     He  said  : 
Je  vais,  victime  de  mon  zele, 
M'envelopper  dans  ma  vertu. 
To  which  it  was  instantly  replied : 
Voila,  voila  ce  qui  s'appelle 

Etre  legeremeut  vetu  !  (Fr.) 


A  Martyr  to  my  zeal,  I  fold 

Me  in  my  virtue,  and  retire. 
Indeed,  indeed  !     That  must  be  called 

A  very  light  and  scant  attire  ! — Ed. 

2632.  Laus  Deo.     (L.) — Praise  be  to  God.     Motto  of  Viscount 


2633.  La  ve'rite'  ne  fait  pas  autant  de  bien  dans  le  monde  que  ses 

apparences  y  font  de  mal.  (Fr.) — Truth  does  not  pro- 
duce so  much  good  in  the  world,  as  the  semblance  of  it 
does  mischief. 

2634.  La  vertu  est  la  seule  noblesse.     {Fr.) — Virtue  is  the  only 

true  nobility.     Motto  of  Earl  of  Guilford. 

2635.  La   vertu  n'iroit  pas  si  loin,   si  la  vanite  ne  lui  tenoit 

compagnie.  {Fr.)  La  Rochef.  Max.  p.  56,  §  205. — 
Virtue  would  not  go  so  far,  if  vanity  did  not  go  with  her. 

2636.  La  ville  est  le  sejour  de  profanes  humains,  les  dieux  habitent 

la  campagne.  (-^V.)  J.  J-  Rouss. — Town  is  the  dwelling- 
place  of  profane  mortals,  the  gods  inhabit  rural  retreats. 

2637.  La  vraie  ventd     {Fr.)  1—The  real  truth. 

2638.  La  vraye  science  et  le  vray  e"tude  de  l'honime  c'est  l'homrae. 

{Fr.)  Charron  (f  1603),  De  la  Sagesse,  Bk.  i.  cap.  1.— 
The  real  science  and  the  real  study  for  man  is  man  himself. 

Cf.  Pope,  Ep.  2,  2  : 

The  proper  study  of  mankind  is  man. 

2639.  Le  beau  monde.     {Fr.) — Tlie  fashionable  ivorld. 

2640.  Le  bestemmie  fanno  come  le  processioni ;  ritornano  donde 

partirono.  {It.)  Pro  v. — Curses  are  like  religious  pro- 
cessions, they  come  back  whence  they  set  out. 

2641.  Le  bien  de  la  fortune  est  un  bien  perissable ; 

Quand  on  batit  sur  elle,  on  batit  sur  le  sable. 

{Fr.)     Racan,  Bergeries. 
Fortune's  gifts  are  a  riches  that  never  can  stand  ; 
He  who  builds  upon  Fortuue  is  building  on  sand. — Ed. 

2642.  Le  bien  ne  se  fait  jamais  mieux  que  lorsqu'il  opere  lente- 

ment.  {Fr.)  De  Moy.  ? — Good  is  never  more  effectually 
performed  than  when  it  is  produced  by  slow  degrees. 

2643.  Le  bonheur  de  l'homme  en  cette  vie  ne  consiste  pas  a  etre 

sans  passions,  il  consiste  a  en  etre  le  maitre.  {Fr.)  1 — 
The  happiness  of  man  in  this  world  does  not  consist  in 
being  devoid  of  passions,  but  in  being  able  to  master  them. 

288  LE  BONHEUR. 

2644.  Le  bonheur  des  rne'chants  comme  un  torrent  s'ecoule.    {Ft.) 

Rac.  Athalie. — The  Iiappiness  of  the  wicked  runs  dry 
like  a  torrent. 

2645.  Le  bonheur  et  le  malheur  des  hommes  ne  dependent  pas 

moins  de  leur  humeur  que  de  la  fortune.  (-^V.)  La 
Rochef.  Max.  p.  39,  §  61. — The  happiness  or  misery  of 
men  depends  as  much  on  their  own  dispositions  as  on  the 
turn  of  fortune. 

2646.  Le  bonheur  ne  peut  etre 

Ou  la  vertu  n'est  pas.  (Fr.)  Quinault,  Persde. —  Where 
virtue  is  not,  happiness  cannot  be. 

2647.  Le  bonheur  ou  le  malheur  vont  ordinairement  a  ceux  qui 

ont  le  plus  de  Tun  ou  de  l'autre.  (-^V.)  La  Rochef.  1 — 
Good  or  bad  fortune  generally  pursue  those  who  have  the 
greatest  share  of  either. 

2648.  Le  bonheur  semble  fait  pour  etre  partage*.       {Fr.)      Rac. 

Prose. — Happiness  seems  made  to  be  shared  with  others. 

2649.  Le  bruit  est  pour  le  fat,  la  plainte  est  pour  le  sot, 

L'honnete  homme  troinpe"  s'e'loigne  et  ne  dit  mot. 

(Fr.)     Lanoue,  La  Coquette  corrigde,  1,  3  (1756). 

The  fop  begins  to  bluster  and  the  fool  begins  to  whine ; 
The  man  of  sense,  when  taken-in,  goes  off  and  gives  no  sign. 

— Ed. 

2650.  Le  but  de  mon  ministere  a  6t6  celui-ci;  rdtablir  les  limites 

naturelles  de  la  Gaule :  identifier  la  Gaule  avec  la 
France,  et  partout  ou  fut  l'ancienne  Gaule  constituer  la 
nouvelle.  (Fr.)  Richelieu,  Test.  Pol. — The  aim  of  my 
ministry  has  been  this :  to  re-establish  the  natural  limits 
of  Gaul,  identify  Gaul  with  France,  and  everywliere  re- 
place Ancient  Gaul  with  its  modern  counterpart. 

2651.  Le  coeur  a  ses  raisons,  que  la  raison  ne  connoist  pas.     (Fr.) 

Pasc.  Pens.  28,  58. — The  heart  has  its  reasons,  of  which 
the  understanding  knows  nothing. 

2652.  Le  cceur  d'une  femme  est  un  vrai  mrroir  qui  recoit  toutes 

sortes  d'objets  sans  s'attacher  a  aucun.  (Fr.)  1 — The 
heart  of  woman  is  a  mirror,  which  reflects  every  object, 
without  attaching  itself  to  any. 

2653.  Le  congres  ne  marche  pas,  il  danse.     (Fr.) — TJte  Congress 

does  not  go  at  foot's  pace,  it  dances.  Said  by  the  Prince 
de  Ligne  of  the  Vienna  Congress. 

LE  DIVORCE.  289 

2654.  Le  conquerant  est  craint,  le  sage  est  estime', 

Mais  le  bienfaiteur  plait,  et  lui  seul  est  aime*.  (Fr.)1 — 
The  conqueror  is  /eared,  the  man  of  learning  respected ; 
but  it  is  the  benevolent  man  who  wins  our  affections,  and 
he  alone  is  beloved. 

2655.  Le  conseil  manque  a  l'ame, 

Et  le  guide  au  chemin.  (■&*"•)     "*".  Hugo  ? 

The  soul  is  'reft  of  counsel, 
And  the  path  without  a  guide. — Ed. 

2656.  Le  contraire  des  bruits  qui  courent  des  affaires,  ou  des 

personnes,  est  sou  vent  la  ve'rite'.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car. 
vol.  ii.  p.  77. — The  converse  of  what  is  currently  reported 
is  more  often  the  real  truth. 

2657.  Le  courage  est  souvent  un   effet   de   la  peur.      {Fr.)  1 — 

Courage  is  often  the  effect  of  fear.     Cf.  Corn.  Theod. : 
Son  courage  est  peut  etre  un  effet  de  la  peur. 

2658.  Le  coute  en  6te  le  gout.      (Fr.)     Prov. — Tlie  cost  of  tlie 

thing  diminishes  its  flavour.  I  love  the  dainty,  but  I 
hate  the  expense. 

2659.  Le  cri  d'un  peuple  heureux  est  la  seule  eloquence  qui  doit 

parler  des  rois.  (Fr.)  ? — The  shouts  of  a  contented  people 
are  the  best  eloquence  which  can  be  displayed  in  their 
sovereign's  behalf. 

2660.  Le  ddsespoir  comble  non  seulement  notre  misere,  mais  notre 

faiblesse.  (Fr.)  Vauvenargues. — Despair  gives  the 
finishing  blow  not  only  to  misery,  but  to  weakness. 

2661.  Le  de'sespoir  redouble  les  forces.      (Fr.) — Despair  doubles 

our  powers. 

2662.  Le  dessous  des  cartes.    (-^V.) — The  underneath  of  the  cards. 

Connaitre,  voir  le ,  to  be  in  the  secret. 

2663.  Le  devoir  des  juges  est  de  rendre  justice,  leur  me'tier  est  de 

la  diff^rer ;  quelques  uns  savent  leur  devoir,  et  font  leur 
me'tier.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  ? — A  judge's  duty  is  to 
grant  justice,  but  his  practice  is  to  delay  it :  even  those 
judges  who  know  their  duty  adhere  to  the  general  practice. 

2664.  Le  diable  dtait  beau  quand  il  e'tait  jeune.     (-^V.)     Prov. — 

The  devil  was  good-looking  when  he  was  young. 

2665.  Le  divorce  est  le  sacrement  de  l'adultere.    (Fr.)    Guichard  1 

— Divorce  is  the  sacrament  of  adultery. 

290  LE  DROIT. 

2666.  Le  droit  est  au  plus  fort  en  amour  comme  en  guerre, 

Et  la  femme  qu'on  aime  aura  toujours  raison. 

(Fr.)    A.  de  Musset,  Idylle. 

In  love,  as  in  war,  'tis  the  strongest  that  wins, 
And  the  woman  I  worship  will  always  be  right.  — Ed. 

2667.  Legem   brevem   esse   oportet,    quo    facilius    ab   imperitis 

teneatur,  velut  emissa  divinitus  vox  sit.  (L.)  Sen.  Ep. 
94. — A  law  ought  to  be  short  to  be  the  easier  grasped  by 
the  unlearned,  as  a  kind  of  oracle. 

2668.  Le  Genie  c'est  la  patience.      (Fr.)      Prov. — Genius  means 


2669.  Le  Genie  enfante,  le  Gout  conserve.      Le  Gout  est  le  bon 

sens  du  Genie.  Sans  le  Gout,  le  Genie  n'est  qu'une 
sublime  folie.  Ce  toucher  sur  par  qui  la  lyre  ne  rend 
que  le  son  qu'elle  doit  rendre,  est  encore  plus  rare  que 
la  faculte"  qui  cree.  (Fr.)  Chateaub.  Essai  sur  la 
LitteYat.  Angl. — Genius  produces,  Taste  preserves.  Good 
Taste  is  Genius1  common  sense.  Without  it  Genius  is 
only  a  sublime  kind  of  folly.  That  perfect  touch  which 
draws  from  the  lyre  the  right  note  and  nothing  more,  is 
even  a  rarer  gift  than  the  creative  faculty  itself. 

2670.  Le   geologue   est   un   nouveau   genre   d'antiquaire.      (Fr.) 

Cuvier  1 — The  geologist  is  a  new  kind  of  antiquarian. 

2671.  Leges  bonse  malis  ex  moribus  procreantur.     (L.)     Prov. 

Macr.  S.  2,  13. — Good  laws  are  the  product  of  bad  morals. 

2672.  Leges  mori  serviunt.     (L.)     Plaut.  Trin.  4,  3,  36. — Laws 

are  subservient  to  custom.     Usage  modifies  the  law. 

2673.  Leges  posteriores  priores  contrarias  abrogant.     (L.)     Law 

Max. — Later  statutes  have  the  effect  of  repeating  such 
earlier  statutes  as  are  opposite  to  their  provisions. 

2674.  Le  jeu  ne  vaut  pas  la  chandelle.     (Fr.)     Prov. — The  game 

is  not  worth  the  candle.     It  is  not  worth  the  while. 

2675.  Le  jour  viendra.      (Fr.) — The  day  will  come.      Earl  of 


2676.  Le  mariage  est  comme  une  forteresse  assie'gee :    ceux  qui 

sont  dehors  veulent  y  entrer,  et  ceux  qui  sont  dedans 
veulent  en  sortir.  (Fr.)  Prov.  Arabe,  (Quitard). — 
Wedlock  is  like  a  besieged  fortress  ;  those  who  are  outside 
wish  to  get  in,  and  those  who  are  inside  wish  to  get  out. 

L'EMPIRE.  291 

Wedlock,  indeed,  hath  oft  compared  heen 
To  publick  feasts,  where  meet  a  publick  rout : 

When  they  that  are  without  would  fain  go  in, 
And  they  that  are  within  would  fain  go  out. 

— Sir  J.  Davis  (Davison's  Poet.  Rhapsody,  Lond.  1826). 

Cf.  Le  pays  du  mariage  a  cela  de  particulier,  que  les  etrangers  ont 
envie  de  l'habiter,  et  les  habitans  naturels  voudroient  en  6tre 
exiles.  — Montaigne. 

2677.  Le   me'chant   n'est  jamais   comique.     (-^V.)     De   Maistre 

(Soirees  1273). — A  bad  man  is  never  comical.  Said  of 
Voltaire.  The  converse  is  also  true  that  Le  comique — 
le  vrai  comique  n'est  jamais  me'cJiant. — The  really  amus- 
ing man  cannot  be  a  bad  man. 

2678.  Le  mieux  est  l'ennemi  du  bien.     {Fr.)     Pro  v. — Better  is 

the  enemy  of  well. 

2679.  Le  monde,  chere  Agnes,  est  une  dtrange  chose  ! 

(Fr.)     Mol.  l'Ecole  des  fern.  2,  4. 
The  world,  dear  Agnes,  is  a  strange  affair  ! — Ed. 

2680.  Le  monde  est  le  livre  des  femmes.     {Fr.)     Rouss.  1 — The 

world  is  the  book  of  women. 

2681.  Le  monde  est  plein  de  fous,  et  qui  n'en  veut  pas  voir 

Doit  se  tenir  tout  seul  et  casser  son  miroir. 

(Fr.)     Chariot  de  la  Mere  Folle. 

The  world  is  full  of  madmen,  and  who  would  not  see  one  pass, 
Must  keep  himself  shut  up  at  home,  and  break  his  looking- 
glass.  — Ed. 

2682.  Le  mot  de  l'dnigme.      (Fr.) — The  answer  to  the  riddle. 

Key  to  the  puzzle.     Solution  of  the  mystery. 

2683.  Le  moyen  le  plus  sur  de  se  consoler  de  tout  ce  qui  peut 

arriver,  c'est  de  s'attendre  toujours  au  pire.  (Fr.) — The 
most  certain  met/tod  to  find  consolation  against  whatever 
may  happen,  is  always  to  expect  the  worst. 

2684.  Le  moy  est  haissable.     (Fr.)     Pasc.  Pens.  29,  27.—"/"  is 

hateful.     Egotism,  selfishness. 

2685.  L'Empire  c'est  la  Paix.   (Fr.) — The  Empire  is  (the  guarantee 

of)  Peace. 

Celebrated  apothegm  of  Napoleon  III.,  summing  up  the  benefits  of 
the  Second  Empire  (Speech  at  Bordeaux,  October  9,  1852).  The 
saying  was  parodied  by  Punch  to  signify  L'Empire  c'est  la  "pay" 
(with  allusion  to  the  excessive  taxation  under  the  new  regime),  and 
by  Kladderadatsch  to  "L'Empire  c'est  Vepie,"  The  Empire  means 
the  sword. 

2686.  L'empire  des  lettres.     (Fr.) — The  republic  of  letters. 

292  I/EMPIRE. 

2687.  L'Empire  est  fait.      (^V.) — The  Empire  is  accomplished. 

Said  by  Thiers,  November  1851. 

2688.  Le  navire  qui  n'obelt  pas  au  gouvernail  devra  obe'ir  aux 

ecueils.  (Fr.)  Breton  Pro  v. — The  vessel  that  will  not 
obey  her  helm,  will  have  to  obey  the  rocks. 

2689.  Lenis  minimeque  pertinax.     (L.)     Cic.  ? — Easy,   and  not 

too  violently  insisting.     Said  of  style. 

2690.  Leniter,  ex  merito  quidquid  patiare,  ferendum  est, 

Quae  venit  indignse  poena,  dolenda  venit.  (L.)  Ov.  H. 
5,  7. — Chastisements  which  we  have  deserved,  we  submit 
to  with  resignation,  but  punishment  that  comes  to  one  who 
has  not  deserved  it,  comes  with  cruel  pang. 

2691.  L'ennui  du  beau,  amene  le  gout  du  singulier.     (Fr.)1 — 

A  surfeit  of  the  beautiful  leads  to  a  taste  for  singu- 

2692.  L'ennui  naquit  un  jour  de  l'uniformite*.     {Fr.)     Lamotte- 

Houdard,  Fables. — Boredom  was  born  one  day  of  uni- 
formity. Nothing  is  more  tiresome  than  monotony. 
The  variation  "  de  Vuniversite"  is  Madame  de  Chateau- 
briand's, when  the  conversation  in  her  salon,  which  was 
at  the  moment  attended  by  several  professors,  was  run- 
ning a  little  too  exclusively  on  educational  questions. 

2693.  Le  nombre  des  e*lus  au  Parnasse  est  complet.    (Fr.)    Volt.? 

— The  number  of  the  elect  for  Mount  Parnassus  is  com- 
pleted.    Addressed  to  an  aspiring  poetaster. 

2694.  L'enseigne   fait   la   chalandise.       (Fr.)      La  Font.  7,  15. 

— A  good  sign  brings  in  customers.  A  reason  for 

2695.  Leonina  societas.     (L.)     Dig.    17,   2,   29,  §  2.— A   lion's 

partnership,  in  which  one  party  gets  all  the  profit,  and 
the  others  all  the  loss.     Heads  I  win,  tails  you  lose. 

2696.  Le  parjure  est  une  vertu, 

Lorsque  le  serment  fut  un  crime.  (Fr.)  Volt.? — Ferjury 
is  a  virtue,  when  the  oath  was  a  crime.  A  man  having 
been  induced  to  bind  himself  by  an  oath  for  a  criminal 
purpose,  the  violation  of  it  is  an  act  of  virtue. 

2697.  Le  plaisir  le  plus  delicat,  est  de  faire  celui  d'autrui.     (Fr.) 

La  Bruy.  Car.  ? — The  most  exquisite  pleasure  consists  in 
promoting  the  pleasures  of  others. 

LE  PUBLIC!  293 

2698.  Le  plus^beau  livre  qui  soit  sorti  de  la  main  des  hommes, 

car  l'Evangile  n'en  vient  pas.  {Ft.)  Fontenelle,  Life  of 
Corneille. — The  finest  work  which  has  ever  issued  from 
the  hands  of  man,  for  the  Gospel  is  not  a  human 
composition.     Said  of  "  The  Imitation  of  Jesus  Christ. 

2699.  Le  plus  lent  a  promettre  est  toujours  le  plus  fidele  a  tenir. 

(Fr.)  Rouss.  1 — He  who  is  most  slow  in  making  a  promise 
will  be  the  most  faithful  in  performing  it. 

2700.  Le  plus  sage  est  celui  qui  ne  pense  point  1'etre.     (-^V.) 

Boil.  1 — The  wisest  man  is  the  one  who  does  not  consider 
himself  such. 

2701.  Le  plus  semblable  aux  morts  meurt  le  plus  a  regret.     (-^V.) 

La  Font.  8,  1. — He  who  most  resembles  the  dead  dies  the 
most  reluctantly. 

2702.  Le  premier  qui  fut  roi  fut  un  soldat  heureux  ; 

Qui  sert  bien  son  pays  n'a  pas  besoin  d'aieux.  {Fr.) 
Volt.  Merope,  1,  3. — The  first  who  was  a  king,  was  a  for- 
tunate soldier  ;  he  who  serves  his  country  well  has  no  need 
of  ancestors. 

This  is  borrowed  from  Lefranc  de  Pompignan's  Didon ;  Le  premier 
qui  fut  roi  fut  un  usurpateur  (The  first  man  to  be  king  was  an 
usurper),  a  line  which  the  Censorship  of  the  stage  suppressed. 
Cf.  Sir  W.  Scott,  Woodstock,  2,  37  :  "What  can  they  see  in  the 
longest  kingly  line  in  Europe,  save  that  it  runs  back  to  a  successful 
soldier  ? " 

2703.  Le  premier  soupir  de  l'amour  est  le  dernier  de  la  sagesse. 

{Fr.)  Charron,  Sagesse. — The  first  sigh  of  love  is  the  last 
sigh  of  wisdom. 

Bret  took  Charron's  words  and  cutting  the  sentence  in  two  made 
a  distich  of  it,  which  he  inserted  in  his  play  of  L'Ecole  Amoureuse, 
sc.  7. 

2704.  Le  present  est  gros  de  l'avenir.      {Fr.)      Leibnitz? — The 

present  moment  is  big  with  the  events  of  the  future.  Ap- 
plicable to  any  time  threatening  a  disruption  of  the 
peace  of  Europe,  or  to  the  eve  of  any  expected  political 

2705.  Le  present  est  pour  ceux  qui  jouissent,  l'avenir  pour  ceux 

qui  souffrent.  {Fr.) — The  present  moment  is  for  those 
who  enjoy,  the  future  for  those  who  suffer. 

2706.  Le  public  !  combien  faut-il  de  sots  pour  faire  un  public? 

{Fr.)  Chamfort  1 — "  The  public  /  "  How  many  fools  does 
it  take  to  constitute  the  public  ? 

294  LE  REFTJS. 

2707.  Le  refus  des  louanges  est  souvent  un  de'sir  d'etre  loue  deux 

fois.  {Ft.) — The  refusal  of  praise  often  proceeds  from  a 
desire  to  have  the  compliment  repeated. 

2708.  Le  roi  de  France  ne  venge  pas  les  injures  du  due  d'Orldans. 

(Fr.) — The  King  of  France  does  not  avenge  the  wrongs  of 
tlie  Duke  of  Orleans.  Attributed  to  Louis  XII.  on  his 
accession  to  the  throne. 

The  same  sentiment  had  already  been  expressed  by  Philip,  Count 
of  Bresse  and  afterwards  Duke  of  Savoy  :  H  serait  honteux  au  due 
de  venger  les  injures  faites  au  comte. — It  would  be  shameful  for  the 
Duke  to  avenge  the  injuries  done  to  the  Count. 

2709.  Le  roi  le  veut.     (Fr.) — The  king  wills  it.      Motto  of  Lord 

De  Clifford. 

Formula  by  which  the  Clerk  of  Parliament  announces  the  Royal 
assent  to  public  bills.  In  the  case  of  private  bills  the  words  are, 
Soit  fait  comme  il  est  desiri  (Be  it  done  as  it  is  desired).  If  the 
assent  of  the  sovereign  is  withheld,  it  is  said,  Le  Roi  s'avisera 
(The  king  will  consider  it). 

2710.  Le  roi  rdgne  et  ne  gouverne  pas.     (Fr.) — The  King  reigns 

but  does  not  govern.  Mot  of  Thiers  in  the  National 
newspaper  of  July  1,  1830,  relating  to  the  accession  of 
Louis  Philippe.  Zamoyski  (f  1605)  had  already  said 
in  a  speech  in  the  Polish  Diet :  Hex  regnat  sed  non 

2711.  Le  roy  et  l'estat.     (Fr.) — The  King  and  the  State.    Earl  of 


2712.  Les  absents  ont  toujours  tort.     (Fr.)     Prov. — The  absent 

are  always  wrong. 

2713.  Les  affaires?  e'est  bien  simple:  e'est  l'argent  des  autres. 

(Fr.)  Dumas  fils,  Question  d'argent. —  What  is  business? 
It  is  easily  explained :  it  is  other  people's  money.  Cf. 
Be'roalde  de  Verville,  Moyen  de  parvenir :  "  Mais  de  quoi 
sont  composees  les  affaires  du  monde  1    Du  bien  d'autrui." 

2714.  Le  sage  entend  a  demi  mot.      (Fr.) — A  hint  is  enough  for 

a  wise  man. 

2715.  Le  sage  veut  bien  qu'on  travaille,  mais  il  ne  veut  pas  qu'on 

travaille  par  avarice.  (Fr.)  Olivier  Patru  1 — The  wise 
man  approves  of  work,  but  not  of  working  from  motives 
of  avarice. 

2716.  Les  amis,  ces  parents  que  Ton  se  fait  soi-meme.       (Fr.) 

Emile  Deschamps  1 — Friends,  those  relations  that  one 
makes  for  one's  self.     Delille,  Piti4t  has — 

LES  COUPS.  295 

Le  sort  fait  les  parents,  le  choix  fait  les  amis. 

"lis  Fate  gives  us  kindred,  and  choice  gives  us  friends. — Ed. 
Of.  the  Greek  No/zi£'  aScA<£ovs  tous  dXrjdivovs  <piA.ovs. — 
Count  your  true  friends  as  so  many  brothers. 

2717.  Les  amis  de  mes  amis  sont  mes  amis.      (Fr.)     Prov. — My 

friends'  friends  are  my  friends.  Also  :  Les  ennemis  de 
mes  ennemis  sont  mes  amis. — The  enemies  of  my  enemies 
are  my  friends. 

2718.  Le  savoir  faire.      (Fr.) — Skill,  management,  ability.     (2.) 

Le  savoir  vivre. — A  knowledge  of  the  world.  Good 

2719.  Les  beaux  esprits  se  rencontrent.      (Fr.)      Prov. — Great 

wits  jump. 

2720.  Les  belles  actions  cache*es  sont  les  plus  estimables.     (^V.) 

Pasc.  Pens.  29,  25. — Good  actions  done  in  secret  are  the 
most  praiseworthy. 

2721.  Les  biens  mal  acquis  s'en  vont  a  vau-1'eau.     (Fr.) — Wealth 

ill  acquired  soon  goes  to  pieces. 

2722.  Les  biens  viennent,  les  biens  s'en  vont, 

Comme  la  fume'e,  comme  toxite  chose.  (Fr.)  Breton 
Prov. — Riches  come,  riches  go,  like  the  smoke,  like  every- 

2723.  Les  cartes  sont  brouillees.     (-^V.) — There  is  great  dissension 

{feud)  between  them.     At  daggers  drawn. 

2724.  L'esclave  n'a  qu'un  maitre ;  l'ambitieux  en  a  autant  qu'il  y 

a  de  gens  utile  a  sa  fortune.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  vol.  i. 
p.  159. — A  slave  has  but  one  master,  the  ambitious  man 
has  as  many  as  there  are  persons  necessary  for  the  ad- 
vancement of  his  fortune. 

2725.  Les  cloches  appellent  a  l'eglise  mais  n'y  entrent  pas.    (Fr.) 

Prov. — The  bells  chime  to  church  but  do  not  enter  them- 

2726.  Les  consolations  indiscretes  ne  font  qu'  aigrir  les  violentes 

afflictions.  (Fr.)  Rouss.  ? — Consolation  indiscreetly 
pressed  only  serves  to  embitter  excessive  affliction. 

2727.  Les  coups  d'e'pde  se  gu^rissent  aise'ment,  mais  il  n'en  est 

pas  de  meme  de  ceux  de  la  langue,  particulierement  de 
celle  des  rois,  dont  l'autorite'  rend  les  coups  pi-esque  sans 
remede,  s'il  ne  vient  d'eux-memes.  Plus  une  pierre  est 
jetee  de  haut,  plus  elle  fait  d'impression  ou  elle  tombe. 
(Fr.)      Richelieu  1 — Sword-wounds  heal  easily  enough, 

296  LES  DETTES. 

but  it  is  not  the  same  with  wounds  inflicted  by  the  tongue, 
particularly  by  that  of  kings,  whose  authority  renders  the 
blow  almost  incurable,  except  by  him  who  dealt  it.  The 
greater  the  height  from  which  a  stone  is  dropped,  the 
greater  the  impression  upon  the  spot  where  it  falls. 

2728.  Les  dettes  abregent  la  vie.    (Fr.)    Joubert? — Debts  shorten 


2729.  Le  secret  de  l'existence,  c'est  le  rapport  de  nos  peines  avec 

nos  fautes.  (Fr.)  Mme.  de  Stae'H — The  secret  of  our 
existence  is  the  connection  between  our  faults  and  our 

2730.  Le  secret  d'ennuyer  est  celui  de  tout  dire.    (Fr.)    Yolt.  Disc. 

6. — The  surest  ivay  of  wearying  your  readers  (or  audience) 
is  to  say  everything  that  can  be  said  on  the  subject. 

2731.  Le  sentiment  de  la  liberte  est  plus  vif,  plus  il  y  entre  de 

malignite".  (Fr.)  Fontenelle  1 — The  passion  for  liberty 
is  the  keener,  in  proportion  to  the  malignity  combined 
with  the  feeling. 

2732.  Les  esprits  me*diocres  condamnent  d'ordinaire  tout  ce  qui 

passe  leur  portee.  (Fr.)  La  Rochef.  Max.  p.  78,  §  876. 
— Men  of  second-rate  intelligence  generally  condemn  every- 
thing that  is  above  the  level  of  their  understanding. 

2733.  Les  extremes  se  touchent.     (-^V.)     Mercier  (Tableau  de 

Paris,  1782,  vol.  iv.,  Title  of  cap.  348). — Extremes  meet. 

Also  found  in  Anquetil  {Louis  XIV.,  sa  Cour  et  le  Urgent,  Paris 
1789,  vol.  i.).  Pasc.  Pens.  31,  27,  comparing  first  principles  with 
their  most  widely  extended  effects,  says  Les  extrimitez  se  touchent 
et  se  reunissent  a  force  de  s'estre  tloignees,  et  se  retrouvent  en  Dieu, 
et  en  Dieu  seulement.  Cf.  La  Bruyere  (Car.  vol.  ii.  p.  76),  Une 
gravite*  trop  etudiee  devient  comique ;  ce  sont  comme  des  extremites 
qui  se  touchent  et  dont  le  milieu  est  dignite. — A  too  carefully 
studied  gravity  becomes  almost  comic ;  it  is  like  extremities  meeting, 
the  centre  of  which  is  dignity.     (See  Biichmann,  p.  215.) 

2734.  Les   femmes  ont  toujours   quelque   arriere-pensee.       (Fr.) 

Destoucbes,  Dissipateur.  —  Women  always  speak  with 
some  mental  reservation. 

2735.  Les  femmes   ont   un    instinct    celeste    pour   le   malheur. 

(Fr.) — Women  have  a  divinely-implanted  instinct  for 
misfortune.     Tbey  are  naturally  compassionate. 

2736.  Les  femmes  peuvent  tout,  parcequ'elles  gouvernent  les  per- 

sonnes  qui  gouvernent  tout.  (Fr.)  Pro  v. —  Women  can 
effect  everything,  because  they  govern  those  who  govern 

LES  HOMMES.  297 

2737.  Les  femmes  sont  extremes :  elles  sont  meilleures  ou  pires 

que  les  hommes.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  vol.  i.  p.  58. — 
Women,  ever  in  extremes,  are  always  either  better  or  worse 
than  men. 

For  men  at  most  differ  as  Heaven  and  Earth, 
But  women,  worst  and  best,  as  Heaven  and  Hell. 

— Tennyson,  Idylls,  Merlin  and  Vivien-. 

2738.  Les  foux  font  des  festins,  et  les  sages  les  mangent.     {Fr.) 

— Fools  make  feasts,  and  wise  men  eat  them.  Fools 
build  houses  and  wise  men  live  in  them. 

2739.  Les  gens  qui  ont  peu  d'affaires,  sont  de  tres  grands  parleurs. 

Moins  on  pense'plus  on  parle.  (Fr.)  Montesquieu1? — 
People  who  have  little  business  are  great  talkers.  The 
less  men  think,  the  more  they  talk. 

2740.  Les  girouettes  qui  sont  placdes  le  plus  haut,  tournent  le 

mieux.  (Fr.) — Weathercocks  placed  on  the  most  elevated 
stations,  turn  the  most  freely.  This  has  been  sarcastically 
applied  to  political  turncoats. 

2741.  Les  grands  hommes   sont   non-seulement   populaires :    ils 

donnent  la  popularity  a  tout  ce  qu'ils  touchent.  (Fr.) 
Founder,  L'Esprit  des  autres. — Great  men  are  not  only 
popular  themselves:  they  give  popularity  to  everything 
which  they  touch.  Thus  forgotten  authors  still  live  by 
some  line  which  a  famous  writer  has  embodied  in  his  works. 

2742.  Les  grands  ne  sont  grands  que  parce  que  nous  sommes  a 

genoux ;  relevons-nous !  (Fr.)  Prudhomme? — The  great 
are  only  great  because  we  are  on  our  knees.  Let  us  rise  / 
Adopted  by  Prudhomme  as  motto  for  his  Journal  des 
Revol.  de  Paris. 

2743.  Les  grands  noms  abaissent,  au  lieu  d'elever  ceux  qui  ne  les 

savent  pas  soutenir.  (Fr.)  La  Rochef.  Max.  p.  43, 
§  94. — High  titles  degrade,  instead  of  elevating,  those  who 
know  not  how  to  carry  them. 

2744.  Les  haines  sont  si  longues  et  si  opiniatres,  que  le  plus 

grand  signe  de  mort  dans  un  homme  malade,  c'est  la 
reconciliation.  (Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  vol.  ii.  p.  49. — 
Hatred  is  so  long  lived  and  inveterate  a  malady,  that  the 
surest  sign  of  approaching  death,  is  a  sick  man's  desire  to 
be  reconciled. 

2745.  Les  hommes   font   les   lois,   les  femmes   font  les  mceurs. 

(Fr.)  Guibert,  Connetable  de  Bourbon,  1,  4. — Men 
make  the  laws,  women  make  the  morals. 

298  LES  HOMMES. 

2746.  Les  hommes  ne  sont  justes  qu'envers  ceux  qu'ils  aiment. 
(Fr.)  Joubert1? — Men  are  only  just  to  those  whom  they 

27 '47.  Les  hommes  sont  cause  que  les  femmes  ne  s'aiment  point. 
(Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  vol.  i.  p.  58. — It  is  the  men  who 
are  the  reason  why  women  do  not  love  each  other. 

2748.  Les  hommes  sont  rares.     (Fr.)     Prov. — Men  are  rare. 

2749.  Les  honneurs  changent  les  mceurs.    (-^V.)    Prov. — Honours 

change  manners. 

2750.  Les  honneurs  coutent  a  qui  veut  les  posse'der.     (Fr.) — 

Honours  are  dearly  bought  by  whoever  wishes  to  possess 

2751.  Le  silence  du  peuple  est  la  lecon  des  rois.      (Fr.)      M.  de 

Beauvais,  Oraison  Fun.  de  Louis  XV. — A  people's  silence 
is  a  lesson  to  their  kings. 

2752.  Le  silence  est  la  vertu  de  ceux  qui  ne  sont  pas  sages.    (Fr.) 

Bouhours? — Silence  is  the  virtue  of  those  who  are  not 

2753.  Le  silence  est  le  parti  le  plus  sur  pour  celui  qui  se  de'fie  de 

soi-me'me.  (Fr.)  La  Bochef.  Max.  p.  41,  §  79. — Silence 
is  the  best  policy  for  the  man  who  is  diffident  of  his  own 

2754.  Les  jeunes  gens,   a  cause  des  passions  qui  les  amusent, 

s'accommodent  mieux  de  la  solitude  que  les  vieillards. 
(Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  vol.  ii.  p.  52. — Young  people,  on 
account  of  tJie  amusement  they  derive  from  their  feelings, 
can  put  up  with  solitude  more  easily  than  the  old. 

2755.  Les  jeunes  gens  disent  ce  qu'ils  font,  les  vieillards  ce  qu'ils 

ont  fait,  et  les  sots  ce  qu'ils  ont  envie  de  faire.  (-^V.)  ? — 
Young  people  tell  what  they  are  doing,  old  people  what 
they  have  done,  and  fools  what  they  would  like  to  do. 

2756.  Les  jours   se   suivent  et   ne   se   ressemblent  pas.     (Fr.) 

Prov. — The  days  follow,  but  do  not  resemble  each  other. 

2757.  Les  larmes  dans  la  voix.     (Fr.)  1 — Tears  in  the  voice.    Said 

of  some  great  singer,  but  (1)  of  whom  and  by  whom  ? 

2758.  Les  moissons,  pour  niurir,  ont  besoin  de  rosee, 

Pour  vivre  et  pour  sentir,  l'homme  a  besoin  des  pleurs 
(Fr.)     A.  de  Musset,  Nuit  d'Octobre. 
The  corn  needs  the  dewfall  to  ripen  its  ears, 
And  man  too,  to  live  and  to  feel,  must  have  tears.—  Ed 

L'ESPRIT.  299 

2759.  Leg  mortels  sont  egaux  :  ce  n'est  point  la  naissance, 

C'est  la  seule  vertu  qui  fait  leur  difference. 

(Fr.)     Volt.  Mahom.  3,  1. 

All  mortals  are  equal :  it  is  not  high  birth 

But  virtue  alone  that  can  constitute  worth. — Ed. 

2760.  Le  soleil  ni  la  mort  ne  se  peuvent  regarder  fixement.    (Fr.) 

La  Rochef.  Max.  p.  34,  §  26. — Neither  the  sun  nor  death 
can  be  looked  at  fixedly. 

2761.  Les  ouvrages  acconiplis  sont  rares  :  car  il  faut  qu'ils  soient 

produits  aux  heureux  jours  de  l'union  du  gout  et  du 
g^nie.  Or,  cette  grande  rencontre,  comme  celle  de  quelques 
astres,  semble  n'arriver  qu'apres  la  revolution  de  plusieurs 
siecles,  et  ne  dure  qu'un  instant.  (Fr.)  Chateaub. 
Essai  sur  la  Littdrat.  Angl. — Perfect  works  are  rare, 
because  they  are  only  produced  at  the  happy  moment  when 
taste*  and  genius  unite:  and  this  supreme  conjunction, 
like  that  of  certain  planets,  appears  to  occur  only  after  the 
revolution  of  several  cycles,  and  then  only  lasts  for  an 

2762.  Les  passions  sont  les  seuls  orateurs  qui  persuadent  toujours. 

(Fr.)  La  Rochef.  Max.  p.  32,  §  8. — The  passions  are 
the  only  orators  which  never  fail  to  convince  us. 

2763.  L'esperance  est  le  songe  d'un  homme  eVeille\     (Fr.)     Prov. 

— Hope  is  the  dream  of  a  waking  man. 

2764.  Les  plus  mallieureux  osent  pleurer  le  moins.     (Fr.)     Rac? 

— The  most  wretched  are  just  those  who  dare  weep  tJie 

2765.  L'esprit  a  son  ordre,  qui  est  par  principes  et  demonstrations, 

le  coeur  en  a  un  autre.  (Fr.)  Pasc.  Pens.  31,  31. — The 
mind  has  its  system,  proceeding  on  principles  and  demon- 
strations :  the  heart  has  a  different  course  of  action. 

2766.  L'esprit  de  la  conversation  consiste  bien  moins  a  en  montrer 

beaucoup  qu'a  en  faire  trouver  aux  autres.  (-^V.)  La 
Bruy.  Car.  vol.  i.  p.  83. —  Wit  in  conversation  consists 
much  less  in  being  witty  one's  self  than  in  supplying  wit  to 

2767.  L'esprit  est  le  dieu  des  instants,  le  g^nie  est  le  dieu  des  ages. 

(Fr.)  Lebrun  1 — Wit  is  the  god  of  the  moment,  but  genius 
is  the  god  of  time.  Wit  sparkles  as  a  meteor,  and  is 
transient;  but  genius  shines  like  one  of  the  stedfast 
luminaries  of  heaven. 

300  L'ESPRIT. 

2768.  L'esprit  est  toujours  la  dupe  du  coaur.     (^V.)     La  Rochef. 

Max.  p.  44,  §  102. — Our  understanding  is  always  the 
dupe  of  the  heart. 

2769.  L'esprit  est  une  plante  dont  on  ne  sauroit  arreter  la  ve'ge'ta- 

tion  sans  la  faire  pdrir.  (Fr.)1 — Wit  is  a  plant  the 
vegetation  of  which  you  cannot  arrest  without  destroying 
the  stock. 

2770.  L'esprit   qu'on   veut   avoir,    gate    celui    qu'on   a.       (Fr.) 

Gresset,  Le  Mdchant,  4,  7. — The  kind  of  wit  one  aims  at 
is  apt  to  spoil  the  kind  one  naturally  possesses. 

2771.  L'esprit  ressemble  aux  coquettes;  ceux  qui  courent  apres 

lui  sont  ceux  qu'il  favorise  le  moins.  (Fr.) — Wit  is  a 
coquette ;  those  who  run  after  it  are  the  least  favoured. 
Wit  must  flow  spontaneously,  and  unsolicited,  to  be 
really  effective. 

2772.  Les  querelles  ne  dureraient  pas  longtemps,  si  le  tort  n'e'tait 

que  d'un  cdte'.  (Fr.)  La  Rocnef.  Max.  p.  95,  §  520. — 
Quarrels  would  not  last  so  long,  if  the  fault  lay  all  on 
one  side. 

2773.  Les  races  se  fe'minisent.     (Fr.)    Buffon1? — The  races  of  the 

earth  are  growing  effeminate.  The  naturalist's  judgment 
on  the  progress  of  humanity. 

2774.  Les  rivieres  sont  des  chemins  qui  marchent  et  qui  portent 

ou  Ton  veut  aller.  (Fr.)  Pasc.  Pens. — Rivers  are 
■moving  roads,  which  carry  one  whither  one  would  go. 
"  Oui,"  adds  M.  Havet  in  a  note  on  this,  "  pourvu  qu'on 
veuille  aller  ou  elles  portent." 

2775.  Les  soldats  d' Alexandre  e'rig^s  tous  en  rois.     (Fr.)     Volt. 

Olymp.  2,  2. — Alexander's  soldiers  promoted  to  be  so 
many  kings.  Might  have  been  said  of  the  titles  and 
crowns,  princely  and  royal,  bestowed  by  the  great 
Napoleon  on  his  generals. 

2776.  Les   sots   depuis   Adam   sont   en   majorite*.      (Fr.)      Cas. 

Delavigne,  L'Epitre. — Since  Adam's  time  fools  have 
always  been  in  the  majority :  and,  unfortunately,  it  is  the 
majority  that  governs. 

2777.  Le  style  est  Thomme  meme.     (Fr.)     Buffon,  Discours  de 

Reception  (Recueil  de  l'Acade'mie,  1753,  pp.  337,  338). — 
An  author's  style  is  nothing  less  than  the  man  himself. 
His  subject  and  materials  may  be  drawn  from  other 
sources,  but  in  his  tx-eatment  of  them  is  seen  the  man 

LE  TREPAS.  301 

2778.  Les  vers  sont  enfants  de  la  lyre, 

II  faut  les  chanter,  non  les  lire.  (-^V.)  La  Motte1? — 
Verses  are  children  of  the  lyre,  they  should  be  sung,  not 

2779.  Les  vertus  se  perdent  dans  l'interet  comme  les  fleuves  se 

perdent  dans  la  mer.  (Fr.)  La  Rochef.  Max.  p.  52, 
§  171. — Our  virtues  lose  themselves  in  our  interests,  as 
rivers  lose  themselves  in  the  ocean. 

2780.  Les  vieilles  coutumes  sont  les  bonnes  coutumes.      (Fr.) 

Breton  Prov. — The  old  customs  are  the  good  customs. 

2781.  L'Etat  c'est  moi.     (Fr.)-I  am  the  State. 

Reply  attributed  to  Louis  XIV.,  and  addressed  to  the  President 
of  the  Parliament  of  Paris  in  1655,  when,  in  hunting-dress  and  whip 
in  hand,  the  king  presented  himself  before  the  assembly  to  enforce 
his  royal  wishes.  The  fact  has  more  to  warrant  it  than  the  mot. 
.  V.  Chervel's  Administration  Mon.  en  France. 

2782.  Le  temps  est  un  grand  maitre,  il  regie  bien  les  choses. 

(Fr.)  Corneille,  Sertoi-ius,  2,  4. — Time  is  a  great  master, 
it  disposes  things  well. 

2783.  Le   temps   n'epargne   pas   ce   qu'on   fait   sans   lui.     (Fr.) 

Fayolle,  1800. — Time  preserves  nothing  that  has  not  taken 
time  to  do.  Said  of  any  work  that  has  been  hurriedly 

2784.  Le  temps,  qui  change  tout,  change  aussi  nos  humeurs ; 

Chaque  age  a  ses  plaisirs,  son  esprit  et  ses  mceurs. 

(Fr.)    Boil.  A.  P.  3,  373. 

All-changing  time  changes  our  fancies  soon  : 
Each  age  has  ways  and  feelings  of  its  own. — Ed. 

2785.  Le  travail  du  corps  ddlivre  des  peines  de  l'esprit ;  et  c'est 

ce  qui  rend  les  pauvres  heureux.  (-^V.)  La  Rochef.  ] 
— Bodily  labour  alleviates  the  pains  of  the  mind;  and 
hence  arises  the  happiness  of  the  poor. 

2786.  Le  travail  eloigne  de  nous  trois  grand  maux,  l'ennui,  le 

vice,  et  le  besoin.  (Fr.)  Volt.  ? — Labour  relieves  us 
from  three  great  evils,  tediousness,  vice,  and  want. 

2787.  Le  trepas  vient  tout  gueVir ; 

Mais  ne  bougeons  d'ou  nous  sommes  : 
Plutot  souffrir  que  mourir, 

C'est  la  devise  des  hommes.        (Fr.)     La  Font.  1,  16. 

Death  comes  all  things  to  cure, 

Yet  stir  not  if  help  it  we  can  : 
"  Sooner  than  die,  endure  " — 

Is  the  proper  motto  for  man. — Ed. 

302  LE  TRIDENT. 

2788.  Le  trident  de  Neptune  est  le  sceptre  du  monde.     (Fr.) 

Lemierre,  Commerce. — The  trident  of  Neptune  is  the 
sceptre  of  the  world.  A  good  motto  for  a  naval  and  com- 
mercial power  like  Great  Britain. 

2789.  Leurs  ecrits  sont  des  vols  qu'ils  nous  ont  faits  d'avance. 

(Fr.)  Piron. — Their  writings  are  thoughts  stolen  from 
us  by  anticipation.  Said  of  the  works  of  men  of  genius 
that  find  their  echo  in  every  age. 

2790.  Leve  fit  quod  bene  fertur  onus.     (L.)    Ov.  Am.  1,  2,  10. — 

The  burden  which  is  borne  with  cheerfulness  becomes  light. 
Buoyancy  of  spirit  greatly  diminishes  the  pressure  of 

2791.  Leve  incommodum  tolerandum  est.      (L.) — A  slight  evil 

must  be  endured.  Maxim  of  ecclesiastical  lawyers  in 
reference  to  a  quarrelsome  wife. 

2792.  Levia  perpessi  sumus, 

Si  flenda  patimur.  (L.)  Sen.  1 — Our  sufferings  are 
light,  if  they  are  merely  such  as  we  should  weep  for. 

2793.  Levis  est  dolor  qui  capere  consilium   potest.     (L.)     Sen. 

Med.  155. — That  grief  is  light  which  is  able  to  take  advice. 

2794.  Le  vrai  est  le  sublime  des  sots.     (Fr.)     Griffet  ? — Truth  is 

a  fool's  idea  of  the  sublime. 

2795.  Le  vrai  moyen  d'etre  trompe",  c'est  de  se  croire  plus  fin  que 

les  autres.  (Fr.)  La  Rochef.  Max.  p.  47,  §  127.— Tlie 
most  sure  way  to  be  taken  in,  is  to  think  one's  self  more 
clever  than  other  people. 

2796.  Lex.     (L.) — The  law.     Law  Maxims  depending  on: 

(1.)  Lex  aliquando  sequitur  sequitatem. — The  law  sometimes  gives 
way  to  Equity.  (2.)  Lex  Angliae  sine  parliamento  mutari  non 
potest. — The  law  of  England  cannot  be  altered  except  by  Parliament. 
(3.)  Lex  citius  tolerare  vult  privatum  damnum  quam  publicum 
malum. — The  law  will  allow  an  individual  to  be  injured  rather  than 
tlic  State  should  suffer  hurt.  (4.)  Lex  neminem  cogit  ad  vana  seu 
inutilia. — The  law  will  not  force  any  one  to  do  a  thing  which  will  be 
vain  and  fruitless.  (5.)  Lex  neminem  cogit  ostendere  quod  nescire 
praesumitur. — The  law  forces  no  one  to  declare  that  which  he  is  pre- 
sumed to  be  ignorant  of.  (6.)  Lex  nil  frustra  facit. — The  law  does 
not  attempt  an  act  which  would  be  vain.  (7.)  Lex  non  cogit  ad  im- 
possibilia  (or  Nemo  tenetur  ad  imp.). — The  law  does  not  compel  a 
•man  to  do  what  he  cannot  possibly  perform.  (8.)  Lex  non  requirit 
verificari  quod  apparet  curiae. — The  law  does  not  require  verification 
on  a  point  which  is  clear  to  tlie  court.  (9. )  Lex  plus  laudatur  quando 
ratione  probatur. — The  law  is  most  worthy  of  approval,  when  it  is 
confirmed  by  reason.    (10. )  Lex  posterior  derogat  priori.  — An  earlier 

L'HOMME.  303 

statute  must  give  place  to  a  later  one.  (11.)  Lex  rejicit  superflua, 
pugnantia,  incongrua. — The  law  rejects  all  superfluities,  contradic- 
tions, and  irrelevant  matter.  (12.)  Lex  semper  dabit  remedium. — 
The  law  always  gives  a  remedy,  i.e.,  for  recovery  of  rights  given. 
(13.)  Lex  spectat  naturae  ordinem. — The  law  respects  the  order  of 
nature.  It  will  not  compel  any  one  to  demand  what  he  cannot 

2797.  Inexactitude  de  citer.    C'est  un  talent  plus  rare  que  l'on  ne 

pense.  (Fr.)  Bayle,  Diet.  Art.  Sanchez,  Remarques. 
— Exactness  of  quotation  is  a  rarer  talent  than  is  com- 
monly supposed. 

2798.  L'exactitude  est  la  politesse  des  rois.      (Fr.) — Punctuality 

is  the  politeness  of  Icings.     Maxim  of  Louis  XVIII. 

2799.  Lex   non    scrip ta.       (L.) — The  unwritten   law,   i.e.,    the 

Common  law  established  by  precedent  and  custom,  as 
opposed  to  Equity  and  Canon  law.  (2.)  Lex  scripta. — 
Statute  law,  contained  in  the  Statute  Book.  (3.)  Lex 
talionis. — Tlie  law  of  retaliation.  An  eye  for  an  eye, 

2800.  L'expeYience  de  beaucoup  d'opinions  donne  a  l'esprit  beau- 

coup  de  flexibility,  et  l'affermit  dans  celles  qu'il  croit  les 
meilleures.  (Fr.)  Joubert? — An  acquaintance  with  a 
wide  range  of  opinions  gives  the  mind  great  flexibility, 
and  confirms  it  in  the  view  which  it  believes  to  be  the 

2801.  L'heure  est  a  Dieu,  l'espe'rance  a  tous.     (Fr.) — T/ie  hour  is 

in  God's  hands,  Hope  is  in  the  reach  of  all.  Inscription 
on  sundial. 

2802.  L'histoire  n'est  que  le  tableau  des  crimes  et  des  malheurs. 

(Fr.)  Volt.  L'lng^nu,  ch.  10. — History  is  indeed  little 
else  than  a  picture  of  human  crimes  and  misfortunes. 
Gibbon  (Decline  and  Fall,  ch.  3)  says :  "  .  .  .  History, 
which  is,  indeed,  little  more  than  the  register  of  the 
crimes,  follies,  and  misfortunes  of  mankind." 

2803.  L'homme  est  de  glace  aux  ve'rite's, 

II  est  de  feu  pour  les  mensonges.     (Fr.)     La  Font.  9,  6. 

Where  truth's  concerned  men  are  as  ice, 
But  fire,  when  they're  telling  lies. — Ed. 

2804.  L'homme  est  toujours  l'enfant,  et  l'enfant  toujours  1'homme. 

(Fr.)  ? — The  man  is  always  the  child,  and  the  child  is 
always  tlie  man. 

304  L'HOMME. 

2805.  L'homme  est  un  apprenti,  la  douleur  est  son  maitre ; 

Et  nul  ne  se  connait,  tant  qu'il  n'a  pas  souffert.  (^V.) 
A.  de  Musset,  Nuit  d'Octobre. — Man  is  an  apprentice, 
sorrow  is  his  master  ;  and  none  knows  himself  until  he 
has  suffered. 

2806.  L'homme  n'est  jamais  moins  miserable,  que  quand  il  paroit 

depourvu  de  tout.  (Fr.)  J.  J.  Rouss.  1 — Man  is  never 
less  miserable  than  when  he  appears  to  Iiave  lott  every- 

2807.  L'homme  n'est  qu'un  roseau  le  plus  faible  de  la  nature, 

niais  c'est  un  roseau  pensant.  (Fr.)  Pasc.  Pens.  23,  6. 
— Man  is  but  a  reed,  the  weakest  thing  in  all  nature,  but 
it  is  a  reed  that  thinks. 

2808.  L'homme  propose  et  Dieu  dispose.      {Fr.)      Prov. — Man 

proposes  and  God  disposes.  Cf.  Cor  hominis  disponit 
viam  suam,  sed  Domini  est  dirigere  gressus  ejus.  (L.) 
Vulg.  Prov.  xvi.  9. — A  man's  heart  deviseth  his  way,  but 
the  Lord  directeil\  his  steps ;  and,  Homo  proponit,  sed 
Deus  disponit.       A  Kempis,  Imitat.  J.  C.  1,  19,  2. 

2809.  L'homme,  sujet  ondoyant  et  divers.      (Fr.)      Montaigne, 

Essays,  1,  1. — Man  is  a  wavering  and  inconstant  thing. 

2810.  L'honneur  acquis  est  caution  de  celui  qu'on  doit  acque'rir. 

(Fr.)  La  Rochef.  Max.  p.  68,  §  278. — Honours  acquired 
may  be  regarded  as  an  earnest  of  those  which  are  to 

2811.  L'honneur  sans  argent  n'est  qu'une  maladie.      (Fr.)     Rac. 

Plaid.  1,  1. — Honour  (or  title)  without  money  is  nothing 
else  than  a  disease. 

2812.  L'hypocrisie  est  un  hommage  que  le  vice  rend  a  la  vertu. 

(Fr.)  La  Rochef.  Max.  p.  60,  §  223. — Hypocrisy  is  the 
lwmage  which  vice  renders  to  virtue. 

2813.  Libera  chiesa  in  libero  stato.      (It.) — A  free  church  in  a 

free  State.  The  maxim  of  Cavour,  and  his  last  audible 
words  on  his  deathbed,  June  6,  1861 

2814.  Libera  Fortunse  mors  est :  capit  omnia  tellus 

Quae  genuit :  cselo  tegitur  qui  non  habet  umam. 

(L.)     Luc.  7,  81& 

Death's  beyond  Fortune's  reach  :  the  earth  finds  room 
For  all  she  bare  :  and  he  that  has  no  urn 
Has  heav'n  to  cover  him. — Ed. 

LTBITO.  305 

2815.  Liberius  si  Dixero  quid,  si  forte  jocosius,  hoc  mini  juris 

Cum  venia  dabis.  (L.)  Hor.  S.  1,  4, 103. — If  I  have  been 
too  free  or  joking  in  my  talk,  you  mill,  I  trust,  forgive  me. 

2816.  Libertas.     (L.) — Liberty.     Motto  of  Lord  Carbery. 

2817.  Libertas  est  potestas  faciendi  id  quod  jure  licet.    (L.)    Law 

Max. — Liberty  consists  in  the  power  of  doing  that  which 
the  law  permits. 

2818.  Libertas  in  legibus.     (L.) — Liberty  in  the  law.     Motto  of 

Lord  Wynford. 

2819.  Libertas  inquit  populi  quern  regna  coercent 

Libertate  perit ;  cujus  servaveris  umbram 

Si,  quicquid  jubeare,  velis.  (L.)     Lucan.? 

A  people's  liberty,  where  kings  are  strong, 

Is  lost  through  the  abuse  of  it  to  wrong  : 

But  you  may  keep  the  shadow  of  the  word 

By  doing  what's  ordered  of  your  own  accord. — Ed. 
It  will  be  the  wisdom  of  the  weaker  party  to  save  their  dignity  by 
a  willing  compliance  with  commands  which  they  will  in  any  case 
have  to  submit  to. 

2820.  Libertas  :  quae,  sera,  tamen  respexit  inertem 

Respexit  tamen,  et  longo  post  tempore  venit.  (L.) 
Virg.  E.  1,  28,  and  30. — Liberty,  which  late  in  life,  yet 
at  length  regarded  my  helpless  condition,  and  after  a  long 
while  came  to  me. 

2821.  Libertas  scelerum  est,  qua?  regna  invisa  tuetur, 

Sublatusque  modus  gladiis.  (L.)     Luc.  8,  491. 

Full  range  of  crime  and  daggers  freely  drawn, 
These  are  the  props  of  hated  governments. — Ed. 

2822.  Libertas  sub  rege  pio.     (L.) — Liberty  under  a  j>ious  king. 

Motto  of  Viscount  Sidmouth. 

2823.  Libertas  ultima  mundi  Quo  steterit  ferienda  loco. 

(L.)     Lucan.  7,  580. 
Where  liberty  had  made  her  final  stand, 
There  must  she  be  assailed  with  impious  hand. — Ed. 

2824.  Liberie'  toute  entiere.     (Ft.) — Complete  liberty.     Motto  of 

Earl  of  Lanesborough. 

2825.  Libito  fe   licito.      (It.)      Dante,  Inf.    5,    56.— What  was 

pleasing  she  made  law.    Like  is  law.    Said  of  Semiramis. 
She  in  vice 
Of  luxury  was  so  shameless,  that  she  made 
Liking  be  lawful  by  promulged  decree. — Cary. 
Cf.  Chaucer,  Monkes  Tale  : 

His  lustes  were  as  a  law  in  his  degree, 

306  LICEAT. 

2826.  Liceat  concedere  veris.     (L.)     Hor.  S.  2,  3,  365. — Let  us 

confess  the  truth. 

2827.  Licet  superbus  arabules  pecunia, 

Fortuna  non  niutat  genus.  (L.)  Hor.  Epod.  4,  5. — 
Although  you  may  strut  about,  proud  of  your  money, 
fortune  does  not  change  your  low  birth. 

Fortune  cannot  change  your  blood, 

Although  you  strut  as  if  it  could.  (?) 

"  2828.  Liebe  kennt  der  Allein,  der  ohne  Hoffnung  liebt.  (G.) 
Schiller,  Don  Carl. — He  only  knows  what  love  is,  who 
loves  without  hope. 

2829.  Liebe  ohne  Gegenliebe  ist  wie  eine  Frage  ohne  Antwort 

((?.)  Prov. —  Unrequited  love  is  like  a  question  without 
an  answer. 

2830.  Ligna   crucis   palmes  cedrus  cupressus  oliva.      (L.) — The 

wood  used  in  making  the  cross  was  vine,  cedar,  cypress, 
and  olive. 

2831.  Limae  labor  ac  mora.     (L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  291.— The  labour 

and  tediousness  of  polishing  (any  work  of  art,  poetry, 
painting,  etc.)  as  though  with  a  file. 

2832.  L'imagination  est  la  folle  du  logis.    (Fr.)     Malebranche. — 

Imagination  is  the  mad  creation,  of  the  brain.  Lit.  the 
madwoman  of  the  house. 

2833.  L'imagination  galope,  le  jugement  ne  va  que  le  pas.     (Fr.)1 

— The  imagination  gallops,  the  judgment  merely  walks. 
The  former  is  impatient  for  the  issue,  which  the  latter 
patiently  awaits. 

2834.  L'impossibilite'  ou.  nous  sommes  de  prouver  que  Dieu  n'est 

pas,  nous  decouvre  son  existence.  (Fr.)1 — The  utter  im- 
possibility which  we  feel  of  proving  that  there  is  not  a 
God,  proclaims  His  existence. 

2835.  L'industrie  des  hommes  s'epuise  a  briguer  les  charges,  il  ne 

leur  en  reste  plus  pour  en  remplir  les  devoirs.  (Fr.) 
D'Alembert  ? — The  energies  of  men  are  so  exhausted  in 
soliciting  places,  that  they  have  none  left  to  aid  them  in 
performing  the  duties  which  belong  to  them. 

2836.  L'influence  feminine  devient  Pauxiliaire  indispensable  de 

tout  pouvoir  spirituel,  comme  le  moyen  age  l'a  tant 
montre.  (Fr.)  Comtek — The  influence  of  woman  is  the 
natural  and  indispensable  auxiliary  of  all  spiritual 
power,  as  the  middle  ages  have  so  abundantly  testified. 

LITERS.  307 

2837.  Lingua  ruali  pars  pessima  servi.     (L.)     Juv.  9,  120. — The 

tongue  is  the  worst  part  of  a  bad  servant. 

2838.  Lingua,  silej  non  est  ultra  narrabile  quicqxiam.     (L.)    Ov. 

Ep.  2,  2,  61. — Silence,  my  tongue/  not  a  word  more 
must  be  spoken. 

2839.  L'injure  se  grave  en  metal ; 

Et  le  bienfait  s'escrit  en  l'onde.      (Fr.)      Jean  Bertaut 
(t  1611). —  Wrongs  are  engraved  in  metal,  and  kindnesses 
written  in  water. 
Cf.  Shakesp.  Hen.  VIII.  4,  2 : 

Men's  evil  manners  live  in  brass  :  their  virtues 
We  write  in  water, 
and  Sir  T.  More,  Richard  III.,  For  men  use,  if  they  have  an  evil 
tourne,  to  write  it  in  marble,  and  whoso  doth  us  a  good  tourne  we 
write  it  in  duste. 

2840.  Linquenda  tellus,  et  domus,  et  placens 

Uxor,  neque  harum,  quas  colis,  arborum, 
Te,  prseter  invisas  cupressos, 
IT  11a  brevem  dominum  sequetur. 

(L.)    Hor.  C.  2,  14,  21. 

Your  land,  your  house,  your  lovely  bride 

Must  lose  you  :  of  your  cherished  trees 
None  to  its  fleeting  master's  side 

Will  cleave,  but  those  sad  cypresses. — Conington. 

2841.  L'institut  des  Jesuites  est  une  e'pe'e  dont  la  poigne'e  est  a 

Rome  et  la  pointe  partout.  (Fr.)  Dupin  (Proces  de 
tendance,  1825). — The  order  of  the  Jesuits  is  a  sivord  the 
handle  of  which  is  at  Rome  and  the  point  everywhere. 
Cf.  L'Anti-coton,  p.  73,  1610,  "La  Socie'te  de  Jesus  est 
une  e'pe'e  dont  la  lame  est  en  France  et  la  poigne'e  a  Rome." 

2842.  Lis  litem  generat.     (L.) — Strife  genders  strife. 

2843.  List  gent  iiber  Gewalt.      (G.)      Prov. — Cunning  outwits 


2844.  L'ltalia  fara  da  se.     (It.) — Italy  will  act  by  herself.    Motto 

of  the  Italian  Revolution  of  1849,  and  attributed  to 
Charles  Albert,  Gioberti,  Cola  di  Rienzi,  and  others. 
(V.  Biichmann,  Gefl.'W.  358.) 

2845.  Literse  Bellerophontis.     (L.) — Bellerophon's  letter. 

Bellerophon  was  sent  by  Prcetus,  at  the  instigation  of  his  wife 
Sthenoboea,  with  a  letter  to  Iobates  to  put  the  bearer  to  death. 
Hence  the  bearer  of  any  missive  unfavourable  to  himself  (like 
Uriah's  letter  to  Joab)  is  called  a  Bellerophon,  and  the  letter,  litem 
Bellerophontis.     Cf.  Plaut.  Bacsh.  4,  7,  12. 

308  LITERS. 

2846.  Literae  humaniores.      (L.) — The  politer  arts.     Term  used 

to  signify  the  Final  Classical  School  at  Oxford. 

2847.  Litera  gesta  docet :  quid  credas  allegoria ; 

Moralis  quid  agas  :  quo  tendas  anagogia.  (L.)  Monkish 
distich. — The  letter  of  Scripture  gives  the  facts:  its 
allegorical  meaning  gives  what  you  are  to  believe;  its 
moral  teaching  furnishes  a  rule  of  life,  and  its  heavenly 
meaning  shows  whither  you  should  aim. 

2848.  Litera  occidit,  spiritus  autem  vivificat.     (L.)     Vulg.  Cor. 

2,  3,  6. — The  letter  killeth,  the  spirit  giveth  life. 

2849.  Litera  scripta  manet,  verbum  at  inane  perit.     (L.)  ? — The 

written  word  remains,  but  that  which  is  spoken  is  lost  in 
the  air.  Another  form  with  same  meaning  is  Vox  emissa 
volat,  litera  scripta  manet.  A  caution  to  be  very  careful 
in  what  we  write  and  put  our  names  to  in  writing. 

2850.  Litus  ama  .  .  .  Altum  alii  teneant.      (L.)      Virg.  A.  5, 

163,  and  164. — Hug  thou  the  shore,  let  others  hold  the 
deep.     Be  content  with  modest  efforts. 

2851.  Locum  tenens.     (L.) — A  person  acting  for,  or  holding  the 

situation  of  another.     A  substitute  or  deputy. 

2852.  Locus  est  et  pluribus  umbris.     (L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  5,  28. 

There's  room  enough,  and  each  may  bring  his  friend. — Creech. 
The  umbra  is  the  uninvited  guest,  brought  to  the  feast 
by  one  of  the  invites. 

2853.  Locus  in  quo.       (L.) — The  place   in  which  (anything  is 


2854.  Locus  sigilli.     (L.) — The  place  of  the  seal.     Denoted  on 

documents  by  the  initials  L.  S. 

2855.  Locus  standi.     (L.) — Standing-room,  or  place.     A  footing, 

position,  ground  to  go  upon ;  position  in  an  argument. 
Equivalent  to  the  Greek  irov  cttio,  a  place  where  I  may 
stand,  as  Archimedes  is  said  to  have  demanded,  declaring 
that,  given  the  necessary  7rov  ot<3,  he  could  with  his 
lever  move  the  earth. 

2856.  L'on  espere  de  vieillir  et  Ton  craint  la  vieillesse ;  c'est  a 

dire  l'on  aime  la  vie  et  Ton  fuit  la  mort.  (Fr.)  La 
Bruy.  Car.  vol.  ii.  p.  32. —  We  hope  to  grow  old,  yet  we 
dread  age ;  that  is,  we  are  attached  to  this  life,  and  we 
wish  to  avoid  the  thoughts  of  death. 

L'ON  SE.  309 

2857.  Longae  (canitis  si  cognita)  vita? 

Mors  media  est.  (Z.)     Luc  1,  457. 

Death's  not  the  end  (if  true  your  prophecies) 
But  meeting-point  'twixt  two  eternities. — Ed. 

2858.  Longa  est  injuria,  long® 

Ambages,  sed  summa  sequar  fastigia  rerum. 

(L.)     Virg.  A.  1,  341. 

And  dark  the  story  of  her  wrong  : 
To  thread  each  tangle  time  would  fail, 
So  learn  the  summits  of  the  tale. — Conington. 

2859.  Longa  mora  est  quantum  noxaa  sit  ubique  repertum 

Enumerare :  minor  fuit  ipsa  infamia  vero.  (L.)  Ov. 
M.  1,  214. — It  were  long  to  enumerate  all  the  crime  that 
was  perpetrated  on  eitJier  side  ;  even  the  report  of  it  fell 
short  of  the  actual  truth. 

2860.  Longe  aberrat  scopo.     (L.) — He  is  very  wide  of  the  mark. 

2861.  Longe  absit.       (L.) — Far  be  it!  or  quod  absit  (or    absit 

alone),  meaning  Heaven  foref end  I  It  is  impossible.  Cf. 
Quod  avertat  Deus. — God  forbid  / 

2862.  Longe  mea  discrepat  istis 

Et  vox  et  ratio.  (L.)  Hor.  S.  1,6,  92. — Both  my  words 
and  feelings  differ  widely  from  theirs. 

2863.  Longum  iter  est  per  praecepta,  breve  et  efficax  per  exempla. 

(L.)  Sen.  Ep.  6,  5. — It  is  a  long  way  of  teaching  by 
precepts,  short  and  efficacious  by  example. 

2864.  L'on  ne  peut  aller  loin  dans  l'amitie,  si  Ton  n'est  pas  dis- 

pose" a  se  pardonner,  les  uns  aux  autres,  les  petits  deTauts. 
(Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  1 — Friendship  cannot  be  longlived, 
if  we  are  not  disposed  mutually  to  forgive  each  otlier's 
venial  faults. 

2865.  L'on  ne  vaut  dans  ce  monde,  que  ce  que  Ton  veut  valoir. 

(Fr.)  La  Bruy.  Car.  1 — A  man's  value  in  this  world 
will  be  precisely  at  the  rate  at  which  he  desires  to  be  valued. 

2866.  L'on  se  repent  rarement  de  parler  peu,  tres  sou  vent  de  trop 

parler :  maxime  usde  et  triviale  que  tout  le  monde  sait, 
et  que  tout  le  monde  ne  pratique  pas.  (-^V.)  La  Bruy. 
Car.  vol.  ii.  p.  63. — We  rarely  repent  of  having  spoken 
too  little,  often  of  having  said  too  much  :  a  maxim  which 
is  old  and  trivial,  and  which  every  one  knows,  but  which 
every  one  does  not  so  generally  practise. 

310  L'OBDBE. 

2867.  L'ordre  regne  a  Varsovie.     (Fr.) — Order  reigns  at  Warsaw. 

In  this  form  the  quotation  is  usually  repeated  ;  the  wording,  how- 
ever, differs  slightly  in  the  original.  General  S^bastiani  in  an- 
nouncing to  the  Chamber  of  Deputies,  at  Paris,  the  news  of  the 
bloody  occupation  and  fall  of  Warsaw  (Sept.  16,  1831),  said:  Des 
lettres  queje  recois  de  Pologne  m'annoncent  que  la  tranquillity  regne 
a  Varsovie,  The  letters  which  I  have  received  from  Poland  an- 
nounce that  tranquillity  is  restored  at  Warsaw  {vide  Alex.  Dumas, 
Memoires,  2d  series,  vol.  iv.  chap.  3). 

2868.  L'oreille  est  le  chemin  du  cceur.     (Fr.)     Yolt.  Beponse  au 

roi  de  Prusse. — The  ear  is  the  road  to  the  heart. 

2869.  L'orgueil  ne  veut  pas  devoir,  et  l'amour-propre  ne  veut  pas 

payer.  (Fr.)  La  Bochef.  Max.  p.  61,  §  235.— Pride 
wishes  not  to  owe,  and  self-love  does  not  wish  to  pay. 

2870.  Lorsque  sur  cette  mer  on  vogue  a  pleines  voiles, 

Qu'on  croit  avoir  pour  soi  le  vent  et  les  e*toiles : 

II  est  bien  malaise"  de  regler  ses  desirs : 

La  plus  sage  s'en  dort  sur  la  foi  des  zephyrs. 

(Fr.)     La  Font.  Nymphes  de  Yaux. 
While  with  full-spreading  sails  we  speed  over  life's  waters, 
With  the  stars  in  our  favour,  the  wind  in  right  quarters, 
'Tis  not  easy  to  stifle  desires  as  one  pleases, 
The  wisest  will  sleep  with  full  trust  in  the  breezes. — Ed. 

2871.  Louer  les  princes  des  vertus  qu'ils  n'ont  pas,  c'est  leur  dire 

impunement  des  injures.  (Fr.)  La  Rochef.  Max.  p. 
74,  §  327. — To  lavish  on  princes  praises  for  virtues  which 
they  do  not  possess,  is  to  insult  them  with  impunity. 

2872.  Louis  ne  sut  qu'aimer,  pardonner  et  mourir 

II  aurait  su  regner  s'il  avait  su  punir.  (Fr.)  Tilly. — 
Louis  (XVI.)  knew  only  how  to  love,  forgive,  and  die:  had 
he  known  how  to  punish,  he  would  have  known  how  to 

2873.  Loyal  a  la  mort.     (Fr.) — Loyal  unto  death.    Lord  Bowton. 

(2.)  Loyal  a  mort.  —  I/oyal  unto  death.  Marquess  of 
Ely.  (3.)  Loyal  en  tout. — Loyal  in  all.  Motto  of  the 
Earl  of  Kenmare.  (4.)  Loyal  je  serai  durant  ma  vie. 
— /  will  be  loyal  during  my  life.  Motto  of  Lord 
Mowbray  and  Stourton. 

2874.  Loyaute*  m'oblige.      (Fr.) — Loyalty  binds  me.      Motto  of 

the  Earl  of  Lindsey  and  Lord  Aveland.  (2.)  Loyaut^ 
n'a  honte.- — Loyalty  feels  no  shame.  Motto  of  the  Duke 
of  Newcastle. 

2875.  Avxvov  dpOevTos,  yvvrj  iraara  J)  avrq.       (Gr.)     IBvov.—  When 

the  candle  is  removed,  every  woman  is  alike. 

LUGETE.  311 

2876.  Lucidus  ordo.     (L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  41. — Method,     A  clear 

perspicuous  arrangement  of  a  subject. 

2877.  Lucri  bonus  est  odor  ex  re 

Qualibet  Ilia  tuo  sententia  semper  in  ore 
Versetur,  dis  atque  ipso  Jove  digna,  poetse  : 
Unde  habeas,  quserit  nemo,  sed  oportet  habere. 

(L.)     Juv.  14,  204. 

"  Profit  smells  sweet  from  whatsoe'er  it  springs." 
This  golden  sentence,  which  the  powers  of  Heaven 
Or  Jove  himself  might  glory  to  have  given, 
"Will  never,  poets,  from  your  thoughts,  I  trust ; 
None  question  whence  it  comes,  but  come  it  must.  — Gifford. 
The  golden  maxim,  here  referred  to,  came  from  Vespasian's  lips 
when  his  son  Titus  expostulated  with  him  on  the  tax  levied  on 

2878.  Lucus  a  non  lucendo.     (L.) — A  grove  is  called  from  its  not 

giving  light. 

Lucus  is  supposed  to  bo  derived  from  luceo,  i.e.,  the  shining  or  open 
spaces  in  a  wood  through  which  light  is  seen.  The  phrase  is, 
however,  generally  used  to  denote  any  absurd  or  self-contradictory 
etymology,  like  Bellum  a  nulla  re  bella,  War,  because  there  is 
nothing  beautiful  about  it ;  cesium  a  non  eelando,  quia  apertum 
est,  Heaven,  because  it  does  not  conceal,  but  is  open,  etc. 

2879.  Ludere  cum  sacris.     (L.) — To  jest  on  sacred  subjects. 

2880.  Luget  avarities  Stygiis  innexa  catenis, 

Cumque  suo  demens  expellitur  ambitus  auro. 
Non  dominantur  opes  :  non  corrumpentia  sensus 
Dona  valent :  emitur  sola  virtute  potestas. 

(L.)     Claud.  3  Cons.  Hon.  185. 

Purity  of  Election. 
Foul  avarice  mourns  in  hellish  chains  confined, 

And  bribery  with  its  gold  is  overthrown  ; 
Money  is  nought,  nor  gifts  that  sway  the  mind  ; 

Power  is  bought  by  virtue's  worth  alone. 

2881.  Lugete  o  Veneres  Cupidinesque 

Et  quantum  est  hominum  venustiorum  ! 

Passer  mortuus  est  mese  puellse : 

Quern  plus  ilia  oculis  amabat.  (L.)     Cat.  3,  1. 

Lesbias  Sparrow. 
Queens  of  Beauty,  saucy  Cupids, 
Handsome  folk  all  the  world  over, 
Come  and  join  me  in  my  sorrow  ; 
My  own  darling's  lost  her  sparrow ; 
He  was  her  pet,  her  own  darling ; 
Better  than  her  eyes  she  loved  him. — Shaw. 

312  L'TJNE. 

2882.  L'une    des    marques    de    la    m^dioci'ite    d'esprit,    est   de 

toujours  conter.  {Ft.)  La  Bruy.  1 — It  is  a  proof  of  a 
■mediocrity  of  intellect  to  be  always  telling  anecdotes. 

2883.  L'union  fait  la  force.     {Fr.) — Union  is  strength.      Motto 

of  the  kingdom  of  Belgium. 

2884.  Lupo  agnum  ei'ipere  postulant.     (L.)     Plaut.  Psen.  3,  5, 

131. — They  wish  to  snatch  the  lamb  out  of  the  wolf's  jaws. 
They  are  bent  upon  a  difficult  task. 

2885.  Lupus  in  fabula  (or  sermone).     (L.) — The  wolf  in  the  story. 

Said  of  the  appearance  of  any  one  who  is  the  immediate 
subject  of  conversation.     Talk  of  the  Devil,  etc. 

De  Varrone  loquebamur,  lupus  in  fabula  :  venit  enim  ad  me.  Cic. 
Att.  13,  33,  4. — We  were  talking  about  Varro,  and  {talk  of  the 
Devil)  in  lie  came  ! 

2886.  L'usage  frequent  des  finesses  est  toujours  l'effet  d'une  grande 

incapacity,  et  la  marque  d'un  petit  esprit.  {Ft.)  1 — TJie 
frequent  recourse  to  finesse  is  always  a  proof  of  a  want  of 
capacity  and  of  a  small  mind. 

2887.  Lusisti  satis,  edisti  satis,  atque  bibisti. 

Tempus  abire  tibi  est.  (L.)     Hor.  Ep.  2,  2,  214 

You've  frolick'd,  eaten,  drunk  to  the  content 

Of  human  appetite  :  'tis  time  you  went. — Conington. 

2888.  Lusus  naturae.     (L.) — A  freak  of  nature.     A  five-legged 

calf,  spotted  lady,  two-headed  nightingale,  etc. 


2889.  Mach  'es  Wenigen  recht :  Yielen  gefallen  ist  schlimm.    (G.) 

Schill.  Yotivtafeln. — Be  content  to  satisfy  a  few,  to  please 
many  is  bad. 

2890.  Macies  et  nova  febrium 

Terris  incubuit  cohors.  (L.)     Hor.  C.  1,  3,  30. 

Pale  Fever's  stranger  host,  and  wan  Decay- 
Swept  o'er  earth's  polluted  face. — Conington. 

2891.  Macte  nova  virtu te,  puer,  sic  itur  ad  astra.      (L.)      Virg. 

A.  9,  641. — Increase  in  new  deeds  of  valour,  my  son  I 
That  is  the  road  to  immortality. 

Go  on,  and  raise  your  glories  higher  ! 

'Tis  thus  that  men  to  heaven  aspire. — Conington. 
The  first  half  of  the  line  is  sometimes  said  ironically,  and  the  latter 
has  been  applied  to  ballooning.      Cf.  Liv.  10,  40 :  Macte  virtute 
diligentiaque  esto. — Persevere  in  virtue  and  diligence. 

MAGNA.  313 

2892.  Madame  cependant  a  passe  du  matin  au   soir,   ainsi  que 

l'herbe  des  champs.  Le  matin  elle  fleurissait;  avec 
quelle  grace,  vous  le  savez :  le  soir  nous  la  vimes  seche'e. 
(Fr.)  Bossuet,  Or.  Fun.  de  Madame  Henr.  d'Angleterre 
(daughter  of  Charles  I.). — Her  Highness  passed  from 
morning  to  evening  like  the  grass  of  the  field.  In  the 
morning  she  bloomed  with  a  grace  that  you  all  remember. 
In  the  evening  we  saw  her  witliered. 

2893.  Madame  fut  douce  en  vers  la  mort,  comme  elle  l'e'tait  en  vers 

tout  le  monde.  (Fr.)  Id.  ibid. — She  was  gentle  towards 
death,  as  she  was  with  every  one.  A  passage  often  quoted 
in  speaking  of  any  person  whose  end  was  particularly 
calm  and  resigned. 

2894.  Magalia  quondam.      (L.)      Virg.  A.   1,   421. — Formerly 

cottages.  These  splendid  buildings  occupy  ground  where 
once  mere  hovels  used  to  stand. 

2895.  Magis  magnos  clericos  non  sunt  magis  magnos  sapientes. 

(L.) — The  greatest  churchmen  are  not  always  the  wisest 
of  men.  (See  Rabelais,  1,  39,  and  Montaigne,  Essays, 
1,  24.)  Regnier  has  the  same  in  a  different  shape  : 
"  Pardieu !  les  plus  grands  clercs  ne  sont  pas  les  plus 

2896.  Magister  alius  casus.     (L.)    Prov. — Misfortune  is  a  second 


2897.  Magister  artis  ingenique  largitor 

Venter,  negatas  artifex  sequi  voces.    (L.)    Pers.  Prol.  10. 

— The  stomach  (hunger)  is  the  true  master  of  arts,  skilled 

as   it  is  in  acquiring  an  eloquence   which   nature  had 


The  stomach, 
That  great  master  who  supplies  the 
Wits  that  niggard  nature  grudges. — Shaw. 

2898.  Magistratum  legem  esse  loquentem,   legem  autem  mutum 

magistratum.  (L.)  Cic.  Leg.  3,  12. — The  magistrate 
(judge)  is  the  law  speaking,  the  law  is  (lie  magistrate 
keeping  silence. 

2899.  Magistratus  indicat   virum.       (L.) — Command  (or  office) 

slwxos  the  man.     Earl  of  Lonsdale. 

2900.  Magna  Charta.     (L.)—T1ie  Great  Charter. 

Obtained  by  the  Barons  of  England  from  King  John  at  a  conference 
held  at  Runnymede,  Windsor,  1215.  This  covenant,  which  has 
always  been  considered  the  basis  of  English  liberties,  may  be  said, 
in  general  terms,  to  assure  the  protection  of  the  life,  liberty,  and 

314  MAGNA. 

froperty  of  the  subject  from  all  arbitrary  attack  and  spoliation. 
ts  provision  tbat  no  one  be  imprisoned  without  trial  by  his  peers, 
furnished  the  principle  of  the  later  Habeas  Corpus  Act  of 
Charles  II. 

2901.  Magna  civitas,  magna  solitude      (L.)  1 — A  great  city  is  a 

great  solitude.  Trans,  of  Greek  ip^fxia  fieydXrj  Wtv  ■% 
MeyaA?;7roAts. — Megalepolis  (or,  the  great  city)  is  a  great 
desert.  Of  no  city  is,  perhaps,  this  more  true  than  of 

2902.  Magna  comitante  caterva.     (L.)     Virg.  A.  2,  40. — A  great 

throng  accompanying. 

2903.  Magna  fuit  quondam  capitis  reverentia  card, 

Inque  suo  pretio  ruga  senilis  erat       (L.)     Ov.  F.  5,  57. 

The  degeneracy  of  the  age. 

Great  was  the  reverence  once  to  grey  hairs  shown, 
And  wrinkled  age  had  honours  of  its  own. — Ed. 

2904.  Magna  mcenis  mcenia.       (L.)     Plaut.  Mil.  2,  2,  73. — You 

are  building  great  ivalls.     A  great  undertaking. 

2905.  Magna  movet  stomachum  fastidia,  si  puer  unctis 

Tractavit  calicem  manibus.         (L.)     Hor.  S.  2,  4,  78. 

It  turns  the  stomach 

If  the  servant  who  behind  you  stands 

Has  fouled  the  beaker  with  his  greasy  hands. — Conington. 

2906.  Magnanimiter  crucem  sustine.      (L.) — Bravely  support  the 

cross.     Motto  of  Lord  Kenyon. 

2907.  Magnas  inter  opes  inops.     (L.)     Hor.  C.  3,  16,  28.— Poor 

in  the  midst  of  wealth.     Description  of  a  miser. 

2908.  Magna  vis  est,  magnum  nomen,  unum  et  idem   sentientis 

senatus.  (L.)  Cic.  1 — The  power  and  prestige  of  a 
senate  which  is  unanimous  in  its  opinions,  is  great 

2909.  Magni  animi  est  magna  contemnere,   ac  mediocria  malle 

quam  nimia.  (L.)  Sen.  Ep.  39. — It  is  a  sign  of  a 
great  mind  to  despise  greatness,  and  to  prefer  a  modicum 
of  good  things  to  a  superfluity  of  them. 

2910.  Magni  refert  quibuscum  vixeris.       (L.)     Prov. — It  is  of 

much  consequence  with  whom  you  live.  The.  Spanish 
proverb  says,  Dime  con  quien  andas,  decirte  he  quien 
eres,  Tell  me  your  company,  and  I'll  tell  you  who  you 
are.     Similar  to  Noscitur  a  sociis. 

MAGNUS.  315 

2911.  Magno  de  flumine  mallem 

Quam  ex  hoc  fonticulo  tantundem  sumere.  (L.)  Hor. 
S.  1,  1,  56. — I'd  rather  drink  from  the  mighty  river  than 
take  as  much  from  this  little  rivulet.  Great  sources 
(authors,  works)  are  to  be  preferred  to  small.  It  is 
better  to  study  an  author  in  the  original  than  to  read 
him  in  selections  or  elegant  extracts. 

2912.  Magno  jam  conatu  magnas  nugas.      (L.)     Ter.  Heaut.  4, 

1,  8. — An  extraordinary  effort  for  a  mere  trifle. 

2913.  Magnum  hoc  ego  duco 

Quod  placui  tibi  qui  turpi  secernis  honestum.  (L.) 
Hor.  S.  1,  6,  62. — /  count  it  a  great  distinction  to  have 
pleased  you  who  know  the  difference  between  what  is  base 
and  honourable. 

2914.  Magnum  hoc  vitium  vino  est, 

Pedes  cap  tat  primum  :  luctator  dolosu 'st.  (L.)  Plaut. 
Ps.  5,  1,  5. — 'Tis  a  great  fault  in  wine;  it  first  trips 
up  your  feet:  it  is  a  crafty  wrestler. 

2915.  Magnum  iter  ascendo,  sed  dat  mihi  gloria  vires; 

Non  juvat  exfacili  lecta  corona  jugo.    (Z.)   Prop.  4, 10,  3. 
The  ambitious  poet. 
A  dizzy  patli  I  climb :  fame  lends  me  wings  ; 
Not  mine  the  bay  on  lower  bills  that  springs. — Ed. 

2916.  Magnum  pauperies  opprobrium  jubet 

Quidvis  et  facere  et  pati.  (Z.)     Hor.  C.  3,  24,  32. 

No  crime  too  great,  no  hardship  too  severe, 
That  poverty  won't  urge,  or  won't  endure. — Ed. 

2917.  Magnumque  decus,  ferroque  petendum 

Plus  patria  potuisse  sua  :  mensuraque  juris 

Vis  erat.  (L.)     Lucan.  1,  174. 

'Twere  a  proud  boast  indeed  and  one  to  win 
At  tbe  sword's  point,  to  force  one's  private  aims 
On  an  unwilling  country  and  to  make 
Violence  tbe  rule  of  law. — Ed. 

2918.  Magnus  ab  integro  sseclorum  nascitur  ordo. 

(L.)     Yirg.  E.  4,  5. 
A  mighty  age  revisits  earth 
And  fateful  times  renew  tbeir  birth. — Ed. 

2919.  Magnus  sine  viribus  ignis  Incassum  furit.     (L.)     Virg.  G. 

3,  99. — A  great  fire  with  little  to  feed  it,  expends  its  rage  in 
vain.  Cf.  Shakesp.  Rich.  II.  2, 1 :  His  rash  fierce  blaze  of 
riot  cannot  last,  For  violent  fires  soon  outburn  themselves. 


2920.  Mai  agucosa,  filha  preguicosa.    (P.)    Prov. — A  busy  mother 

makes  an  idle  daughter. 

2921.  Mais  au  moindre  revers  funeste 

Le  masque  tombe,  l'homnie  reste 
Et  le  he'ros  s'evanouit. 

(Fr.)     J.  B.  Rouss.  Ode  a  la  Fortune. 
But  if  perchance  his  fortune  wanes, 
The  mask  drops  off,  the  man  remains  ; 
The  hero  disappears. — Ed. 

Lines  quoted  when  any  one  disappoints  the  expectations 
formed  of  him. 

2922.  Mais  elle  ^tait  du  monde  ou  les  plus  belles  choses 

Ont  le  pire  destin, 
Et  rose,  elle  a  vecu  ce  que  vivent  les  roses, 
L'espace  d'un  matin. 

(Fr.)     Malherbe,  Ode  a  Du  Perrier. 
An  early  death. 
A  world  was  hers  where  all  that  fairest  blows 

Meets  with  the  cruellest  doom  : 
The  rose  had  but  the  lifetime  of  a  rose — 
A  single  morning's  bloom. — Ed. 

2923.  Major  e  longinquo  reverentia.    (L.)    Tac.  A.  1,  47. — Respect 

is  greater  from  a  distance.  Said  of  the  majesty  which 
surrounds  royalty.  In  this,  as  in  many  other  cases, 
distance  lends  enchantment  to  the  view. 

2924.  Majore  tumultu 

Planguntur  nummi  quam  funera,  nemo  dolorem 

Fingit  in  hoc  casu 

Ploratur  lacrimis  amissa  pecunia  veris.    (L.)  Ju v.  13,  130. 
Money's  bewailed  with  much  more  harrowing  pains 
Than  a  man's  death  :  for  that  none  sorrow  feigns. 
The  loss  of  cash  is  mourned  with  genuine  tears. — Ed. 

2925.  Major  privato  visus,  dum  privatus  fuit,  et  omnium  consensu 

capax  imperii,  nisi  imperasset.        (L.)     Tac.  H.  1,  49. 

As  long  as  he  remained  a  private  individual  he  always  seemed  to  be 
more  than  one  ;  and  had  he  never  come  to  the  throne,  he  would 
have  been  deemed  by  common  consent  capable  of  the  supreme 

Cf.  Soph.  Ant.  175  : 

&fLTf)(avov  hk  iroLvrbs  dvdpbs  iicpadeiv 

ypvxwr*  Kal  (ppovrifia  fcai  yvufirjv,  irplv  &v 

dpxais  re  Kal  v6/wt<rw  ivrpi^ris  <pavrj.  {&?•) 

MALA.  317 

But  who  can  penetrate  man's  secret  thought 
The  quality  and  temper  of  his  soul, 
Till  hy  high  office  put  to  frequent  proof, 
And  execution  of  the  laws  ? — Potter. 

Vide  the  saying  of  Bias,  apxh  dvdpa  del^ei,  Command  will  shew  the  man. 

2926.  Major  rerum  mihi  nascitur  ordo 

Majus  opus  moveo.  (L.)  Virg.  A.  7,  44. — A  more  im- 
portant series  of  events  now  rises  before  me  ;  I  touch  upon 
a  greater  subject.  ^Eneas'  landing  in  Italy.  Early 
history  of  Latium. 

2927.  Major  sum  quam  cui  possit  Fortuna  nocere 

Multaque  ut  eripiat,  multo  mihi  plura  relinquet. 
Excessere  metum  mea  jam  bona.       (L.)     Ov.  M.  6,  195. 

Niobe's  boast  to  Latona. 

I  am  too  great  for  fortune's  injuries : 

Though  she  take  much,  yet  must  she  leave  me  more. 

The  blessings  I  enjoy  can  smile  at  fears. — Ed. 

2928.  Majus  ab  hac  acie,  quam  quod  sua  saecula  ferrent, 

Vulnus  habent  populi  :  plus  est  quam  vita  sal  usque 
Quod  perit :  in  totum  mundi  prosternimur  sevum. 

(L.)     Lucan.  7,  638. 

Rome  has  received  from  this  day's  fight 
A  deeper  wound  than  meets  the  sight. 
A  century  would  not  have  dealt 
One  half  the  ruin  we  have  felt : 
'Tis  more  than  loss  of  life  and  limb, 
We're  crushed  unto  the  end  of  time. — Ed. 

2929.  Mala  causa  silenda  est.     (L.)     Ov.  Ep.  3,  1,  147. — A  bad 

cause  is  best  kept  silent. 

2930.  Mala  fides.     (L.) — Bad  faith.     Dishonesty.     Deception. 

2931.  Mala  gallina,  malum  ovum.     (L.) — Bad  hen,  bad  eggs. 

2932.  Mala  grammatica  non  vitiat  chartam.     (L.)     Law  Max. — 

False  grammar  does  not  make  a  deed  void. 

2933.  Mala  mens,  malus  animus.     (Z.)     Ter.  And.  1,  1,  137. — 

Bad  mind,  bad  heart. 

2934.  Mala  nierx  hsec,  et  callida  est.     (L.)     Plaut.  Cist.  4,  2,  61. 

— She's  a  bad  lot  and  a  cunning  one. 

2935.  Mala  ultro  adsunt.     (L.)     Pro  v. — Misfortunes  come  with- 

out our  seeking  them. 


2936.  Malbrouck  s'en  va-t-en  guerre 

Mi  ron  ton,  ton  ton,  mirontaine ! 
Malbrouck  s'en  va-t-en  guerre, 

Ne  sgait  quand  reviendra,  etc.  (Fr.) — Marlborough  is 
off  to  the  wars,  mi  ron  ton,  ton  ton,  mirontaine,  Marl- 
borough is  off  to  the  wars  and  no  one  knows  when  lie  will 
return.     Old  French  song  of  the  18th  cent 

2937.  Maledicus  a  malefico  non  distat  nisi  occasione.    (L.)    Quint.1? 

— An  evil-speaker  differs  only  from  an  evil-doer  in  the 
want  of  opportunity.  Willing  to  wound,  and  yet  afraid 
to  strike. 

2938.  Male  secum  agit  seger,  medicum  qui  haeredem  facit     (Z.) 

Pub.  Syr.  ? — A  sick  man  does  badly  for  himself  tcho  makes 
his  doctor  his  heir. 

2939.  Male  verum  examinat  omnis 

Corruptus  Judex.  (L.)     Hor.  S.  2,  2,  8. 

The  judge  who  soils  his  fingers  by  a  gift 

Is  scarce  the  man  a  doubtful  case  to  sift. — Crniington. 

2940.  Malheureuse   France,  malheureux  roi !      (Fr.) — Unhappy 

France,  unhappy  king  !  Etienne  Bequet  in  the  Debuts 
shortly  before  the  "  Ordinances  "  of  July  1830. 

2941.  Malim   equidem  indisertam  prudentiam,  quam   stultitiam 

loquacem.  (L.)  Cic.  de  Or.  3,  35,  142. — /  prefer  com- 
mon sense  though  it  may  be  at  a  loss  for  words,  to  fluent 

2942.  Mali  principii  malus  finis.     (Z.)? — A   bad  end  of  a  bad 

beginning.     Ill  begun,  ill  finished. 

2943.  Malo  mori  quam  foedari.     (Z.) — /  had  rather  die  than  be 

disgraced.     Motto  of  Lords  de  Freyne  and  Trimleston. 

2944.  Malorum  facinorum  ministri  quasi  exprobrantes  aspiciuntur. 

(Z.)  Tac.  A.  14,  62. — Accomplices  in  crime  always 
appear  to  reproach  their  2y>*incipals  with  the  deed 

2945.  Malo  Venusinam  quam  te,  Cornelia  mater 

Gracchorum,  si  cum  magnis  virtutibus  afters 
Grande  supercilium,  et  numeras  in  dote  triumphos. 

•  (Z.)     Juv.  6,  166. 

Rather  some  poor  Apulian  girl, 

The  Gracchi's  mother  though  you  be : 
You  vaunt  your  high  descent,  and  curl 

Your  lip  too  haughtily  for  me. — Ed. 

MAN.  319 

2946.  Malum  consilium  consultori  est  pessimum.     (L.)     Annal. 

Max.  ap.  Gell.  4,  5  (trans,  of  Hes.  Op.  et  D.  264  :  ■>)  8k 
KdKr)  fBovkrj  to)  /3ouAevcravTt  KaKLCTTn).  (Gr.) — Bad  counsel 
is  icorst  for  the  counsellor.  Like  Hainan's  advice  to 

2947.  Malum  est  consilium,  quod  inutari  non  potest.     (L.)    Gell. 

Noct.  Attic.  18. — It  is  bad  advice  that  cannot  be 

2948.  Malum  est  mulier,  sed  necessarium  malum.     (L.) — Woman 

is  an  evil,  but  a  necessary  one. 

2949.  Malum  in  se.     (L.) — A  thing  evil  in  itself.     Bad  in  itself, 

and  in  all  its  stages. 

2950.  Malus  clandestinus  est  amor ;  damnum  'st  merum.      (L.) 

Plaut.  Cure.  1,  1,  49. — Clandestine  love  is  bad;  it  is 
simple  ruin. 

2951.  Malus  usus  est  abolendus.      (L.)      Law   Max. — An  evil 

custom  ought  to  be  abolished.  Notwithstanding  that 
long  usage  gives  the  force  of  law,  yet,  when  it  is  proved 
to  be  prejudicial,  it  should  be  abolished. 

2952.  Mandamus.   (L.)    Law  Term. — We  enjoin.    Writ  in  form  of 

command  from  the  Court  of  King's  Bench  requiring  any 
person,  corporation,  or  inferior  Court  of  Judicature  to 
perform  certain  duties. 

2953.  Man  darf  nur  sterben  um  gelobt  zu  werden.     (G.)     Prov. 

— Man  has  only  to  die  to  be  praised. 

2954.  Manet  alta  mente  repostum 

Judicium  Paridis  spretseque  injuria  forma?.  (L.)  Virg. 
A.  1,  26. — Deep-seated  in  her  heart  remains  the  decision 
of  Paris,  and  the  affront  shewn  to  her  slighted  beauty. 
Juno  resenting  the  judgment  of  Paris  in  awarding  the 
golden  apple  to  Venus  as  most  fair. 

2955.  Manibus   victoria   dextris.       (L.) —  Victory  by  my   right- 

hand.     Lord  Waveney. 

2956.  Man  lebt  nur  einmal  in  der  Welt.      (G.)    Goethe,  Clavigo, 

1,  1  (Carlos  loq.). — Man  lives  but  once  in  the  world.  Cf . 
Schiller's  (Resignation)  Des  Leben's  Mai  bluht  einmal 
und  nicht  wieder. — The  May  of  life  blooms  once  and  not 


2957.  Manliana.    (L.) — A  Manlian  command.     A  severe  order. 

Called  after  L.  Manlius  Torquatus  Imperiosus,  who  ordered  his  son 
to  be  scourged  and  executed  for  fighting  against  orders.  Cf.  Vide, 
ne  ista  shit  Manliana  vestra  aut  majora  etiam,  si  imperes  quod 
facere  non  possim.  Cic.  Fin.  2,  32,  105. — Are  not  your  commands 
very  Manlian,  or  even  more  than  Manlian,  if  you  command  me  to 
do  what  I  cannot  possibly  perform  ? 

2958.  Man  schont  die  Alten,  wie  man  die  Kinder  schont.      (G.) 

Goethe,  Spriiche. —  We  bear  with  age,  as  with  children. 

2959.  Man  sieht  sich,  lernt  sich  kennen, 

Liebt  sich,  muss  sich  trennen.  (G.)  1 — We  meet,  we  learn 
to  know  and  to  love  each  other,  and  then — we  have  to 
part  / 

2960.  Man  spricht  vergebens  viel,  nur  zu  versagen, 

Der  And're  hbrt  von  Allem  nur  das  Nein  !  (G.)  Goethe, 
Iphigenia,  1,  3. — In  vain  one  adds  words  only  to  refuse, 
the  other,  first  and  last,  only  hears  the  "  No  !  " 

2961.  Man  steigt  den  griinen  Berg  des.  Lebens  hinauf,  um  oben 

auf  dem  Eisberge  zu  sterben.  (G.)  Jean  Paul  1 — We 
climb  up  the  green  mountain  of  life  in  order  to  die  upon 
the  glaciers. 

2962.  MavTts  S'a/Dioros  Sorts  ei*ca£«  KaAws.    (Gr.)   Eurip.  Fr.  944, 

Dind. — He  is  the  best  divine  who  best  divines.  He  is 
the  best  prophet  who  guesses  best.  Motto  of  "Guesses 
at  Truth." 

2963.  Mantua  me  genuit,  Calabri  rapuere,  tenet  nunc 

Parthenope.  Cecini  pascua,  rura,  duces.  (L.)  Donat. 
Vit.  Virg.  1 — Mantua  was  my  birth-place,  the  Calabrian 
winds  carried  me  off,  Naples  holds  me  now.  I  sang  pas- 
tures, fields,  heroes.     Virgil's  epitaph. 

2964.  Mantua,  vse  !  miserse  nimium  vicina  Cremonse.    (L.)  Virg. 

E.  9,  28. — Ah  I  Mantua  I  too  near  the  unhappy  Grempna. 
Said  to  have  been  quoted  by  Dean  Swift  on  seeing  a 
lady  whisk  a  violin  off  a  table  with  the  edge  of  her 

2965.  Manu  forti.    (L.) — With  a  strong  hand.    M.  of  Lord  Reay. 

2966.  Manum  de  tabula.     (X.)     Cic.  Fam.  7,  25,  1.— Hands  off 

the  picture  I     Add  no  more  to  your  work  !     Enough  ! 

2967.  Manum  non  vertere  (ne  manum  quidem  vertere).      (Z.) — 

Not  to  move  a  hand,  make  no  effort.     Cf.  Cic.  Fin.  5,  31, 
93.     Ne  digitum  quidem  ejus  causa  porrigendum.     Id. 
ibid.  3,  17,  57. — It  is  not  worth  while  moving  a  finger 
for  the  sake  of  it. 


2968.  Manus  haec  inimica  tyrannis 

Ense  petit  placidam  sub  libertate  quietem.     (L.)     Alg. 
Sidney  1 — My  hand  is  hostile  to  tyrants  alone,  and  draws 
tlie  sword  only  to  obtain  peaceful  retirement  combined 
with  liberty.     First  line  is  motto  of  Earl  of  Carysfort. 
John  Quincy  Adams  (t  1848)  in  his  Album  has  thus  rendered  it : 
This  hand,  to  tyrants  ever  sworn  the  foe, 
For  freedom  only  deals  the  deadly  blow  : 
Then  sheathes  in  calm  repose  the  vengeful- blade 
For  gentle  peace  in  freedom's  hallowed  shade. 

2969.  Manus  manuni  lavat.      (L.)      Sen.   Apoc.   9. — One   hand 

washes  the  other.  One  helps  the  other.  Cf.  La  Font.  8, 
17:  II  se  faut  entr' aider,  c'est  la  loi  de  nature. — It  is 
our  duty  to  assist  each  other  ;  it  is  the  law  of  nature. 

2970.  Marchand  qui  perd,  ne  peut  rire.     (Fr.)     Mol.  G.  Dandin, 

2,  9. — The  dealer  who  loses  cannot  afford  to  laugh.  Let 
those  laugh  who  win. 

2971.  Mare  apertum.     (L.) — An  open  sea.      Mare  clausum. — A 

closed  sea,  viz.,  to  general  commerce  and  navigation. 

2972.  Mare  caelo  miscere.     (L.) — To  mingle  sea  and  sky  together. 

Raise  heaven  and  earth,  make  a  terrific  bluster. 

Cf.  Caelum  ac  terras  miscere.  Li  v.  4,  3,  6. — To  confound  heaven 
and  earth,  throw  all  into  confusion.  Clames  licet  et  mare  caelo 
Confundas,  homo  sum.  Juv.  6,  282. — Though  you  may  shout  and 
make  such  a  bluster,  I  am  a  poor  mortal,  like  the  rest;  and  id. 
2,  25. 

2973.  Mare  ditat,  rosa  decorat.     (L.) — The  sea  enriches,  the  rose 

adorns.     Motto  of  the  town  of  Montrose. 

2974.  Maria  montesque  polliceri  caepit.     (L.)     Sail.  C.  23. — He 

began  to  promise  seas  and  mountains.  To  make  extra- 
vagant promises. 

2975.  Marie  ton   fils  quand  tu  voudras,  mais  ta  fille  quand  tu 

pourras.  (-^V.)  Pro  v. — Marry  your  son  when  you  please, 
your  daughter  when  you  can. 

2976.  Marmoreo  Licinus  tumulo  jacet,  at  Cato  parvo; 

Pompeius  nullo.     Quis  putet  esse  Deos  1 
Saxa  premunt  Licinum,  levat  altum  fama  Catonem, 

Pompeium  tituli.  Credimus  esse  Deos.  (L.)  See 
Varr.  Atac.  in  Anthol.  Lat.  Tom.  i  p.  205. — Licinus 
(barber  and  freed  man  of  Augustus)  lies  in  a  splendid 
marble  tomb,  Cato  in  a  poor  one,  Pompey  in  none.  Who 
would  believe  that  God  existed?  Reply  (by  a  later 

322  MARS. 

hand) :  Licinus  is  buried  in  oblivion,  while  fame  exalts  tlie 
noble  Cato,  and  Pompey  lives  by  his  renown.  We  believe 
that  God  does  exist. 

2977.  Mars  gravior  sub  pace  latet.     (L.)     Claud.  VI.  Cons.  Hon. 

307. — A  graver  warfare  lies  concealed  under  a  semblance 
of  peace. 

2978.  Martem   accendeve   cantu.      (L.)      Virg.   A.   6,    165. — To 

incite  to  battle  by  martial  music.  Thus  in  the  Highland 
regiments,  the  sound  of  the  pibroch  rouses  the  men 
almost  to  madness,  and  nothing  can  resist  the  impetus 
of  their  charge. 

2979.  Mater  artium  necessitas.      (L.)      Prov. — Necessity  is  tlie 

mother  of  invention  (lit.  arts). 

Cf.  The  Greek  x/)e/a  8t5d<ri<ei,  nhv  fipadvs  ns  y,  <ro<p6v.  Eur.  Fr.  709. 
— Necessity  will  teach  a  man,  however  slow  he  be,  to  be  wise  ;  and  Xpeia 
didda-Kei,  k&v  &fiov<ros  77.  Menand.  Carchedon.  6. — Necessity  teaches, 
however  unpolished  she  may  be;  and  IIoXXwi'  6  \i/jl6s  ylyverat 
didao-KaXos. — Hunger  teaclies  a  man  many  things  (in  Latin,  Multa 
docet  fames). 

2980.  Mater  familias.     (L.) — The  mother  of  a  family. 

2981.  Materiem,  qua  sis  ingeniosus,  habes.       (L.)      Ov.   A.  A. 

2,  34. — You  have  materials  in  which  to  show  your 

2982.  Materiem  superabat  opus.     (L.)     Ov.  M.  2,  5. — Tht  work- 

manship surp>assed  in  value  the  material.  Description 
of  the  Palace  of  the  Sun,  the  silver  doors  of  which  were 
enriched  with  embossed  work  by  Yulcan.  This  may  be 
said  of  any  object  of  art  where  the  material  falls  out  of 
sight  and  the  workmanship  is  everything. 

2983.  /xadovo-Lv  av8u>,  kov  fxaOoxkri  A^o/xat.     (Gr.)    ^Esch.  A".  39. 

— /  speak  to  those  tvho  understand,  those  who  do  not  I 
purposely  pass  over.     Like  Yerbum  sap. 

2984.  Mature  fieri  senem,  si  diu  velis  esse  senex.     (L.)     Prov. 

ap.  Cic.  Sen.  10,  32. — (The  proverb  says)  You  must  be 
an  old  man  young,  if  you  would  be  an  old  man  long. 

2985.  Maulesel  treiben  viel  Parlaren 

Dass  ihre  Voreltern  Pferde  waren.  (G.)     Prov. 

Mules  deliver  big  discourses, 

Because  their  ancestors  were  horses. — Ed. 

2986.  Mauvaise  honte.     (Fr.) — False  s/iame. 

ME  FOCUS.  323 

2987.  Maxima  quseque  domus  servis  est  plena  superbis.      (L.) 

Juv.  5,  66. — Every  great  house  is  crowded  with  insolent 

Every  big  house  has  a  crowd  of 
Supercilious  servants. — Shaw. 

2988.  Maximus  in  minimis.    {L.) — Very  great  in  very  little  things. 

A  person  who  gives  great  attention  to  trifling  objects. 

2989.  Mea  culpa!     (L.) — My  fault/     I  am  to  blame. 

2990.  Mecum  facile  redeo  in  gratiam.     {L.)     Phsedr.  5,  3,  6. — / 

easily  effect  a  reconciliation  with  myself. 

2991.  Medice,  cura  te  ipsum.     (L.)     Prov.     Vulg.  Luc.  4,  33. — 

Physician,  heal  thyself. 

2992.  Medicus  dedit  qui  temporis  morbo  curam, 

Is  plus  remedii  quam  cutis  sector  dedit.  (L-)1 — The 
physician  who  allows  time  for  the  cure  of  a  disease,  gives 
abetter  remedy  than  if  he  used  the  knife. 

2993.  Mediocria   firma.     (L.) — The   middle   station   is   the  most 

secure.  Motto  of  Earl  of  Verulam,  and  inscribed  over 
his  door  at  Gorhambury  by  Sir  N.  Bacon. 

2994.  Mediocre  et  rampant,  et  Ton  arrive  a  tout.     {Ft.)     Beaum. 

Mar.  de  Figaro. — Be  second-rate,  cringe,  and  you  may 
attain  to  anything.  Cf.  Omnia  serviliter  pro  dominatione. 
{L.)  Tac.  H.  1,  36. — Servile  in  all  things  so  it  might 
lead  him  to  power.     Said  of  the  Emperor  Otho. 

2995.  Mediocribus  esse  poetis 

Non  Dii,  non  homines,  non  concessere  column*. 

(L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  372. 
But  gods  and  men  and  booksellers  agree 
To  place  their  ban  on  middling  poetry. — Conington. 

2996.  Mediocritatem  illam  tenere,  quae  est  inter  minium  et  parum. 

{L.)  Cic.  Off.  1,  25,  89. — To  observe  that  mediocrity 
which  is  the  mean  between  too  much  and  too  little. 

2997.  Medio  tutissimus  ibis.     (Z.)     Ov.  M.  2,  137.— You  will  be 

safer  to  go  in  the  middle.  And  id.  ibid.,  Inter  utrumque 
tene. — Hold  your  course  between  the  two.  Avoid  ex- 
tremes. Phoebus'  directions  to  Phaethon  for  guiding  the 
chariot  of  the  Sun. 

2998.  Me  focus  et  nigros  non  indignantia  fumos 

Tecta  juvant,  et  fons  vivus  et  herba  rudis. 
Sit  mihi  verna  satur  :  sit  non  doctissima  conjux, 
Sit  nox  cum  somno,  sit  sine  lite  dies. 

{L.)     Mart.  2,  90,  7. 

324  MELA. 

Earthly  bliss. 
Give  me  my  hearth,  my  roof-tree  well-defiled 
With  welcome  reek,  a  spring  and  herhage  wild, 
A  well-fed  slave,  and  not  too  learn'd  a  wife, 
Sound  sleep  by  night,  and  days  devoid  of  strife. — Ed. 

2999.  Meya  f3ij3Xiov  fj.eya  kolkov.     (Gr.)     Callim. — A  great  book 

is  a  great  evil. 

3000.  Meglio  amici  da  lontano  che  nemici  d'appresso.     (It.) — It 

is  better  to  be  friends  at  a  distance,  than  enemies  near  to 
each  other. 

3001.  Meglio  e  un  magro  accordo  che  una  grassa  sentenza.      (It.) 

Prov. — Better  a  lean  agreement  than  a  fat  judgment. 

Esto  consentiens  adversario  tuo  cito  dum  es  in  via  cum  eo.  (L.) 
Vulg.  Matt.  v.  25. — Agree  with  thine  adversary  quickly  whilst  thou 
art  in  the  way  with  him. 

3002.  Meglio  solo  che  mal  accompagnato.      (It.)     Prov. — It  is 

better  to  be  alone  than  in  bad  company. 

3003.  Meglio  tardi  che  mai.    (It.)    Prov. — Better  late  than  never. 

3004.  Mehr  Licht  1     (G.)    Goethe. — More  light/    His  last  words. 

3005.  M?)   kokcI  KepSaivtw   Ka/cot  KepSea   wr'  arrjenv.      (Gr.)     Hes. 

Op.  352. — Do  not  make  evil  gains:  iliey  are  equal  to 

3006.  Mr;  Kivet  Ka/j.apivav.     (Gr.)    Prov. — Do  not  stir  Camarina. 

Let  well  alone. 

3007.  MeAin;  to  nav.     (Gr.) — Practice  is  everything. 

Sa}Ting  of  Periander,  one  of  the  seven  wise  men  of  Greece.  The 
word  also  includes  the  notion  of  attention  and  application.  Ti 
irav=the  whole;  all  that  can  be  conceived  or  expressed  ;  the 

3008.  Me  liceat  casus  misereri  insontis  amici.  (L.)  Virg.  A.  5,  350. 

Let  me  be  suffered  to  extend 

Compassion  to  a  helpless  friend. — Conington. 

3009.  Mel  in  ore,  verba  lactis, 

Fel  in  corde,  fraus  in  factis.  (L.) 

Words  of  milk,  and  honied  tongue  : 
Heart  of  gall  and  deeds  of  wrong. — Ed. 

3010.  Melior  (or  Potior)   est  conditio  possidentis.      (L.)     Law 

Max. — The  claim  of  the  ]^rty  in  possession  is  the  better 
of  the  two.  Cf.  Favorabiliores  rei  potius  quam  actores 
habentur,  The  case  of  the  defendant  shall  be  favoured 
ratlier  than  that  of  the  plaintiff.  Where  it  appears  that 
the  plaintiff  has  no  cause  of  action,  the  Court  will  never 
favour  his  suit. 

ME,  ME.  325 

3011.  Melioribus  auspiciis.     (L.) — Under  better  auspices. 

3012.  Melius  est  cavere  semper,  quam  pati  semel.    (L.)     Prov. — 

It  is  better  to  be  always  on  one's  guard,  than  once  to 
suffer.  This  saying  Julius  Caesar  used  to  reverse,  holding 
that  it  was  better  to  suffer  once  than  to  live  in  continual 
apprehension.    Melius  est  pati  semel,  quam  cavere  semper. 

3013.  Melius   omnibus   quam  singulis  creditur.       Singuli  enim 

decipere  et  deoipi  possunt :  nemo  omnes,  neminem  omnes 
fefellerunt.  (L.)  Plin.  Sec.  Pan. — More  credence  is 
reposed  on  united  than  on  particular  testimony.  Indi- 
viduals can  both  mislead  and  be  misled  :  but  no  one  man 
ever  yet  succeeded  in  iviposing  on  the  whole  world,  nor 
has  the  whole  world  ever  combined  to  deceive  one  man. 
The  universal  consent  of  mankind  must  be  taken  as  the 
final  decision  on  any  given  point. 

3014.  Melius,  pejus,  prosit,  obsit,  nil  vident  nisi  quod  lubet.    (L.) 

Ter.  Heaut.  4,  1,  30. — Better  or  worse,  help  or  hurt,  they 
see  nothing  but  what  suits  their  humour. 

3015.  Melius  te  posse  negares 

Bis  terque  expertum  frustra  :  delere  jubebat 
Et  male  tornatos  incudi  reddere  versus. 

(Z.)     Hor.  A.  P.  439. 


Tell  him  you  found  it  hopeless  to  correct : 

You've  tried  it  twice  and  thrice  without  effect ; 

He'd  calmly  bid  you  make  the  three  times  four, 

And  take  the  unlicked  cub  in  hand  once  more. — Conington. 

3016.  Membra  reformidant  mollem  quoque  saucia  tactum  : 

Yanaque  sollicitis  incutit  umbra  metum. 

(L.)     Ov.  Ep.  2,  7,  13. 

Of  the  least  touch  a  wounded  limb's  afraid  : 

And  timorous  souls  are  frightened  at  a  shade. — Ed. 

3017.  Me,  me  (adsum,  qui  feci)  in  me  convertite  ferrum 

O  Rutuli :  mea  fraus  omnis  :  nihil  iste  nee  ausus, 
Nee  potuit;  caelum  hoc  et  conscia  sidera  testor. 

(L.)     Virg.  A.  9,  427. 

Nisus  and  Euryalus. 

Me  !  me,  he  cried,  turn  all  your  swords  alone 

On  me  !     The  fact  confess'd,  the  fault  my  own  ! 

He  neither  could  nor  durst,  the  guiltless  youth  : 

Yon  heaven  and  stars  bear  witness  to  the  truth. — Dryden. 

326  MEMENTO. 

3018.  Memento  mori.     (L.) — Remember  you  must  die.     Motto  of 

the  Order  of  the  Death's  Head. 

A  reminder  of  our  latter  end.  The  Egyptians  passed  round  a  skull 
at  their  feasts  for  this  purpose  :  and  behind  the  Roman  general  in 
his  triumphal  chariot  stood  a  slave  whispering  in  his  ear,  Respice 
post  te,  hominem  memento  te,  Look  behind  you,  remember  that  you 
are  but  a  man.  The  Russian  Tsars  used  to  be  presented  with 
specimens  of  marble  at  their  Coronation,  from  which  to  select  one 
for  their  tombs. 

3019.  Meminerunt  omnia  amantes.      (L.)     Ov.  Her.   15,  43. — 

Lovers  remember  everything . 

3020.  Memini  etiam  quae  nolo  :  oblivisci  non  possum  quae  volo. 

(L.)  Themist.  ap.  Cic.  Fin.  2,  32,  104. — I  remember 
things  I  had  rather  not:  and  I  am  unable  to  forget  those 
I  would. 

3021.  Memorabilia.      (Z.) — Things  to  be  remembered.      Things 

worthy  of  record. 

3022.  Memorem    immemorem    facit,    qui    monet    quod    memor 

meminit.  (L.)  Plaut.  Ps.  4,  1,  30. —  Who  is  for  ever 
reminding  a  man  of  good  memory  of  what  he  remembers, 
makes  him,  forget. 

3023.  Memoria  pii  in  seterna.     (L.) — The  remembrance  of  the  just 

is  eternal.     Motto  of  Lord  Sudeley. 

3024.  Memoria  technica.      (L.) — Artificial  memory.      Lines  or 

sentences  so  composed  as  to  contain  any  series  of  things 
necessary  to  be  remembered,  such  as  dates  and  principal 

3025.  Menace-moy  de  vivre  et  non  pas  de  mourir.      {Ft.)     Salle- 

bray  (1640),  Troade. — Threaten  me  with  life  and  not  with 
death.  Andromache,  Hector's  wife,  thus  retorts  on 
Ulysses  in  words  that  might  well  have  been  hurled  in 
the  face  of  Fouquier  Tinville  by  the  last  survivor  of 
some  aristocratic  house  during  the  Reign  of  Terror. 

3026.  Mendacem  memorem  esse  oportet.      (L.)      Quint.  4,  2,  91. 

— A  liar  should  have  a  good  memory.  Corneille  borrows 
the  line  for  his  Menteur,  4,  5  :  II  faut  bonne  memoire, 
apres  qu'on  a  menti. 

3027.  Mendici,  mimi,  balatrones,  hoc  genus  omne.     (L.)    Hor.  S. 

1,  2,  2. — Beggars,  buffoons,  and  jesters,  all  this  class. 
Id  genus  omne,  All  that  class,  is  often  used  in  the 
same  way  to  denote '  in  a  comprehensive  manner  any 
category  or  description  of  people  or  things. 

MENS.  327 

3028.  Mene  fugis  1  per  ego  has  lachrymas,  dextramque  tuam  te 

(Quando  aliud  mihi  jam  miserse  nihil  ipsa  reliqui) 
Per  connubia  nostra,  per  inceptos  Hymenseos ; 
Si  bene  quid  d.e  te  merui,  fuit  aut  tibi  quicquam 
Dulce  nieum,  miserere  domus  labentis,  et  istam 
Oro,  siquis  adhuc  precibus  locus,  exue  mentem. 

(L.)     Virg.  A.  4,  314. 

Dido's  appeal  to  sEneas. 
See  whom  you  fly,  am  I  the  foe  you  shun  ? 
Now,  by  those  holy  vows  so  late  begun, 
By  this  right  hand  (since  I  have  nothing  more 
To  challenge,  but  the  faith  you  gave  before) ; 
I  beg  you  by  these  tears  so  truly  shed, 
By  the  new  pleasures  of  our  nuptial  bed  ; 
If  ever  Dido,  when  you  most  were  kind, 
Were  pleasing  in  your  eyes,  or  touch'd  your  mind, 
By  these  my  pray'rs,  if  pray'rs  may  yet  have  place, 
Pity  the  fortunes  of  a  fallen  race. — Dryden. 

3029.  Me  nemo  ministro  Fur  erib.      (L.)     Juv.  3,  46. — No  man 

shall  have  my  help  to  play  the  thief. 

3030.  Me  non  solum  piget  stultitise  mese,  sed  etiam  pudet.     (L.) 

Cic.  ? — /  am  more  than  annoyed,  I  am  ashamed  at  my 

3031.  Mens  sequa  rebus  in  ai'duis.     (L.) — Self-controlled  in  diffi- 

cidties.  Motto  of  Viscount  Hardinge  aud,  omitting 
rebus,  of  Warren  Hastings. 

3032.  Mens  agitat  molem.      (L.)      Virg.  A.   6,   727. — A   mind 

moves  the  mass.  Said  of  the  celestial  principle  of  life 
supposed  to  animate  the  universe  in  all  its  parts.  The 
disciples  of  St  Simon  adopted  the  words  as  motto  for 
their  scheme  of  regeneration  of  the  masses  by  the  lights 
of  the  "  New  Christianity." 

3033.  Mens  conscia  recti.      (L.) — A  mind  conscious  of  rectitude. 

Motto  of  Viscount  Ashbrook. 

3034.  Mens  cujusque  is  est  quisque :  non  ea  figura  quae  digito 

demonstrari  potest.  (L.)  Cic.  Rep.  6,  24,  26. — The 
mind  is  the  man,  not  the  human  body  which  can  be 
pointed  out  with  the  finger.  First  five  words,  Motto  of 
Earl  of  Cottenham. 

3035.  Mens  immota  manet,  lacrimse  volvuntur  inanes. 

(L.)     Virg.  A.  4,  449. 
Unchanged  his  heart's  resolves  remain, 
And  falling  tears  are  idle  rain. — Conington. 

328  MENS. 

3036.  Mens  regnum  bona  possidet.      (L.)     Sen.  Thyest.  380. — A 

good  conscience  is  a  kingdom. 

My  mind  to  me  a  kingdom  is 
Such  perfect  joy  therein  I  find. 

— Byrd,  Psalmes  and  Sonnets,  1588. 

3037.  Mens  soluta  qusedam  et  libera,  segregata  ab  omni  concre- 

tione  mortali,  omniaque  sentiens  et  movens,  ipsaque 
prsedita  motu  sempiterno.      (L.)    Cic.  Tusc.  1,  27,  66. 

Conception  of  the  Divine  Being. 
A  mind,  acting  freely  and  independently,  entirely  separated  from 
all  earthly  matter,  conscious  of  all  and  moving  all ;  itself  being 
endowed  with  a  perpetual  motion  of  its  own. 

3038.  Mentem  peccare,  non  corpus;  et,  unde  consilium  abfuerit, 

culpam  abesse.  (L.)  Liv.  1,  58,  9. — The  mind  sins,  not 
tlie  body,  and  where  there  is  no  criminal  intention,  there 
is  no  guilt. 

3039.  Mentis  penetralia.     (L.)     Ambros.  in  Luc.  Lib.  9,  p.  240 

(Ed.  Paris,  1586). — The  inmost  recesses  of  the  mind.  The 
secrets  of  the  heart. 

3040.  Me  pinguem  et  nitidum  bene  curata  cute  vises 

Quum  ridere  voles,  Epicuri  de  grege  porcum. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  4,  15. 

Ask  you  of  me  ?  you'll  laugh  to  see  me  grown 
A  hog  of  Epicurus,  full  twelve  stone. — Conington. 

3041.  Me  quoque  Musarum  studium  sub  nocte  silenti 

Artibus  assuetis  sollicitare  solet. 

(L.)     Claud.  Praf.  in  Sext.  Con.  11. 
Me  too  the  study  of  the  Muse  invites 
With  wonted  charm  upon  the  silent  nights. — Ed. 

3042.  Merses  profundo  pulcrior  evenit; 

Luctere,  multa  proruet  integrum 

Cum  laude  victorem.  (Z.)     Hor.  C.  4,  4,  65. 

Plunged  in  the  deep,  it  mounts  to  sight 
More  splendid  ;  grappled,  it  will  quell 

Unbroken  powers. — Conington. 
Pliny  says  of  the  crocus  (H.N.  21,  6,  17,  §  34),  Gaudet  calcari  et 
atteri,  pereundoque  melius  provenit. — It  loves  to  be  trodden  and 
bruised  underfoot,  and  the  more  it  is  destroyed,  the  better  it  thrives. 

3043.  Mes  jours  s'en  sont  allez  errant.     (Fr.)     Villon,  Grand 

Testament. — My  days  are  gone  a  wandering.  Cf.  Vulg. 
lob.  vii.  6. 

3044.  Messe  tenus  propria  vive.     (L.)     Pers.  6,  25. — Live  within 

your  proper  means,  lit.  harvest. 

MIHI.  329 

3045.  Messieurs  les  gardes  franchises,  tirez !     (Fr.) — Gentlemen 

of  the  French  guard,  fire  I 

Speech  of  Lord  C.  Hay  at  the  battle  of  Fontenoy,  1745 ;  to  which 
the  Comte  d'Anteroches,  Lieutenant  of  the  French  Grenadiers, 
replies,  "Monsieur,  nous  ne  tirons  jamais  les  premiers,  tirez  vous- 
mSmes  "  (Sir,  we  never  fire  first,  please  to  fire  yourselves).  This, 
which  M.  Fournier  (L'Esprit  dans  l'histoire)  gives  as  the  authentic 
account  and  as  redounding  to  the  chivalrous  spirit  of  the  French, 
tells  equally,  it  seems  to  me,  for  the  courtesy  of  the  English  officer. 

3046.  Metier  d'auteur,  me'tier  d'oseur.    (Fr.)    Beaum.1 — The  man 

who  writes  much,  must  dare  much. 

3047.  Mettre  les  pieds  dans  le  plat.     (Fr.)     Prov. — To  put  one's 

foot  in  it. 

3048.  Metuenda  corolla  draconis.     (L.) — The  dragon's  crest  is  to 

be  feared.     Marquess  of  Londonderry  and  Earl  Yane. 

3049.  Meum  et  tuum.     (L.) — Mine  and  thine.     The  rights  of 

personal  property. 

3050.  Meus  mini,  suus  cuique  est  carus.     (L.)     Plaut.  Capt.  2, 

3,  40. —  What  is  mine  is  dear  to  me,  and  so  is  his  own  to 
evert/  man. 

3051.  Micat  inter  omnea     (L.)     Hor.  C.  1,  12,  46. — It  shines 

amongst  all.  Jeu-de-mot,  affixed  as  an  inscription  under 
the  picture  of  a  favourite  cat. 

3052.  Mieulx   serra.      (Fr.) — Better   times  are    coming.      Lord 


3053.  Mieux  vaut  goujat  debout  qu'empereur  entered     (-^V.)    La 

Font.  Matrone  d'Eph. — A  fool  on  his  legs  is  better  than 
a  buried  emperor.     Cf.  Eccles.  ix.  4. 

3054.  Mieux  vaut  un  bon  renom,  que  du  bien  plein  la  maison. 

(Fr.)  Prov. — Better  a  good  name  than  a  hoxise  full  of 

3055.  Mieux  vaut  un  Tiens,  que  deux  Tu  l'auras.      (Fr.)      Prov. 

— A  bird  in  the  hand  is  worth  two  in  the  bush. 

3056.  Mieux  vaut  voir  un  chien  enrage*,  qu'un  soleil  chaud  en 

Janvier.  (Fr.)  Breton  Prov. — Better  see  a  mad  dog 
than  a  hot  sun  in  January. 

3057.  Mihi  cura  Non  mediocris  inest,  fontes  ut  adire  remotos 

Atque  hau.rire  queam  vitse  precepta  beatse. 

(L.)     Hor.  S.  2,  4,  93. 
As  for  myself,  I  feel  a  thirst  inbred 
To  drink  these  maxims  at  the  fountain-head. — Coniiigton. 

330  MIHL 

3058.  Mibi  est  propositum  in  taberna  mori.     (-£.)1 — I  purpose 

dying  in  an  inn. 

3059.  Mini  forsan,  tibi  quod  negarit, 

Porriget  bora.  (L.)  Hor.  C.  2,  16,  32.— Time  may, 
perhaps,  extend  to  me  what  it  has  denied  to  you. 

3060.  Mibi  istic  nee  seritur  nee  metitur.     (L.)     Plaut.  Epid.  2, 

2,  80. — There  is  neither  sowing  nor  reaping  in  this  affair 
for  me.     It  will  not  redound  to  my  profit  any  way. 

3061.  Mibi  misero  cerebrum  excutiunt 

Tua  dicta,  soror :  lapides  loqueris.  (L.)  Plaut.  Aul.  2, 
1,  29. — Your  words,  sister,  are  battering  my  poor  brains 
out.     You  speak  stones. 

3062.  Mibi  tarda  fluunt  ingrataque  tempora.     (L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1, 

1,  23. — The  time  goes  by  slowly  and  tediously  to  me. 

3063.  Militat  omnis  amans.      (L.)      Ov.  Am.    1,   9,   1. — Every 

lover  is  engaged  in  warfare. 

Cf.  Militise  species  amor  est :  discedite  segues 

Non  sunt  hsec  timidis  signa  tuenda  viris.      Ov.  A.  A.  2,  233. 

Love  is  a  kind  of  war  :  sluggards,  depart ! 

Its  ranks  cannot  be  kept  by  craven  heart. — Ed. 

3064.  Mille  bominum  species  et  rerum  discolor  usus ; 

Velle  suum  cuique  est,  nee  voto  vivitur  uno. 

(L.)     Pers.  5,  52. 

Countless  the  kinds  of  men  of  countless  hues  : 
With  each  his  own,  and  not  another's  views. — Ed. 

3065.  Mille   verisimili   non   fanno    un    vero.       (It.)      Prov. — A 

tlwiisand  probabilities  do  not  make  one  truth. 

3066.  Millia  frumenti  tua  triverit  area  centum, 

Non  tuus  bine  capiet  venter  plus  ac  meus. 

(L.)     Hor.  S.  1,  1,  45. 

Say  you've  a  million  quarters  on  your  floor, 

Your  stomach  is  like  mine  ;  it  holds  no  more. — Conington. 

3067.  Minima  de  malis.     (L.)     Prov.  ap.  Cic.  Off.  2,  29,  105.— 

Of  two  evils  choose  the  Least. 

3068.  Minus  aptus  acutis  Naribus  borum  bominum.      (L.)     Hor. 

S.  1,  3,  29. — Hardly  fitted  for  the  society  of  persons  of 
such  fastidious  tastes.  Not  up  to  tbe  level  of  very  select 
society.     Description  of  an  honest  country  fellow. 

3069.  Minutiae.     (L.) — Trifles.     To  enter  into  minutiae,  means  to 

discuss  tbe  most  minute  details  and  particulars  of  any- 

MISERUM.  331 

3070.  Minuti  Semper  et  infirmi  est  animi  exiguique  voluptas 

Ultio.  (L.)  Juv.  13,  189. — Revenge  is  ahcays  the 
delight  of  a  weak  and  small  mind. 

3071.  Mirabile  dictu  !    (L.)— Wonderful  to  be  told.    (2.)  Mirabile 

visu. — Wonderful  to  behold/ 

3072.  Mirantur  taciti,  et  dubio  pro  fulniine  pendent. 

(L.)    Stat.  T.  10,  920. 

Amazement  and  suspense  strike    all  men  dumb, 
Fearing  which  way  the  thunderbolt  may  come. — Ed. 

3073.  Miremur  te  non  tua.     (L.)    Juv.  8,  68. — Give  us  something 

to  admire  in  yourself  not  in  your  belongings.  To  one 
-who  boasts  of  his  fine  relations. 

3074.  Misce  stultitiam  consiliis  brevem, 

Dulce  est  desipere  in  loco.        (L.)     Hor.  C.  4,  12,  27. 

And  be  for  once  unwise.     While  time  allows, 
'Tis  sweet  the  fool  to  play. — Conington. 

3075.  Misera  est  magna  custodia  census.      (Z.)     Juv.  14,  304. — 

The  charge  of  a  great  estate  is  a  miserable  thing. 

3076.  Miserere    mei,    Deus,    secundum    magnam    misericordiam 

tuam.  (Z.)  Vulg.  Ps.  1.  1. — Have  mercy  on  me,  0  God, 
after  thy  great  goodness.  Legend  round  the  rim  of  the 
coronet  of  Garter  King-at-Arms. 

3077.  Miser  est  qui  se  beatissimum   non  judicat,  licet  imperet 

mundo.  .  .  .  Non  est  beatus,  esse  se  qui  non  putat ;  quid 
enim  refert  qualis  status  tuus  sit,  si  tibi  videtur  malus? 
(L.)     Sen.  Ep.  9. 

He  is  wretched  who  does  not  think  himself  most  happy,  though  he 
be  master  of  the  world.  .  .  . 

"Not  blest  is  he  who  thinks  himself  unbUst" 
For  what  does  it  matter  what  your  condition  is,  if  it  seem  a  bad 
one  in  your  own  eyes  ? 

3078.  Misericordia  Domini  inter  pontem  et  fontem.     (L.)  ?     St. 

August. — The  Lord's  mercy  may  be  found  between  bridge 
and  stream.  "Between  the  saddle  and  the  ground,  I 
mercy  sought  and  mercy  found." 

3079.  Miserum  est  aliorum  incumbere  famae 

Ne  collapsa  ruant  subductis  tecta  columnis. 

(L.)     Juv.  8,  76. 

Don't  support  yourself  on  others  ; 

If  the  column  falls,  where  are  you  ? — Shaw. 

332  MISERUM. 

3080.  Miserum  est  opus, 

Igitur  demum  fodere  puteum,  ubi  sitis  fauces  tenet. 
(L.)  Plaut.  Most.  2,  1,  32. — It  is  wretched  work  to  be 
beginning  to  dig  a  well  when  thirst  has  got  you  by  t/ts 
weasand  / 

3081.  Miserum  istuc  verbum  et  pessumum  'st,  habuisse  et  nihil 

habere.  (L.)  Plaut.  Rud.  5,  2,  34. — A  miserable  and 
hateful  expression  iliat,  u  I  had,  but  have  not." 

3082.  Mio-w  fivrj[ji.ova  o-v/«roT??v.     (Gr.)     Mart.   1,  28. — I  hate  a 

boon  companion  with  a  good  memory.  One  should  not 
tell  tales  out  of  school. 

3083.  M«rw  cto<£m7tt)v  oo-ris  ov\  avr<3  o~ocf>6s.       (Gr.)  1 — /  hate  the 

sophist  who  is  not  wise  in  his  own  affairs. 

3084.  Mit  der  Dumuiheit  kampfen  Gotter  selbst  vergebens.    (G.) 

Schill.  Jungfrau  von  Orleans,  3,  6  (Talbot  loq.). — With 
stupidity  the  Gods  themselves  battle  in  vain. 

3085.  Mitis   depone    colla,    Sicamber !    incende   quod    adorasti ; 

adora  quod  incendisti !  (L.)  Greg.  Turon.  1 — Bow  thy 
neck,  gentle  Sicambrian  1  Burn  what  thou  hast  adored 
(idols),  and  adore  what  thou  hast  burnt  (the  Cross)  ! 
Speech  of  St  Remigius  to  Clovis,  King  of  the  Franks,  at 
his  baptism  at  Reims,  496. 

3086.  Mitte  hanc  de  pectore  curam.     (L.)      Virg.   A.  6,  85. — 

Dismiss  this  anxiety  from  your  mind. 

3087.  Mittimus.     (L.)     Law  Term.— We  send.      (1.)  A  writ  for 

transferring  records  from  one  court  to  another.  (2.)  A 
precept  under  the  hand  and  seal  of  a  Justice  of  Peace 
committing  an  offender. 

3088.  M.  l'ambassadeur,  j'ai  toujours  e'te'  le  maitre  chez  moi,  quel- 

quefois  chez  les  autres ;  ne  m'en  faites  pas  souvenir. 
(Fr.)  Louis  XIV.  to  Lord  Stair. — Mr  Ambassador,  I 
have  always  been  master  in  my  own  affairs,  and  some- 
times in  those  of  other  people.  I  beg  your  Lordship  not 
to  remind  me  of  these  things. 

3089.  Mobilium  turba  Quiritium.      (L.)      Hor.  C.   1,  1,  7.—  A 

crowd  of  fickle  citizens. 

3090.  Modeste  tamen  et  circunispecto  judicio  de  tantis  viris  pro- 

nunciandum  est,  ne,  quod  plerisque  accidit,  damnent  quae 
non  intelligunt.  (Z.)  Quint.  10,  1,  26.  —  One  ought 
in  the  case  of  such  eminent  men  to  speak  with  due  deference 
and  discretion,  lest,  like  many  persons,  one  should  con- 


demn  what  one  does  not  understand.  Maxim  to  be  re- 
membered by  would-be  critics  who  can  always  find  fault 
when  they  can  do  nothing  else.  Damnant  quo3  non 
intelligunt,  They  damn  what  is  above  their  comprehen- 

3091.  Modo  vir,  modo  fcemina.     (L.)    Ov.  M.  4,  280. — Now  as  a 

man,  now  as  a  woman.  A  person  assuming  either  shape 
at  will. 

3092.  Modus  omnibus  in  rebus,  soror,  optimum  est  habitu. 

Nimia  omnia  nimium  exhibent  negotium  hominibus  ex 
se.  (L.)  Plaut.  Pcen.  1,  2,  29. — In  everything,  sister, 
moderation  is  the  best  principle :  any  excess  of  itself 
causes  men  excessive  trouble. 

3093.  Modus  operandi.     (L.) — The  way  to  do  it.      (2.)  Modus 

vivendi. — A  way  of  living.  An  arrangement  between 
two  parties  enabling  them  to  live  and  act  harmoniously 
either  together  or  independently. 

3094.  Moi !  dis-je,  et  c'est  assez.      (Fr.)     Corn.  Medee,  1,  5. — 

Me  !  I  replied,  and  is  not  that  enough  t  Apart  from  all 
egotism,  most  of  us,  like  Medea  herself,  find  our  own 
personality  to  be  a  tolerably  important  role  in  the  drama 
of  life. 

3095.  Molle  meum  levibusque  cor  est  violabile  telis, 

Et  semper  causa  est,  cur  ego  semper  amem. 

(L.)     Ov.  H.  15,  79. 
Cupid's  light  darts  my  tender  bosom  move, 
And  that's  the  reason  why  I  always  love. — Pope. 

3096.  Mollissima  corda 

Humano  generi  dare  se  natura  fatetur, 
Quae  lachrymas  dedit :  hsec  nostri  pars  optima  sensus. 

(L.)     Juv.  15,  131. 
When  tears  to  man  Dame  Nature  did  impart, 
It  was  to  prove  she'd  given  a  feeling  heart ; 
It  is  our  noblest  gift. — Ed. 

3097.  Mollissima  fandi  Tempora.     (L.)     Virg.  A.  4,  293.— The 

most  favourable  opportunity  for  speaking.  An  opportune 
moment  for  pressing  a  request,  or  mentioning  any  deli- 
cate subject.  This  must  be  carefully  watched  for,  since 
everything  may  depend  upon  securing  the  mollissima 
tempora  fandi. 

3098.  Molliter  austerum  studio  fallente  laborem.      (Z.)     Hor.  S. 

2,  2,  12. — The  pursuit  agreeably  lightening  the  arduous- 
ness  of  the  labour. 


3099.  Molliter  ossa  cubent.      (L.)     Ov.  T.  3,  3,  76.— Light  rest 

his  bones  I 

3100.  Mon  ame   a   son  secret,   ma  vie  a  son   mystere.       (Fr.) 

Ai-vers,  Heures  Perdues,  1833. — My  soul  has  its  secret, 
my  life  its  mystery. 

3101.  Mon  ami,  le  temps  de  la  commandite  va  passer,  mais  les 

badauds  ne  passeront  pas — occupons  nous  de  ce  qui  est 
e"ternel.  (Fr.)  Philipon. — My  friend,  the  age  of  chivalry 
is  passing  away,  bat  the  age  of  loafers  will  never  end — 
let  us  occupy  ourselves  with  the  eternal. 

3102.  Mon  Dieu  est  ma  rocbe.      (Fr.) — God  is  my  rock.     Lord 


3103.  Mone  sale.     (L.) — Advise  with  salt.     Lord  Emly. 

3104.  Moniti  meliora  sequamur.     (L.)     Virg.  A.  3,  188. — Being 

admonished  (or  warned),  let  us  pursue  a  better  course. 

3105.  Monstro  quod  ipse  tibi  possis  dare :  semita  certe 

Tranquillse  per  virtutem,  patet  unica  vitse. 

(L.)     Juv.  10,  363. 

I  but  teach 
The  blessings  man  by  his  own  powers  may  reach. 
The  path  to  peace  is  virtue. — Gifford. 

3106.  Monstrum  borrendum,  informe,  ingens,  cui  lumen  ademp- 

tum.  (L.)  Virg.  A.  3,  657. — An  awful,  hideous,  huge, 
sightless  monster.  Description  of  Polypbemus,  the 
Cyclops,  after  bis  one  eye  bad  been  put  out  by  Ulysses. 

3107.  Montis    insignia    Calpe.       (L.) — The   insignia   of   Mount 

Calpe  (Gibraltar).     Motto  of  39th,  56th,  and  58th  Foot. 

3108.  Morbus  signa  cibus  blaspbemia  dogma  fuere 

Causae  cur  Dominum  turba  secuta  fuit.     (L.)    St  Albert? 

Sickness,  food,  miracles,  blasphemy,  the  "Word, 
Are  reasons  live  why  crowds  pursued  our  Lord. — Ed. 

3109.  More  meo  or  suo,  etc.     (L.) — As  is  my  or  his  wont.     (2.) 

More  majorum. — After  the  manner  of  our  ancestors. 
(3.)  Sicut  meus  est  mos.  Hor.  S.  1,  9,  1. — As  is  my 
wont.  (4.)  Suus  cuique  mos. — Every  one  has  his  own 

3110.  Morgen-Stunde  bat  Gold   iin  Munde.     (G.)     Prov.— The 

morning  hour  has  gold  in  its  mouth.     Early  to  bed,  etc. 

3111.  Moriamur,  et  in  media  arma  ruamus, 

Una  salus  victis  nullam  sperare  salutem. 

(L.)    Virg.  A.  2,  353. 

MORS.  335 

Come,  rush  we  on  our  fate  ! 

No  safety  may  the  vanquished  find 

Till  hope  of  safety  be  resigned. — Covington. 

An  instance  of  icrrepov  Trporepov,  or  inversion  of  order  of 
ideas  (let  us  die,  and  rush  into  the  field). 

3112.  Moribus  antiquis  res  stat  Romana  virisque. 

(L.)     Enn.  ap.  Aug.  Civ.  Dei.  2,  21. 

It  is  her  simple,  hardy  ancestry 

That  gives  to  Rome  her  greatness  of  to-day. — Ed. 

3113.  Moriemur  inultse  1 

Sed  moriamur,  ait.     Sic,  sic  juvat  ire  sub  umbras. 

(L.)     Virg.  A.  4,  659. 
Death  of  Dido. 
To  die,  and  unrevenged  !  she  cried, 
Yet  let  me  die  !  thus,  thus  I'll  go 
Rejoicing  to  the  shades  below. — Conington. 

Cf.  Horace's  Parody  (S.  2,  8,  34) : 

Nos  nisi  damnose  bibimus,  moriemur  inulti. 

Except  we  drink  his  cellar  dry 

'Tis  plain  that  unavenged  we  die.  — Ed. 

3114.  Mors.     (L.)     Moet,  la.     (Fr.)— Death. 

(2.)  Pallida  mors  sequo  pulsat  pede  pauperum  tabernaa 
Regumque  turres.     0  beate  Sexti, 
Vitae  summa  brevis  spem  nos  vetat  inchoare  longam. 

(L.)    Hor.  C.  1,  4,  12. 

Pale  death,  impartial,  walks  his  rounds:  he  knocks  at  cottage- 

And  palace-portal.     Sestius,  child  of  bliss  ! 

How  should  a  mortal's  hopes  be  long,  when  short  his  being's 
date  ?  — Conington. 

(3.)  Sub  tua  purpurei  venient  vestigia  reges 
Deposito  luxu,  turba  cum  paupere  mixti. 
Omnia  mors  aequat.  Claud.  Rapt.  Pros.  2,  300. 

Kings  in  thy  train  shall  come  (their  purple  robes 
And  state  laid  down)  mixed  with  the  common  herd  : 
Death  levels  all.  — Ed. 

(4.)  Tendimus  hue  omnes  :  metam  properamus  ad  unam 

Omnia  sub  leges  mors  vocat  atra  suas.  Ov.  Liv.  359. 

Here  tend  we  all :  all  hasten  to  one  goal, 
Beneath  its  sway  death  summons  every  soul. — E< 

(5.)  Nee  forma  seternum,  ant  cuiquam  est  fortuna  perennis: 
Longius  aut  propius,  mors  sua  quemque  manet. 

Prop.  2,  28,  57. 

Beauty  must  fade  ;  fortune  has  but  its  day  : 

Death,  soon  or  late,  claims  each  one  as  its  prey. — Ei. 

336  MORS. 

(6. )  Tibi  crescit  omne 

Et  quod  occasus  videt,  et  quod  ortus  ; 

Sis  licet  segnis,  properamus  ipsi : 

Prima  quae  vitam  dedit,  carpsit  hora.  Sen.  Here.  Fur.  ? 

Thine,  death,  is  all  that  lives  and  grows, 

Thiue  both  its  blossom  and  decay : 

We  hasten  fast  though  thou  delay, 

And  life's  first  hour  portends  its  close.  — Ed. 

(7.)  Scilicet  omne  sacrum  Mors  importuna  profanat, 

Omnibus  obscuras  injicit  ilia  manus.       Ov.  Am.  3,  9,  19. 

Death  of  Tibullus. 

Death  lays  his  impious  touch  on  all  things  rare  : 
His  shadowy  hands  no  sacred  office  spare. — Ed. 

(8.)  Miremur  periisse  homines  ?  monumenta  fatiscunt : 

Mors  etiam  saxis  nominibusque  venit.  Auson.  Epig.  35,  9. — 
Can  you  wonder  that  men  perish,  when  even  their  monuments  crumble 
to  pieces  t    Death  visits  even  marbles,  and  stone  inscriptions. 

(9.)  Frange  toros  :  pete  vina  :  rosas  cape  :  tingere  nardo. 

Ipse  jubet  mortis  te  meminisse  Deus.  Mart.  2,  59,  3. 

Fill  the  couches,  call  for  wine-cups,  unguents  bring  and  rosy 

wreath  ! 
In  the  midst  of  your  carousing  God  bids  you  remember  death. 

— Ed. 

(10.)  Moriendum  enim  certe  est,  et  id  incertum,  an  eo  ipso  die. 
Cic.  Sen.  20,  74. — It  is  certain  we  must  die,  and  we  know  not  if  it 
may  not  be  this  very  day.  (11.)  Mors.  .  .  quasi  saxum  Tantalo, 
semper  impendet.  Cic.  Fin.  1,  18,  60. — Death,  like  Tantalus'  rock, 
is  always  hanging  over  us.  (12.)  Mors  ultima  linea  rerum  est. 
Hor.  Ep.  1,  16,  79. — Death  is  the  furthest  limit  of human  vicissitude. 
(13.)  Mors  sola  fatetur  Quantula  sint  hominum  corpuscula.  Juv. 
10,  172. — Death  alone  proves  how  very  puny  are  the  bodies  of  mortal 
men.  Originally  said  of  Alexander  the  Great.  Macaulay  quotes 
the  line  of  Louis  XIV.,  whose  stature,  reputed  tall  during  his  life- 
time, was  discovered  on  the  exhumation  of  his  body  (in  the  First 
Revolution)  not  to  have  exceeded  5  ft.  8  in.  {Essay  on  Mirabeau.) 
(14.)  Nil  melius  seterna  lex  fecit,  quam  quod  unum  introitum  nobis 
ad  vitam  dedit,  exitus  multos.  Sen.  Ep.  70. — The  fixed  law  of  our 
existence  has  done  nothing  better  than  in  ordering  one  mode  of  enter- 
ing life,  and  many  modes  of  departing  out  of  it.  (15.)  Dulce  et 
decorum  est  pro  patria  mori.  Hor.  C.  3,  2,  13. — It  is  sweet  and 
honourable  to  die  for  one's  country.  Cf.  O  fortunata  mors,  quae 
naturae  debita,  pro  patria  est  potissimum  reddita  !  Cic.  Phil.  14, 
112,  31. — Happy  is  the  death  which,  though  due  to  nature,  is  cheer- 
fully surrendered  for  the  sake  of  one's  country.  (16.)  Optima  mors 
parca  quae  venit  apta  die.  Prop.  3,  3,  40. — That  death  is  best 
which  arrives  opportunely  and  soon.  (17.)  Quern  di  diligunt, 
Adolescens  moritur,  dum  valet,  sentit,  sapit.  Plaut.  Bacch.  4,  7, 
18. —  Whom  the  gods  love  dies  young  while  his  strength  and  senses 
and  faculties  are  in  their  full  vigour.  Byron  says,  "God  gives  his 
favourites  early  death. "    (18. )  Optanda  mors  est,  sine  metu  mortis 


mori.     Sen.  Troad.  869. — That  death  is  to  be  desired  which  is  free 
from  all  fear  of  death.     (19.)  Mortem   optare,   malum;    timero 
pejus.     Sen.  (Ed.  ? — To  wish  for  death  is  bad,  to  fear  it,  worse. 
(20.)  C'est  ici  que  j'attend  la  mort, 

Sans  la  desirer,  ni  la  craindre.  (Fr. )    Maynard  ? 

The  hour  of  death  I  wait  for  here  : 
Without  desire,  and  without  fear. — Ed. 
(21.)  Et  metus  ille  foras  prseceps  Acherontis  agendus 
Funditus  humanam  qui  vitam  turhat  ab  imo, 
Omnia  suffuscans  mortis  nigrore,  neque  ullam 
Esse  voluptatem  liquidam  puramque  relinquit. 

(L.)     Lucret.  3,  39. 
Drive  headlong  out  of  doors  that  fear  of  death 
That  troubles  human  life  from  top  to  base, 
And  clouds  all  things  in  inky  gloom,  nor  leaves 
One  single  joy  to  be  completely  pure. — Ed. 
(22.)  Scire  mori  sors  prima  viris,  sed  proxima  cogi.     Lucan.  9, 
211.  —  To  die  of  one's  own  free  choice  is  man's  best  fortune,  the  next 
best  to  be  slain. 
(23. )  Eripere  vitam  nemo  non  homini  potest 

At  nemo  mortem.  Sen.  Theb.  ? 

Any  '  an  take  from  me  the  right  to  live, 
But  none  the  right  to  die. — Ed. 
124.)  Nihil  sic  revocat  a  peccato,  quam  frequens  mortis  meditatio. 
S.  Aug.  lib.  exhort.  ? — Nothing  is  so  efficacious  in  preserving  a  man 
from  sin,  as  constant  meditation  on  death.      (25.)  Mourir  n'est  rien, 
c'est  notre  derniere  heure.     {Fr.)    Palisse,  Deserteurs. — To  die  is 
nothing,  'tis  but  our  last  hour. 
(26. )  H3ureux  l'inconnu  qui  s'est  bien  su  connaitre 
II  ne  voit  pas  de  mal  b.  mourir  plus  qu'i  naitre  : 

II  s'en  va  comme  il  est  venu.  Henault  ? — Happy  the  man 
who  though  unknown  to  others  has  learnt  to  know  himself  well. 
He  thinks  no  more  harm  in  dying  than  in  being  bom.  He  departs 
as  he  came.  (27.)  Mors  janua  vitae.  {L.) — Death  is  the  entrance 
into  life.  (28.)  Mortem  aliquid  ultra  est?  Vita,  si  cupias  mori. 
Sen.  Ag.  996.  — Electra.  Is  there  anything  ajter  death  f  .ffigistheus. 
Yes,  life,  if  you  desire  to  die.  (29.)  Acerba  semper  et  immatura 
mors  eorum,  qui  immortale  aliquid  parant.  Plin.  Min.  5,  5. — The 
deatlis  of  these  men  who  have  some  immortal  work  in  hand,  always 
seem  cruelly  premature. 

3115.  Mors  potius  macula.     (L.) — Death  rather  than  dishonour. 

Lord  Ffrench. 

3116.  Mortales   inimicitias,    sempiternas   amicitias.      (L.)      Cic. 

Rab.  Post.  12,  32. — Let  our  enmities  be  short-lived,  our 
friendships  immortal. 

3117.  Mortalia  facta  peribunt, 

Nedum  sermonum  stet  honos  et  gratia  vivax. 

(L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  68. 
.         Man's  works  must  perish  :  how  should  words  evade 

The  general  doom,  and  flourish  undecayed  ? — Conington. 


3118.  Mortalium  rerum  misera  beatitude      (L.)      Boeth.  Cons. 

Ph.  2,  4. — T/ie  miserable  blessedness  attending  human 

3119.  Mos  pro  lege.      (L.) — Usage  for  law.      Long  established 

custom  has  the  force  of  law. 

3120.  Mot  a  mot.     (Fr.)— Word  for  word.    Literally.     (2.)  Mot 

du  guet. — A  watch-word.  (3.)  Mots  d' usage. — Words  in 
common  use. 

3121.  Moveo  et  profiteor.     (L.) — /  move  and  prosper.      Earl  of 


3122.  Mugitus  labyrinthi.     (L.)     Juv.   1,  53. — Tlie  roaring  of 

the  labyrinth. 

The  monster,  Minotaur,  half  man,  half  bull,  was  imprisoned  in  the 
Labyrinth  in  Crete,  and  fed  on  human  flesh.  Theseus  slew  him 
and  escaped  by  the  clew  furnished  by  Ariadne.  Juvenal  mentions 
it  as  a  hackneyed  topic  of  fourth-rate  Roman  poets. 

3123.  Mulier  cupido  qtiod  dicit  amanti, 

In  vento  et  rapida  scribere  oportet  aqua.      (L.)     Catull. 
70,  3. — What  a  woman  says  to  her  ardent  lover,  ought  to 
be  written  on  the  winds,  or  on  running  water.    Transient, 
fleeting  vows  and  professions. 
Cf.  Keats'  epitaph  : 

Here  lies  one  whose  name  was  writ  in  water. 

3124.  Mulier  profecto  nata  est  ex  ipsa  mora.      (Z.)      Plaut.  Mil. 

4,  7,  9. —  Woman  certainly  is  the  offspring  of  tardiness 

3125.  Mulier  qua  sola  cogitat  male  cogitat.      (L.)      Prov. — A 

woman  who  thinks  alone,  thinks  of  mischief. 

3126.  Mulier  recte  olet,  ubi  nihil  olet.      (L.)      Plaut.  Most.  1,  3, 

141. — A  woman  smells  sweetest,  when  she  smells  of 

3127.  Multa  cadunt  inter  calicem  supremaque  labra.    (L.)    ?  Aul. 

Gell. — There's  many  a  slip  'twixt  cup  and  lip. 

3128.  Multa  dies,  variique  labor  ruutabilis  sevi, 

Eettulit  in  melius,  multos  alterna  revisens 
Lusit,  et  in  solido  rursus  fortuna  locavit. 

(L.)    Virg.  A.  11,  425. 
Time,  toil,  and  circumstance  full  oft 
A  humbled  cause  has  raised  aloft, 
And  fortune  whom  she  mocked  before 
Has  placed  on  solid  ground  once  more.— 'Gforingtfore. 

MULTA.  339 

3129.  Multae  terricolis  linguae,  coelestibup  una.     (X.),   or  IIoAAcu 

jxkv  OvtjTOis  yAwrrai,  /iia  S'a#avaTO«nv.  (Gr.)  H.  Carey  1 
— The  inhabitants  of  earth  have  many  languages,  those  of 
heaven  have  but  one. 

3130.  Multa  fero  ut  placeam  genus  irritabile  vatum. 

(L.)    Hor.  Ep.  2,  2,  102. 

Much  I  endure  indeed  (perhaps  you  know  it) 
To  please  the  irritable  genus  poet. — Ed. 

3131.  Multa  ferunt  anni  venientes  commoda  secum ; 

Multa  recedentes  adimunt.  (L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  175. 

Years,  as  they  come,  bring  blessings  in  their  train  : 
Years,  as  they  go,  take  blessings  back  again. — Conington. 

3132.  Multa  petentibus 

Desunt  multa.     Bene  est  cui  Deus  obtulit 

Parca,  quod  satis  est,  manu.     (L.)    Hor.  C.  3,  16,  42. 

"Who  much  require  are  much  in  want ; 
Tis  best  if,  just  what  life  demands, 
God  furnish  us  with  sparing  hands. — Ed. 

3133.  Multa  quidem  scripsi :  sed  quae  vitiosa  putavi 

Emendaturis  ignibus  ipse  dedi.  (L.)  Ov.  T.  4,  10,  61. 
— I  have  written  much,  but  what  I  thought  faulty  I  threw 
myself  into  the  corrective  flames. 

3134.  Multa  renascentur  quae  jam  cecidere,  cadentque 

Quae  nunc  sunt  in  honore  vocabula,  si  volet  usus, 
Quern  penes  arbitrium  est,  et  jus,  et  norma  loquendi. 

(L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  71. 

Yes,  words  long  faded  may  again  revive  ; 

And  words  may  fade  now  blooming  and  alive, 

If  usage  wills  it  so,  to  whom  belongs 

The  rule  and  law,  the  government  of  tongues. — Conington. 

3135.  Multa   rogant    utenda  dari;    data  reddere  nolunt.        (L.) 

Ov.  A.  A.  1,  433. — They  (women)  are  always  asking  you 
to  lend  them  money  ;  but  they  never  repay  the  loan. 

3136.  Multa  senem  circumveniunt  incommoda ;  vel  quod 

Quaerit,  et  inventis  miser  abstinet,  ac  timet  uti ; 
Vel  quod  res  omnes  timide  gelideque  ministrat. 

(L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  169. 

Drawbacks  of  old  age. 
Grey  hairs  have  many  evils  :  without  end 
The  old  man  gathers  what  he  dares  not  spend. 
While,  as  for  action,  do  he  what  he  will, 
'Tis  all  half-hearted,  spiritless,  and  chill. — Conington. 

340  MULTI. 

3137.  Multi   adorantur   in   ara   qui  cremantur   in   igne.       (L.) 

Augustin.  1 — Many  are  worshipped  at  the  altar  who  are 
burning  inflames.  Said  of  the  worship  paid  to  heathen 
deities,  the  emperor,  etc. 

3138.  Multi  Committunt  eadem  diverso  crimina  fato, 

.  Ille  crucem  sceleris  pretium  tulit,  hie  diadema. 

(L.)    Juv.  13,  103. 

Men  the  same  crimes  commit  with  varying  end  ; 
And  some  a  scaffold,  some  a  throne  ascend.  —Ed. 

3139.  Multi,  inquam,  sunt,  Lucili,  qui  non  donant,  sed  projiciunt; 

nou  voco  ego  liberal  em,  pecuniae  suae  iratum.  (L.)  Sen. 
Ep.  120. — There  are  many,  Lucilius,  who  do  not  give, 
but  throw  away  ;  and  I  do  not  call  a  man  liberal  because 
he  is  angry  with  his  money. 

3140.  Multi  multa,  nemo  omnia  novit.      (L.)  1 — Many  men  have 

known  much,  no  one  has  ever  known  everything. 

3141.  Multis  ille  bonis  flebilis  occidit; 

Nulli  flebilior  quam  tibi,  Virgili.    (Z.)    Hor.  C.  1,  24,  9. 

By  many  a  good  man  wept,  Quintilius  dies  ; 
By  none  than  you,  my  Virgil,  trulier  wept. — Conington. 

3142.  Multitudinem  decern  faciunt.      (L.)     Coke1? — Ten  persons 

make  a  crowd. 

3143.  Multo  plures  satietas  quam  fames  perdidit  viros.      (L.) — 

Many  more  men  die  of  surfeit  than  of  hunger.  Cf. 
Multos  morbos  multa  fercula  fecerunt.  Sen.  Ep.  95. — 
Many  maladies  are  the  result  of  dinners  of  many  courses. 

3144.  Multorum   manibus   grande   levatur  opus.       (L.) — Many 

hands  make  light  work. 

3145.  Multos  experimur  ingratos,  plures  facimus.      (L.)      Sen. 

Ben.  1,  init. — We  find  many  men  who  are  ungrateful ; 
we  make  more. 

3146.  Multos  in  summa  pericula  misit 

Yenturi  timor  ipse  mali.     Fortissimus  ille  est 

Qui  promtus  metuenda  pati,  si  cominus  instent, 

Et  difterre  potest.  (L.)     Lucan.  7,  104. 

True  courage. 
Many's  the  mortal  whom  the  very  dread 
Of  coming  ill  has  into  danger  sped. 
But  bravest  he  who,  prompt  to  meet  his  fate, 
Can  face  the  shock,  or  can  with  patience  wait.  — Ed. 


3147.  Multos  inodios  salis  simul  edendos  esse,  ut  amicitise  munus 
expletum  sit.  (L.)  Cic.  Am.  19,  67. — (As  the  saying 
goes)  We  must  eat  many  bushels  of  salt  together,  before 
we  can  achieve  a  real  friendship. 

314S.  Multum  est  demissus  homo.  (L.)  Hor.  S.  1,  3,  57. — He 
is  a  very  unassuming  man. 

3149.  Multum  in  parvo.     (L.) — Much  in  little.     Much  in  a  little 


3150.  Multum  sapit  qui  non  diu  desipit.     (L.) — He  is  wise  who 

does  not  persist  in  folly  long. 

3151.  Mundseque  parvo  sub  lare  pauperum 

Coense,sine  aulseiset  ostro, 

Sollicitam  explicuere  frontem.    (L.)    Hor.  C.  3,  29, 14. 

The  poor  man's  supper,  neat  but  spare, 
With  no  gay  couch  to  seat  the  guest, 
Has  smooth 'd  the  rugged  brow  of  care. — Conington. 

3152.  Munditiis  capimur.     (L.)     Ov.   A   A.   3,   133.— We  are 

attracted  by  neatness. 

3153.  Mundus  scena,  vita  transitus,  venisti,  vidisti,  abiisti.    (L.)1 

— The  world  is  a  stage,  and  life  your  passage  across  it ; 
you  enter,  you  look  around  you,  you  make  your  exit. 

3154.  Mundus  uni versus  exercet  histrioniam.     (L.)     Petron.  Fr. 

10. — All  the  world  plays  the  actor's  part. 

3155.  Munit  haec,  et  altera  vincit.     (L.) — This  defends,  and  the 

other  conquers.     Nova  Scotia  Knights. 

3156.  Munus  et  officium  nil  scribens  ipse  docebo, 

Unde  parentur  opes,  quid  alat  formetque  poetam ; 
Quid  deceat,  quid  non :  quo  virtus,  quo  ferat  error. 

(L.)     Hor.  A.  P.  306. 

Although  no  writer,  I  may  yet  impart 

To  writing  folk  the  precepts  of  their  art. 

Whence  come  its  stores,  what  trains  and  forms  the  bard, 

And  how  a  work  is  made,  and  how  'tis  marred. — Conington. 

3157.  Munus  nostrum  ornato  verbis  quod  poteris.     (L.)     Ter. 

Eun.  2,  1,  8. — Set  of  my  present  with  all  the  eloquence 
you  can. 

3158.  Murranuui  hie,  atavos  et  avorum  antiqua  sonantem 

Nomina,  per  regesque  actum  genus  omne  Latinos. 

(L.)     Virg.  A  12,  529. 
Murranus  too,  whose  boastful  tongue 
With  high-born  sires  and  grandsires  rung, 
And  pedigrees  of  long  renown 
Through  Latian  monarchs  handed  down. — Conington. 

342  MURUS. 

3159.  Murus  seneus  conscientia  sana.     (L.) — A  healthy  conscience 

is  a  wall  of  brass.     Motto  of  the  Earl  of  Scarborough. 

3160.  Mutare  vel  timere  sperno.     (L.) — I  scorn  either  to  change 

or  to  fear.    M.  of  the  Duke  of  Beaufort  and  Lord  Raglan. 

3161.  Mutatis  mutandis.    (Law  L.) — The  necessary  changes  being 

made.    If  the  persons,  places,  dates,  events,  circumstances 
(or  what  not)  be  changed,  the  same  remark  will  apply. 

3162.  Mutum  est  pictura  poema.  (L.) 

A  picture  is  a  poem  without  words. 


3163.  Nach  Canossa  gehen  wir  nicht.     (G.) — We  are  not  going  to 

Canossa.     Bismarck  in  Parliament,  May  1872. 

Canossa  is  a  town  near  Reggio  in  Northern  Italy,  where  Emperor 
Henry  IV.  (1077)  obtained  absolution  from  Pope  Gregory  VII. 
(Hildebrand)  after  three  days'  humiliation.  Bismarck's  phrase 
implied  that  the  present  German  Empire  was  not  going  to  sur- 
render so  abjectly  to  the  Papal  claims. 

3164.  Nse  amicum  castigare  ob  meritam  noxiam 

Immune  est  facinus.  (L.)  Plaut.  Trim  1,1,  1. — Truly, 
it  is  a  thankless  office  enough  to  reprove  a  friend  for  a 
fault  when  he  deserves  it. 

3165.  Nam  de  mille  faba?  modiis  dum  surripis  unum, 

Damnum  est,  non  facinus  mihi  pacto  lenius  isto. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  16,  55. 

Steal  but  one  bean,  although  the  loss  be  small, 

The  crime's  as  great  as  if  you  stole  them  all. — Coninglon. 

3166.  Nam  dives  qui  fieri  vult,  Et  cito  vult  fieri. 

(L.)     Juv.  H,  176. 
Who'd  be  rich  would  be  so  quickly. — Shaw. 

3167.  Nam  et  ipsa  scientia  potestas  est.      (L.)      Bacon,  Medit. 

Sacr.  de  Haeresibus. — For  knowledge  itself  is  power. 

Cf.  Vir  sapiens,  fortis  est :  et  vir  doctus  robustus  et  validus. 
Vulg.  Prov.  24,  5. — A  toise  man  is  strong,  and  a  learned  man  is 
powerful  and  mighty. 

3168.  Nam  genus,  et  proavos,  et  quae  non  fecimus  ipsi, 

Vix  ea  nostra  voco.  (L.)     Ov.  M.  13,  HO. 

For  birth  and  lineage  and  all  such  renown, 

Bequeathed  not  made,  can  scarce  be  called  our  own. — Ed. 

Last  four  words,  Motto  of  Earl  of  "Warwick  and  Lord 

NAM.  343 

3169.  Nam  jam  non  domus  accipiet  te  lseta,  neque  uxor 

Optuma,  nee  dulces  occurrent  oscula  nati 
Prseripere,  et  tacita  pectus  dulcedine  tangent. 

(L.)     Lucret.  3,  907. 
A  father's  death. 
No  more  shall  thy  family  welcome  thee  home, 
Nor  around  thee  thy  wife  and  sweet  little  ones  come, 
All  clamouring  joyous  to  snatch  the  first  kiss, 
Transporting  thy  bosom  with  exquisite  bliss. — Ed. 

3170.  Nam  neque  divitibus  contingunt  gaudia  solis, 

Nee  vixit  male  qui  natus  moriensque  fefellit. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  17,  9. 

Joys  do  not  happen  to  the  rich  alone, 

Nor  he  liv'd  ill,  that  lived  and  died  unknown. — Ed. 

3171.  Nam  nunc  mores  nihil  faciunt  quod  licet,  nisi  quod  lubet. 

(L.)  Plaut.  Trin.  4,  3,  25. — Nowadays  it  is  the  custom 
to  make  no  account  of  what  is  correct,  but  only  what  is 

3172.  Nam  quae  inscitia  est  Adversum  stimulum  calces.    (L.)    Ter. 

Phorm.  1,  2,  27. —  What  folly  'tis  to  kick  against  the 
goad  !  Cf.  Si  stimulos  pugnis  caedis,  manibus  plus  dolet. 
Plaut.  True.  4,  2,  55. — If  you  fight  the  goad  with  your 
fists,  so  much  the  worse  for  your  knuckles.  An  evil  is 
often  only  aggravated  by  useless  opposition. 

3173.  Namque  adserit  urbes 

Sola  fames,  emiturque  metus  quum  segne  potentes 
Vulgus  alunt :  nescit  plebes  jejuna  timere. 

(L.)     Lucan.  3,  56. 

How  to  stifle  panic. 
Hunger's  enough  to  set  whole  cities  free. 
Then  buy  your  fears,  like  some  commodity, 
And  let  the  rich  supply  the  poor  with  bread  ; 
A  famished  mob  has  lost  all  sense  of  dread. — Ed. 

3174.  Nam  quum  magna  malse  superest  audacia  causae, 

Creditur  a  multis  fiducia.  (L.)     Juv.  13,  109. 

Urge  a  bad  cause  with  boundless  impudence 
And  'twill  be  thought  by  many  innocence. — Ed. 

3175.  Nam  timor  unus  erat,  facies  non  una  timoris.     (L.)     Ov. 

A.  A.  1,  121. — One  and  the  same  fear  possessed  them  all, 
but  tliey  did  not  all  show  it  in  the  same  way.  The  atti- 
tude of  the  Sabine  women  when  seized  by  the  soldiers  of 

344  NAM. 

3176.  Nam  tua  res  agitur  paries  quum  proxirnus  ardet : 

Et  neglecta  solent  incendia  sumere  vires. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  18,  84. 

No  time  for  sleeping  w  ith  a  fire  next  door ; 

Neglect  such  things,  they  only  blaze  the  more. — Conington. 

3177.  Nascentes    morimur,    finisque   ab   origine   pendet.       (L.) 

Manil.  Astr.  4,  16. — We  are  born  but  to  die,  and  the  end 
joins  on  to  the  beyinning.  Cf.  Chaque  instant  de  la  vie 
est  un  pas  vers  la  mort.  {Fr.)  Corn.  Tite  et  B6rdn.  1, 
5. — Each  moment  of  life  is  a  step  tow'rds  the  grave. 

3178.  Natales  grate  numeras?  ignoscis  arnicis? 

Lenior  et  melior  fis  accedente  senecta  ? 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  2,  2,  210. 
Signs  of  improvement. 
D'ye  keep  your  birth-days  thankfully,  forgive, 
Grow  gentler,  better,  every  day  you  live  ? — Ed. 

3179.  Natio  comceda  est.     Rides?  ineliore  cachinno 

Concutitur  :  flet,  si  lacrymas  conspexit  amiei, 
Nee  dolet.     Igniculum  bruruse  si  tempore  poscas 
Accipit  endromidem  :  si  dixeris,  -<3Estuo,  sudat, 
Non  sumus  ergo  pares.  (L.)     Juv.  3,  100. 


The  race  are  actors  born.     Smile,  and  your  Greek 

Will  laugh  until  the  tears  run  down  his  cheek. 

He'll  weep  as  soon,  if  he  observe  a  friend 

In  tears,  but  feels  no  grief.     For  fire  you  send 

In  winter  ;  straight  his  overcoat  he  gets  : 

And,  if  you  cry,  How  hot  it  is,  he  sweats. 

We  are  not  therefore  equal. — Ed. 

3180.  Natura  abhorret  vacuum.    (L.) — Nature  abhors  a  vacuum. 

Dictum  of  Descartes,  borrowed  from  the  Peripatetic  (Aristotle) 
School,  and  originally  employed  to  account  for  the  rise  of  water  in 
a  pump.  As  far  as  is  known,  there  is  no  vacuum  in  the  material 
universe,  i.e.,  no  part  of  its  containing  space  is  devoid  of  matter; 
everything  which  is  not  a  solid  body  being  filled  with  the  atmo- 
sphere, beyond  which  exists  a  medium  sufficient  to  disturb  sensibly 
the  motion  of  the  planets. 

3181.  Natura  in  operationibus  suis  non  facit  saltum.    (L.) — Nature 

in  her  operations  does  not  proceed  by  leaps.  All  is  gradual, 

This  is  quoted  in  La  Vie  et  Mort  du  giant  Theutobocus,  1613  (v. 
Fournier,  Varie'tis  hist,  et  litteraires) :  Cf.  Linnaeus,  Philosoph. 
botan.  77  (1751),  Natura  non  facit  saltus. — Nature  does  not  make 
leaps ;  and  Leibnitz,  Nouveaux  Essais  iv.  16  (1765),  says  :  Tout  va 
par  degres  dans  la  nature,  et  rien  par  saut.  (Fr. ) — Everything  pro- 
cuds  gradually  in  nature,  and  never  by  leaps. 

NEC  ASPERA.  345 

3182.  Natura  il  fece,  e  poi  roppe  la  stampa. 

(It)     Ariost.  Orl.  Fur.  10,  79. 

Kature  broke  the  mould 

In  which  she  cast  him,  after  fashioning 

Her  work.  — Rose. 
Said  originally  of  II  duca  di  Roscia  (?  Duke  of  Rothesay),  it  has 
been  applied  to  Raphael  and  others,  as,  e.g.,  by  Lord  Byron  in  his 
Monody  on  the  Death  of  Sheridan,  117  : 

Sighing  that  nature  formed  but  one  such  man, 

And  broke  the  die — in  moulding  Sheridan. 

3183.  Naturalia  non  sunt  turpia.    (L.) — What  is  natural  is  never 

shameful.     Trans,  of  Eurip.  (Fr.  863,  p.  542,  Dindorf), 
ovk  aur)(pbv  ovScv  twv  avayKaiwv  /JpOTOis. 

3184.  Naturam  expellas  furca  tamen  usque  recurrefc, 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  10,  24. 

Drive  Nature  out  with  might  and  main, 
She's  certain  to  return  again. — Ed. 
Destouches  imitates  it  in  his  Glorieux,  3,  5  : 
Je  ne  le  sais  que  trop  : 
Chassez  le  naturel,  il  revient  au  galop.  (Fr. ) 

If  you  drive  nature  out,  I  know  well  to  my  pain, 
She's  sure  to  come  back  at  full  gallop  again. — Ed. 
Frederick  the  Great  (to  Voltaire,  1771)  applies  the  saying  to  pre- 
judices:  "Chassez  les  prejuges  par  la  porte,  ils  rentreront  par  la 

3185.  Natus  nemo.     (L.)     Plaut.  Most.  2,  1,  55.—  Not  a  living 


3186.  Naufragium  in  portu  facere.     (L.)     Quint.  Decl.  12,  23. — 

To  make  shipwreck  in  port.  To  fail  on  the  verge  of 

3187.  Naufragium  rerum  est  mulier  malefida  marito.     (L.)1 — An 

unfaithful  wife  is  the  shipwreck  of  her  husband 's  fortunes. 

3188.  Naviget  Anticyratn.     (L.)     Hor.  S.  2,  3,  166.— Let  him 

make  a  cruise  to  Anticyra.  He's  mad  !  to  Bedlam  with 
him  !  Hellebore,  supposed  to  be  good  for  hypochondria 
and  insanity,  was  found  at  Anticyra,  a  town  on  the  gulf 
of  Corinth. 

3189.  Ne   ^Esopum   quidem   trivit.      (L.)     Prov. — He   has  not 

begun  to  thumb  his  ^Esop  yet.  He  has  not  begun  the 
most  elementary  manuals.     A  backward  scholar. 

3190.  Nee  aspera  terrent.     (L.) — Not  even  difficulties  alarm  us. 

Motto  of  the  Hanoverian  Guelphic  Order :  3d  Hussars  : 
8th,  14th,  23d  (Welsh  Fusiliers),  25th,  and  27th  Foot. 

346  NEC  CAPUT. 

3191.  Nee  caput  nee  pedes.     (L.)     Prov. — Neither  head  nor  tail. 

All  confusion. 

3192.  Nee  conjugis  unquam 

Prsetendi  taedas :  aut  hsec  in  foadera  veni.  (L.)  Virg. 
A.  4,  338. — /  never  pretended  to  be  your  husband,  nor 
entered  I  into  any  such  covenant  as  this. 

Quoted  in  the  form  Non  hcec  in  f.  v.  (in  law  and  elsewhere),  the 
words  are  used  to  repudiate  alleged  non-fulfilment  of  contracts,  and 
to  assert  one's  freedom  from  agreements  never  actually  entered 
into.  In  reply  to  the  propositions  to  which  X.  wishes  me  to  accede, 
I  can  only  say,  non  hcec  in  fozdera  veni,  These  were  no  part  of  the 
original  engagement. 

3193.  Nee   cupias,  nee  metuas.     (L.) — NeitJier  desire  nor  fear. 

Motto  of  Earl  of  Hardwicke. 

3194.  Nee  deus  intersit  nisi  dignus  vindice  nodus.     (L.)     Hor. 

A.  P.  191. — Never  bring  in  a  god  unless  there  be  a  knotty 
point  absolutely  requiring  such  a  solution. 
Advice  to  dramatic  authors.     Such  an  introduction  was  called  a 
Deus  ex  machina  (A  god  in  a  machine),  i.e.,  some  one  who  inter- 
poses at  the  last  moment,  to  lend  effective  help  at  a  critical  juncture. 

3195.  Nec  duo  sunt,  at  forma  duplex,  nee  femina  dici 

Nee  puer  ut  possint,  neutrumque  et  utrumque  videntur. 
(L.)     Ov.  M.  4,  378. — Nor  are  they  two  individuals,  but 
one  with  double  shape :  so  that  you  can  neither  call  it 
man  or  woman,  but  they  seem  something  of  both.     Motto 
of  Spectator  435  on  ladies'  masculine  attire. 

Both  hodies  in  a  single  body  mix, 

A  single  body  with  a  double  sex. — Addison. 

3196.  Ne  cede  malis  sed  contra.    (L.) — Do  not  yield  to  misfortune 

but  oppose  it.  Motto  of  Lord  Garvagh  and  (first  three 
words)  Earl  of  Albemarle. 

3197.  Necesse  est  cum  insanientibus  furere,  nisi  solus  relinqueris. 

(L.)  Petr.  Arb.  1 — With  mad  people  you  must  be  mad 
unless  you  wish  to  be  left  alone. 

3198.  Necessitas  non  habet  legem.     (L.) — Necessity  has  no  law. 

3199.  Nec  facile  invenias  multis  e  millibus  unum 

Virtutem  pretium  qui  putet  esse  sui. 
Ipse  decor,  recte  facti  si  prsemia  desint, 
Non  movet,  et  gratis  poenitet  esse  probum. 

(L.)     Ov.  Ep.  2,  3,  11. 
To  find  one  in  a  thousand  it  is  hard 
Who  reckons  virtue  as  its  own  reward : 
E'en  honour  fails  unless  it's  dearly  bought, 
For  people  grudge  to  be  upright  for  naught. — Ed. 

NEC  MULTO.  347 

3200.  Nee  habeo,  nee  careo,  nee  euro.     /  liave  not,  want  not,  care 

not.     Bowstring-makers'  Company. 

3201.  Nee  loquor  hsec,  quia  sit  major  prudentia  nobis; 

Sed  sim,  quam  medico,  notior  ipse  mihi.  (L.)  Ov.  Ep. 
1,  3,  91. — /  do  not  say  this  because  I  have  any  great 
powers  of  foresight,  but  because  I  know  myself  better  than 
my  doctor  does. 

3202.  Nee  lusisse  pudet,  sed  non  incidere  ludum. 

(L.)     Hor.  Ep.  1,  14,  36. 

Wild  oats. 
No  shame  I  count  it  to  have  had  my  sport, 
The  shame  is  not  to  cut  such  follies  short. — Ed. 

3203.  Nee  male  notus  eques.     (L.) — A  knight  of  good  repute. 

Motto  of  Viscount  Southwell. 

3204.  Nee  meus  audet 

Hern  tentare  pudor,  quam  vires  ferre  recusent. 

(L.)    Virg.  G.  3,  78. 

Nor  will  my  modesty  the  effort  dare 

"Which  my  unaided  powers  decline  to  bear. — Ed. 

3205.  Nee  meus  hie  sermo  est,  sed  quae  prsecepit  Ofella.     (L.) 

Hor.  S.  2,  2,  2. — These  ideas  are  not  mine,  but  what  Ofella 
told  me. 

3206.  Nee  minor  est  virtus,  quam  quserere,  parta  tueri : 

Casus  inest  illic,  hie  erit  artis  opus.    (L.)    Ov.  A.  A.  2, 13. 

'Tis  no  small  art  to  keep  what  you've  acquired  : 
Chance  lies  in  one,  for  th'  other  skill's  required. — Ed. 

3207.  Nee  mora,  nee  requies.     (L.)     Virg.  G.  3,  110. — No  delay, 

no  rest.  No  intermission  was  allowed,  the  matter  was 
urged  on  with  all  possible  dispatch. 

3208.  Nee  morti  esse  locum.    (L.)    Virg.  1 — There  is  no  place  for 

death.  The  poet  here  expresses  his  belief,  that  after 
their  dissolution  in  this  world,  all  things  revert  to  God. 
Cf.  Longfellow,  Resignation,  "  There  is  no  death  :  what 
seems  so  is  ti'ansition." 

3209.  Nee  multo  opus  est  nee  diu.      (L.)      Sen.  Q.  N.  3,  Prsef. 

— Man  wants  but  little,  nor  that  little  long.  Young, 
Night  Thoughts,  14,  118.  Cf.  Goldsmith's  Hermit, 
st  8: 

Man  wants  hut  little  here  below 
Nor  wants  that  little  long. 

348  NEC  NOS. 

3210.  Nee  nos  obniti  contra,  nee  tendere  tantum 

Sufficimus ;  superat  quoniam  fortuna  sequamur, 
Quoque  vocat  vertaraus  iter.         (L.)     Virg.  A.  5,  21. 

Nor  can  we  struggle  or  resist ; 

Come,  let  us  bow  to  fortune's  sway, 

And,  as  she  beckons,  shape  our  way. — Conington. 

3211.  Nee  pietas  ulla  est  velatum  ssepe  videri 

Vortier  ad  lapidem,  atque  onines  accedere  ad  aras.  (L.) 
Lucret.  5,  1198. — That  is  not  piety,  to  be  often  seen  bending 
ivith  veiled  head  before  tlie  statue  of  the  god,  and  to  visit 
all  the  altars. 

3212.  Nee  pluvious  impar.     (L.) — Sufficient  for  many. 

Assumed  as  his  motto  by  Louis  XIV.  (or  rather  invented  for  him 
by  Douvrier  the  herald),  with  the  Sun  for  emblem;  but  the  words 
had  already  been  adopted  more  than  a  century  before  by  Philip  II., 
who  as  King  of  Spain  and  the  Indies  had  a  better  right  to  speak 
in  the  character  of  the  sun  shining  equally  over  more  realms  than 
one.  ' 

3213.  Nee  pluteum  caedit,  nee  demorsos  sapit  ungues.    (L.)    Pers. 

1,  106. — It  does  not  smack  of  the  desk,  or  bitten  nails. 
Said  of  insipid  poetry,  composed  without  care  and  labour. 

3214.  Nee  prece  nee  pretio.      (L.) — Neither  by  entreaty  nor  by 

bribe.     Motto  of  Lord  Bateman  and  Lord  Cottesloe. 

3215.  Nee,  quae  praeteriit,  iterum  revocabitur  unda, 

Nee,  quae  praeteriit,  hora  redire  potest. 

(L.)     Ov.  A.  A.  3,  63. 
Irrevocable  Time. 
The  wave  that's  passed  you,  is  recalled  in  vain  : 
And  time  once  vanished  ne'er  returns  again. — Ed. 

3216.  Nee  qujerere  nee  spernere  honorem.     (L.) — Neither  to  seek 

nor  to  despise  honours.    Motto  of  Viscount  Bolingbroke. 

3217.  Nee  requies  erat  ulla  mali :  defessa  jacebant 

Corpora:  mussabat  tacito  medicina  timore.  (L.)  Lucret. 
vi.  1177. — No  respite  was  there  of  ill:  their  bodies  would 
lie  quite  spent.  The  healing  art  muttered  low  in  voiceless 
fear.  Said  of  the  plague  in  Egypt  which  baffled  all 
medical  skill. 

3218.  Nee  scire  fas  est  omnia.    (L.)    Hor.  C.  4,  4,  22. — It  is  not 

permitted  us  to  know  all  things. 

3219.  Nee  sibi  coenarum  quivis  temere  arroget  arteni 

Non  prius  exacta  tenui  ratione  saporum. 

(L.)     Hor.  S.  2,  4,  35. 

NEC  VERBUM.  349 

Let  no  man  fancy  he  knows  how  to  dine 

Till  he  has  learnt  how  taste  and  taste  combine. — Conington. 
Lit.  No  one  can  pretend  to  know  the  art  of  giving  good  dinners,  until 
he  has  mastered  the  subtle  law  of  flavours. 

3220.  Nee,  si  forte  roges,  possim  tibi  dicere  quot  sint. 

Pauperis  est  numerare  pecus.      (L.)     Ov.  M.  13,  823. 
Nor  can  I  tell  how  many  more  I  keep  ; 
'Tis  a  poor  man  that  always  counts  his  sheep.  — Ed. 

3221.  Nee  si  me  subito  videas  agnoscere  possis, 

^Etatis  facta  est  tanta  ruina  mese.  (Z.)  Ov.  Ep.  1,  4, 
5. — Were  you  to  come  across  vie  suddenly,  you  would  not 
know  me.     I  am  such  a  wreck  of  what  I  used  to  be. 

3222.  Nee  teinere,  nee  timide.     (L.) — Neither  rashly  nor  timidly. 

Duke  of  Cleveland  and  Earls  of  Bradford  and  Munster. 

3223.  Nee  tibi  quid  liceat,  sed  quid  fecisse  decebit 

Occurrat;  mentemque  domet  respectus  honesti.  (L.) 
Claud.  Cons.  Hon.  4,  267. — Consider  not  what  you  may 
do  but  what  you  ought,  and  let  your  sense  of  what  is  right 
govern  your  conduct. 

Cf.  Quid  deceat  vos,  non  quantum  liceat  vobis,  spectare  debetis. 
Cic.  Rah.  Post.  5,  11.  —  You  ought  to  consider  what  is  becoming,  not 
how  far  a  thing  may  be  lawful ;  and,  Omnia  mihi  licent,  sed  omnia 
non  expediunt.  Vulg.  Ep.  Cor.  1,  10,  23. — All  things  are  lawful 
to  me,  but  all  things  are  not  expedient. 

3224.  Nee  timeo,  nee  sperno.      (L.) — I  neither  fear  nor  despise. 

Motto  of  Viscount  Boyne. 

3225.  Nee  tu  divinam  iEneida  tenta 

Sed  longe  sequere,  et  vestigia  semper  adora.  (L. )  Statius. 
Theb.  12,  816. — Do  not  compete  with  tlie  divine  jEneid, 
but  follow  far  behind,  reverencing  Virgil's  footsteps  at  a 
distance.     Poet  to  his  own  Muse. 

3226.  Nee  Veneris  pharetris  macer  est,  aut  lampade  fervet : 

Inde  faces  ardent ;  veniunt  a  dote  sagittse. 

(L.)     Juv.  6,  137. 
The  mercenary  lover. 
Not  Venus'  quiver  makes  him  lean, 

Nor  Cupid's  flambeaux  scorch  : 
It  is  her  money-bags,  I  ween, 
Thence  come  both  darts  and  torch. — Ed. 

3227.  Nee  verbum  verbo  curabis  reddere  fidus 

Interpres ;  nee  desilies  imitator  in  arctum, 

Unde  pedem  proferre  pudor  vetet  aut  operis  lex.     (L.) 

Hor.  A.  P.  133. — Even  in  a  faithful  translation  it  will 

350  NEC  VERO. 

not  be  necessary  to  give  word  for  word :  nor  to  plunge,  as 
a  mere  imitator,  into  chains  from  which  shame  and  the 
requirements  of  your  work  will  afterwards  not  allow  you 
to  escape. 

3228.  Nee  vero  ilia  parva  vis  naturae  est  rationisque,  quod,  ununi 

hoc  animal  sentit  quid  sit  ordo,  quid  sit,  quod  deceat,  in 
factis  dictisque  qui  modus.  (L.)  Cic.  Off.  1,  4, 14. — It  is 
no  slight  characteristic  of  the  nature  of  perceptive  faculties 
of  man,  that  he  alone  of  all  living  creatures  goes  feeling 
after  tJie  discovery  of  an  order,  a  law  of  good  taste,  a  measure 
for  his  words  and  actions.     (Mr  Matthew  Arnold,  tr.) 

3229.  Nee  vidisse  semel  satis  est,  juvat  usque  morari 

Et  conferre  gradum,  et  veniendi  discere  causas.  (L.) 
Virg.  A.  6,  487. — Nor  are  they  satisfied  to  have  merely 
seen  him  (^Eneas),  they  were  delighted  to  prolong  the  inter- 
view, and  to  approach  nearer,  and  to  learn  the  cause  of 
his  coming.  The  ghosts  of  departed  Trojans  crowd 
round  ^Eneas  when  he  visits  the  infernal  regions. 

3230.  Nee  vultu  destrue  dicta  tuo.     (L.)     Ov.  A  A.  2,  3,  12.— 

Take  care  not  to  belie  your  words  by  your  looks. 

3231.  Ne  depugnes  in  alieno  negotio.     {L.)1 — Do  not  fight  in 

another  man's  business. 

3232.  Ne  exeat  regno.     (L.)     Law  Term. — Let  him  not  go  out  of 

the  kingdom.  Name  of  a  writ  issued  to  prevent  a  person 
leaving  the  country  without  the  sovereign's  licence. 

3233.  Nefaut-ilque  de"libdrer? 

La  cour  en  conseillers  foisonne  : 
Est-il  besoin  d'exdeuter  1 

L'on  ne  rencontre  personne.      (Fr.)     La  Font.  2,  2. 

Have  plans  to  be  discussed  ?     Of  course, 

Then  counsellors  abound. 
Shonld  plans  resolved  be  put  in  force  ? 

Then  no  one's  to  be  found. — Ed. 

3234.  Ne  forc.ons  point  notre  talent, 

Nous  ne  ferions  rien  avec  grace.  (Fr.)  La  Font.  4, 
5,  1 . — Do  not  let  us  force  our  powers  unduly,  we  shall 
else  never  do  anything  with  good  effect. 

3235.  Negligere  quid  de  se  quisque  sentiat,  non  solum  arrogantis 

est,  sed  omnino  dissoluti.  (L.)  Cic.  Off.  1,  28,  99. — 
To  be  unconcerned  at  what  persons  may  think  of  you,  is 
not  merely  a  mark  of  presumption,  but  of  an  utterly 
abandoned  character. 

NEMO.  351 

3236.  Negotii  sibi  qui  volet  vim  parare 

Navem  et  mulierem,  hsec  duo  comparato. 

Nam  nulla  magis  res  duse  plus  negotii 

Habent,  forte  si  obceperis  exornare.     (L.)     Plaut.  Paen. 

1,   2,   1. — Let  the  man  who  wants  to  make  himself  a 

world  of  business,  get  a  vessel  and  a  wife.  No  two  things  are 

so  troublesome,  if  you  by  chance  undertake  toft  them  out. 

3237.  Ne  Hercules  quidem  contra  duos.     (L.)    Aul.  Gel.  1 — Even 

Hercules  himself  cannot  contend  against  two  at  once. 

3238.  Nck/3os  ov  Sdwet.     (Gr.)     Plutarch,  Pomp.  78. — Dead  men 

don't  bite. 

3239.  Nem.  con.     Abbrev.  of  Nemine  contradicente.     (L.) — No- 

body opposing ;  unanimously.  (2.)  Nem.  diss.  (Nemine 
dissentiente)  means  the  same. 

3240.  Nemo  allegans  suam  turpitudinem  audiendus  est.      (L.) 

Law  Max. — No  one  bearing  testimony  of  his  own  turpi- 
tude ought  to  be  heard. 

3241.  Nemo  dat  quod  non  habet.    (L.)     Law  Max. — Nobody  can 

give  what  he  does  not  possess. 

In  the  transfer  of  a  property,  Nemo  plus  juris  ad  alium  trans/erre 
potest  quam  ipse  haberet,  No  one  can  transfer  to  another  a  better 
title  than  he  himself  had. 

3242.  Nemo  debet  bis  puniri  pro  uno  delicto.      (L.)     Law  Max. 

— No  man  shall  be  punished  more  than  once  for  the  same 

3243.  Nemo  debet  bis  vexari  pro  una  et  eadem  causa.    (L.)    Law 

Max. — No  one  shall  be  twice  vexed  for  one  and  the  same 

"  If  he  be  thus  indicted  a  second  time,  he  may  plead  autrefois 
acquit,  and  it  will  be  a  good  bar  to  the  indictment." — Broom,  Leg. 
Max.  p.  340. 

3244.  Nemo  debet  esse  judex  in  propria  causa.     (L.)     Law  Max. 

— No  one  should  be  judge  in  his  own  cause,  i.e.,  where 
he  is  a  party  interested  in  the  case. 

3245.  Nemo  doctus   unquam   .   .  .    mutationem   consilii   incon- 

stantiam  dixit  esse.  (L.)  Cic.  Att.  16,  7,  3. — No  wise 
man  ever  imputed  a  charge  of  unsteadiness  to  another  for 
having  changed  his  opinion. 

3246.  Nemo  est  tarn  senex  qui  se  annum  non  putat  posse  vivere. 

(L.)  Cic.  Sen.  7,  24. — No  man  is  so  old  as  not  to  think 
he  can  live  one  year  more. 

352  NEMO. 

3247.  Nemo  ex  proprio  dolo  consequitur  actionem.      (L.)      Law 

Max.  —  No  man  can  found  any  claim  upon  his  own 
fraud ;  and,  Nullus  commodum  capere  potest  de  injuria 
sua  propria,  No  one  can  take  advantage  of  his  own 
wrongful  act. 

These  two  maxims  state  the  same  general  principle,  viz.,  that  a 
man's  wrongful  act,  much  more  his  wrong  intention  not  expressed, 
shall  not  be  allowed  to  gain  him  the  favourable  interpretation  of  the 
law.  Thus,  a  deed  or  gift  of  goods  to  a  third  party,  to  escape  an 
action  for  debt  brought  by  a  second  party,  would  be  held  fraudulent 
and  of  no  effect  in  restraining  the  process,  for  Nemo  ex  suo  delicto 
meliorem  suam  conditionem  facere  potest,  No  man  can  be  allowed  to 
make  his  case  better  by  his  own  wrong-doing. 

3248.  Nemo  igitur  vir  magnus  sine  aliquo  afflatu  divino  unquam 

fuit.  (L.)  Cic.  N.  D.  2,  66. — There  never  has  been  any 
really  great  man  who  had  not  some  divine  inspiration. 

3249.  Nemo  ita  pauper  vivit,  quam  pauper  natus  est.    (L.)   Prov. 

— No  one  is  so  poor  as  he  was  when  he  came  into  the 

3250.  Nemo  laeditur  nisi  a  seipso.     (L.)    Prov. — No  man  is  hurt 

but  by  himself. 

3251.  Nemo  malus  felix,  minime  corruptor.      (L.)      Juv.  4,  5. — 

No  wicked  man  can  be  happy,  least  of  all  one  who  corrupts 

3252.  Nemo   mathematicus  genium   indemnatus    habebit.      (L.) 

Juv.  6,  561. — No  mathematician  is  t/wught  a  genius 
until  he  is  condemned.  A  saying  which  would  apply  both 
to  Galileo  and  to  Dr  Colenso. 

3253.  Nemo  me  impune  lacessit.     (L.) — No  one  provokes  me  with 

impunity.  Motto  of  the  Order  of  the  Thistle,  21st 
Fusiliers,  and  42nd  (Black  Watch).     A  Scotch  maxim. 

3254.  Nemo  me  lacrumis  decoret,  nee  funera  fletu 

Faxit.     Cur  1     Volito  vivu'  per  ora  virom. 

(L.)     Enn.  ap.  Cic.  Tusc.  1,  15,  34. 

Weep  not  for  me,  nor  mourn  when  I  am  gone. 
On  lips  of  men  I  live,  and  flutter  on. — Ed. 
C£  Virg.  G.  3,  8 : 

Tentanda  via  est,  qua  me  quoque  possini 

Tollere  humo,  victorque  virom  volitare  per  ora.  (Z. ) 

The  Poet's  ambition. 

By  me,  too,  must  a  way  be  dared 
To  rise  above  the  common  herd  : 
And,  wiuged  with  the  poetic  pen, 
Soar  conqueror  on  the  lips  of  men. — Ed, 

NE  MUSCA.  353 

3255.  Nemo  mortalium  omnibus  hoi'is  sapit.     (Z.)      Plin.  ? — No 

man  is  wise  at  all  times. 

3256.  Nemo  patriam  in  qua  natus  est  exuere  nee  ligeantiae  debitum 

ejurare  possit.  (Z.)  Law  Max. — No  one  can  abjure  his 
native  country  or  the  allegiance  which  lie  owes  to  his 

3257.  Nemo  potest  mutare  consilium  suum  in  alterius  injuriam. 

(Z.)  Law  Max. — No  one  may  change  his  mind  to  the 
prejudice  of  another. 

A  rule  of  legislative  policy,  restraining  the  law-giver  from  altering 
the  law  to  the  damage  of  any  vested  rights  ;  and  accordingly  it  is 
laid  down,  Novaconstitutio/uturis/ormamimponere  debet,  nonprce- 
teritis,  A  new  statute  ought  to  he  prospective,  not  retrospective,  in 
its  operation. 

3258.  Nemo  potest  nudo  vestimenta  detrahere.      (Z.)     Prow — 

You  cannot  strip  a  naked  man  of  his  clothes. 

3259.  Nemo   prsesumitur   alienam    posteritatem  sua?   prsetulisse. 

(Z.)  Law  Max. — No  one  is  presumed  to  liave  preferred 
another  man's  offspring  to  his  own. 

3260.  Nemo  propheta  acceptus  est  in  patria  sua.      (Z.)     Prov. 

Vulg.  S.  Luc.  4,  24. — No  prophet  is  accepted  in  his  own 

3261.  Nemo  punitur  pro  alieno  delicto.       (Z.)     Law  Max. — No 

one  must  be  punisliedfor  another  man's  fault. 

3262.  Nemo    quam    bene    vivat,    sed    quamdiu,    ciu-at :    quum 

omnibus  possit  contingere  ut  bene  vivat,  ut  diu  nulli. 
(Z.)  Sen.  Ep.  22. — No  one  cares  how  well  he  may  live, 
but  how  long  he  may  do  so :  a  thing  which  it  is  impossible 
for  any  to  count  upon,  while  the  oilier  is  within  every 
one's  reach. 

3263.  Nemo  solus  sapit.     (Z.)     Plaut.  Mil.  3,  3,  12.-^0  man  is 

sufficiently  wise  by  himself.  We  all  stand  in  need  of 
friendly  advice. 

3264.  Nemo  tenetur  se  ipsum  accusare.     (Z.)     Law  Max. — No 

xone  is  bound  to  criminate  himself.  A  magistrate  cautions 
the  accused  before  receiving  any  statement  from  him : 
and  a  witness  may  decline  to  answer  where  his  answer 
would  criminate,  or  even  indirectly  tend  to  criminate 

3265.  Ne  musca  quidem.     (Z.)     Prov. — Not  even  a  fly.     Not  a 

living  creature.     Perfect  solitude. 

354  NE  NIMIUM. 

3266.  Ne  nimium.     (L.) — Not  too  much.     Earl  of  Aberdeen. 

3267.  Ne  obliviscaris.     (L.)—Do  not  forget     Duke  of  Argyll. 

3268.  Nip-ioi,  ovS'  uracriv  ckro)  TrXeov  ijpurv  7ravTos, 

0v8'  ocrov  kv  /xaAavj;  T€  Se   dcn£o8eAa>  /ziy'  ovciap.      (6V.) 
Hes.  Op.  40. — Fools,  they  know  not  how  much  more  the 
half  is  than  the  whole,  nor  how  much  nourishment  there 
is  in  mallow  and  aspJwdel. 

3269.  Ne  plus  ultra.     (L.) — No  farther  can  be  done.    The  highest 

possible  degree,  perfection,  greatest  attainment. 

3270.  Ne,  pueri,  ne  tanta  animis  assuescite  bella; 

Neu  patriae  validas  in  viscera  vertite  vires. 

(L.)     Virg.  A  6,  833. 

Nay,  children,  nay,  your  hate  unlearn, 
Nor  'gainst  your  country's  vitals  turn 
The  valour  of  her  sons. — Conington. 

3271.  Nequam  illud  verbum  'st,  Bene  volt,  nisi  qui  bene  facit. 

(L.)    Plaut.  Trin.  2,  4,  38. — That  expression,  "He  means 
well"  is  worth  nothing  except  the  man  " does  well." 

3272.  Nequaquam  satis  in  re  una  consumere  curam.     (L.)     Hor. 

S.  2,  4,  48. — It  is  foolish  to  devote  all  your  care  to  one 

3273.  Neque  enim  concludere  versum 

Dixeris  esse  satis :  neque,  si  quis  scribat,  uti  nos, 
Sermoni  propiora,  putes  hunc  esse  poetam. 

(L.)     Hor.  S.  1,  4,  40. 

Tis  not  enough  to  turn  out  lines  complete 
Each  with  its  proper  quantum  of  ten  feet ; 
Colloquial  verse  a  man  may  write  like  me, 
But  (trust  an  author)  'tis  not  poetry. — Conington. 

3274.  Neque  enim  lex  sequior  ulla  est 

Quam  necis  artifices  arte  perire  sua. 

(L.)     Ov.  A  A.  1,  655. 

This  is  the  justest  law  that  Heaven  imparts 

That  murderers  should  die  by  their  own  arts. — Ed. 

3275.  Neque  foemina,  amissa  pudicitia,  alia  abnuerit.     (L.)     Tac 

A.  4,  3. — When  once  a  woman  has  lost  her  chastity,  she 
will  refuse  nothing. 

3276.  Neque  mala  vel  bona  quae  vulgus  putet.     (L.)     Tac.  A.  6, 

22. — Things  are  neither  to  be  pronounced  good  or  bad 
merely  upon  public  opinion. 

NESCIA.  355 

3277.  Neque  quies  gentium  sine  armis  neque  arma  sine  stipendiis 

neque  stipendia  sine  tributis  haberi  queunt.  (L.)  Tac. 
H.  4,  74. — International  peace  cannot  be  maintained 
toithout  armies;  armies  must  be  paid;  and  the  pay 
requires  taxation. 

3278.  Nequicquain  exornata  est  bene,  si  morata  est  male ; 

Pulcbrum  ornatum  turpes  mores  pejus  cceno  collinunt. 
(L.)  Plaut.  Most.  1,  3,  132. — It  is  no  good  her  being 
well  dressed,  if  shes  badly  mannered:  ill  breeding  mars 
a  fine  dress  worse  than  dirt. 

3279.  Nequicquam  populo  bibulas  donaveris  aures ; 

Respue  quod  non  es.     Tollat  sua  munera  cerdo. 
Tecum  babita  et  noris,  quam  sit  tibi  curta  supellex. 

(L.)     Pers.  4,  51. 

Tis  labour  lost,  trust  me,  with  thirsting  ears 
To  listen  to  the  flattery  of  the  town  : 
Disown  your  acted  part,  and  let  the  clown 
Take  back  his  gifts.     Look  close  at  home  and  know 
How  small  a  stock  of  virtue  you've  to  show. — Ed. 

3280.  Ne  quid  biet,  ne  quid  protuberet,  angulus  aequis 

Partibus  ut  coeat,  ne  quid  deliret  amussis.  (Z.)  Auson. 
Id.  16. — Avoiding  all  gaps  and  all  excrescences,  so  that 
the  angle  shall  have  its  sides  equal,  and  the  plumb-line 
wander  neither  hiilier  nor  thithei'. 

Said  of  a  man  making  a  strict  examination  of  conscience  (Cf.  the 
passage) ;  hut,  applicable  also  to  the  final  touches  or  polish  given 
to  any  composition  in  poetry,  letters,  or  art. 

3281.  Ne  quid  nimis.     (L.)      Ter.  And.  1,  1,  35. — Avoid  excess. 

Viscount  Sherbrooke. 

3282.  Nervos  belli  pecuniam  infinitam.     (L.)     Cic.  Pbil.  5,  2,  5. 

— Endless  money  makes  tJie  sinews  of  war. 

Cf.  Libanius,  orat.  4,  6  (vol.  ii.  p.  477,  Ed.  Reiske),  t&  vevpa  rod 
iro\t/jav.  {Or.) — The  sinews  of  war;  and  Rabelais,  Gargantua, 
1,  46,  Les  nerfs  des  batailles  sont  les  pecunes.  (Fr.) — Cash  is 
the  sinews  of  battles.      Diogenes  Laert.  (Vit.   Bionis,    4,   7k  §  3) 

ascribes  to  Bion  the  saying,  rbv  itXovtov  elvai  ret  vevpa  irpaynaruv. 

(Or.) — Money  is  the  sinews  of  affairs.     See  also  JEschin.  adv.  Ctes. 

cap.  53. 

3283.  Nescia  mens  bominum  fati  sortisque  futune, 

Et  servare  modum,  rebus  sublata  secundis. 

(L.)    Virg.  A.  10,  501. 

0  impotence  of  man's  frail  mind, 

To  fate  and  to  the  future  blind, 

Presumptuous  and  o'erweeuing  still 

When  fortune  follows  at  its  will ! — Conington. 

356  NESCIO. 

3284.  Nescio  qua  natale  solum  dulcedine  captos 

Ducit,  et  immemores  non  sinit  esse  sui. 

(L.)     Ov.  ap.  Ep.  1,  3,  25. 

Home,  sweet  home. 
There's  a  magical  charm  in  the  land  of  our  birth, 
That  entrances  beyond  every  region  of  earth  : 
Its  spell  is  upon  us  where'er  we  may  roam, 
And  forbids  us  to  dim  the  sweet  image  of  home. — Ed. 

Cf.  Super  flumina  Babylonis,  illic  sedirnus  et  flevimus, 
quurn  recordaremur  Siou,  etc.     Vulg.  Ps.  137,  1  seqq. 

3285.  Nescio  qua  prater  solitum  dulcedine  lseti.     (L.)     Virg.  G. 

1,  412. — Their  spirits  excited  by  some  secret  and  unioonted 
delight.     . 

3286.  Nescire  autem  quid  antea  quam  natus  sis  acciderit,  id  est 

semper  esse  puerum.  Quid  enim  est  setas  hominis,  nisi 
memoria  rerum  veterum  cum  superioribus  contexitur1? 
(Jy.)  Oic.  Or.  34,  120. — To  be  unacquainted  with  events 
which  took  place  before  you  were  bom,  is  always  to  be  a 
child;  for  where  is  the  value  of  human  life,  unless  memory 
enables  us  to  carry  back  earlier  events  to  the  times  which 
went  before  ? 

3287.  Nescis  tu  quam  meticulosa  res  sit  ire  ad  judicem.      (L.) 

Plaut.  Most.  5,  1,  52. —  You  do  not  know  what  a  frightful 
thing  it  is  to  go  to  law. 

3288.  Nescit  vox  missa  reverti.      (L.)      Hor.  A.  P.  390. — Tlie 

word  which  has  once  gone  forth  can  never  be  recalled. 

3289.  Nessun  maggior  dolore 

Che  ricordarsi  del  tempo  felice 

Nella  miseria.  (It.)     Dante,  Inf.  5,  12,  1. 

There  is  no  greater  woe 

Than  in  the  hour  of  misery  to  recall 

The  happy  days  of  yore. — Ed. 
The  words  form  the  Motto  of  Byron's  Corsair,  and  are  referred  to 
in  Locksley  Hall : 

"This  is  truth  the  poet  sings, 

That  a  sorrow's  crown  of  sorrows  is  remembering  happier 
things. " 
Cf.  Boethius  (De  Consol.  Phil.  lib.  2),  In  omni  adversitate,  etc.;  and 
Vulg.  Jer.  Thren.  1,  7,  Recordata  est  Ierusalem,  etc. 
Chaucer,  Troilus  and  Cressida,  3,  1625,  has: 

For  of  fortune's  sharpe  adversite, 

The  worst  kind  of  inl'ortune  is  this, 

A  man  that  has  been  in  prosperite, 

And  it  remember  when  it  passed  is. 


3290.  N'est  on  jamais  ty ran  qu'avec  undiademe?    (Fr.)    Chenier, 

Caius  Gracchus. — Cannot  a  man  be  a  tyrant  except  he 
wear  a  crown  ?  This  line  lost  none  of  its  point,  recited 
as  it  was  in  the  presence  of  Robespierre. 

3291.  Ne  sutor  supra  crepidam  (judicaret).      (L.)     Plin.  35,  10, 

36. — A  cobbler  should  stick  to  his  last. 

When  a  cobbler,  not  content  with  pointing  out  defects  in  a  shoe  of 
Apelles'  painting,  presumed  to  criticise  the  drawing  of  the  leg,  the 
artist  checked  him  with  the  rebuke  here  quoted.  It  is  often  said  of 
those  who  offer  opinions  on  subjects  with  which  they  are  not  pro- 
fessionally acquainted. 

3292.  Ne  te  longis  ambagibus  ultra 

Quam  satis  est  morer.  (L.)  Hor.  Ep.  1,  7,  82. — To 
make  a  long  story  short. 

3293.  Ne  tentes,  aut  perfice.     (L.) — Either  attempt  not,  or  accom- 

plish it.     Marquess  of  Downshire. 

3294.  Neu  regio  foret  ulla  suis  animantibus  orba, 

Asti'a  tenent  celeste  solum,  formseque  deorum. 

(L.)     Ov.  M.  1,  72. 

Creation  nowhere  lacks  inhabitants  : 

Heaven  has  the  stars,  and  moving  shapes  of  gods. — Ed. 

3295.  Ne  vile  fano.     (L). — Bring  nothing  base  to  the  shrine,  or 

fane.  Motto  of  the  Earl  of  "Westmoreland  (Fane).  (2.) 
Ne  vile  velis. — Desire  nothing  vile.  ,.  Motto  of  the  Mar- 
quess of  Abergavenny  and  Lord  Braybrooke  (Nevile). 

3296.  Nicht  grosseren  Yortheil  wiisst'  ich  zu  nennen 

A  Is  des  Feindes  Verdienst  erkennen.  {G.)  Goethe, 
Spriiche. — /  know  no  greater  advantage  than  to  recognise 
the  worth  of  an  enemy. 

3297.  Niehts  halb  zu  thun  ist  edler  Geister  Art.     (G.)    Wieland, 

Oberon,  1,  1. — To  do  nothing  by  halves  is  the  way  of 
noble  souls. 

3298.  Niehts  ist  hoher  zu  schatzen,  als  der  Werth  des   Tages. 

(G.)  Goethe,  Reflex,  u.  Max. — Nothing  should  be  valued 
more  highly  than  the  value  of  a  single  day.  Cf.  Was 
aber  ist  deine  Pflicht  1  Die  Forderung  des  Tages.  Id. 
ibid. — What  is  thy  duly?     The  claims  of  each  day. 

3299.  Nichtswiirdig  ist  die  Nation,  die  nicht 

Ihr  Alles  freudig  setzt  an  ihre  Ehre.  (<?.)  Schill. 
Jungfr.  v.  Orleans,  1,  5. —  Unworthy  is  the  nation  that 
does  not  gladly  stake  its  all  for  its  honour. 


3300.  Nie  erwirbt  man  sich  Hochachtung, 

Wo  man  Alles  von  sich  wissen, 

Alles  iibersehen  lasst.  (G.)  Herder? — No  one  ever  earns 
veneration  who  allows  everything  about  him  to  be  known. 

3301.  Nihil  ad  Andromachen.     (Z.)     Tert.  de  Pudic,  cap.  8,  n. 

65.  —  This  is  nothing  to  Andromache,  i.e.,  nothing  to 
the  purpose.  Beside  the  question.  Similar  to  Nihil  ad 
versum,  nihil  ad  rem  (see  Cic.  Ccecin.  58). — It  is  not 
to  the  point.  Cf.  Lucret.  3,  830,  Nil  est  ad  nos. — It  is 
nothing  to  us.     It  concerns  us  not. 

3302.  Nihil  agit  qui  diffidentem  verbis  solatur  suis  : 

Is  est  amicus  qui  in  re  dubia  re  juvat,  ubi  re  est  opus. 
(L.)  Plaut.  Ep.  1,  2,  9. — It  is  no  good  comforting  a 
downhearted  man  with  words ;  a  true  friend  in  misfor- 
tune helps  a  man  with  deeds,  where  deeds  are  required. 

3303.  Nihil  aliud  necessarium  ut  sis  miser,  quam  ut  te  miserum 

credas.  (L.)1 — Nothing  else  is  necessary  to  make  you 
miserable,  than  to  imagine  that  you  are  so. 

3304.  Nihil  aliud  potest  Rex  quam  quod  de  jure  potest.     (L.) 

Law  Max. — The  king  can  do  nothing  but  what  the  law 
allows  him  to  do. 

3305.  Nihil  apud  hunc  lautum,  nihil  elegans,  nihil  exquisitum. 

(L.)  Cic.  in  Pis.  27,  67. — There  was  nothing  about  the 
man  to  indicate  any  feeling  of  taste,  elegance,  or  refine- 
ment. Said  of  a  coarse  meal,  or  rude  appointments  of  a 
house  or  table.     A  man  of  no  taste. 

3306.  Nihil  cum  fidibus  graculo.     (L.)     Gell.  N.  A.  prsef.  19.— 

Jackdaws  have  no  business  with  a  lute.  Ignoramuses 
must  not  meddle  "with  poetry. 

3307.  Nihil  difficile  est  natural,  utique  ubi  in  finem  sui  properat. 

.  .  .  TJrbes  constituit  Betas :  hora  dissolvit.  Momento 
fit  cinis:  diu  sylva.  (L.)  Sen.  Q.  N.  3,  27,  3. — Nothing 
is  difficult  for  Nature,  particularly  when  she  is  advancing 
to  a  given  end.  It  takes  an  age  to  build  cities,  but  an 
hour  brings  them  to  nothing.  A  forest  is  long  in  growing, 
but  a  moment  reduces  it  to  ashes. 
330S.  Nihil  enim  legit,  quod  non  excerperet.  Dicere  etiam 
solebat,  nullum  esse  libruin  tarn  malum,  ut  non  aliqua 
parte  prodesset.  (L.)  Plin.  Ep.  3,5,  10. — He  never  read 
a  book  without  making  extracts  from  it.  He  also  used  to 
say,  No  book  was  so  bad,  but  wJuit  some  part  of  it  might 
be  found  of  use.     Said  of  the  elder  Pliny. 

NIHIL.  359 

3309.  Nihil  est  aliud  magnum  quam  multa  minuta.     (L.)     Prov. 

— Every  great  thing  is  nothing  more  than  an  assemblage 
of  many  minute  particles. 

Sands  form  the  mountains,  moments  make  the  year.  —  Young. 

3310.  Nihil  est,  Antipho, 

Quin  male  narrando  possit  depravarier.  (L.)  Ter. 
Phorm.  4,  4,  15. — No  tale  so  good,  my  Antipho,  but  can 
be  spoilt  »'  the  telling. 

3311.  Nihil  est  furacius  illo  : 

Non  fuit  Autolyci  tarn  piceata  manus. 

(L.)     Mart.  8,  59,  3. 

It  is  the  greatest  thief  the  world  e'er  knew  ; 
Autolycus  had  not  such  hands  of  glue. — Ed. 

3312.  Nihil  est  hirsutius  illis.     (L.)     Ov.  T.  2,   259.—  Nothing 

more  rugged  than  they  are  to  read.  Of  the  annals  of 
Rome,  as  a  piece  of  reading. 

3313.  Nihil  est  quod  credere  de  se  Non  possit.    (L.)  Juv.  4,  70. — 

There  is  nothing  which  he  would  not  believe  of  himself . 

3314.  Nihil  est  sub  sole  novum.     (L.)    Vulg.  Eccles.  i.  9. — There 

is  nothing  new  under  the  sun. 

3315.  Nihil  est  toto  quod  perstet  in  orbe. 

Cuncta  fluunt,  omnisque  vagans  formatur  imago. 

(L.)     Ov.  M.  15,  177. 

There's  nothing  in  this  world  that  can  remain  : 
All  fades  and  flits,  like  pictures  of  the  brain. — Ed. 

3316.  Nihil  hie  nisi  carmina  desunt.      (L.)     Virg.  E.  8,   67. — 

Nothing  is  wanting  here  but  a  song. 

3317.  Nihil    morosius    hominum    judiciis.       (L.)      Erasmus. — 

Nothing  so  embittered  as  men's  criticism  of  one  another. 
Peevish  and  sour  criticism. 

3318.  Nihil  perfectum  est  dum  aliquid  restat  agendum.      (L.) 

Law  Max. — Nothing  is  perfect  while  there  still  remain 
something  to  be  done. 

3319.  Nihil  quod  est  inconveniens  est  licitum.     (L.)     Law  Max. 

— Nothing  that  is  productive  of  inconvenience  is  allowed 
by  law.  Where  a  construction  of  a  statute  would  pro- 
duce great  inconvenience  it  becomes  a  forcible  argument 
against  its  adoption. 

3320.  Nihil  simul  est  inventum  et  perfectum.     (L.)     Law  Max. 

— Nothing  can  be  invented  and  brought  to  perfection  at 
t/ie  same  time. 

360  NIHIL. 

3321.  Nihil  tarn  absurdum  dici  potest  ut  non  dicatur  a  philosopho. 

(L.)  Cic.  1 — There  is  nothin